Uncontrollable aggression in women and its causes: how to cope with outbreaks

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Aggressive behavior is often defined as disregard for and violation of social norms. Or, in other words, aggression is a style of behavior aimed at causing psychological or physical harm to another person. Sometimes overly zealous defense of one’s own opinion or desire for independence is mistaken for aggression. Unfortunately, in modern society, everyday manifestations of aggression, including in very dangerous forms, are happening more and more often. Therefore, the treatment of aggression is a very pressing problem today, requiring a competent medical and psychological approach.


Treatment of aggression (aggressive behavior) in the Primorsky region

Address: St. Petersburg , Primorsky district, st. Repisheva, 13

Treatment of aggression (aggressive behavior) in the Petrograd region

Address: St. Petersburg , Petrogradsky district, st. Lenina, 5

Treatment of aggression (aggressive behavior) in the Krasnogvardeysky district

Address: St. Petersburg , Krasnogvardeisky district, Novocherkassky pr., 33 building 3

Treatment of aggression (aggressive behavior) in Vsevolozhsk

Address: Vsevolozhsk , Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 96 A

Types of aggression

Treatment of aggression begins with determining the type of disorder. The following forms are distinguished:

  • verbal (speech). Its goal is to cause mental harm to the victim: insult, humiliate, etc.;
  • physical. Involves causing bodily harm to a person;
  • active. The aggressor himself becomes the initiator of the negative situation;
  • passive. A person suppresses his anger and shows aggressiveness in the form of refusal to perform certain actions;
  • straight. The damage is done directly to the victim. This applies to both mental and physical effects;
  • indirect. In this case, the damage is caused not to the victim, but to her loved ones or her property.

How not to behave with an aggressive drunk

After drinking alcohol, an alcoholic quickly becomes dissatisfied and aggressive; this is a common phenomenon. In this state, they become meticulous , constantly getting into fights, arguing, clinging. If a sober person quickly bypasses a group of drunk and loud people and goes unnoticed, then a drunk person, on the contrary, will approach them and provoke them into a fight.

But what should a wife do when her husband comes home very drunk and constantly pesters, insults, provokes a scandal and a fight? Many cannot tolerate ridicule, humiliation, or beatings, so they try to add a huge dose of sleeping pills or sedatives to their next glass of vodka or bottle of beer. So they want to quickly calm down their drunken husband and put him to bed.

But still you shouldn’t do this for several reasons:

  • Strong sedatives can react with ethanol, which can cause serious health problems. And sometimes they can lead to death . The wife will be to blame for the death of her husband, no one will even understand this;
  • Adding various medicines to food and drinks without the person’s knowledge is a serious crime under the current legislation of the Russian Federation. An exhausted wife can become a criminal and face criminal law.

You should not get into a fight with a drunkard, much less defend yourself from him. Under no circumstances is it recommended to use heavy objects or try to fight back with them. It is worth remembering that a blow can seriously injure a person and kill him. And as a result, the wife will again be to blame. And if a woman is physically weak, then even a weak blow will only provoke the drunk, he can beat her severely or even kill her.

Causes of aggression

Treatment of aggressive behavior involves identifying and, if possible, eliminating the reasons that provoked such actions. They are divided into the following categories:

  1. social. In this case, instigators and observers play the main role. The former directly provoke a person to cause harm to another individual. The latter, with their silent participation, can motivate the aggressor to act if he believes that in this way he will receive the approval of observers;
  2. external environment. Oddly enough, many people require treatment for attacks of aggression precisely for these reasons. Heat, stuffiness, crowded conditions, noise, unpleasant smell, cigarette smoke, etc. can become triggers for aggressive behavior. A person becomes overly irritable, his physical condition worsens, he feels threatened by others, and it is difficult for him to concentrate. As a result, all of these external factors can lead to behavior that requires treatment for temper tantrums;
  3. innate inclination and personal qualities. In many cases, when a patient needs treatment for anger, the causes of hostile behavior are his personal qualities and individual psychological characteristics: fear of not receiving public approval, irritability, increased feelings of shame, excessive hostility.

The dangers of uncontrolled anger

If you ignore the problem of frequent outbursts of uncontrollable anger, various psychological personality disorders may arise that can affect a person’s relationships in society. Therefore, it is necessary to take this issue seriously and begin treatment.

Often sudden outbursts of anger pass as quickly as they came, but the person is left with a feeling of guilt and damaged relationships with others. This further complicates the situation as the person may become depressed, which can again trigger unreasonable anger.

Of course, a specialist should treat uncontrollable anger, but first it would be nice to understand yourself. It is necessary to understand the causes of outbreaks: fast pace of life, dissatisfaction with work, overwhelming workload. Perhaps eliminating these causes can solve the problem. After all, no doctor can help if, after successful therapy, a person returns to the same negative environment.

Treatment of aggression in children

Treatment of aggression in adolescents should not always be carried out with medication. After all, a certain amount of aggressiveness is simply necessary for every person, especially during the period of personality formation. In childhood and adolescence, an individual fights for his status in the family, school, in the yard or garden. Thanks to controlled aggression, the child learns new things, adapts socially and achieves his goals.

The main reason for aggressive actions on the part of a child under 4 years old is the negative example of parents who allow themselves such behavior at the everyday level. In addition, indifference on the part of parents, a domineering attitude towards the child or hostility towards the child are risk factors. In this case, most likely, treatment for aggression and irritability is necessary for adults.

The aggravation of aggression in adolescence occurs against the background of puberty, when hormones rage in the body, and their unstable levels negatively affect physical well-being and emotional state. During this period, a person is characterized by suggestibility, irritability, emotional rudeness and stinginess, low self-esteem, complexes, primitive values, narrow-mindedness, etc.

However, as a rule, in such cases, drug treatment for outbursts of aggression is not required - it is enough to provide qualified psychological assistance and teach parents how to react correctly to difficult situations.

If illness is to blame


Unreasonable irritability can be a sign of a hormonal disorder, for example, an increase in the level of thyroid hormones - hyperthyroidism. Those who are sick have a sharp increase in metabolism, and therefore they remain thin even with a very good appetite. There are other features by which an endocrinologist recognizes this disease even during an external examination: nervousness, increased activity, low-grade fever, sweating, redness of the skin.

Excess weight

With an excess of adipose tissue, the production of estrogens, female sex hormones, increases. And this negatively affects a man’s psyche, making him overly emotional and irritable. In addition, an obese person is often dissatisfied with himself, which also does not improve his mood. In this situation, it is best to seek help from a nutritionist and endocrinologist and, under their supervision, get rid of extra pounds. If the weight goes away, so will the irritability.

Neurological disorders

Aggression may be an early symptom of neurological disorders leading to dementia, in particular Alzheimer's disease. If a person increasingly withdraws into himself, gradually loses interest in life, becomes irritable, if he has problems with memory and concentration, for his loved ones this is a good reason to be alarmed and send him to a neurologist as quickly as possible. It should be noted here that we are talking mainly about people over 60 years of age, because Alzheimer's disease affects the elderly.

Personality disorders

The cause of aggressive behavior can be personality disorders, including schizophrenia. Most patients with schizophrenia are able to live a normal life without posing a danger to others or themselves, but during moments of exacerbation they become more aggressive and have a tendency to violence. In this case, psychiatric treatment is indicated.

Trauma or tumor

Mental agitation and aggressiveness often indicate damage to the frontal lobe of the brain. In this case, attacks of rage and increased activity are replaced by periods of apathy. All this may be a consequence of a traumatic brain injury or signal a developing tumor.

Features of aggression in different sexes

Treatment of aggression in women is required only in some cases. After all, by her psychological nature, a woman is more emotional, sensual and has a greater capacity for empathy than a man. This is the reason for periodic outbursts of anger - this is how psychological relaxation occurs, stress relief, and getting rid of negative emotions. In addition, the hormonal changes that the female body experiences every month can have a significant impact.

However, if negative behavior persists for a long time, goes beyond accepted norms of behavior, or takes on socially dangerous traits, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will prescribe treatment for attacks of aggression in women.

As for men, for them aggression is a pattern of behavior “recorded” at the genetic level. After all, thanks to her, our ancestors achieved their goals, survived and continued their family line. However, there are a number of factors that may lead to the need to prescribe treatment for aggression in men:

  • alcoholism;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • addiction;
  • changes in hormonal levels (excess testosterone or, conversely, male menopause - andropause).

In such cases, qualified medical treatment of outbursts of anger in men is necessary, because without outside help such conditions do not go away, but on the contrary develop into more severe forms that are dangerous to human life and health.

Aggressive behavior during the postpartum period

In women, uncontrolled aggression can be caused by postpartum depression. The birth of a child greatly changes the lives of all family members, but the greater burden of worries and responsibility falls on the mother.

On the one hand, active hormonal changes are taking place in the body of a woman who has given birth. She becomes more vulnerable, sensitive, and cannot always control her emotions. On the other hand, her life is changing dramatically: work remains a thing of the past, the number of household chores increases sharply, and there is no time or energy left for her former hobbies. Life turns into a continuous “Groundhog Day”, consisting of feeding, changing clothes, washing, cleaning... All this causes despair, nervousness and rage, which are taken out not only on adults, but also on the defenseless baby.

You can deal with attacks of anger during the postpartum period in a very simple way: divide household responsibilities among all family members to give the mother the opportunity to take a break from routine worries and the baby, and leave the house for a walk.

Unmotivated aggression: prevention measures

To prevent causeless aggression, it is necessary to establish a clear daily routine, eat well, rest and sleep a sufficient amount of time. Don’t forget to pamper yourself from time to time, doing what you love for at least half an hour a day.

It is important to understand your feelings and learn to understand them. Sometimes the real cause of anger can be “hidden”, and the feeling itself can be transferred to another object. For example, you cannot understand why you are so annoyed by your partner’s slowness. The real picture is different: your boss has given you too much work. You cannot express your dissatisfaction to your boss and subconsciously transfer this anger to your colleague, accusing him of being slow. This psychological trick will help you maintain a good relationship with management, but will have a detrimental effect on your mental health.

You should not suppress or hide negative emotions. If the situation allows, then it is necessary to voice your feelings using “I-expressions”. For example, “It makes me want to hit you when you talk to me like that.”

It is useful to be able to competently and constructively conflict with people. This will help resolve the problematic situation without leading it to a scandal.

Aggression in the elderly

In old age, degenerative changes occur not only in human physiology, but also in his psychological state. One of the symptoms of many aging diseases is aggression. In addition, this behavior is also due to a number of social factors:

  • social degradation. When leaving work to retire or becoming infirm, a person ceases to feel his importance; on a subconscious level, the fear of being rejected, forgotten, and useless appears. In addition, without constant employment, memory is lost, mental acuity and clarity of thinking disappear;
  • loneliness. The lack of proper attention from adult children and relatives has a negative impact;
  • infectious diseases. Infection of brain cells can lead to noticeable changes in behavior patterns. In this case, treatment of senile aggression is carried out not only with psychotherapeutic methods, but also with medication.

What do uncontrollable outbursts of anger lead to?

Often people think that expressing anger will help them influence other people and get what they want. In fact, anger contributes to the destruction of relationships, interferes with making important decisions, clouds the mind and generally negatively affects a person’s functioning. In addition, outbursts of anger:

  1. Harmful to physical health. They can cause diabetes, immune and cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Affects mental health. Thinking, attention and memory suffer.
  3. Harmful to career. If a person proves his point of view in an aggressive manner, this does not add anything to his authority. Colleagues and management have a negative attitude towards squabbles and disputes in the workplace.
  4. Destroys interpersonal relationships. Angry outbursts and hurtful words leave scars in the hearts of the offended. The basis of a successful relationship is trust and calm, and sudden outbursts of anger can destroy all this in one moment.

Drug treatment of aggression

Treatment of uncontrollable outbursts of anger with medications is highly effective only when the negative behavior is a symptom of concomitant diseases, such as infections. Only in acute stages can tranquilizers, antidepressants, and atypical antipsychotics be prescribed.

In most cases, help for aggression is provided without the use of potent drugs. Conversations and appointments with a psychiatrist are held, the purpose of which is to consolidate an adequate model of behavior and teach the patient to control anger.

Treatment of aggression in St. Petersburg

The medical clinic is one of the few in St. Petersburg that has everything necessary for the effective treatment of mental illness. At your service:

  • comfortable hospital with experienced staff;
  • all types of psychotherapy (psychoanalysis, hypnosis, gestalt therapy);
  • modern types of diagnostics (neurophysiological analysis of conceptual functions, ultrasound of the brain and neck vessels, test psychodiagnostics, electroencephalogram);
  • if necessary, we have the right to prescribe all types of psychotropic medications, which ensures effective treatment (not all private clinics have the appropriate license);
  • the conditions of a comfortable multidisciplinary clinic allow for a comprehensive examination and treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • there are 40 psychiatrists and psychotherapists on staff, but in difficult cases the best specialists in the country are involved in consultations;
  • clinics in three districts of the city (Primorsky, Central and Krasnogvardeysky). In addition, our new center provides treatment for aggression in Vsevolozhsk.

Help from doctors

If a drunkard, after drinking alcoholic beverages, regularly demonstrates attacks of aggression to his loved ones, makes scandals, humiliates, and lets loose his hands, then this will be a direct reason to organize for him full-fledged treatment for alcohol addiction. The process of sobering up in a medical facility is much faster than at home.

To remove toxic substances from the body, ethanol residues, medical specialists in clinics usually use special medications. The following procedures must be followed:

  • Infusion therapy (installation of IVs);
  • Dialysis procedures – cleansing the body of alcohol metabolites;
  • Plasmapheresis – cleansing the blood of toxins and waste.

Carrying out these procedures allows you to completely cleanse the body of toxins and alcohol metabolites. Doctors prescribe several sessions to ensure that all toxins are completely removed from the digestive organs and blood.

It is worth remembering that aggression from alcohol can manifest itself in anyone; its causes lie in character traits, as well as in the effect of ethanol on consciousness. This is inevitable, so experts advise how to behave correctly with a drunkard. There is no need to quarrel with him or respond with irritation, this will only spur the alcoholic and he may become even angrier. It is better at these moments to leave the apartment or house, leave the drunk alone, and spend the night in another place. The right approach will help prevent dangerous consequences.

Medical center rules

  1. absolute confidentiality. Unlike government agencies, we are not required to disclose information about our patients and their illnesses. Under no circumstances will third parties gain access to the patient's medical history without his consent;
  2. no power. Treatment is carried out without the use of physical or other coercive methods of influence on the patient. Experienced staff and qualified doctors perform their work with utmost sensitivity and respect;
  3. only modern treatment methods at the level of world standards and effective drugs.

How to help at home

Help at home can only be provided to accommodating drunkards who make contact and listen to words. If the intoxication is not severe, then you can refuse to use strong medications. In this case, may well help :

  • The first step is to rinse the stomach with a weak solution of baking soda;
  • Next, you need to take a solution of ammonia. 45 drops of ammonia are dissolved in 200 ml of boiled water. The finished composition is drunk;
  • Afterwards, it is recommended to use an adsorbent; activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel are ideal. These products will help cleanse the stomach of ethanol residues. They must be taken in accordance with the instructions ;
  • The body's fluid reserves must be restored. This is done by drinking plenty of fluids . For these purposes, you can use homemade compotes, fruit drinks, berries, chamomile-based decoctions, and teas.

After the drunken state has become more or less normal, he will begin to think better and understand that he needs to be taken out into the fresh air , for a walk. This will completely remove the remnants of alcohol from his body and sober up.

Cost of treating aggression:

Services listPrice in rubles
Saint PetersburgVsevolozhsk
Consultation with a psychologistfrom 2500from 2500
Psychiatrist consultationfrom 3500from 3000
Consultation with a psychotherapistfrom 3500from 4000
Consultation with a sexologist45004500
Consultation with a narcologistfrom 3000from 3500
Family psychotherapy sessionfrom 3500from 3500
Group psychotherapy session1800
Psychiatrist's report for reference10001000
Psychodiagnostic examination (2 hours)6000-70006000-7000
Wechsler test5000
Psychotherapeutic consultation1100011000
Psychiatric examination before the transaction70007000
Standard (4-seater)5500
Standard+ (2-seater)7000
Junior Suite (2-bed)7800
Luxury (2-bed)8500
Premium (1-seater)10000
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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