7 phrases that men like so much: how to conquer him?

Each of us is pleased to hear flattering words addressed to us, ladies are especially guilty of this.
They need verbal evidence of their partner’s love and devotion like air. The modern woman is purposeful, successful and beautiful. She excels in many areas, from running a business to raising children. But sometimes in relationships with men, representatives of the fair sex become timid and cannot find the necessary words. Especially during a quarrel or conflict with a loved one. Although just a couple of affectionate phrases are enough, and your partner is ready to do anything for you. Let's figure out whether men really love with their ears and what words they want to hear from their beloved. From this article you will learn:

  • Do men really love with their ears too?
  • Why is it important for men to hear kind words?
  • How to manipulate a man with the right words

You are the best

Depending on the circumstances, we replace the phrase with the admiring “You are so smart”, “So strong”, “So resourceful” or the universal “You are a real man” and we get a compliment that even a hardened cynic will have difficulty resisting. It is pleasant for anyone to be “the very best” in the eyes of the woman they love, especially if what is said sounds sincere. Hence the advice: don’t just try to heap praise on every opportunity, but try to truly admire your chosen one. Moreover, he will probably give you a reason for this more than once.

When is it better to remain silent? With such compliments, the main thing is the right dosage. By immoderately admiring a man for every sneeze, you will, firstly, devalue the praise, and secondly, make your loved one suspect you of insincerity, because only the most inflated peacock will not understand that something is wrong here if his girlfriend jumps in place from delighted and claps her hands when they just handed her the dropped handbag. So praise generously, but know when to stop.

Tip: There are situations in which silence really turns into gold, and this doesn’t just apply to compliments. In order not to nullify the achieved effect, at the same time erase from your vocabulary feminine phrases that irritate men, and complete harmony will always reign between you.

Rules and restrictions

The main purpose of your words should be to emphasize his superiority over other males.
He must also understand how irreplaceable and necessary he is for you. Finally, we list the rules that you should not apply when communicating with your loved one:

  • Maximum sincerity - YES!
    Any falsehood or outright flattery can scare away any person, including a man; therefore, try to select only those words that come from a pure heart;
  • Mockery or irony - NO!
    Comic confessions are possible, but in no case should they offend a man’s dignity;
  • Excessive compliments - NO!
    In order not to turn into an obsessive maniac, try to observe moderation; watch the man's reaction.


Your help is so important to me

A phrase from the same opera, but with a slightly different emotional connotation. No man will refuse to be a real knight on a white horse who broke into the castle of a fragile princess, chopped the dragon into thin slices, repaired a leaky faucet and nailed the cornice to its proper place. The main thing is to emphasize: your loved one’s act did not go unnoticed, you are very grateful and probably would not have coped so well with either the dragon or everyday problems. In addition to the fact that you will give the “hero” pleasure with your confession, it will encourage the sweetheart to rush to your aid next time.

It is always useful to thank a man for his help, especially if you know that he tried very hard

When is it better to remain silent? If there is a legitimate reason for praise, always praise. Otherwise, next time the man will decide that since his efforts do not impress you, there is no point in trying.

Options: “What a wonderful idea you came up with!”, “I’m so pleased with your concern,” “I don’t know what I would do without you,” “It’s great to know that you will always come to the rescue and won’t leave me alone,” “Thank you !

What phrases do men like?

Men, just like women, adore affectionate words.
A man will be pleased by the warm, gentle expression of your feelings addressed to him. There is no need to rack your brains over what compliment to give to your other half: simple but sincere words are more valuable than the most sophisticated praise, spoken with difficulty.

Regularly hearing praise addressed to himself, any guy/man gradually gains confidence in his own abilities and mentally thanks the girl for this.

You know your man better than others, so you should roughly understand which expression he will like and which will cause indignation or offend.

You can call your loved one:

  • bunny, bear cub, tiger cub, lion cub (it’s better to ask the man if he likes animalistic nicknames);
  • sunshine, baby, baby, pie (not all guys like baby talk, so it is recommended to agree on such requests in advance);
  • diminutive name (for example, Maksimka, Olezhka, Sashunya, etc.);
  • the only one, beloved, dear, dear (these are neutral addresses that are always pleasant), etc.

I enjoy being with you

An excellent phrase that can be said no matter how long you have been dating - it is suitable for both the candy-bouquet period and for couples with experience. We all like to feel needed, and the awareness of the fact that in your company it is good not for someone, but for the woman you love, acts on the male ego, like stroking fur. You see, he will teach his sweetheart to appreciate you more: well, who else will give him such a delightful feeling of self-importance?

When is it better to remain silent? There are practically no restrictions, unless you completely lose your sense of proportion and begin to twist these words into place and out of place seven times a week. Well, or your man categorically does not accept compliments, although such boring individuals are less common on earth than yetis.

Variants of phrases with a similar effect, so as not to get bored with repetitions: “Next to you I feel calm”, “I feel like I’m behind a stone wall”, “I feel protected”, “With you I’m happy” and the slightly pretentious, but quite acceptable “My life began to sparkle with bright colors when you appeared in it.”

Affectionate, gentle, pleasant words-compliments: how to do it correctly?

Complimentary words, as mentioned earlier, deserve special attention on our part. Agree, every person is pleased to hear sincere, flattering words addressed to him, and men are by no means an exception. However, there are some nuances that you need to think about before voicing compliments.

So, compliments for men should be made taking into account the following recommendations:

  • Consider the character of the chosen one. Even in a short time, you can find out how much your lover loves compliments addressed to him. For some, a few compliments a week are enough, for others, they are ready to listen to them for hours every day. Based on this, a man who moderately likes to accept compliments should not say them at every turn and vice versa.
  • Compliments can be given about different things - clothes, appearance, personal qualities, behavior in a particular situation, etc. However, most men are more accepting of compliments regarding their strength, courage, responsibility, etc. Appearance is not always what it is about representatives of the stronger sex wanted to hear compliments.

Pleasures for your loved one

  • All flattering words must be extremely sincere. You cannot try to please your partner by resorting to lies. If you give a compliment, do it honestly. Another reason to give compliments only this way lies in the fact that insincere flattering words can sometimes even offend. For example, a guy has a thin physique and has a complex about this, and here you are with your compliment about how big his muscles are. Agree, you can be offended by such a compliment.
  • Try to address your loved one by name when giving a compliment. It's always nice
  • Never compare your lover to anyone else when giving a compliment. Such a compliment can offend a person and this will be quite logical

You can say the following compliments to your lover:

  • Darling, you look unusually beautiful/elegant/sexy/exciting, etc. today
  • I admire your physical form, perhaps this is my ideal male body
  • You are in very good physical shape
  • You are the best man in my life
  • I admire your courage, strength, action
  • This outfit suits you very well, it emphasizes all your advantages
  • You are the most beautiful, smart, brave, responsible, etc.

Give only those compliments that your lover really enjoys hearing. You can understand exactly what kind of flattering words he likes by his reaction to them. You shouldn’t “feed” your partner too much with compliments, and you shouldn’t say them in an inappropriate environment, for example, at work, because in this way you can put him in an awkward position.

Tender words

Do not listen to those who claim that the stronger sex does not like and does not need compliments and affection. Such words always add zest to the relationship between partners, making them more tender, reverent and respectful.

You turn Me On

It’s not just the fairer sex who wants to feel desired. It is equally important for a man to know that he still awakens passion in his girlfriend, and intimacy with him evokes a storm of emotions in the woman he loves. In a word, do not expect favors from nature - in our case from your partner - and do not hesitate to initiate sex yourself, emphasizing how pleasant his kisses and touches are to you.

Let a man feel that you want him

When is it better to remain silent? If your loved one comes after a hard day at work, is tired, upset about something and is clearly not ready to share your playful mood, it is better to hold off on passionate confessions. It is unlikely that they will be able to fully appreciate, much less separate. Yes, and you, who met your loved one in full dress in expensive black underwear, will be offended to hear the sharp “Batman, be a man, give me a rest.”

Options to choose from: “When you touch me, I lose control of myself,” “This is amazing,” “You drive me crazy,” “I love it when you do that.” At worst, a simple “I want you” will do, spoken with passion and supported by immediate actions demonstrating that yes, you really want it.

How to write to my husband that he is the most beloved and dear person to me

You can write to your husband about your feelings on paper, on asphalt, by phone, by email or in a dish.

Be original - come up with words for your lover that will penetrate his very heart

The main thing is that he must understand that this confession is from the heart, it is real, without falsehood, then it will be much more pleasant for him to hear it.

  • Write a confession note and hang it on the refrigerator or attach it to the TV remote control.
  • Buy washable paint and write about your feelings on the asphalt.
  • Send your sweetheart a love letter by email at work and you'll see he returns home in a great mood.
  • Come up with an original SMS message and send it to your spouse.
  • Place an envelope with a letter in the mailbox and ask your loved one to look into it upon returning from work/shop.
  • Before leaving for work, attach a note with words of love to the bathroom mirror - in the morning your spouse will read your confession and be happy.
  • Order a mug/plate/glass/cup with words of love and give it to your significant other.

Did something happen to you?

Options: “Honey, is something wrong?”, “Is there anything I can do to help you?”, “What would you like me to do now?” Just for those cases when a man comes to you clearly not at ease and needs not passionate hugs and kisses, but care and participation. The fact that you have caught the mood of your loved one and want to share his problems with the man - as well as console, support and reassure - means a lot, and do not think that your loved one will not appreciate it.

When is it better to remain silent? There are people you shouldn't approach when they're on edge. Even with the best intentions. If your man is one of these types, first let him cool down, calm down and “digest” the situation, and only then start asking questions and offering help.

Warm words to your loved one for the night

Affectionate words for the night can also be anything.
The most important thing is that they please the man and give him confidence and peace of mind:

  • my only one, I wish you words as sweet as my love for you;
  • sleep sweetly, dear, may you have the most vivid and sweet dreams;
  • you are tired, dear, lie down, rest and let you dream of the sea, the sun, the surf and me nearby;
  • come to my dream, where we will hold hands and watch the sunset;
  • Good night, my beloved, may a fairy tale come into your dreams.

I understand you

Another phrase that speaks of love a thousand times better than rich borscht, a cozy family nest and first-class sex. It is not they who make a woman a true friend for a man, but her willingness to always understand and support her beloved. Sometimes you don’t even need to delve into the essence of the problem - there are silent men from whom you can’t extract with pincers what kind of misfortune caused the severe crease to lie between their eyebrows. It is enough to let them know: you are nearby, you are ready to listen and understand.

Knowing that you are understood is priceless

When is it better to remain silent? If you don't actually understand and share the man's point of view, insincerity is very difficult to hide. Even if he does not immediately realize that you are lying, “a residue will remain” and over time the trust between you will be undermined.

Variants of the phrase: “I’m on your side,” “I support you,” “I believe in you,” “I have no doubt that you will do everything right,” “No matter what, I’m on your side anyway.”

I love you

It would seem so simple, right? An elementary phrase, the “foundation of the foundations” of any romantic relationship, but we pronounce it offensively rarely. And the longer a couple is together, the less often the cherished words are heard, although you can always find a reason for them. Correct the annoying omission by regularly issuing the phrase both in its classic form and in various variations: “I like your laugh so much,” “I love watching you sleep,” “Mmm, how I like your voice when you say that.” , “I love your hands”, “I love waking up next to you.”

When is it better to remain silent? Never! There are no circumstances under which a person could not say about his love - unless, of course, he is truly loved. The phrase works “through thick and thin,” and it’s very difficult to overdo it.

We all love to receive compliments, feel cared for and bask in the love of our other halves. Men are no exception. If you want your sweetheart to appreciate you even more, don’t skimp on pleasant words; Believe me, they will not pass by the ears of the chosen one, and everything said will return to you with his gratitude and love.

Examples in your own words

The main rule when choosing affectionate words for a man: remain natural and admire only those traits or qualities of a young man that are actually present in him. If you simply list affectionate words to a man in your own words from the Internet, he may feel false. Therefore, compliments must be chosen based on the man's actual qualities.

If a girl can’t come up with sweet words, you can choose a specific category and draw examples from there. You can even choose an interesting topic that suits the tastes of your chosen one: comic book or movie characters, animals, cartoons.

For example, geeks will really like flirtatious and affectionate words to their beloved (they can be slightly altered so that they are “their own”), which Jon Snow still knows a lot. If a guy keeps a home and has become attached to a pet, he will be flattered if they call him, for example, a kitten. A powerful and strong man will be flattered if he is called a king or pharaoh. You can’t ignore the mention of the iron man or the man of steel if the guy has an athletic build.

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