How to find out if your wife is cheating? 16 signs and 3 sure ways to find out the truth

Ideal relationships only exist in fairy tales. But even there, during a period of family crisis, against the background of regular quarrels and insults, such a phenomenon as female infidelity often arises. It can be triggered by a lack of sex or its inferiority, a drop in interest in each other, a decrease in trust, or simply a genetic predisposition of the female sex to weakness in the form of trips to the left.

But how can you find out whether your wife was unfaithful with 100 percent accuracy, without making a mess and thereby destroying the family idyll? In fact, all the signs of female infidelity are purely indirect and may indicate problems of a completely different nature that have nothing to do with betrayal. Next on the blog, we’ll look at working ways to recognize a vile cheater in your woman, and also give a number of useful tips that will help you get rid of painful thoughts once and for all and start living with calm nerves.

Are there 100% signs that your wife is cheating?

Yes, if there is another man in your bed next to her.
In other cases, everything, alas, is not so obvious. Let's say more - if the infidelity was one-time and accidental, then it is almost impossible to find out that the wife cheated.

But if she started an affair on the side, and it has been going on for some time, that’s a different matter. We have collected for you the first signs that may be warning signs of adultery for your other half.

And for each they remembered a logical explanation that had nothing to do with betrayal. Therefore, read, compare, but do not rush to draw conclusions.

Folk signs

When a married woman has a lover, she begins to change. At the same time, many men may point blank not notice obvious things, continuing to blindly believe in a happy fairy tale called “The Ideal Family.”

At the initial stage of the investigation, folk signs will help. So our great-grandfathers could easily identify female infidelity by a simple sign - the wife began to mention the name of another man too often. She can compare him with you, praise him, or, on the contrary, scold his behavior, thereby trying to abstract herself from the internal unpleasant feeling of betrayal.

One of the signs of folk wisdom is her long and thoughtful gaze. If your wife suddenly begins to sit for a long time and look at one point with a worried look, this may indicate that she is trying to find the right words to confess her sin. But you cannot take this sign as a basis, because thoughtfulness in itself is not a sign of betrayal.

Three sure ways to find out that a wife has cheated on her husband

Do you want to detect your wife’s infidelity with 100% accuracy, and no or/ands suit you? Well, here are three ways that will give you the answer.

Good old surveillance

Follow her movements yourself or hire a detective. In the first case, you will have to sacrifice time, in the second, money. And in both - with pride.

Call on technology for help

Hack the password on her accounts, take her dirty panties to the laboratory, or take your wife to take a lie detector test. All these options will not only give you the exact answer, but will almost certainly lead to divorce. Because, regardless of whether your spouse cheated or not, your behavior will anger her, and maybe even scare her.

Types of female infidelity

Yes, there are different types of betrayal, and the consequences from them can also be very ambiguous. In one case, a woman may have sex with a friend, an employee at a corporate event, or with a casual acquaintance due to alcohol or sudden passion. In another case, she does this consciously, calculating her every step and carefully veiling any evidence of her crime.

As a rule, random and unexpected relationships are single and most often that’s where it all ends. After the incident, the woman experiences a deep sense of guilt and tries in every possible way to correct her mistake, which manifests itself in the form of excessive care, affection, and an attempt to give her loved one maximum pleasure.

In rare cases, a woman herself can confess everything to her husband, and then the outcome of the situation will depend only on him. Here, any signs of betrayal that we noted above will not appear for the simple reason that the main factor of the second type of betrayal – its regularity – will be absent.

Yes, this type of infidelity is much more terrible and here all the signs of female infidelity can appear at once. Sometimes a wife may not hide her indecent behavior, but most often the husband will have to guess the reasons for the dramatic changes in his wife’s behavior.

If she cheats consciously, it means that it was preceded by a good reason on the part of her husband, or she herself is very greedy “On the front” and in life would not mind sharing a bed with a good lover. Of course, you need to run away from such a woman like fire, and if the methods described above help you with this, we will only be glad that another man has freed himself from the shackles of an insidious cheater and found true happiness with a truly faithful and loving wife.

How to prove treason for sure?

The signs by which one can determine a wife’s infidelity are not always quite eloquent. They can tell not only about infidelity, but also about problems in the family. The following methods will help you verify your spouse’s adultery with 100% accuracy:

  1. Reading personal correspondence. Such an act is not the best in terms of morality. But if you have access to your wife’s phone or computer, making sure of the presence or absence of a lover is as easy as shelling pears. Read her correspondence in any messenger, and the truth will be revealed to you.
  2. Surveillance. If possible, hire a private detective. He will find evidence of your wife’s infidelity or refute your suspicions. The budget way out of the situation is to look after your wife yourself. Give her a head start and, a few minutes after she leaves the house, follow her. Another promising option: come home unexpectedly more often. Maybe you'll catch your wife red-handed.
  3. Help from a friend. Ask a male confidant to seduce your spouse. Have a friend create an account on the social network where your wife is registered. Photos, of course, do not have to be real. Whether correspondence will begin or not is unknown. But if your wife takes the bait, all you have to do is watch the developments. The apotheosis of this theatrical production will be a rented hotel room, where the spouse will be invited for a closer acquaintance. And there you will be waiting for her with a divorce application.

Think carefully before implementing our advice. Do you really want to know about the fact of your legal spouse’s infidelity? Such information can change your life forever and even destroy it, especially if you have children. The signs by which one can convict a wife of cheating are one thing, but direct evidence is quite another.

Delays at work.

If your wife is not expected to move up the career ladder, and in recent years she has consistently returned from work at the same time, then you should suspect her of infidelity if she suddenly begins to stay late often and for a long time. Try asking where she disappears and look at her reaction:

  • Or the wife begins to make excuses, to compose various stories, putting on an angelic look, and the stories are full of details that are rather ill-considered.
  • Or the wife reacts aggressively and negatively to the fact that you ask her such a question and remains silent.
  1. Walking in an unknown direction.

Also notice how the wife explains her desire to leave the house unless she is going to work. Usually women want to tell where they are going and what they will do. If your wife hides the path of her walks, then perhaps she is hiding something. You can follow her to know where she goes.

Why do women have lovers?

When the inner world of two halves is radically different, the spouses inevitably begin to move away after the sweet honeymoon period. Often the reasons for having a lover lie in the desire to fill terrible emotional voids in a woman’s soul. The attempts of some psychologists to blame one man for everything is an unforgivable extreme; in a family boat, both people must share the blame for the breakup. Let's list the probable reasons for cheating:

  1. Stuck in the constant search for money, interesting work or hobbies, people pay less attention to their spouses. Unsatisfied people begin to subconsciously look for an alternative among the attractive men around them.
  2. Purely practical motives - the desire to escape from poverty and jump into a boat with a richer and more generous “captain”. Connecting your life with an overly mercantile girl is already a mistake; such ladies easily leave their spouse in favor of a competitor who is more successful in money.
  3. The percentage of women greedy for carnal pleasures who are pushed into adultery by the pure desire to tumble in bed for the sake of new sensations is, according to psychologists, low, but physiology cannot be discounted. If dissatisfaction in bed has reached its extreme point, then the risk of going to the left towards a person with close emotional compatibility is extremely high.
  4. To change “out of spite” - having an affair on the side for such persons is a way to take revenge on their husband for his past betrayals and insults, to show personal individuality, and to prove their relevance.

Me and my wife: CONFRONTATION

Tonight, after we put the kids to bed, I went to talk to my wife and told her that although I didn’t show any outward signs, this situation was eating me alive. She was clearly annoyed that I had not gotten rid of this obsession and became angry with me again.

I immediately asked to see her phone number and once again explained why this whole situation made me doubt the status of their relationship. She told me it was an invasion of her privacy, but eventually gave in.

All messages between them were DELETED. There is not one left. She even deleted the innocent work-related messages I saw. I was in a daze. I asked her why she did it and what she thought this stupid move could achieve.

Her argument was based on the fact that my suspicions forced her to delete all correspondence and she stopped all connections with him, except for work. I knew she was lying. At that moment I wasn’t even angry, I was just very disappointed in her and offended.

We walked in circles for over an hour. I remembered that I shouldn’t accuse her without evidence, it’s better to continue digging unnoticed. I realized that I had made a mistake and said to myself: “What an idiot, I should have not betrayed my suspicions, now she will be more careful.”

All this time, her phone was lying right in front of us on the table. And guess who decided to text my wife at 10:13 p.m. His text was short, but still quite frank: “I can’t stop thinking about you. I hope you're okay." I just read the message and looked at my wife.

I should have taken a picture of her face at that moment. She knew it was him. I just stood up, went upstairs, pulled out my bag and started packing my things. She came running almost immediately, wailing as if I was mistaken, this is not what I think, and so on. I have never seen her so desperate in my life. A truly heartbreaking picture.

Without saying a word to her, he simply took his bag and walked to the door. She blocked it with her body, all the time asking me where I was going. I told her not to contact me until she gets her head out of her ass and starts thinking. He pushed it aside and went out.

I reached the stop and jumped on the first bus I saw. So now I'm sitting on a bench in a part of town I never go to, in minus 6 degree temperatures, freezing my ass, waiting for my friend/colleague who is kind enough to agree to pick me up in his car and let me stay the night .

After our confrontation, I still had to return home, because due to coronavirus restrictions I had nowhere to go. My wife tried to talk to me many times, but I was not ready to talk. It took me several days, but in the end I wanted to find out the truth.

How can you tell infidelity by looking at your underpants?

Undoubtedly, there are many ways to find out that a wife is cheating on her husband. However, when considering the issue, you simply can’t go far. Pay attention to your wife's panties to determine her infidelity (or, conversely, fidelity).

  • The wife has in her arsenal panties that are so sexy and at the same time uncomfortable that she wears them only for sex scenes. She used to wear these panties to seduce you, but she hasn't done that for a long time. If you see that your wife is putting on such panties again, and not when you go to bed, or new underwear of a similar type has appeared in her wardrobe, then be wary.
  • My wife actually started buying new underwear. Moreover, she puts it on not before having sex with you, but before leaving for work or meeting with friends, as she says. It’s even worse if the wife hides such purchases.
  • You smell men's perfume on your wife's clothes. Of course, he could stay with her if she uses public transport. However, if you constantly hear the same smell, then it can no longer be a coincidence.
  • After arriving home, the wife immediately goes to the shower. If this phenomenon does not occur in the summer, when she can simply go for a swim to wash off the sweat and dirt, then you need to think about whether she is trying to remove all the smells and traces of another man in this way. However, if her lover wears long-lasting perfume, then even a shower will not help hide his smell. If you smell masculine scents on your wife’s body, but she herself does not use masculine perfumes, then suspicion should increase.
  • Smell your wife's panties. Many men claim that the smell of sex cannot be confused with anything else. You can notice this smell on her panties, although sex does not imply their presence on her.
  • Think about why your wife buys sexy lingerie but doesn’t wear it to be intimate with you. If you haven’t had sex at all for a long time, then why does your wife make “sexual” purchases, but does not use them to seduce you?
  • Offer your wife sex almost immediately after she comes home, cleans herself up and relaxes. A woman who is already satisfied will certainly not overshadow herself with intimacy with a man who is no longer interesting to her.
  • Pay attention to your wife's body, especially places like her breasts, neck and bikini area. If you notice redness, bites, or hickeys there, then they obviously happened for a reason. Redness is possible if a woman sweats. However, bites from human teeth and hickeys certainly cannot be caused by clothing and heat.

Why does the wife cheat?

Both men and women do not cheat without reasons. If men refer to the fact that alcohol intoxication played a cruel joke or a long absence of sex with their wives pushed them to cheat, then they are mistaken. These reasons are only factors that are based on internal dissatisfaction with the relationship. In fact, women also begin to cheat only when they are unhappy with their relationships with their husbands. And externally it might look like this:

  1. Fading of feelings. A woman has not experienced the love and affection of her man for a long time. He almost never confesses his love to her, doesn’t tell her how beautiful she is, doesn’t give pleasant surprises for no reason, etc. A woman has already forgotten what it’s like to simply receive courtship from a man who tries to show her his interest with such gestures . And if a gentleman appears on the horizon who makes her feel like a woman again, she may not be able to resist.
  2. Resentment towards husband. And why the wife is offended, there can be a lot of reasons. There are husbands who cheat on their women. There are spouses who constantly humiliate and insult their wives, especially in the presence of third parties. In some families, there is domestic violence against women. If a lady begins to receive love and recognition from another man, then she will definitely date him.
  3. Lack of romance. Over time, men generally stop caring for their women in any way. The question is, why? For what reasons does a man bother himself with courting a woman only at the beginning of a relationship, and after a long time he stops doing this? He won’t even set the table, won’t bring a bouquet of flowers, won’t make a small pleasant compliment to slightly revive a woman’s feelings. Naturally, the woman begins to become attracted to another man, who finally gives her what she never ceases to need.
  4. Increased self-esteem. A woman can cheat only for the purpose that she wants to prove to herself that she can still interest other men, be beautiful and attractive to them. Often this need arises when husbands in a family say to their wives: “Who else needs you besides me?” To understand who might need a woman if her husband suddenly divorces her, she can start looking for lovers.

A woman never sleeps with her lover just like that. Single betrayals can be attributed to an accident or a loss of consciousness when a woman was taken advantage of. However, if the wife cheats more than once, it means that something is going wrong in the family relationship. And if a woman has already stopped fighting for the safety of the union, which, most likely, she did at first, then the problem is really very serious.

If a man wants to save his family, even after learning about his wife’s infidelities, then it is better to use the services of a family psychologist who will help both spouses get through their crisis period in the relationship, when the husband will have to forgive his wife, and the wife will have to establish contacts with her husband.

My wife has a lover, what should I do?

Having felt full-fledged deer antlers on their heads, men often rush to undesirable extremes. Intimidation and beatings in the civilized world are fraught with criminal disputes and will not clear up the situation. If the wife has a lover and the adultery is definitely not a one-time affair, therefore, the love spark between you has long gone out.

Ladies often come back not under coercion, but after disappointment in a new affair, when they see you as a more courageous and promising person than a new lover. But is it worth opening your arms to the traitor? How to forgive your wife’s betrayal is a special conversation in each specific case.

It’s sad, but many husbands need an exact recipe on how to test their wife’s fidelity. Alarming news excites the soul, breaks the heart, and inevitably worsens relationships. It is better to immediately confirm or completely dispel any doubts that have arisen than to be tormented in ignorance for months.

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