How to stop being angry and irritated with people in a few days

This emotion is familiar to everyone. It is like volcanic lava flowing through the veins: as soon as its strong energy overtakes us, our body begins to feel a gradually increasing tension, the heart quickens its rhythm, everything inside is compressed as if in a vice. In such a state, a person is prone to rash actions, and it is difficult for him to remain adequate. And if this eruption of emotions is not stopped in time, the consequences can be serious and much more destructive.

It's about anger. We habitually classify this feeling as negative, condemn its manifestation in every possible way and try to suppress it, forgetting that anger is the basic emotion of a person, which he experiences from birth, and the best way to make friends with it is to learn to control it and direct it in the right direction.

If you are currently in a state of anger, we recommend spending time reading our article with a cup of delicious tea - this will be your first step towards emotional self-regulation. We will tell you what causes anger and how to stop being angry and irritated.

Why does anger and irritation occur?

Life is structured in such a way that external stimuli arise quite often, and if they also resonate with the internal state, which, depending on various factors, can also be in a negative direction, then in general this causes the force of energy, which gives anger and irritation as a way protection from unfair treatment.

And you light up, throw these emotions at those who seem to be the cause of them, but in fact you should take up the study of the practice of suppressing your anger and your anger, be able to manage your emotions, especially if it concerns relationships that arise in your personal life or at work. You threw out negative emotions and anger, and they will throw out no less in response.

By becoming a negative attacker, you risk becoming a victim. And most importantly: anger and irritation never help solve any issue; rather, they aggravate them. This means that you should learn to stop being angry, learn to manage yourself, learn to pull yourself together and look at what is happening objectively, precisely by managing yourself and your emotions, be able to manage your state of emotions and find the right arguments, including for yourself.

What does science say?

Did you know that anger and anger originate at the genetic level? This is confirmed by a study conducted by scientists from the University of Bonn in 2009. They found that there is a specific genetic mechanism that is responsible for outbursts of anger. To do this, the researchers surveyed more than 800 German residents to determine their tendency to express anger, and conducted a genetic test on each of them.

The experiment revealed that those who experienced anger more often were carriers of the T-allele (variant) of the rs907094 gene, which is responsible for the production of the DARPP-32 gene [RIA Novosti, 2009].

Next, the researchers studied the relationship between genetic characteristics and the structure of the brain, or rather its individual parts that are responsible for emotions. It turned out that people prone to anger had an enlarged left amygdala.

The amygdala is located in the temporal part of the brain. When activated, it transmits a signal to the hypothalamus, which sends a signal to the pituitary gland. As a result of this, the pituitary gland begins to secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone, and then the adrenal glands release adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. Simply put, the amygdala triggers the fight-or-flight response, which increases blood pressure and causes the heart to work under stress [R. Khusainov, 2021].

What do you think of this scientific conclusion: those who get angry most often overestimate their intellectual abilities? The following experiment was conducted: scientists asked people to rate their level of anger, and then rate their level of intelligence on a scale from 1 to 25. Then they took tests that determined their real level of intelligence. As a result, it turned out that the most irritable of them overestimated their mental abilities [M. Zajenkowski, 2018].

As you can see, anger has a direct relationship with body processes and even with genetics. A person in a state of irritation is not able to adequately assess the situation, because guided by emotions, not reason. These facts are further confirmation that you need to be able to get angry correctly.

How to understand your negative emotions

The first thing to do in order to learn not to get angry and irritated is to first focus within yourself on several issues.

Question one : Is your anger a reasonable decision for you? The first thought is whether the anger that is seething in you is really the right way out of energy. You already feel that you are angry, immediately tell yourself that anger will not help, take a few deep breaths, set yourself the first task to calm down so that the situation does not become harmful to you in the first place.

Anger is a loss of your internal control, irritation is an attempt to escape the awareness of the reasons in the direction of shifting to others what you can do. Anger paralyzes your emotions on one wavelength, you lose control, when you realize anger and irritation on others, the first conclusion they make is: you have lost control.

Question two : What emotions are covered by your anger and irritation? It is likely that you actually want to hide some other emotions, and in order to seem stronger, you are trying to realize them in precisely this negative way. Shame, pain, rejection, fear, embarrassment... There is quite a long list of emotions that you are actually trying to hide. Maybe you should find the real reasons for your condition and try to focus on them?

Perhaps you are already at that stage of your emotional state when it is difficult for you to immediately find a solution. Perhaps you are already accustomed to protecting yourself in the form of anger and irritation, which you pour out on those who, in your opinion, are a possible option for throwing out emotions. But in fact, this really bothers you.

Even if they don’t tell you to your face, such a state will only cause negative consequences. This means the first thing you must realize: you need to learn to manage your condition. There are several effective methods for this.

Isn't everything so bad?

Have you identified the main reasons for your anger? Great! Now you need to learn to work with your emotional state, and for this you need to listen to your feelings. Think about whether what makes you angry is really worth your nerves? Is it possible to painlessly eliminate the cause of indignation? Will this reason for you to be angry tomorrow be as serious as it was today?

Surely, by answering these questions, you will feel better. Now imagine that anger can be turned into a plus and even benefit from it for yourself. This condition has significant advantages:

  1. By throwing out your anger, you will achieve calmness: remember we said that when we are angry, the body experiences stress? And when we experience stress, we get even more angry, because we want to quickly get rid of this condition. Try to express your anger (only in a way that is safe for others) and you will feel how your body reaches maximum relaxation after the outburst of emotions.
  2. Showing anger at work can increase productivity: of course, no one is asking you to destroy your desk if something goes wrong. The point is that sometimes it is useful to show colleagues that you are unhappy with the situation, thereby emphasizing priority tasks and their importance.
  3. With the help of anger, we achieve our goals faster: often we get angry because we cannot achieve something. Anger gives us energy that helps us overcome obstacles on the way to our goal. Imagine an athlete who would give up every time his opponent won. If everyone acted according to this principle, Olympic champions would not be such.
  4. The manifestation of negative emotions is the prevention of a nervous breakdown: if you feel angry, the main thing is not to keep it to yourself. Do not accumulate emotions, otherwise it will result in a serious psychological problem. Show them off in an “eco-friendly” way. Don't like your job and are angry every morning because you have to go to it? Gather all your will into a fist, get angry at your inaction and find something for yourself that will give you pleasure.
  5. Anger helps you understand what exactly you need to work on or what needs to be changed in your life: at the moment when emotions reach their limit, try to slow down the outburst of your feelings and concentrate on what exactly brought you to this state. Is your significant other's behavior annoying? Wonderful! Now you know what was slowing down the development of relations and you can then work on it together [Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, 2021].

Anger is a driving energy that gives us courage and strength to achieve our goals, fight back against our offenders, and defend our interests and boundaries. Correct management of this energy opens up new opportunities, horizons, helps to set priorities correctly, go beyond the usual and even create unique things and works of art.

Now let's talk more about how to calm down and stop being angry.

What other causes of anger and irritation exist?

Or maybe there are other reasons for anger and irritation? A person physically depends on various factors. Maybe you haven’t eaten for a long time, maybe you’re tired, or maybe you’re just not ready within yourself to correctly perceive the moments around you? You should definitely ask yourself: when I ate or ate, maybe I should have a snack and my attitude towards external factors will change?

It would seem very simple, but in fact, the physiological state of hunger can very often be the cause of irritation. Have a cup of tea and treat yourself to something delicious.

Did you find the reason? Let's think logically

If the cause of anger is identified, and this is not some momentary weakness, then you will have to ask yourself the right questions to find your way to solve the problem. Psychologists have long found out that anger is an emotional thinking that most often does not make any sense, but at the same time it can play a big role in our lives. All you need to do in order to solve the problem is to start thinking not emotionally, but logically. To do this, you must learn to control your emotions. For example, count slowly to 100 or more if the level of anger exceeds all limits. Psychologists advise counting slowly and out loud for greater efficiency. This method really helps many people cope with attacks of anger. There are a huge number of such methods and exercises, and everyone can find something that will help them.

How to become aware of the problems of irritation within yourself

If you often have emotions of anger, you get irritated where you shouldn’t, perhaps you then worry that you couldn’t restrain yourself, then you should ask yourself a few important questions:

  1. Does the person I’m angry with want to cause me these emotions? Perhaps he is simply conveying his thought or his desire incorrectly. Maybe it’s worth trying to understand what they want to tell me, instead of breaking down and thus closing the channel of communication to the level of negativity?
  2. Or maybe you are a very insecure person and express your defense with anger? Then read the advice of a psychologist on how to overcome uncertainty.
  3. Is it worth transferring the situation to the level of negative emotions, because if we move the communication channel towards anger and irritability, we will get exactly the same thing. Do you really want people to shout back at you and get annoyed with you? I think no. Your interlocutor, voluntarily or unwittingly, will communicate in exactly the tone that you maintain; by increasing the degree of conversation, you receive the same degree in relation to yourself.

Do you often feel depressed? If the answer to this question is yes, then read this article.


Anger is a natural emotion that is common to absolutely everyone. There is no need to be ashamed of it, much less turn a blind eye to your negative state, otherwise the body literally risks getting sick. There can be many reasons for irritation, so it is important to start with the prevention of anger: do not pay attention to the little things and avoid situations that can make you angry.

How to stop getting angry over trifles? It's simple: learn to separate the serious from the frivolous. Ask yourself if the situation is worth your nerves and are you willing to put your health on the scale for the sake of a few minutes of anger?

In any case, no matter what makes you angry, you need to be able to react to your emotions in a timely manner and direct them in the right direction. Play sports, take a walk in the park, pick up paints and start creating. Let your energy become a driving force for you, not a destructive one.

We wish you peace of mind!

Yes, be sure to share your experience with us:

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Is there a connection between humor and intelligence?
  • 12 Anger Management Strategies
  • Anger management: a selection of useful materials
  • Ability to understand emotional state
  • “Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman: book summary
  • Anger: causes and overcoming
  • How to manage anger
  • Emotions and health: how they are interconnected
  • How to manage anger?
  • Mindfulness and its benefits

Key words:1Psychoregulation


Even when you want to destroy everything around you, just start smiling. Everything is simple here, we are used to smiling at the moment when everything is fine, when we are happy or simply in a good mood. Even if you start smiling through force, it will quickly and painlessly change your negative state to a positive one. Scientists have proven that laughter and smiling help you cope with problems faster, as well as solve serious problems and achieve big goals. Give a smile to those around you, and it will come back to you more than once.

Manifestations of irritation

Irritation has conditional degrees of manifestation: from weak or moderate excitability, which is easy to suppress at the initial stage, to the feeling of being a powder keg ready to explode a kilometer from a slightly smoldering match. What can make a modern person so nervous in an irritated state:

  • actions of other people - failure to fulfill what was promised or not fulfilling what was promised correctly, obvious or contrived guilt of other people;
  • objects that caught your eye at the wrong time and cats and dogs, on which it is so easy and tempting to take out your anger;
  • loud sounds and repetitive rhythms;
  • one’s own, somehow objectionable body or personal actions.

We all expect something from the world around us, and when what we expect is in no hurry to be fulfilled, we begin to slowly boil. Loss of self-control and the manifestation of anger in any form distances us from harmony and unity with ourselves, and also destroys contacts of various kinds with other people: from business to friendship and family. Alas, it is rare that anyone can express their irritation in a civilized way that is kind to the feelings of others - most often negative emotions burst out in a severe, aggressive form.

Why are we nervous?

Feelings of anxiety are a natural reaction to external stimuli. It occurs especially often when a person finds himself in an unfamiliar environment or is faced with a situation that he may not be able to cope with. In some circumstances, it is even useful to be nervous, because... mild anxiety allows you to experience a more complete feeling of happiness in the future. This effect is often observed in expectant mothers before childbirth.

However, modern living conditions have led to the fact that a person can constantly be in stressful situations. This can greatly weaken the nerves and lead to increased anxiety and a feeling of restlessness that will not leave the person even after he gets home, where all the conditions for relaxation and calm have been created. When there is emotional overstrain, it may seem that you are nervous about everything.

In addition, against the background of experienced stress, pathological phobias or fears may appear, for example, phobia of speaking in front of an audience or fear of death. Often this becomes a problem that interferes with life. A person cannot quickly calm down before a public speech or report to colleagues. Under such conditions, the feeling of anxiety before some event may intensify in the future.

Often emotions prevent people from building relationships and careers. In these cases, you need to take measures to improve your emotional background and acquire skills that allow you to quickly cope with yourself in a stressful situation. In most cases, there is no need to resort to medications, because... There are many psychological methods for correcting high levels of anxiety.

How to calm yourself in a stressful situation?

Not all people are able to quickly calm down in a stressful situation. Often, after finding yourself in an unexpected or unpleasant environment, the feeling of anxiety persists throughout the day, and sometimes for a longer period.

In psychology, the phenomenon of increased anxiety has been studied for a long time. Many auto-training techniques have been developed that allow you to quickly regain composure in any situation. Additionally, there are some physical techniques that can help you regain your composure in a stressful situation.

The most effective ways to allow any person to quickly return to normal include:

  • avoiding an annoying situation;
  • physical exercise;
  • breathing exercises;
  • contacts with water;
  • receiving positive emotions;
  • massage;
  • thorough analysis of the situation, etc.

If desired, you can choose the most suitable method that will allow you to calm down most quickly in any situation.

Getting out of an annoying situation

Feelings of anxiety and increased irritability can occur at someone else's birthday party, while going bowling, or in other situations that would normally evoke positive emotions.

Overexertion often occurs when meeting an unpleasant person or communicating with people who are too harsh or may deliberately say offensive words.

Considering that the rest in such situations is already ruined, you should not remain in an annoying situation and continue to experience negative feelings. It is better to immediately go home, where you will be able to relax in the usual way and get unpleasant thoughts out of your head. Thus, in cases where a way out of an annoying situation is possible, it is better to use it to calm your nervous system.

Breathing exercises and Meditation: thinking only about breathing

Among the simple ways to quickly calm down in different situations, breathing exercises stand out.
To reduce emotional stress, you need to slowly take a deep breath and then exhale. The exercise must be repeated 5-7 times until the condition stabilizes. There are some subtleties that can make breathing exercises even more effective.

It is advisable to perform the exercise in a sitting position and with a straight back. Do not pause before inhaling and exhaling. Breathing should be as smooth and deep as possible. In this case, you need to focus as much as possible on your breathing. Extraneous thoughts and emotions should be ignored. This exercise allows you to quickly calm down and not be nervous in any situation.

Having mastered the practice of meditation, you can learn to get rid of stress and acquire the skills to restore mental balance in any situation. The ability to concentrate on your inner world and breathing is necessary for people who are nervous about any reason.

Physical release

Physical exercise allows you to quickly cope with stress, increase stress resistance and regain a sense of calm. If the resulting stress is too great and even at home you cannot relax and return to a state of peace, you can get rid of unpleasant thoughts:

  • walking in the fresh air;
  • thorough cleaning of the apartment;
  • work in the garden;
  • handwash;
  • washing floors;
  • trash release:
  • physical exercises in a fitness club, etc.

People who regularly visit the gym and swimming pool are more resilient to stress.

However, during stressful situations, in most cases it is not possible to immediately go to a full training session. There are several simple exercises that can be done in almost any environment.

Even if small muscle groups are involved (squats, arm rotations from the shoulder), this will significantly reduce the level of adrenaline and allow you to quickly get rid of worries.

If necessary, you can perform the following effective exercise. After a sharp inhalation, you need to clench your hands tightly into fists. You can dig your nails into your palm. As you exhale, you need to sharply unclench your fists and relax your fingers. This exercise should be repeated at least 10-12 times. When performing it, you need to concentrate on the sensations in your hands. This method will help you quickly calm down in any situation.

Drinking plain water or a hot drink

If necessary, you can quickly calm down even in the most difficult situation by simply drinking a glass of water or a hot drink.
Drinking liquid slowly, in small sips, helps reduce emotional stress. Drinking water or a hot drink helps relieve the sympatho-adrenaline crisis, so this method allows you to quickly calm yourself even during panic attacks.

In addition, often anxiety and deterioration in general condition are the result of dehydration. In this case, drinking water will quickly improve your general condition.

Contact with water

Contact with warm water has a calming effect. To quickly cope with yourself, it is recommended to take a warm bath or go to the shower. In this case, you should not take contrast procedures, because they will contribute to increased tension.

If it is not possible to take water procedures, you can wash the dishes. In this case, you need to concentrate on the flowing water and the sensations it gives.

For quick calming, it is recommended to fill a plastic bottle halfway and slowly tilt it horizontally and then vertically, watching how the water moves in the container. This will allow you to quickly cope with yourself and return to a state of rest.

Dark chocolate with carob

Often a person quickly calms down if he starts eating sweets. However, lack of moderation when consuming such products can negatively affect not only your figure, but also your overall well-being.

The best thing to eat when stressed is dark chocolate made from carob, a sweet powder made from carob beans.

In most cases, a few pieces of dark chocolate are enough to improve your overall well-being and eliminate increased anxiety.

Carob-based chocolate effectively calms the nervous system and is also a healthy replacement for regular cocoa-based chocolate.

Positive reframing of a stressful event

Many people tend to experience stress for a long time. Anxiety that persists for a long time negatively affects the ability to carry out daily activities.

In this case, the usual methods of reducing anxiety can only have a temporary effect.

In the future, unpleasant thoughts return. To prevent this effect, you need to replay the current situation several times in your mind so as to present it in the most positive light. This will help you cope with stress faster and regain a sense of calm.

It could be worse, it could be even harder for others

Some people who are constantly under stress gradually lose the ability to think positively. At the same time, all their achievements and merits seem insignificant and not worth attention.

In this case, a critical look at the lives led by the people around you allows you to cope with anxiety. In most cases, it turns out that the people around you are much worse off.

Viewing events and your life in contrast to other people will help you remain calm in any situation, showing you that everything is not so bad and even wonderful. Everything that is happening now is just temporary difficulties.

Slow mental counting from 1 to 10

If the feeling of anxiety is strong, to eliminate unpleasant sensations in any situation, you need to use the method of counting in your head from 1 to 10. You need to count slowly.

In this case, you need to control your inhalations and exhalations. You need to concentrate on counting and breathing. This way you can quickly calm yourself before a public speech or report to colleagues.


In some circumstances, crying helps relieve discomfort. It is believed that tear fluid cleanses the body of substances resulting from the action of hormones, the production of which increases during stress.

If tears do not appear spontaneously, then it is better to come up with or watch a pitying story that allows you to cry and get rid of accumulated tension.

Saying everything that's on your heart

Many people feel anxious, but cannot pinpoint the cause of the unpleasant emotions.

If you cannot clearly articulate the cause of concern verbally, you can write down your thoughts on paper. Then the written text should be put aside for a while and then try to analyze it.

This method allows you to better understand the cause of anxiety and find ways to eliminate it. At first, this method may seem ineffective, but if you learn to talk through what is bothering you and identify the root of the problem, you can restore a sense of calm and self-confidence.

Visual change of picture

To quickly restore peace of mind, you can use your imagination.

It is recommended to remember the beautiful view you saw earlier. You can recreate in your mind the image of a pond or green meadow.

It is advisable to form a picture in your imagination in light colors, because... they have a calming effect. During visualization, it is best to take a relaxed position and close your eyes.

Light self-massage

Self-massage procedures can be performed in any conditions. A massage of the scalp and temple area can help you cope with stress. You need to rub your forehead well.

Particular attention should be paid to the occipital region. In addition, you can massage your hands, which contain many nerve endings.

Massaging movements should be as light and pleasant as possible. They should not cause any discomfort. Attention should be concentrated on the sensations that arise during the massage.

Dance improvisation

To eliminate the feeling of anxiety that has accumulated throughout the day, when you come home, you should start dancing to your favorite rhythmic music. This will allow you to stretch your muscles well, restore vigor and peace of mind.

Movements can be chaotic. It is not necessary to monitor their beauty. Dance warm-ups should be done every day.

Expressive dance will give vent to emotions and allow you to remove blocks and clamps in the body. In addition, it will not only help you get rid of stress, but will also help keep your body in good physical shape.

Exercises after an attack

After we have lost our temper and yelled at our household members, a feeling of guilt and an unpleasant aftertaste arises. Thoughts appear: “Why did I get so angry over a little thing?” To calm down, you need to get down to business.

Also, be sure to ask the person for forgiveness if you have taken it out on him. Explain your feelings, that you are tired or upset, and then engage with your thoughts.


A great way to get rid of anxiety and irritation is to organize the space around you. I like to sort through the contents of my desk cabinets, fold my clothes, and clean my bathroom.

By putting order in space, we put order in our thoughts, so this is a good way to understand ourselves.

You can also arrange books by author's name, color or thickness, and iron things. In general, any household chores will do. But this is good only for those who like to arrange their home.

Sports activities

Switching from emotional to physical stress is beneficial for our nervous system. A walk will lift your spirits, and a set of exercises will also improve your figure. After training, you will feel light in your body, you will be proud of yourself for doing something useful, and the irritation will go away.

Sports release the hormone endorphin in the body. If there is a lot of it, then irritation does not occur at all.

Yoga is also a great help, as it combines exercise and breathing practices. You can study at home using a YouTube video or join a group where you can also communicate with new people, which will charge you with positivity.


Any creative process fills us with energy, so it is very useful to draw after an attack of irritation. After all, anger takes away our vitality. You can imagine what this emotion looks like, what size and color it is, and draw it on a piece of paper. Coloring books, painting by numbers and drawing simple patterns are also suitable.

There is even a separate direction in psychology - art therapy, useful for solving a variety of emotional problems. So be sure to try this method to balance your condition.

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