How to please a boy: tips for girls that really work in practice

From this article you will learn:

  • Which boy should you please?
  • Some general tips
  • How to get a boy to like you at school?
  • How to please your beloved boy?
  • How to please your ex-boyfriend?
  • How to please a stranger?
  • How to please a boy who loves someone else?
  • How to please a pen pal?

Every girl once has to decide how to please a boy so that he pays attention to her. You really want to stand out from the crowd for him, so that his amazing smile is addressed only to you. Not everything always goes smoothly: sometimes you need to overcome serious difficulties - a boy may like another girl, he may not notice you at all, or you may not even know you. What to do? How to achieve what you want? If you take into account a few useful tips, you may succeed.

Which boy should you please?

Which boy should you please?
If you want to please a boy, everything will depend on who he is. It’s one thing if you are in the same class with him and are constantly in each other’s sight. And it's a completely different matter when you barely know each other. So, who do you want to please :

  • at school: to a classmate, a boy from another class;
  • beloved;
  • ex;
  • unfamiliar;
  • if he loves another;
  • by correspondence.

If you need to please a boy who is not on this list, act according to the circumstances. In addition, there are several universal tips that can be used in any situation. Even if your boy is the most unusual in school.

Interesting fact about boys.

Do you want to please a cool boy and therefore are you trying to match him - arrogant, vulgar and overly confident? Be careful: psychologists say that these guys are the ones who are complex and vulnerable. So, with your behavior you can inadvertently offend him and push him away from you forever.

Be like your chosen one

On a subconscious level, people choose those who have a lot in common with them. If you want to attract a man's attention and please him, find common ground. It could be:

  • love for music;
  • passion for horse riding;
  • studying at the same university;
  • collecting.

Information can be obtained from the interlocutor during the communication process. First, become like him using the chameleon effect. Take the same pose as your chosen one. Unobtrusively copy his gestures and facial expressions. Repeat the movements after a few seconds. Seeing his reflection in a woman, he will feel sympathy on a subconscious level.

Be like your chosen one: Pexels

Some general tips

Tips on how to please a boy
A small universal instruction on how to please a boy will help you start a relationship with any person. Just don’t break the rules outlined here, otherwise you won’t be able to achieve any results.

  1. Find out his interests and look for information that might interest him. This will help start a conversation, you will have something to talk about.
  2. Start taking care of yourself . To please a boy, you need to be beautiful. Do your hair, makeup should be unobtrusive, clothes should not be provocative, emphasizing the advantages of your figure. And don't forget about well-groomed nails.
  3. Act natural . When he appears, don’t start making faces, laughing loudly or making stupid jokes.
  4. At the same time, sometimes throw ambiguous glances at him, make him stand out from the crowd, contact him more often than others - let him know that you like the boy .
  5. When communicating more closely, do not open up 100%. Let you have a secret that the boy will definitely want to unravel.
  6. Don't boast. Don't just talk about yourself. Know how to listen to him and empathize with his problems.
  7. Smile at him . We have already talked about the magical effect of a smile on a person here .
  8. Show that you have many images. If you’re an obedient student at school, and he’s used to seeing you like that, don’t be afraid to be a little rowdy on a date outside of school.
  9. Praise him.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't be intrusive - and you can please any boy , no matter who he is. As for common interests, there is a risk of completely dissolving in his world and completely forgetting about your own. Do not do that. He needs to know that you are a full-fledged person who has his own hobbies. This way he will respect you. Well, if you add to these universal tips a few specific ones that relate specifically to your situation, success is guaranteed.

It is important!

Don’t rush to introduce the boy you like to your parents: this may scare him.

How to behave: 5 tips from psychologists

Having an attractive appearance gives you credit for male affection, which is very easy to waste. If interested strangers quickly cool down on you after meeting you, it means you don’t know how to behave correctly. Take our advice on how to turn from a simpleton into a real heartbreaker.

Exude optimism

Eternally dissatisfied ladies with an arrogant face evoke an instinctive desire to stay away from them. Friendly, sociable and cheerful people, on the contrary, attract like a magnet. Smile, enjoy yourself and life, then many people will want to become part of your world.

Show sympathy and interest

Unobtrusively let the guy know that you like him. This can be done with a glance, a smile, or light flirting. Just don't overdo it - don't pounce on him with kisses and hugs.

During communication, shift the focus from your loved one and turn your mind's eye to the guy. Ask questions, listen with passion and attention, and be sincerely surprised. Such simple things, but the effect will be simply stunning.

Don't burden yourself

All girls know that if a guy is in love, he will gladly pay for his beloved and help her. But for some reason many people confuse cause and effect and extract investments from guys who don’t care about them. Remember, dear ones, if a man doesn’t have sympathy for you yet, your gaping hungry mouth will not give it a chance to arise.

Don’t ask for favors and try to pay for your leisure time yourself. If the guy liked you, seeing your independence and self-sufficiency, he will be enchanted even more. Just don’t refuse the gifts you’ve already bought - thank them warmly and compensate them with something, at least symbolically.

Live an active and interesting life

Passionate people have incredible charisma and charm. And if you also achieve some results in your hobby, then you are guaranteed an army of fans.

You can also approach the guy you like through his interests. Find out what he does in his free time, what music he listens to, what films he likes and slowly expand your horizons. This is perhaps the easiest way to make a person fall in love with you.

Be confident in yourself

Self-doubt comes from wanting to appear to be someone you are not. Too much energy goes into making a good impression. Someone else's opinion becomes a measure of your well-being, you constantly doubt, rush about, fuss.

There is a way out of this vicious circle - to become the person you are trying so hard to pretend to be. If you want to appear smarter - read books, try to look like an athlete by taking pictures with a basketball - it’s better to spend this time on real training. Yes, it requires effort and time, but the effect will be real, not fake.

How to get a boy to like you at school?

How to get a boy to like you at school?
Situation No. 1: how to please a boy at school who is so close - here he is, walking past you in the corridor, sitting next to you in the cafeteria... Much will depend on whether he is your classmate or not.


So, how to please a boy from your class:

  1. If you are a better student than him, try offering to help him with his homework.
  2. If he studies better than you, ask him for help with this.
  3. Try to get closer to his friends, who are probably in your same class. From them you can learn more about him and join his company without any problems.
  4. Participate in extracurricular activities with him. Make a wall newspaper together, stage a skit, dance or sing a song - rehearsals and success after the concert will bring you closer together.
  5. You have the same number of lessons at school - so what's stopping you from going home together?

If you need to please a boy in your classmate, follow this pattern - and you won’t be disappointed.

From another class

You will have to behave a little differently if you do not study together. How can you please a boy from another class , especially if he is older than you?

  1. Try to catch his eye more often during changes, but do not be intrusive. Simulate the situation so that you find yourself next to him by chance.
  2. Make friends who communicate with him - this will help you cross paths more often.
  3. If he is older, you must match his level. Develop yourself, read books, watch the news. If in a conversation with him you express your own opinion about something, he will probably be amazed and stop seeing you as a little girl.
  4. Ask him for help with something: in studies, in sports, in staging a school skit.

To get a boy to like you at school, find any points of intersection with him - this will allow you to get closer and get to know each other better. This way it will be easier to become needed by him and attract his desired attention.

Did you know that...

Do most boys really enjoy the process of conquering a girl in order to enjoy the victory that follows? So don’t give in to him right away: play and be for him that very impregnable fortress, for the sake of which he will move mountains.

How to get him interested

If a girl wants to attract increased attention, she needs to try to stand out from the crowd of his friends. It's hard to get a guy to like you if you don't communicate, but you know each other without doing anything.

If the strong point of the object of adoration is intelligence, be able to maintain an intellectual conversation, season the communication with subtle humor and a drop of femininity. He will quickly move from the category of just acquaintances to the caste of admirers.

If you have a big age difference, he will want to be a patron and protector. Let it happen, be a sweet defenseless girl.

If a man is wealthy, show that you are worthy of being the beautiful half of a self-sufficient man. Surround with care, become an inspiration and ally in business.

How to please your beloved boy?

How to please your beloved boy?
Very often, girls want to please their beloved boy, with whom they seem to have a good relationship, but they want him not to be disappointed in you and to love you more every day. Well, there's nothing complicated about it.

  1. Don't try to have him chase you in front of everyone. You must be equal in the relationship.
  2. Respect his opinion. Listen to what he says.
  3. Never make fun of him in front of others.
  4. Try not to sort things out in a raised voice . Whims and hysterics are what boys don’t like.
  5. Don't demand too much from him: don't force him to give you expensive gifts, leave his friends for you, run away from home, etc.
  6. Take care of him.
  7. Show him your love, and preferably not in public, but when you are alone.
  8. Always look good.

These useful tips on how to please a boy with whom you already have an existing relationship will help you continue and strengthen it. Don't let yourself relax and think that he is attached to you forever. Love in adolescence is a very fragile flower that needs to be cherished and cherished.


It turns out that boys absolutely love it when they get compliments.

What kind of women do men like?

Let's say you set a goal to please a man. First, let's decide which women the opposite sex considers attractive and desirable.

  1. A lady must love, appreciate and respect herself. A person who does not respect his dignity cannot force other people to do this. When you begin to like your reflection in the mirror, you will certainly attract sympathy from the opposite sex. Healthy self-love has nothing to do with selfishness and manifests itself in taking care of your appearance, paying attention to your feelings, desires and needs.
  2. A man will pay attention to a healthy woman, because he will subconsciously evaluate her as the future mother of his children. A healthy person is always beautiful, active, cheerful, full of vitality and full of ideas and aspirations. And, on the contrary, you don’t want to meet sluggish, sickly-looking people at all. A subconscious fear appears that you can become just as dull and weak. So don't forget to take care of your health. Visit specialists in a timely manner, play sports, and eat right.
  3. Men don't like stupid girls. We're not talking about extensive encyclopedic knowledge or academic degrees. It is enough to read books, be interested in events in the world and have your own point of view on them, and not copy the opinions of other people.

    A girl should be able to carry on a conversation on various topics and know how to behave in society. If you feel that you have gaps in this area, you can always read educational literature, take courses, watch video lessons, sign up for trainings. Try to go to the movies, theaters, exhibitions, and start an interesting hobby. Then you will not only listen to your gentleman and ask clarifying questions, but you will also be able to tell him something interesting.

  4. Men are attracted to self-sufficient women. A self-sufficient person does not depend on other people in his decisions and judgments. On the first date, such a woman will not dump the burden of her problems on her gentleman, complain, whine, or ask for advice on how to live further. Show ease and confidence in your abilities. Show your man that you are not afraid of minor troubles and can take care not only of yourself, but also of him. Avoid criticism and negative statements towards your gentleman, even if you really don’t like something. After all, if you want your interests and hobbies to be respected, then pay in return. Do not get into arguments; it is better to offer to remain unconvinced.

An interesting video about what kind of women men really like:

How to please your ex-boyfriend?

How to please your ex-boyfriend?
Everything is much more complicated if you want to please your ex-boyfriend , with whom the relationship was severed for some reason. First, decide for yourself: do you really want to renew them or is this desire just an amusement for your wounded pride? If it’s the latter, then there’s no point in starting. Well, if this desire is the only thing you need, act as follows.

  1. Don't run after him. Show that you are fine without him. Communicate with everyone, smile more often, have fun and enjoy life.
  2. Communicate with him at ease: say hello, smile.
  3. Now you need to look much better than before. Get a new hairstyle, manicure, add fashionable items to your wardrobe and generally change your image.
  4. Intersect with him more often so that he sees your cheerfulness and ease. This will make him look at you in a new way.
  5. Don't tease him about relationships with other boys. He may think that you are serious with someone and will abandon you.

Now you know how to make a boy like you, with whom, it would seem, you no longer have anything in common. Get him interested again, as before, and the relationship will be renewed. Perhaps you both will learn from your old mistakes and not make them again.

Helpful advice.

Keep in mind that a boy must be a winner in any situation. So, if you want to really please him, you have to lose to him in something. Are you ready for this?

Stay visible

The more often we see a person, the more we like him. Science confirms this. One study, Proximity and Peership: Bases of Balance in Interpersonal Attraction, asked college residents to rate their attitudes toward their neighbors. It turned out that boys and girls liked those who lived nearby more: in neighboring rooms or on nearby floors.

In ordinary life, this means that if you and a guy visit the same place (university, courses, gym), then you have a better chance of being attracted to him.

If you met by chance, say that you would like to continue communicating. Just don’t chase the person: it will scare away rather than attract.

How to please a stranger?

How to please a stranger?
It will not be very easy to please an unfamiliar boy with whom you have nothing in common at all: neither a common company, nor school, nor interests. But even here the situation is not hopeless. You can always try to do something. What if he is your destiny?

  1. If there are no mutual acquaintances, you need to establish visual contact. When you meet, make eye contact with him and hold your gaze on him for a few seconds.
  2. This will make him pay attention to you. After 2-3 days of such visual contact, you can smile at him.
  3. In a couple of days, be the first to say hello to him.
  4. 2-3 days after this, you can unobtrusively talk about anything.

Here's what you need to do to get a boy you don't even know to like you. And don’t be afraid to take the first steps: throw away all prejudices. If it is unobtrusive and modest, he will subsequently only be grateful to you for your acquaintance.

For your information.

Boys cannot stand whims and hysterics.

How to look to impress a guy at first sight

Female beauty is a weapon that has destroyed many men. Both literally and figuratively. Absolutely every girl has the potential to become more beautiful than she is now - if only she had the desire. Let's figure out what makes up that very external attractiveness and how to upgrade it.

The best courses on relationships - for men and women, singles and couples, young and not so young

Welcome to the student bench at the Institute of Love and Happiness.

Health is the basis of beauty

Throw all the numbers out of your head. If beauty could be so easily measured using a ruler, a demo sample of an ideal girl would long ago have taken its place of honor in the Chamber of Weights and Measures in Paris.

Health is the foundation on which attractiveness rests. It is useless to work on your style, take makeup lessons and fry in the solarium while you have a gap on this point.

What does a girl who is healthy in all respects look like? She is fit, not too thin or overweight, she has a regal posture, healthy skin, shiny hair and even white teeth. This is the ideal you should strive for.

Take the first step today - give up sweets. They negatively affect three components of beauty at once - figure, skin and teeth.

Don't be a slob

A neat girl with average appearance will give odds to the most beautiful slob. Make sure your clothes are always clean, fresh, and well ironed. Underwear is no exception, even if no one but you sees it.

Dedicate at least 2 hours a day to personal hygiene and self-care: hair removal, manicure, pedicure - that’s all. The result will not be long in coming - you will not only look better, but also gain self-confidence.

Dress stylishly

With the help of clothes you can either emphasize your advantages or disfigure yourself. I'll tell you about 4 principles in choosing an outfit.

  1. Relevance. You should not dress up in a short sundress if you are going to get a job. Or flaunt a transparent blouse at your 10-year-old sister’s birthday party.
  2. Adequacy. The things you wear should match your age, social status, and figure. Ignoring this rule will make you not only ugly, but also comical.
  3. Modernity. Take the time to study which clothing styles are in fashion today and which are already outdated. Outdated things make you old.
  4. Restraint. Don't try to attract attention with an abundance of jewelry and colorful clothes. Otherwise, the gypsies on the streets will begin to mistake you for one of their own.

Advice: if you doubt your ability to select clothes, use the services of a professional stylist. Or take a style course yourself.

To make it a little easier for you, I have compiled a hit parade of things that men hate:

  • leggings;
  • baggy trousers and dresses;
  • T-shirts with children's designs;
  • jeans with huge holes;
  • shapeless jackets;
  • shiny tights.

Get rid of these things, and you will be closer to your cherished goal. And then you can gradually develop a sense of style and good taste. The ubiquitous Instagram will help you.

Know when to stop your makeup

Men love naturalness, so refrain from bright camouflage. A little lip gloss, blush and highlighter will make your face look fresher and younger. If you use foundation, make sure that there are no marks left on your clothes.

How to please a boy who loves someone else?

How to please a boy who loves someone else?
An extremely difficult situation arises when it is not clear how to please a boy if he loves someone else . Intriguing, plotting and trying to separate a couple - there is nothing worse. Discard this course of action immediately. It won’t lead to anything good, it will only fray everyone’s nerves. The only thing I can recommend is:

  1. Become his friend.
  2. Don't interfere in his personal relationship with another girl. Never. You can give advice, but only if he asks you for it.
  3. Wait patiently for this relationship to end. Perhaps you will be the only one from whom he will seek solace.
  4. There is one big risk in all this: if a boy is used to seeing you as a girlfriend, it will be difficult for him to see in you the girl he wants to date.

Here's how to get a boy to like you if he likes someone else . This is the only way out of this situation. In general, it’s better to understand right away from an early age that you can’t force yourself to be nice and you can’t interfere in the couple’s relationship. There is no need to be the third wheel.

And finally.

Don’t rush to tell your friend about your new hobby. What if she likes him too, and she turns out to be more successful in this matter than you?

Way to make a guy fall in love with you

Step 3: Be unpredictable

© eskaylim/Getty Images

Being predictable is boring. Predictability is usually routine. Routine destroys.

Unpredictable, active girls who know how to cheer up always attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Give up the usual framework by doing something unusual from time to time. Believe me, men lose their minds over women who sometimes do something unusual that goes against generally accepted norms.

Rules are made to be broken. Remember this at least sometimes.

How to please a pen pal?

How to please a pen pal?
Today, social networks have become an integral part of teenagers. Therefore, it is not surprising that the question increasingly arises of how to please a pen pal . There are several unshakable rules and advice that should be followed if such a situation arises.

  1. Don't flood him with messages.
  2. You can start the day with an unobtrusive “Hello!” and end it with a non-binding “Bye-bye.”
  3. Once every few days, when he is online, you can ask how he is doing.
  4. Post photos, but not 10 at a time.
  5. You can ask his opinion about one of them.
  6. Ask for his advice often.
  7. Offer him help in solving some problems. Be useful to him.

Now you know what to do to make a boy like you , so you can act according to useful advice from psychologists, and not at random. If you don’t act rashly, know how to control your emotions and find the golden mean in everything, the boy you like will definitely pay attention to you.

How to tie an adult man with whom you sleep forever to yourself using 5 words

You are probably expecting from me some secret, unknown, magic words, spells that will simply firmly, for a long time and forever tie an adult man to you, even if he is married, or with whom you simply sleep in your free time.

But this is not so, these are the words:

I love, I care, I appreciate, I adore, I protect.

Girls, constantly say these words to your boyfriend and then they will gain truly magical power. The magic is not in words, but in how you say them and whether you confirm them in action. This is guaranteed to help him fall in love with you.

But the main secret of these words is that you will also begin to hear them in response.

Share your secret

According to researchers Richard L. Archer and Christy E. Cook, people of the opposite sex are very attracted to frankness. It signals to the chosen one about trust and readiness to start a relationship.

To establish a connection with a man, try to open up to him. Do it gradually. Start by sharing minor information, such as what kind of music you like or what grades you got in school. After that, move on to more significant facts, but don’t try to tell the story of your whole life on the first date.

Overcome your fears

When meeting with someone we barely know, we may feel fearful for our well-being. And this fear is justified by the instinct of self-preservation, which our distant ancestors passed on to us, since they were surrounded by danger at every step. But nowadays it’s worth taking a risk and trying to establish communication.

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