Declaring your love to a guy in your own words: beautiful options

Declaration of love to a guy: Pexels “To be happy means to be proactive,” this is what a third of the girls who decide to make a declaration of love to a guy think. This data is provided by sociologists from the authoritative Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. In order not to get confused at the most crucial moment, prepare emotional words, following their advice.

In your own words to tears

Tender words about love from a woman, if the feelings are mutual, can bring goosebumps, even tears. But these must be sincere phrases coming from the depths of the soul. During a touching conversation, look a man in the eyes and take his hand. Then your words will definitely find a response in the heart of the chosen one. It is not necessary to make a declaration of love to your loved one out loud, write an email or message.

Take note of the following wording:

  • When I look at you, it seems to me that the sun is shining outside the window, birds are singing next to us. Your soul becomes warm and cozy. And without you, everything around is dark, boring, lifeless. I love you! Yes, this is exactly the feeling that I have long dreamed of and been waiting for. I love and want to love you all my life.
  • I wake up in the morning and think: “How did I live without you all these years?!” How long have I been looking for you, how long have I been waiting for you... You are my happiness, my joy, my soul. I know one thing, without your glance, touches, kisses, life will lose its meaning. Love you! I want to make you the happiest, to give all the warmth, affection and care so that I can see your smile every day.
  • I needed to tell you these important words for a long time, but I couldn’t muster up the courage. You struck my heart at first sight. I am grateful to you for the first step that I took, otherwise I would not have decided to meet you that day. And she would suffer from her indecision to this day. I want to thank you for our heart-to-heart conversations, care, affection, tenderness and admit that I have loved you for a long time!
  • I want to tell you that I am the happiest person in the world. And you made me like this! I want you to know that I love you. You ask: “For what?” I can’t answer, but I know that this is forever.

Men perceive the words “I love you” differently than women, so they say this phrase much less often. Do not be offended by your loved one if he does not immediately respond to your sincerity. A guy needs time to be convinced of his own feelings. Only then will he be able to give an answer and please his beloved with mutual recognition.

Long confessions

My favorite! It is impossible after our meetings to remain the same as when I come to them. It is impossible to live the same life, to be bored, to devote so much energy and attention to petty worries and problems. Perhaps fairy tales don't exist. But it’s a pity that those who believe in this do not know the comfort and feelings that we give each other. Thank you for changing my life. I want to make you happier and give you as much love as I can. And with you I am capable of much.

What I feel next to you, dear, is the most pleasant and unique feeling in the world. I live from meeting to meeting, I wake up and fall asleep thinking about you. I heard that with a sweetheart it’s heaven in a hut. And although we are able to give each other comfort, I am sure that even on a desert island we would be the happiest of all. What can we say about where we are now and where our guiding star is leading us.

Without you... I don’t even want to imagine what will happen without you. You are not only my meaning in life. You are my breath. My support. My mood, thoughts, feelings, emotions. The one with whom I never cry, but only laugh and rejoice. Someone who knows the value of promises and will always understand and support. Without you, I and this beautiful world around me do not exist.

My little bunny, the one who says that love lasts three years is lying. She is capable of more, and our relationship with you is the clearest example of this. We went through fire, water and copper pipes. We sometimes quarreled, did not understand each other, showed selfishness, but each time we drew conclusions from this. And now there’s not so much pleasant stuff – it’s everywhere.

Every time your train leaves, my heart stops. And only your return can start it again. It's not easy being apart for a while, but it makes you feel how much I love you. And with every second of anticipation of the meeting, this feeling grows.

My love! Although love shouldn’t be talked about much, but done, I cannot remain silent when my heart breaks out into your arms. An unimaginable mixture of human beauty and masculine qualities, such as determination, courage, understanding, and kindness, lives within you. So many smiles, joy, tenderness - and all this in you alone, and now in the two of us. If I could live one day forever, I would choose any day with you. Thank you for our relationship.

I dreamed of a prince for so many years and did not listen to my parents or friends. The years passed, and I remained the same naive dreamer. And now my patience and faith have found a reward - you. We share many wonderful memories, and there are many more to come.

In verse

Making a declaration of love to a man in poetry is very romantic and touching. Especially if the girl herself comes up with lines for a cordial conversation with her beloved.

As an example of tender and passionate rhymes, take the following poems:

  • How difficult it is to say “I love”... I’m scared, you won’t believe it?! You know, you won’t change anything, I love you - I say!
  • Darling, I won’t forget you. I only want to be with you! Forget longing and boredom, Love you, love, love!
  • Your look is the limit of dreams, Touching your hand is the limit of fantasies, I love you for a long time and passionately, And the feeling is so wonderful.
  • We've only known each other for a short time, but I've already fallen in love with you. It became so obvious today, The feeling could destroy me.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to impress men with poetry. This is not entirely true. Most guys are really far from poetry, but if he finds out that a work, and especially about love, was written specifically for him, for his sake, then there will be no limit to his pride and delight.

Declaration of love to a man in prose, so that it touches your soul - sincere and sentimental

Oddly enough, men also love affection and tenderness, they love to feel and understand that they are important and necessary for their chosen one, especially when at a distance from each other. Show your warmest attitude, cheer up your loved one and write him a short SMS with the word “love”.

  • My strong and brave protector, beloved and adored man, it is impossible to live, breathe and exist without you! I'm only happy with you. I love you madly!


  • I think about you constantly when you are far away - I can’t find a place for myself. I need you more than life, I want to enjoy your smile every second. I love you honey.



  • You are my beloved sun, which warms me in the rays of your unearthly and unfading love. Without you, life is darkness and hopelessness. I love you and want to always be with you!


  • If they ever ask me what the meaning of life is, I will answer that it is in you, that I live by you and for you. I love you more every day!


On distance

While away from home, a man will be happy to read a postcard or letter with tender phrases from the woman he loves. Don’t hide your feelings; declaring your love in your own words will lift your partner’s mood and make him think about you constantly:

  • You are far from me, and my thoughts are only about us. I miss you, I remember the moments of our meetings, the first kiss, the first touches. It seems like I've known you for a long, long time. You have become family and friends. I think I guessed my feelings a long time ago; they are too strong for me to hide. Still, a confession will not be superfluous: I love you, my soul, more than life! Come back soon.
  • Hello, my dearest person! I have always been unexpected, but today I want to surprise you very much. I have a big secret, but it's time to reveal the secret: I love you! Remember this, when you are far from me, when you are near me, always.
  • Again we are separated, which will not end soon. I miss you terribly and look forward to meeting you. I want to hear your laughter, see your happy smile, touch the dimple on your cheek with your palm. From a distance, I realized that I love you very much! I think only about you. Take my words seriously, it was difficult for me to reveal my sincere feelings to you.

Poems about love for a man, a declaration of love that captures the soul

I want to love you tenderly, tenderly, like no one has loved before.
I want to love you in a blizzard, snowy way - So that you never forget. I want to love you sultryly, hotly, To melt the ice in my heart. I want to love you too greedily: So that only mine, so as not to share with anyone! I want to love... well, yes, but whatever! I completely forgot to ask you, How do you want, my demon and my god, For me to love you? *** Where are you, my crazy demon? Well, what's wrong with you and where are you now? You seem to have come from another world. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen you for an hour. It would seem - not enough, but you know, crazy, I still miss you already. This spring and moonlit evening is long for me, You are like a ray of light in my destiny. My demon is cheerful, my demon is vagrant, When you are with me, crazy dream, I just want to send everything to hell, Never remembering flattery and pain! My dream! Fly with your dreams more often! And know that I am waiting only for you forever, always! I just always forget with you, That life is time, and time is water.


With a nervous line of confessions in a notebook I am writing you this letter. On a receipt, on a worn banknote, plain glass will do. I write and won’t send it, Not daring to confess my love, Now I write in Russian, now “I Love You,” Begging silently: Read it! Guess about the feelings, beloved, Guess who is my light, Don’t let this tenderly kept secret seem strange to you.


I love everything that you so casually sometimes call yours, But I always love too tenderly, Forgive me for that. I look with excitement at the objects on which your hand traces. And my gaze reveals the secrets that you have been keeping for many years. I love it when you talk about familiar, ordinary things. I love it when you don't yearn about mediocre and boring things. I love your bold thoughts, I am so often sick of them. I miss them so often, Remembering your words. And I also love it when you just look into my eyes. You are looking forward to the question, Again without telling me something. But all this is insignificant in comparison - It won’t affect me deeply, Compared to what I can Write: “I love you!”

It happens that we quarrel with you, We are rude at times, And we get offended - it happens, I don’t want to think about sad things!

I want to tell you “I love”, Only I could find such a husband in the world, Madly, know, I love you!


As in the spring they wait for summer, in the autumn for spring... So I wait for you from work Every day.

And I want to confess, my dear husband, that I love you, I want to be next to you


What a blessing it is to be your wife, to belong to you and to be with you. And for you I will repeat again that I love you very much.

There is no need for gifts or flowers, Although you are ready for a lot for me, But there is no better happiness in the world than my main gift - you!


You and I are two soul mates, and it’s good for us to be close together. It was as if two pieces of ice had melted. After all, the two of them became quite warm.

I love to just laugh with you, And just be silent and talk... Beloved husband! I want not to part. And I love loving you so much!

I don’t just love you – I adore you! The season of low-degree cold is not scary: We save each other with the warmth of our hearts. You are forever my lover and husband!

I agree with you to be a submissive follower, In the traditions of a faithful eastern wife, I will take upon myself all the chores around the house, May only we always be in love!


Two hearts are beating in unison - And this is the truth, not a dream. Read my confession - This is my main desire.

I am happy that you are my husband, and I am not afraid of thunderstorms or cold. I love you alone - And we are destined to be together.


In the morning I wake up, admiring how you are dozing in the arms of the dawn, with your eyes closed. I myself wake up so early only to be on the alert: a thunderstorm will come.

But no, everything between us is quiet, calm, You pronounce my name in your sleep. And I relax, like a cat, happy. Darling, please dream about me!


From the moment we met, I see you in my dreams at night. Although they say that time heals, But it will not help me.

And all I need to be happy is to make eye contact with you. It’s so difficult to tame feelings, I want to be with you!


My dear, dear boy I have been wanting to say for so long, That my love cannot be described in any huge book. You appeared so unexpectedly And mixed up all the paths, I don’t need my unknown secrets, I need YOU! You're the best, you know? Of those who love and are loved, You don’t even know what you have discovered in my soul!

Today I’m talking about love, which is a hundred times stronger than all earthly feelings, I give my dear one from my heart a tender kiss and this verse.

If you're nearby, it's so easy for me. The big world is bright and beautiful. And the soul soars so high, It only wants one thing - to be with you.


Do you think that you are better than everyone? Why do I constantly think about you? That you have no equal? That you are the meaning of my life? Well, you’re right! I'm crazy about you!!!


I've been missing you for a long time, I want to tell you, but I can't, Now I'm revealing the secret, That I love you very much.


How happy I am that I love you. And that you are walking somewhere nearby. But sometimes I just lie to you with My cold, unapproachable gaze. I’m not talking to you about love, You don’t need my love. But I thank God again for the fact that you live, and I am glad for that.


I love you very much. I catch your glance like air. Your eyes caress me with warm velvet... I love you! Let everyone know about it!


With you next to me I get lost, Sometimes I don’t know what to say, I laugh inappropriately, I immediately repent: You may understand everything wrong. After all, I, a reasonable girl, don’t recognize myself. The soul of the ballad pulls subtly With a simple plot: I love!


If a girl confesses her love - That says a lot, You save this confession, Let it inspire you to heroism!

Yes, I’m telling you - I love you, Even though it’s not easy for me, Still, I can’t remain silent, And I’m giving you a piece of the sun!


You are the only one in the entire Universe, My happiness and my destiny, You are extraordinary luck, It is so wonderful to live lovingly!

And today, with joy and pride, I speak only about you, So that life becomes a beautiful story, And love becomes only a joy in fate!


I recognize you, I study you, I get used to you, I want to understand, But I almost adore you And I wish to become a little closer. Every day I open something And I myself open up, Only until now I hid that I have loved you for a long time.


You can also make a declaration of love in regular correspondence via WhatsApp, Viber, VKontakte. SMS is a short letter, but it is also easy to put all the power of feelings into it for the main words in your couple. The message can be in the form of a question, a poem or a compliment with the note “I love you.”

Here are some examples of sincere SMS from a girl to a guy:

  • I wonder if you love me as much as I love you? I'm burning with feelings)
  • I can’t hide it anymore: I love you!
  • I've been looking for you all day today to tell you that I love you!
  • What do i do? What to do? I realized that life without you was empty and stupid. Love for you struck my heart and filled the world with bright colors. Love you!
  • You are an angel, you are the best! It's impossible not to fall in love with you. This happened to me too. Love you very very much!
  • I really want this time of flight and madness to not end. There is only you in my heart, my beloved!
  • Happy to have you next to me. I adore you, I love you more than life itself.
  • I fall asleep - I think about you, I wake up - I think about you, I write lectures at the university - I think about you. This is definitely true love. I'm happy that I have you. I love!
  • I'll say it without jokes, I love you. And the feeling will never go away, that's for sure.
  • You are the sun, you are the light, you are the sky, you are the stars! Others fade in comparison with you, that’s why I love you with all my soul.


A declaration of love to a guy from a girl is a touching and exciting moment. A woman pronounces words that are important to her with embarrassment; her hands and lips may tremble. Her condition is transmitted to her partner, who is sure to be moved to goosebumps and tears of happiness. Of course, it’s better to talk about love out loud in order to experience the whole gamut of emotions from this important stage in a relationship:

  • I know for sure that fate gave me a gift - this is our meeting. It's scary that happiness might end someday. I don’t want to think about it, because now you’re nearby and I can tell you about my feelings. Love and gratitude fill my soul. You are my joy! I love you, I can’t live even a second apart.
  • Love is a strong, beautiful feeling that not everyone can experience. I'm glad that it came to me specifically for you. My dear, beloved person, I adore you, I cannot live without you a single day. I am sure that the happiest life awaits us. I thank God and fate for meeting you.
  • I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with you. I think you also have something to tell me, but I’ll start first. It’s difficult to confess your love, especially to a girl, but I’m brave and I’ll do it. A volcano of emotions and passions is seething inside me, I can no longer hide my feelings. I love you deeply and tenderly. I want to shout to the whole world about my feelings for the best man. Now you will have to fall in love with me too, because that’s all I want.

What should a girl do if, after declaring her love, the guy remains silent? There are 2 options: wait or get an answer now by any means. It all depends on the man's temperament. You know your loved one better, so trust your intuition.

How not to confess your feelings to a married man

If the man you love is married to another woman, you need to confess your feelings a little differently. There should be no publicity, no promises of a happy family life next to you when he leaves his wife. Everything should be touching, beautiful and sweet, but at the same time restrained and unobtrusive.

The most important mistakes of lovers that should not be made:

  • be the first to admit strong feelings;
  • write a confession on social networks and post a joint photo with your lover;
  • add at the end of the confession: “when you leave for me, then...”;
  • swear feelings to the grave;
  • put notes, make inscriptions on the car, since the wife might find them there;
  • asking “And you me?” every time after your tender words;
  • after confession, ask for money or expensive gifts;
  • reproach “I love you, but you just won’t leave your wife.”

If you already became a mistress, then you knew in advance about the presence of a wife, which means you have no rights to this man. You cannot publicly confess your feelings, otherwise you risk that your lover will become an ex.

Recognition can be different: creative, gentle, sincere, funny, interesting, intriguing. It all depends on the situation, personal relationships, strength of feelings, status in relation to each other. In any case, you can confess not only with the banal words “I love you.” Remember this.

Cool and funny

Jokes and gags in frank SMS or conversations between lovers do not at all indicate their frivolity or frivolity. Funny phrases defuse the situation and relieve tension. In addition, adding a piece of humor to your declaration of love to your beloved boyfriend or man will not hurt if there was a quarrel the day before and you are hoping for reconciliation. Send your partner these funny SMS:

  • I know a girl who is in love with you. You'll definitely like her. By the way, it's me!
  • When will you leave me? I'm tired of constantly thinking about our meetings, remembering kisses and close hugs! I want to focus on work (study), but all I can think about is that I love you madly!
  • I always thought love was a teenage fantasy for naive fools. But when I met you, I realized that I was very mistaken.
  • Have you ever felt how your blood boils inside, how a fire flares up in your chest? You were unlucky. I have to feel this power of love every time I see you. And that's great! I love you so much!
  • Let me be immodest, shameless, break all the rules of etiquette, but I will do it... I will admit that I love you first. It's your turn!
  • Do you know why I wake up with a smile on my lips every morning? I dreamed about you, my beloved little man.
  • I want to tell you sad news. I got sick, the disease is incurable. The doctor diagnosed: love! I know who is responsible for my illness. It's you! Only reciprocal feelings can bring me back to life.

How to confess your love to a young man face to face

Great, we figured out the methods.

Let's move on: what to do if you need to express your feelings to a man in person?

What to take care of and where to start so that everything goes perfectly?

3.1 There is a time and place for everything

It will be best if the guy receives unexpected (or expected) news when he is in a good mood. Try to understand whether something has recently spoiled his mood, whether he is in a state of passion and how he feels about you at the moment. In addition, make sure that the person is not busy and that his thoughts are completely devoted to the conversation.

Place also matters: it is better that there are no unnecessary ears or distractions near you.

If you are in a relationship with a young man and want to take it to the next level, you can organize this event in a place that reminds you both of something pleasant: the place of your first meeting, first date or kiss, and so on.

The memories that come flooding back will help you make an even greater impression on your significant other.

3.2 No need to say anything unnecessary

Speak directly and sincerely. Of course, it would be better to gradually bring the dialogue to the main words, but do not overdo it. Let your speech not be cloying, forcedly romantic, or formulaic, but understandable and sincere.

Express your real thoughts, for example: “When I appear here, I immediately remember our first meeting”, “I often dream about you”, “I can endlessly communicate with you or just look straight into your eyes”...

Use this intimate moment to fully express yourself - whatever the further outcome of events, you will feel better after this.

3.3 Three main words

The moment of truth has come, and it’s time to say the most important thing.

But what to do if anxiety takes over?

Try to close your eyes and imagine that this is just a rehearsal.

Maybe it will be easier if you confess your love in your ear, in a whisper?

And if you are sure that the guy will not mind physical contact, you can first take his hand or gently kiss him on the cheek. As you can see, recognition can be varied in every possible way and add a pleasant flavor to it.

3.4 Confess your love and what next

Try not to put pressure on the guy after confessing: demanding a momentary answer or meaningful silence will scare the person away.

You can simply look at his reaction and change the topic of conversation, or say that you don’t expect an answer right away and can wait a while for the guy to think about everything and make a decision.

Whatever the young man’s reaction, remain friendly towards him: do not immediately show negativity or, conversely, hang yourself on his neck with passionate kisses.

3.5 Accept any answer with dignity after confession

When a young man makes a decision, it is important to respond correctly to his answer.

If your feelings are mutual and the guy is ready for a relationship with you, congratulations, that’s wonderful!

But, again, don’t overdo it - too violent a reaction or premature demands on him may scare him a little.

If, unfortunately, you receive a refusal, do not lose your dignity!

This person is not the only one you could love... just accept his answer adequately and remain on friendly terms with the object of your affection.

Remember: it’s not the man’s fault that he doesn’t feel anything for you; and your feelings are not something shameful.

Try to avoid suffering from unrequited love and move on!

In English

To declare your love to a man in your own words, you can use the banal “I love you” or resort to other gentle remarks in the language of Shakespeare. Memorize or send these pleasant messages to your loved one by SMS in English:

  • “I'm in love with you” - translation “I'm in love with you.”
  • “I'm totally into you” - “Heads deep in love.”
  • “You're my ideal” - “You are my ideal.”
  • “We're perfect for each other.” - “We were created for each other.”
  • “We're meant for each other.” - “Fate brought us together.”
  • “I've got a thing for you.” - “I have special feelings for you.”
  • “I've had a crush on you for a long time.” - “I have had strong feelings for you for a long time.”
  • “I'd like for us to get together.” - “I want you to always be near.”
  • “You're my everything.” - "You're everything to me".
  • “I yearn for you.” - "I miss you".
  • “You're my man.” - “You are my man (boyfriend).”

You can say pleasant words to your loved one not only in English, but also in other languages ​​of the world. To do this, it is not necessary to attend courses or memorize grammar. Enter the desired phrase into the online translator, select a language and get instant results.

Confessions to your beloved man to tears

There are few words that can move a man to tears. Sincere declarations of love can turn your head and make you feel on top. The ability to express your emotions is a rare gift that can be acquired with practice. We will help you give you the most heartfelt confessions that explain your love, inspire you to take action.

On our website you will find many reverent and tender declarations of love to a man to the point of tears. Thanks to them, your destiny can change for the better.


In pictures

A declaration of love can also be made using a picture or postcard. Send your dear man a photo with an inscription containing the necessary words, he will immediately understand the meaning of the message. Use cute pictures to send SMS instead of a long letter if your loved one is at a great distance from you.

Making a declaration of love first is a decisive step. Women often expect it from their partner, but modern society has long equalized the rights of both sexes. Therefore, you should not be ashamed of your desire to talk about your feelings. In addition, brave and desperate girls quickly conquer men's hearts.

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