What to answer to a man or guy when he says “I miss you”: options

Don’t know how to respond to the words “I miss you” to a man or guy? Read the article, there are many options.

When a person is bored, it is always pleasant. Of course, if he admits this, then you want to answer right away, and it is important to find the right words.

Read another article on our website about how to wittily respond to the word “Why”, “Why, explain” . You will learn how to say the right thing with humor and originality.

It also happens that the word “missed” can be uttered by a person who is uninteresting. How to answer in this case? Below in the article you will find different options for words that should be said to a man when he says “I miss you.” Choose what suits you depending on the situation and answer. Read on.

What does the male “I miss you” mean?

The chosen one rarely tells a woman that he is bored, because many prefer to hide emotions and feelings. The warming phrase “I miss you” can mean that:

  • A man feels sympathy and love, which is why he misses the presence of a loved one (he may be looking for a way to meet).
  • He liked the woman and wants more communication in hopes of more.
  • The woman is a pleasant conversationalist and a person for conversations on various topics.
  • A man experiences stress and depression; he can talk it out to a close and trusted person.

The phrase has different meanings, depending on the woman’s relationship with the opposite sex. If young people are friends without sympathy, perhaps the man wants more communication and conversations, thereby saying that he misses you. If there is sympathy between the partners, then the man’s word that he is bored will be confirmed by his indifference to the woman.

What are the possible responses to a man’s phrase: “I miss you.”?

He is a client of our company, so we are known as “you” and are not closely acquainted. But he doesn't take his eyes off me. He says he misses him. How should I respond to this phrase? I like him too. Don’t offer to meet yourself!

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Psychologist, Kinesiologist Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist, Psychologist-consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist, Existential approach. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist, Clinical Psychology Psychotherapy. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist, Individual-and-family therapy. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Brilliantly stupid question.

Brilliantly stupid question.

What are the possible responses to a man’s phrase: “I miss you.”? Yes No Went to such and such mother

I would automatically say: “but I don’t like you”

Answer in rhyme. For example: drink tea.

He is not Russian? Or just illiterate? I would also ask “I miss you.” In Russian, this construction sounds like this - I miss you - and nothing else.

Well, you tell him - and I’ll follow you. Let him also think and write on the forum what does this mean?

Some phrase “impotent”. Well, he's bored, what next? If you like it, let him invite you somewhere. And it’s as if he’s asking for an invitation

Say: me too) moi aussi) And smile) Maybe after this he will become bolder)

He is not Russian? Or just illiterate? I would also ask “I miss you.” In Russian, this construction sounds like this - I miss you - and nothing else.

It is also not correct to say “he borrowed me money”, only “lent me”, because... The verb “borrow” means to borrow, not to lend.

Miss you is truly a normative option. Although it’s difficult for me to accept this personally) So, discuss with the man in the next message and the rules of the Russian language, there will be a non-binding conversation)

I would say: you have a unique opportunity to quench your boredom - invite me to the cinema”)) but what, in our time, “don’t be born beautiful, but be born active”

It’s correct to say “I miss you (you)” in Russian, if you use you (who?), then “I miss you” will not sound like “I miss you (Who?)?” Do you think it turns out like this?

He is not Russian? Or just illiterate? I would also ask “I miss you.” In Russian, this construction sounds like this - I miss you - and nothing else.

I would automatically say: “but I don’t like you”

Answer in rhyme. For example: drink tea. [/quot

He is a client of our company, so we are known as “you” and are not closely acquainted. But he doesn't take his eyes off me. He says he misses him. How should I respond to this phrase? I like him too. Don’t offer to meet yourself!

He is a client of our company, so we are known as “you” and are not closely acquainted. But he doesn't take his eyes off me. He says he misses him. How should I respond to this phrase? I like him too. Don’t offer to meet yourself!

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I'll tell you what to do:

1) You write an SMS: oh yes, baby, I’m so bored - I don’t have the strength, let’s see you in the evening. You set a time around the time when they’ll show “let them talk” on TV. You are waiting for an affirmative answer.

2) You go to the nearest supermarket, buy a can of ftamati “Frau March” beans, Klin croutons with horseradish (namely horseradish, this is very important), mayanesik “abzhorka”. If there is no abzhorka - maheev, but in a bucket.

3) You return as a lady and wait for the evening. About 10 minutes before the lady arrives and about 20 minutes before the start of the TV show “let them talk,” you make the following deadly dish: - you pour the crackers into a tin plate, top it with Frau March beans, then stale mayanesik abzhorka, stir it, let it sit for 5 minutes.

4) A woman comes, you immediately bring her like that and drag her to the TV, sit her on the sofa, run to the kitchen for a deadly dish, upon return loudly eat willow, comment on the cattle passing on the screen, fart on the edkeme gazama (beans in Frau March tomato + Klinskie with horseradish + abzhorka is a method of preparing sarin at home). If you don’t mind the cover, you can hit the bully, then drop it, lick it (unpleasant, I understand, but necessary to commit a fatality) and say that something fell on a student – ​​it fell on a newspaper. It is obligatory to react quickly to the stuffing happening on the screen from Malakhov. You can even help applaud the audience and scold the main anti-hero.

5) At the end of the program you tell her, “Oh, mom will come soon, then there are 2 options: a) according to zhyskach,” you tell her, let me quickly fuck you in the sartiri, and then you will run away like a lady. The lady spoke herself, headlong and grabbing her clothes with boots and scarves. b) softtail version, - you send her away with a hint that mom is already leaving Astanofka as a lady, and she has about 3 minutes left to go. What happens is that everything is done in panic, the hat is thrown on the top of the head with a pressing clap, the coat is thrown over the shoulders without threading the claws, bags and The other tampons are handed in hand, and the lady is pushed out onto the forestry area.

And know, comrade, she will never bother you anymore!!11

That means you gave her a reason for her to ask you such questions. if you don’t miss it, just say, “I don’t miss you”... well, then according to the standard... you’re such a good person, I don’t want to offend, but I don’t miss you.

although I always write to my friends “I miss you,” this does not mean that they should get dressed right now and fly in to see me, they are pleased and I am pleased that I pleased them. it rather means that we should see each other, but there is no time, so I’ll just write it like this: D))

Well, if it’s love, then this won’t bother sales:rolleyes:

and in another case, moral injury can be caused in this way. this is some kind of horror described:rolleyes:

If you are a lady with character and are not used to taking the first steps on your own, or you just had a quarrel with your loved one, but you can’t wait to find out if your man misses you, we will give some practical advice that will ease your “suffering”.

Many representatives of the stronger sex claim that they are not bored at all. Like, real men are males, they don’t know how to get bored and indulge in all sorts of sweet suffering. There are always many bright females around them, and the man has no time to think and get bored about just one. But believe me, this is not so. Even though the stronger sex will not cry at the window and complain to their friends about painfully missing their beloved, but they also know how to be sensual, love and miss.

1) You need to disappear from his life for a while. If you are constantly close to him, then it is natural that he will not miss you. In addition, it is not at all easy to voluntarily leave a loved one. But this is the only way you will give him time and space to understand, as well as the opportunity to realize how much he needs you in your absence. 2) You can be very busy for a while or just pretend to be, even if in fact you are not. The next time, talking with your partner, when he asks a question about what you are doing, you don’t need to give a definite answer, you can just laugh it off. This way you will show that you are a cheerful and easy-going person, but at the same time you will make the person agonize over the question of what you are actually doing in your absence. 3) If you do not live together, then you can make a man miss you by forgetting some of your things in his house. When he comes across her in his apartment, he, of course, will immediately remember you. The main thing is that you do not urgently need the forgotten item. 4) The most effective way is to become the life of the party, so that he always feels at ease and comfortable next to you. If you spend time with your partner, then you should not quarrel over trifles. And then, in any case, during separation, he will miss you and wait for your return.

Constantly tell him how dear he is to you, how much you miss him, how much you look forward to meeting him. This will not be perceived as pressure, it is an expression of your feelings. And, believe me, he will miss you from the first second, as soon as he stops seeing you.

What to answer a man to the phrase “I miss you” in VKontakte or SMS correspondence

The girl has 2 options: reciprocate, or ignore the confession. How the relationship will develop further will depend on this; the guy will be frank, understanding that his beloved is experiencing indifference. You can reciprocate messages like this:

  • Write a response with the content: “I miss you, I miss you, I’m lonely without you.”
  • Hint at a meeting with the phrases: “maybe we’ll meet, it’s time to call, I want to see each other, we need a meeting.”
  • Send emoticons in a message with a smile and a kiss; on social networks this is perceived as a sign of attention.

When sending a message, it is important to consider whether the girl wants to continue communication and build a future together. If you don’t want to, you can ignore or quietly change the topic without hurting feelings.

So what is the answer to “I miss you”...

Instead of a conclusion.
Women are more emotional, men are more closed in their feelings. And no matter what newfangled family psychologists and psychologists from social networks tell you, going against nature is not always right. Of course, you don’t have to hide your feelings to look like a real man, but you also don’t need to stoop to declarations of love in every SMS.

And, at a minimum, because a real man should have no time to be bored, because he has hobbies and work. Otherwise, over time, she will definitely understand that she needs someone else. As they say, less words - more action. And sometimes it’s really easier for men to show their feelings through actions than words. And that's okay.

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What does it mean if a man during a live conversation says that he misses you?

In person, if a man says that he misses you, it means that the guy has the courage to express his feelings and show the girl that he cares. Not everyone decides to say it to their face, because psychologists have found that it is more difficult for guys to explain their feelings, unlike girls who express thoughts without embarrassment.

An acquaintance, friend, lover can say the phrase, which means that the opposite sex lacks communication and the presence of a person nearby. It is necessary to take into account and take into account that if the guy said it to his face, it means that his friend occupies a significant place in his heart and life.

A man is bored: signs

Despite the fact that the psycho-emotional state of men is much more stable than that of women, they also experience longing for the person they love. Moreover, the stronger the interest in the girl, the more this emotion manifests itself.

What happens when a guy starts to get bored without his lady love? By what signs can you recognize that he is sad? It is impossible to name concrete evidence that a man is bored for all representatives of the stronger sex. Each person is individual, and therefore emotions manifest themselves differently.

But we can still identify several common signs that are characteristic of all guys.

  1. Constantly writes and calls

Only a caring person will constantly send SMS messages and call. Nobody ever writes for nothing, especially men. They value their precious time so much that they don’t want to waste it on empty conversations with a woman they don’t even like.

If a guy feels sympathy for a girl, he will spend as much time as possible communicating with her and dating her. He is ready to stay on the phone all day long, even if there is nothing left to talk about.

During conversations, a caring man listens carefully to his interlocutor, tells her about his life, hobbies, shares joyful events, goals and plans.

If a girl doesn't pick up the phone or doesn't respond to messages, the guy gets upset. When you appear, he will definitely start asking where you have been and what you have been doing.

Also, a man who is bored often asks to send a photo. Pay attention to what kind of picture he asks for. If he’s wearing underwear, it means I “miss” him – it’s just a desire to have sexual intercourse with you.

  1. Interested in your life

If a man says that he misses you, and this feeling is real, then he will definitely become interested in your life. The guy will be concerned about such aspects as:

  • hobbies;
  • tastes;
  • outlook on life;
  • future plans;
  • leisure preferences.

He will also show interest in your daily activities on a daily basis, for example:

  • how did you sleep;
  • Did you dress warmly?
  • How was your working day?
  • what are your plans for today;
  • How do you feel.

A caring guy actively talks about his life, even if you don't ask about it.

With his intense display of interest in your life, a man demonstrates that he wants to know everything about you down to the smallest detail. Having such knowledge, he will always be able to please his beloved.

  1. Making plans to meet with you

Anyone who is bored does not wait for an opportunity to meet. A caring man will arrange a date for you himself. Even if he is busy at work, he will still find at least a little time to see you.

During the meeting, the young man may not express himself violently. It depends on his temperament and character. Some men in love immediately begin to shower the girl with compliments, speak tender words, and constantly confess their feelings. Others, on the contrary, are very reserved when communicating, but real passion can bubble up inside them. At this moment, the guy’s soul is torn from an excess of emotions, but his appearance remains calm.

You can recognize that a man is bored by a simple sign: he will try to touch you, touch your hand during a conversation, or hug you. Excitement and embarrassment can be seen in his speech and behavior.

You can also recognize that a guy is bored by his following actions:

  • sent a bouquet of flowers or a basket of sweets/fruits by courier;
  • suddenly showed up at your place of work or school;
  • suggested we go together to his mutual friends;
  • ready to fulfill all your wishes.

Such actions speak for themselves. Therefore, always monitor the person’s actions and do not draw hasty conclusions from words. If a guy is stingy with his actions, it means you are not as dear to him as he says.

How to understand that he is truly bored, what are the signs?

The following signs indicate longing for a woman and a desire to communicate:

  • He often writes on social networks and SMS, learning news about what’s new and interesting has happened to a woman lately (the partner’s behavior is changing).
  • The guy offers to call him and invites him on a date, which confirms his caring and desire to communicate on various topics (the guy invites him to the cinema, cafes and cultural institutions).
  • Being far from each other, he can ask to be photographed and send the photo on social networks, this says that he wants to see each other.
  • He constantly visits his beloved’s page on social networks, thereby checking photos, news and online in order to communicate again.
  • He often talks with close friends about his beloved and shares his feelings about how she is missing from his side; it is important for him to talk to her or see her during the day.
  • He tries to maintain and add to the mood, thereby showing that he is not indifferent to the emotional and spiritual state of the girl.

Starting to get bored, he wants more communication and meetings, this is the main sign of falling in love. It is important for him to find out how the woman’s day went; he has a desire to listen and support in difficult times.

Talks about your future together

If a man not only says that he adores you, but also clearly imagines you living together, then it’s time to prepare for serious changes in your life.

Remember that it is extremely difficult for the strong half of humanity to transfer their “den” into careful female hands, and he thinks about a lot before speaking out about its joint improvement. Do not underestimate this sign of falling in love, since you have been appreciated as a person capable of creating coziness, warmth and comfort in the home.

Appearance is no longer important

Like a true male, the guy first loves with his eyes, and the “big-eyed” period can last quite a long time. But at one fine moment a man says that he doesn’t just love you for your size 4 breasts or slender legs, but for your ability to listen, advise and support.

And when they make it clear to you that your warmth is very highly valued, then you can be sure that they love you.

Soul wide open

If a man says that he misses you and shares his doubts, concerns, fears and problems with you without fear, he is definitely in love with you, and sincerely and for a long time.

If your candidacy seems worthy to a guy, he will dedicate you to the most painful and pitiful moments of his childhood, will not hesitate to divulge his romantic dreams and will not be afraid to be clumsy or funny.

It's boring without you

More recently, a man tried with all his might to demonstrate his independence, self-reliance and disinterest. Now your ICQ simply cannot accommodate his compliments, he often calls and openly declares that he is unbearably bored without your company. And if you like all this, then another couple has matched.

If a man misses a woman, does it mean it's love?

This phrase does not mean that it is sympathy or love. Friends who know how to have a good time together can feel sad after a long separation.

There is no need to set a goal for love and think that the guy experiences reciprocity, the fact is that this may turn out to be a sign of friendship or that the girl is not a bad conversationalist. To know how to react, you need to think about whether there were other signs indicating that there was more between people than friendship or communication.

Video: 3 phrases that will make a man go crazy about you...

Read on topic:

  • How to respond to the words “Good morning”, “Good afternoon”: options
  • What words can you calm and console a person: advice from a psychologist
  • How to say “thank you” in French and how to respond to the word “mercy”?
  • How to respond in an original and beautiful way to a compliment, to the words “sweetheart”, “beautiful”?
  • When they say or write “get well”: what to answer in prose or poetry?

Is it possible to tell a man that you miss him?

This phrase is nice to hear, but you shouldn’t say it, immediately “revealing your soul.” Many guys are able to play on this, as a result of which they begin to think that the woman is loving and dependent, this gives strength. This can lead to the destruction of connections and friendships, so how to say this phrase is worth thinking about and making sure your partner is reliable.

If love has occurred between partners, you can talk about feelings without hesitation often, this will bring the couple closer and strengthen ties. Pleasant words are good, but it is better to express them with attention and care, thereby showing concern.

Many girls are pleased to hear such words, but it is worth remembering that a real man must confirm them with actions. Relatively, he can take care of a sick girl, help with solving a difficult issue regarding society, work.

Those who are truly bored will never leave a loved one without attention; a man can express feelings in words and confirm them with actions, care and communication.
1 comment

How to respond to “I miss you” to a girl?

I write mainly for guys, and I will consider this problem from this angle. Although girls also often ask this question. However, men are indeed more closed in relationships than girls
. Therefore, you can usually hear this from an inexperienced young man - girls here more often take the initiative. So, she wrote to you that she misses you, what should you answer? A lot depends on the specific situation. So, the most common cases are:

  • You are together, but you just haven’t seen each other for a couple of days or even more for a reason beyond both of your control;
  • Your relationship is “suspended”, and it is not yet known which direction it will move after the time-out that one of you suggested taking;
  • She runs after you;
  • She's your ex.

In principle, there are still many options, but I think one of these will suit you.
Let's look at them all in order. In the first case, everything is fine in your relationship. And therefore, if she is really dear to you, then you can safely answer that yes, of course, you missed her too. However, you shouldn’t pour out all your feelings and experiences in endless SMS messages.

If you're really lonely, the best thing to do is just call and chat a little about nothing. A girl will never be the first to write such words to you if she is indifferent to you. Moreover, most likely she needs you. But in order to maintain the union, you must show who is in charge in your relationship. And usually this is the one who needs a little, but less. And this is why you will be concise in your answers, you will not rush to respond to every SMS.

And further. You should not let her end the conversation or correspondence first; you should always do this. And not just because you want to, or because it’s some kind of game. Like the last phrase should always be yours. In a relationship there is always a leader and a follower, and it is correct when the leader is still a man. And she, too, somewhere deep down, understands this, although sometimes she rages openly.

Case number two. You decided to break up for a while to test your relationship or because you were already a little tired of each other. Although the latter option, of course, is more suitable for adults and serious people. If we are dealing with inexperienced youth, then such a separation usually occurs after the first serious quarrel. This means that the answer to the question “Are you bored” can be extremely important.

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During a break in your relationship, it would be good to have some quality time. No, you don't have to cheat on her at all if you're still officially together. But having fun with friends, especially in the company of other young people, will help you refresh your perception of reality, which until this moment was focused exclusively on it. Remember that the world did not end with her.

So, she wrote to you first that she misses you, what should you answer? If you understand that she still means something to you, then you must pull the balance of power towards yourself even more. Don't bother answering her. You may be busy with various important things. Therefore, show her that she is not the center of the Universe at all. Answer in a couple of hours, but more succinctly - no snot.

You can generally joke a little: “Are you really bored?” Such a Jewish question to a question that, if the outcome is favorable, should bring her into conversation. And then everything according to the first scenario, do not forget to remind her who is boss in the house - not rudely, no. But persistently and firmly show that you need her, but you know your worth.

Option number three. The girl is just running after you. What to do in a situation when you don't care about her. Then say so. But maybe you don't want to hurt her feelings, although then you're also being stupid. After all, if you stupidly and for a long time give her groundless hope, then later she will simply hate you. Unless, of course, you are saving it as an “alternate airfield” for lovemaking. But here it all depends on your pick-up artist skills. A real macho should always have “available” numbers in his telephone directory.

Case four. I don't know why you should date your ex. But cases of communication between exes sometimes occur, for example, if you were the initiator of the breakup. But even if it’s the other way around, guys often want revenge. So, your ex is asking if you missed her, or is she trying to get a reciprocal confession from you through her statements. What to do in such a situation?

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It all, of course, depends on how much you need all this, and what goals you have set for yourself, and whether there are such goals at all.
However, in any case, you should not follow the lead.
Why on earth would you even miss her? But if you want to achieve something, then you shouldn’t be rude. Just say that you somehow didn’t think about it, and you basically didn’t have time to be bored. This should immediately increase your status in her eyes.

It’s good if at the same time you have a couple of exciting stories in store about your successes in life, well, maybe even for women - if she’s interested. Although you shouldn’t get too carried away with the latter either - women don’t really like it when men talk about their victories on the love front. After all, you could also tell someone how you charmed her too... And even if this is so, it is still better to look like a gentleman and not a scoundrel in her eyes.

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