Which girl can be called temperamental from the point of view of psychology and society?

A girl may hear someone say that she is temperamental. But not everyone understands what this means. Can this be considered a compliment? What characteristics do temperamental individuals have? What is the basis of female temperament? This will be discussed below.

Temperaments may vary. Society has accepted that if a person is temperamental, it means he is hot-tempered, active, and emotional. Therefore, the characteristics of girls’ behavior are no exception in determining their temperament. Each has its own unique style of behavior. But there are certain common traits that classify a woman's temperament.

Temperament in psychology

From the point of view of science, temperament represents certain properties of the psyche that determine the dynamics of behavior and reactions, while not changing under the influence of time factors, motives, goals and content. Thus, in psychology, temperament is a kind of innate constant that persists throughout a person’s life - from the cradle to death. Therefore, if we consider the adjective “temperamental” as “a person with temperament,” there is no point in trying to understand what a person who receives this label should be like—temperament is inherent in every person. What it will be like is what needs to be found out.

  • The identification of a separate type of temperament is carried out after studying sensitivity (assessment of the degree of influence of external factors), reactivity (the strength of an immediate reaction to a stimulus), activity, the ratio of the last 2 moments, as well as flexibility, rate of reactions (including rate of speech and gestures), emotional excitability and extra- or introversion.
  • The expression “temperamental person” in society is understood as a special type of character that reacts sharply to everything and is turned on by one word. Moreover, such a label can be hung with both a benevolent and a negative connotation.

If you look at the traditional classification of psychologists, a temperamental girl is a “choleric.” Such a woman is characterized by activity, high dynamics of speech, quick response to stimuli and external factors, efficiency, energy, and low sensitivity. But at the same time, she is extremely impatient, sometimes unrestrained, quick-tempered, speaks before she thinks, and can be harsh. She has a wide range of interests, but she does not go far in any of them, endlessly changing her field of activity.

Who is a temperamental person?

A temperamental person is a personality characteristic used to describe the presence of strong manifestations of temperament.

Attention! In psychology, it is customary to distinguish 4 types of temperament, which means that each person has one or another type. This personality trait is associated with the type of nervous system. Vivid manifestations of temperament can be observed in people with a strong type of nervous system. When using the adjective “temperamental,” the emphasis is not on temperament, but on the manifestation of a person’s passionate nature, determination, impulsiveness, and emotionality.

Male gaze

If we talk not about dry scientific definitions, but about how they are interpreted and modified in everyday life, then the male point of view deserves special attention. They often divide the female temperament somewhat differently for themselves, first of all assessing the girl’s attitude towards the male sex in general, her availability, behavior in a force majeure situation, and sociability. From these parameters, how can you determine for yourself what kind of temperamental woman she is?

  • Likes to be in male company, willingly communicates with representatives of the opposite sex. Important: does not flirt with everyone in search of a sexual partner or life partner, but shows sympathy and friendly interest.
  • Smiling, open to contact. A woman who does not lower her mask of seriousness will be perceived as closed, distant, and is unlikely to arouse interest.
  • He is flirtatious, embarrassed, and not afraid to laugh at himself - i.e. alive, not faked.
  • Impulsive, susceptible to momentary weakness, easily agrees to adventures, does not get lost in a force majeure situation.
  • Appreciates physical contact and the intimate side of relationships, relaxed in bed. It is worth emphasizing here that we are not talking about promiscuity, but about enjoying sex and the desire to give it to your partner. Often such girls act as initiators and experimenters. Sexual position is one of the components, but not the only determining factor.

The largest laboratories in the world were engaged in identifying external signs by which the sexuality of women could be assessed: the Alfred Kinsey Center in Princeton (USA), the Gothenburg University Center (Sweden), and the Robin Baker Center (England). And they discovered something. And they even summed up the scientific basis, writes News.rin.ru Breasts vary in size

Greek and Roman researchers also searched for lustful women. But the heyday of the study of “voluptuous objects” came in France in the 15th and 16th centuries. Then, at the French court of Louis XI and XII, entire treatises were published on extraordinary “bed” abilities, which supposedly can be read even from the face - something akin to physiognomy.

33 signs were especially highlighted, among which there were many naive ones, not confirmed by current science. For example, the French attached great importance to the shape of the lips. Those who had lips like a bow were considered temperamental, and they didn’t even pay attention to those with a big mouth. Modern sexologists say: sexuality is revealed by the width of the lips, not their shape. The wider the better. The French also considered large breasts a sign of temperament.

Statistics have shown that neither the size nor the shape of the breast (and according to the common classification there are three of them: pear, banana, apple) are not a sign of unbridled desire, says Dr. Poleev. - It’s another matter - breasts are different in size. The connection here is correct. Another thing has been proven: the darker and harder the nipples, the higher the female potential. This symptom is due to the high content of the biological substance melatonin in the skin, which helps awaken animal instincts. A lot of melatonin is produced in the body when tanning. Therefore, it is not for nothing that most men are instinctively attracted to tanned rather than pale girls.

Hairy legs

A real sex bomb would never become Miss World. If only because she should have short and hairy legs. This, by the way, was noticed by medieval scientists.

The abundance and coarseness of hair on the body, including the pubic hair, indicates an increased level of the male hormone testosterone in the blood, which determines female sexuality, explains Alexander Moiseevich. — Confirmed by scientific data. For comparison: “worried” people have 18-19 ppm of this hormone, and shy people have 8-14 ppm.

The “sex bomb” potential is laid not from birth, but in adolescence, when hormonal changes occur. What influences this is still unknown. But it is expressed in hair stiffness. When determining it, scientists do not rely only on their hands - they use a special apparatus that tests hair for flexibility and fragility.

As for leg length, statistics for almost five centuries show: short women are more relaxed in bed than tall women. Why is still unclear. Discoveries are yet to come.

Short hips

There is also a purely mathematical way to check how sexy your chosen one is. Measure the length of her body and hip. Divide one number by another and you get a “desire index.” The shorter the thigh in relation to the body, the higher the index, and therefore the higher the temperament. For example, the ratio of 170 cm height to 70 cm hip gives a mediocre result of 2.4. And if the same 170 cm is divided by 50 cm, then the index turns out to be much higher - 3.4. The minimum level is considered to be a coefficient of 1.8, and the maximum is 4.3.

Red face

Another 100% sign of a constantly excited woman is the ability to blush quickly. So in the eastern slave markets, which existed until the beginning of the twentieth century, slaves were recruited into harems. The sellers sharply raised the hem of the future concubine, but looked not at the sexual charms, but at the face. Instantly blushing ones were valued much more. Other signs of a sex bomb, confirmed by statistics: a short neck and wet, cloudy eyes.

Grimaces and antics

A woman who desires sex can also be identified by her behavior. “Usually it is revealed by lively facial expressions and spontaneity during communication,” says Professor Poleev. - Only if it does not go beyond the norm. Among overly sociable and overly sexual women, you can find many frigid ones. Knowing about their modest sensations in bed, they try to consciously create the image of a sex bomb.

That's why men often get into trouble. However, even among modest quiet people you can find a treasure trove of unbridled sexual fantasies. As a rule, these girls felt attraction very early and were afraid of their desires. Either they were raped as children, or they were raised in a Puritan family. That's why they became emphatically modest. A good temperament in a woman can be killed by any external factor: even an offensive word.

However, all these signs of sexuality are only 70-80 percent true, and not 100 percent, says Alexander Moiseevich. Therefore, while scientists have not made a final verdict, dividing the weaker sex into “hot” and “cold”, men have a chance to try to wake up their “sleeping beauties”, and for suppressed women to unearth their deeply buried talent.

Contrary to established opinion and the abundance of sayings that link the sexual liberation of women with the degree of their intoxication, sober people look much more attractive in the eyes of men. And alcohol abusers can generally drive their partners to impotence. Psychologists from the American Loyola University recently came to this conclusion.

After drinking, says psychology doctor Joseph LaBrie, women think they become more sociable and sexually attractive. And this is their big mistake.

The research involved almost 4 thousand male and female students aged 18 to 25 years from Los Angeles and Washington. The girls were asked how much alcohol they usually drink at parties, why, and what they think men think about it. Representatives of the stronger sex, in turn, were asked how they feel about women who drink and how much, according to their estimates, a girl can afford.

It turned out that more than 70 percent of respondents sometimes allow themselves to overdo it and believe that the amount of alcohol does not spoil them. They say that slight intoxication even makes a girl look better and makes it easier to meet guys. And almost all young people said that it is better for a woman not to consume alcohol at all or to drink it in minimal quantities. They admitted that a sober woman is much more arousing. And many told sad stories about inexpressive, or even unsuccessful, intimate contacts with intoxicated partners. That is, they honestly noticed: the drunker the lady was, the weaker the erection.

The largest laboratories in the world are engaged in revealing the external signs by which women's sexuality is assessed. There is even a special scientific basis for this.

Temperament type - based on hairy legs

A real sex bomb will never become Miss World. Because, at least, she should have hairy and short legs. This, by the way, was noticed by medieval scientists. A large amount of coarse hair on the body, including in the pubic area, may indicate an increased level of the male hormone testosterone in the blood, which is responsible for female sexuality. This is confirmed by scientific research. For comparison: in sexually anxious people the level of this hormone is 18-19 ppm, and in very modest women it is 8-14 ppm.

When the potential of a sex bomb is laid

This does not happen from birth, but in adolescence, when hormonal changes occur. How and what influences this process is still unknown. But, one way or another, this is due to the hardness of the hair. When determining this indicator, scientists do not undertake to judge only by their tactile sensations. Therefore, a special apparatus is used, with which the hair is tested for fragility and flexibility.

Statistics over the last five centuries have proven that short women manage to be more relaxed in bed than tall women. Why this happens is still unclear, so the discovery lies ahead.

A woman’s temperament, her love mood is a completely incomprehensible and unexplained thing, which psychologists around the world never tire of marveling at. And it is no coincidence that female temperament is regarded as one of the most mysterious phenomena in nature, as is the woman herself. And indeed, when speaking on this topic, which is far from always clear, men, as a rule, mean a woman’s temperament during intimacy, love passion and attraction. In fact, this subject is much broader and is not limited to just one area of ​​our existence. This concept often includes such aspects as thirst for life, the ability to enjoy every day, strive for the best and want a lot in life.

Naturally, both love and ardor of feelings also fall under this category, thereby creating an unforgettable, unusually attractive female image. A lot has been said about female temperament, and even more about the often deceptive impression that other ladies create.

Hence the well-known proverb: “There are devils in still waters.” Often, a quick glance is not at all enough to determine how passionate and temperamental the nature is hidden under the shell of external melancholy and poise.

In fact, temperament is an unstable quantity. It can be completely absent from a woman until true love or a passionate interest in some subject appears in her life - career, science, business, hobby.

And only someone she really loves can “wake up” such a woman, continuing to remain indifferent to people and events of little interest to her.

And even the most peaceful housewife will suddenly turn out to be a passionate tigress in everything that concerns her personal interest and aspiration.

Thus, it turns out that, most likely, non-temperamental women do not exist in the world at all?

So, meeting a phlegmatic and lack of initiative person on our way, we can assume that her feminine temperament is still only “sleeping.”

And it is not at all necessary that a woman who has lost interest in life, who day by day overcomes the annoying mediocrity of everyday life, is completely devoid of inner fire, optimism and irrepressible energy. I feel immensely sorry for such women, but it is quite possible that suddenly finding a purpose in life or love, they will change and their feelings will intensify.

What then can we say about women whom we consider temperamental from birth? Fiery brunettes and red-haired beasts, bravely throwing themselves into the cycle of events, playing a fatal role in the lives of most men - such persons are naturally endowed with a temperament, which, however, may well turn out to be ostentatious.

And probably this is just increased emotionality, exaltation of feelings, which we are simply accustomed to taking for true passion. And most of all, the man who, under his ardent and hot shell, will suddenly discover banal female timidity, complexes and restraint will be disappointed.

And it turns out that for any representative of the stronger sex, an eternal seeker in the beautiful Lady of mystery and mysterious magic, it is much easier to be captured by a calm and balanced outwardly woman, in whose soul volcanoes are bubbling, invisible to the outside eye, than by a too obviously temperamental person

It is believed that temperament is given from birth, but life observations suggest that this is not so. It all depends on what environment a person is placed in. Then, under the influence of external factors, temperament and character may change. For example, if a child was melancholic in childhood, but had very active parents who broke his character, forcing him to obey, but he did not want to, they unwittingly developed in him leadership qualities more characteristic of choleric and sanguine people. This means that society and the team can only support and consolidate these character traits. This is how, in the process of struggle, one temperament can change to another. What does a temperamental person mean? What qualities are inherent in temperamental people? This is what we will talk about.

Leaders are loved or hated

A temperamental person is usually a very bright, extraordinary personality. He literally radiates energy. Some people get tired of such people, others feed off them. Temperamental people are leaders, they can be entrusted with leading a team, but they are not always punctual, so it is better to entrust phlegmatic people to delve into the little things. Those are more scrupulous, they are not annoyed that everything needs to be double-checked.

Since a temperamental person is interested in everything, most often he directs his activities in one direction and achieves excellent results. Or he scatters himself, looking for himself.

The first option can easily become a politician, public figure, or leader; the second option can simply become a drunkard, since he does not know how to set goals.

Of course, this does not always happen, but temperamental people are usually very “hot” in everything, including relationships. They can love very much and also hate very much. You should not quarrel with a temperamental person, especially if it gets personal, as you can hear a lot of unpleasant things about yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages of a temperamental person

Inflated self-esteem - what does it mean and how is it characterized?

A temperamental woman or a temperamental man has some advantages due to this personality trait. However, sometimes they want to become different. A temperamental girl is one who may envy her friend who does not raise her voice at her children. A temperamental man knows what it means to start an argument and lose it.

There is no single correct answer to the question of whether people need vivid emotional manifestations of character. Temperament can be both a plus and a minus for a person.

The advantages of temperament are:

  • Social activity;
  • Ability to stand up for yourself;
  • The ability to defend one’s rights and interests, to convincingly prove one’s point of view;
  • The desire to protect loved ones;
  • Willingness to come to the aid of a friend or colleague even in conditions of time pressure or fatigue;
  • Independence and speed of decision making;
  • High pace of activity;
  • High efficiency;
  • The ability to generate many ideas and brilliant proposals;

Generates ideas

  • Ability to approach tasks creatively;
  • A temperamental person is always the leader and soul of the company;
  • A temperamental man is a careerist, a temperamental woman is a successful leader;
  • The personal life of temperamental people is rich, varied, full of vivid emotions and events.

Additional Information. If you ask a psychologist: “What is a temperamental girl?”, he will most likely give a simple definition: “One who knows exactly what she wants and how to get it.”

Negative results of temperament are:

  • Excessive impulsiveness and incontinence of a person;
  • Weak control of the individual over his behavior, poorly developed self-regulation skills;
  • Such people often have conflicts with others; in the team they are considered quarrelsome;
  • They do not know how to develop long-term strategies for achieving goals; they prefer to move forward towards the desired result, and this is often a disastrous path.

Important! If a temperamental person turns to a psychologist, where he will be taught effective self-regulation techniques, then a lot of opportunities and tempting prospects will open up before him.

Temperament and choice of profession

A temperamental person is a receptive and impressionable person. He can quickly respond to a changing situation, he likes to participate in some urgent events. If he fails to become a leader, then he may be attracted to emergency services, such as the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or ambulance, and special services.

A temperamental person needs to act; he is bursting with energy and ideas. Usually friends adore such people, because you never get bored with them. They are quite bright in character, even despite their ordinary appearance. And they are looking for the same person as a mate. A temperamental person gets bored with someone who is slow-moving.

Depending on their capabilities and finances, such people like to play sports and various extreme sports. They are eager to try and experience everything on their own skin. Men can be fascinated by motorcycles, cars, diving, gliding, and women are not far behind them.

  • choleric;
  • sanguine;
  • melancholic;
  • phlegmatic person.

Choleric and sanguine people are considered the most attractive for communication, as they are more emotional and lively.

Yes, a choleric person often has breakdowns, he can be rude and starts screaming, but in any case he is more energetic than a melancholic or phlegmatic person.

How to recognize a temperamental person

You can determine that a person has a tendency to be bright in behavior by observing him. This feature is manifested in the manner of communication, in the way a person reacts to certain situations.

Temperamental people feel comfortable in company and with large crowds of people. They are easy-going, active, proactive, and cannot wait to get down to business from empty words. They behave at ease. Stiffness, complexes, and shyness are not inherent in them.

Such people do not feel discomfort if they need to come into contact with a stranger. New acquaintances and communication with different people give them true pleasure. They are not afraid to give interviews and participate in various public events. In public they stay open and do not try to hide their emotions. Their speech is always loud and fast.

Characteristic features of a temperamental person are willingness to take risks, passion, and impulsiveness. Such people often act as the initiator of betting, and do not doubt their own winning position for a second. Self-confidence and self-confidence is their life principle.

Self confidence

As practice shows, they usually complete the work they start within the prescribed time frame. The innovative activities of temperamental people, as a rule, end in success, which motivates them to new endeavors. When force majeure situations arise and unforeseen events occur, they quickly navigate the environment, show flexibility and efficiency in adjusting their actions. As a result, difficulties in achieving the goal are quickly eliminated.

Such people do not like to sit idle. Their brains are busy and they love to exercise them by strategizing and coming up with new ideas. In the eyes of management, these are valuable employees who are rapidly moving up the career ladder and, if they have a personal desire, quickly receive leadership positions. As a leader, they are also successful, rational, and consistent. Subordinates respect and appreciate such bosses.

The brightness and emotionality of temperamental people arouse sympathy for them from the opposite sex. Such people always have an official partner, in addition to him, several more fans and secret admirers. In love relationships, as a rule, they do not have difficulties. Even if the relationship breaks up, they do not become depressed. At the same time, they are in no hurry to get married, carefully choosing a partner. Their marriages are usually strong, their families are happy.

Temperament at work

A temperamental person is even good, since he is not only active in work, but also in life, and manages to do much more than others. This is a kind of energizer that pushes others to do some things and manages to do them yourself. Depending on your temperament, you can also be assigned tasks at work.

Sanguine and choleric people will always be a priority in the team, precisely because of their leadership qualities and ability to quickly make decisions. They are excellent at communicating with people, they have a lot of ideas and different methods for their implementation.

Phlegmatic is suitable for calculations, calculations, analysis, and fairly routine work. He is in no hurry and will always take into account the mistakes of a sanguine person and a choleric person. Melancholic as a performer also has its place. The main thing is that he must be stimulated all the time and certainly praised, otherwise he will quickly become limp.

How to determine the temperament of a woman and a man

You can determine a person’s temperament using special techniques and tests. Although the psychological tools are universal for different sexes, psychologists have identified some differentiated criteria by which the temperament of men and women can be determined separately.

A choleric man is identified by sharp facial features, sweeping gestures, and sudden movements. This does not mean that a choleric woman does not have these traits. But for her, these manifestations will be smoothed out by grace, femininity and concern about how the movements look from the outside, whether they make her attractive.

Temperamental choleric

In contrast to choleric people, phlegmatic men tend to slowly carry out their work duties and think about decisions for a long time. They are silent, calm, their facial expressions and gestures are meager. Phlegmatic women behave in a similar way, however, due to their feminine nature, they feel the need to communicate, but not to a large audience, but in solitude with their best friend.

A sanguine man quickly gets excited about a new idea and just as quickly loses interest in it. After some time, he may again show passion for a particular topic. Such people are easy to communicate, their mood is high, and they do not tend to worry about certain failures. They are able to charge others with their positivity. They are often informal leaders in the organization and the soul of the company. Men and women with a sanguine temperament have virtually no differences in social interaction.

There is a widespread belief among astrologers that temperament is determined by one or another zodiac sign. So, for example, among Sagittarius, Taurus or Scorpio there are many temperamental ladies.

Interesting fact. A temperamental man can be recognized by his secondary sexual characteristics. Such gentlemen have a pleasant low timbre of voice, thick hair not only on the face, but also on the chest, and a strong physique. External signs of a temperamental girl are plump lips, contrasting appearance, and extravagance in her image. The temperament of girls is more noticeable in their behavior rather than in their appearance.

Temperament and sex

The more temperamental a person is, the brighter the sexual sensations. It’s hard to call him a log; he will be constantly looking for something new. Men can sometimes be a little cruel and rude, but this is also a strength of temperament. Women are usually very creative and active lovers.

Cholerics and sanguine people are rarely introverts, they are very sociable, so their sexuality attracts many people to them. Charismatic by nature, smart enough and able to attract people to themselves, such types rarely remain lonely.

Love relationships are often like a bonfire, so you can choose either a calmer person or an equal in temperament as a couple. It all depends on preference.

How to communicate with temperamental girls?3

You should not take to heart what these girls say. It must be remembered that they are driven by emotions and impulse. It is best to wait and not be provoked. After some time, the girl will cool down and there will be an opportunity to calmly discuss the conflict situation without unnecessary emotions.

Temperamental girls may realize that they are wrong, but they will not admit it until the very end. Their stubbornness is to blame for this. You should not persuade the girl to confess, this will only worsen the situation.

Relationships with such a woman should be constantly bright and harmonious. She needs thrills and variety. She longs for development. If this does not happen, then the girl will decide to leave her partner. Therefore, it is always necessary to surprise her with new products.

How to use temperament for good

A temperamental person is good, but it is necessary that he is not stupid, knows how to restrain his emotions when necessary, and uses his capabilities in the right niche. Otherwise, temperament may fail.

If a person is stupid and hot-tempered, then he will be constantly persecuted by the law for his antics. Most often these are emotional people who do not know how to control themselves.

A very temperamental person is very passionate about his work, so you just need to direct him in the right direction, then he will not only become a leader, but will also bring a lot of benefit thanks to his energy and ability to lead.

What is negative about a temperamental girl?2

In general, men are attracted to such women, but many are simply afraid of them. Because they perceive their openness and sociability as sexual aggression.

In terms of female friendship, there are also negative sides. For example, poor ability to control personal emotions and intemperance in language lead to quarrels, and then to the fact that women become enemies.

Another disadvantage of temperamental women is that they are superficial. They can start a business, then get bored with it and the girl starts another without finishing the first one. Such girls cannot be constantly passionate about only one type of activity; they need variety.

They may use cruel and harsh jokes towards others that are not acceptable to others. And their point of view on this matter is very difficult to change.

Temperamental girls have a penchant for adventure. They often result in unpleasant consequences, such as loss of a job, reputation, or adultery.

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