7 simple and 7 complex techniques for manipulating consciousness. Which ones are they using on you?

Everyone strives to achieve goals, which can be completely different and depend on many factors that determine a person’s life and his personality. In the same way, the methods of their implementation may differ. One person can achieve them only on his own, guided by principles that are ethical in relation to others, with an understanding of which methods of achieving results are appropriate and which ones cross the boundaries of what is acceptable. Another can exert a psychological influence on people and use them for personal gain.

This is called manipulation. It does not always carry a negative connotation, but it is necessary to know what it is, how it is carried out, and what manipulation techniques there are. Firstly, this will help you protect yourself from the psychological influence of others, and secondly, you yourself will learn to use manipulation, because, one way or another, there are situations when it is quite acceptable, which you can learn about in our program “Profiling: Understanding human psychology."

What is people manipulation

By manipulating people we need to understand a whole range of techniques for influencing the consciousness of other people. In fact, this is a whole art that assumes that the manipulating person (manipulator), understanding the intricacies of the human psyche, finds an individual approach to any person. At the same time, he constantly forms a new image of himself in order to achieve his goals. Many people, unfortunately, do not even think that there are a huge number of manipulation techniques and techniques, and that with their help they are “managed” almost every day. This happens because manipulations, as a rule, are characterized by secrecy. Few people are able to master all the methods, but even a few are enough to direct the actions of a particular person in the right direction.

The manipulator must have an understanding of personality types and be sensitive to the mood and emotional state of people. And any of us can fall under the influence of such a person. But the difference in suggestibility (we are more or less influenced) depends on individual characteristics. There are even those who simply cannot be manipulated. Most often, these are very strong and insightful natures with specific mental properties. And manipulators try not to get involved with them, because all their hidden intentions immediately become clear.

Any manipulator is to a certain extent a psychologist, because he determines the “potential” of the victim, his weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages of character and temperament. And as soon as the weak point is found, he begins to influence it. Such a point can be an emotional state, a state of love, affection, resentment, interest or belief. The main task of the manipulator is to determine what exactly is a point. The media (mass manipulation), public figures, politicians and other high-ranking officials acting out of selfish interests are guided in their activities by similar principles.

By the way, in a very accessible form, Tatyana Vasilyeva, a trainer, talks about what manipulation is. Watch the video, after which we will talk about what psychology tells us about the manipulation of people.

What are they needed for?

Manipulation in communication is one of the oldest ways of obtaining benefits in a given situation. This psychological impact is not good or bad. It depends only on the final goal and how to achieve it.

If a person feels that his consciousness is being controlled, he should figure out why this is needed and try to benefit from the new knowledge.

First, you need to decide on your goal. What does the manipulator want? Is this the only benefit for him? Perhaps its impact will also benefit the recipient. This is relevant in family relationships when parents are trying to teach a child to perform some action (for example, exercise). In this case, the goal is to take care of the recipient of the impact.

Secondly, you need to decide on the means. If during the influence the recipient suffers (experiences humiliation, fear, anger, or is forced to do something), such demoralization completely subjugates the person to the manipulator. But there is also influence through flattery - when a counterpart is convinced of his attractiveness or uniqueness. But in this case, the addressee does not suffer, but almost voluntarily submits to the manipulator.

Thus, the characteristics of manipulation in communication have a neutral connotation. Much depends on the personality of the active subject. If the process of influence is revealed, it loses its meaning. Therefore, you should not always interrupt what is happening. Sometimes it is much more profitable to play along with the manipulator and benefit for yourself.

Psychology of manipulation

Manipulation of consciousness is a very subtle art, and to understand it, you need to know how a manipulator can act in most cases. The examples here are quite common. So, striving for his goals, he may begin to praise the person in order to achieve his favor. And having felt that he has achieved it, proceed to the main action - ask or somehow force him to do something for him. And it works - a person who has just heard a tirade addressed to him will, purely psychologically, be forced to fulfill the request so as not to seem rude or tactless.

But imagine that a person managed to realize that the manipulator’s speech was insincere, or simply felt that some requests would follow after it, and showed awareness and strength of character. Having caught this behavior, the manipulator will either stop trying to influence, or may enter into confrontation and even insult the one whom he originally wanted to manipulate.

There are other examples. Many manipulators intimidate people, which often works, because there are many who are unable to overcome fear and anxiety. In this case, the initiator of the manipulation controls the behavior of the person who is ready to sacrifice his interests so as not to aggravate the situation. But this is only the apparent “power” and “strength” of the manipulator.

Psychology often indicates that a person's desire to control others should be considered a reflection of his own weakness. By controlling the actions of others, the manipulator simply compensates for his own complexes, powerlessness, uncertainty, or even envy. But it is also very interesting that some people have no idea that they are manipulating someone. Every person has played such a role at least once in his life, albeit unconsciously. Therefore, you need to be more aware and try to objectively perceive your own actions and actions. Read our article “How to express your emotions and not become a manipulator” and thematic books, for example, the works of Henrik Fexeus. However, we will talk about books later, but for now we will not deviate from the topic.

Psychologists have identified several types of people who are potential victims of manipulation. There are five types in total:

  • The first type is people living an ordinary life, striving for safety and comfort, in whose thinking common sense and logic prevail. Such people are manipulated mainly at the level of needs.
  • The second type is people who live mainly in a state of stress, with predominant creative thinking, dreamy, vulnerable and sensitive, easily suggestible. These people are manipulated at the level of feelings and imagination.
  • The third type is rational people, who think logically, prefer facts and specifics and subject everything to analysis. People in this category are manipulated by influencing their sense of justice, conscience and morality, as well as their sense of self-worth.
  • The fourth type is people whose behavior is dictated by animal instincts, and who strive in their lives for the most part to eat, sleep and sex. It’s easy to manipulate such people – just by providing them with one of these pleasures.
  • The fifth type is people with psychological disorders whose behavior is influenced by hallucinations; people deprived of common sense and the ability to fully analyze what is happening. They are subjected to the most severe manipulation through intimidation or pain.

Manipulators with amazing accuracy (after just a little communication with a person) are able to determine the type of victim, and based on this data, they choose a method or technique for manipulating consciousness.

Impact of self-doubt

In this case, the manipulator presses with his authority. It directly indicates the incompetence of the addressee in certain matters. For example: “You must listen to me - I have lived my life! You can’t do anything without me,” “Actually, I’m the boss here, so it’s up to me to decide how this should be done.” Such self-affirmation at the expense of another can take place at different levels and on different issues. The impact will continue until the recipient gets rid of his uncertainty, weakness and acquires the necessary skills.

Techniques and methods of manipulation

The art of manipulation is quite diverse. Some people use the same methods, while others constantly hone their skills in order to manipulate with greater efficiency. Knowing about these methods is useful in order to understand what you should be wary of, be able to defend yourself and be able to expose the manipulator. If you suddenly want to try to manipulate someone in your spare time, keep in mind that any techniques and methods will produce results only after careful preparation, in particular after identifying points of influence.

The most common points of contact during manipulation are:

  • emotional condition;
  • professional skills;
  • way of thinking, habits and style of behavior;
  • worldview and beliefs;
  • interests and needs.

To successfully manipulate a person, the manipulator must collect information about him. It is strategically useful to think through in detail the time, place and conditions in which the manipulation will be carried out, as well as create a suitable environment for it that increases suggestibility. Examples of such a situation: crowded or, conversely, secluded places, which depends on the situation.

The contact established between people is no less important. An experienced manipulator knows how to establish a communicative connection and develop it to inspire trust in the victim. It is appropriate to note here that many famous authors have written and are writing about manipulation techniques (Dale Carnegie, Robert Levine, Henrik Fexeus and others), and therefore it is not difficult to find a manual.

Once contact has been established and conditions correspond to those planned, the “preparatory stage” ends. Now you can resort to manipulation techniques (note that not all of them require careful preparation and can be used spontaneously). The techniques and methods of manipulation described below are most often used as the most effective. We think you can pick up examples without any problems.

Imaginary inferiority

The method of imaginary inferiority is that the manipulator shows weakness and expects a condescending attitude towards himself. If the victim has been convinced of this, she loses her vigilance, relaxes and stops perceiving the manipulator as a rival or a person who is stronger than her.

The best way to protect yourself from such manipulation is to perceive everyone around you as strong people (serious rivals).

False repetition

The false repetition method is designed to change the essence of the words spoken by the victim in order to give them a meaning that is beneficial to the manipulator. The initiator says the same thing as the victim, but in a slightly different form, allowing the meaning to change.

In order not to fall for this bait, you need to listen as carefully as possible to what people tell you in response to your words, and immediately point out distortions and inaccuracies, if any.

False love

The method of false love is expressed in the manifestation of (insincere) deference, respect or love. The consciousness of the object of manipulation is clouded by flattering words and attitudes, which makes it possible to achieve a variety of goals.

Developed intuition, sensitivity and sober reason help to resist the method, allowing one to recognize the insincerity and real attitude of the manipulator.

Ostensible indifference

The method of ostentatious indifference is based on the fact that the manipulator appears indifferent in the eyes of the victim to her ideas and words. He simply waits patiently until the object begins to prove his awareness and significance of what he knows, using important facts. As a result, you can learn everything you need on the desired topic without much effort.

To protect yourself from such provocations, you need to remain attentive to people’s behavior and notice suspicious signs in a timely manner.

Feigned haste

The method of feigned haste in the art of manipulation is no less famous. Here the manipulator begins to pretend that he is in a hurry and speak quickly, “talking his teeth” to the victim. As a result, the latter simply does not have time to comprehend everything that has been said and agrees with the manipulator (for example, to fulfill his request).

Having noticed such behavior in your interlocutor, you need to stop his speech as soon as possible (even interrupt) and, pointing out your own haste, stop the conversation.

Unmotivated anger

The method of unmotivated anger is that the manipulator begins to behave demonstratively and aggressively so that the victim begins to calm him down and makes concessions.

A simple way to counteract such “anger” is to ignore it, do not reassure the manipulator, and remain steadfast. Indifference always has a sobering effect on aggressors.

Untrue stupidity

The method of untruthful stupidity is very simple: the manipulator accuses the victim of illiteracy and stupidity, which makes her confused. The initiator ensures that the victim begins to think and doubt, and uses this moment to prove his position or achieve another goal.

Confidence in your own literacy and validity of judgments, as well as the ability to control yourself, will help you avoid falling for this trick.

Simulated bias

The method of simulating bias is that the victim is forced to reject the suspicion that he is biased towards the manipulator, who indicates this. The victim begins to make excuses, praise the interlocutor, point out his positive qualities and advantages, and show goodwill. This helps the manipulator satisfy, for example, the need for vanity or achieve some other result.

It is not difficult to resist imitation bias: you just need to initially refute any possibility of bias, using facts, and not start playing by the manipulator’s rules.


The labeling method assumes that the manipulator, talking with the victim about some third person, speaks unflatteringly about him. The negativity shown by the manipulator contributes to the fact that the victim begins to think badly about the third person, and, quite possibly, without even knowing him (if this person is familiar, trust in him may simply be lost). Thus, there are two victims at once - direct and indirect.

Understanding that nothing can be taken at its word will help you avoid manipulation here. Of course, you need to take note of the information, but you need to check it.

Specific terminology

The method of using specific terminology works great when manipulating a person’s consciousness. During the conversation, the manipulator uses terms and concepts unknown to the victim. It turns out that she finds herself in an awkward position and, not wanting to show awkwardness, does not ask about anything. The manipulator wins and can take advantage of the situation.

As the famous saying goes: “it’s better to ask twice than to remain silent once,” so in any such case, do not be shy and try to clarify everything that is not clear.

Game of common people

The method of playing common people can be called specific, because Most often it is used by politicians and important influential people. The manipulator creates an image of “like everyone else,” a completely simple person, which allows him to reduce the distance with people, earn their trust and form the desired image.

You should never take everyone's word for it; You need to objectively evaluate people and try to recognize their motives.

Planned PR

The method of planned PR also belongs to the category of specific ones, because used for PR purposes when it is necessary to create a positive image or image of a product or person. Manipulators (here, as a rule, there are several of them) distribute information among people that carries the best that can be said about the object of PR.

As in many other cases, you can avoid falling into the trap of planned PR through conscious perception of incoming information, its objective assessment and verification.

Link to authorities

The method of citing authorities comes down to the fact that the manipulator, when communicating with the victim, quotes or cites the opinions of famous and influential people, thanks to which he makes the necessary impression on her (and those around him in general).

In order to prevent yourself from being influenced, you need to listen carefully to what they say to you and ask the manipulator clarifying questions, with the help of which you can reveal his incompetence.

Card rigging

The card rigging method is no more complicated than the previous one. The manipulator, talking with the victim, selects several approximately similar facts as arguments in order to put them together and show the problem under discussion from the side that is beneficial to him.

Such manipulation can be countered by citing other facts that reveal the topic under discussion from a side unfavorable for the manipulator.


The method of grinning (or irony) is expressed in the fact that the manipulator demonstrates a disdainful attitude towards the words of the victim, as a result of which she begins to lose her temper, get angry, and lose self-control. As a result, the protective barrier of the psyche is removed and the person is suggestible.

The only and most effective way to combat such manipulation is absolute indifference to the words of the manipulator.

False representation of favorable conditions

The method of falsely presenting advantageous conditions is that the manipulator verbally and non-verbally hints to the victim about the great opportunities that he currently has. If the victim can be convinced of this, the manipulator can influence her so that, for example, she performs some actions that are beneficial to him.

You can resist this method by clearly understanding your own place, your capabilities and conditions. The main thing is not to succumb to provocations and not to do what you shouldn’t do.

These are the most popular techniques and methods of manipulation. Of course, the arsenal of manipulators is much wider, but we will not touch on more specific methods. Instead, we will tell you about several secrets of successful manipulation. They will help you better understand how to manipulate people and protect yourself from manipulation.

Common Misconceptions

Now let's look at a few non-trivial (such as low IQ, susceptibility to influence) common misconceptions

Confidence in being right

Unshakable confidence in one’s rightness most likely indicates a fixed picture of the world and false small and large regeneration cycles. The bottom line is that our IML is severely limited. We cannot say which information is true and which is not, or whether it is complete. Our logic is not flawless, and we are subject to various influences. Our emotions can deceive us. Our friends and everyone who thinks like us also has all these shortcomings. How can we be sure that we are right? It seems reasonable to always keep in mind the possibility that it is not your opponent who is mistaken, but you.

Making information more meaningful

I see this often.
“Wanting to understand,” people scan various sources and “study the facts.” Then they defend their point of view very convincingly. If you do not suffer from the same disease, then it is impossible to argue with them; they really have the information and “blame” you for not knowing something “important”. And... after a while it turns out that they are wrong. How so? To understand where the error crept in, let’s remember the “emphasis” manipulation. In fact, we are all prone to self-deception, for example, by placing the wrong emphasis in accordance with our picture of the world. Let's remember about fake news, which could also be perceived as a worthy argument. Let's add to this the fact that they can be members of communities of people with a similar worldview. I remember the political instructors in the USSR. Some of them really knew a lot. Their training allowed them to construct a convincing argument, with examples and details. Many were 100 percent sure that they were right. But then the myth collapsed, and it became obvious how distorted their interpretation was at times.

We live in an information ocean with a huge amount of false and unreliable information. Many topics are highly charged emotionally. If your picture of the world is false and strongly “cemented,” then it is very difficult for you to distinguish true information from false information.

Emotional underdevelopment

We have already discussed that the more discrete our emotional perception is (to the extreme, black and white), the more our “picture of the world” is subject to “cementation,” which in turn makes us vulnerable to manipulation. Therefore, developed emotional perception is an important condition for your adequacy.

Undeveloped sense of harmony

If you love abstract painting, then you must understand how important this feeling is when you are dealing with the chaos that is an infinite number of variations of shapes and colors. Due to the weakness of our IML, we cannot take into account all the facts, factors, dependencies, and we are actually in the same situation of chaos and we need to choose the most “harmonious” interpretation.

Secrets of successful manipulation

The art of manipulating human consciousness is so widespread that we don’t even think that we are becoming its victims. And to become more receptive (and also to improve your skills yourself), you need to know a few secrets of manipulation. We can name four such secrets:

  1. Simple, kind and merciful people, capable of altruism and self-sacrifice, are most often susceptible to manipulation. These traits are undoubtedly good, but they make a person more vulnerable.
  2. Manipulators successfully exploit subconscious human fears, such as the fear of abandonment or being alone. By pressing on these points, it becomes very easy to control the actions and even thoughts of others.
  3. Manipulators take into account that most people are wary of negative emotions and avoid conflicts. A banal increase in voice or change in tone can be controlled by a person without resorting to the above methods.
  4. Manipulation is most successful when used against people who do not know how to say “No”, i.e. refuse. Knowing that such a person is in front of him, the manipulator can be 80% sure that the victim will do what he says.

When communicating, you must always remain vigilant - this is the first step to countering manipulation. It is equally important to know your personal characteristics and develop awareness - this also helps to strengthen your “immunity” against those who want to use you for their own purposes.

If you want to understand the topic in depth, we have three offers for you.

First, read our blog articles:

  • Techniques of manipulation in discussion;
  • 9 manipulations during negotiations;
  • How to recognize emotional manipulation;
  • Manipulative techniques of toxic people;
  • How to communicate with manipulators.

Second, read anything (or all) from this list of books:

  • Henrik Fexeus “The Art of Manipulation. Think the way I want";
  • Henrik Fexeus “The Art of Manipulation. Don't let yourself be deceived";
  • Vadim Shlakhter, Sergei Kholnov “The Art of Dominance”;
  • Everett Shostrom "The Manipulative Man";
  • George Simon "Who's in Sheep's Clothing? How to recognize a manipulator";
  • Nicolas Gueguen “Psychology of manipulation and submission”;
  • Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People;
  • Victor Sheinov “The Art of Managing People”;
  • Vladimir Adamchik “200 ways of successful manipulation”;
  • Robert Levin "Mechanisms of manipulation - protection from other people's influence."

And thirdly, watch this interesting video about the tricks of manipulating people. Use your skills only for good and do not succumb to other people’s manipulations. We wish you success!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Manipulation techniques in discussion
  • Protection against manipulation
  • How to recognize emotional manipulation
  • Anti-manipulation techniques
  • Active and passive protection against manipulation
  • How to communicate with manipulators
  • Ten cunning tactics of manipulators
  • Best of the year. Part one
  • 9 manipulations during negotiations
  • Techniques and counter-techniques of verbal manipulation

Key words:1Communication

Definition of the concept

Manipulation can be called one of the most common types of communication. It is necessary for the psychological impact on a person. Manipulation in communication is a method of management, the ability to control the behavior and feelings of an individual.

The process itself consists of a subject (manipulator) and an object (the recipient of its influence). Moreover, the latter is not informed about the psychological intervention being carried out on his personality. Therefore, such influence on people (or a group) often has a dismissive or condescending connotation.

Psychological manipulations in communication can be found at different levels: in personal discussions, in the family, in the team. They can be used both for creative purposes and to demoralize a person. The goal that the manipulator seeks to achieve plays a big role in this. The techniques with which he intends to influence are also important.

Manipulative techniques

Often these reactions come from childhood, so the most effective manipulative techniques are based on typical phrases that parents once uttered. The similarities can be easily seen in the examples.

Pressure for pity

As a child: “You’re going to a party and grandma isn’t feeling well! Stay at home, take care of her, there’s no one else.”

Now: “Of course, you are on vacation now, but we have a very important project planned, and without you it will be difficult to complete everything efficiently. Will it be possible to go on Skype in the evening?”

According to Eric Berne's theory, in such a message, two “adult” colleagues communicate on an explicit level, and on a hidden level, the boss takes the position of a “child” who asks the “parent” to help him. Rarely does anyone miss the opportunity to feel like a savior in such a situation. A sense of self-worth is one of the most insatiable human needs.

Guilt play

As a child: “How irresponsible of you to go to a party when grandma is sick! We are exhausted, and you just want to have fun!”

Now: “You’re already on vacation, and we’re in the busy season, will you be able to at least get on Skype?”

The situation is the same, but the message is different. In this case, the position of the boss is parental, and the subordinate gets the role of a “child,” disobedient and guilty. Of course, in order to earn the love and recognition of the “parent”, the “child” will give up convenient vacation time, work overtime and work for three people.


As a child: “Masha only gets A’s in her studies, but you even got a B in drawing!”, and in the opposite direction: “So what if everyone copied them, but what if everyone jumps from the roof?”

Now: “Your performance is the worst in the department, you should try harder” or “Inexperienced employees sometimes make such a stupid mistake, but I didn’t expect it from you!”

Situations of evaluation and comparison, when they are not in our favor, are extremely unpleasant. This technique has long ceased to be secret: “Best Employee of the Month” boards and leaks of assessment results are also management techniques based on comparison. Of course, everyone wants to be better than others, no matter how much psychologists, philosophers and lovers of thoughtful statuses on social networks claim that you only need to compare yourself today with yourself yesterday.

On weak

As a child: “You will never get into this university!”

Now: “The client is hesitant, doesn’t seem to trust your experience very much, maybe entrust this to someone else?”

Works well with people who like to prove themselves in extreme situations. When everything is calm and measured, they get bored and do their work carelessly. But in a situation of force majeure, they are able to show their best qualities. Skepticism on the part of the authorities will spur such an employee to prove his professionalism, perseverance and determination to everyone, out of spite. This approach is rude, so managers often use a third party to convey to the employee their doubts about his abilities.


As a child: “You are the smartest! No one can do it better than you!”

Now: “I cannot trust this important task to anyone but you.”

When creating some kind of image in the eyes of others, we want to look like a holistic, consistent person and try to act consistently. Someone's faith and support can energize and give strength. Flattery can also be used to impose one’s point of view: “You’re so smart and you understand that the best option would be...”.


A very common type of manipulation. There is even a saying or something: call someone a pig many times, and he will grunt. I don't remember verbatim.

Tell me about TV?

OK. To be sure, we’ll touch on that too.

We turn on the TV, and there is advertising. Something like: “If you buy vodka in Colorado, you will immediately grow up rich.” And so on day after day. And then you will choose a bottle in the store - and it will pop up in your head, as if it had been like this all your life, that you should drink this particular vodka - you can get drunk and become rich. Funny, but true.

And repetition is a wonderful way to introduce stereotypes into the masses: “how stupid Americans are” (c). Yeah. Certainly. A country that has been making money on the whole world for the 4th century is definitely a country of idiots. It’s possible and that means we don’t have to strain ourselves. Brains - that is, friends?

This is a bit of a harsh example, but there are a lot of similar ones that can be cited, and there are even harsher ones.

Here’s another one for good measure: “Study at school so you can go to university. Then to the university to get a job. And you will work happily all your life." In the average family, raising a child this way from childhood is the norm. And, in general, because of this norm, families are called average. Then the child is afraid to step aside from this path. Or rather, not even that. He then doesn’t see other paths, and even if he does, he almost doesn’t recognize them.

By the way, this method is often called zombification.


Another method of manipulation is most often used with direct influence, and (don’t be afraid of the word) is not necessarily illegal.

A primitively moronic example. The girl says to the guy: “Until you go to my store for a gold ring, I won’t give myself up to your good ones.” “golden ring” - can be easily replaced with whatever the girl wants, depending on each specific case.

Another example of blackmail, but this time illegal: The city administration tells a businessman: “if you don’t sell the store of your own free will, we’ll put a bunch of checks on you from various authorities, and they’ll find something to dig into.”

We even blackmail children: “Until you eat the soup, I won’t give you chocolate.”

It is very effective when it is not illegal, however, you almost immediately fall in front of the one you are trying to manipulate.


Let's return to the conversation about women at the end of the first part of our conversation.

There are three main schemes (for two people):

a) one loves, one doesn’t love.

b) both love.

c) both don’t like.

The first one is simply mega-popular and effective. Manipulators are usually those whom they love. Moreover, manipulating those who love them literally becomes a drug. And the one who loves understands that he is being manipulated, but cannot do anything.

The second one is banal. “Do you love me?” Then…". There is nothing supernatural.

The third, according to the manipulator's plan, should be reduced to the first. That is, task number 1 is to make a person fall in love with you, and then act according to the first scheme. “Girls from clubs are looking for stupid rich boys” - I think you know what I mean.

Alternatively, you can “fly” with the third scheme and fall in love yourself. Or you can “get there” so that you both fall in love. Here you can’t guess who benefits, although in theory it’s for both.

A pity.

He took pity on the dog and made it his faithful dog. Losers love to be pitied. Straight out orgasm.

Having pity on the loser, you can twist ropes out of him.

In reality, you need to be careful when they try to feel sorry for you. I'm not calling to treat everyone with suspicion, but still.

We sent a couple of examples.

We feel sorry for the employee from the previous point about pride: “what have you done? Well, it’s okay, it doesn’t happen to anyone, poor fellow,” where we gain even more trust, and then after a while we divorce according to the old scheme.

Another short example: A girl feels sorry for a man.

Is it worth continuing?

The main thing you need to remember is PITY FOR THE PATHETIC, and simply do not allow yourself to be pitied. This is the way of a man, nothing can be done. Girls can be allowed, but only in such a way that they control it.

PS When girls ask to be pitied, they are not necessarily manipulating you. They may really lack your attention. But you shouldn’t regret the real mistakes. This is where manipulation comes in.

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