What should a guy and a girl do at home? Ways to pass the time.

02/10/201905/15/2020 Admin




Most couples, at the beginning of a relationship, spend their free time at home having romantic conversations, kissing, caressing, and watching movies.
But, after a while, all this may get a little boring. Therefore, any guy should know what to do with a girl at home and have a good time so that both of them don’t get bored. What to do with a girl at home

Instead of sushi

Choose a few recipes to have a tasting later, and cook something unusual together. Get inspired by "Kitchen", "Ratatouille" and these sites:

ogoloda.li - with the ability to select according to the ingredients that are in the refrigerator;

sushifan.ru - a website with a cartoon design for fans of Japanese cuisine;

talerka.tv/ru/recipes - video recipes, which are divided by parts of the world and countries.

bat your eyelashes

It’s unlikely that the guy is a fan of fashion shows (or only knows about them from the Victoria’s Secret show). But his angel is the best, although sometimes he behaves unangelically? Show off a few of your favorite outfits, and let him choose the one you'll wear next time you go on a date.

If you need to choose a set for an occasion (a friend’s birthday or an exam), ask the guy to take a photo of you in each one - he will feel like an artist, and you will see everything from the outside.

If your marriage becomes boring... What to do?

Do you know why all fairy tales end with a wedding? Nobody wants to tell what happened next because it's boring. Do you ever get bored with your husband? After all, the honeymoon is not endless: adjustments, everyday life, as well as the first quarrels in the family are inevitable. And sometimes a fairy tale very quickly turns into a psychological thriller or a boring documentary. The last scenario will be discussed.

How to improve family relationships if you and your husband are bored?
Read my tips and quickly return the floating happiness back to your home. When boredom sets in

A good deal will not be called marriage. Remember this joke? But seriously, marriage, of course, is a good thing, but it’s not easy. Just because you got married doesn't mean you can relax and let everything take its course. No, my beautiful ones, your main work on relationships is just beginning. After all, family life is a test for spouses. The first intensity of feelings quickly passes, disagreements and misunderstandings appear.

And when does boredom set in?

  • If the relationship with your husband has become boring, you have become uninteresting with him, there is nothing to talk about.
  • If your husband has become passive, and you are thirsty for development.
  • If it seems to you that you are moving further and further away from each other, as if you and he are from different worlds.
  • If the old feelings have faded, the passion has long disappeared.

This means it’s time to save the family, otherwise boredom will eat your marriage. There are two options for boredom in marriage :

  1. When spouses have different goals or life positions, interests do not coincide
    . For example, my wife took a landscape design course, wanted to improve her English, and enrolled in a dance school. She craves development and impressions. And my husband has been in the same position for five years now, and spends his leisure time more and more in front of the TV or computer. He doesn’t want to go anywhere, except maybe to go fishing. Quarrels begin in the family on this basis. The wife wants her husband to also do something interesting, to be active, to strive for something. But it turns out that she doesn’t even have anything to talk to him about.
  2. When spouses have different temperaments or their feelings have already faded away
    . For example, a wife is used to expressing her feelings vividly, but her husband is phlegmatic, more and more silent, and in the evenings he wants to play his favorite computer game. You won't be able to wait for him in bed at night. Intimate life suffers. Either the husband simply does not want intimacy, he has basically become cold to feelings and emotions. And then the wife suddenly notices that she is starting to look at her work colleague. Family life imperceptibly cracked. In any case, the spouses became bored and lacked a spark.

How to maintain love in a marriage and not destroy the relationship?

Are you a good wife?

Problems in the family do not arise out of nowhere. If you want to save the relationship and stay married, you will have to find out the root causes. Sometimes, in order to avoid the situation leading to divorce, it is enough to simply talk openly and voice your desires. It’s just important to listen and hear each other, and not to pressure, nag, hysteria or reproach. Therefore, first, look at the situation in the family with an objective eye.

If your man is passive, aloof, constantly lying on the couch or hanging out in front of the computer, he probably wasn’t always like this. Maybe now he is simply not satisfied with the existing reality.

Have you had a heart-to-heart talk with your husband lately?

  • Do you know what he dreams about? Or you nag him endlessly so that he doesn’t know where to run from this roar in his ears.
  • Are you motivating him? Maybe it's not him. And in you. Yes, start with yourself, and then switch to your husband.
  • Ask yourself the question: “Am I a good wife?” Remember, my beautiful ones, it is the wife’s task: to be always happy next to her husband, to inspire him and create an atmosphere of love around. Then you will never be bored together.

It is important to greet him home from work with a smile, and sometimes in an unusual way, for example, in a police uniform. It’s delicious to feed your loved one, don’t ask unnecessary questions until he has eaten. And from time to time give him emotional shocks, flirt with him, play with him, give him emotions.

If you are a good wife then:

  • you care about your husband’s comfort;
  • take care of yourself and your children;
  • create comfort in your home;
  • develop outside the family;
  • do not nag your faithful one, but constantly inspire him;
  • you are active, smiling and sexually attractive.

And you don’t expect initiative from your husband, but show it yourself.
It works - you motivate. Therefore, if you want your husband to move up the career ladder, open his own business, start developing talents, and not lie on the couch, do not sit idly by. Take action! For example, use the “Pendulum” technique.

Scheme: Bad-Good-Bad

Its essence is to first tell the man pleasant things, remind him of his achievements, and then show him what upsets you and doesn’t suit you. Next, say something nice again. In an example, it looks like this: “Darling, I have always admired your determination and determination. Do you remember how you got promoted? It was so masculine. And now something has happened. You give all your energy to the sofa, your talents are wasted. It hurts me to watch this. After all, you can do more. I am confident in your abilities!”

You will see that the husband will gradually perk up and begin to act. He will have goals, his eyes will light up. You and him will definitely have common topics for heart-to-heart conversations. New energy will enter your established family life.

Emotions as salvation

On the question of temperaments. You will have to adapt to your spouse’s temperament and find a compromise. There is no way without this. You need to talk to your husband, tell him what you are missing, ask about his desires. But it happens that feelings fade away because love is not fueled by anything. What to do?

If you suddenly feel bored with your husband, perhaps you just haven’t gone on a date with him for a long time?

  • surprise him
  • go to your favorite restaurant
  • have a candlelit dinner
  • go to the cinema for the last showing

Or learn a few strip dance moves and dance for your spouse.
The vast majority of women forget about flirting with their husbands. In vain, very in vain. This will cheer you both up. Boredom often appears because the same thing becomes boring. See your husband in a new light. If all else fails, give your husband an emotional shake-up. Do something strange, something that will shock him and piss him off. For example, pour a glass of cold water on it, take away the TV remote control and throw it off the balcony, abruptly turn off the computer. And then immediately attack him with kisses and say: “Sorry, honey! I’m such a naughty girl today!”

Or do something unexpected together, like skydiving. Any man can be rocked, my beautiful ones. A pinch of romance and passion will remind you where it all began. And bright, exciting emotions will enliven your marriage.

If you want to learn all the secrets of happy family relationships, I invite you to my live trainings on family relationships in Moscow. Be sure to come, my beautiful ones! In the comments, tell us your recipe for getting rid of boredom in a relationship?

Need a pencil

You can find out a little more about MCH with the help of psychological tests. Just like he is talking about you. Just don’t take it seriously, the result of any test is not a reason for a quarrel, even if it turns out that Hermione is ideal for the guy, and you are more like Ginny.

Make up your own test. For example, how well does he know you, with questions like “What color is my toothbrush?” And let him come up with something more complicated for you.

Even making soap becomes an adventure when you are together.

Give each other tattoos

But if you have absolutely no time for reading right now, you might want to try practicing visual arts on your own bodies. To do this, just take a felt-tip pen, or better yet, a black pen, and ask your girlfriend to draw a tattoo for you.

If she likes this idea, don’t forget to offer her your services as a beginner tattoo artist and try to draw something worthy.

Came out of the foam

The girls call it “Beauty Day,” but it’s better not to tell the prince about it. Turn on the ambient music and give each other an aromatic massage. Maybe you can even get him to make a blue clay mask that relieves redness and removes oiliness.

Try learning meditation or yoga lessons on YouTube.

What to do with a girl in the evening

You can do whatever you want in the evening. The main thing is not to engage in very active activities. Cook dinner together and play games. They can be simple or complex - based on logic. But, if one of you is tired, then you should choose calm, but at the same time interesting games, for example, sea battle, words or cities, guessing something. You can even sit down and start doing a crossword puzzle together after dinner.

The most standard way to spend an evening is watching a comedy film together. It is better to avoid watching melodramas, dramas and horrors before bed.

Interesting ways to spend time with a girl at home

Home games for two

Home games for couples

Geek romance

It is much more pleasant to educate yourself together. Learn languages, solve puzzles, virtually walk through museums holding hands (in reality). You can look at a site like universarium.org - this is an interuniversity e-education platform, everything is serious.

If a guy has a technical mind and you have a humanitarian mind, even better. Let him explain physics to you using simple examples and using available means, and you tell him in his ear about the leitmotifs of Bulgakov’s work.

What to do with a girl when you have no money

Living with a girl means entertaining her and yourself with various activities from time to time. There are plenty of things to do if you're sitting at home without money.

You can play games with your loved one that don't require any purchase. Watch movies on free sites instead of going to the cinema. Visit interactive museums, making virtual tours of the halls via the Internet, without spending money on tickets. Arrange a photo shoot, quest. Read a book together, for example, role-playing. Learn something new, say a language. It’s enough to find video lessons, manuals, dictionaries, assignments, tests on the Internet, learn a new language and practice it together.

Spending time alone, without money, is possible, and fun and useful . You don’t have to order a set of rolls while sitting at home in winter. You can prepare a dish or drink together from the ingredients already in the refrigerator.

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