How to meet a guy you like: ways and places to meet

Single girls and women dream of organizing their personal lives: finding an interesting man for a relationship. Often they have no idea how to realize their dream. It seems that meeting a guy these days is as difficult as finding snowdrops in winter.

If you take into account the recommendations that will be set out in this article, you can quite realistically meet a good young man, interest him and take him to the registry office if necessary.

All advice will be divided into two parts. The first will concern preparation for acquaintance, work on yourself. The second is ways to establish contact.

Go out into the world

In order not to repeat the fate of Baba Yaga living alone in the forest, do not wait for the first step from men. Take the initiative and be the first to talk to the cute guy. To meet him, don’t sit at home with books and favorite films, lead an active life:

  • go to the cinema;
  • visit discos;
  • help strangers;
  • sign up for a gym, swimming pool, sports section;
  • walk in the park;
  • go to a party with friends.

You can find another suitable place to meet. The main thing is don’t wait for a miracle, act.

Practicing psychologist N.A. Vedmesh recommends showing confidence and not doubting yourself. If you met a handsome young man, don’t delay getting to know him, even if you’re walking around in torn jeans and no makeup. If the young man is interested, you will have time to show off your best outfits.

Prohibited tricks

Attracting attention to yourself is a matter of a couple of minutes. It is much more important to demonstrate seriousness of intentions, and not to turn out to be a girl for one night. Among the prohibited techniques are:

  1. Open outfit and bright makeup. You can highlight your lips or eyes, but painting your face in the style of Indian tribes is the height of vulgarity. Natural beauty looks much more pleasant and does not repel potential gentlemen. A short skirt, tight dress and plunging neckline are sure to make an impression. However, it will be radically different from what the girl intended.
  2. Meeting unavailable guys. According to statistics, there are still fewer men than women, but this is not a reason to destroy a family. Even if a guy makes a choice in favor of a rival, she is not immune from his betrayal in the future. Another beauty will turn up - and remember her name.
  3. Multifaceted flirting. Trying to make a man jealous, you may encounter the opposite reaction. The admirer will mistake his companion for a frivolous and dissolute person who does not understand relationships.
  4. Excessive intrusiveness and activity. After refusal, one should not go on the offensive or organize a siege of the object of love. If there is no counter reaction, it is better to go in search of another man.

Psychologists recommend choosing suitable places for safe and promising acquaintance. Nightclubs are not the best option, since no one is looking for a life partner there. If you can’t get to know each other on your own, you can ask friends or relatives for help. Surely in their circle there are free men with serious intentions.

Pay attention to appearance

Blogger and personal trainer Mila Levchuk believes that it is easier to attract a guy’s attention if a girl takes care of her appearance. Pay attention to hair, makeup and clothes. Be a girl: dress up, wear dresses and skirts. This way you will stand out from the crowd of women dressed in T-shirts and jeans.

Demonstrate your desire to get to know each other:

  1. Walk with a leisurely and regal gait, take your time. Even if you interest a guy passing by, he won’t run after you to get to know you. If you are afraid of being late, leave early.
  2. Don't pay all your attention to gadgets. If you are carried away by the music playing in your headphones, there is little chance of hearing a compliment from a handsome guy passing by.
  3. Smile. Exude confidence and positivity. Be convinced of your attractiveness, and this sentiment will rub off on the men you meet.
  4. Prepare a few stock phrases in case the guy calls you out and, for example, makes a compliment.
  5. Don't burden yourself with expectations, don't expect to meet someone every time you leave the house. This will not lead to familiarity, but to disappointment.

Method twelve: goddess of cooking12

In the film “The Most Charming and Attractive,” Susanochka taught her friend how to approach men. She really gave a lot of practical advice. One of them involved "magical cooking". Pies will help you win a man. Or another delicious dish. Get into the habit of treating your “desired object” to something tasty. Be it a colleague or a young single neighbor. If you hear compliments and enthusiastic praise addressed to you, it means you are halfway to success. Perhaps soon a man will invite you for a cup of coffee. You can take risks and take the initiative. If a guy is interested in you, he will take advantage of the invitation.

Start a conversation on the street

Smiling and making eyes at the guy you like is simple, and most importantly, safe. In the worst case, the object of interest will leave without responding to signs of attention. But sometimes there is no time for this, and if a girl does not want to miss out on a potential groom, she should be more active.

Try starting a conversation on your own. Don't discuss the latest political news or weather, ask for help or ask:

  • where is the bus stop;
  • how to get to the city center;
  • what time is it now;
  • where is the nearest stationery store?
  • how to get to the shopping center.

Any phrase should sound unobtrusive. If the sympathy is mutual, the guy will not miss the opportunity and continue the conversation.

Before contacting a young man, assess the situation. For example, if he is walking a dog, praise the pet and ask about the animal’s breed, age, and favorite treats. The young man will willingly talk about his pet and make further contact.

According to personal trainer Lev Vozhevaty, you need to do more than just talk. It is important to use body language. A smile, glances and gestures will tell the guy about the girl’s interest and encourage him to respond.

Rule 7: Emotions are the main fuel of relationships

Don't be shy about talking about your feelings to your man. No, this does not mean that you should confess your love to him. Express emotions while texting. Did your interlocutor surprise, delight, or intrigue you? Let him know about it! Use emoticons, exclamation marks, dots... Be flirtatious, lure your hunter, but without vulgarity. Enjoy life and share your impressions with him emotionally! Men love it when a woman has a lot of energy, when she's like a girl! Look at the world with your eyes wide open and let your man feel it. It is not necessary to tell your online counterpart that you are now going to the shower and will think about him there. But to say that an actor in a romantic comedy you recently watched reminded you of him is very nice.

Strike the right balance between mystery and openness. Overdo it with the first one - you will scare him away, with the second one - he will quickly lose interest in you. Be sincere in everything that concerns your personality, do not lie about your preferences and views on the world. Play mysterious when expressing your feelings for him. He must be sure that you like him, but to what extent - leave a little understatement in this.

Meet people on the Internet

Psychologist and personal trainer Yaroslav Samoilenko believes that the easiest way to meet a guy is to use the Internet. Both social networks and specialized dating sites are suitable. For the latter, it is important to fill out the form carefully. This will help you find a man who is close in spirit and interests.

To meet someone online, just say hello and ask the guy you like how he is doing. Such communication has several advantages:

  • lack of obligations;
  • the ability to easily stop communication if something goes wrong;
  • a chance to show wit;
  • time to think about the answer.

You can take a break and answer the question in 20 minutes or an hour. Such a pause will not be awkward and inappropriate, as in a personal meeting.

How to Meet a Guy: Pexels

Where to look for a companion if you are no longer young

Age is not a reason to give up personal happiness. In the age of advanced technology, it is not difficult to find a partner for a serious relationship at 50 years old. Study and work are behind us, but this does not diminish the prospects:

  1. Internet. A beautiful photo and a complete profile on a dating site are a reliable foundation for success. There is no need to embellish reality or underestimate age, since each period of life has its own unique charm.
  2. Recreation centers or sanatoriums. On vacation, the chances of a successful acquaintance increase significantly.
  3. Dacha communities. Country life implies the help of a man, and a gallant gentleman will not refuse a lady’s participation and support.
  4. Interest clubs. Dancing, singing, hobbies, hobbies, hiking - the list goes on. In every city there is a club “for those who are in favor.”

Psychologists say that after 50 it is possible to meet a serious and wonderful man. Of course, by the half-century mark, almost all worthwhile options are married, but there are exceptions. Bored widowers or careerists tired of loneliness can make a good match.

Pay attention to colleagues

Look for your loved one in the workplace. When you encounter a handsome young man every day in the office or in the parking lot, find a reason to talk.

The advantage of such an acquaintance is the fact that you can find out about the guy from other employees. Over a cup of coffee or while preparing a work project, colleagues will talk about:

  • the character of the young man;
  • his habits;
  • interests;
  • tastes;
  • relationships with others.

By the way, you can meet a fellow colleague not only in the office, but also at industry exhibitions, thematic trainings, conferences, and advanced training courses.

How to Meet a Guy: Pexels

Method eleven: office romance11

Turn the heat on your work colleagues. There may be an interesting bachelor among them. Take a closer look at the man and try to talk to him. There are several simple options:

  • sit at one table during lunch break;
  • ask for a seat on the work bus;
  • ask for advice on work issues;
  • complain about the lack of a companion and two extra tickets to some movie, and invite a colleague;
  • Say hello every morning and briefly inquire about the employee’s affairs once in a while.

Go travel

Airports have a unique atmosphere. People sitting in the waiting room are looking forward to a change of scenery, relaxation and new experiences.

This environment is conducive to making new acquaintances. While looking at the board while waiting for your flight, start talking to the handsome guy sitting next to you. You can chat on any topic, from weather conditions to the advantages of traveling without travel agents.

Don't like to fly? It's OK. Meet on the train, at the bus station or river port.

Method five: lonely adventures5

Don't ignore lonely walks. Make it a habit to take a walk in the park or go for a run once a week. A pet can be a great help. You will have the opportunity to talk to dog owners. Don’t be shy about talking to interesting people yourself. Some guys like to spend their free time with a guitar. Come closer to listen to the song performed. Praise the musician. Your praise can serve as an impetus for further acquaintance.

Take a photo for memory

Get out of the habit of taking selfies with landmarks in the background while holding your phone at arm's length. Look around and ask a passerby to take a photo for you from a different angle.

If there are no advertised attractions within a radius of 100 meters, but there is a cute guy, use your imagination. Ask to take a picture of you in front of a supermarket, a police car or, for example, a park fence.

It is important to come up with an entertaining story why you want to take a photo in this particular place. Get the young man interested and also prepare the ground for further communication. Ask the guy if he has stories related to places that are significant to him.

There are many ways to meet a cute guy. This can be done both on the Internet and in real life. To do this, it is enough to ask the young man about something or push him to take active action with non-verbal signals. If desired, organize a random encounter or use another method of meeting people. The main thing is to be confident in yourself and don’t be afraid to take the first step.

Original article:

Passive measures

Even if you want the man to take the initiative, he can be gently pushed to do so. Use the following tips to increase your chances of dating.

Decide on a location

You can get acquainted under a variety of circumstances, and not just while languidly sipping a cocktail at a bar. First, try to understand what kind of partner you need, and, based on this, choose a location. Do you want to meet an intellectual? Go to an exhibition or lecture. Do you dream of being an athlete? Take a closer look at those who visit your gym and whom you often meet while jogging.

In general, pay attention to the places where you often visit. Most likely, there are men there with whom you have common interests.

It's a good idea to think about the skills you've been wanting to learn for a long time. There are also plenty of suitable candidates in language schools or DJ courses.

Another option is to look for places with a large concentration of men, where you will stand out. For example, visit a sports competition, a car show, or just the tool department in a hypermarket. You are unlikely to remain there without attention.

Become a regular

Still, you shouldn’t forget about bars and cafes. But instead of visiting a new establishment every time, try choosing one and visiting it regularly. It is easier to meet new people in a familiar, comfortable environment. And the wild rejoicing of the bartenders over your appearance will definitely turn all eyes in your direction.

Are you alone more often?

Don’t scare off strangers with the sight of your laughing girlfriends, and especially your male friends. Practice solo walks (or even travel), going to cultural events or going to cafes.

Just don’t try to replace a temporary lack of communication by listening to music on headphones or constantly checking your smartphone. Let others know that you are alone and are not waiting for a belated boyfriend to appear.

Don't be the snow queen

If you want to meet someone, forget about the mask of coldness and indifference. She repels rather than attracts. It’s also not worth using all the possibilities of facial expressions. In order to show your interest, a glance and a slight smile are usually enough.

Watch your appearance

This does not mean that you need to urgently take out everything short and shiny from your wardrobe. Screaming sexuality rather speaks of the girl’s despair and her bad taste than of her readiness for a normal relationship.

It’s better to rely on simple but stylish clothing solutions (the main ideas can be gleaned from this article) and choose the right makeup and hairstyle (this and this article can help).

And is it worth saying that you need to look good whenever possible everywhere and always? A well-groomed and neat appearance is at least a sign of politeness towards yourself and others.

How to meet a wealthy or wealthy man?

Almost all girls in childhood dreamed of meeting a handsome prince and living with him in his castle. To make your dream come true, you just need to meet a suitable candidate. How to do it?

  1. Raise the level of education. In a society of wealthy people, it is customary to talk about culture and art, among other things. If possible, you should visit exhibitions, galleries, and classical music concerts. If it is not there, then basic information can be found on the Internet (who was born, when, who painted this or that picture, what this or that novel is about).
  2. Be interested in events in the field of economics and politics. To do this, you need to watch or read independent news, learn the basics of economics and politics. You can meet a rich man at forums, seminars or master classes on doing business.
  3. Be confident. It is important to remain calm and balanced in any situation, and not to be shy and lost. A woman is the calling card of a wealthy man, but at the same time she should not overshadow him.
  4. Think sincerely and positively. Wealthy gentlemen are looking for a woman with whom they will feel at ease, who they can trust with any business and know that she will not let you down. Men who have achieved a lot are pathologically intolerant of pessimists and whiners, so such qualities as optimism and the ability to look at a situation with humor will be appreciated.
  5. Show your femininity. You should forever forget about smoking, parasitic words and village habits. Such a man needs to be given not only his own body, but also the ability to be a good housewife and create comfort in the house. In order to meet a wealthy man and interest him, you need to learn how to cook well, it is advisable to attend home design training courses.

You can even meet on the plane

Don't come near me10

Many girls are so afraid of looking approachable that they begin to aggressively demonstrate their inaccessibility.

Dont touch me. Do not look at me. Do not come to me.

Guess for yourself that I liked you. I won't even look at you. And I won't smile at you. The muscles of my face do not tremble. I didn’t find myself in the trash heap!

Stop! Where are you going? Why are you coming to meet this disgustingly smiling and friendly brunette?

Here you go guys! What strange creatures!

Any relationship between the sexes is a game. Skillful and dangerous. To always leave the game as a winner, you need to delicately juggle the roles of an accessible and inaccessible lady.

Smile at the man you like. Look at him. Let him know that you won't kill him if he comes to meet you.

And in general, look around more often, and not at your feet. Cool men really don’t lie around on the road.

Rule 9: Look for your zest

Honing your flirting skills takes time and observation. Notice how men react to certain photographs, jokes, and communication styles of yours. For example, they put a new photo on the site - pay attention to what type of men it attracted. Notice which role works best for you and interests the right men: the role of a fatal beauty or a house cat? Experiment with different interlocutors and note what appeals to them the most. Be different, look for many hypostases in yourself and show them. Men love it when a woman is different. They need drive. When everything is predictable and stable, it’s like a stagnant swamp that quickly gets boring.


Whatever one may say, femininity is very, very important.

It should not be confused with immaturity and helplessness.

Don't reduce femininity to wearing skirts and heels 24/7.

Femininity is a state. Energy. Gestures, behavior, manner of speaking.

What good are your shoes and dresses if you walk in them with leaps and bounds and act like a man in a skirt?

You constantly whine about your loneliness7

And about your problems. And how life is unfair. Don't put your finger in your mouth - let me whine!

Men fall in love not with their butts, not with their breasts, or even with beautiful eyes. They fall in love with emotions, with the state in which they are next to you.

If you constantly walk around with an aggressive-depressive expression on your face, it is unlikely that men will approach you to get to know you.

If you are in the company of people of the opposite sex constantly whining about your failures in your personal life, do not hope that the situation will improve. It’s unlikely that your friends will want to solve the riddle from the series “Why do men run from her like fire?”

A pathetic loser stuck in the image of a victim is very unattractive. Not sexy. Doesn't beckon. Doesn't attract.

Speak to your girlfriends about your failures, but don’t get carried away. Otherwise, you will lose them too - few people like to be a snotty vest for tears.

Stop posting thoughtful quotes about loneliness. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop whining!

Well, you're shedding tears again and reaching for a piece of pizza!

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