[Psychology] Procrastination: what it is and 11 effective ways to cope

Updated September 29: 80,683 Author: Dmitry Petrov
Hello, dear readers of the KtoNaNovenkogo.ru blog. Today’s topic is dedicated to a common phenomenon – postponing important things “for later”.

Everyone who is not “friendly” with deadlines will learn from this article what procrastination is, the psychological reasons for its occurrence, and how to deal with it.

The question is relevant for everyone who finds a thousand and one reasons for postponing important things and does not know how to organize work processes.

Definition of "tomorrow syndrome"

The name procrastination in English means “ delay ”. It comes from the Latin pro + crastinus, which means “instead of” + “tomorrow”.

Procrastination, in simple words, is an obsessive tendency to postpone tasks until the deadline (“there is still time”, “it can be done tomorrow”, “it will wait”).

People deliberately waste useful time allocated for solving a specific goal on other matters that have nothing to do with the task at hand. Before sitting down to work or study, they take smoke breaks, snacks, or endlessly look through unnecessary information.

Some suddenly become interested in global politics, others - in Hegel's philosophy of nature and spirit, and still others - in stock exchanges.

Who are procrastinators?

Procrastinators are people who do whatever they can to avoid doing the process itself and console their unsleeping conscience with promises that they will start their main work in 5-10 minutes.

However, when the time comes to get back to work, the limbic system, which controls emotions by default, forces such people to find more interesting activities that take energy and lead to frustration.

PS This is just about me. What is called “to the point”. It once took me eight days to start working on an article, which then took another three days to write. I really couldn’t bring myself to start. Just start. As soon as I started, work began to boil. But convincing yourself to start is really a problem!

Another problem: choosing what is best to do now, if there are several options for “useful work”. But choosing something of approximately equal importance can be no less difficult than starting to work on something global. In reality, the choice is annoying and you want to switch to something interesting (the Internet).

And this is all very disturbing and infuriating . Instead of doing something useful, you stupidly surf the Internet, read the news, play, and this goes on to the point where these “distractions” start to make you sick (you fall into some kind of apathy). As a result, you get upset, reproach yourself, but next time everything repeats itself and you stupidly “procrastinate” again. Really tired of it!

Pros and cons of procrastination

What does procrastination mean – putting things off for a long time? We have already discussed the disadvantages of this process. Are there any positive consequences to procrastination? Yes, in some cases, completing a task later can be a plus:

  • saving time and effort - you do not have the opportunity to redo the work several times if you think you made a mistake;
  • the deferred period can be spent collecting information about the planned business;
  • it is possible to eliminate bad ideas about upcoming actions, because in some situations you will understand which option is correct later.

But in any case, everything should be in moderation, so knowing how to avoid procrastination, try not to bring the situation to a deadline.

What Science Says About Procrastination

The study of the psychological aspect of the problem began in the last century. “Procrastination” has been used as a scientific term since 1977, at the suggestion of psychologist P. Ringebach. Next came the works of A. Ellis and V. Knaus, J. Bourke, and L. Ewan, N. Milgram, based on clinical observations and advisory practices.

Despite different studies, experts agreed that the “tomorrow syndrome” is a mental trap controlled by the Ego and keeping a person in a certain comfort zone.

Today, the phenomenon is considered the problem of the century, making it difficult to manage life processes and achieve career success. Questionnaires confirm that up to 90% of students and schoolchildren leave preparation for exams until the last day, a third of knowledge workers start working on the eve of hour X.

In the vocabulary of office workers, the term “procrastination” has become commonplace. In business slang, such people are called slackers and procrastinators, ignoring deadlines and personal responsibility to the team.

A business procrastinator knows better than others what needs to be done in order to earn money, but for the sake of momentary pleasure he is ready to sacrifice material bonuses.

  1. “I don’t want to call clients, because sales are not my thing. I’d rather look at the statistics for the month.” As a result, there are no buyers and no money for advertising.
  2. “First I’ll respond to comments on Facebook, then I’ll fill out the payment.” As a result, by the end of the month, likes come in instead of money.

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Procrastination is a rather complex and large-scale phenomenon. Therefore, in the process of studying it, a wide variety of questions may arise. So that you don't have to look for answers yourself, we answer the most popular ones.

Question 1. Who is most likely to become a procrastinator?

Although most people can identify signs of procrastination, some activities are more susceptible to it than others.

People who are most likely to become procrastinators

The most popular activities in which people are most likely to procrastinate are:

  1. Freelancers. Those who work from home are more likely to be negatively affected by procrastination. Freelancers do not have a set schedule and face many distractions. Therefore, working at home is not so much a pleasure as it is constant work on yourself and the fight against bad habits. It is difficult to work when there is a TV, sofa and refrigerator nearby.
  2. Students and schoolchildren.
    Most of them regularly procrastinate on completing homework, writing essays, term papers and dissertations. Among all generations of students, there are many who hold out until the last minute.
  3. People of creative professions. The work of such individuals largely depends on inspiration. It is possible to achieve a good result only if you have the right attitude, so you develop the habit of waiting for inspiration . As a result, even ordinary tasks that cannot be delayed are not completed on time.
  4. People who don't have a strict schedule. Unstable labor conditions are typical for small businesses, trade, and cargo and passenger transportation. In such a situation, the slogan becomes - when I want, then I work. As a result, such people often simply postpone work until later until a serious problem with money arises.

Question 2. What causes the process of procrastination to start?

Each procrastinator has his own factors that lead to postponing things until later (so-called triggers ). For some it is email, for others it is games on their smartphone, for others it is social networks.

Experts believe that one of the most effective ways to combat procrastination is to minimize the influence of triggers. Often, turning off the Internet and mobile phone allows you to mobilize internal reserves and complete important tasks in a shorter time.

However, it is important to understand that simply by eliminating the trigger, you will be able to overcome the consequence of procrastination, and not its cause. In fact, the distraction itself does not lead to procrastination.

The body of a procrastinator requires instant pleasure, and therefore triggers are used. Relying solely on limiting distractions, a person often thinks constantly about the trigger itself, eventually losing concentration on completing tasks.

Question 3. What is the opinion of experts on the treatment of procrastination?

A lot of scientific research has been devoted to the treatment of procrastination. Experts usually highlight the works of Paul Graham and John Perry for their accessibility and practicality.

Paul Graham is a popular businessman and programmer. While studying the possibilities of increasing human efficiency, he came to the conclusion that procrastination cannot be cured.

At the same time, Graham is confident that it is possible to derive practical benefits from such a seemingly bad habit. To do this, you just need to learn how to procrastinate correctly.

According to Graham, there are 3 main types of the phenomenon under consideration:

  • the person does nothing;
  • pushing aside all tasks, he deals with less important problems;
  • Having identified the most pressing task, a person does only that.

Graham argues that beneficial procrastination is a process where a person begins to complete only one task, rather than several at once. At the same time, it is not difficult to avoid the harmful consequences of the phenomenon - it is enough to exclude distracting factors.

John Perry is a university professor at Stanford. He also believes that procrastination can be turned to your advantage. To this end, Perry recommends the use of skillful self-deception.

Professor John Perry suggests the following measures:

  • When compiling a to-do list, place the least pressing tasks first. At the same time, important matters should be recorded in place of minor ones.
  • To increase the level of motivation, it is proposed not to minimize the number of things to do on the daily list, but to maximize it⇑.

Despite the fact that procrastinators are good at self-deception, Perry's method is quite dubious.

Types of procrastination

The tendency to procrastinate is characteristic of people of different psychotypes. After conducting psychological studies, scientists classified 5 types:

  1. Everyday procrastination is a refusal to solve everyday problems on time.
  2. Strategic - reluctance to plan short-term tasks.
  3. Neurotic – delaying important decisions until the last minute.
  4. Compulsive - a combination of behavioral rituals that a person is not able to refuse, a reluctance to immediately carry out tasks that are uninteresting to him.
  5. Academic – lack of motivation to concentrate on the process.

In 2000, psychologists Milgram and Tenne summarized the systematization and briefly formulated the definition of the syndrome as:

refusal to immediately complete a difficult task and chronic delay in making decisions.

PS They just copied me exactly. It’s nice to know that this illness is not unique to me, but it changes the essence of the matter. Something needs to change.

Interesting observation

It’s curious, but while observing myself and my friends, I noticed an interesting pattern. If you noticed the same thing, please write in the comments.

In general, I noticed that the brain has a certain inertia. And it has two distinct modes (of course, there are more, but we are interested in these two right now).

  1. Generation mode. I call it “work rush”. In this mode, work is in full swing: productivity goes through the roof, and ideas fly out like salmon at spawning - even if you stand with a net and catch them. In this state, I keep a notepad close so that I can write down all ideas (even the most crazy ones). Super mode, but you have to try hard to get into it.
  2. Consumption mode. Passive mode, when the brain only perceives information. Watching movies or playing computer games activates it for a long time. It feels like being shrouded in fog. Ideas - if a couple meets, then it’s already a holiday. For some reason, this regime is especially protracted, and it is very difficult to get out of it. His procrastination is off the charts.

Exception: reading books. It’s interesting: there are books (most often business literature) that inspire and after reading which a lot of new ideas and insights come to the brain, but there are also those that activate the consumption mode (for the most part, this applies to fiction).

Procrastination: what is it - laziness or irresponsibility?

Without going into too much psychological detail, unnecessary people are generally called slackers. Actually the definition is wrong. If lazy people always have one answer to an offer to work: “I don’t want to or I won’t,” then procrastinators always agree.

However, they argue that their refusal to start immediately is a lack of inspiration and promise to complete the task later. You can learn the skill of postponing things from Oblomov.

At the same time, people with different behavioral stereotypes experience multipolar feelings:

  1. The former never feel guilty because they promised nothing.
  2. The latter are engaged in self-criticism because of a missed deadline (oh, this is about me).

“Pullers” are always active and are associated with a character from the Zen parable about the devil, who carries out all the instructions of the owner, but does not have time to meet the deadlines.

How to stop procrastinating - TOP 5 ways to get rid of procrastination

In fact, it is quite possible to minimize the manifestations of procrastination. However, this issue should be approached with the utmost degree of pragmatism. You also need to understand that you will need considerable patience, because eradicating any habit takes a lot of time.

Let us immediately note that there is no universal method to defeat procrastination . There is something suitable for everyone. Below are the most effective ways to get rid of procrastination.

Method 1: Make a task list regularly

The effectiveness of any activity is largely determined by the ability to correctly distribute the available time. Drawing up a list of tasks can help with this .

When making a list of tasks, you need to consider the importance of each task. Ideally, the list should include only those tasks that need to be completed on a specific date. It turns out that if a task is not on the list, there is no need to do it.

The most important thing in this case is not giving up non-essential tasks, but making a list. In any case, this approach will help fight procrastination. It is best to make a list of tasks taking into account their feasibility.

You can use the Eisenhower matrix . In accordance with it, all tasks are divided into 4 groups according to the degree of urgency and importance:

  1. In important and urgent matters, the execution of which will not tolerate delay , such tasks should be completed first. If you don't do them today, it could lead to serious trouble.
  2. Things in the category are important, but not urgent. When the tasks from the previous category are completed, it is worth starting with them.
  3. Unimportant but urgent tasks do not bring you any closer to achieving a specific goal. However, they must be completed in a short time. Usually such tasks are imposed on a person by someone. If possible, their implementation should be delegated to other people.
  4. Unimportant and non-urgent matters. This group usually includes the so-called time wasters. At the same time, they are usually the ones you want to do the most.

This approach to completing tasks helps not to waste time on trifles, allows you to more effectively move towards personal goals and achieve well-being faster.

Method 2. Divide large cases into parts

Experts recommend dividing global tasks into several smaller tasks. In this case, the final goal remains unchanged, but it is morally much easier to begin to fulfill it.

Moreover, difficulties with small matters are not so scary. If one task cannot be completed, you can proceed to another.

When choosing this method of dealing with procrastination, it is worth keeping in mind that dividing a task into parts must be done visually - on paper or electronically. In fact, with some practice, you can break almost any task into small parts.

It is important to remember the Chinese wisdom, which states that every big journey begins with a small step .

Therefore, it is worthwhile to forget about the final goal for a while and go towards it by completing small tasks. This will help reduce procrastination in your life.

Method 3. Come to terms with your own imperfections

Often, the occurrence of procrastination is associated with the manifestation of perfectionism . A person may be afraid of doing something imperfectly. This slows him down and prevents him from moving towards his intended goal. Meanwhile, it is better to fail at the beginning than to do nothing at all.

Lack of self-confidence can hinder a person's development. As a result, he is unable to achieve goals, generate income, or create. It is impossible to become successful if, instead of striving for your goal, you constantly think about possible failures.

Experts recommend coming to terms with your own imperfections and doing your own thing instead of focusing on its results. It's simply impossible to be perfect.

By the way, we wrote about how to attract money and luck into your life in one of our publications - we recommend you read it.

Method 4. Learn to delegate some tasks or completely refuse to perform them

It is not at all necessary to complete absolutely all tasks yourself. You can always delegate some of them to someone else. This will help save you a lot of time and effort.

For this purpose, you can use one of the options:

  • turn to friends and family for help.
  • Hire a specialist to perform individual tasks. Of course, you will have to pay for his services.

Often manifestations of procrastination are associated with postponing tasks that have lost relevance. In some cases, the importance of tasks is not completely lost, so a person cannot decide to refuse to complete them.

However, such tasks take up the time and attention of the individual. Therefore, it is important to learn how to work with them.

In order not to waste time on irrelevant matters, it is important to learn to analyze them. Some tasks that have lost importance can be quickly reformulated and solved. Some things can be completely abandoned. In this case, they will stop taking time.

Many tasks and small tasks are not particularly important, but they kill a huge amount of time. You must boldly refuse them, because they can ruin even a very promising and profitable project.

Method 5. The workplace should be isolated as much as possible

It is important that there is a minimum ↓ number of distractions in the workplace. You should not use your work computer for games, correspondence on social networks and other entertainment.

Most often, procrastination due to filling work time with extraneous matters occurs among freelancers . When working remotely, it is much more difficult to control yourself and not get distracted. This is due to the lack of superiors who monitor the completion of tasks.

Experts believe that procrastination is often associated with the impulsiveness of the individual. Work efficiency decreases↓ if you are constantly surrounded by various distractions. It is important to eliminate them as much as possible not only in the workplace, but also in computer shortcuts.

Ideally, it is good to have your own office for work. And remember that keeping your desk physically organized helps you keep your thoughts organized.

To make it easier to compare the proposed methods of dealing with procrastination, their main parameters are presented in the table below.

Table: “Effective ways to combat procrastination, a description of the essence of each of them”

WayDescription of actionsWhat is the effect of the method
No. 1. Using a task list Make a to-do list, use the Eisenhower matrixIt is easier to highlight unimportant tasks and refuse to do them
No. 2. Dividing large tasks into components A global task must be divided into several smaller tasksIt’s easier to get down to business, as fear and self-doubt disappear
No. 3. Coming to terms with your own imperfections Don't get caught up in trying to be perfectReduced fear of doing something wrong
No. 4. Learn to delegate and completely abandon some tasks Analysis of assigned tasks and abandonment of irrelevant onesFrees up time to do essential things
No. 5. Maximum workplace isolation Remove all unnecessary and distracting things awayIncreased level of concentration on important tasks

What are the consequences

Periodically (infrequently) postponing important things until tomorrow does not pose a danger to the psyche. Everyone can remember a dozen or two tasks hanging in space, waiting for motivation.

But when this becomes the norm and is repeated systematically, it’s time to think about how to fix it. Otherwise, dissatisfaction with oneself develops into complexes, and regret about missed opportunities takes more energy than solving the problem.

“The longer a person stalls, the deeper the hole gets”

This is a quote from an expert in the field of psychology, J. Ferrari, who devoted 10 years to studying the phenomenon. He argued that by endlessly pushing back the date for completing important tasks, everyone is digging a trench for themselves. Over time, it becomes deeper, and it is impossible to get out of it without outside help.

At first, the tension is replaced by a feeling of guilt for missing a deadline; after several failures with deadlines, psychological problems appear such as:

  1. fear of responsibility;
  2. fear of criticism;
  3. indecision;
  4. low self-esteem.

Peter Ludwig writes that guilt on the eve of a project or exam becomes a driving force. Many procrastinators argue that they have to deal with deadlines by saying that they can work with inspiration only under pressure . But the trouble is that it is impossible to complete the task efficiently in a short period, and this causes complaints from management.

Realizing that their professional reputation has suffered through their own fault, people experience stress. But, despite the problems, they still choose immediate benefits and act according to their mood, avoiding unpleasant tasks by all means.

Psychological Causes of Mental Tricks

They directly depend on upbringing, character traits and type of behavior, so each procrastinator has his own list. However, there are common triggers (what are they?) that trigger the “tomorrow syndrome” mechanism.

Behavioral theory

According to psychodynamic theory, the phenomenon appears due to childhood trauma. This happens if authoritarian parents require their child to complete complex tasks without specifying an algorithm for solving them.

Lack of intelligence and experience often prevents a child from completing an assignment. He is playing for time, hoping that they will forget about him, and this will help him avoid punishment (this is exactly my case).

If the result is successful, the behavioral stereotype is fixed in the subconscious and becomes the default program.

Emotional and biological factors

The brain voluntarily refuses to waste energy preparing a long-term project with an unpredictable result. Why should he stress if viewing pictures on Instagram or pleasant communication brings momentary pleasant impressions, for which the limbic system is responsible.

When the prefrontal cortex receives a command to start working, it suggests an alternative solution to do the task later. Not everyone has the willpower and intelligence to break away from entertainment and go into productive mode.


Psychologists believe that procrastination is a protest against established rules. When an employee does not agree with a hard deadline, he ignores the deadline. This creates the illusion of freedom and temporarily eliminates internal discomfort.

Insecurity and self-sabotage

Many people procrastinate due to indecisiveness, criticism, and even perfectionism (what is that?). A person may know everything about launching a startup, but because of the fear of doing something wrong, he does not dare to take the first step. At the same time, he reassures himself that he still lacks funds/time/practice.

Always putting off a project often indicates a lack of interest in the work. If an employee, for example, is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle (what is that?), then while working for a tobacco company, he will unconsciously sabotage projects.


As you can see, procrastination tests have been created in large numbers and variety by scientists, psychologists, and today they are used in various studies, as well as at the layman level, when a person wants to test himself for the level of procrastination.

Don't forget that if procrastination actively creeps into your life, it will bring nothing but chaos, destruction and stress in the long run. Therefore, be prepared and fight the enemy with reasonable available methods.

We wish you success!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Why is Parkinson's not always bad?
  • Time management: tips from Brian Tracy
  • How to Procrastinate Productively
  • 3 steps to overcome procrastination
  • 9 Best Time Management Apps
  • How to plan a year?
  • I'm lazy. What to do?
  • Overcoming Procrastination with Thoughts
  • Interesting facts about procrastination
  • The harm and consequences of procrastination

Key words: 1Psychoregulation, 1Time management

Pierce Steele equation

Psychologist Piers Steele argues that the syndrome does not apply to completing an urgent, interesting task. Steele insists that the problem often affects those who are unable to realistically assess the prospect at the start.

He derived the formula U = E x V/I x D with five variables, which proved the driving force of motivation pushing the process.

  1. U (Utility) – the benefits of actions.
  2. E (Expectancy) – chance of receiving a bonus.
  3. V (Value) – expected reward for work.
  4. D (Delay) – time interval before receiving the bonus.
  5. I (Impulsiveness) – impulsiveness.

The equation proves that a person willingly solves problems that provide him with a chance of getting a quick reward, and is not in a hurry to complete goals that take a long time and require a lot of energy. The further you get to the final result, the less enthusiasm.

The employee does not want to engage in activities that pose a subconscious threat to the peace of the Ego . It is precisely this that paralyzes the will and forces one to behave contrary to logic and personal interests. However, there are methods that defeat the lazy mind and sabotage (what is this?) Ego.


You've already read a lot. Let's take a break. Relax your eyes, do gymnastics for them, brew a cup of tea or coffee with a bun or cookies. This is not procrastination, this is a reasonable rest to concentrate and recuperate. Don't worry, I'll wait for you here and we'll continue.

This is not procrastination, this is a well-deserved break!

Ways to combat procrastination

According to psychologist Neil Fuhr, it usually all starts with the fear of getting bogged down under a pile of things to do, which leads to self-sabotage (exactly about me). To prevent this from happening, add up the time spent drinking tea, smoking breaks and visiting social networks, and multiply the resulting figure by the number of working days. If the value is terrifying, treatment of the syndrome begins.

First, determine the upcoming volume. This helps to realize that the process has a logical conclusion. Large tasks are broken down and completed point by point. This is necessary to methodically cross out each task after completion, motivating yourself to implement the next subtask.


The diary includes everything you need to do, right down to buying movie tickets or visiting a friend. For objectivity, you need a controller who will monitor the fulfillment of obligations.

It’s easier to enlist the support of like-minded people from social networks who are experiencing similar problems and inform community members about successes. In this case, it will not be possible to get out of the consistent implementation of the agenda.

People who master the Stephen Covey method rarely encounter the syndrome. He created the theory of “Franklin Time Management” and recommends dividing tasks according to importance and urgency. The author allows minor tasks such as cleaning the apartment or looking through mail in your free time if you are very busy.

I discovered the method of combating procrastination described in the figure below for myself, but apparently I’m not the only one so smart:

How procrastination interferes with financial well-being - a description of areas in which laziness is unacceptable

Not everyone understands, but procrastination can greatly interfere with financial well-being. Meanwhile, there are certain areas of life in which it is impossible to put things off until later. Below we will consider the most important of them.

1) Payments for various obligations

If you put off making various payments until later, you can lose considerable amounts. Delays on loans, late payment of taxes and payments for housing and communal services lead to the accrual of fines and penalties .

It seems that such charges are insignificant. However, if violations of payment deadlines are regularly committed, the sanctions add up to a fairly significant amount.

In order to avoid excuses (for example, payments were not made on time because there is no opportunity to go to the bank after work), you should carefully study all possible payment methods (in a 24-hour terminal, online, and others).

Another effective way to get rid of the habit of postponing payment is to reward yourself. You should enjoy making small purchases if you make payments on time.

2) Visits to the doctor

Many people find a huge number of excuses not to undergo preventive examinations with doctors. Meanwhile, by postponing a visit to the hospital until something hurts, you can lose a lot of money.

It is important to understand that you can undergo regular tests and visit doctors under your compulsory health insurance policy absolutely free of charge. At the same time, you will have to pay for the treatment of already manifested diseases, at least by purchasing medications at the pharmacy.

In order not to put off visiting doctors until later, experts recommend teaming up with friends and family in this activity. Together it is much easier to queue and wait for an appointment.

3) Work

When you're at work, it's easy to succumb to a bout of procrastination. As a result, often at the end of the working day the required amount of work remains unfulfilled.

Distractions such as:

  • regular tea parties;
  • calls to relatives;
  • elementary computer games;
  • social media.

Procrastination in such a situation can lead not only to the accumulation of important tasks, but also to deprivation of bonuses and a reprimand. If you do not start solving the problem in time, you may lose your job altogether.

To minimize the consequences of procrastination, experts recommend giving up smoking breaks at work and limiting communication with colleagues. The work process should bring career growth and financial well-being. You can communicate even after the end of the working day.

4) Free time ⏱

Many people consider the best way to spend their time after the workday is watching TV, as well as studying social networks. Meanwhile, such activities significantly tire the brain, distract you from household chores, and do not allow you to communicate with your family.

In addition, such matters often cause unpleasant consequences emotionally, leading to irritability, envy and disappointment. As a result, this interferes with personal development and increasing income levels.

In order not to waste time, experts recommend stopping watching TV, mobile and computer games, and the Internet.

Instead, in your free time it is better to do useful things:

  • sign up for developmental courses;
  • start reading quality literature;
  • spend time with children;
  • get creative.

Hobbies like these help to recharge with positivity and unload emotionally. Ultimately, this has a positive impact on your workflow and financial well-being.

5) Shopping

Procrastination can be a serious obstacle to budget planning. Creating a shopping list, calculating costs, and comparing prices takes time and some effort.

It is much easier to replace periodic purchases of necessary items with spontaneous purchases of products at the nearest store. It’s even easier to order ready-made food delivered to your home.

However, it should be borne in mind that such actions can lead to an increase in costs several times.

To overcome procrastination when shopping, it is important to make an accurate list of necessary products . By shopping at the supermarket just once a week, you can save a lot of time and money. We wrote about how to save money correctly in one of our articles.

Thus, there are several areas of life in which manifestations of procrastination can lead to serious financial problems.

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