Depression as a risk factor for suicidal behavior

Any depressive disorder is accompanied by severe melancholy and apathy, self-flagellation, against the backdrop of which there is often a desire to solve everything “in one fell swoop” and commit suicide. According to statistics, about 17% of people suffering from this illness have thought about suicide at least once. There is no such thing as “suicidal depression” in the International Classification of Diseases, but psychiatrists use this term to describe severe depressive syndromes that require not only immediate medical intervention, but also hospitalization. Specialists at the Leto specialized clinic offer patients both. We provide consultations from experienced, practicing doctors, and if necessary, you can stay in our hospital, where comfortable conditions for therapy have been created.

Depression as a cause of suicide

According to statistical data, the peak of suicide occurs in puberty and young age (15–20 years), midlife crisis (40–50 years), and older people (70–80 years) are also at risk. Suicidal depression occurs in any of the listed age groups, but if the etiology of the disorder is associated with hereditary predisposition, characteristics of upbringing and personality, the patient attempts to commit suicide under the influence of some traumatic situation.

In teenagers and young adults it is:

  • unrequited love;
  • bullying at school;
  • failure in entrance/final exams, expulsion from the university;
  • family conflicts, divorce, death of one of the parents;
  • self-condemnation for some serious offense;
  • experienced physical and sexual violence.

In recent years, a wave of suicides linked to participation in certain social media groups has swept across the country. Despite the fact that law enforcement agencies are constantly fighting the organizers of such communities, new ones are replacing closed ones.

But psychotherapists emphasize that in a normal atmosphere in the family, a teenager will never think about death seriously. With suicidal depression, they are driven by fear of punishment and rejection, and loneliness. Instead of support from his parents, he hears only reproaches and feels like a burden to the family.

Suicide in adulthood and old age

During this period, the prerequisites for the emergence of an intention to commit suicide are:

  • death of a loved one;
  • disclosure of personal data and intimate information;
  • loss of a job, bankruptcy, especially against the backdrop of large debts to banks or individuals;
  • a serious illness that causes constant pain and severe physical suffering, accompanied by the inability to care for oneself or perform basic hygiene procedures;
  • fear of punishment, for example, after committing an offense.

Perhaps, outside of suicidal depression, a person has enough moral strength to survive even the most difficult situation, pull himself together and find the strength to live on, to start all over again. But against the background of pathological changes, serotonin deficiency, and somatic complications, it is not easy to resist obsessive thoughts of suicide.

Risk factors for developing suicidal depression

The disease is more common in people with character traits such as suspiciousness, suspiciousness, and impulsiveness. Disturbances in the psycho-emotional state are a consequence of the discrepancy between what is actually happening and internal ideas about the world around us, relationships with relatives, the opposite sex, and colleagues.

Attempts to commit suicide are made by persons who do not know how to compromise, who are infantile. They are not capable of long-term planning, proper distribution of finances, and are not ready for change. They avoid responsibility for their actions in every possible way and often try to shift the blame for what is happening onto others.

Endogenous causes of suicidal depression include:

  • taking medications that have a depresogenic effect (these are some neuroleptics, antiarrhythmics and antihypertensive drugs);
  • suicide of a relative or close friend;
  • alcohol and/or drug addiction;
  • concomitant mental or somatic pathologies.

Causes of the condition

Depressive disorder can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Dramatic experiences caused by a difficult life situation. The disease can occur after the loss of a loved one, betrayal, divorce, bullying, and so on;
  • Development of depressive beliefs due to moral trauma in childhood. Children who have experienced domestic violence, bullying and other terrible life circumstances face persistent emotional oppression as adults;
  • Autogenic depression occurs without exposure to an external stimulus;
  • Taking certain medications, such as antipsychotics;
  • Women may become depressed after giving birth.

In psychiatric practice, there are cases when patients experience this disorder in “periods.” Some people call this phenomenon seasonal depression: due to a lack of sunlight in the autumn-winter period, a person may experience persistent depression. Regardless of the reasons, this condition requires high-quality professional treatment.

Signs of suicidal depression

A typical manifestation of the disorder is extreme melancholy, which patients describe as a feeling of complete emptiness inside, an unwillingness to do anything and even to get out of bed in the morning. Total apathy occurs: the patient ceases to be interested in anything, be it family, work or personal problems. It seems that he wants only one thing, not to be touched, which is why even the most innocent remarks and requests are accompanied by outbursts of anger and aggression.

Appearance and behavior change. Pay attention to unkemptness and sloppiness, neglect of hygiene. The facial expression takes on a gloomy appearance: the corners of the lips are constantly drooping, and a vertical, deep wrinkle appears above the bridge of the nose. Also characteristic is stooping, restraint of facial expressions and movements. General inhibition is often noted, although sometimes it can be replaced by affective attacks reminiscent of hysteria.

For people suffering from suicidal depression, almost constant, causeless anxiety and restlessness, lethargy, weakness, and general loss of strength are typical. Patients very often complain about sleep disturbances: usually it is extremely difficult for them to fall asleep in the evenings, but they also cannot get enough sleep in the morning - they wake up long before the alarm clock rings. The patient is constantly haunted by anxious, pessimistic thoughts, sad reflections about mistakes made in the past.

Characteristic changes in eating behavior. Sometimes appetite completely disappears, and a person eats almost forcefully; in other cases, on the contrary, psychogenic overeating develops as an attempt to compensate for increasing psychological discomfort with food.

When to see a doctor immediately

Unlike hysterical disorder, with suicidal depression the patient never threatens suicide or makes demonstrative attempts to commit suicide. Spontaneous suicide is also not typical for this type of depressive disorder. Usually, after a person has made a fatal decision, his behavior changes dramatically.

Doctors strongly advise paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • cold calm and equanimity;
  • high spirits, which replaced despondency and melancholy;
  • putting things in order: a person goes through all his things, giving many of them to friends and relatives (getting rid of clothes, expensive equipment, jewelry);
  • dismissal from work, disinterest in further employment;
  • requests for forgiveness.

Symptoms of clinical depression

The clinical picture of the disease includes main and additional symptoms. The main ones include depressed mood, independent of external circumstances (the condition lasts more than two weeks). Anhedonia occurs - loss of interest in everyday activities; the third symptom is chronic fatigue. Additional symptoms include:

  • Slow reaction;
  • Thoughts about death and suicide;
  • Absence or excessive increase in appetite;
  • Tearfulness;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Reduced self-esteem.

Signs of depression in men

Due to the peculiarities of the mentality, men rarely turn to a psychologist and try to avoid talking about feelings. Because of this, negative emotions have no outlet and continue to accumulate. Wanting to preserve the image of a strong, balanced and unshakable man, a person does not talk about his experiences, tries to hide them from other people, and may often joke.

Signs of depression in women

Depression in women is often accompanied by depression and tearfulness. Due to apathy and chronic fatigue, a woman may neglect personal hygiene and generally lose interest in her appearance. Some girls sharply limit their circle of communication with loved ones and want to be left alone.

  • Consultation with a psychologist

    3000 days

    Session lasts 1 hour

  • Communication is possible on an outpatient basis and online

  • Psychologist identifies the cause of psychological dependence
  • Creating a resource state
  • Help in solving the problem yourself
  • Managing High Risk Situations

order service

  • Consultation with a psychologist


    • Session lasts 1 hour
    • Communication is possible on an outpatient basis and online

  • Psychologist identifies the cause of psychological dependence
  • Creating a resource state
  • Help in solving the problem yourself
  • Managing High Risk Situations
  • order service

  • Duration 1 hour
  • Part of comprehensive addiction treatment
  • Creating a resource state
  • Sobriety support
  • For greater efficiency, 5 classes are conducted
  • order service

  • Popular



    • Consultation with a psychotherapist
    • Performed on an outpatient basis or online

  • Duration 1 hour
  • Part of comprehensive addiction treatment
  • Creating a resource state
  • Sobriety support
  • For greater efficiency, 5 classes are conducted
  • order service

    • Classic hypnosis

      13000 days.

      Consultation with a narcologist on an outpatient basis

    • 1 hour session

  • 5 days of sobriety required
  • Patient consent
  • Working with the subconscious
  • order service

  • Classic hypnosis


    • Consultation with a narcologist on an outpatient basis
    • 1 hour session

  • 5 days of sobriety required
  • Patient consent
  • Working with the subconscious
  • order service

    Symptoms of teenage depression

    Teenagers are prone to depressive episodes. This is due to mood swings, falling in love for the first time, accepting your body, and sometimes even being in an unfavorable environment. The following are the symptoms of teenage depression:

    • Chronic depression of mood;
    • Attacks of irritability;
    • Tearfulness;
    • Sleep and appetite disorders;
    • Neglect of personal hygiene;
    • Sharp limitation of communication with other people;
    • Loss of interest in studies and hobbies;
    • Auto-aggression: teenagers often cut their hands to transform mental pain into physical pain.

    Adolescents suffering from this disorder are prone to self-aggressive and suicidal behavior. Do not attribute the above symptoms to the play of hormones. Prolonged depression leads to dire consequences. Contact a specialist on time!

    • Anonymously
    • For free
    • Around the clock

    Leave a request for a free consultation with a specialist

    We will contact you as soon as possible!
    By clicking on the button, you consent to the processing of your personal data

    Cost of services

    Initial consultation with a psychiatrist (60 min.)6,000 rub.
    Repeated consultation5,000 rub.
    Consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist (60 min.)5,000 rub.
    Consultation with a psychologist3,500 rub.
    Consultation with Gromova E.V. (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.
    Psychotherapy (session)7,000 rub.
    Psychotherapy (5 sessions)30,000 rub.
    Psychotherapy (10 sessions)60,000 rub.
    Group psychotherapy (3-7 people)3,500 rub.
    Psychotherapy session with E.V. Gromova (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.

    This list does not contain all prices for services provided by our clinic. The full price list can be found on the “Prices” , or by calling: 8(969)060-93-93. Initial consultation is FREE!

    Prevention of depression

    There are several methods to prevent this disorder:

    • Timely treatment of hypothyroidism and other somatic disorders that can lead to depression;
    • Active lifestyle;
    • Smoking, drinking alcohol and other surfactants;
    • Timely treatment of a traumatic situation by a psychologist;
    • Sufficient amount of sleep;
    • Reducing time spent on gadgets;
    • Refusal of confectionery products;
    • High-quality nutrition that provides a stable supply of nutrients.

    People prone to depression should promptly resort to a set of preventive measures that help prevent the development of this terrible disease. Do not forget that every person needs the support of relatives: this helps to maintain a good emotional background.

    • Motivation for treatment

      6000 days

      Home visit by a psychologist

    • Work with objections

    • Beliefs about the need for treatment
    • Psychological support
    • Up to 2 hours of work
    • Consultation at a medical facility

    order service

  • Motivation for treatment


    • Home visit by a psychologist
    • Work with objections

  • Beliefs about the need for treatment
  • Psychological support
  • Up to 2 hours of work
  • Consultation at a medical facility
  • order service

    • Accompaniment to the clinic / RC

      3000 days

      Arrival of a clinic employee

    • Help with packing

  • Accompaniment to the place of treatment
  • Automobile
  • Distance up to 100 km
  • Relevant for patients with poor motivation
  • order service

  • Accompaniment to the clinic / RC


    • Arrival of a clinic employee
    • Help with packing

  • Accompaniment to the place of treatment
  • Automobile
  • Distance up to 100 km
  • Relevant for patients with poor motivation
  • order service

    • Advanced hospitalization

      12000 days.

      Visit to the home of a narcologist, psychologist

    • Specialist consultation

  • Motivational talk
  • Medication support
  • Collecting things
  • Accompaniment by car to the hospital
  • Special transport for delivering seriously ill patients
  • Relevant for aggressive patients
  • order service

  • Advanced hospitalization


    • Visit to the home of a narcologist, psychologist
    • Specialist consultation

  • Motivational talk
  • Medication support
  • Collecting things
  • Accompaniment by car to the hospital
  • Special transport for delivering seriously ill patients
  • Relevant for aggressive patients
  • order service

    Principles of treatment for suicidal depression

    With this form of depressive syndrome, timely consultation with a doctor is more important than ever. In the initial stages of the disorder, outpatient therapy with antidepressants is possible, but in the presence of obvious suicidal tendencies, hospitalization and treatment with antipsychotics are indicated. Subsequently, as the patient’s psychological state stabilizes, they are transferred to antidepressants.

    The prescribed medications are continued for at least 1.5–2 years. Only in this way can the patient’s psycho-emotional status be fully restored and relapse avoided. Drug treatment is necessarily complemented by psychotherapy.

    Suicidal depression is a very dangerous disease that can have fatal consequences. So don't hesitate, make an appointment right now! Call us any time 24/7 8(969)060-93-93.

    Psychological assistance for suicidal behavior

    Timely psychological assistance for suicidal behavior will help not only prevent suicide and save the patient’s life, but also find out the reasons that caused such behavior. If you notice a psychological imbalance in the behavior of one of your loved ones, the signs described above or other psychological abnormalities, do not waste time and urgently seek psychological help from a psychotherapist. The sooner you seek advice, the easier and faster it will be possible to correct the patient’s behavior and return him to normal life. Psychological assistance from a specialist in this situation consists of early diagnosis of psychosomatic diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders and mental disorders that cause suicidal thoughts and actions, clarification of the reasons that can lead to suicide, correction of identified disorders and associated psychological problems with behavior.

    The risk of suicide is especially high if the patient has previously received treatment for a mental illness, has a history of suicidal thoughts, or has ever refused or interrupted treatment for a mental illness in the past. The risk also increases with relapses of mental illness and critical changes in the life of such a patient.

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