Questions for girls: TOP interesting, original and sincere questions

General recommendations

Very often in life the following situation occurs: a guy met a girl by correspondence, they exchanged a few phrases, and then there was an awkward pause.
They have nothing to talk about. In this case, a man should have at least a small list of questions for the girl in his head. They will help to interest a girl in correspondence and start a relationship with her. To select questions taking into account the woman’s age, her interests and your plans for the relationship, use the advice of psychologists:

  • Think in advance what questions you can ask a girl via correspondence, and which ones are best excluded from communication, or left for another time.
  • Don't be afraid to be a little vulgar and provocative. Pepper in SMS helps create excitement and intrigues lovers.
  • Read the answers carefully to avoid getting into trouble later. If a girl understands that the questions are being asked without interest, she will lie or ignore your letters.
  • Search and come up with non-standard phrases for communication. Banality is a guy’s enemy when meeting girls.
  • Communication must involve two people. If you ask questions and the lady answers them frankly, be prepared to be tested too.
  • Be sure to choose funny phrases and tasks. Humor and an ambiguous hint in a question help relieve tension and make people closer to each other.
  • Consider how busy the girl is at the time of communication and correspondence. If a question requires a deep, meaningful, detailed answer, ask it in the evening. And during the day, when you’re busy at work or school, use a list of quick phrases.

How a guy should behave on a first date: 55 tips

  1. It is advisable to first thank the girl for accepting your offer to meet.
  2. When arranging a meeting, you can agree in advance what topics that will be interesting to both of you will discuss on a date.
  3. Do not use rude words, obscenities and jargon when expressing your thoughts. A truly smart man will always find the right words to describe a given situation.
  4. Don't make hasty conclusions about her time and availability. If you invite a girl somewhere without even asking if she has time for it, then refusal is almost guaranteed.
  5. Do not show your superiority when communicating with the staff of the cafe or restaurant where your first date is scheduled.
  6. It’s good if you ask questions that require extensive answers, perhaps even discussions, encouraging your interlocutor to express an opinion, share thoughts and impressions.
  7. Don't ask what guys she's been with or what cars she drives.
  8. Show emotions, share impressions, experiences, thoughts, be open and lively.
  9. Be literate, you shouldn’t amaze her on the first date with words like “theirs”, “instead”, “lay down”, “my birthday”, etc.
  10. It may turn out that you graduated from the same school or studied at the same university in similar specialties. Similarities like these make girls trust you.
  11. Tell us about a few of your “failures” in life. Whether you were little or already grown up, laugh at yourself. Girls like it when a guy has self-irony.
  12. You can find out which topics of conversation would be more appropriate by looking at her profile on social networks. If she has noted interests, there are photos that characterize her or her lifestyle, then it will be easier to decide on the topic of the conversation.
  13. Give value selflessly: tell more yourself.
  14. You can always voice what you feel about her now. What emotions does it give rise to in you? What awakens and awakens in you when she is near, but without vulgarity.
  15. Inner well-being is reflected in external image and charm. Be confident in your attractiveness, and the girl will be imbued with this feeling.
  16. You need to evoke emotions in a girl. Which ones are not important. Sadness, joy, surprise, fear, delight, admiration. Of course, don’t take the situation to the point of absurdity. Disgust and horror are also emotions, but these emotions are unlikely to work for you.
  17. Listen to her without interrupting.
  18. It's better to discuss controversial topics than boring ones. On the first date, guys usually balance, solving two problems at once: to show themselves and to carefully find out something about the girl.
  19. Tell us about what you succeed and like. This way you will show passion for your business, skill, dedication - and give the impression of a person who loves life and knows how to find interesting things in it
  20. You shouldn't be afraid to seem funny or stupid. Many people are tense and don't say what they really want to say.
  21. Don't make comments about a girl's style or appearance. Even a seemingly innocent remark to a girl “you would look better without bangs!” It can ruin the impression of you and offend the girl.
  22. Be polite. Don't ask the girl something too personal right away, don't interrupt, use active listening techniques and be interested in her. The ability to be a good conversationalist is half the success.

  23. On the first date, you shouldn’t ask a girl about her previous relationships, this can bring up unpleasant memories, she will become withdrawn, and the evening will be ruined.
  24. Don't talk to her about death, terrorists, bank robberies or anything negative.
  25. Typically, teenage girls are interested in music, films, creativity, and travel. Others, but a smaller percentage, are interested in books or sports. And still others – cooking. These conversation topics are usually win-win options.
  26. Talk about what really interests you, because you met in order to get to know each other better.
  27. Make more jokes. Sharp, subtle and on time. Humor will turn even the most inarticulate and chaotic thing you've ever said into a stunning story. Brewing discontent can always be corrected with humor.
  28. Don't try to find false interests in order to please a girl. This is a common mistake a guy makes on a first date.
  29. The main thing is not what to talk about, but how to do it. Don't try to dominate, but don't be passive either. React to her answers with warmth and genuine interest.
  30. Be yourself, do not deceive your interlocutor by attributing to yourself some heroic qualities or actions, successes and achievements that do not exist. A lie can be revealed quite quickly and unexpectedly, and women, as a rule, do not forgive deception, especially if the relationship begins with it.
  31. Don't take on her interests or conversational style. To find a common interest, you don’t have to adjust and neglect your life’s boundaries.
  32. You can honestly and openly say: “I don’t even know what to say. Ask me about something".
  33. Be original and emotional.
  34. Tell us about what books you read, what and who they say. Ask which ones she reads.
  35. You need to give the appropriate emotional coloring to your speech for better perception by the girl, this will help make her fall in love with you.
  36. Fantasize about different fun topics.
  37. Ask the right questions - ones that require a detailed answer. Avoid questions that can be answered with a “yes” or “no.” Think about them in advance.
  38. Be a gallant gentleman - it always makes a guy look good.
  39. Don't be afraid to improvise. It is impossible to prepare for everything, no matter how thorough the preparation. Therefore, be prepared to show originality and attentiveness in any unforeseen situation.
  40. Asking about the square footage of an apartment or income level is extremely undesirable. This is not an acquaintance of convenience to be so interested in your personal life.
  41. Speak slowly with emphasis. If you say some points more expressively, this is normal.
  42. Arrive on your date on time, even a little early, so as not to make the girl wait. It is unlikely that you can impress the lady you like by being late for the first meeting.
  43. You should not think long about the topic of the conversation; the choice of topic should be based on the results of observing the girl and the environment.
  44. The secret to trust and comfort is to open up to a girl and talk directly and openly.
  45. Express yourself fully, do not filter your words. You should voice your fantasies in front of her and not be shy about them.
  46. Even if your views differ on something, your disagreement with each other can lead to a heated discussion. Even if the argument leads nowhere, intellectual exercise will bring pleasure.
  47. Don't talk about politics, religious beliefs and other fundamental serious things that almost always involve argument and discussion. These topics are definitely not for the first date.

  48. Openly declare your sympathy for her, do not give understatement the slightest chance.
  49. Communicate with her the same way you would with your close friends.
  50. Do not allow ridicule under any circumstances, even if the views of the interlocutor do not coincide with yours.
  51. You should always pay attention to its appearance. This is gallant and pleasant for a lady.
  52. You should not ask personal questions about a girl’s family, unless she herself expresses a desire to tell you more about her relationships with her parents, brothers and sisters. On the first date, it is inappropriate to delve into the girl’s personal family affairs.
  53. Don't ask a girl too many questions on the first date. At least at first. You should not communicate as if you are interviewing her and asking her question after question. Otherwise, it will look as if you are some kind of prosecutor or district police officer during interrogation.
  54. Learn to stop communication at its peak. Understatement and mystery will make the girl look forward to new meetings.
  55. Show your best moral principles - everyone has them one way or another. And when there are not too many of them, and they are really useful for life, girls respect such conservatism.

Questions to start a conversation

  • Where did you grow up?
  • What is more important to you: appearance or intelligence?
  • What moment in your life will you never forget?

  • What is your idea of ​​a perfect weekend?
  • Are you superstitious?
  • What can lift your mood almost instantly?
  • Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  • What's your favorite day of the year?
  • If you only had a week to live, what would you do?
  • How do you prefer to spend your weekends: at home or going somewhere?
  • Name one thing without which you cannot imagine your life.
  • What would you do if you were the last person on Earth?
  • What word do you hate?
  • Would you prefer a holiday in the mountains or at the sea?
  • What will you choose: love or money?
  • If you could invite five people to dinner, living or dead, who would you invite?
  • What was the last thing you dreamed about?
  • If you could start a music group, what kind of group would it be?
  • Imagine it's your 75th birthday. How do you imagine him?
  • What would you do if you found yourself in Russia in the 20s of the last century?

  • What situation initially seemed terrible to you, but in the end turned out to be a win for you?
  • What's your favorite word?
  • If you could choose a decade to grow up in, what would you choose?
  • What was the first concert you attended in your life?
  • If you could live in any city on Earth, what city would it be?
  • The stupidest thing you've ever spent money on.
  • Could you go a whole day without your phone?
  • If you were an alcoholic, what kind would you be?
  • What one thing would you take with you to a desert island?
  • If you didn't have to work, what would you do with your life?

Non-standard questions for a girl that can confuse you

Do you like everything strange and inexplicable? Or maybe you want to give the impression of an extraordinary and unpredictable personality? Ask your girl unusual questions from our list - with their help you are guaranteed to get the title of a creative guy and, moreover, you will test your friend’s sense of humor and imagination.

1. Imagine that there are a couple more hours in the day. How will you spend your free time?

2. Which book or movie character is most like you?

3. If you found Aladdin's lamp, what three wishes would you make for him?

4. There is only one year left before the apocalypse. What will you do?

5. Is there a place on the planet where you feel at home?

6. How does your day begin and how does it end?

7. If people were given superpowers, which one would you line up for?

8. If you were offered to change your name, what would you choose?

9. What childhood nickname did you dislike the most?

10. The gift you've always dreamed of is...?

11. What role would you most easily play in Hollywood?

12. If you could change places with a celebrity, whose life would you try on?

13. What actions would you do as a man?

14. How superstitious are you? And what do karma, fate and omens mean to you?

Questions to make a girl smile

  • Do you think people singing in the shower can save the world?
  • When was the last time you laughed heartily?
  • Do you know any magic tricks?
  • What's your favorite joke?

  • What funny nickname would you give to your child?
  • What's your favorite place to play hide and seek?
  • What's your favorite classic comedy?
  • Name the most embarrassing thing you've ever bought?
  • Do you remember any funny dream you had recently?
  • What's the craziest trick guys have used to get to know you?
  • What's your favorite place to travel?
  • Do you think baldness is sexy?
  • If you became a man for one day, what would you do?
  • If you were a vegetable, what kind would you be and why?
  • If your life were a movie, what genre do you think it would be?
  • What is your spirit animal?
  • Do you believe in aliens?
  • What cuisine do you prefer? European or Asian?
  • What dish would you call your favorite?
  • Name your happiest childhood memory.
  • You're a night owl or an early bird?
  • Who is your favorite musical artist?
  • Do you believe in astrology?

  • What's your superhero name?
  • What superpower would you like to have?
  • Which foreign word seems funniest to you?
  • What taste do you associate yourself with?
  • What does your nickname mean on social networks?
  • Would you like to see me again next week?
  • What fantasy world would you like to be in?

Asking the right questions to a man

At the beginning of dating, it is better to avoid questions about relationships, sexual preferences, and eroticism. Try to talk about general topics, don’t be shy and be the first to ask questions:

  • What is the most pleasant and memorable gift you have ever been given?
  • What outstanding personality have you ever met in person?
  • Do you believe in horoscopes and predictions for the future?
  • What qualities do you value most in the people around you?
  • Do you have a lot of friends?
  • Did you get the education you wanted?
  • Did you like doing chemical experiments at school?
  • How do you prefer to spend your weekend?
  • Do you watch sports matches on TV?
  • What day of the week is happier or more productive for you?

Questions to ask a girl during correspondence that you can ask when communicating with her on the Internet

Now it has become very popular to communicate in virtual networks - VK, Odnoklassniki and others. Therefore, it’s important what questions to ask a girl when communicating online? In correspondence, you can ask different, even very frank questions. Moreover, in the virtual world there is no place for embarrassment and there is no visible blush on the cheeks of the questioner and answerer. Therefore, it is easier to communicate virtually, but there is a risk that the answer will not be very truthful. But this does not spoil the pleasant emotions from the process.

  • What flowers do you like?
  • What are your plans for the future?
  • What do you like to do on the weekend?
  • What's your favorite place in the city?
  • Do you like to go out with your friends?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Where do you study/work?
  • What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
  • Do you have any favorite actors?
  • Do you like going to the cinema?
  • Do you like to be in nature?
  • What do you prefer - mountains or sea?
  • Do you like going to the theater?
  • Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  • You're a night owl or an early bird?
  • How often do you watch TV? What are your favorite TV shows?
  • Do you collect anything?
  • Can you skate? Do you often go to the skating rink?
  • Are you a conservative or do you like something new, unusual, interesting?
  • Do you like to dance?
  • Do you like visiting museums?
  • You often meet people on social media. networks?
  • Do you like extreme entertainment?
  • Do you like soft toys?
  • Where would you like to meet me?

Features of communication by correspondence in VK

Communication by correspondence in VK has characteristic features that differ from direct conversation, its own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of correspondence include:

  • Great lightness and ease, leveling the constraint and isolation inherent in individual people. Without seeing a partner in front of you, it is easier to overcome indecision and become more relaxed.
  • Communication with remote interlocutors.
  • Impersonate someone else using someone else's embellished photographs; it is impossible to verify the authenticity of the data presented.
  • Correct errors made at any time.
  • Voluntary contacts and relationships. If you don’t like the interlocutor, communication ends at the request of either partner.
  • Find a partner with your desired tastes and preferences, discuss a topic of interest, and much more.

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • Changes in consciousness, loss of real communication skills.
  • Escaping into an imaginary world.
  • The person communicating is not always what he appears to be online.
  • Inability to check what your partner says.

These disadvantages do not prevent the growth of popularity of virtual communication.

Everyone decides for themselves the question of the priority of correspondence on social networks, whether it can replace a real meeting with old friends.

Don’t forget, live conversation is the best alternative to going into a fictional world.

What to write to a girl if she doesn't respond to a message

If you start communicating with a lot of girls, then you will 100% have a situation where someone will ignore you, this is normal.

If a girl starts ignoring your messages, then I recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. You shouldn't write to her. It’s a mistake to write messages like this: “Hey”, “Where did you go?”, “Why are you ignoring me?”;
  2. If a girl does write to you, then do not answer her right away;
  3. Ignoring should not cause negative emotions;

Now I’ll tell you how to get her to answer.

Method 1 - Light

Just write the following message to the girl: “Are you alive?” and that's it!

But we don’t write this message if the girl doesn’t respond for 2-3 hours. Use it when you have been ignored for more than a day. In approximately 50% of cases, girls respond to this message (“Are you alive?”). If the girl continues to ignore her, then we just ignore her.

Method 2 - Hard

This method is very effective and the girl will answer you with a probability close to 100%. Every person has a fear of social evaluation (especially girls), and we will use this. We need to hit the girl, but we will do it competently.

For example, you can write the following:

  1. Your upbringing sucks, I hate communicating with you;
  2. It’s unpleasant to communicate with you, you don’t know how to behave;
  3. Whoever raised you will be embarrassed to even appear in public with you. You don't know how to behave;

And then many girls start to feel overwhelmed and they immediately stop ignoring it. But there is one important point - the girl will be negative. And here you need the skill to competently transfer communication from negative to positive, and this is an entire art. You can practice as you go.

When you write tough messages to a girl, you must remain calm inside yourself and not hold a grudge against her. Also note that there are no complaints in my examples. I don’t write to a girl: “How could you ignore me, ill-mannered” - it won’t work. This way I will show my resentment, and resentment is weakness.

Our task is to attach an evaluative frame to it. Show that it didn't pass our filter. That's when you turn the situation around and cause a strong emotional reaction in the girl.

Also pay attention to what % of girls ignore you. If it's 7 girls out of 10, then you're clearly doing something wrong. You need to analyze your mistakes. And if it’s 1.2 girls out of 10, then just switch to others who don’t ignore you.

Advice: I recommend that you give up on girls who ignore you. The above tips can be used as training, nothing more. Because I don’t see any point in wasting time on a girl whose communication with her is going wrong from the very beginning.

Tricky questions for girls with a trick

Sometimes, in order to find out the character, habits and desires of your partner, you have to ask the girl frankly tricky questions. They will probably take your girlfriend by surprise, but she will not get away with the answer. But in order not to run into rudeness or offend your spouse, remain tactful and try to interest her and ask at the right moment. Here are some such trick questions:

  • What is more important to you – work, friends or family?
  • If we hadn't met, who would you want to see next to you?
  • Where is the limit of our love?
  • What would you like to change about yourself – your body or your character?
  • When we met, what did you immediately think of?
  • Do you consider yourself beautiful or smart?
  • How often do you stare at other men?
  • What do you think romance is (friendship, love, family)?
  • How do you feel about lying? Have you ever told me a lie?
  • Would you be able to do what I ask you without hesitation?
  • Do you trust your loved ones? What about me?
  • If you were given a choice between me and Brad Pitt (or another artist), who would you choose?
  • What are you thinking about when you look at me like that?
  • How do you feel about my dignity?


Unusual, tricky questions to a friend allow you to get to know the lady better, putting your interlocutor at a dead end. Please note that awkward phrases with a catch do not imply humiliation of female dignity, it is simply a provocation for a frank conversation.

  1. Girls deceive men so often, do they like it? Why?
  2. Imagine becoming a man for 1 day. Your actions?
  3. Why can't you forgive a guy?
  4. Do you have a price?
  5. Is vulgarity cool?
  6. Do you want to get married and become a housewife?
  7. Do you have complexes about your appearance?
  8. Which guys are not your type?
  9. Do you do crazy things?
  10. Ever danced a striptease?

Before asking a tricky question, think about whether you are ready to receive a frank answer. Practice shows that men are not always satisfied.

Funny questions for a girl

What is the surest way to a woman's heart? Laughter. All women like men who can make them laugh. These funny questions to ask for a fun conversation will show her your sense of humor and ease the tension in the conversation.

  1. Can you trust a chronic liar who admits that he is lying?
  2. I think I've lost my number, can I get yours?
  3. What is your opinion: are employees of tea companies allowed to take a coffee break?
  4. Chameleon in the funhouse, what color will it be?
  5. Why is it that a person who sleeps soundly and deeply is said to “sleep like a child” if children wake up every two hours?
  6. What's the difference between normal and fancy ketchup?
  7. If laughter is the best medicine, then why do they say “died of laughter” when watching some comedy?

  8. Does a bald man working as a restaurant chef need to wear a chef's hat?
  9. If there is a speed of sound and light, why then there is no speed of smell?
  10. Is it appropriate to say “good funeral” at a funeral?
  11. Why do people press the remote control harder when they know the batteries are dead?
  12. If the whole world is a theater, where does the audience sit?
  13. Can you wipe your “babies” under the sofa at a party while the owner isn’t looking?
  14. One of your wishes has been fulfilled, I am already here, what are your remaining two wishes?
  15. Is the fish thirsty in the pan?

Cool questions for girls

If you want everything, a girl has formed a good opinion about you and realized that you are an interesting conversationalist, she needs to ask cool questions. Use a few from our list to keep the conversation going and lay a good foundation for future meetings.

  1. Have you ever fallen in love with the same guy with your best friend? If because of a guy you end up with your girlfriend as rivals, what will you do?
  2. Would you go to a nudist beach to sunbathe?
  3. In your opinion, who “washes the bones” of others more – boys or girls?
  4. What is your attitude towards gossip? Would you be able to spread gossip to take revenge on your friend or boyfriend?
  5. What things are funny to others that don't make you laugh?
  6. For a relationship, does a guy need to be able to communicate with a girl or is this not necessary?
  7. Do you have a normal boss at work? Would you like to take revenge on him and how?
  8. Waking up one day and realizing that you can read the thoughts of people whose thoughts you would like to read?
  9. Suppose a year of your life is worth a million, how many years would you be willing to sell?
  10. Do you prefer exotic dishes in five-star hotels or a delicious fruit pie from the nearest snack bar?
  11. What's your attitude towards a guy with excessive hair? Could this affect the relationship?
  12. What gifts do you like best: practical, expensive, romantic or unexpected? What and from whom was the most unusual gift you received? (By the way, we recommend finding out what you can give to a girl).
  13. Would you agree to marry a poor man who truly loves you?
  14. How would you react if your husband went with friends to the bathhouse, fishing, or played football several times a month on weekends?
  15. How would your colleagues or friends fill out your profile on a dating site?
  16. What food would you use to build yourself a house?
  17. If you had the opportunity to travel to any corner of the universe for one day, where would you go?
  18. What hairstyle would you like to wear, but never decided on it?
  19. When your car breaks down outside the city, who will you call first or last?
  20. Can cats regret what they did?

Questions for girls about love

Once you start to feel like she's the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, it's time to ask questions about love. Their goal is not just to make a girl fall in love more deeply, but to help you make the most important decision in your life.

  1. Tell me, is love at first sight an invention of directors or does it exist? Who do you think experiences this kind of love most often: guys or girls? (Find out which of the 11 signs of love at first sight you missed?)
  2. What's the best way to remind each other of your love?
  3. Have you ever had strong feelings for a guy, were you in love with someone?
  4. When did you first realize that you fell in love?
  5. What will you answer to curious friends who ask at what stage of your relationship with your boyfriend?
  6. Do you think guys like to hear compliments from girls and how often?
  7. What compromises are you willing to make to save the relationship?
  8. What do you think about early relationships, kisses? At what age should girls date?
  9. What is your biggest fear in love and relationships?
  10. What does a man need to do to make his woman feel special and loved?


Another young man believes that it's all a matter of experience and practice.

Firstly, the main thing in communicating with girls is communicating with girls. Don't get me wrong, I'm talking about practice. Many guys are even strategic about things like informal conversations on social media, but this is a completely unplanned area. Planning the course of a conversation is an extremely stupid activity, and even if your conversation can still be planned, it is incredibly boring, trivial and doomed to a dead end. As has already been written, be relaxed, joke, feel comfortable and at ease. Usually, from the first messages, the girl herself will set you the format of your conversations. Stick to it, but try to direct it in a direction that interests you.

Serious questions to ask a girl

Once you've established a connection with the girl of your dreams, it's important to match her thoughtfulness. You need to be on the same page to find out about her life prospects.

But sometimes we hesitate to start such a conversation because it can be difficult. So, we have compiled a list of serious questions to ask a girl:

  1. For what or for whom will you sacrifice your life?
  2. What attracts you first?
  3. What single event influenced you the most?
  4. Have you dated several people at the same time?
  5. What lies do you tell yourself most often?
  6. If money were no object, describe your ideal date.
  7. What are the most common obstacles that prevent people from achieving their dreams?
  8. Have you ever been on a blind date?
  9. What keeps you up at night?
  10. How important is physical attraction to you?
  11. Is there anything you wouldn't want other people to know?
  12. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  13. What's the most important thing on your bucket list?
  14. What's the best advice your parents ever gave you?
  15. What's the best advice you've ever received from someone in your life?
  16. Who did you look up to as a child?
  17. If you could be one person, who would it be and why?
  18. What is your favorite book?
  19. Where would you live if money and work didn't matter?
  20. What three words best describe you?
  21. How should other people remember you?
  22. Why do you think there are so many single people these days?
  23. What keeps you up at night?
  24. Do you believe in destiny? Or do we control our own direction in life?
  25. Do you believe in karma?
  26. What do you think is most important to improve your life?
  27. For whom would you sacrifice your life?
  28. Are you proud to belong to the human race?
  29. What impression are you trying to make when you first meet someone?
  30. What motivates you to become better?
  31. What movie made you cry the most?
  32. What's the worst date you've ever been on?
  33. Do you think you can tell a lot of interesting things about a person by his appearance?
  34. What's the most rewarding thing you can do on a regular basis?
  35. What makes you most happy in life?
  36. What do you want to achieve before you die?
  37. Where would you like to retire in the future?
  38. How important is money when choosing a romantic partner?
  39. What's the best date you've ever been on?
  40. What are the three most important things to look for when looking for a lover?
  41. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  42. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would do?

Here are a few questions you can ask the girl you like. But keep in mind that dating is not just about asking one question after another.

Instead, give her time to fully answer your question. Also, don't switch from one subject to another.

You can show curiosity and show interest by asking some really good follow-up questions that will help you keep the conversation going. But respect her privacy if she doesn't want to answer your question.

How to pick up a girl by correspondence (practical advice)

Attention! I want to warn you right away that the tips from this article will work well when corresponding with a young girl. If you are communicating with a more mature lady, then you need to take a different approach.

Before we move on to the topic of correspondence questions, we need to understand the goals that we want to achieve. During online communication with a girl, we will have three goals:

  1. Get her interested;
  2. To understand whether the girl is right for us;
  3. Invite on a date;

Goal number 1 is to interest a girl

Our task is to look at how everyone else is doing and do exactly the opposite. Almost all guys act in the same and stereotyped way when corresponding with girls.

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They write: Hello, let's meet?; Hi, you are beautiful!; Hi how are you? You have beautiful eyes; Or they immediately start with vulgarities.

We will be more cunning and take advantage of the intrigue. Our goal is to intrigue the girl and create even more questions in her head from our first message.

An example of intriguing messages: “I liked one thing about you!” (The girl will definitely ask which one); “I know something about you”; “My friends told me something about you”; “There is one feature about you that can scare off many people, but on the contrary, I like it.”

After such a first message, you will receive a response from the girl with a probability close to 100%. After all, the female sex is very curious by nature, and we can use this.

And what to write next (after creating intrigue) you can read in this article, where I share in detail all the intricacies of online communication. We will not focus on this now.

Also, in order to interest a girl, we additionally follow several rules:

  1. We correspond with several girls at once (the more, the better);
  2. We do not respond to messages immediately;
  3. We write messages that are smaller in volume than the girl’s;
  4. As few emoticons as possible (especially sad ones - we never use them);
  5. Always positive;

The main thing to remember is that we do not write any banal messages. You can’t even imagine what a gigantic number of SMS messages of the same type a pretty girl receives every day. This is especially true for dating sites.

Examples of trivial questions that we will not ask you:

  • How are you?
  • What are you doing?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What are you doing? And so on

And now let's move on to the hottest part - to questions that will captivate both the girl and you.


Use intimate questions when communicating with a girl you don’t know well, if you feel that she doesn’t mind, they won’t confuse her. In other cases, leave them for later, when the relationship is a little stronger.

Vulgar phrases in correspondence take communication to another level, help create an intimate atmosphere and give a reason for a date. But they must be correct, careful, so that the guy does not look like a sexual maniac.

  1. What was your first sex like?
  2. Have you experienced a real orgasm?
  3. Do you have unfulfilled sexual fantasies?
  4. Do you like making love in unusual places?
  5. Do you approve of unconventional sex?
  6. What part of a man's body seems most attractive in bed?
  7. Does the size of your manhood matter to you?
  8. How do you feel about hard sex?
  9. Do you go to adult stores?
  10. Favorite position for making love?

On a note! Girls themselves can hint at a meeting with the help of provocative questions, hints at a love meeting. The main thing is to notice the ambiguity of the correspondence and get your bearings in time and take a decisive step.

Play "marriage"

You can also make humorous hints about your common future. But this can only be used when communication is already going well enough.

The point here is also quite simple: occasionally, when communication is already going well and cheerfully, significantly reduce your verbal distance to a minimum. As if the girl you are talking to is already in a relationship with you. Here, as always, the line is important. I often spontaneously, as if as a joke, start calling a girl “bunny”, “darling”, “my joy”, etc. The main thing is to stay on topic. You can also use all sorts of phrases like “I’m getting married”, about “your future”, about children, if the girl has a positive attitude towards this. The form is comic, frivolous, silly and often very vulgar, a kind of boyish tomfoolery. However, she will begin to unconsciously visualize this, and, as we all know, thoughts of this kind are very attractive to the weaker sex.

How to ask a girl you like if she has a boyfriend?

When starting a relationship, it is important to make sure that the woman is free and open to new relationships. You should ask such questions very delicately, so as not to offend your interlocutor, and most importantly, not to “scare her away.”

Question options:

  1. I'm wondering if this woman is lonely or if I have a chance to win your attention?
  2. Most likely you have a boyfriend, but maybe I'm wrong?
  3. Let me ask you if the heart of such a beautiful girl is occupied?
  4. Tell me, is your heart busy? By chance, not by me?
  5. Oh, how I would like to live in your heart and thoughts. This is wrong?
  6. You have a boyfriend? Otherwise, I have a feeling that there already is and it’s definitely me.
  7. Can I ask you one important and exciting thing: are you free? I am ready to fight for every second of my freedom.
  8. You have a boyfriend? Stop! Do not answer! I don't want to know, I just want to fight.
  9. You have a boyfriend? It’s just important for me to know, will I have a chance to fight for you?
  10. Tell me, do I have a chance to win you away from the guy?
  11. Girl, don’t you need a guy you love? Very loyal and gentle, by the way.
  12. Girl, I like you so much that I’m ready to forget that you’re married.
  13. You really want to become your soulmate that you don’t even care whether your heart is busy or not. I hope it's free?
  14. Girl, can you leave your boyfriend for me?
  15. Can I give you everything in this world and everything that your “ex” boyfriend couldn’t give you?

Reflections on the future

  1. Do you like your current place of work? Would you like to work there for the rest of your life?
  2. When would you like to get married and have children? Are you for a civil marriage, official or wedding?
  3. How different will your life be in five years from today?
  4. Do you have any long-term goals in life, that is, longer than one year?
  5. Would you like to take any courses for professional and personal growth? What kind of courses would these be?
  6. Would you like to buy your own (additional) home or car?
  7. How would you raise your children? Using some method or focusing on the experience of your parents, a specific situation, natural instincts?
  8. Are you planning to travel in the next 10 years? Where and why?
  9. Do you rather want to live as a large family in one house (parents, children, grandchildren, several families) or just with your spouse and your children?
  10. How long after meeting a man are you ready to meet his family and friends and start living with him?

Use the carrot and stick method

Young people also advise using their own weapons against girls. Show initiative, and then show that the light has not converged on a person like a wedge.

-Girls really like communication according to the “carrot and stick” scheme. The carrots in this scheme are various compliments towards the interlocutor, some pleasant words, interest in him, you know. While the whip is ignore, cold messages (indicative lack of interest). They often use such a “contrast shower”; it fuels your interest in them and makes you dependent on communication. Use this weapon to your advantage, it works just as gracefully against them.

Compliment survey

100 questions to a girl can be made from compliments alone. But you can do just a few, memorable ones:

  • In reality you are more beautiful than in the photo;
  • Why does such a beautiful girl still not have a boyfriend?;
  • Do you always look so perfect or is there some secret?;
  • I never thought that I would go on a date with such a beauty;
  • Tell me: what is the secret of your beauty?;
  • Is ideality another positive trait of yours?;
  • Where are beauties like you born?;
  • I have never met such sweet girls before;
  • Is femininity one of your hidden talents?;
  • It's amazing how much you look like the girl from my best dreams.

Any compliment can be expressed as a question. This is both a reason for discussion and an opportunity to gain the girl’s favor. But in such a context, you should not make vulgar hints or abruptly change the topic to something else.

List of random short questions for a girl

Sometimes you just want to step back from the classics and change the script. These random questions do just that. They can be asked when you want to maintain a conversation whose activity is fading, and you need to escape awkward silence. There is no need to prepare for them.

  1. What is your favorite (lucky) number? If she doesn't have one, offer your own option.
  2. What is the most important device you use? What is it she just can't live without?
  3. What's your ideal breakfast? A question that gives food for thought.
  4. What do you think about most often? This question will help you get into her mind.
  5. What will you never do again in your life? We all have regrets.
  6. What is your favorite holiday? Find out which holiday gives her more positive emotions.
  7. If you could stop time for one day, what would you do? This conversation could go anywhere.
  8. What's the strangest conversation you've ever overheard? You can share your version and laugh together.
  9. What things would you never buy and would not buy? Anything about clothing or technology?

Questions with hints for girls

A girl can and should be asked questions that do not quite fit into the usual flow of the conversation. This way you can diversify your communication, confuse the young lady a little, and add some spice to the conversation. What are these topics for dialogue?

  1. So tell me, why do you young ladies love bad dancers so much? – If a girl understands folk sayings, she will definitely appreciate your joke. And you gradually move on to discussing rather intimate topics.
  2. Have you noticed that in our fairy tales after the wedding ceremony they usually write: “This is the end of the fairy tale”? – It’s a good joke, but if you are in a fairly serious relationship with the young lady, and things are heading towards marriage, she may not appreciate such humor.
  3. How would you feel about me inviting you to dinner and breakfast at the same time? – This is a good hint for a romantic continuation of the evening, and in this way you can also invite a girl to celebrate, for example, the New Year.

The ability to joke and ask cool questions is an important talent for a guy who wants to meet a girl or take dating to a new, more intimate level. If you are completely unable to improvise, use our tips. It is only important to make sure that your chosen one has this notorious sense of humor, otherwise you can joke and break up.

Avatar cat breed

If you don’t know anything about a girl’s work, then you can always start the conversation with pets (if she has them). This is fertile ground for conversation.

If you decide to start a conversation with “hello_kagdil”, then you don’t have to write anything further. This is a deliberately disastrous start to a conversation, a rotten banality to which it is impossible to respond with anything adequate. It is better to always be sincere and not use someone else's templates and memorized models. Start with an anecdote, send a picture, ask her about the valence of aluminum. Or about the breed of cat from her avatar. To be bright and original, you just need to be yourself and not be false.

What not to ask

Some questions from men make a girl blush or make her feel angry. A careless word can ruin the prospect of a relationship forever. To prevent this from happening, remember the black list of questions that under no circumstances should you ask a lady at the beginning of your acquaintance, and in the future too. They concern a woman’s appearance, her friends, former relationships.

  1. Do you have a beautiful girlfriend? Is your sister pretty?
  2. Why do you look so bad, haven’t you gotten enough sleep?
  3. Don't you think you're too thin (fat)? Maybe it's time to go on a diet?
  4. Why don't you have a boyfriend?
  5. Why did the previous relationship end, did the guy have any complaints against you?
  6. Where do you get so much hair on your body? Would you like to give me a certificate for going to a beauty salon?
  7. What do you use to remove acne?
  8. Are you sure this dress suits your legs? Is it for skinny people?
  9. Why don’t you use foundation (hair dye, lipstick)?
  10. What PMS hit?

In addition, there is a list of banal phrases that greatly infuriate the fairer sex. They should not be asked to an unfamiliar girl as a reason to start correspondence:

  1. Does your mother need a son-in-law?
  2. Are you afraid of being an old maid?
  3. Do you have a husband?
  4. Virgin?
  5. Do you want children?
  6. How much do you weigh?
  7. What is your breast size?
  8. Will you lend me some money?
  9. How much do you earn?
  10. Can I give you a compliment?
  11. Do you have an apartment?
  12. Can you give me your phone number?

Now you know what you can ask and find out from a girl in correspondence at the very beginning of a relationship. Do not limit yourself to just questions, actively talk about yourself, but carefully avoid rudeness, banality, and monosyllabic answers. Friendly dialogue helps build trusting relationships that will stand the test of time.


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