100 cool compliments to a girl in your own words to lift your spirits

Short love texts to your beloved girl, woman

Thank you, sun, for your love and warmth, for every look and every moment. Thank you for your hopes, tenderness, kindness, for our happiness and for this inspiration.

My dear, I am madly in love with you, To the point of sweet stupor, forever and seriously. Draws happiness for me in its ornament: your eyes, the curve of your shoulder, your mop of hair.


Your kiss is fire and honey, It does not burn my heart and soul, Your gaze is my true beacon, Will show the way, drive away the darkness!


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I mentally imagine how you walk with a flying gait, And I think: I don’t need someone else’s, I’m completely full of true love!


I don’t need pranks and fun, I’m waiting for you, like wheat is waiting for rain, And I remember how you look slyly, And a ray of sunshine dances on your eyelashes.


I love you and adore you, I can admire you for hours, I thank heaven for meeting you, Now two hearts are knocking in unison!

I would like to become the radiance of a ray, Penetrate through the window onto the pillow, To touch the white shoulder, Run gently across the ear And lie down on the curls of your hair, See how your smile blooms. I fell in love sincerely, seriously, May this torture last forever.

K How to cheer up a girl by correspondence?

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However, first, a few words about why your friend may be in a bad mood. And this is actually important to understand, because if you don’t know the reason, you can waste a lot of time, or even make it worse.

There can be many reasons. But there are a few more common ones that I can't help but mention. Otherwise, you definitely won’t understand how to cheer up a girl through correspondence.

  1. Quarrel with someone. Anyone can feel insecure after a conflict with someone, especially a weak woman. Perhaps the incident occurred at work or school. Let me talk. If she trusts you, she will describe everything in detail. It’s easier to speak out in a letter because no one sees her tears.
  2. Lack of self-confidence due to some flaws in appearance, failures at work or school, or lack of communication skills. If you guess that this is the reason, then a good compliment can defuse the situation.
  3. Someone didn't live up to her expectations, maybe you. If your mood has worsened after a date with you, then this is a clear hint. Try to find out from her what is wrong. But analyze your behavior yourself - maybe somewhere you behaved unmanly, or did not fulfill what you promised. And in the end it upset her.
  4. Troubles or failures at school or at work. She can't cope with something, or her relationship with someone isn't going well. In this case, it is important to encourage the person and tell him that life does not end there.
  5. Problems at home. Your girlfriend may have one of her relatives fall ill, or she just had a quarrel with a close relative.
  6. She may also have problems with health, for example, in the female area.
  7. A former lover has appeared on the horizon, perhaps he is even trying to win her back.
  8. She had to change plans for objective reasons, and for an emotional person this is always stressful.
  9. She was simply tired and had practically no time to rest.
  10. Well, the most unpleasant thing is when a bad mood is caused by your behavior.

What to say to a girl when she is sick and sad

Encourage with the right words

If your girlfriend is sick, and because of this she is not in any mood, then you have the power to cheer her up and direct her thoughts in a completely different direction. Offer to take her out or go to some interesting place immediately after she gets better. Choose an option for spending time that she will definitely like. Tell her you miss her smile and ask what you can do to make her feel at least a little better.

Distract with a beautiful poem or SMS

A sick girl not only usually feels bad, but also suffers from bad thoughts. It may seem to her that while she is fighting her illness, you can pay attention to another person. She is also now less confident in her attractiveness because... any illness usually affects appearance in some way. Your task is to dispel all the doubts of your chosen one, paying her as much attention as possible - including by correspondence. Let her know that you think about her often. Write her touching and sensual SMS - she will appreciate it. Don’t disappear for a long period, try to be in touch almost always. It wouldn’t hurt to send your beloved a beautiful poem about love – either written by you or found on the Internet. Also, choose a romantic song, study the lyrics, make sure that there are only pleasant and exciting words - send this work to the girl, noting that it reminded you of her.

Reassure with a positive outlook and attitude

Let the girl know that you are confident in her speedy recovery. At the same time, note that if the process takes a little longer, then you will be with her all this time and support her in every possible way. Come up with some interesting pastime that she can afford now. If you can visit her, then be sure to take advantage of this opportunity, but do not abuse it - a sick person needs proper rest and sleep, so one visit a day will be enough, after which keep in touch in another way. Let the girl understand that despite the fact that today she seems to have “fell out of life” a little, your attitude towards her remains the same, and you are still ready to take care of her.

It's nice to surprise with a surprise

Of course, words alone are not enough in this situation, and this is exactly the case when a guy has a huge chance to prove himself and get closer to a girl. Some young people make the catastrophic mistake of telling a girl something like: “Well, for now, you get better, we’ll meet later, I won’t bother you.” Most often, this behavior results in a break in the relationship on the part of the girl, because she understands that this guy only needs him when she doesn’t have problems. If you want to impress a girl and become the main character in her enthusiastic stories to her friends, then act differently. Bring her, for example, a basket of fruit - firstly, vitamins will not hurt her now, and secondly, it’s just pleasant and impressive. You can also bring goodies that she likes - candy, sushi, and even sausage! It is important that you remember her tastes and want to please her. Girls of all ages respond positively to soft toys - bring her a big hare or a bear, saying that he will “look after” her while you are not around. In general, the gift can be anything - the main thing is that it is a pleasant surprise for the girl.

By the way, the surprise may be of a different kind. For example, a collage with photos of you together, a video made from footage of your vacation together, an armful of balloons, a flower in a pot, and much more. The main thing is that it is touching and beautiful.

Please note that if you regularly visit a girl during this period, this can not only please her, but sometimes put her in an uncomfortable position - this is due to the fact that you need to be looked after during tea parties, fed you lunch, and the like. This may seem like a small thing, but during illness, not every girl is able to take care of such things every day. That is why you should bring treats for tea yourself, to avoid possible awkward situations.

Please with flowers

Surely, your girlfriend loves flowers, and now you have the right reason to give her such a sign of attention. Choose a beautiful bouquet and bring it in person or send it through a courier. Most likely, your chosen one will be pleased with such a gesture, and the flowers will delight her eyes for a long time, reminding her of you. If the recovery period is prolonged, please the girl with flowers more often - don’t even doubt that she will like it.

Emotions come first

All girls love to talk. This is their element. In this they have no equal. Usually they themselves direct the conversation in the right direction, and in this case the task of men is greatly simplified. There is no need to come up with witty topics, the main thing is to keep the conversation going. But do not forget that the main task of a man is not to become a talkative girlfriend, but to seduce a lady, to arouse passion and desire in her. This exchange of fluids requires a completely different approach. Therefore, we need conversation topics that evoke a strong emotional response. How to communicate with women correctly is in another article.

Remember that all women appreciate a good sense of humor in men. Many choose their husbands based on the principle: “He can make me laugh until I cry. You won't get bored with him."

The topic of conversation is the key to success

Live conversation is very different from correspondence. Here you can’t insert an emoticon, a funny picture, or copy someone else’s joke. You need to independently interest the girl, cheer her up, win her over, and make her like you .

Sooner or later, all men find themselves in an awkward situation when they are simply speechless on a date. In some cases, women simply ignore the interlocutor, do not carry on the conversation, answer in monosyllables, or simply shake their heads.

They shift the responsibility for the dialogue to the man, so he has the right to choose the topic of conversation himself, and the main thing here is not to make a mistake.

It’s unfair, but nature ordered it this way and a man is obliged to be a leader, even if he doesn’t feel like a leader at all.

Don't worry if your sense of humor is poorly developed, you can learn everything. No one is born a great comedian, everything comes with experience. Watch pick-up comedies and pay attention to how famous seducers behave. If you are surrounded by only logical programmers with a specific sense of humor, then be sure to find cheerful and positive friends. It is much easier to hone your sense of humor in a company than alone.

Self-irony is especially valuable when communicating with a girl. A strong man is not afraid of his weaknesses, admits his shortcomings and can talk about them calmly and with humor.

What question should I ask?

Many men are interested in: what to ask a girl if she is not in the mood and is sad? You can ask what caused this mood. If she trusts you, she will open up and talk about her experiences.

Ask questions that will be of interest to both of you. For example, ask about their profession, goals or dreams. You can also chat about crazy things that have been or will be done in life.

Important! React to your lady's answers. Don't forget to express your emotions.

Any question should be interesting and easy. Don't make the girl think too much, don't make her blush. Communication should be based on mutual emotions.

Possible mistakes

Wanting to cheer up an upset young lady, many guys make serious mistakes, as a result of which they get the opposite effect. The most common of them are the following.

Bad compliment

If you want to write an SMS to cheer up a girl in your own words, never use irony or sarcasm. You cannot give compliments that relate to a woman’s complexes or her weak points. Also, do not affect her family and friends.

Don't try to make a joke out of the unpleasant situation the girl finds herself in. Never make fun of the reason for her bad mood.

Black humor

Please do not make such jokes in your messages. Not every person likes this kind of humor, as it is associated with negativity. After all, such anecdotes and statements include a lot of cynicism, ridicule of death, illness, physical disability, etc.

You should also not joke about the following topics:

  • vulgar;
  • about blondes;
  • about informals;
  • about women's stupidity;
  • about women with ugly appearance;
  • about girls with full figures.

The interlocutor may take such jokes personally, so you will only aggravate the situation.

Messages with profanity

If you want to cheer up your friend on VK, then remember that under no circumstances should you write messages with swear words. Otherwise, a bad impression will be made of you. By allowing profanity in correspondence, you express disrespect for your interlocutor.

Stories about relationships with other girls

A woman is unlikely to want to hear about your past relationships with the opposite sex, especially if she likes you and hopes to move on from communication to more serious actions. Such conversations can only worsen her mood.

Also, don’t talk about your own life problems. At the moment, the girl is focused on her situation, so she will not delve into your troubles. In addition, she may think that you are now worried not about her, but about yourself, and are trying to pull the blanket in your direction so that they feel sorry for you. And your task is to support her, and not to find consolation for yourself.

Smile by SMS

Why send funny SMS to a girl? To set the mood! Funny texts will help you get through everyday work and put you in a cheerful mood.

  1. In vain I called the teacher a goat on the student forum... He identified me by IP...
  2. A good manicure decorates a woman's hands. And the man's face.
  3. I was abducted by aliens, forced to drink and told that they would only release me after three hours.
  4. I will spend this night with her. With my bed.
  5. Briefly about the weather for today: mud. About the weather for tomorrow: the mud will freeze.
  6. Honey, everyone does this in the spring. And birds, and flies, and butterflies. It's a pity that people can't fly.
  7. Don't argue with a man! He can't be right anyway.
  8. So you can wait for a prince all your life. And here is the man!
  9. Paper, pencils and art - and 1000 rubles is ready!
  10. Love is not just for you. It needs to be done!
  11. Darling, if you are sad now, remember my face.
  12. 90-60-90 - this is how I drive through the city past the traffic police station.
  13. I don’t have breakfast in the morning, I don’t have lunch in the afternoon - I think about you! In the evening I don’t think anymore, I really want to eat...
  14. Honey, I was wrong! And it’s very difficult for me to type this SMS with my hooves...
  15. Love is a vacation of the mind!
  16. How would you like to be convinced that money cannot make a person happy...
  17. Strong, peaceful, noble... Just in case, I’ll explain – it’s me.
  18. You are beautiful, I am so damn beautiful... What are we going to do this evening??
  19. If you don’t believe in love with the first person you meet, I’m ready to try to convince you!
  20. You think you're the coolest, right? Well, you’re right!
  21. Keep a ray of sunshine! Just don't miss it!
  22. Honey, how do I gently tell a girl that I broke her powder compact?
  23. A girl like this should smile!
  24. I don’t even enjoy the sun as much as I enjoy your laughter.
  25. I won’t bother you, but suddenly you’re just wondering who to have dinner with at the restaurant today...

Funny SMS to cheer you up

In the south and in the north, In bed and on a tree, On every edge of the Earth I love your hugs!


Wonderful figure. Beautiful eyes. Sensual lips. But enough about me. How are you?


How good it is to live in the world with you! Don't be sad without me, dear! I'll be back soon and we'll hug again, The most important thing in life is love!


If we let a guy out into the forest, he will pick 3 kg of berries, if a girl, 5 kg. But this does not mean that if we release both of them into the forest, they will collect 8 kg of berries.


Look how nice the weather is, Let's drive away adversity from our souls, Please open the door to happiness. Let your heart rejoice and be merry.


I want you! I want to turn your head, drag you into bed and make you feel hot and moan for a whole week! Your flu!


A young, sensitive maniac is looking for a girl who runs fast and screams loudly.


Everything will be just chick-flick, Live like everyone else around you lives. Let no quirks in life lead you astray from the straight path!


Honey, I have already started talking to the chair, having breakfast with the teapot. If you don't call me, I'll enter into a serious relationship with a vacuum cleaner.


It’s a sunny day, everything is blooming, the air smells of spring and awakening. Life is good - everyone knows it, No one knows how to live without problems.

How can you cheer up a girl?

A young man has the opportunity to restore the good mood of his beloved in the following ways:

  1. Prepare a delicious dish . Down with the stereotypes that it’s mostly men who like to eat delicious food. Good food is a universal way to improve your mood. Even a person far from cooking can learn how to cook one simple dish in a couple of days. The main thing is not to overdo it with calories if a girl is concerned about her figure;
  2. Make a compliment . In difficult life moments, a girl will be pleased to hear warm words. You can brighten them up with a harmless joke or a funny story from your life;
  3. Take him on an unusual date . For example, if a girl is not shy, then she will be impressed by a helicopter flight with her loved one. Some companies even organize romantic flights for two. Horseback riding is also a good option. This is not as dangerous as many people think. The girl will be offered the most peaceful animal and will be helped to sit in the saddle. Such a pastime, coupled with being in the fresh air, will definitely improve your mood;
  4. Get a massage . You can learn a simple relaxing massage technique using videos on Youtube;
  5. Give a cute little thing . It can be anything, from a teddy bear to an unusual decorative night light.

What lifts the mood of any woman

A gift for no reason.

Any woman will be delighted to receive a good gift for no reason. And we may not necessarily be talking about an expensive gift. Many men are accustomed to acting in a standard way - making surprises on major holidays, the rest of the time limiting themselves to monotonous dates, or even sitting at home in front of the TV. Of course, such uniformity can become boring over time, and if you notice a similar problem in yourself, learn to be spontaneity, for example, in gifts, even if sometimes there is no reason. If you know that your chosen one dreams of some thing, then if you have the opportunity, then buy it now, without waiting for the holiday date. Surely, a woman will appreciate such an impulse. Give her periodically boxes of her favorite chocolates, small and cute or huge and chic bouquets, the perfume she dreamed of, and so on. If you are comfortable with your chosen one, and you feel that she makes you happy, then such signs of attention towards her will only be a joy to you.

Chocolate, sweets.

Many girls have a sweet tooth, and perhaps your chosen one is one of them. If this is really the case, then periodically delight her with her favorite delicacies. Surely, during the period of communication with her, you managed to study her tastes at least a little, so it will not be difficult for you to choose sweets for her - a large bar of chocolate for her, several kinder surprises, a bag of prunes in chocolate, a box of dates or delicate airy cakes, beautiful cake and much more! Undoubtedly, some of the above will delight your sweet-toothed girl! If you don’t know exactly what your lady will like, don’t be afraid to experiment - perhaps you will be able to surprise her with something that she hasn’t tried yet. Saying that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but, oddly enough, a woman can also be conquered in a similar way!

Gatherings with girlfriends.

Many guys are very jealous of the fact that their girls can spend a lot of time in the company of their friends. If there is such a problem in your relationship, then over time it will lead to serious consequences. In this way, you show the girl your distrust, which involuntarily pushes her away from you. Let her spend time and have fun with her friends - she has every right to do so. If you express any dissatisfaction, she will soon begin to miss the time when you were not in her life. Believe me, if she has no obstacles in meeting her friends, they will not become the coveted “forbidden fruit” for her. If you objectively understand that these gatherings do not go beyond what is reasonable, then do serious psychological work on yourself in order to understand why you have a negative reaction.

Time with your loved one.

If it seems to you that the girl you love is more interested in spending time with someone than with you, then it is in your power to correct this. Have really interesting dates, and the girl will start smiling more and more often around you. The main thing is that there should be variety in your pastime, and then the two of you will have a good time in this relationship.

So, what dating options can you think about:

  • Picnic. Organize a romantic picnic for your girlfriend. Wait for warm, but not hot weather, choose a picturesque place, stock up on fruits and goodies that your girlfriend likes, take a thermos of coffee, a bottle of wine or just some tasty drink, and invite your chosen one.
  • New coffee shop. Many couples prefer to go to the same already familiar dreams, and sometimes they don’t even notice that it no longer gives them the same joy and interest. Offer the girl dates in new establishments, in those that you have never been to before - probably, many wonderful and cozy restaurants or coffee shops with a romantic atmosphere have appeared in your city lately.
  • Paragliding. If your girlfriend is an adrenaline junkie, she might be inspired by your proposal to go paragliding. In many large cities, some organizations have been offering this service for a long time. And by the way, it’s less scary than a parachute jump.
  • A trip on a river boat. If there is a river in your city or in a nearby city, then most likely in the warm season there are boat trips along it, which everyone can afford. It is especially beautiful in the evening, when it comes to the metropolis, and you have a view of the lights of the evening embankment.
  • Romantic dinner. Most often, girls arrange such surprises for their men, but believe me, any of them would be happy with a similar gift, because she won’t have to stand at the stove herself and so on. Prepare a delicious dish, choose a drink to go with it, buy some fruit, and light the candles before your beloved arrives. If you doubt your culinary capabilities, order her favorite dishes from the restaurant - she will probably like it just as much.


Funny pictures are the best way to cheer up girls and boys. The following cool images are suitable for sending:

  • animals in ridiculous situations;
  • jokes with the stars;
  • jokes with bright funny illustrations;
  • unusual jokes on men;
  • cute photos of little children;
  • jokes about Russian reality, the life of young people.
  • screenshots of correspondence between a guy and a girl.

On a note! Choose the topic for a cheerful message in correspondence carefully. If you don’t know the girl’s character and possible reaction to a harsh joke, you shouldn’t hint at excess weight or women’s shortcomings.

On a date

The following tips will help improve a girl’s mood by inviting her on dates:

  • An active lady will be well entertained by a bike ride, a trip out of town, or a walk in the park.
  • A young lady with an eccentric character should be invited to a club, to a fun party with friends.
  • Invite a girl with a delicate inner structure and a penchant for creativity to the cinema, the theater, or an exhibition.
  • Invite a young girl to spend the day outdoors, at an amusement park, go to the zoo, or an ice cream parlour.
  • If a lady loves animals, visit a cat show, a pet store, buy her a “live” gift.
  • When a beloved is not just sad, but angry, accumulating negative emotions, she needs to throw them out. Invite a girl to paintball, to a shooting range, or go karting.

The arsenal of male tricks for a fun date needs to be used skillfully. Before the meeting, get yourself into a cheerful mood and be in a good mood.

Take the following recommendations into account:

  1. Remember a funny incident from your life. Tell your beloved, laugh together at the absurdity of the situation.
  2. Make a date with a lady in the park and come for a walk dressed as a dog or a clown.
  3. If today is your beloved’s birthday or name day, arrange an unexpected celebration. You can connect her friends to the party online via Skype.

If you have established close contact and are not meeting for the first time, hug her tightly and kiss her. If the lady tries to get out of your embrace, start a fun brawl.

Now you know how to cheer up a girl on VK, via SMS, in correspondence and on a date. In addition to the tips listed, use your personal charm, connect your innate sense of humor, then your lady will never be sad.

Girls are very emotional creatures. They quickly become upset and depressed. But there is always a chance to cheer them up and lift their spirits, even through correspondence on social networks. It is important here that the interlocutor is in the mood for a conversation.

And to solve the problem, you need to know how to cheer up a girl if she is sad, even if she is not the lady of your heart.

How not to joke?

You can cheer up a representative of the fairer sex in various ways, but there are humorous techniques that should not be used when corresponding on the Internet and during dates.

Wanting to entertain their friend, some young people begin to laugh at her and thereby commit a big mistake. Even if the young lady doesn’t show it, she smiles for company, but then she either stops meeting with you, or stops corresponding on VKontakte. You shouldn't make fun of your ex-lovers. Another taboo is the unusual habits of your friends in a conversation with your chosen one, since she may also have similar characteristics, and she will consider your jokes as personal insults. If you are just moving on to the stage of romantic courtship, you do not need to use dark humor, swearing, slang and slang words and vulgar jokes, wanting to make a girl laugh on VK. Such humor is acceptable only for close people who have known each other well for a long time. You cannot laugh at tragic events reported in the news, at people with various injuries. Otherwise, the young lady will perceive your attempt to cheer her up as callousness and harshness. Making a representative of the fairer sex laugh with the help of alcoholic drinks is a bad idea

It is important to understand that alcohol-containing products only aggravate depression and further worsen a person’s emotional state.

What not to write?

  • A firm “no” to vulgar jokes! If communication with the girl you like is just beginning, then even one insignificant vulgar hint can reduce the further development of the relationship to nothing. In this case, it does not matter how funny and amusing the joke itself is. She is unlikely to make a girl smile. But it’s easy to blacklist you and stop communicating.
  • Making fun of flaws, even in a cute way, is unacceptable. Such messages will only offend the girl and, as a result, kill your hope for a future together.
  • It is important to avoid messages on specific (for example, political or prison) topics. Even if, in your opinion, this is the funniest joke that can instantly cheer you up.

What to write to a girl to cheer her up?

  • Already in the morning you can write something pleasant to your friend, and the most obvious thing is a wish for good morning and a pleasant day. This should put her in a good mood for a while. How to cheer up a friend by correspondence? Send her a cool photo. For example, a postcard with a cute puppy or kitten or a funny emoticon. All girls usually like such simple jokes.

  • A great way to cheer up a person over text is to use short funny SMS. Choose short jokes, of which you can now find many on social networks.
  • Send her a funny video, for example one related to animals, girls love it. However, not everything you share with your friends is suitable for the girl you love. Therefore, immediately forget about frankly stupid and vulgar videos.
  • Don't be shy to compliment her, even if she's in a bad mood
    . The fact that girls love them is an indisputable fact. For example, you can say that you can’t forget her incredible eye color or that the dress she wore on a date really suits her. You can come up with anything. Moreover, if you like her, it means there is something in her. And this is something we can focus on. However, if it’s just big breasts, you shouldn’t flatter in this direction too openly either. After all, she probably has other advantages, for example, intelligence, a kind soul, a great sense of humor, and so on. How to compliment a girl correctly? What content should they be? You can find out all this here.
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