How to react and respond beautifully to the words “I love you”: phrases, is it possible to remain silent?

Useful tips

«I love you!

" - what a cute phrase! And she deserves only a sweet and original answer. Luckily, the possibilities for great answers are endless!

You no longer need to strain your brain to get quick answers. You just have to trust your heart and let it speak. But it might also be worth paying attention to the list prepared in this article.

Here are more than a hundred cute and original responses to “I love you”

. You can use them on their own or as a basis for more detailed answers.

In any case, love will certainly save this world. Go out into the world and spread love!

Body language: symptoms of sympathy

To find out about a guy's likes, you need to become more attentive, giving importance to details and little things. If a man denies or does not talk about his interest in you, then focus on his body language - he will not deceive:

At the moment of eye contact between you and your prospective suitor, pay attention to his gaze . If a man is embarrassed and looks away, then this is a guy who feels sympathy. Some representatives of the stronger sex, especially those who are confident in their own abilities, try to maintain eye contact with you for a long period of time. The main thing is to distinguish men who show sincere interest in you from womanizers and gigolos who stroke their ego. If during the dialogue the guy takes an “open” position - his face is turned, his shoulders are straightened, his arms are not crossed, his head is slightly tilted forward, then you can be sure of a positive attitude towards you. During a conversation, you will definitely notice awkward gestures on the part of the man, which result in accidental touching . A guy, carried away by a conversation, will involuntarily touch his palm to your hand, in no hurry to correct the current situation. Repeating the facial expressions of the interlocutor in whom men show interest is another sure sign. The body language of guys on a subconscious level declassifies the presence of sympathy. If you laugh, then a smile will also appear on the face of the mysterious suitor. Did they call you on the phone? The guy will simulate a similar situation with his own gadget, showing how busy he is. Not only can you pause to talk with another interlocutor, his candidacy is also in demand - the thoughts that dominate a man’s mind at such moments. For most guys, the manifestation of sympathy is accompanied by one characteristic sign - excessive sweating of the palms . The eternal problem of men who want to take their chosen one by the hand. In the presence of a girl to whom the young man is not indifferent, he begins to straighten his hair or tug at the sleeves of his jacket .

If a man is interested in you, then his behavior will be especially obvious to others . Find out the opinions of true friends who see the situation from an independent perspective. However, looking for advice in the camp of “enemies” is a dangerous activity, because envious people can give you incorrect information.

Signs that a person is interested and in love

Signs that a person is interested and in love
Some people are able to hide their feelings, and some can be read like an open book. However, there are also general signs by which it is almost always possible to determine the presence of love or interest in relation to a representative of the opposite sex. Here are the signs that a person is interested and in love:

  • He strives to always be close to the object of sympathy - even if there is no recognition, and there is no relationship yet, the lover will still “go closer.” It is quite possible that he will join the same company, become interested in the same thing as his love, or move into the same student group. Of course, after this the lover will be “within reach.” It is quite possible that he will even follow the person as a shadow - until he decides to have a frank conversation.
  • Constant defense (“in place” and “out of place”) - whenever someone criticizes the object of sympathy or speaks negatively about him, it is the lover who will be the first to rush “with his chest to the embrasure” and will prove that they everyone is wrong and that this is a very good person. This is one of the sure signs thanks to which many give themselves away.
  • Attempts to show signs of attention - if this is a man, then he will definitely give the woman his hand on the steps, pull up a chair for her, help her get out of the car or repair some equipment. Moreover, he himself will offer it. And if this is a woman, then she is capable of “out of the blue” starting to treat the man she likes to homemade pies, worrying about his well-being, and showing other signs of attention. One way or another, the third sign is the desire to take care of the person you like.
  • “Strange questions” - if “just a friend” suddenly asks, “What would you like your future wife to be?”, “Would you like children?”, it’s worth thinking about. It is quite possible that she feels sympathy and is already “trying on” this role.
  • Jealousy of everyone - in theory, a free person should not answer to anyone. But the lover betrays himself by his whims and unexpectedly reproaches the object of his affection for paying little attention to him, for going somewhere with other friends (and not with him), for rarely inviting him to visit, etc. In the depths of his soul, it always seems to a lover that the object of his affection “is about to be taken away by someone.” And the “object” himself may not even suspect that he is loved.
  • The lover flirts (if this is a girl) or, conversely, tries to show all his advantages (if this is a guy).
  • At every opportunity, the lover tries to make “random” tactile contact with the object of sympathy, to minimize the distance during moments of communication.

Even if a person is a good actor, love is immediately visible. And at a certain stage this secret becomes a reality.

A man confessed his love: what should he not do or say?

There are several “unspoken” rules for responding to confessions. And they are relevant even in cases where the lover is unpleasant. So, a person has declared his love, what should he not do or say?

  • You should not make fun of a person - even if there is no reciprocity, feelings must be respected. Besides, there is nothing funny or amusing in the very fact that he fell in love.
  • You shouldn’t “walk away” from the conversation - that’s why the lover admitted that he needs an answer now. It is necessary to make it clear whether something will come of it or not. Of course, you can “think” for years - but this will be torment for a person.
  • There is no need to “go” into the friend zone - many, in response to a confession, say “I love you too, but as a friend.” This is one of the worst answers. There is no need to change concepts. The need for communication and romance are two different things.
  • You should not distance yourself from a person after a refusal - if this is your friend, then you can help him overcome the disappointment and continue communication.

But some, in order to forget you faster, will need loneliness. Then you will have to be patient a little and resume friendship when he “cools down” a little and calms down.

What does recognition oblige you to?

If you impress someone, create a magical feeling, that's great. And when a man was the first to open his heart, one must answer honestly.

Firstly, you should not imagine that after a beautiful revelation the gentleman owes you something or you owe him something. You can just communicate closer.

You should not discuss the frankness of a fan with your girlfriends.

By talking about his experiences, he bares his soul and deserves decent behavior in return.

And secondly, don't feel guilty. You should not change your attitude towards the hero just because you heard an ardent outpouring. There is no need to admit non-existent affection and sacrifice yourself, this will offend your gentleman. After all, a lie will inevitably be revealed. It is enough to show tact and behave naturally.

How to react to a declaration of love: is it possible to remain silent?

Declaration of love
When talking about love, a person opens his soul. And feelings should always be respected. That is why simply remaining silent is not the best option. The lover is waiting for a clear answer to the question: “Does he have a chance?” . You need to give it to him or honestly admit that you do not feel any sympathy for this person. Hearing refusals is unpleasant. But it’s much more unpleasant to live in vain hope, and then realize that it’s all over. How to react to a declaration of love? Is it possible to remain silent?

  • Don't torment a person with the unknown. Answer him politely and tactfully - so that he understands whether you are in the mood for a relationship and whether you feel reciprocal sympathy.
  • As soon as he realizes that he got a turnaround, he will leave and try not to be seen again.

However, recognition cannot simply be ignored. This is contrary to etiquette and moral standards. You should not make hasty decisions. There is also no need to delay your answer. In fact, it is very simple to understand whether you like a person or not. You need to ask your heart. It will definitely tell you what to do.

How to understand that a guy likes you?

People are participants in an endless race for social recognition. In an attempt to make themselves known, some people spend decades building a career bit by bit, gradually achieving success in a certain field of activity. Others have been diligently involved in sports since childhood, wanting to devote their lives to training and competitions.

Regardless of their goals, men and women of different ages have a need for love relationships. However, in modern society, it becomes incredibly difficult to notice the sympathy of a stranger. In order to find out about a man’s interest in a timely manner, without missing out on possible “happiness,” girls ask the right and appropriate question: How do you understand that a guy or man likes you?

The most effective way to find out about a guy's likes is to ask directly

How to respond to “I love you” in an original way

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  • Me? Crazy and slightly neurotic? Well, you have strange taste.
  • I love you immensely and unconditionally!
  • You are the light of my existence.
  • I can't believe how much I fell in love with you.
  • I love you a little more than a moment ago!
  • You complete me.
  • My heart calls out to you.
  • Every time I look at you, I feel love and inspiration.
  • The fact that we are together now must be the work of fate.
  • You are my Destiny.
  • Know that when you're cold, you can use me as a blanket.
  • God, I didn't expect this!
  • Every time I see you it takes my breath away.
  • Of all your beautiful curves, your smile is my favorite.
  • Sometimes I feel like my heart is bursting with happiness when you say those three words.

How to tell if a guy likes you or not by his manners and behavior

Any girl should be extremely careful when choosing a partner; it would not be a bad idea to ask advice from friends, close relatives, those who sincerely want happiness and will not envy. You can read a lot of books on how to check whether a man likes you, but you shouldn’t rush at the first one who shows interest. If you are confident in his integrity and want to start a long-term relationship with him, take a closer look at his manners, gestures and emotions.

  • Listen to him: if he says that he has already met you, it is often flirting and only 10 percent of the time he means that he has already met you.
  • How to recognize a look and determine that a man likes you. Modest, shy - he will be afraid to look you in the eyes, become nervous, absent-minded and inattentive. However, it is important to understand that excessive indifference and ignoring a conversation can indicate indifference.
  • A provocative question will confuse your interlocutor, but will immediately reveal all the cards. Invite your companion to go to a cinema or cafe, or go out into nature together. If he doesn't need you, he will start looking for excuses in the form of being busy at work, feeling unwell, or having meetings scheduled for this time.
  • And the most effective way to find out if a man likes you is to ask him to do something. If he willingly agreed, this is already 50 percent sure that he cares about you. But then you need to get into his topic of conversation. Try to avoid unnecessary questions and listen to the object of your adoration.

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