How to support a man correctly? Mistakes Women Make When Trying to Cheer Up

Words of support to a man in difficult times are the basis of a strong and trusting relationship. Despite all their independence and physical strength, they need to hear words of encouragement in order to realize their need. Therefore, a wise woman knows what words to say to her beloved man in order to support him in difficult times.

In this article we have collected beautiful words of support in prose that are suitable for any occasion.

Words of support for a friend in difficult times.

Problems at work


My love, problems at work are not a reason to worry. Knowing you, I want to say that you can handle anything and you will definitely come out of these difficulties as a winner.


My love is always in work and business. Of course, I understand that you are doing everything so that we do not need anything. Therefore, I want to say that I support you in any endeavor, we will overcome this path, as always, together!


Darling, there is no reason to be sad! Just smile and any problem will melt away, not even a trace will remain of it. I'm proud of you, take my hand tightly and let's overcome another trouble holding on to each other!


Any difficulty passes, and this trouble will certainly pass. Therefore, you shouldn’t be upset, it’s better to hug me quickly so that we can fly up to the clouds, in spite of all the difficulties and troubles.

Upon dismissal


My dear, are you really upset because someone decided to fire you? It's stupid, they just don't realize what they're doing yet. Where else will they find such an efficient, punctual, honest employee!


Dismissal is not the end of life, but its beginning in a new place. Perhaps you have outgrown them and therefore it’s time for you to move on, and let them remain marking time!


Seeing your zeal, it’s hard for me to imagine what kind of feverish brain managed to fire you! However, this is even for the better, because it was not you who lost, but they lost an excellent employee, whom smarter people would be happy to hire.


Kitten, don’t be upset or despair! After all, we are together, which means we will overcome any problems, even this stupid dismissal. Remember - everything that is done is done for the better!

Oh, let's have a good laugh

You can support your loved one in difficult times via SMS with any message, even the stupidest joke - let him at least start smiling, and maybe joyful events will attract him/herself:

  1. You are so unearthly, it means everything will be okay.
  2. You are my armored train, and they are not afraid of dirt.
  3. Turn on the fool, just don’t forget to turn it off at home.
  4. Remember - you don’t know failure, because you are a joker.
  5. Raise your hand and put it down - and f... with them all.
  6. Would you like some sweet oranges? ... Do you want to punch someone in the face?
  7. Keep your face and body.
  8. Don't hang your nose, the louse is strong.
  9. Hold on, our guys will be here soon.
  10. Forget about these freaks, better remember what happened tonight.
  11. Keep your optimism, screw the idiocy.
  12. Are you sure you've decided to bother with this? I offer an alternative - bother with me.
  13. Now do 5 squats and 10 deep breaths? If it doesn’t help, hit him in the face.
  14. You are sure that life has driven you into a corner, then take a sledgehammer and tear down the walls.
  15. My husband suddenly returned from a business trip... What, let him go?
  16. You will break through, you have never escaped from such troubles before.
  17. If all the arguments are over, you can turn on the real redneck, but then run.
  18. You are my best of men, they are all just jealous of you.
  19. Yes, she’s not a bitch, she just quietly wants you, but she can’t.
  20. They are thinking of crushing you - there is no harm in dreaming.
  21. Walk past with your head held high.
  22. It's better to be a little plucked, but undefeated.
  23. You can do anything, I know, I know.
  24. Now take every word of your boss with sexual overtones. It is very funny. For example, he tells you: “You still don’t understand anything,” and you add to this phrase his lustful aspiration and 50 shades of gray... Laughing, and that’s all.
  25. Now you can act like a fool - be on their level.
  26. Don’t listen to them, sing a song in your mind: “They need the left bank, then the right bank, there are a lot of morons, I’m the only one at the crossing.” Eg…
  27. Try to smile now - let everyone think that you are a fool or don’t care.
  28. Don’t be upset: money is a gain, but depression can drag on...
  29. Now imagine that you and I are at sea and we don’t give a damn.
  30. If you are not in the mood and give up, pull yourself together, but don’t be a wuss.
  31. Yes, you are still in a fairy tale, only while the terrible episode is going on.
  32. Tell them that the wild wife will come over now.
  33. As Yesenin said: “Just you know, fuck them...,. I will never die, my friend.” Like that.
  34. Isn't this situation like a joke? Do you get upset when people tell you jokes?

Before an important matter


Is my hero ready today to accomplish another feat and perform a small miracle? Then quickly wake up, wash your face and get ready. Today is an important day, so there is no time to lie down for a long time. Important things await us!


Unfortunately, I won’t be able to help you today, so I’ll have to rely on my own strength. However, you have enough of them to cope with any task, even an impossible one. No matter how the day turns out, remember - you are loved and welcome at home!


Dear, there will always be a person who will be jealous or put a spoke in your wheels. However, how can such a trifle stop my hero, who always achieves the desired result! Let everything go smoothly!


I promise that I will sit at home and worry about you. Today you have an important day, which will fly by according to your plan, because it is thought out to the smallest detail. Come back quickly, because at home you have equally important things to do - love me!

Before the court


Difficulties occur in the life of every person, but only the strong in spirit can overcome them in order to move on. I don’t doubt one bit about your inner potential, which sets you apart from the crowd. Feel free to go and prove your innocence!


Darling, no matter what the court's decision, I am always there. On our way we encountered troubles worse than this, but we always found a way out, and we will find it this time too. The main thing to remember is that everything passes, this too will pass!


It is difficult for me to find words of support during this difficult time. Lawsuits are always very stressful, but I believe in your fortitude. May the Lord meet us halfway and give your words firm confidence so that the decision will be in our favor.


I wanted to find beautiful words to support you, but I couldn’t find anything sensible, so I’ll say it in my own words. I know you only from the positive side, so I am firmly convinced that victory will be ours. If I believed you, then the judges will definitely believe you!

How to support your boyfriend's girlfriend

The relationships of young people are characterized by increased emotionality. They are characterized by ease of communication and passion.

Relationships are connections or interactions between people.

Source Wikipedia

If a young man finds himself in a difficult situation, the girl should provide him with attention and support, encourage, inspire and help. Do not show aggression or dictate your terms under any circumstances. To refuse him in this situation means to betray him.

Proper support for a guy in a difficult situation largely depends on his temperament. For some, warm words are enough, for others, a hug is needed. But in any case, he must see that the girl trusts him and that he can turn to her for help at any time. Only then will the young man begin to share his experiences with her. Try to spend more time together, go for walks, to different events, to the movies.

In case of illness


Every person feels disgusting when they are sick. However, I look at you and wonder how you manage to look so great. However, it is foolish to expect anything else from such a strong, brave man. Here is my hand, squeeze it tightly so that we can overcome this illness together, like so many other things.


This night sewed a blanket of tenderness for you so that you could warm up and say goodbye to this disease forever. Get well soon so that I can again see your joyful eyes filled with a thirst for life!


Any illness is only a short-term phenomenon that makes us stronger. Therefore, do not become limp, gather all the mighty potential of the body and give the last battle to this disease. I believe that seeing your strength and desire for life, any illness will run away, and we will again enjoy every day together.


I don’t understand how such a strong and resilient person could catch some kind of infection! However, this is no longer important, now you need to think about how to get back on your feet faster. Therefore, you should not argue with doctors, but comply with their demands. After all, I already miss my hero!

Why words of encouragement are needed

If relationships between people are based on love and trust, the woman feels the man’s condition. She understands that she must be not only a skilled lover, but also a caring mother, a wise adviser, a devoted friend and, given the situation, act in one role or another.

From birth, men get used to caring, gentle hands. At first, the boy is protected by his mother’s love, but as he matures, he instinctively reaches out to the woman he loves for help. He’s just embarrassed to show this feeling openly.

What words to support a man with depends on several factors:

  • specific life situation;
  • psychological characteristics of a person;
  • relationships between partners.

Be generous with kind words, caring attention, gentle touches. Don't feel sorry, but sympathize. Pity humiliates, but sympathy inspires hope.

Before surgery


My love, I have always admired your willpower. Therefore, there is no doubt that it will not be difficult for you to take the last step on the path to recovery. May the surgeon's hand be strong and his eye true. Hurry up and come home, everyone is already bored out of their minds!


I love watching your tenacity and desperate courage. Even before the operation, a smile does not leave your lips, and your voice sounds firm. I believe that everything will end soon, but promise me that you will make every effort to make the recovery period go quickly. We all miss you, so think about us and get well soon!


Dear, there is no reason to worry - this is a simple operation, and the doctors are very experienced. However, I say these words to myself because I worry more than you. As you lie in the operating room, remember that I am with you in my thoughts, holding your hand tightly. No disease will separate us, on the contrary, it will make us stronger.


Love of my life, one day your image will fill my heart and make my soul sing, saving me from disastrous loneliness. Now it’s my turn to rush to help, so during the operation I will quietly wait for you in the ward. So that when you open your eyes, first of all you see me and my love. I believe that everything will be fine with us and we will live many more happy days!

To a tired man


Dear, I will tell you a story that is suitable for this occasion.

An angel came down to the tired man and asked:

— Would you like to look at your life path?

- I really want to, but how?

He hugged him tightly and lifted him high above the ground. From a bird's eye view, the man saw his entire path from birth to this moment. However, there were two more pairs of tracks along this path.

- Some traces are mine, but whose are they next to? - he asked the angel.

- These are mine, because I have been accompanying you since birth.

- But why is sometimes only one trace visible?

“This is the most difficult period of your life,” the angel said calmly.

- Why was I left alone, why did you abandon me? – the man was indignant.

- Oh no, I picked you up to carry you through all the problems.

Beloved, may your angel always protect you!


My beloved sunshine, come home soon after a grueling day of work. You are greatly missed by a woman who has prepared a delicious dinner and is waiting in her arms. As soon as your head touches my hands, you will immediately forget about fatigue, daily problems, and difficulties. I love and admire you very much!

About the importance of pleasant words

Telling your beloved man kind, gentle compliments is normal. Every man needs regular support, it is better if a loved one provides it. Therefore, there is no need to restrain yourself and if such an impulse arises, then be sure to remind him how dear he is to you.

Why cheer up a guy?

  • By complimenting her man, a woman takes a big step towards emotional stability within the couple. By doing this, a woman reduces the possibility of infidelity or conflicts. When a guy feels supported, he subconsciously tries to protect the woman and pays more attention to her.
  • Some expressions or words can inspire a guy to reach new heights. By focusing on his business qualities, the girl pushes him to develop further. This will not go unnoticed and the relationship can change dramatically for the better.
  • Having heard beautiful words addressed to him, a man will give his chosen one twice as many compliments. This will lead to the development of relationships and bringing partners closer together.
  • By increasing self-esteem through the right expressions, a man will become more open towards a woman. In addition, natural instinct can play a role - he will treat his chosen one more reverently.
  • Affectionate expressions give vitality. After a long day of work or physical activity, the body gets tired. However, correctly chosen expressions can excite a second wind. This gives an incentive to move on and develop even more.
  • Compliments can extinguish a conflict at the very beginning. Every person is subject to emotional stress; against this background, misunderstandings often arise that develop into open conflicts. However, a few gentle expressions can stop a quarrel at the initial stage. Hearing a compliment addressed to him, the guy stops, which means emotions stop growing, which leads to smoothing out the conflict.

In case of divorce


Divorce is not a reason to give up. On the contrary, we need to get together to prove to everyone that she was wrong. Unfortunately, only from a distance do many realize the real cost of loss. Be strong, boldly look forward, because that’s where the one who will follow you not for money or anything else is waiting for you, but because she sincerely loves you.


We can congratulate you on a serious step that should have been taken a long time ago. Love dies when the light in the eyes goes out. Your fire went out a long time ago and all attempts were doomed to failure. However, stepping over his pride, he tried to preserve the remaining sparks. This characterizes you as a real man.


Dear friend, despite the difficult period in your life, you manage to remain a sympathetic person. There is no reason to be sad - if you separated, then it is not intended for you. It was for you that fate prepared another, and this was a reason to make you stronger. There is still a lot of interesting things ahead, so raise your head, smile and go towards your dreams.


In this life you need to look for a person who will love your soul, not your body. The first experience was unsuccessful, but it made you wiser and stronger. Every person who meets us on the path of life performs his own action - someone cooks, and someone enjoys. Therefore, be glad that you have already been prepared; you will soon meet someone who will enjoy you.

For depression


Darling, depression is just a beautiful word that means a loss of interest in everything that happens around you. Tell me what the problem is and we will do our best to solve it. For me, there is nothing more important than seeing your joyful eyes and hearing your cheerful laughter.


Any problem has a beginning, consequence and end. To understand the reason for your indifference, you need to figure out where it all started. It pains me to look at your dull eyes, tell me what the problem is so that we can deal with it once and for all. Remember dear - I love you very much!


What could be worse than the indifference of a loved one? My sunshine, as the night passes and the sun comes after it, may your depression be replaced by joy. For me there is nothing of our happiness. I have the strongest man who can cope with any problem. I willow in you!


My dear man, the meaning of my life, tell me what happened, and we will find a way out. We have put a lot of effort into becoming happy, will some little thing ruin everything? Look at this world, it is waiting to plunge us into the abyss of joy.

Everything will work out

Even if you need to support not a loved one, but a friend or acquaintance, then it is also worth supporting the person with an inspiring and inspiring SMS, choose:

  1. Yes, wherever ours has disappeared! Nowhere!
  2. When fools interfere with life, it is only their problem.
  3. Well, you're a moron! In the good sense of the word.
  4. Yes, it’s time to get used to the widespread and omnipresent imbecility.
  5. When your wife calls you a moron in the heat of a quarrel, know that she loves you or is just like that herself.
  6. Yes, you are alone D'Artagnan, and there are only henchmen around.
  7. You have to learn to turn on the fool in time, I keep teaching you, teaching you, and you are still smart and smart.
  8. Yes, your boss is just a pompous goose, and they don’t take offense at geese.
  9. Living with an idiot means behaving like an idiot, but not getting used to it.
  10. No matter how much you prove to a fool that you are right, he still won’t understand - forget it.
  11. First, figure out who your envious person is - either an idiot, or pretending to be. If the first, then mirror it completely; it won’t be difficult for you.
  12. Yes, everyone at your work is strange - sometimes with a quirk, sometimes with a retard.
  13. Let the boss wise up a little, you know that he is a fool.
  14. Don't be angry with them, imagine everyone on a nudist beach.
  15. For you, idiocy is an unconscious choice, but simply a temporary necessity.
  16. Now there are 2 options: either hang your tongue, or just remain silent.
  17. Who are the judges? Take a closer look at them.
  18. A fool full of power is terrible, but you see right through him.
  19. When the idiocy around you goes off scale, slow down and don’t pay attention to anyone.
  20. Don't waste your money on fools, take care of yourself.
  21. The whole world is a mess, and we are all actors in it.
  22. Greatness does not lie in mocking others, but in treating them condescendingly.
  23. Don't change yourself, do what you think is right.
  24. Just because they swim shallowly doesn't mean you have to splash around in their puddle with them.
  25. They see a speck in someone else's eye, but in their own they cannot clear the logs from the logging complex.
  26. It’s not your fault that they can’t see anything further than their own nose.
  27. Don't worry, they just don't deserve it.
  28. Don't argue with idiots, you'll become a little goat.
  29. What is bad luck and how to deal with it? Just look at the situation, you are lucky, but it could have been even worse.
  30. Don't break your forehead in front of idiots and don't use swords or beads in front of pigs.
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