How a girl can invite a guy for a walk: options, phrases and ready-made sentences

How can a girl invite a guy out on a date? Look for answers, phrases and sentences in the article.

The stereotype persists that a guy should make the first move. However, young man, a man may simply be modest and indecisive, even though he likes you madly. Or, if young people have known each other for a long time and know each other well. The guy just doesn't think about asking you out on a real romantic date, then it's up to the lady to make the first move.

Read another article on our website on the topic: “Budget date ideas: list of the best .

In all these cases, the girl should take the initiative. To do this, you need to have courage and prepare.

What qualities does a girl need to dare and invite a guy for a walk?

The girl invited the guy to go for a walk.
The girl must be decisive. A modest woman would not dare to take such a step. What other qualities does a girl need to dare and invite a guy for a walk? Here is the list:

  • Confidence in yourself and your actions
  • Ability to remain calm
  • Emotional preparedness for both positive and negative outcomes

Don't be upset if he refuses. Ask immediately about the reason; perhaps he simply does not have time or there are other circumstances. Then it’s worth agreeing on another time or day. Or try your luck another time. It is also important to prepare for the invitation. Read on to find out how to do this.

What to do in case of refusal

For a woman’s pride, refusal is the worst thing that can happen, especially if the attempt to invite the man you like on a date was the result of much thought and mental tossing. However, it is worth understanding that this event is far from a tragedy, and you need to be grateful to the man for his honesty (if, for example, it turned out that he has a girlfriend, and this motivates his refusal). You need to try to control your emotions so as not to show your disappointment and dissatisfaction.

A good way out of this situation is to say a phrase with a sweet smile like: “You know, I offered only in a friendly way - I don’t invite men on dates first. But it’s okay, I respect your position, you’re great.”


Preparation: can a girl invite a guy for a walk?

If you have a question - can a girl invite a guy for a walk at all, then you should think a little. After all, situations are different. First of all, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you know the guy enough to ask him out?
  • Is the guy at least a little interested in communication?
  • How does he behave towards other girls? Shy and hesitant or openly interested?

This is what preparation is all about. If after answering these questions it becomes clear that the young man is indifferent and not particularly interested, then the girl should not take the first step. You need to wait a little in order to find out more about this person: which girls he likes, which ones irritate him, his interests, favorite pastime, character traits, temperament. Then the girl needs to show that she has the necessary personal qualities, is interested in the same and is passionate about it.

Having decided to take the first step, she must remember that young people also pay attention to how the lady looks. You need to become feminine, neat and attractive - this will help to charm and arouse the guy’s interest, he will agree to a meeting. It is important to be able to emphasize your strengths, not your weaknesses. However, it is important to remember about the internal component - prepare a couple of interesting topics for dialogue. As they say: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.”

If a girl still decides to invite a guy, then she should adhere to the following plan:

  • Make sure the young man is single and not dating anyone.
  • Plan the date and place of the meeting, as well as leisure activities.
  • You need to be prepared for the fact that the guy may work that day or at a certain time, or he may have other things to do.
  • Be positive and confident.
  • If a young man is not sure and is thinking about a meeting, then do not insist.

There is no need to show your love - it is better to remain calm around him, be proud, confident, brave and interesting. In this case, he will not think that he can play with the girl’s feelings, but will treat her with respect and consideration.

Tight-fitting long dress or skirt

There are fabrics and styles that will compliment your figure better than an experienced plastic surgeon. No miniskirts or neckline work as excitingly as a toned and defined silhouette as a whole - this gives scope for his imagination.

The main love potion in the whole image is, of course, perfume. A weapon that will help you make him fall in love with you literally with his eyes closed. Fragrant cheat sheet: notes of vanilla are associated with tenderness; jasmine is synonymous with temptation; patchouli helps to relax, and the tropical motif, like citruses, increases sexual desire in every fourth man. We take everything into service at once. Moreover, the reliable composition is in the Lacoste brand fragrance portfolio - EAU DE LACOSTE L.12.12 Magnetic Pour Elle.

How can a girl invite a guy for a walk: options, methods

The girl invited the guy for a walk.
Each girl chooses the method herself. It all depends on her moral principles, self-confidence or, conversely, shyness. There are several simple options available to everyone to invite a guy for a walk:

  • Independently - in personal communication

This is suitable for those girls who are confident in their abilities. In this case, she will immediately show her interest in the dialogue and give the opportunity to take reciprocal steps towards her. It is better to think in advance what exactly to say. Be prepared to receive both reciprocity and refusal. The last option is unpleasant, but the main thing to remember is that this does not make the girl unattractive. There can be many reasons for refusal.

  • Use an indirect pretext, that is, ask him for help, ask for an opinion, or interest him in an extraordinary idea.

For example, a guy is interested in playing the guitar. The girl, knowing this in advance, asks for his help with choosing a guitar or learning. If he agrees to help, then you can thank him and give a hint about a meeting in the near future.

  • This method is suitable if both he and she have been communicating for several months or years and have a common hobby

Let's say both are interested in literature and theater - in this case, you can offer to attend a play or performance together. If both are keen on sports, then you can invite him to a morning or evening workout. During the general pastime, the girl will be able to show her value and sympathy.

  • Help from friends - suitable if the couple sees each other infrequently

You can ask a mutual friend to tell you about her. In order for this method to work accurately, it would be best to consult the person who was asked to help.

  • Team meeting

It is suitable for those girls who are very modest and do not dare to come up first, and consists of going somewhere together with friends and a young man. As an example, it could be bowling, cinema. In general, the fourth and fifth methods can be combined.

  • Invite you for a walk through personal correspondence

You should not use more than 4 sentences in a message and a lot of emoticons. The plan in such a case is as follows:

  • You should start communicating with a greeting “Hi”, “Hello”, “Greetings”, etc. If you have never corresponded before, you need to tell them who you are and where you met. If the girl has already corresponded with him before, then a simple greeting will be enough. The message could be: “Hi! I am Lena! We had a great time at the party last night!” or “Hi! How are you?" . The first option is suitable if you are not familiar.
  • A little flirting during a dialogue is acceptable . If he reciprocates the flirting, then this is a good sign.
  • It is important to monitor his response style and, in general, his interest in this communication . If his answers are dry, short and long, then you can try to call him. However, the girl must prepare for possible refusal.
  • If he answers in detail, without long breaks between messages, then it’s definitely worth inviting him to meet.

Both in personal written dialogue and in telephone negotiations, we can say that it is necessary to see each other and discuss some points. And when meeting in person, tell him that the girl really wanted to see him. During the dialogue and meeting, it is important for the lady to show that she enjoys the company of this young man.

How to invite your ex-boyfriend out?

The girl invited her ex-boyfriend for a walk.
Here you should consider how and for what reason the girl broke up with her ex-boyfriend. Sometimes difficult relationships develop between exes and continuation of any communication is impossible.

In general, it is not difficult to invite him on a date or for a walk if he independently wants to see the lady and has not lost interest in her. It will be enough to simply hint that she is lonely and bored. In this case, he himself will take the initiative and invite you to go somewhere.

You can also ask friends to talk about her carefree life and arrange “unplanned” meetings so that the young man will invite his ex on a date. And having seen each other, the girl should show real joy and empathy - the main thing is that he understands that she cares about his life.

Is this normal?

Asking a guy to go out first is a completely normal situation. Just don’t complicate everything from the first seconds of communication: you are not a couple yet, don’t plan a future together, don’t owe each other anything and are just going to have a good time if you agree. The standard situation is when a boy invites a girl, and then, in the process of communication, they see where it leads. When a girl invites a guy for a walk, nothing changes: if the date is successful, a couple will be formed; if not, it means it didn’t work out.

How to ask a guy out on a date: tips

If a girl is shy and unsure of herself, and is afraid of being rejected, then you need to call the young man so that he does not even think that he was invited on a date. Initiative does not always have to be direct, it can also be indirect - just hint to the young man about a meeting.

You can also use unusual methods. Here are the tips:

  • Write him a paper letter. Not electronic and not on social media. networks! You can send it in the form of a regular postcard or package it beautifully - the main thing is to be smart. There are different methods of delivery: courier, acquaintances, friends, mailbox in the house.
  • There is an old saying: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” This method is based precisely on this – you need to order something tasty. This could be pizza, pastries or sushi. The main thing is to include your letter inside the package.
  • Buy and send balloons . You can use helium or regular ones. Indicate all the necessary information on the balloons: date and time, meeting place.

Under no circumstances should you try to persuade a young man to go on a date. Everything should look as natural and relaxed as possible.

How to hint at a date: phrases and ready-made sentences

A girl hints at a date in a text message.
On the first date, do not avoid eye contact, do not take closed poses - this can create the impression of disinterest in what is happening. Be interested in his life, hobbies, ask questions, joke. So, how to hint at a date? Here are the phrases and ready-made sentences:

  • “I have 2 tickets to the concert. Will you come with me for company? . It is important to note that it is better to choose tickets for the performance of his favorite band. Thus, there will be more positive and bright emotions as a result of the meeting.
  • “All my friends left on business, but I was so hoping to unwind and go somewhere”.
  • “I don’t know who to go with for a short trip to the nearest city/outdoors. Do you want to come with me?
  • “My sister’s birthday is coming soon. Would you like to join us for the holiday?” .
  • “A new restaurant has opened in the city center. I heard that the atmosphere there is very pleasant. Do you want to go together?" .

When asking a question, always ask in a way that prompts the answer you need. For example, if you say “Would you like to go out with me?” , he will most likely answer “No” . It’s another matter if you ask “Do you want to go with me” or “Come with me” . There's a better chance he'll agree.

It is also necessary to improve tactility. A girl can hug him at a meeting or goodbye, accidentally take his hand, touch him. She needs to show that she is sincerely happy to meet him.

Here are a few more phrases and ready-made suggestions on how to invite someone for a walk:

  • "I'd like to get to know you better."
  • “Let’s meet sometime and take a walk/go somewhere?”
  • " We have a lot in common. I would like to chat with you alone. What do you say?".
  • “Your future girlfriend will be lucky.”
  • "You are very interesting".
  • “You talk about this very interestingly. I would like to continue the conversation in the evening in a cafe. What do you say?".

There are many ways to invite a guy out for a walk or on a date. Young people are all different and each needs an individual approach. The main thing to remember is that life is given only once, and it is better to be rejected than to think about what could have been. Good luck!

Social media

The next stage is monitoring social networks and starting correspondence. In order to establish meaningful communication via the Internet, you need to avoid platitudes: “hello” and “how are you?” Such messages are answered rarely and without enthusiasm.

We need to come up with something more original and definitely personal. Standard phrase: “Have you had a hard day today too?” - also, in principle, a banal, but quite personal question, as a result of which a lively conversation can begin.

How to invite a guy to go out via text? The safest option for a shy girl is to find out about some street events and celebrations and ask her crush if he will go to them? If the answer is yes, you can ask if they will meet there. You definitely need to clarify what kind of company he will be in: it is one thing if he is with a couple of friends, and completely different if he is with a new passion.

More confident girls can afford to simply invite a guy for a chat - if he answers in the affirmative, then this is considered a full-fledged date.

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