7 basic human emotions without which it is impossible to live

People experience different emotions every day - sometimes good, sometimes not so good. This has become so commonplace that we don’t even think about how and why emotions appeared in our ancestors. But they were very important! We experience many emotional impulses, but among them there are seven most important, basic emotions, without which our life would be completely different. It is them that we will talk about now.

Every emotion is involuntary if it is sincere. Mark Twain

Basic emotion - Fear

This emotion arises as soon as a person feels danger. Often a frightened person loses the ability to adequately perceive reality and does not even pay attention to the opportunity to avoid danger. Fear also helps to increase the distance between a person and what he perceives as danger, trying to get as far away from it as possible. The greater the distance, the less visible the danger.

Fear is the number one emotion that forces our minds to work incredibly hard to get rid of it. Jodie Foster

Thanks to fear, a person finds the path in which he needs to move and receives changes. At the same time, it is fear that makes it possible to overcome danger, so this emotion can be considered an extremely powerful resource and assistant.


Mood is a fairly long-lasting emotional process of low intensity, forming an emotional background for ongoing mental processes. The emotional tone can be flat, low, high, alarming, etc.

ImpatienceLack of patience while waiting for something
Sad mood
BoredomPassive mental state, characterized by decreased activity, lack of interest in any activity, the surrounding world and other people, accompanied by irritability + anxiety
SadnessA state of mental bitterness. Feeling sad + mourning
SorrowExtreme sadness, grief, distress, sense of loss
Depression (dysthemia)This is chronic depression, a mood disorder with the same cognitive and physical problems as depression, but less severe and longer lasting. Dejection + sadness
Fatigue (Fatigue)The physiological and psychological state of a person, which is a consequence of intense or prolonged work. Subjectively, fatigue can be felt as tiredness. Fatigue manifests itself in a temporary decrease in performance.
ColdLack of ardor, passion, warmth
Indifference (Indifference, Indifference)Lack of involvement or interest in someone or something;

Basic emotion - Anger (Rage)

This emotion encourages change in an unsatisfactory situation. Anger can be very constructive if it is aimed at changing the situation, but if no changes are observed, then it begins to play the role of a destroyer.

Rage/Anger is an emotion in its purest form. This is one of the most ancient mental states of man, being something or someone brought to the boiling point or in moments of danger. This emotion is large, huge and grandiose, it takes omnipotent power over you. Mark Ruffalo

But first of all, anger is a signal for a change in relationships with certain people, because in order to build something new, it is necessary to destroy the old.

Igor Kislyuk

Before joining coaching, Igor worked as a business coach. Trained managers in negotiations using FBI techniques. Coaching became a new way for him to interact with clients and an additional specialization. What discoveries did he make for himself?

Point B

  • Status of a professional ICF certified coach, 10 clients in personal practice, 100,000 rubles of additional income

What brought me to 5 Prism was the desire to become a professional coach. During the week of international coaching, I saw Yuri’s demo session, saw the client’s eyes before and after the session. I realized that I wanted to learn the same way. As a coach, I am used to building directive communication, conveying knowledge to a person and leading him along the path of development. And coaching has a completely different approach; it’s a new experience for me.

Basic emotion - Disgust

This is a reaction of rejection that can manifest itself both in connection with certain people and, say, with unpleasant odors.
In this case, the relationship will no longer be able to develop, since the person experiencing this emotion will consciously distance himself from the one who caused it. Disgust is beneficial if it helps to isolate oneself from something that can have a destructive effect.


Let's look at the theory of basic emotions. There is an assumption that emotions originate from innate human needs, such as thirst, hunger, protection from pain, going to the toilet, and the need to procreate. But over time, this manifestation began to develop into feelings. And together with emotions, they perform the same functions. As a result of human innate needs and connections with the outside world, the first emotions appeared, which were called basic. They form the basis of the modern interpretation of this characteristic.

There are a large number of different theories of the origin of feelings and classifications of emotions. But among them there are common ones, there are seven in total.

Basic emotion - Contempt

This is an emotional reaction that gives a negative assessment of events or people, while neutralizing the significance of the object of contempt. At the same time, the one who experiences this emotion feels superior.

The worst emotion that destroys compatibility between people is Contempt. When you look down on another, you mock him, say: “You are a loser” - that’s all, the relationship is over. Victor Vladimirovich Gulenko

This emotion can be extremely destructive for a person, but it can also be beneficial if it acts as a way to evaluate an unworthy act. However, you can also feel contempt towards yourself, which can help you change your personality and make it better.


The most sudden and short-lived emotion, expressed on the face by a sharp raising of the eyebrows and opening of the mouth. Facial expressions of surprise are due to the fact that a person needs more oxygen in order to cope with the stress of unexpected changes. After the first seconds, surprise can become a positive or negative emotion.

Lyubov Bogdanova

Scientists have many approaches - to the topic of stress, to the topic of emotions, feelings, psychology, personal growth, self-development, energy, etc. and so on…. I try not to overload you with theoretical polemics. If you want to know about all points of view, the whole world is available to you to receive information.

1. Fear and its derivatives (that is, feelings that are essentially forms of fear, but less intense): fear, fear, excitement, guilt, shame, anxiety, anxiety.

2. Anger and its derivatives: anger, anger, irritation, resentment, hatred, rage.

3. Joy and its derivatives: joy, fun, delight.

4. Sadness and its derivatives: sadness, sadness, regret, disappointment.

You can print it out and carry it with you in a pocket notebook to keep a diary of emotions.

Fear, horror, anxiety, uncertainty, worry, surprise, confusion, puzzlement, dumbfounded, excitement, confusion, anger, rage, revenge, hatred, anger, indignation, irritation, resentment, annoyance, disgust, jealousy, envy, dissatisfaction, impatience, sadness, despair, bitterness, abandonment, loneliness, helplessness, boredom, fatigue, disappointment, depression, regret, joy, delight, tenderness, inspiration, satisfaction, gratitude, revitalization, elation, passion, relief, peace, tranquility.

There are lists and even more. Undeniable, perhaps. But it gives a lot of food for thought about yourself. And most importantly - for the growth of awareness. I numbered it simply out of curiosity - there are 155 positions in this list.

1. Apathy 2. Ambition 3. Hopelessness 4. Security 5. Indifference 6. Anxiety 7. Helplessness 8. Powerlessness 9. Frenzy 10. Gratitude 11. Bliss 12. Intimacy 13. Pain 14. Fear 15. Vigor 16. Disgust 17. Riot 18. Inspiration 19. Fun 20. Excetness 21. Wine 22. Loveliness 23. Lust 24. Excitement 25. Exitivation 26. Outgoing 27. Enjoyment 28. delight 29. admiration 30. hostility 31. Higherness 32. Mastenness 33. Anger 34. Anger 34. Pride 35. Pride 36. Grief 37. Sadness 38. Duality 39. Trust 40. Annoyance 41. Dignity 42. Contentment 43. Unity 44. Greed 45. Pity 46. Self-pity 47. Creepy 48. Envy 49. Isolation 50 Shyness 51. Schadenfreude 52. Anger 53. Interest 54. Irony 55. Fear 56. Affectionate 57. Lightness 58. Jubilation 59. Love 60. Curiosity 61. Vengeance 62. Torment 63. Hope 64. Arrogance 65. Tension 66. Enjoyment 67. Mockery 68. Crazy 69. Distrust 70. Dissatisfaction 71. Perplexity 72. Nonness 73. Tenderness 74. Employment 75. Hatred 76. Hatibility 77. Indecision 78. Intelligence 79. Intelligence 80. Intelligence 81. worthlessness 82. Nonality 83. Nonality 83. Resentment 84. Relief 85. Doom 86. Community 87. Loneliness 88. Bitterness 89. Animation 90. Puzzle 91. Disgust 92. Apprehension 93. Emptiness 94. Rejection 95. Disgust 96. Detachment 97. Despair 98. Numbness 99. Dazed 100 Panic 101. Sadness 102. Depression 103. Support 104. Suspicion 105. Peace 106. Gratitude 107. Elation 108. Protest 109. Indifference 110. Joy 111. Cordiality 112. Irritation 113. Confusion 114. Jealousy 115. Shyness 116. Sarcasm 117. Cordiality 118. Sympathy 119. Sorrow 120. Boredom 121. Humility 122. Confusion 123. Confusion 124. Condolence 125. Doubt 126. Empathy 127. Calm 128. Compassion 129. Compassion 130. Sympathy 131. Passion 1 32. Fear 133. Shame 134. Happiness 135. Solemnity 136. Melancholy 137. Anxiety 138. Heaviness 139. Respect 140. Confidence 141. Passion 142. Surprise 143. Satisfaction 144. Pleasure 145. Horror 146. Peace 147. Humiliation 148. U whining 149. Rapture 150 Flawedness 151. Vulnerability 152. Frustration 153. Shock 154. Euphoria 155. Rage

Excitement, gambling /// Accuracy /// Activity, active /// Greed (parts) /// Altruism /// Ambivalence /// Antipathy (parts) /// Apatitia /// Appetite / // Artistry /// Carelessness /// Lack of will, lack of will /// Carelessness (s) /// Defenselessness /// Obscurity /// Lack of initiative /// Serenity /// Hopelessness (s) /// Safety /// Irresponsibility (s) /// Indifference (s) (s) /// Madness (s) /// Inconsolability /// Indifference (s) (s) ) /// Lack of initiative /// Hopelessness /// Thrift /// Unselfishness, (-ness) /// Anxiety (-ness) (-ness) (-th) /// Uselessness (-th) /// Helplessness (-th) /// Impartiality (-th) /// Heartlessness (-th) (-th) /// Powerlessness (-th) /// Meaninglessness /// Vapidity (-th) /// Dispassion (- (-ness) from Passion /// Fearlessness (-ness) (-ness) from Fear /// Aimlessness /// Insensitivity (-ness) (-ness) /// Frenzy /// Awe /// Gratitude (-th) /// Well-being /// Nobility /// Benevolence /// Goodness /// Bliss (-th) /// Myopia /// Proximity /// Cheerfulness (-th) /// Combat (s) comp. /// Divinity (s) /// Soreness (sickness) /// Talkativeness /// Pain /// Fearfulness, cowardice /// Disgust /// Abandonment (s) /// Grouchiness /// Rebellion /// Importance /// Inspiration /// Politeness /// Generosity, (s), (s) /// Splendor (s) /// greatness /// Loyalty /// Fun /// Excited /// Quarrelsomeness /// Guilt, Blame /// Involvement /// Power, Imperious (-loving), Power h. /// Attraction /// / Falling in love /// Attention /// Attentiveness /// Lust /// Excitement (-ness) (-th) /// Sublimity (-th) /// Indignation (-ness), (-th. ) (indignation) /// Militant (-ness) /// Excitement, agitation /// Will /// Inspiration /// Grumpiness /// Admiration (-ness) /// Hostility (-ness), Enemy , Hostility parts /// Harmfulness /// Hot temper (-th) /// Anxiety (-th) /// Corrosiveness (-th) /// Defiant behavior, challenge /// Arrogance /// Heights / // Lethargy /// Gallantry MorKach /// Harmonies, comp. /// Stupidity, stupid /// Anger, Anger (-y) /// Hunger /// Pride /// Grief (sorrow), grieve /// Bitterness /// Hospitality /// Willingness (th. ) /// Falls /// Rudeness /// Sadness /// Humanity /// Foresight /// Efficiency /// Depression /// Insolence /// Destructiveness /// Disharmony, comp. /// Debatability /// Kindness /// Virtue, -ness /// Benevolence, condition, (-ness) /// Conscientiousness /// Kindness (mental construct), kind /// Trust /// Trust /// Contentment /// Pesky /// Debt /// Annoyance /// Dignity /// Friendship /// Friendliness, friendliness (skill) /// Spirituality /// Stuffiness /// Peace of mind / // Uniqueness /// Unity, unity /// Naturalness /// Greed /// Thirst, (-thirst) /// Thirsts /// Pity /// Desirability /// Femininity // / Love of life /// Cheerfulness /// care, thoughtfulness (-y) /// Rejection /// Abandonment (-y) /// Completeness /// envy (-living) (-living) /// Fascination (- ny) /// Overwhelm (-th) /// Constriction /// Interest /// Complexity /// Completeness /// Confusion /// Closedness (-th) /// Boring (-tiredness) // / Intimidation (s) /// Confusion (confused) /// Shyness (s) /// Confused (s) /// Seedy /// Enchanted (s) /// Protection /// Security / // Anger, embitterment, angry, Evil /// Schadenfreude /// Slander /// Anger /// Significance /// Ignoring /// Fame /// Betrayal /// Variability /// Exhaustion / // Ingenuity (-th) /// Isolation (-th) /// Amazement, -ness (-th) /// Intelligence /// Interest, interest /// Awareness /// Exclusivity /// Sincerity, sincere /// Temptation /// Use /// Depravity /// Fright (fright), (-th) /// Lack /// Frenzy, frenzy /// Hysteria, Hysteria / // Caprice, capricious /// Prickliness, causticity /// Sociability nav. /// Complex (-ov) /// Comfort (-oshch), comfort /// Control, Control /// Self-interest /// beauty, Handsome /// Show off /// Loudness (-vyy) /// Bloodthirstiness /// Painstaking /// Easy /// Gullibility /// Lightness /// Cherish /// Laziness /// Laziness /// Deceit /// Hypocrisy /// Superfluous (somewhere , someone) /// Concept of love, love condition, amorousness /// Courtesy /// Beloved /// Love /// Curiosity /// Curiosity (s) /// Slowness /// Melancholy (- ny) /// Pettiness /// Measure, -ry h. /// Revenge /// Dreaminess, dream /// Darling /// Peace, Peaceful, sensational. peace /// Peacefulness, -ness /// Suspiciousness /// Silence, Silence /// Vengefulness (s) /// Wisdom /// Masculinity (s), courage /// Soft /// Gentleness /// Observation /// Hope /// Reliability /// Hopeful, hope. /// Arrogance /// Annoyance (-th) /// Tension /// Violence, Violent /// Enjoyment /// Mockery /// Perseverance /// Alertness (-th) /// Real (? ??) /// Assertiveness /// Saturation /// Insolence, Insolence /// * In a state of decline /// * Not appreciated /// Inadequacy /// Carelessness /// / Impoliteness /// Unluckiness /// Innocence, Innocent /// Inattention /// Incontinence /// Incontinence (???) /// Negativity /// Indignation /// Malice / // Distrust /// Dissatisfaction (s), Displeasure /// Underestimation /// Unworthy /// Tenderness /// Independence (s) /// Insecurity (s) /// Ignorance (?? ?) /// Insignificance (s) /// Fury (s) /// Neutrality (s) /// Awkwardness /// Hatred (s) /// Unnecessity (s) /// Lack of education, part (s) /// Necessities, parts (s), (s) /// Unsociability /// Uncertainty /// Disorganization, (s) /// Inevitability /// Unpreparedness /// Inferiority, (-th) /// Incomprehensibility of part, (-th), incomprehensible /// Inconsistency /// Spontaneity of part, (-th) /// Dissimilarity of part. /// Inflexibility, part /// Non-recognition /// Restlessness /// Inconspicuousness /// Lack of adaptation /// Dislike /// Rejection, part /// Trouble, part, unpleasant /// Nervousness /// Nervous /// Nervousness /// Indecision /// Sloppiness /// Inability /// Irrelevance /// Non-existent, non-existence /// Misfortunes /// Impatience, Impatience /// Impatience /// Uncertainty, ( -ny) /// Restlessness, (-ny) /// Loser, -liviness /// Inconvenience /// dissatisfaction (frustration) /// Displeasure /// Irrelevance /// Uncontrollability h., (-my ) /// Lack of perseverance /// Invulnerability /// Dishonesty /// Low (...*feeling of a low ceiling...) /// Worthlessness, (s) /// Worthlessness /// Nostalgia /// Needs // / Neediness, neediness /// Charm /// Discouragement /// Concern /// Depreciation /// Gluttony (???) /// Resentment, Resentment, Touchiness /// Offended /// Relief / // Deception, Deception /// adoration /// Sociability /// Community /// Unity, unification /// Obligation /// Sadness /// Limitation, restriction /// Loneliness, lonely /// Approval /// Spirituality /// Liveliness, Revival (s) /// Concern /// Puzzled /// Illumination /// Bitterness /// Mischief /// Disgust. /// Fear /// Danger /// Patronization /// Justified /// Neatness /// Optimism, optimism /// Empty /// Refreshing /// Liberation /// Offended /// Caution /// Wit /// Condemnation /// Courage /// Courage /// Rejection, outcast /// Responsibility /// Disgust /// Rest /// Responsiveness /// Frank /// Openness, - ty /// Detachment, Absence /// Denial /// Backwardness (???) /// Detachment /// Despair /// Charm /// Dazed /// Stunned /// Panic /// Panic /// / Passivity /// Patriotism /// Change, (-chiness) /// Frightened, frightened /// Pessimism, (-zm) /// Sadness (sadness), sad /// Poignancy /// Bad /// Victory /// Beaten /// Depression /// Support /// Under-control /// Meanness /// Suspicion /// Submission /// Rise /// Positive /// Shame /// Abandonment /// Peace /// Usefulness /// Completeness /// Flattered /// Helping /// Understanding /// Understandability /// Popularity /// Constancy /// Shameful /// Loss /// Loss of condition / // State shocks /// lust, Lust /// Reverence /// Reverence /// Truthfulness /// Righteousness /// Correctness /// Excellence. /// devotion /// Betrayal /// Anticipation /// Prejudice /// contempt, -ity /// Beautiful /// Charm, -ny /// Neglect /// Persecuted /// Satiation /// Friendliness /// Attachment /// Pickiness /// Down-to-earthness /// Gratitude /// Influx of energy /// Affiliation /// Belittlement /// Integrity /// Acceptance /// Shame /// Pretending /// Attractiveness /// Liking /// Pleasant /// Probing /// Provocation /// Contradiction /// Forgiveness, Forgiving (?) /// Shyness /// Punctuality /// Emptiness / // Efficiency /// Balance /// Indifference /// Joy /// Cordiality /// Irritation, Irritability /// disappointment /// Reasonableness /// Furious /// Vulnerability /// Repentance / // Looseness /// Looseness /// Angry /// Absent-mindedness /// Relaxation /// Upset, frustration /// confusion /// Effortlessness /// Wastefulness /// Laxity /// Jealousy, jealousy /// Decisiveness /// Shyness /// Romanticism /// Luxury /// Rokhlya /// Routines /// Zealous /// Independence /// Self-confidence /// Self-deprecating zhenie /// Self-worth /// Sarcasm /// Confusion /// Sveta ch. /// Light /// Freedom /// Holiness /// Restraint, restrained, Restrained /// Sexuality /// Sentimentality /// Cordiality /// Seriousness /// Strength /// Strength /// Sympathy /// Shining /// Skeptical /// Stiffness /// Sorrow /// Secrecy /// Boredom /// Stinginess MorKach /// Bored /// Weakness /// Feeble-minded /// Weak /// Love of fame /// Glory /// Voluptuousness /// Tears /// Talkative /// Broken /// Listen, absorbed in listening (???) /// Courage /// Brave /// Death, -ness /// ridiculousness /// Humility /// Confused /// Confusion /// Condescending /// Composure /// Property /// Conscience / // Create (ness) desire (???) /// Doubt /// Drowsiness /// Sleepy /// Empathy /// Competition /// Co-involvement /// Concentration /// Compassion /// Co-creation /// Sympathy /// Sympathy /// Hasty /// Calm /// Controversial /// Ability /// justice /// Grow /// Love of money (-self-interest) /// Stability, (- ste) /// Herd /// Constraint /// Shy /// Persistent /// Suffering /// Passion /// Fear /// Aspiration, impetuosity /// Stress /// Strictness /// Shame , Shyness /// Fussiness, vanity /// Crazy /// Happy /// Happiness /// Satiety /// Mystery /// Tact, Tact /// Creativity /// Warmth /// Patient, - ost /// Patience /// Tolerance /// Quiet /// Crowds /// Thick /// Languish /// Triumphant /// Melancholy /// Accuracy // / Nausea /// Tragedy /// Demandingness /// Anxiety(s) /// Anxiety (personal) /// Trembling /// Hard work /// Cowardice(s) /// Dumb / // Dullness /// Vanity /// Heaviness /// conviction, -ness /// Respect(s) /// Confidence(s) (-personal.) /// Passion( -nie) /// Depression (s) /// Threatening /// Remorse /// Sullenness (s) /// Luck /// Surprise (s) /// Satisfaction (s) (- ny) (-ness) /// Pleasure, Satisfied, Contentment (with little) /// Horror (-th) /// Accommodation /// Smiling /// Ability to fantasize /// Moderation /// Tenderness (- ness) /// Peacefulness /// Humiliation /// Despondency /// Discouragement /// despondency /// Despondency /// Stubbornness /// Balance /// Ugliness /// Perseverance /// Fatigue /// Compliance /// Comforted /// Fatigue /// Tired /// Refinement /// Loss /// Deterioration // / Defectiveness /// Comfort (s) /// Vulnerability /// Vulnerability /// Imagination (s) /// Blues /// Thriftiness /// Good /// Courage (s) - lack of fear of DANGER /// Determination (s) /// Chastity (s) /// Integrity /// Integrity (s) /// Value /// Tenacity (s) /// Honesty (s) / // ambition /// Honor /// Cleanliness /// Sensuality /// Sensitivity /// Feeling – /// Strangeness /// Unsteadiness /// Shocking /// Noisy /// Playfulness (- vyy) /// Generosity, generous /// Egoism /// Selfishness /// Egocentricity (???) /// Euphoria /// Ecstasy /// Ecstasy /// The elegance of the sea. Quality /// Emotionality (s) /// Empathy /// Energy (s) /// Enthusiasm comp. /// Eroticism /// humor /// Humor is a skill. (-th) Humorous /// Rage (-th) /// Clarity /// ///

Benefits and harms of emotional state

Sometimes an emotional state can lead to a real disaster. This happens because there is always a need for a balance between negative and positive emotions. If you are too happy, almost to the point of euphoria, you will not be able to concentrate on work or school and will subsequently produce poor results.

This fact is called compensation. We also get harm from negative feelings; we can be sad for so long that we become depressed. We can also benefit from our emotional state. Thanks to some facts that please us, we feel more confident and courageous.

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