Improving cerebral circulation with folk remedies

When a circulatory disorder occurs in the vessels of the brain, this leads to serious consequences. The blood supply to the brain has a system for redistributing blood flow to different parts of the organ that are active at the moment. During physical activity, more blood flows to the brain centers responsible for this process. If there is mental activity, then greater blood flow occurs to other parts of the brain. Impaired cerebral circulation occurs as a result of pathological conditions that a person acquires in the process of life. These include: hypertension, atherosclerosis of the brain and heart vessels, vascular aneurysms, thrombosis and embolism. These diseases often lead to stroke, which can be fatal. Treatment of such pathologies is carried out under the supervision of specialists with strict adherence to medical prescriptions. A stroke that occurs requires hospitalization in a medical clinic. Upon returning home, the patient must constantly comply with the necessary requirements of the doctor. In addition to medications, the use of traditional medicine is effective. Let's take a closer look at how to use folk remedies to improve blood circulation in the brain.

Use of traditional medicine

You need to constantly monitor the health of your blood vessels, without waiting for serious pathologies. The organs and systems of the body are interconnected, so a failure in the blood supply system inevitably leads to disorders in the brain. Using folk remedies in treatment will help keep blood vessels healthy. Traditional medicine represents healing methods that humanity has accumulated over a long period of development. Traditional medicine is used in modern medical practice. Plants that are used to make medicinal products have healing properties. The name medicinal plants has been defined for them. Not the whole plant is suitable for making preparations, but some part of it: root, leaf, bark, flowers. The production of medicines using medicinal plants is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical industry under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.


What herbs are best for cleansing blood vessels? Experts in the field of traditional medicine often recommend using periwinkle for this purpose. Both fresh and dried, this plant has a lot of amazing properties: it relieves vascular spasms, cleanses the blood, eliminates headaches, and also affects the normalization of the general condition of the uneven system. Periwinkle is often used to lower blood pressure.

In order to prepare a decoction suitable for treating cerebral circulation with the folk remedy of periwinkle, you need to take the flowers of the plant in question at the rate of a teaspoon per half liter of boiling water. The components must be combined and placed on low heat for five minutes. After the specified time, the mass must be cooled, then strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve.

The infused decoction should be consumed daily before each meal, half a glass.

Some reviews about the folk remedy in question for the treatment of cerebral circulation say that a faster onset of a positive result can be achieved if you add a small amount of dried and crushed hawthorn leaves to the indicated components. The use of this product is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as those who are breastfeeding. It is also prohibited to take this drug for those who have some heart rhythm disorders.

Improve blood circulation in the brain using folk remedies

When there are already pathological changes, the use of folk remedies goes well with basic drug treatment. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs help improve cerebral circulation:

Herbal collection No. 1

The composition includes: speedwell - 10 grams, lemon balm - 10 grams, strawberry leaf - 30 grams, hawthorn flowers and fruits - 40 grams. The mixture is poured with boiling water in an amount of 300 grams, infused and consumed every day. It effectively helps in the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis.

Herbal tea No. 2

Take 500 grams of cranberries, add 350 grams of honey and 150 grams of grated horseradish. The ingredients are mixed with a mixer. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals. The mixture strengthens blood vessels, increases immunity and improves memory, and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

Calming infusion

A tincture of valerian root puts the nerves in order and improves sleep, which is important for poor blood circulation. You need to take one tablespoon of raw material, brew it with a glass of boiling water, let it brew and take one tablespoon three times a day.

A mixture of periwinkle and hawthorn

The remedy includes periwinkle leaves and hawthorn flowers. A decoction is prepared from the herbal collection in the usual way, which helps the positive dynamics of blood supply to the brain, but requires long-term use.

Clover red

A decoction is also prepared from this plant, infused and used internally. An infusion of red clover flowers helps cleanse blood vessels and ensures normal blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.

lemon balm plant

A decoction is prepared from lemon balm leaves, infused and used for treatment. Melissa decoction calms nerves, relieves headaches, and improves night sleep.

Sophora japonica

Crushed raw materials of Sophora japonica are used to prepare a decoction. It is infused for ten to twelve hours and then ready for oral use. The infusion is able to dissolve cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, thereby cleansing the blood vessels.

Garlic with vegetable oil

Garlic-oil mixture is used to lower blood cholesterol. It is prepared as follows: one bulb of garlic is crushed and poured with a glass of vegetable oil. This mixture is infused for 24 hours, then the juice of one lemon is added, mixed and left for another week. After this, the healing agent can be used to treat the blood circulation. The duration of treatment is three months or more.

Leaves of the ginkgo biloba plant

The only relict plant in the world, the leaves of which are used for the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular disorders. The crushed raw materials are ground into powder and used in dry form, one teaspoon at a time, washed down with water. Treatment is carried out in courses of one to three months, depending on the age of the patient. The older the person, the longer the course of taking ginkgo biloba.

Medicinal herbal remedies include herbal infusions: alfalfa seeds, oregano, pine cones.


You can achieve good results in case of impaired blood circulation in the brain only by giving up everything that is harmful to the blood vessels.

What not to eat:

  • Tea, coffee, cola, any drinks and energy drinks with caffeine;
  • Beer, wine, low-alcohol drinks, and indeed any alcohol;
  • Any smoking products from cigarettes to vaping and hookah, nicotine and CO are prohibited;
  • Salty snacks, fast food, fatty, smoked;
  • Liver products, butter;
  • Sweets in large quantities;

The three main enemies of modern man are caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol. Usually, only giving up this habitual doping can significantly improve the condition.

All products that provoke cholesterol deposits, leading to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, are excluded. Meat is replaced with fish, sunflower oil with olive oil, black tea with pharmaceutical cerebral tea, corn silk, mint. Sweets - fruits.

What to use:

  • A large amount of clean water, from 2.5 liters per day;
  • Garlic, ginger;
  • Beetroot, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • Lemon, citrus;
  • Berries, nuts;
  • Porridge (oatmeal);
  • Salads;
  • Olive oil.

It is very important to drink a lot. The more fluid, the better the blood circulates, the more it thins out, and the fewer reasons for spasms. In its pure form, drink 2.5 liters of water per day.

It is better to exclude sweets and chocolate; use them only before some important events to stimulate the brain.

Fruits and vegetables - to the maximum. Cabbage, oranges, nuts, apples, carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, greens - all this is very helpful for the blood. Be sure to have porridge, oatmeal and buckwheat.

Salt - in small quantities, especially with high blood pressure.

If the case is not advanced, then improvement from the diet can be felt within 1-2 weeks. And after a year, completely get rid of migraines and all symptoms, unless you violate

The use of dietary supplements for treatment

Dietary supplements (BAA) are not medicines, but they are used as traditional medicine, including to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. Dietary supplements are made from extracts of medicinal plants and supplemented with vitamins and minerals. They affect human memory, enhance thought processes, cleanse brain vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots. Dietary supplements are preparations based on extracts of the Ginkgo biloba plant: “Tanakan”, “Bilobil”, “Ginkum”, “Ginkor Forte” and others. Taking dietary supplements for at least three months. The first results of improved cerebral circulation appear after a month of use. The use of biological additives is based on the prevention of vascular diseases and is an auxiliary method for the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders. Dietary supplements to eliminate impaired cerebral circulation are produced on the basis of the medicinal plant Ginkgo biloba biloba. The course of supplementation is at least three months. But within a month you can notice the first results.

Eliminating the causes of the problem

No matter how strange it may sound, you can correct the current health problem by eliminating its root causes. Let us next consider some of the reasons for the manifestation of slow blood circulation in the head.

A person in any age category should definitely know that the cause of slow blood circulation in the area in question is regular lack of sleep and chronic fatigue. The reason for this can also be prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, in which case the problem can be observed not only in the brain area, but throughout the body as a whole.

The cause of such a dangerous pathology can be bad habits that a person suffers from. These include not only cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, but also drug addiction, as well as the abuse of especially concentrated medications intended to treat certain diseases. Also, a person suffering from blood viscosity, as a result of which blood circulation is significantly deteriorated, should definitely pay attention to the features of the daily diet. In normalizing this process, proper nutrition plays an important role.

Physical education and sports for health

As you know, a healthy lifestyle determines a person’s well-being, and playing sports directly improves blood circulation. Physical education and sports should be done regularly. To improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, simple exercises on the shoulder girdle and neck are suitable:

  1. Turns the head right and left.
  2. Tilt your head back and forth.
  3. Tilts the head to the right and left.
  4. Circular rotational movements of the head.

These simple movements relax the neck muscles well and help normalize blood circulation.


It is known that celandine contains a huge amount of alkaloids, as well as flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels and the general condition of the blood. Moreover, this plant is able to normalize blood pressure, reducing its level, and also eliminate spasms that occur in the vessels located in the brain area.

To prepare an effective decoction, you need to take pre-crushed dried celandine powder and pour boiling water over it, strictly observing the proportions: 1 tsp. per glass of water. After pouring the component, you need to let it brew for at least a couple of hours, after covering it with a lid. The finished product must be taken every day, 2 tablespoons.

Experts in the field of medicine categorically prohibit the use of the drug prepared according to the presented recipe in a dosage exceeding the specified one, as well as in the event that a person has any pathologies in the functioning of the heart.

Prevention of vascular disorders

Prevention of circulatory disorders is based on a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol abuse. It is important to adhere to the work and rest regime: work with harmful working conditions should be excluded, vacation should be fully used, without replacing it with compensation. You also need to monitor your emotional state, not take unpleasant events to heart, and calmly think about the current situation. It is necessary to create a proper daily routine and stick to it. Much attention should be paid to night sleep. To make it complete, evening walks in the fresh air are shown. You need to monitor your health and undergo medical examination once a year. Physical education and sports, hardening the body, a healthy balanced diet, increasing immunity - this is the key to good health and a strong body. By following simple recommendations, you can maintain healthy blood vessels for many years.

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