Psychology of love: is self-improvement needed in love skills?

There are many paths in life, but the longest of them is the path to the heart of another person. And if you resist this path and go off it, you will only waste time trying to find it again later.

Love is a mysterious force that fills us with energy, making us experience vivid emotions.

Each of us has developed a different definition of love, according to our own experiences and worldview.

Indeed, each person's experience is so unique that it is naive to believe that there is a single concept of love that everyone can agree on.

The concept of love, types of love in psychology

There is an expression “love rules the world.” In fact, this feeling has enormous power, has an incredible impact on people, helps them develop, become better, kinder, learn to show care, compassion, and gives strength for new victories and achievements. How is love viewed from a psychological point of view?

Love is a human feeling that manifests itself in the form of affection, desire for another person, strong sympathy.

Feelings of love play a huge role in a person’s life, starting from childhood and throughout life, there is parental love, brotherly (friendly), love for family and friends, later romantic love appears, helping to create a family and contributing to the continuation of the human race. Although it carries many other positive aspects, because there can be couples and childless people living together, helping each other, protecting, caring.

Psychology about love helps to understand the causes of this feeling, its influence on a person, and teaches the ability to love and build relationships.

Why does a person need love? First of all, it is the power that allows people to live on Earth, to create, to create new things, to be more humane; thanks to this strong feeling, man has become human in all its manifestations.

By name

Some people think that calling a guy only by his first name is boring. In fact, from the ordinary word Vanya, Dima it’s easy to make a chic nickname that your loved one will definitely like. By the way, you can use it to record a guy on your phone.

Change the name into a foreign style, for example, in English, Ukrainian, German, French:

  • Zhenya - Genka (Ukr),
  • Gin (English);
  • Peter - Pedro (Italian), Peter (English); Petro
  • Anton - Antonio;
  • Andrey - Andrew; Drone
  • Ivan - Van, Vano, John (American);
  • Nikita - Nick; Whale
  • Nikolay - Nikola
  • Sergey - Serge
  • Pavel - Paulo, Paul.
  • Denis - Dan.
  • Roman - Romeo.
  • Sasha - Alejandro, Sandro, Sanchez
  • Lyosha - Alex, Lex
  • Anton - Tony, Antonio
  • Vladislav - Vladovski
  • Matvey - Matthew, Matheus
  • Ilya - Ellia
  • George - George, Georges
  • Ruslan - Ruso
  • Denis - Dan
  • Gregory - Greg, Gregory
  • Fedor - Fed, Theo, Theodor

Add diminutive suffixes to the name:

  • Ivan - Vanyushka, Vanek, Vanechka.
  • Andrey - Andryukha, Andryushka.
  • Pavel - Pavlik, Pavlusha.
  • Sasha - Sanya, Sanechka, Sashulka.
  • Oleg - Olezhek.
  • Slava - Slavik, Slavochka.
  • Damir - Damirchik, Damirka.

Shorten a long name:

  • Denis—Dan.
  • Vladislav - Vlad, Slava.
  • Andrey - Dryunya.
  • Alexander - Sanya, Alex.
  • Fedor - Fed.
  • Damir - Peace.
  • Bogdan is God.
  • Evgeniy - Zheka.
  • Sergey - Sergo.
  • Mikhail - Mikha, Misha.
  • Pavel - Pasha, Pa.

On a note! It is a mistake to think that affectionate names for men should be sweet and cloying to the ear. For brutalists who cannot tolerate the tenderness of a calf, choose names that are saturated with strength and power. For example, Mikha, Sanek, Dan.

The list goes on. Feel free to experiment with the name if it's the only one you know. If you notice a guy doing something or he has a certain trait, use it. Make a nickname out of the manifestation you like. You may get:

  • Smile
  • Handsome
  • Jock
  • Big guy
  • Genius
  • Joker
  • Hero
  • Mister Generosity
  • Defender
  • Bibliophile
  • Grumpy
  • Obayaha
  • Toughie
  • Brawler
  • Rocky
  • Sweet-voiced
  • Macho
  • Knight
  • Veselchak
  • Gelsomino
  • Athlete
  • Captain
  • Sonya
  • Brave
  • Skillful fingers
  • smart ass
  • Man of dreams
  • Buka

Types of love in psychology?


A passionate and crazy feeling, often bordering on madness, a person forgets about everything, lives only for the object of love. Usually, falling in love occurs in the first stages, usually this period lasts 2-3 years , then the relationship moves to the stage of love, or people lose interest in a friend for certain reasons.

Falling in love is conventionally divided into three stages:

  • Interest,
  • Passion,
  • Passion.

If there is mutual interest, falling in love can develop; if there is no interest, a person can stop the process and hit the brakes. In a relationship, it is important not to warm up your feelings, but to be able to interest the other person, arouse interest, inflame love, then reciprocity is possible. At the same time, statements: “I love”, “I want” - rather speak of selfishness and the desire to own than the desire for real feelings; it is better to gradually win the heart with good deeds, showing participation and friendly sympathy.


A deep feeling, calm and confident, creative, inspiring, empowering . They are found among people who know each other very well, understand, respect and strive for mutual happiness. Long-term love requires attention and mutual desire, the desire to develop and create them.

The psychology of human love speaks of the deep need to love and be loved, the ability to feel love is inherent at the genetic level, and the ability to express it comes with experience, thanks to the feeling of parental love and obtaining the necessary knowledge.

Love and infatuation, psychology notices different approaches regarding the object of love, falling in love is madness, and love is a conscious desire to make a person’s life better . The stages of love in psychology are also divided into infatuation and love, although deep feelings can also begin with friendship.

Types of love in psychology also depend on age - there is first love, adult love, love after forty years and autumn of love (old age). As A.S. said Pushkin:

Love for all ages. ©


There are several rules that you should definitely follow when choosing a nickname for the guy of your dreams. Please note the following points:

  1. Don't tell strangers about the nicknames you have for each other. This must remain a secret.
  2. Do not call your boyfriend Bunny or Kitty in public, in the company of friends or colleagues.
  3. Avoid offensive nicknames.
  4. Don't make fun of his weaknesses, especially if the boy has no sense of humor.
  5. Use the nickname you used to call your ex with your new guy.

There is an opinion that men cannot stand such nicknames as Sweetheart, Zainka, Sunny. But they respond with pleasure to Knight, Tiger, My Lion. In fact, even the most brutal men melt from a kind word, attention from their beloved girl and will accept any beautiful nickname if it is said appropriately, on time and does not reek of banality or hackneyedness.

Now you know how to affectionately call a guy to please him and improve the spiritual connection between you. When your relationship is just starting, watch the guy’s reaction to his nickname. If he is offended, change the unpleasant nickname to a more affectionate one or do without them altogether.

Psychology of first love

Of course, the first feelings are the most romantic; these are memories from the past that leave a mark on the soul for life . This is the first experience, often associated with the idealization of a person; falling in love for the first time plays a huge role in adult life. Anyone who learns to love in youth will be able to be a loving person in adulthood. Parents tend to underestimate the first impulses of the soul, but they are incredibly important for teenagers.

The feeling of love tends to change, just as a person changes throughout life; different periods are distinguished . Let's consider love at 40 years old, the psychology of relationships says that during this period life is re-evaluated, results are summed up, difficulties are often observed in families - children grow up, the meaning of the family is lost if it was created only for procreation.

However, for people who are able to show care and support to each other, taking part in the life of their partner, this period can become the dawn of love - a second youth with romance and travel. It all depends on the choice of the couple and aspirations. Often not meeting understanding in the family, a man seeks joy on the side - a young and attentive life partner.

This is a psychological and hormonal issue; this does not always happen and depends on family relationships. There are couples who live together for many years, easily coping with all crises.

Another approach to classifying love

Divided into:

  1. Love between a man and a woman
  2. Mother's love
  3. Worship (platonic love)

What is the difference between parental feelings towards a child?

The psychology of maternal love is manifested in unconditional love - the child is the best, regardless of the circumstances, it is characterized by idealization and respect, emotionality, which helps the child realize his importance and learn to trust the world. Fatherly feelings are associated with circumstances, they usually manifest themselves in praise, it must be earned, fathers rejoice at the successes and achievements of the child.

It seems that falling in love arises spontaneously, but the ability to develop and maintain this wonderful feeling largely depends on the person and his desire. The psychology of love and relationships studies the correct building of relationships, helps in self-development and finding a happy family life. How does true love manifest itself?

What is love made of?

Psychologist Robert Sternberg proposes a theory according to which love consists of three essential components: intimacy, passion and commitment.

  • Intimacy is closeness and mutual support, partnership. It increases as lovers get closer and may not manifest itself in a calm, measured life. However, in a crisis situation, when a couple has to overcome difficulties together, it is clearly expressed.
  • Passion is a feeling of sexual attraction. It reaches its highest point at the beginning of a relationship, but stops growing in long-term ones. However, this does not mean that passion is absent in a long marriage - it simply ceases to be an important motivator for the couple.
  • Commitment is the willingness to be faithful to another person. This is the only component of love that grows over time in any relationship - both long-term and short-term - and becomes an increasingly significant aspect.

Shows of love

In a person’s life there are periods of doubt, how can one understand whether this is infatuation or true love? In the first stages of dating, it is difficult to understand exactly how strong the feeling is, but let’s try to determine the main symptoms of love. Love from a psychological point of view depends on the emotions, sensations, feelings and aspirations that the object of love evokes.

Characteristic signs

For those who love:

  • Thoughts constantly fly to your loved one,
  • mood strongly depends on the words and actions of a loved one,
  • sudden changes in emotional state from happiness to unhappiness,
  • obsessive desire to be together, to see each other often,
  • idealization of a loved one,
  • the feeling that the euphoria will last forever.

True love is distinguished by humanity, rationality, restraint, there is more responsibility, a desire to help another person develop, and not just being together, and is less selfish.

Characteristic feelings

  1. The feeling of a loved one - usually the loved one is the dearest, it is easy to communicate with him, there is complete mutual understanding, which sometimes surprises, there is a need for close communication. Often love arises after friendships, when people realize that they are close enough.
  2. Freedom, equality - in close relationships it is important to feel inner freedom, and not constant control from the outside. A person himself strives for fidelity in a state of love; he can only be held back by the inner desire to be together always. It is important to learn to accept a person in all his manifestations; you can suggest, advise, but not command. Such relationships will not last. And you shouldn’t put yourself in the role of a subordinate, there must be equality of interests, you can lose your loved one, trying to constantly please, playing second roles. Any imbalance is detrimental to personal interests, health, and relationships.
  3. The desire to care, to think about another - in true love, a person shows attention, constant care for a loved one, can put himself in his place, strives to make life better.
  4. Love is a deep feeling . A real feeling comes from the heart and is not just attraction or mutual interest, it is deep, like the sea or ocean, penetrates the consciousness, enriches life, gives confidence and peace. The person looks happy, his eyes glow, there is an aura of goodness around him. Falling in love is a mood swing like a roller coaster.
  5. Development of feelings - love is constantly developing, moving, it is never static, people change, feelings too. The development and strengthening of feelings is largely determined by loving people, there is a desire and steps towards it or there will be fading, based on mutual desire. It is worth doing pleasant little things, pleasing your loved ones; surprises allow you to add variety to your life and feelings.

What does it mean to truly love? Trust, care, strive to make the life of a loved one better. Initially, it is important to understand what a person needs in a love relationship, first of all; it turns out that each person has a personal understanding of love, which gives it a special meaning.

G. Chapman's book describes love languages, the psychology of expressing feelings, ways to find mutual understanding after living together for several years and falling in love.

It turned out: the main cause of conflicts is the lack of love and the different needs of men and women; each shows feelings in their own ways, which is not always understood by the other side.

Practical psychology of love helps to find ways to express feelings and emotions, considers the basic human needs for love. We are all unique and we love based on our inner understanding and life experience.


Coming up with a non-standard nickname for your beloved man is quite difficult. Most girls stop at “Rodnulki”, “Bunny”. But if originality is your second nature, use these unusual name options:

An original approach would be to address a guy with gentle words in Spanish, Turkish, Italian, even Tatar and Kazakh:

  • Soeklem is my gold (Tatar).
  • Byagyrkaem - dear (Tatar).
  • Kalkam Shyragym - dear (Kazakh).
  • Kogershinim - dove (Kazakh).
  • Mi alma - my soul (sp.).
  • Heres mi sol - you are my sun (sp).
  • Aslanim is my lion (Turkish).
  • Yakisiklim is a handsome man (Turkish).

Affectionate and pleasant adjectives that emphasize a man’s virtues:

  • Appetizing.
  • Amazing.
  • Beloved.
  • Sultry.
  • Gold.
  • Magic.
  • Best.
  • Most…
  • The only one.
  • Darling.
  • Sexual.
  • Beautiful.

Nicknames are pleasant nicknames, invented taking into account the guy’s place of work or his place in your life:

  • Predator.
  • Champion.
  • Heartbreaker.
  • ATM.
  • Banker.
  • Dad.
  • Movie star.
  • Artist.
  • Actor.
  • Prince.
  • Heir to the throne.
  • Macho.
  • Ray.
  • Sun.
  • Star.
  • Sky.
  • Native.
  • Warrior.
  • Soldier.
  • General
  • Dr. Aibolit.
  • Spark.
  • Fisherman.
  • Driver, taxi driver.
  • Admin.
  • Stallion.
  • Captain.
  • Hercules.
  • Jock.
  • Holmes.
  • Caesar.
  • Picasso.
  • Mozart.
  • Cowboy.
  • Sheikh.
  • Khan.
  • Flame.
  • Hussar.
  • Einstein.

When choosing a funny and original nickname for your husband or young man, consider the age of your loved one. Using youth slang is not appropriate for older men; it is correct to call them affectionate derivatives of their names or other neutral words. But a young boy would be quite happy with Boy, Superman or Hussar.

Nobody wants their significant other to call them corny names. Intimate and loving relationships should be filled with passion, tenderness and originality. Therefore, when choosing a nickname for a man, you should not rush.

Psychology: 5 love languages

Approvals, compliments

Words can perfectly express love, everyone needs support and approval - women need praise for their beauty, appearance, culinary abilities, men need approval of their actions, gratitude for their help. A kind word can save a person and support him, but criticism and scolding can cause emotional pain and cause feelings to die.

A positive attitude and kind words evoke a response, a desire to be even better for a loved one, this is the only way to make love stronger and maintain peace in the family . It is also very important to support loved ones in their aspirations, interests, and help develop talents; often one word can help change a life.

A loved one seeks to understand, is interested in the inner world, and is ready to provide moral support. Kind words are not just attention and care, but also the ability to smooth out a conflict, find common ground, understand the cause of another person’s resentment or bitterness, and imagine oneself in a similar situation. In a family, it is better to use requests, because adults are partners, and the demand is more reminiscent of childhood situations - a smart parent and a stupid child.

Nobody likes demands or threats . We try to resolve everything peacefully, ask for help, give arguments when necessary. There is a universal way to improve relationships - notice more positive things, praise each other, approve, refraining from criticism, try to follow this instruction to begin with for a certain period, later a similar attitude will enter becomes a habit, becomes the norm, the level of satisfaction with each other grows, the level of love increases.

Words of approval are important for everyone, they have an especially positive effect on men; they are pleased to feel recognition from the woman they love. From a psychological point of view, love is the ability to notice the good in a person, support them in their aspirations, and treat them kindly and with understanding.

Time together

To maintain and develop love, you need to spend more time together; often, due to workload, spouses do not devote much time to their family. It is important to look for reserves, find time on days off, and organize cultural evenings.

The need for such attention is especially developed in women; words alone are not enough; actions are needed to confirm feelings, the desire to be together. If a woman does not see a man’s desire to be together, to spend time together, then in pursuit of a career there is a high probability of losing a loved one.


Another way to show love. Often courtship is accompanied by the giving of gifts, and in married life this symbolism is often lost. However, gifts are, first of all, a manifestation of attention and care; even an inexpensive item, wildflowers or sweets can evoke positive emotions.

Any gift is a manifestation of love, it’s a pity that many people forget about this over the years of marriage. Giving gifts can be as pleasant as receiving them, because you can see the joy in the eyes of your loved one. At the same time, giving time is often more important than gifts; women often lack attention and understanding, especially during crisis periods of life.

Caring, serving

Another love language that not everyone pays attention to or notices. In fact, any person is pleased when they do something for him, help him around the house, solve his problems, make his house beautiful, make repairs.

Such actions are manifestations of love no less than gifts, because they require time and effort, women and men appreciate such an attitude. From a psychological point of view, love is doing selfless things that please your loved one and bring pleasure.

Physical contact

Hugs, touches and kisses are always needed, after marriage it is even more important to feel the expression of love through affection, especially for women. It is believed that intimate intimacy is enough for men. Perhaps, but everyone needs attention. For many, real feelings involve the need to feel closeness, to hug a loved one, to feel their breath and presence in life nearby.

Love from a psychological point of view is the ability to share one’s tenderness and feelings on a physical and spiritual level. The psychology of love and sex gives priority to building harmonious intimate relationships, but a family is a complex of interactions, even a beautiful mistress will not keep her husband if there is no human communication and understanding. Therefore, ideal spouses are friends, partners, lovers and just close people.

Thus, there are basic manifestations of love, each person experiences his own needs in relationships, it is important to be able to understand one’s own love language and that of a loved one in order to strengthen and develop relationships. Listen to what your spouse or husband is saying - is there not enough time together, communication, affection, gifts or words of approval?

Typically, misunderstanding is due to the fact that a person expresses feelings in his own language, and his partner has other needs. It is worth being more attentive to understand how best to show your feelings and please your loved one.

Funny messages to guys

Girls love to give cute and funny nicknames to their guys. But with funny addresses you should follow one rule of caution: they should not offend. If your boyfriend is short, don't be so quick to call him "short" until you appreciate his sense of humor and are sure he won't be offended. A funny affectionate nickname will most likely be ironic, but it should not affect the guy’s shortcomings and complexes. Few people treat this with understanding, especially if you call him that in a public place or in a friendly company.

Not every man can treat the nickname his beloved calls with humor. Therefore, think carefully about how you can call your boyfriend affectionately and at the same time funny so that he does not get offended. There are top names for men that will only make you smile:

  1. Old.
  2. Boy.
  3. Man (real man).
  4. Comrade Bender.
  5. Funya, Nafanya.
  6. Hedgehog in the fog.
  7. Rastegaychik.
  8. Pykhtun.
  9. Teletubby.
  10. Goosey.
  11. Muzzle.
  12. Mudik.
  13. Khmurik.
  14. Umka.
  15. Sorcerer.
  16. Sneaky, Sneaky.
  17. Besyash.
  18. Stuck.
  19. Glutton.
  20. Pancake.
  21. Brawler.
  22. Winnie the Pooh.
  23. Marshmallow.
  24. Ryzhik.
  25. Sloth.
  26. Krosh.
  27. Rafaelka.
  28. Smiley.
  29. Cheburashka.
  30. Barmaley.
  31. Fidget.
  32. Kukusik.
  33. Daddy.
  34. Owl.

It is impossible to call a man funny and affectionately in front of everyone, especially if the nickname makes fun of his appearance or character. If you choose a nickname with a joke, be sure to ask your loved one if he approves of such a name.

Be kind and sincere - this is the main thing. Originality will be a big plus. Avoid, at least at first, excessively sweet words, and especially watch what you say in front of friends and in public. Outsiders don't need to know the completely overt and personal nicknames you give each other. They will quite easily tolerate “darling,” “dear,” “beloved,” and other words of this category, but they don’t necessarily need to know that your young man is “darling,” “a tough nut,” or “bald.”

When you choose or come up with a nickname for your chosen one, think about how men like to be called. And what you might like. Start from this - and you will find something affectionate, brutal and original at the same time.

How to learn to love?

Are there people who don't know how to love? Unfortunately, similar situations happen in life among men and women. Why do some people not know how to love? It is natural and obvious that a person needs love, but not everyone can build harmonious relationships; they try to oppress their partner or become victims themselves.

The reason may be personal characteristics - increased selfishness or mental deviations, as well as lack of confidence.

What people don't know how to love? A person who does not know how to love is often fixated on his own self, thinks only about personal interests , perhaps did not have an example of a good family, or vice versa - he was spoiled in childhood and got used to the whole world revolving around him. It is important to learn to observe a potential partner, learn about life experience, observe relationships in the family, this way you can see a potential “tyrant” who requires only self-love.

Why don't people know how to love? The main reasons for the inability to love are fear of showing feelings, reluctance or ignorance, although less often . A person with high self-esteem finds real feelings difficult; it seems to him that no one deserves to be around, and people with low self-esteem, on the contrary, end up in dependent relationships, where they are suppressed and oppressed.

Unfortunately, not every person knows how to love, perhaps the reason is in upbringing and inability to express feelings or in ignorance of the language of love. To love means to live the life of another person, to think about his interests, to show attention and care, but often people get hung up on personal interests.

People who do not know how to love are usually unhappy themselves; they do not understand that love is the light that illuminates the life of the lover and the beloved. People who constantly criticize, discuss, and live in negativity do not have the opportunity to find happiness, become good partners, spouses.


It will also be interesting that you can watch love. Photos, paintings - they perfectly illustrate this feeling. However, this is not enough for art. Many writers have also thought about what love is. It is sung in poetry, songs, and always appears on the pages of prose stories and novels. Various quotes about love have already become so famous that people sometimes don’t even know who said it or what work they were taken from.

  1. Boris Pasternak: “Love is a high disease.”
  2. Stendhal, “On Love”: “Love is like a fever, it can appear and fade away without the slightest sense of human will.”
  3. Haruki Murakami, “Kafka on the Beach”: “Every person who falls in love is in search of something that he lacks.”
  4. “The Physiology of Marriage” by Honore de Balzac: “True affection is blind. You shouldn’t judge the people you love.”
  5. Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream: “That is why Cupids are portrayed as blind, because the lover looks not with his eyes, but with his heart.”
  6. Fyodor Dostoevsky, “The Brothers Karamazov”: “What is hell? Regret that it is impossible to love even more.”

And a huge number of such statements can be cited. As for the nuances, they will all be different, but they will still have a single line.


This type of love is considered punishment, as it is saturated with obsession and eternal suffering. Its representatives write poetry, do not sleep, do not eat, and are constantly in thoughts of their beloved. More often this option is typical for teenagers or the start of a new relationship. But, if the process is delayed, then it is worth suspecting a person of craving for dependent, pathological contacts. Those who love always strive to be close to their partner, want to control him, all this is accompanied by sick jealousy (read the article What does jealousy hide?). Such people are tense, anxious, irritable, and doubtful. The objects of such passion eventually begin to gravitate toward such attachment, and thoughts arise to end the relationship. But such ardor is short-lived only if a “sadist” and a “masochist” have not entered into an alliance. Then lovers will be able to endlessly satisfy each other's needs.


  • daddy's
  • paradoxical
  • paranoid
  • affiliate
  • passive
  • pathological
  • first
  • primary
  • primitive
  • pristine
  • original
  • overripe
  • fickle
  • permanent
  • fiery
  • platonic
  • captivating
  • bad
  • endemic
  • superficial
  • repeated
  • border
  • genuine
  • underground
  • lifelong
  • late
  • ostentatious
  • ostentatious
  • full-fledged
  • sexual
  • amazing
  • vicious
  • last
  • constant
  • shameful
  • hateful
  • hidden
  • consumer
  • vulgar
  • poetic
  • righteous
  • correct
  • pragmatic
  • devoted
  • beautiful
  • notorious
  • transient
  • ghostly
  • primitive
  • feigned
  • problematic
  • corrupt
  • long lasting
  • productive
  • damned
  • unnatural
  • controversial
  • durable
  • past
  • Puritan
  • ardent


The root of the word defining such love is clear. This is "pragmatism". That is, love is a benefit, love is a mutual obligation (or one-sided - if you are unlucky). True, sometimes such love is considered in a more harmless context, remembering the saying “A marriage of convenience is successful if the calculation is correct.” That is, when it is based on long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation, uniting people also by common interests.

Such “mature” love is characterized by tolerance and the ability to compromise. A classic relationship between spouses, when there are already dozens of years of marriage behind them. Beginning, perhaps, with eros, passing through the stages of ludus and storge. The most. Perhaps love is resistant to external adversity...if, of course, it was based on all the listed and experienced types of love. “Naked” pragma, seeking a purely comfortable relationship, is rarely viable - one of the partners may be severely disappointed in the other. And even feel insulted.


The ancient Greeks, with their cult of the body and health, understood perfectly well that caring in all forms towards others will not be productive if a person does not first love himself. This “self-love” is philautia.

No, this is not narcissism. No, this is not selfishness. This is a continuation of the teachings of the greatest thinker of Greece since the time of Alexander the Great, Aristotle, who proclaimed that a person’s feelings for others are nothing more than a continuation of feelings for himself. And there is a rational grain in this, even from the standpoint of today’s psychology.

Promotes development and self-care. The main thing is not to transform self-love into self-pity, the unfortunate one. Because philautia is also self-confidence.

  • obsessive
  • annoying
  • far-fetched
  • annoying
  • naive
  • in vain
  • drug addict
  • narcotic
  • folk
  • violent
  • persistent
  • real
  • national
  • inadequate
  • unselfish
  • unfaithful
  • incredible
  • unprecedented
  • innocent
  • irreversible
  • neurotic
  • unbearable
  • inexpressible
  • short-lived
  • insufficient
  • unattainable
  • unavailable
  • unattainable
  • unexpected
  • unnatural
  • tender
  • unforgettable
  • unforgettable
  • unforgotten
  • unfinished
  • undeserved
  • unhealthy
  • unearthly
  • invisible
  • immature
  • unknown
  • incurable
  • immeasurable
  • inexplicable
  • frantic
  • indestructible
  • inexhaustible
  • unthinkable
  • fake
  • abnormal
  • unbridled
  • necessary
  • inexplicable
  • immense
  • extraordinary
  • irresistible
  • unclouded
  • indescribable
  • invincible
  • unique
  • genuine
  • unrighteous
  • wrong
  • indecent
  • unfeigned
  • short-lived
  • unrealized
  • unreal
  • undisguised
  • imperfect
  • timid
  • undoubted
  • non-existent
  • unlucky
  • unhappy
  • atypical
  • imperishable
  • unquenchable
  • unsuccessful
  • uncontrollable
  • dishonest
  • low
  • low-lying
  • new


A type of love close to agape, only perhaps more exalted. With an emphasis on the external side of the manifestation of feelings. An example is love and devotion to your team in sports. Or a feeling of patriotism, love for the Motherland.

The second side of storge is the attachment between all family members, when it feels like a clan. A community united not only by blood, but also by family and emotional ties. And also the love of children for their parents.

And the third, also very common facet of storge is a sense of duty. And in relation to the marriage partner (“She is so fragile and unadapted, she will be lost without me!”), and in relation to her offspring (“Until I put the children on their feet in every sense of the word...”). Partners in such a marriage will tear apart anyone capable of invading and trying to break the Universe they have built. Storge in such a Universe is Antichaos, capable of resisting entropy.


Such love is unconditional “in the name of the beloved.”
Feelings such as tenderness, compassion, devotion, and fidelity are concentrated here. The danger of this type lies in excessive responsiveness, desire to help and care. As a result, this leads to exhaustion of the “giver”, since one needs to take and accept. There is a very fine line here between the masochistic form. In a healthy relationship, there must be give and take. The partner will sooner or later “rebel”, as he will become tired of constant care. This version of love is found among church ministers and religious fanatics. And then, it does not begin to differ much from mania. All these mechanisms are not the key to healthy contact. Reading: All about betrayal and how to survive it

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