Top 9 reliable ways to recognize female infidelity: what to do when you suspect it, how to find out with 100 percent accuracy

Ideal relationships only exist in fairy tales. But even there, during a period of family crisis, against the background of regular quarrels and insults, such a phenomenon as female infidelity often arises. It can be triggered by a lack of sex or its inferiority, a drop in interest in each other, a decrease in trust, or simply a genetic predisposition of the female sex to weakness in the form of trips to the left.

But how can you find out whether your wife was unfaithful with 100 percent accuracy, without making a mess and thereby destroying the family idyll? In fact, all the signs of female infidelity are purely indirect and may indicate problems of a completely different nature that have nothing to do with betrayal. Next on the blog, we’ll look at working ways to recognize a vile cheater in your woman, and also give a number of useful tips that will help you get rid of painful thoughts once and for all and start living with calm nerves.

What to do when you suspect your wife of cheating

If, against the backdrop of a seemingly normal family situation, thoughts begin to creep into your head that your wife is not faithful to you, remember that it will be very difficult to bring her out into the open if she is really cheating on you.

In any case, you will have to find out the truth, but before that, follow a few simple rules:

  • Calm down and try not to think about the bad, because nothing has been confirmed yet;
  • Do not attack your wife with questions - wild jealousy never leads to good;
  • Don't try to follow her around in hopes of tracking down her secret admirer. If you don’t trust your woman to that extent, it’s better to immediately end any relationship with her;
  • Well, start paying attention to the little things. Usually the fact of betrayal is hidden on the surface, you just need to correctly recognize it, and we will tell you how later.

In 80 percent of cases, suspicions of infidelity remain just suspicions, so don’t overthink it, continue to live a calm family life, following our further instructions, and perhaps then you will be convinced that your wife loves only you and no one else.

Folk signs

When a married woman has a lover, she begins to change. At the same time, many men may point blank not notice obvious things, continuing to blindly believe in a happy fairy tale called “The Ideal Family.”

At the initial stage of the investigation, folk signs will help. So our great-grandfathers could easily identify female infidelity by a simple sign - the wife began to mention the name of another man too often. She can compare him with you, praise him, or, on the contrary, scold his behavior, thereby trying to abstract herself from the internal unpleasant feeling of betrayal.

One of the signs of folk wisdom is her long and thoughtful gaze. If your wife suddenly begins to sit for a long time and look at one point with a worried look, this may indicate that she is trying to find the right words to confess her sin. But you cannot take this sign as a basis, because thoughtfulness in itself is not a sign of betrayal.

Should I get a divorce?

The truth has been revealed, the first thought that arises in a woman’s head is separation. Is it necessary to get a divorce or can the situation be saved? To understand what is best to do after betrayal, you need to understand yourself.

The following questions will help with this:

  • Am I living with him only because no one needs me? Perhaps I want this myself?
  • Do children really need at least some kind of father?
  • Is aggression a manifestation of love?
  • Who will take care of you if you get divorced?

Only a strong personality can attract a partner and make both of them happy.

A woman should understand herself. It is possible that she became dependent on her man. This means that the girl does not want her partner to be happy, but wants him to be close. You know that he will be better off with his mistress, but you don’t care.

When deciding to forgive betrayal, you need to draw conclusions and eliminate the causes of betrayal.

The main signs of female infidelity

It is impossible to find out that a wife is cheating on her husband with 100 percent accuracy, relying only on signs or indirect signs, but there is a chance to take your investigation to a new level. So if a number of the following signs are present in the relationship between you and your wife, you can safely hire a private detective and interrupt this relationship in the bud:

  1. A sudden change in behavior. If suddenly your wife has become cheerful and joyful, despite the fact that your relationship has not been a reason for joy for a long time, you should check the box and move on to the next point;
  2. Excessive delays at work. Nobody canceled office romances, and if she started coming home much later than usual, and at the same time she did not have a promotion, which is usually the reason for failure at work, we put a second tick;
  3. Mysterious friend. The appearance of a certain girlfriend, whom you have never even seen and did not know about her existence, can add to the list of your suspicions, if it is already full to capacity. If no other signs of betrayal are observed, it is quite possible that your friend is real and your fears are unfounded;
  4. Marks on the body. This is a very serious reason not only to think about it, but also to have a serious conversation with your wife face to face. Try not to raise your voice and calmly find out what’s going on. Perhaps she was the victim of someone’s rude attitude and was afraid to tell you about it, and that’s a completely different story;
  5. Endless change of underwear. At the same time, new romantic collections can appear almost every week, despite the fact that your sex has long ceased to be the same as it was two or three years ago. Agree, it’s stupid to buy chic lace panties if they are never intended for you. Think about it;
  6. Unexpected password change on the phone. And this is against the backdrop of constantly carrying a smart gadget with you. If your wife doesn't allow herself to leave her phone for a second, even while going to the toilet or shower, it makes sense to start worrying;
  7. Changing your appearance, regular makeup, diet, fitness, gym and so on. In a word, your wife has begun to take care of herself, and sometimes the desire to become more beautiful reaches the point of absurdity. Carefully analyze your relationship before and after she began to zealously preen herself. If she pays maximum attention to you and spends all her time with you, then she simply decided to add new colors to your relationship. If not, most likely another man is already waiting for her somewhere;
  8. A very clear sign of betrayal is the end of quarrels and cutting of brains for any reason. Oddly enough, the more your wife is dissatisfied with you, the more this indicates her love for you. With her behavior, she tries to identify all your shortcomings and correct them, molding you into the very man she would like to see next to her. If this is not the case, draw conclusions, check the box;
  9. Missed calls. This is actually a very alarming signal. Regular phone calls that your wife misses in your presence may mean that her lover is calling her. She can refer to advertising agents or meticulous bank employees, despite the fact that previously she did not hesitate to pick up the phone and calmly refuse an offer that was not interesting to her.

If, coupled with the above signs, your wife becomes uncomfortable with physical contact with you, she begins to look away more often, and also complains about the lack of communication, with a high degree of probability she has found someone else. We'll tell you what to do next a little later, but for now let's talk about the types of female infidelity.

Why does my husband cheat?

There can be many reasons for cheating. As a rule, they are associated with what a man lacks in marriage. Or, due to new circumstances, the relationship between the spouses has changed. For example, a baby appears in the family. Both husband and wife, who until that moment were just spouses, have now become parents. And since the new family member does not yet have the opportunity to decide for himself, his parents do this. Disputes and conflicts arise in the family, which intensify due to the fatigue of the spouses.

And then the man comes home after a day of work. What does he see? The house is a mess, with clothes, used diapers, rattles and other evidence of a baby in the house lying on the floor. The wife is dissatisfied, disheveled, dressed in baggy clothes, stained with baby burps. The child wakes up at night and does not allow him to sleep. Or even the husband no longer has a place in the marital bed; his wife and child sleep together with you. And the breasts, which just recently excited him, now belong to the little man as food.

Instead of having dinner together and hugging his wife before bed, he cooks dumplings for himself and goes to sleep on the sofa. And so every day. And, of course, no sex. Immediately after giving birth, doctors are forbidden, and then the wife is so exhausted that there is no need for any love.

When he comes to his mistress, her house is quiet, clean and comfortable. She greets him with a smile on her face, neatly dressed, and delicious food on the stove. She will always listen and will not judge. And her husband rests in body and soul.

Or maybe husband and wife have been together for a long time, a very long time. And they forgot how to hear each other. Then the man will look for an interesting interlocutor. And even if the wife finds out about this betrayal, this will be an incentive for the spouses to start the conversation again.

And it also happens that a man is afraid of condemnation. Each of us has our own sexual fantasies, which society calls perversion. If experiments with your spouse do not succeed, then it will be difficult to avoid awkwardness later. But the mistress’s opinion in this case is not so important. She knows in advance what will be required of her and agrees. In this case, the husband needs her only to satisfy his desires.

Types of female infidelity

Yes, there are different types of betrayal, and the consequences from them can also be very ambiguous. In one case, a woman may have sex with a friend, an employee at a corporate event, or with a casual acquaintance due to alcohol or sudden passion. In another case, she does this consciously, calculating her every step and carefully veiling any evidence of her crime.

As a rule, random and unexpected relationships are single and most often that’s where it all ends. After the incident, the woman experiences a deep sense of guilt and tries in every possible way to correct her mistake, which manifests itself in the form of excessive care, affection, and an attempt to give her loved one maximum pleasure.

In rare cases, a woman herself can confess everything to her husband, and then the outcome of the situation will depend only on him. Here, any signs of betrayal that we noted above will not appear for the simple reason that the main factor of the second type of betrayal – its regularity – will be absent.

Yes, this type of infidelity is much more terrible and here all the signs of female infidelity can appear at once. Sometimes a wife may not hide her indecent behavior, but most often the husband will have to guess the reasons for the dramatic changes in his wife’s behavior.

If she cheats consciously, it means that it was preceded by a good reason on the part of her husband, or she herself is very greedy “On the front” and in life would not mind sharing a bed with a good lover. Of course, you need to run away from such a woman like fire, and if the methods described above help you with this, we will only be glad that another man has freed himself from the shackles of an insidious cheater and found true happiness with a truly faithful and loving wife.

How to catch your wife with her lover?

The most popular ways to catch your wife cheating red-handed:

  1. Try to follow your spouse relentlessly in all matters. To the clothing store? With pleasure. Go for a walk with a friend? I'm with you. You will deprive her of the opportunity to see her lover. How to recognize the signs of a wife’s infidelity and convict her of treason with this tactic of action: sooner or later, a spouse thirsting for adultery will make a mistake and get in touch with her lover. But you are always there. Since it will be very easy to burn your wife, the time spent on surveillance will pay off in full.
  2. If the previous option is not suitable, there is a 100% way to recognize your wife’s infidelity and catch her with her lover. Say that you will be late at work or will not come to spend the night at all and will go fishing with friends. Wait until evening and suddenly show up at home or see where she goes. If your wife has a lover, she will definitely take advantage of your absence for her dirty deeds.
  3. Try writing to your significant other from an unknown mobile number and suggesting they meet at a cafe. Subscribe: “You know who” or “Your cat.” Set a time, arrive there and expect to be exposed. How to prove your wife's infidelity in this case? Everything is obvious here! A faithful wife would not go on a date with a strange man.

We hope that our advice helped you decide. If your wife's infidelity has been proven, do not rush to conclusions. Both spouses are always to blame for marriage problems. Maybe she didn't have enough attention? Or were you rude to her? You can't run away from a good life, right?

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