How to hug a girl so that she gets the hint correctly

All living things on the planet interact with each other in various ways. But there is one wonderful and harmless method of communication between people, which allows you not only to achieve balance in communication, but also to help physically and emotionally another person.

Hugs are one of the oldest and simplest ways to transfer energy between people. What good do regular hugs bring to a man? How to hug a girl with benefit? And how often should you hug?

Scientists about hugs

Carnegie Mellon University, which has repeatedly conducted research in the field of psychology, recently published the results of another experiment, during which very interesting facts were revealed about hugs. Thanks to the participation of 400 volunteers, it was possible to establish the following:

Regular hugs increase immunity and help the human body to more easily endure various viral attacks and subsequently prevent them. Also, thanks to timely “hugs,” an interlocutor or friend can help a loved one more calmly bear the stress of a social conflict or a quarrel with a loved one.

Thanks to hugs, the human body again and again experiences a release into the blood of oxytocin, the hormone of affection, devotion, and the hormone of instinctive sensation of another person. Among other things, oxytocin lowers blood pressure and promotes muscle relaxation.

And the most interesting thing is that the effect of hugs continues even the next day.

Psychics about hugs2

Experts in the field of magic and esotericism claim that hugs can be very beneficial for a person, and sometimes even healing. For example, an emotionally charged person on a positive wave, hugging another, triggers the work of the solar plexus chakra, which in turn activates the production of blood leukocytes through irritation of the thymus gland.

And also, psychics, in terms of their benefits and impact on the human body, compare hugs with laughter and even meditation, since this elementary gesture unites all systems of the body in a single impulse, the breath, the heart, and feelings. Thus stabilizing your personal balance.

But the main thing that practical magicians note is that it is quite easy to influence a person with the help of hugs, since at this moment a powerful energy exchange occurs, which can calm, quench pain, and allay fears.

Polite and friendly

In this type of hug, there is only physical intimacy in the upper body between two people. The lower part never touches. This is a relatively good distance to make it clear that there is nothing romantic or sexual between people.

This gesture is mainly common among colleagues or friends. Usually a hug lasts a couple of minutes, but it can be longer if the two people haven't seen each other in a while. This could be a gesture of congratulations, gratitude or welcome.

How many times should you hug4

In addition to research on the benefits of hugs, scientists have gone further. Since the process of contact of bodies has an almost therapeutic effect, then it must be used literally according to the recipe.

Louise Hay, an experienced psychologist and psychoanalysis specialist, believes that four hugs a day is the minimum norm necessary for a person to survive. To maintain and fully function all organs and systems of the body, you need at least eight approaches for hugging. And in order to move forward, to realize plans and dreams, you need twelve or more hugs a day.

What happens if a person does not hug5

Scientists of anatomy and physiology have proven that there is a zone of the brain that responds and actively recognizes tactile sensations - touching human skin. If a child is hugged little or not at all, the part of the brain responsible for tactile senses atrophies or simply stops developing. As a result, the nervous and immune systems as a whole suffer.

Also, a well-known fact is that children who grew up without the proper amount of love in childhood, and at a very early age it is expressed precisely in the tactile sensation of loved ones nearby, grow up incapable of love. Neuropsychologist William Priscott talks about this in more detail, according to whom such children in adulthood may be prone to murder, an antisocial lifestyle, and reclusive behavior.

And deeper expert opinions even indicate entire societies that become more aggressive and alienated if hugs are not accepted in them and people have little contact with each other in this way.

By the neck

By hugging the neck, the guy asserts his own superiority and shows that the woman belongs to him. This gesture is used mainly by strong and powerful men, demonstrating their dominant role in the relationship.

A guy also hugs the neck when he doesn’t know how to express his feelings differently, or considers expressions of tenderness unacceptable for a representative of the stronger sex.

Sometimes the gesture is used by rude people brought up in Spartan conditions or by street kids who are unable or unwilling to show true emotions.

What types of hugs are there?

There are many types of hugs, and each of them has its own emotional coloring and energetic message.

  • Official hugs

Official hugs have their own energetic and psychological connotations. This is a type of bodily contact that could be avoided, but a slight touch of shoulders occurs between people as a sign of special affection and respect for each other. Applicable to business partners and work colleagues.

  • Friendly hugs

Friendly hugs can be completely different. Most often they happen casually and do not carry any special emotional overtones. Usually, during a friendly hug, the hand is placed on the shoulders of the interlocutor. However, hugs from friends can be different. By patting, stroking or snuggling, the interlocutor can express a feeling of support, understanding, and sympathy.

  • Hugs of spouses

Hugs between spouses are very diverse. But most often they are longer. People are in close contact for a long time without embarrassment, looking into each other’s eyes, touching their heads. They are like-minded people, supporting and supporting each other. A woman’s head on a man’s shoulder or chest, and his hand under her shoulders, in a lying position, indicate the patriarchal structure of the family, she is under his wing, he is her protector.

  • Embrace of lovers

Lovers in their embrace are very unpredictable. Here you can find varieties of friendly shades, passion, and notes of family hugs. The feelings of lovers often play in different colors, hence this range. However, most often, lovers look into each other's eyes. The guy hugs the girl by the waist, she hugs him by the neck, as if in a slow dance. Inexperienced young people, avoiding the gaze of their beloved, resort to hugs from the side or from the back.

  • Embrace of parting

Hugs when parting with loved ones for a long time are almost bearish. Most often they are silent, but the interlocutors seem to hear each other’s thoughts. Despite the relationship, be it a relative or a friend, this type of contact is very close and long-lasting. People touch their cheeks, almost intertwining their necks.

  • Embrace of reconciliation

The reconciliation hug is similar in many ways to the breakup bear hug, except for the look. During a try-on hug, the faces do not touch each other. More often, the gaze runs between the eyes and lips of the partner, the interlocutor, as if in search of confirmation of the world.

  • Hugs after a long separation

A characteristic feature of hugs after a long absence is that the interlocutors practically throw themselves into each other's arms. They pause for a brief glance and press close again. Further, the nature of the meeting depends on what kind of relationship the people have.

  • Hugs of support

In order to support someone, people often use techniques such as patting on the back or shoulder. This technique rather means an attempt to encourage and show your participation. Stroking, more often than not, means a desire to reassure and regret.

  • Formal hug

Formal hugs are somewhat similar to official hugs. But unlike the latter, such contact does not carry a warm message of emotions of affection and trust. It is more like a handshake between opponents in the ring after a fight. When no one wants to hug anyone, due to wet bodies and rivalry, but this is how it should be according to etiquette.

But in addition to the main types of hugs, contact and tactile communication with the female sex are discussed in a separate text. By nature, representatives of the fair half of society are empaths. Which means that most of them intuitively grasp and recognize information hidden from them.

For example, the true attitude of the interlocutor, his feelings and intentions. Particularly revealing in this context can be considered body language, in particular the use of hugs as a way to express any emotions.

Why do we need hugs?

We melt with love, we shake with hatred, our cheeks burn when we talk to the offender... That is, our body reacts to all emotional reactions, we feel who we are with the help of our body. And each of us strives to create the best living conditions for our body: security, warmth, satisfaction. In order for the body (and the soul too) to feel comfortable, we simply need contact with other people. We want to be hugged by people dear to us, we want to experience their warmth and affection for us.

Body-oriented psychotherapy

There is a large branch of psychology called “body-oriented therapy.” Its founders and successors are confident that most psychological and somatic (bodily) problems can be solved if we allow the body to talk about its problems, because the body “remembers everything”, capturing our feelings, experiences, and negative life experiences. The psychology of the body, experts say, is the shortest road to the unconscious, and therefore to the origins of our problems. By hugging each other, we, without even realizing it, find the surest path to the heart of a person dear to us.

Hugs are pain killers

When we hug each other (naturally, the effect only works with people who are important and dear to us), endorphin is produced in the body - the hormone of happiness and pleasure. Oxytocin is also a calming hormone. After all, with hugs we show a person that you are not alone, I am protecting you. This means we satisfy the most important instinct of survival and safety. In response to this action, pleasure hormones are produced, which have a positive effect on a person’s psychological and physical health.

Hugs teach us to love

If a child is not hugged or touched, he is developmentally delayed, has health problems and does not know how to express his emotions. And this is a direct path to phobias, psychopathy, sociopathy, a tendency to antisocial behavior and pathological inability to live. Therefore, we can say that, thanks to hugs, we not only express our attitude, but also learn to love! If you hug a person who has fallen into depression, it has been proven that their level of cortisol (the stress hormone that makes our body work for wear and tear) decreases, which means that the person feels better.

How to hug a girl to say “I love you”7

First of all, it is important to know that the female sex is much more jealous of its personal space than the male sex. And the key to the success of a cuddling event largely lies in the guy’s ability to carry out all the maneuvers in a timely and delicate manner. An intimate hug can easily be started by extending your hand to your companion and taking her palm and placing it on your chest.

  • The most popular hug in love is when the guy stands facing the girl, both of his arms hug and pull her by the waist, while the girl’s hands rest on his shoulders or close around his neck. A particularly sensual form of this hug is the contact of foreheads or noses.
  • Young people who feel shy can successfully use intimate hugs from behind. The guy’s hand can be in the area of ​​her neck, the main thing is not to overdo it with pressure, and the second one in the waist area. Or both hands clasp her from behind, completely fixing her hands, as if trying to warm her up. This position eliminates eye-to-eye contact, and at the same time gives the girl a feeling of care and security.

How does a girl feel when a guy hugs her?

When a guy hugs a girl, she feels safe. In addition, she appreciates in a man those tactile touches that do not lead to intimacy. She is consoled by the thought that her lover really cares about her. He shows attention and care, without hoping to get her into bed in this way.

How to hug a girl with benefit8

  • In order for the interaction of bodies to bring health benefits, you need to hug tightly so as to slightly compress the chest, remembering that such an impact stimulates the thymus gland and the production of protective blood cells.
  • But most often, the benefits of hugging a guy for girls are emotional. To provide support and not violate personal space, you need to hug correctly. Standing facing the interlocutor, one of the man’s hands is placed on the back of her neck or head, the second on her shoulders or on the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, then smoothly, without sudden movements, he is pulled towards himself. Her head is placed on the guy's shoulder or chest.

How to hug a girl without breaking the friend zone9

Among other things, it is important to remember that any touches to a girl should be soft, gentle, and careful. Even if it's a friendly pat on the back, don't do it the same way as a fellow wrestler.

  • The most harmless hug is with one hand. The guy puts one hand on the girl’s shoulder, without pressing his torso too close to her. Variations are possible in which the hand is placed on the waist, or the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, if the man lets the lady forward, and makes a seeing-off gesture with a touch.
  • A bear hug is a slightly tighter hug. However, it is quite suitable for physical communication with a friend. It is performed in the position of the young man next to the girl. He wraps both arms around her so that she cannot touch him back with her own hands.

Why do women hug?

Psychologists say that different sexes have different “goals” in hugs and touches. So, what women like most is that they make you feel loved, give you a feeling of emotional closeness and security. And women also say that hugs heal – both from physical and mental pain; give a feeling of warmth, allow you to share feelings.

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