First menstruation in girls 12 years old: symptoms, features, deviations

Puberty in girls is a process of puberty, which is accompanied by serious changes in the body. It affects not only the physiological, but also the emotional and mental aspects. Unless there are any serious health problems, every girl experiences puberty. What are the symptoms before the first menstruation in 12 year old girls, what are the abnormalities? We will talk about this in our article.

Age characteristics

Most of the changes at the age of 10–11 years occur at the hormonal level, and psychology also changes. A certain independence appears in behavior, and the exclusive dependence on mom and dad gradually disappears. Every parent should treat this with understanding and accept the fact that the child has a need for communication outside the home and interests on which he can spend his personal time (and the child must have it).

Girls at 10 years old begin to feel like girls

Attempts to overly control the social circle and activities of a growing girl can result in:

  1. Rebellion, a clear demonstration of insubordination (accompanied by anger, aggression, the desire to act “in spite of” results in truly unreasonable decisions that are dangerous to life and health).
  2. Indifference (ignoring all the demands of the mother and father).
  3. Conditional humility, which disappears as soon as the child is out of sight of the parents (accompanied by lies and the development of distrust of others).
  4. True humility (accompanied by a drop in self-esteem, lack of initiative, and a tendency to self-destruction).

Completely submissive behavior is dangerous by raising a weak-willed personality.
In each individual case, one of these behavioral tactics is predominant, but in general they can alternate with each other. This is due to the variability of the emotional state, which is typical for a girl aged 10–11 years. You should not worry about such instability; you just need to show, if possible, that you are ready to understand your child if he wants to explain himself to you or decides to discuss his condition.

How to become beautiful

During adolescence, girls increasingly begin to look at themselves “from the outside” and they do not always like the visible image. To look beautiful, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Constantly monitor the condition of your skin and have special products for face and body care.
  2. Choose shoes and clothes that hide some figure flaws and highlight its advantages. For example, girls with thin legs should not choose high-heeled shoes.
  3. Pay attention to hair care.

It is worth noting that you need to use facial care products constantly, without waiting for acne to start appearing. In addition, you must use deodorant. This is due to the fact that during adolescence, the sweat glands begin to actively work, which can cause an unpleasant odor.

You should not use adult cosmetics for your face; it is best to choose special products designed for teenage skin. Given these tips for girls, you can look beautiful, despite all the changes in your body.

Daily self-care

In order to look beautiful, a teenage girl needs to follow the rules of self-care every day:

  • Monitor the condition of your clothing. The appearance of even slight dirt on clothing can spoil the impression. That is why it is important to constantly monitor the condition of things. It is also worth considering that the things you wear must be combined.
  • Take care of your body. By regularly taking a shower, you can not only feel light and fresh, but also be more beautiful. During water procedures, you should not use soap, as it dries the skin. Items such as a washcloth, comb and towel must be individual.
  • Use facial care products. It is best to use cosmetics for girls, as they are specially designed for teenage skin. On a frosty day, you should not leave the house earlier than an hour after washing, as this may negatively affect her condition. It is important to do face masks periodically. To avoid acne, it is important to monitor your diet, eliminating spicy and fatty foods, as well as fast food.
  • Take care of your hand skin. To make your hands look beautiful, you need to carefully trim your nails and treat your cuticles. If you have to work with household chemicals, you need to do it with rubber gloves.
  • Take care of your hair. They must be clean and well maintained. It is recommended to wash your hair every 2-3 days. If your hair is long, you need to comb it thoroughly before washing. You should choose a shampoo according to your hair type. It is advisable to braid long hair at night.

A young girl of 12 years old must follow all these rules every day.

Fashion style and makeup

To look beautiful, a teenage girl should pay attention to the following styles:

  • Casual. This style is chosen by a large number of teenagers, since when choosing clothes, you can emphasize your individuality, without going beyond the generally accepted framework.
  • Sport style. It is convenient to wear such clothes while walking, meeting with friends or during active games.
  • The classic style is chosen for going to school, visiting or going to the cinema.

If a girl doesn't like the clothes she chooses, you can try to find something that suits her, but doesn't look too provocative. It is important to remember that things of different styles are incompatible and can spoil the image.

When choosing clothes, you should carefully approach the choice of makeup. In order not to harm the skin, several rules should be followed. Applying makeup begins with cleansing the skin. After this, a moisturizing gel or cream is applied. This procedure should be carried out twice a day. If necessary, it is important to purchase makeup for problem skin, since standard products will not work.

Different makeup is suitable for different situations. An example is the rules for summer makeup:

  1. First, wash your face with cool water and apply a cleanser.
  2. If there is redness or rashes, spot treatment of problem areas is performed.
  3. After this, shadows of natural shades are applied to the surface of the eyelids. In this case, a darker shade is applied to the fixed part of the eyelids.
  4. For eyelashes you need to use a nourishing gel.
  5. A neutral-colored gloss or moisturizing balm is applied to the lips.

Posture, gait

Since a 12-year-old girl’s body grows quickly and unevenly, she has to get used to the changes and learn to control her movements. One of the problems of this age is an awkward gait, so it is worth spending a little time on training. But the movements should be natural, so it is important to maintain your posture and correct your gait in front of the mirror.

One good way to straighten your back while walking is to hold a light, flat object on your head. It is best to use a book for this.

Features of education

It happens that with the good intention of raising a “decent person,” parents raise their child in conditions of numerous “shoulds” and categorical “nos,” not supported by any explanations. The presence of such groundless (from the point of view of children) prohibitions is very difficult for a maturing person to bear, since cognitive processes are still active, the desire to explore the world around them is also a desire, and simply parental disagreement is no longer a sufficient argument to stop.

You shouldn’t rely only on prohibitions

Remember: explain your decisions to your child.

It doesn't matter whether it's a girl or a boy - if your children know why you expect them to do certain things, they will be much more attentive to your requests. Talk to them about the consequences of possible misconduct. Not about punishment, but about how the offense will turn out for them personally.

How to conduct a dialogue correctly

You need to be able to talk to a 10-11 year old child. Never push your age or say that you “know better.” If you know, then explain, if you are worried, then tell me. Show your child that you are not just a parent, an authoritative person with power, but also a loving person who cares and tries to protect you from harm.

If you think that this is already clear, then there is a high probability that you are wrong. Speak out your reasons, your attitude. But be prepared that, even after listening to you, the child will act in his own way. This is inevitable, he gains his experience. It is quite possible that you will lose your temper over this - this is natural, but you must explain that the reason for your anger is not that the child himself is bad and disobedient, but because you are worried about his life and health.

You need to learn to talk to your child

Also, in the process of communication, you should not compare children with their brothers and sisters, or with other people's children. This causes them to devalue themselves and doubt their abilities. Moreover, there is no need to shout at them.

Understand: it is in the ability to control oneself that adulthood is manifested.

This does not mean that an adult is a robot. Of course, we all experience emotions, but it is as we grow older that we acquire the skill of self-control. You cannot demand this from a child, but you can set an example for him.


It is impossible to compare children with someone not only in a negative, but also in a positive way.

Mistakes of parents in upbringing
That is, to say “You are beautiful (smart, kind, etc.)” will be true, but the option “You are beautiful (smart, kind), like ..." is wrong. Firstly, with such a comparison, children may get the feeling that they are not unique, not valuable in themselves. Secondly, there is a risk that there will be a desire to imitate in everything that other person they happen to be similar to, which again leads to a loss of individuality.

ob® tampons for the first period

Girls can use ob® tampons from their first period. Such hygiene products will help you feel comfortable and confident. With them, you can not give up your favorite activities (for example, dancing or swimming) during your period. Do not be afraid that a tampon can damage the hymen. During menstruation, it becomes elastic and stretchable, in addition, it has a hole for the outflow of secretions. For girls, small tampons are optimal - ob® ProComfort® Mini or Normal. When filled, they increase by only 10–15% of their original value. And thanks to the silky SilkTouch™ coating, hygiene products are especially easy to insert and remove. You may be worried that your tampon might get lost inside your body. But this is not true: you can always remove it by simply pulling the durable pull cord. When used correctly, tampons do not harm your health. Just read the instructions carefully before using them or consult a gynecologist.

  1. Nikitina I.L. The start of puberty – the well-known and new Federal State Budgetary Institution “Federal Center for Heart, Blood and Endocrinology named after. V.A. Almazova" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russia Arterial hypertension. 2013; 19(3): 228-236
  1. Gritsinskaya V.L., Mamedova S.M., Nikitina I.L. Indicators of physical and sexual development of girls of puberty age in St. Petersburg Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center named after. V.A. Almazova" Ministry of Health of Russia, St. Petersburg Reproductive health of children and adolescents. 2017; 6: 22-29
  1. Lisitsyna O.I., Khilkevich E.G. Premenstrual syndrome. New therapeutic possibilities National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Acad. V.I. Kulakova Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow Medical Council. 2017; 13: 50-53

Single-parent families

Single-parent families have a special situation, and if a girl lives with her dad, it is advisable to make sure that she has an older “friend” (grandmother, aunt, nanny), who, from her own, female, position, will help in resolving certain issues. If you are in such a mentoring role, take it seriously, do not divulge the secrets entrusted to you, and do not ridicule the immature decisions of your mentee.

Single-parent family requires special treatment of the child

It is quite possible that a 10-year-old girl will not dare to discuss any of the problems that concern her, so she should carefully “test” the situation, inadvertently touching on “difficult” topics and noting the reaction for herself. The fear of discussion is associated with the fear of showing one’s ignorance, stupidity or awkwardness. If you find out what exactly bothers the child, you can tell something funny about yourself on this topic. Let him see that everyone has failures and absurdities, and that there are no taboo topics for discussion.

Duration and regularity of menstruation in girls 12 years old

The duration and regularity of menstruation depends on many factors. This happens individually for each girl, depending on the girl’s lifestyle, nutrition, habits, physiological characteristics, genetics, etc.

In what cases is it advisable to consult a doctor:

  • menstruation lasts more than 10 days;
  • the interval between critical days is more than 5 months;
  • the girl experiences severe pain in the abdomen or lower back;
  • her period never came, although the girl was already 14 years old;
  • 1.5-2 years after the start of menstruation, the cycle is still irregular.

The above features are not necessarily a sign of a serious illness or any abnormalities. But it is better to be safe than to later discover a disease that could have been prevented or treated at an early stage.


First of all, you have to learn to consider a 10-11 year old teenager not only as a child, but also as a person who wants to make decisions on his own, without regard to what they will say or think about him. It is possible that he will view the performance of household duties not as an objectively necessary action, but as an act of submission to someone else’s will.

Discuss with the future hostess that you are not able to do everything around the house and it would be reasonable (if she is already old enough) to share the worries with her. Give her your “territory,” for which she will be responsible, entrust her with a certain (but strictly limited) list of matters that are under her jurisdiction.

At the age of 10, a girl must clean her own room

Attention: if your child has a separate room, then there is no need to try to control the process, quality and frequency of putting things in order.

Better instead:

  • Keep your room tidy (lead by example).
  • Discuss the consequences of such negligence (the occurrence of allergic reactions and frequent illnesses due to excess dust and poor hygiene, the appearance of an unpleasant odor in clothes, to which classmates may react poorly).
  • Be able to show a moderately positive reaction to the fact that your daughter has finally taken up cleaning (stormy enthusiasm, as well as ignorance, can cause a teenager to have a negative attitude towards the experience of housekeeping).

If your 10-year-old daughter does something outside the regulated list, then be sure to note how much she helped you, because this is not part of her responsibilities, and she spent her free personal time taking care of her family and household chores.

Transitional age at 15-16 years old

This period is characterized by a rapid increase in height; sometimes girls can add 10-13 cm per year. During this time, not all parts of the body grow at the same rate, so the figure may become disproportionate. This is a normal process of development of the body.

But girls consider themselves attractive to boys, so their figure can cause many problems and even psychological disorders. An excessive desire to lose weight can lead to anorexia or bulimia. It is worth explaining to your daughter that excess fat will soon turn into muscle tissue, and moderate physical activity and a balanced diet will speed up this process.

Pediatricians note that at this age a functional failure is possible, which manifests itself as increased fatigue, pressure surges and palpitations. If you notice these symptoms, it is better to contact a specialist who can help solve the problem.

Joint holiday

According to most parents, by the age of 10 a modern child is not interested in anything other than phones, games and walks. But this is not the fault of the children, who are often left to their own devices for a long time. They have not only no habits, but even a single experience of other pastime options. Give him such an experience, do something together, agree that for one day (or at least for a few hours) you will put away the phone, TV, computer together and do something else.

Walking and relaxing together brings you closer together

It doesn’t have to be “useful” leisure time; you can fool around, but in a special way. Practice creative activities together.

But! Always be prepared that your child will not agree with your proposal. He needs to be able to dream up his own imagination, try to come to an agreement. You can alternate days when your child plans activities and when you do it yourself. Do not try to adjust her plans to suit your needs, children sense this and may become seriously offended or lose motivation. But it is possible and even necessary to make reasonable comments regarding practical issues in a calm, non-critical manner.

What a 12-year-old girl should know about hygiene

A mother should definitely tell her daughter about hygiene during menstruation. When a 12-year-old girl first gets her period, she should have a supply of pads and all the necessary hygiene products.

Pediatric gynecologists advise purchasing the following products:

  • for the first days you will need 4-5 drops of pads;
  • During the day you can use pads for 2-3 drops;
  • It is advisable for a girl not to use tampons, only in extreme cases when she cannot do without them;
  • Before the onset of menstruation, during the period of leucorrhoea, you will need daily pads.

Mom should tell her daughter that pads should be changed every 1.5-2 hours. Each change of the pad should be accompanied by washing with warm water. During menstruation, it is advisable not to visit swimming pools, baths and saunas, and to refuse to take a hot bath.


At 10–11 years old, girls may be interested in psychology. Support this hobby, try to understand your inner world together. Read relevant literature, encourage your child to think about his inner state. Self-knowledge and self-development are exactly what will allow a child to develop self-confidence and socialize safely.

Psychological help from parents will help the child understand himself

As one daughter told her mother when asked how to behave with children at age 10: “Be sincere and natural. And don’t overload with unnecessary information.”

Tips for parents

It is important to know what you need to be prepared for, what is the conventional norm, what deviations from it are acceptable and in what cases you need to sound the alarm. And of course, trust your intuition, listen to it, you know your daughter better than any specialists, pediatricians and experts.

But the most important thing is to build a trusting relationship with your child so that she can trust you, then in overcoming any difficulties you will be allies and together you will be able to cope with all problems. Surround your daughter with care and affection, constantly tell her how beautiful she is and how much you love her. And then you will all get through this difficult period together with the least sacrifices. Remember that her future depends on your support and help.

Care for younger children

Ten-year-olds are already able to help their mother or other relatives care for babies. For example: change a diaper, take the stroller for a walk in the yard, prepare formula and bottle feed. However, this assistance should not become unduly burdensome. The girl is still a child herself, and she needs personal time. And making her a free, reliable nanny will only harm her.

In the case of older children, 3-7 years old, a ten-year-old can easily drive and pick them up from kindergarten (if it is nearby), as well as play with them on the street and help with homework. And again, such help should not take away personal time (2-4 hours) and the opportunity to get enough sleep, eat, study, etc.

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