How to tie a man to you - 11 psychological techniques from mistresses

08/27/201604/21/2018 Nadezhda Plotnikova

At any time, representatives of the fair sex tried in every possible way to conquer men, establishing almost absolute power over them. Some managed this easily, others left with nothing, having managed to lure the “target” no further than the bed.

Young people go down the aisle with those girls who were able to understand how to tie a man to themselves. Let's try to do this too, taking into account the fact that we do not need a dumb and subordinate henpecked man.

You will need a little natural charm, knowledge of male psychology, a little tricks and a little magic.

Working advice from the best psychologists in the world - how to tie a man to you forever or for a very long time?

There are a lot of psychological techniques that will help you firmly bind any man to you emotionally, sexually or at the energy level. This article contains only the best and time-tested techniques for binding the stronger sex, which have been approved by family psychologists from all over the world.

Psychological technique No. 1 – comfort and care

Men love to make money, but according to statistics, they are more tired at work than women, so at home they really want to receive love, care and warmth. If you can create a cozy corner at home where a man will feel comfortable, consider that you have won and were able to establish a tangible connection with him! Just make him feel good around you.

It may be quite difficult to be in a positive mood as often as possible, not to swear over trifles and simply not to find fault with a man because of a bad mood, but this is one of the most powerful psychological techniques that has saved millions of families around the world.

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Psychological technique No. 2 – trust and communication with a man

If any problems or misunderstandings arise, calmly talk about it with your man, rest assured that after the dialogue your connection will only strengthen.

Also try to trust him and don’t be jealous of everyone. There is no need to take his phone away and get into his messages, because stress and aggressive mistrust destroy relationships. A man may begin to associate you with negative experiences, after which he will begin to avoid you. This technique is relevant not only at the beginning of a relationship, when the problem of trust is very acute, but also after decades of family life.

Psychological technique No. 3 - praise a man and respect him

Every man wants to be strong and respected, so don't be shy to praise him for his achievements and behavior that benefits you. This way you will get what you want more often and bind it to yourself even more.

Let the man next to you feel like a superhero, authority, strongman and alpha. But don’t be humiliated - keep the bar of your own dignity and self-respect, because this is important for a strong union and a comfortable family life for both.

Psychological trick No. 4 – develop with him and take care of yourself

Secretly or openly, every man wants to live with a beautiful woman who cooks delicious borscht, is great in bed, and knows how to hold a conversation.

Therefore, if you want to remain interesting to a man for a long time, develop with him:

  • Share your experience;
  • Discover something new in sex, hobby, business or life;
  • Take master classes and coaching sessions on topics that interest you;
  • Learn to take care of yourself;
  • Wear dresses that highlight your assets;
  • Find common activities with him and do not forget to praise your loved one for brilliant ideas;
  • Admire his knowledge and support him in all his endeavors.

Over time, you will definitely notice that it becomes more and more pleasant for a man to be around you. He will begin to be interested in your opinion, will want to give gifts, will begin to care about you more and will definitely not think about leaving for another woman, because he feels so good with you.

Does sex bind men - answers from a sexologist

Good and emotionally rich sex binds men very strongly. Guys love impressions and enjoy the look, if you become a goddess in bed and give maximum pleasure, it will be very difficult for him to switch to “more boring” madams.

Study techniques for seduction, behavior in bed, learn to manage his emotions, change positions, learn how to give a good blowjob, study his weaknesses and preferences, and also do not hesitate to show yourself from all sides and angles in the light - this is a guaranteed guarantee of a healthy and strong union . A man will definitely remember your femininity and passion, and will often think about it, because the sexual connection is very strong

Leave everything bad at the doorstep

From the first seconds of meeting, there is no need to shower your loved one with your problems from head to toe and torment your loved one with your bad mood. Anger, irritation, nagging - this is not at all what a man expects from a relationship, and you probably don’t either. It’s not his fault that you had a fight with a colleague, didn’t make it to the subway on time, or forgot your phone at work.

Anger and nervousness are thoughts, which means they need to be changed. Think about something pleasant, sing yourself a favorite song, recite a poem, or imagine your ideal day off.

Tricks and secrets that will help him understand that you are better than any woman

Not every woman knows how to be feminine, in addition, recently it has become fashionable to be a “steel, strong, distant and cold bitch” who is scary to approach. But such women rarely arouse interest and certainly will not be able to attract the attention of a worthy husband.

Don’t be afraid to show weakness and gentleness, let them take care of you, help you, open jars, carry bags. Then your partner will be able to feel like a real man, this is very important for him.

Another trick is to be friends with his acquaintances and approve of his surroundings - join the social circle of your beloved man, but under no circumstances flirt with his friends.

Ask a man for his opinion, ask for advice, don’t be afraid to ask questions that can help you solve some everyday problem. This way you will show him that you value his views on the world, that you need him, this is another non-obvious need, by satisfying which you can bind your partner to you.

Try to be conflict-free or minimally friendly, especially when it comes to his close relatives. This is a very subtle psychological technique that will show your lover that you are a strong support, and as a result, he will hold on to you more tightly.

Work on appearance

You don’t have to be born a femme fatale, you can become one if necessary. The secret of success is known and has not changed for years: a chic figure, styled hair, a flying gait from the hip, a tight dress, thin stockings and a heel of impossible height. All cliches work as usual. Bring your image to maximum resemblance to the photo of a model beauty from the cover of a glamorous magazine. And the perky sparkle in the eyes compensates for any physical deficiency. Your mission: to delight the male world with your presence.

What to do to tie a man to you from a distance?

Most often, in cases of attaching a man at a distance, we are talking about a variety of magical things, but this is far from the main component of the successful “capture” of attention and love.

If you do not have the opportunity to see and communicate with a man in person, focus on correspondence and calls, but remember that in this case it is very important to follow a simple rule - be interesting.

No man will be attracted to you and will not be interested if you write the same type of messages about your daily routine or ask too often “how are you?” It is important to intrigue him, lure him with hints on sexual topics (if you have already become close enough) and playfully jump off, forcing he misses you and your voice.

Try to penetrate him and feel the emotions of your beloved man, remain positive during the dialogue, make your voice lower and velvety when communicating on the phone (they like it better), this will become a strong base for your future connection. Find common topics and common interests - the stronger sex loves to be appreciated not only for a “beautiful body” or for banal achievements, but also for skills or preferences that are more invisible to the eye.

Find as much information as possible about him - look at social networks, talk to mutual friends if you have any, absolutely everything you find can be used to penetrate deep into his heart during conversations.

The most important thing is you

The most important thing in any relationship is not to forget about yourself. The more you love yourself, the more you will want to give to your partner. You must have an inner core, your own principles and life values.

If you are a harmonious person in yourself, then this will only attract a man. There is no need to try to imitate him or be his mirror. Every man is looking for a full-fledged personality with whom it is interesting to talk and be silent.

The better you know about your own desires, the more clearly you can explain them to your partner. This means that he will be able to surprise and delight you, as you want it. And he will also be honest and open with you.

It should be comfortable with you, but this can only be if you feel good alone with yourself. You have solved or are solving your internal problems yourself, and do not bring them into the relationship.

Magical ways to tie a man - love spells and love spells

For a spell or love spell to work, you need to get to know the man better, behave positively, adequately with him and win him over as much as possible using the techniques and techniques described above. Only then will you be able to create a strong connection that will not break over the years.

Any ritual that you perform will connect you with a man energetically at a distance or through close contact. Here are some of the most effective spells that you can use after establishing contact with your loved one:

  1. Red thread - the red color symbolizes love, find the strongest red thread and whisper the name on the knot, wear the enchanted thread on your left hand and remember what an ideal woman should be and the name of your loved one when you look at the thread. Remember that the most important thing here is to feel with your whole body and emotions what it means to be an “easy-going, beloved woman”; you need to be imbued with love and care, maintain these states and use it during personal meetings with a man or at a distance during calls or correspondence.
  2. Herbal decoction of fortune teller - you will need chamomile petals, fireweed tea, mint and wormwood, a small pinch of each herb in a teapot, mix all the herbs and brew tea from them, while brewing you need to concentrate on your loved one and tune in to constructive vibrations that will help you connect with a man. Think only about your beloved and how pleasant it is for him to be next to you, feel love, tenderness, care, imagine how you give this love to a man, then drink a cup of tea and offer tea to your beloved so that the ritual of forming a love connection will work .

Knowing all the methods described above, you will understand exactly how to tie a man to you.

Methods that work

A list of such methods will help solve existing problems. In addition, their regular observance will help to chain a man to you for many years:

  1. Try to disappear from your chosen one’s sight more often. This method, without consequences, will help you constantly remain interesting and unpredictable for a man.
  2. A man should constantly feel not only love, but also trust in his direction. You should not constantly monitor him and show distrust.
  3. Guys love it when they have their own space. You can leave it for a while without calls or annoying SMS.
  4. Try to sometimes try on a man's wardrobe, put on his T-shirt or sweater. Men like women who change their appearance.
  5. The main trump cards of women remain attention to a man’s person and the ability to listen to his intimate conversations. In return for this attitude, your spouse will probably shower you with warmth and love.
  6. Avoid tantrums, especially if there is no good reason for them.
  7. Try to remain an inspiration to your man and justify his actions as much as possible, even if they are stupid.

Don't try to change it

If you want to create a family with your beloved, then remember once and for all - he is not a small child and it is too late to raise him. Accept him as he is: with all his habits, views and positions. If you prefer "mama's boys", then you will have to be prepared for the fact that from time to time he will infuriate you with his whining and insecurity.

When choosing a strong and confident man, you will have to realize that his word is law, and it will be very difficult to change anything. Serious relationships are not built without hundreds of refusals, insults and misunderstandings. Don't throw tantrums. Treat his character with understanding. Learn to truly love your chosen one.

Even if you are not going to marry this person, do not neglect this advice. Men don't like it when people tell them and try to change them.

Wear feminine clothes more often

Leave trousers, jeans, shirts, sweaters and T-shirts for get-togethers with girlfriends. You need to look like a lady in front of a man, and it doesn’t matter how old you are: 16, 25 or 50. Don’t hide your body behind manly clothes.

Wear tight dresses, skirts, blouses, do not neglect jewelry, update your wardrobe only with feminine clothes.

Pay special attention to texture. For example, silk and viscose show your softness and sensitivity. In such clothes, a woman seems tender and defenseless.

Demonstration of masculine character

In a girl’s understanding, masculine behavior is a willingness to solve her problem, help, take responsibility when she cannot do this. For example, if your companion is sick, send her a package with healthy vitamins, flowers to lift her spirits, or order food delivery. If she has problems, solve them or find someone who will do it.

Try to take care of the girl like an adult and conscious person. Take into account her opinion, but do not allow yourself to be commanded, otherwise you will look like a little boy following his mother’s orders. Argue if you don't agree with her (but without insults or rudeness). Stand up for your opinion. Then she will become attached to you.

Investment in you

People are designed in such a way that they hold on most to what they have invested a lot of effort into. This is why it is much easier to break off a relationship that lasted a week than a relationship that has existed for several years.

For a girl to become attached to you, she needs to invest her resources in you: time, emotions, attention. If she tries to please you and devotes her time, she will feel stronger affection. If you do everything in the relationship instead of her, she will lose interest in sports.

Kinesthetics (touch and sensation)

To make a woman think more about you, you need to give her different bodily sensations. This includes touch, smells, sounds and other factors.

While walking, don’t be afraid to hug a girl, take her hand, straighten her scarf, tuck a stray curl behind her ear. Representatives of the fair sex remember such little things very well and reproduce them in their heads after the meeting.

Important: be careful, because not all people like a lot of tactile contact.

Hold her behind your back as you pass her forward. Give your hand when getting out of the car. Kiss goodbye confidently. Stroke your palm at the cinema. This will demonstrate to the girl your desire and excite her imagination, which will help to bind her.

Raise his self-esteem

At first glance, a man may seem confident and calm, but in his soul he feels panic and anxiety. Show him how much you love and appreciate him.

When communicating with you, his self-esteem should rise, both in his own eyes and in the eyes of others. If this happens, then he will intuitively want to communicate with you.

Give your loved one compliments, praise him, both in private and in public. Tell him how strong and brave he is, praise his sense of humor - there are many options.

Abundance of emotions

This is one of the most important factors, because without emotional buildup it will not be possible to tie your chosen one to you. Emotions make us feel alive and are an essential part of relationships. And for a girl to fall in love with you, you need to become the reason for her positive emotions.

But feelings are needed both positive and negative. I don’t advise deliberately causing bad emotions in a girl. They will appear on their own if you do everything right, and deliberate ignorance, complaints and ugly actions will only hinder your goal. Let's discuss this point in more detail.

There are two concepts associated with emotions:

  • emotional swing;
  • emotional swing.

They don't mean the same thing. Rocking is not manipulation, but mutual pleasure. For example, you spend one day together: go on a date or have a movie show at home. The next day you go out with friends, spend time on your interests, or do work. That is, you are doing something separately from your girlfriend.

On the second day there will be a negative emotion - your lady will be bored, feel dependent on you, on the feelings that she experienced on the date. But the situation will not bring her suffering, since everything remains fine in your relationship, everyone just spends time separately, and this is normal.

Emotional swings are manipulation and a constant war between the two. Quarrels and reconciliation. Bright dates and cold ignore. Deep night conversations and conflicts based on divergent interests. This kind of situation is not the norm. She will take energy from you. You will last on the “swing” for some time, and the girl will really get attached (if she doesn’t run away right away), but then she will get tired, and you will break up.

Therefore, use the emotional buildup method, but make sure that the ratio of positive to negative feelings is approximately 80 to 20.

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