Contact by correspondence. Correspondence between a girl and a guy

To excite and seduce a guy, you don’t have to be at arm’s length. Spicy messages will pique a man’s interest and make him burn with desire.

Do you think this is impossible? Then answer the question: why are intimate chats so popular?

Men don’t see the interlocutor, but they get turned on once or twice!

A girl doesn’t have to write romance novels - one well-aimed message can awaken a man’s desire and liberate his imagination.

We will tell you how to seduce a guy by correspondence and make him think only about you!

Cool SMS for a guy

Reading aphorisms about love with meaning, you come across a bunch of clever sayings that relate to love and relationships. Should you be guided by them in your relationships? I think some should still be used. But to constantly live according to written laws - excuse me.

If you switch from aphorisms to funny SMS for a guy

, you can see that humor, like the feeling itself, perfectly keeps any relationship afloat between a guy and a girl. After all, what could be better than sending cool SMS to a guy to lift his spirits?

How to excite a guy by correspondence: what will work without fail

When sending SMS, you need to remember the sincerity of your intentions, because only a woman’s true desire is stimulating. There are no universal phrases that help to excite and turn on a guy, because there are no people in the world who think alike. But a clear, succinct and short phrase “I want you” can work flawlessly and achieve what you want.

There are several more phrases suitable for sexual correspondence. “Take me”: it may seem too bold at first glance, but those seductresses who have used it at least once know about its effect.

“I want you to caress me” and “I want to feel you”: understandable without additional preambles and unnecessary words. Such words can be regarded as the lady’s open readiness for decisive action on the part of her gentleman.

“Darling, I’m all yours”: he will tell you about your desire and show trust in your chosen one.

“I can’t wait any longer for evening to come!”: write this phrase to a man a couple of hours before the end of the working day and you are guaranteed mind-blowing sex and a sleepless night.

SMS about love

There are many humorous SMS about love

with peculiar jokes and jokes. This style is somewhat unusual and fundamentally different from other correspondence. Most often, in SMS messages about love, the most cheerful ending awaits us. However, a huge plus of all SMS conversations is that they end at the most unpredictable moment. And even in SMS correspondence between a guy and a girl, the connection between the subscribers is immediately interrupted, and we can only figure out what happened next.

Rules of good manners i

In any communication, it is extremely important that the interlocutor is adequate. It doesn’t matter whether you are planning to make new friends or are looking for serious feelings - you must behave correctly so as not to offend anyone or seem boring. If you follow these tips, you will never be alone and can find personal happiness even online.

  • Literacy. Nobody likes it when their interlocutor constantly makes mistakes. If in speech this is sometimes hidden and not so obvious, then in a letter you will not be able to hide your ignorance. If you are not sure how to spell a particular word, then it is better to look in a spelling dictionary. This will allow you to avoid incidents. The same applies to the meaning of many words. There's no point in showing off your amazing vocabulary if you're not entirely sure what your phrases mean. And don’t forget about punctuation – the absence of commas and periods is very annoying. However, so is their excessive presence.
  • Emoticons. It’s okay to supplement your text with funny emoticons. It’s not normal when you try to put almost all the information into these pictures. In a jumble of images, it is difficult to understand what exactly you meant, so the interlocutor will most likely not want to continue the conversation. Don’t try to cram a large number of emoji everywhere, because it will seem that you are not an adult, but a 13-year-old child who has been allowed to access the Internet.
  • Flood. There are people who seem physically unable to formulate a thought into a full sentence. And then they begin to split it into parts and send dozens of messages with one word. It’s difficult to describe how annoying this way of presenting information is, because it’s so impossible to understand where one sentence ends and another begins. If you can’t write a message right away, it’s better to think about it, and only then sit down at the keyboard. Otherwise, you simply won’t have any interlocutors left.
  • Mat. In everyday life, many people sometimes resort to obscene language. There is nothing terrible about this if it happens rarely. However, it’s bad if you can’t do without these dirty words not only in speech, but also in writing. Correspondence on the Internet is the only place where it is not necessary to write huge messages, supplementing them with obscenities. The absence of obscene words will only arouse respect for you and increase interest on the part of your interlocutor.

These are the basic rules thanks to which you will never find yourself in an awkward position when chatting online. There are other tips that are more obvious, but every Internet user knows about them. There is no need to send advertising spam, sprinkle links and loaded images - all this calls into question your literacy and makes you look like a teenager.

SMS correspondence with a girl

How can you explain the popularity of funny SMS correspondence with a girl

with a non-standard ending? In general, the genre itself is not entirely ordinary, and the interweaving of relationships into correspondence makes it more mysterious. Many situations described in SMS correspondence with a girl can be seen in real life.

In my opinion, text messages with loved ones serve as a clear example in a humorous manner, showing what not to do when in a relationship. Usually, this burden is placed on the shoulders of caricatures and comics. But comics about love and relationships are not able to reach as much as SMS correspondence about love can.

Preparatory work: before you write

Dear ladies, many of you want to find your beloved man. This is probably why you surf the expanses of numerous dating sites . But stop! Before you go on a virtual search, work on your profile. It is she who plays a decisive role when meeting a new man. A personal page should reveal the best sides of its owner and imperceptibly veil the shortcomings.

Make your profile bright and exciting, but don't forget to add a touch of mystery.

We've put our profile in order, now we're going to look for the guy. Study carefully every detail of your chosen one. After all, every profile on a dating site is a whole story about its owner. But what is the relationship between the questionnaire and correspondence? The most direct one. Thinking about what to write to a guy in the first message? Forget about the banal “Hello, handsome”! Use the information from the questionnaire and focus on his hobbies.

What to write to a guy

How to correspond with men: basic rules and secrets

The word is a powerful weapon, and if you know how and where to use it, you can achieve your goal without much effort. Today, telephone conversations are not very popular - the space is filled with a variety of instant messengers that make people's lives easier and brighter, significantly saving time. They are especially relevant in correspondence with the opposite sex: instant messages, a wide variety of emoticons, the ability to attach photos, videos and favorite songs have made such communication invaluable. But how to build a dialogue correctly to keep a young man’s attention? What are the main mistakes of representatives of the opposite sex when communicating via SMS? So, let’s learn the main rules of correspondence with a man...

Rules for correspondence at the dating stage

Social networks, dating sites and related applications allow you to instantly start communication, which is their immediate advantage. The main thing is to correctly correspond with the guy you like and know exactly your desires.

  1. No template phrases or pictures. If a man didn’t bother to say something original, addressed specifically to you, but simply copied a picture and forwarded it, he’s not the right guy for you. Make it a rule to leave such nonsense unanswered. His intentions are empty, and if you give a reaction, then his attitude towards you will be appropriate. If he realizes his mistake, so be it, forgive the ignoramus.
  2. Hide the fact that you have studied his page/profile/portfolio (hobbies, musical preferences, outlook on life). These girls should be studied! Even if you are fans of the same singer together, the man should be the first to emphasize this.
  3. Let's get acquainted visually. Appearance is an integral part of the image. If a man categorically does not want to show himself, be wary. No matter how beautifully he writes, be firm in your desire to open faces. Otherwise, you risk wasting a lot of time. If a man sent his photo, restrain your emotions, just thank him for the step forward. No “You’re cool, cute, cute”!
  4. Everything has its time. If a man’s status is “divorced,” you should not rush into questions about the reasons for the separation. It’s too early for such a conversation; at the first stages of correspondence there should be lightness and ease. Leave psychotherapy sessions for later.
  5. Stop having cumbersome correspondence with a man. It's boring and intrusive. A man needs to relax, and not process a huge flow of (extra!) information. At this stage, brevity is the sister of talent. If you think that a poem of 1000 characters will reveal his soul, you are mistaken. Intrigue, interest, savor - let him thirst, be curious, ask. And only if the man asks, then be generous with the story about yourself.
  6. NO CAPITAL LETTERS EVEN IF YOU WANT TO CONVEY SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT. It's scary or annoying. Often, after such “neurotic” messages, men stop communicating.
  7. Wait for a response to the previous SMS. This is a very important rule at the dating stage. Form your image correctly so that the man does not roll his eyes in front of the screen while reading your endless stream of letters. If he is busy, he will answer you later, no problem. And if he simply ignores your letter, delete his page/contact, number without regret.
  8. No intimate topics. If a man touches on such a personal topic in the first stages of correspondence, forget him like a bad dream. You don't want to become a girl for one night, do you?
  9. Safe words. No mention of ex-husband/boyfriend, sex, politics, life plans, marriage, commitments, etc. It’s absolutely too early to move on to such topics!

Webcam conversation and spicy videos

If you blush like a poppy when watching an erotic scene in a movie, and cannot bring yourself to say the words “dick” or “vagina,” this method is not for you.

Frank conversations in front of a webcam can be conducted by women who are confident in their irresistibility and sexuality.

If you are bored with conversations, you can make a surprise by recording a short video. No, we're not talking about masturbating on camera. Be more subtle.

Put on a lacy lingerie set or sheer negligee and sit in front of the camera. And then innocently, as if by the way, ask: “How do you like my new clothes? I chose them thinking about you.”

Believe me, a man’s first thoughts will be: to come, rip off these sexy clothes from you and take possession of you.

Do you know how to dance beautifully? Great, this is a real trump card in a relationship. Organize a striptease, ending the recording at the most interesting part... Or dance an erotic dance.

Your man will simply stick to the monitor and drool! Show off how erotically you wash yourself in the shower or gently stroke your breasts in a bathtub full of foam!

During the conversation, you can use a tried and true method: eat erotically and slowly.

A banana, strawberries and cream or ice cream, with your nimble tongue flickering across it, will bring your interlocutor to ecstasy!

Now we can move on to discussing hidden fantasies. Just don’t get carried away: if some topics are taboo for you, it’s better to avoid them or tactfully avoid the conversation.

Virtual communication is relaxing. Sitting in front of a monitor, it is easier to indulge in fantasies and relax than in real life.

In your efforts to quickly excite your interlocutor, you do not need to promise a threesome or BDSM games if in reality you are not ready for this.

Men may not remember that they promised to take out the trash or go to the store. But the memory department, which is responsible for sex and everything connected with it, is well developed in them. So, when the “hour of reckoning” comes, you will have to answer for your words.

Watch an erotic film together and discuss it. Describe what you liked most and what you would like to repeat.

Don't be shy about your wishes! Next to a confident, passionate woman, any man loses his head!

Rules for correspondence with men: the next step after meeting

So, the dating stage is over (or you have known each other for a long time, but only now have you become interested in each other) and you are moving to a more important stage - the beginning of a relationship. Whether to be one depends a lot on the manner of communication.

So go ahead – let’s get acquainted with the rules of correspondence with a man you know on the Internet.

  1. Don't enter into a discussion right away. No matter how much you wait for his text, take at least a half-hour pause. The man is waiting, nervous, distracted by checking his phone, tormented by thoughts about you. And when the long-awaited answer comes, its emotions are much brighter than if you answered right away. This is how it should be: here you are the center of attention. If you don’t want to be a princess, be a cat that walks on its own, but you get the gist.
  2. If a man has a rule to disappear from sight, disappear in return. They knock out a wedge with a wedge - let him remember tact. In this case, disappear for 3 or even 4 days. Let him get angry - there are two gates on the field.
  3. Remove the fancy emoticons and a million unnecessary punctuation marks. Girls are such girls, and sometimes they can make a whole theatrical scene out of simple correspondence. Why accompany the sentence with 7 question marks? Men are not given the ability to know such subtleties. Their thoughts should be aimed at getting to know you, studying you, examining you. Leave the puzzles for your friends.
  4. In SMS correspondence with a man, be able to intrigue. Puzzle him, let him spin in guesses and thoughts about your message. Simply saying, “I know a secret,” makes for a bad plot. Everyone knows something. And if you say that you know something about him, then the imagination in his head will explode while he waits for the next words from you.
  5. Swing it, but don't bend it. Write: “How to believe this?” What to believe, what happened, what is it connected with? Remember the 30 minute rule, not a word more. And then you come up with what you have enough imagination for. “Sorry, it’s me for a friend!” “How can I believe that yesterday we were in a cafe, and I still didn’t try that ice cream!” “How can you believe that on Saturday you and I are going to Arbenina’s concert,” etc. The man will go a little crazy during this time, but this will only benefit you.
  6. Slow down with your problems. You can simply complain about the teacher who treated you subjectively today. But crying that now you won’t be allowed to take the exam, your father drinks, and you tore your favorite skirt into the bargain is too much. Usually a man perceives negativity from a different angle, so he will rush to move away from your problems.
  7. Don't talk about your needs. This is a prohibited technique in correspondence. This way you make a man feel indebted, which means you will only push him away.
  8. If you want to properly communicate with a guy by correspondence, write directly about the guy. This rule applies unconditionally. Don't say that you drank delicious coffee today. Write that today's coffee reminded you of him. How? Smell, magnetism, warmth... After such words, all the power is in your hands. Any person is pleased when he indirectly spends the day with someone, giving positive emotions.
  9. Target. Each SMS must have its own mission. Which one, it’s up to you to decide - to kindle the desire to meet, excite, intrigue, fall in love, make him jealous, raise his self-esteem, tickle his nerves, motivate him to action... Anything but meaningless messages.
  10. Finish the correspondence first. Under any pretext - you want to sleep, it’s time to go to work, you go take a bath, you run off to the cinema with a friend. Sneak away, maintain his emotional hunger.

How to start a correspondence in VK examples

  1. "Hello! I’m participating in a beauty contest, and I want to ask you to vote for me, if it’s not difficult for you.”
  2. "Good morning! Is anyone really awake at this time on Sunday? I thought I was the only one crazy.”
  3. "Hello! How do young people spend their weekends in this city? I just moved before I knew anything.”
  4. "Hello! I work as a volunteer at a city nursery. Tomorrow we are organizing a meeting of all those who care about the fate of abandoned animals. Come, we really need support."
  5. "Hello! I'm an artist, I'm going to open my own exhibition. I’m interested in your opinion about my paintings, maybe there’s still something to work on?”
  6. "Good evening! I saw in your feed that you often visit Omsk. I have relatives living there. Can I ask you to give them gifts from me the next time you go there?”
  7. "Hello! You have so much great music on your playlist! I’ve already downloaded half of it for myself! Do you want to go to a real rock concert? I have invitations"
  8. "Hello! It's a wonderful evening today! I want to go for a walk in the park, but I have no one to keep me company. Maybe you're not busy? We’d like to get to know each other at the same time.”
  9. "Hello! Where do you buy books? I see that you are fond of reading fiction, and I am also a fan. But I can’t find a site where I can place a large order.”
  10. "Hello! We don’t know each other, but I would really like to talk to you, because, like you, I love cooking!”

How to learn to text with a guy?

Tune in to positive communication. Sincerely believe that your conversation will be very interesting and exciting.

Think carefully about the topics, but don't memorize them to make the conversation more natural.

Choose a method of correspondence: emails, social networks, chats, SMS messages, real letters, special programs.

Offer to play games that will help you get to know each other better. There are a huge number of such games! Find them online and read the rules in detail.

Talk to your boyfriend every day. If possible, spend at least three hours on this. The more you practice, the faster you will learn to confidently correspond.

What is difficult for you to say in words, express with photographs and pictures. You can easily find them on the Internet.

Ask your best friend to show you any history of your correspondence with someone or take a screenshot of it. She will never refuse such a request. Perhaps she will personally supervise your written communication. Trust her to get the results you want.

I love you - messages for a girl

  • I can't remember a night without dreaming about you, I can't remember a day without thinking about you. And every moment I love you!
  • I need you in my life forever. Love you.
  • No matter what happens. No matter what you did. No matter what you do. I will always love you.
  • My love, I look into your eyes and know that I want to look into these beautiful eyes full of happiness for the rest of my life! I love you!
  • I love you not for your gentle beauty or kindness, but because you sing a song that only I can hear.
  • I fall in love with you more and more every day.
  • The biggest reward of the day is the smile on your face when you see me. It shows that you love me and I love you very much too.
  • No matter what happens, you will always be my lady, my queen, my life, my everything. I love you very much!
  • No one in this world can make me as truly happy as you! Thank you, my sunshine, I love you!
  • My princess, you make my life full of meaning! I love you so much!
  • Your touch does to me the same thing that sand does when it calms the waves of the sea. I love you.
  • If you ever ask me how many times you cross my mind, I would answer - once. Because you came and never left. I love you too much, my heart!
  • Explaining how much and why I love you is like describing the taste of water. This is impossible. I just love you!
  • You make me so happy!
  • I didn't believe in love until I met you.
  • The more time we spend with each other, the more I fall in love with you.
  • I wish I had 8 days a week and 25 hours a day so I could be with you longer every day because I can't get enough of you. I already miss you.
  • Baby, you have mesmerized me since day one, every day I find new reasons to love you even more. Be mine forever!
  • You're so cute, like a Barbie doll. The main thing is that the dolls don’t fight and don’t yell at anyone!
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