Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (autonomic dystonia)

The reason may be an excessive load on the nervous system, which is simply not able to process everything. It is important that a person has someone to share his problem of gender independence with. Health should come first!

For some, loud screaming or crying helps, for others, long walks or sleep. If after this the patient begins to feel better, then full treatment is not required. If your health only worsens, this indicates that you need to see a doctor to solve psychological problems. The advice to you from experts is to undergo a course of treatment at the center.

Causes of a nervous breakdown

A breakdown is a defensive reaction to the fact that a person is overloaded and needs emergency help due to an external factor. A doctor should consult; the syndrome is increasingly being called acute.

The reasons are stress that regularly affects our organs or short-term shock.

Everyone falls into one group or another. People are often prone to:

  • are constantly being thinned out for events that have happened to them or are about to happen in the future;
  • increased desire to work;
  • cannot improve relationships in the family or at work;
  • with low self-esteem;
  • cancer patients;
  • those who are facing serious changes;
  • young parents who just had children;
  • experienced the loss of a loved one;
  • failures in personal relationships or relationships with parents;
  • lack of money for a normal existence;
  • job loss;
  • responsibility that cannot be handled;
  • anxiety.

A breakdown begins due to negative events, but problems can begin after major events - a wedding, a move, a new job, the birth of a first child.

Men have varying degrees of stress resistance. It’s easy for one to survive life’s problems, while the other is overwhelmed by their appearance and begins to show aggression.

Instead of a preface

“All illnesses come from nerves!” Is this true or not? Exaggeration or sad reality? And what kind of diseases are these that are caused by nerves? For clarity, I will allow myself to cite one case from my medical practice.

I work in a clinic, where, as you know, in addition to local doctors, doctors of other specialties - “narrow specialists” - also see patients. This, by the way, is Western technology, when it is not a person who is treated, but his illness, and accordingly, each disease has its own specialist. But we are already accustomed to this and cannot even imagine how it could be otherwise.

So, one day a middle-aged man came to an appointment; after a conflict at work, a stomach ulcer opened up, a rash appeared on his hands, his blood pressure rose, and he couldn’t sleep at all! And instead of sleep, sadness appeared, and anxiety. His stomach was treated by a gastroenterologist, his skin rash by a dermatologist, and his blood pressure by a therapist. And everything would have been fine, as they say, but when the man remembered the conflict, everything was repeated again, and the doctors, sensing something was wrong, referred him to a psychotherapist.

It should be said that the human brain is designed like the most perfect computer; or rather, the computer is designed in a similar way to the nervous system. In the human body, the channels for inputting information are the eyes, ears, skin, there are receptors that react to the biochemical composition of the blood, etc. So, the brain reacts very sensitively to a word, and a rude word can cause a whole storm in the body, just like this happened in our case: the central nervous system responded to psychological stress with a powerful release of biologically active substances as its defense, and one of these substances was histamine, which caused stomach ulcers and neurodermatitis.

Moreover, with each memory of what happened, the brain reacted with a new release of the same active substances, as if it were not a simple memory, but a repeated event.

Yes, this is how our nervous system works: memories are as real to the brain as the events that gave rise to them. To help that man, it was necessary to influence the central nervous system, which triggered a defensive reaction in the form of the release of certain substances that acted on the stomach, and on the skin, and on blood pressure, and on sleep, and on mood, and acting like you understand, not in the most successful way. Which is what was done. Along with sadness, all other illnesses soon disappeared.

It turns out that the nervous system is really the head of everything? Of course, that's why she's a head! And you, of course, have experienced how much it hurts at least once in your life. The central nervous system is, of course, just a part of the nervous system, but without a doubt it is its main part. That is why it is so carefully packed by the skeletal system. And we will talk about this later.

So what needs to be done to maintain the health of our most advanced computer - the nervous system? Well, first of all, it should be said that what a person does not know, he does not own. Secondly, today any of us should have an idea of ​​how the human body works. You need to rely on doctors, but do not forget that they treat diseases, and the science of health is different. And here everyone needs to work for themselves: no one can take responsibility for your own health for you.

Now is the time when doctors share with you, dear reader, all their knowledge and accumulated experience so that you take on the task of maintaining your own health. This is exactly what your humble servant, a psychotherapist, is going to do for you. I hope that this will be not only useful for you, but also interesting. Are you interesting to yourself?

You need to know your own body in order to help it, treat it with care, so that the problems of the body do not overshadow the abilities and needs of the soul for creativity and love. Therefore, do not consider it difficult to find out how the holy of holies of our body - the nervous system - works, how to avoid its breakdowns, and if they do happen, eliminate them. Together with the doctor. We're together right?

Signs and symptoms of a nervous breakdown

Symptoms and signs of a nervous breakdown, depending on the type of disorder, have common symptoms that are characteristic of the types of breakdowns. Among the consequences:

  1. lack of appetite, sleep, energy;
  2. constant irritability, anxiety, nervousness;
  3. the appearance of negative thoughts;
  4. fear of tomorrow;
  5. change in performance;
  6. constant desire to sleep;
  7. poor concentration;
  8. memory problems;
  9. negative thoughts;
  10. manifestation of apathy;
  11. headache;
  12. pressure;
  13. changes in mood, anxiety;
  14. panic attacks, fatigue;
  15. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  16. phobias.

A person’s behavior changes greatly, but the disease affects all organs. The disease is accompanied by symptoms: headache, shortness of breath, heart problems, poor appetite, blood pressure fluctuations, and mental changes. It is advisable to contact a psychologist.

Diagnosis of nervous breakdowns

Development occurs at the moment when the patient is simply no longer able to bear the load. The psyche simply becomes uncomfortable working in the same conditions; it asks for possible methods of help. And a person tolerates everything that happens to him, although the state has already reached its peak. Emotions are overwhelming, anything can be expected at any moment. Explosions occur, although everything could be fine for many years. But a critical moment has begun, everything needs to be corrected so that your organs no longer experience this feeling.

It’s all because of the reason that was the beginning of the occurrence. The tank was filling very slowly, but surely, and at one point it simply exploded from overfilling and would not be able to work.

There are two models of behavior in a difficult situation:

  • Explode for any reason. At the same time, the patient splashes out his emotions and shows indignation. Strong scandals and conflict situations are characteristic of this type and the reasons for divorce.
  • Accumulate all the grievances in yourself, like in a big vessel. He endures all insults until the last moment. Apathy towards everything, a depressive state, and a reluctance to communicate with anyone may begin. A mental problem begins to appear, if of course it was not there before.

But how can we avoid the danger of overfilling that same vessel and cope with the consequences? You can avoid this by becoming aware of your feelings, emotions, experiencing and accepting them.

Neurological diseases

The most common ailments are:

  1. Migraine . It is difficult to imagine a person who has never had a headache in his life. Some people don’t even consider it a disease - just temporary discomfort. One tablet and the problem is solved in literally 15–20 minutes. But there are people whose headaches appear frequently and last a long time, and miracle pills do not help. You cannot do without consulting a neurologist.
  2. Insomnia . This disease is more severe than the first, although most people do not take it seriously. Keeping sleeping pills on hand at all times is not the best way out of the situation. Without taking action in time and without undergoing a course of treatment, a person risks getting epilepsy, arthritis, stroke and other diseases of the nervous system.
  3. Epilepsy . Doctors still cannot fully determine all the reasons why it occurs. At the same time, genetic predisposition has not been proven: some patients have relatives suffering from epilepsy, but the relatives of others know about this disease only by hearsay. The cause of the disease can be a tumor, head injury, impaired blood supply to the brain, and even viruses. Epilepsy is accompanied by convulsive seizures. What is noteworthy is that the patient does not remember at all what happened to him during the seizure. Therefore, relatives must be nearby during an attack so that the patient does not harm himself.
  4. Stroke . A common disease among older people. Prompt assistance during an attack is fundamental to the patient’s continued well-being. A stroke is a consequence of impaired blood circulation in the brain. The blockage of the artery occurs gradually, and the attack itself is the result of hemorrhage in vulnerable places. The likelihood of a stroke is very high if the patient suffers from diabetes, arrhythmia, pressure changes, or is overweight. The disease can be identified by appearance, speech and coordination of movements. On one side of the body, muscles fail, so a crooked smile is often observed, and a person cannot raise his arms to the same level.
  5. Multiple sclerosis . One of the most dangerous diseases. The myelin endings of the nerves are destroyed and plaques form in their place. They interfere with the normal flow of impulses from the brain to other organs. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment can slow down and stop the development of the disease, even for several years.
  6. Alzheimer's disease. A severe neurological disease characterized by memory loss in the patient. A person cannot remember what he did literally half an hour ago, simple words, and even forget who he is and where he lives.

For any neurological disease, it is important to “sound the alarm” as early as possible and consult a doctor. When the first signs appear, you should definitely conduct the necessary research.

In a hospital or at home?

It is easier to prevent a breakdown than to treat it. During a breakdown, not everyone knows how to calm a person down. Just a few years ago, to calm the patient, they poured a bucket of cold water on him, if, of course, there was cold water nearby. If this does not help, you need to contact an ambulance.

Screaming will not help; a person is not able to control his actions. A raised voice can only make things worse, which should not be allowed.

Everyone decides for themselves where it is better to treat the disease - in a hospital or at home. If, for example, the breakdown was caused by the situation in the family, then it would be logical to send the patient to the hospital. The psyche may simply not cope if this happens again.

In other situations, having relatives nearby can have a positive effect on the patient’s well-being. Any drug is prescribed after a comprehensive examination. The patient must be under the supervision of a doctor; many drugs can be addictive. After treatment, it takes another month to recover.

But vice versa, it is better to treat a nervous breakdown at home in women and men. We need to understand what led to this state. If, for example, constant tension arises at work, you need to take a vacation or quit altogether, there is nothing more valuable than health. If the cause is overwork, you need to build a more gentle schedule for yourself, which will include 8 hours of sleep, a walk in the fresh air during the day, and proper nutrition.

When treating at home, you need to consult with a therapist to draw up an action plan. Treatment within the walls of the home is aimed at relaxation and distracting the patient from the problem. The method is safe for life and health.


How to strengthen a weak nervous system? The most effective method that gives excellent results in this direction is winter swimming. It allows you not only to put your nerves in order and improve your health, but also to develop willpower.

With regular procedures, the body will gradually get used to cold water. Such persistence is very beneficial for health, but to get a positive result you will need to follow certain rules, namely:

  • produce a gradual increase in the degree of cooling;
  • perform procedures regularly.


The emotional state has a direct connection with the physical state. If a nervous breakdown has been detected, symptoms begin to appear: problems with the heart, problems with the digestive system, dizziness. A breakdown may begin in a patient who has attempted to commit suicide.

If the problem is not diagnosed, it begins to accumulate like a snow globe. The patient begins to have communication problems, becomes more hot-tempered, irritable, and his psychological state worsens.

A breakdown leads to drug addiction or taking excessive amounts of alcohol, and promiscuous sexual relations. The search begins for a method of discharge, getting rid of all the negativity that has accumulated in the form of an internal factor. It is necessary to get help from a psychotherapist in time.

Daily regime

Healthy and deep sleep can give the nervous system more strength. During rest, the body is restored and cells are renewed.

But early waking up, frequent awakenings, shallow sleep and lack of sleep weaken the nerves. In the absence of normal rest, a person becomes apathetic and lethargic, he has difficulty concentrating and has trouble thinking clearly. Lack of sleep often manifests itself in communication in the form of outbursts of aggression and irritation.

Specifics of treatment

Nervous breakdowns do not appear out of nowhere. This is a long-term disease that has not been treated for years, or prolonged stress that the patient has experienced. To get rid of an ordinary nervous breakdown, you need to reconsider your life, get rid of the cause - treat the underlying disease, limit your communication with those who bring you to such a state.

This lengthy process can take a month or even more. There are medications that will help the patient during periods of treatment. Those who are treated at home without a doctor’s prescription cannot even imagine the harm they are causing to their body.

The disorder appears for various reasons; the treatment of a nervous breakdown, especially in women, must be approached in a comprehensive manner.

Non-drug ways to deal with a nervous breakdown

  • Sports activities. Sports exercises will help you calm down and recharge yourself with positivity. This method has not harmed more than one patient. Sport improves heart function, brain function, and sleep.
  • Relaxation programs: meditation, yoga, body massage. Relieve tension, relax the body, get rid of negative thoughts. Do it at least 2 times a week.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. No matter how strange it may sound, it helps. Alcohol, drugs, coffee - all this affects the nervous system.
  • Proper nutrition, essential vitamins.


  1. Vyatkin B.A., Shchukin M.R. Psychology of human styles: textbook. allowance / Ross. acad. education; Perm. state humanit.-ped. univ. - Perm: Book World, 2013. - 128 p.
  2. Vyatkin B.A., Shchukin M.R. Man - style - society: polysystem interaction in the educational space: monograph. - Perm, 2007. - 108 p.
  3. Merlin V.S. Essay on an integral study of individuality. - M.: Pedagogy, 1986. - 256 p.
  4. Merlin V.S., Vyatkin B.A. Temperament // General psychology: textbook. for pedagogical students Institute / ed. prof. A.V. Petrovsky. — 2nd edition, add. and processed - M.: Education, 1976. - P. 405–421.
  5. Psychological service in modern education: workbook / ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 400 p.
  6. Psychology of integral individuality: Perm school / comp. B.A. Vyatkin, L.Ya. Dorfman, M.R. Shchukin. - M.: Smysl, 2011. - 636 p.
  7. Sambikina O.S. The relationship between the development of the style of educational activity and the integral individuality of junior schoolchildren and adolescents // Polysystemic study of human individuality / ed. B.A. Vyatkina. - M.: PER SE, 2005. - pp. 165–172.

Source: Vyatkin B.A., Sambikina O.S. Types of the nervous system and temperament as natural prerequisites for the formation of a student’s style of educational activity // Bulletin of the Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University. Series No. 1. Psychological and pedagogical sciences. 2014. Vol. 1. pp. 81–100.

September 22, 2021 is the anniversary of Oksana Semyonovna Sambikina , head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology, head of the master’s program “Family Psychology and Family Counseling” at Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. “Psychological Newspaper” congratulates Oksana Semyonovna and wishes her health, inspiration and strength for the implementation of all creative and scientific plans!

With the help of drugs and medicines

  1. Medicine offers drugs with sedative effects. Dizziness and heart problems can be treated with medication. These are not pills that will cure your relapse, but they will make you feel much better. Medicinal use is one of the most effective.
  2. Preparations based on plant extracts have a calming component.
  3. Vitamins. When you are stressed, you especially need to enrich yourself with vitamins such as group B, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, so that depletion does not occur.
  4. Biologically active additives. They contain extracts of soothing plants.
  5. Antidepressants. Strong drugs that should never be used without a prescription. They have many side effects, so they are prescribed in emergency situations.

Restoration of the nervous system after a long course of treatment

In order to consolidate the therapeutic effect, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, making sure that the diet contains plenty of fruits, fiber and carbohydrates. In addition, take vitamins regularly after consulting your doctor. Pay attention to reducing the amount of coffee and tea you drink, replacing it with juice. Eliminate bad habits from your life. If a person plays sports every day, then his health will be much better. If possible, go on vacation.

How to protect yourself from breakdown

The most important thing is to correctly identify the disease and begin treatment for the breakdown from any side. Unfortunately, many people accept the appearance of irritability, insomnia, bad mood and a number of other factors as a phenomenon with which absolutely everyone lives. Therefore, you should not contact a neurologist. But that's not true! It is important for your loved ones to be there at this moment when it is difficult to survive everything! Experts require that treatment be started as early as possible.

Stress is not a normal condition and must be treated! Don’t be afraid to disturb the doctor with your trivial questions - sleep disorders, mental disorders, tearfulness, forgetfulness, memory impairment, dizziness, and more. These are all points that can be resolved at the formation stage. But if you do not pay attention to them, then you can wait for clinical depression, which can only be gotten rid of with the strongest drugs, the use of certain tranquilizers.

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