Beautiful words and SMS to your beloved girl in your own words

Silence, peace, the moon is getting higher. There is jealousy in the heart, the roof is going crazy! Come quickly, well! Or from the roof siganu. 12


Pull your lips into a bow, relax, smile, relax, show a duck with your lips, relax. Repeat 10 times every 15 minutes before my arrival! 14


The most beautiful man in the world is wanted, who illegally crossed the border of love and stole my heart! I suspect you first! 31


If you see me, don't look. If you look, don't kiss. If you kiss, don't stop. 18


I lie stricken in my heart, my fate is inexorable. And medicines won’t help here, the disease of loving you is incurable! 16


I am sending you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and funny. Your photo, of course! 14


The pulse is beyond the bounds, the blood pressure is high, the state of mind is terrible, there is no coordination, the diagnosis depends on you, the treatment is your love! 20


I want to kiss you tenderly and tenderly so that your heart never freezes! I miss you, my love! 24


You live in my heart, you live in my soul, in my thoughts, head. When will you pay for your stay? 16


A hundred thousand chipmunks, kittens and pandas cannot compare with you in softness and fluffiness! 15


I would like to send you all my love, but I'm afraid there won't be enough space in the smartphone's memory! 24


  • You have won two tickets to tomorrow's city cleanup event! Broom and dustpans provided! Limited offer. 20


You are simply awesome! You are beautiful! Your belly button tie is absolutely stunning! 18

How to cheer up a girl

There are several ways to improve a lady’s mood if she is sad or bored:

  • Wish good morning or day with a card or your favorite song.
  • Send a funny video, a cool poem about how being sad is harmful to health and beauty.
  • Write a poem of your own composition about love for her, thoughts about meeting, communicating.
  • Send a virtual gift with a nice comment.
  • Invite to a club, cafe, for a walk, a concert. Tell her that the tickets have already been purchased, all that remains is to wait for her consent.
  • Submit a photo of yourself with a stupid expression on your face. You can send two images, where you are serious and funny, and ask them to find the differences.
  • Offer to meet a famous person or a friend who has a good sense of humor.

On a note! Do not ask your beloved direct questions about what caused the sadness and melancholy. If she wants, she herself will hint at the need for a frank conversation.

Experienced pick-up artists know how to cheer up a girl by correspondence. Take their advice:

  • Tell a fresh joke with neutral content, without vulgarity or tricks.
  • Ask a witty question that might make her laugh.
  • Compliment her appearance while making fun of your flaws.
  • Pleasant words. Tell her that you like her face, figure, hobbies.
  • Like all the photos on her social media page. Don't forget to please the girl with pleasant comments and emoticons under them.
  • It's fun to read a funny poem and make a video. Send it to your beloved.

To avoid guessing how to cheer up a girl with messages, use ready-made templates:

I don’t eat in the morning because I think about us. I don’t eat during the day, I think about us. In the evening I don’t have dinner, I think about us. And I can’t sleep at night! Do you know why? I want to eat))). Hello! I feel very bad... I can’t love you like that anymore, I’ll have to love you very, very much more. Don’t call me anymore, don’t write, I won’t be able to talk to you, correspond with you - the doctor forbade me from even looking at sweets! I prepared a test breakfast: 300 grams of passion, 400 grams of tenderness, 100 kisses and a lot of hugs! Enough for two, a treat? By the way, there are a thousand compliments prepared for dessert. I took the phone to a repair shop and they said it couldn't be repaired. They don't have one component for this. Do you know which one? Your smile)))

Funny pictures are the best way to cheer up girls and boys. The following cool images are suitable for sending:

  • animals in ridiculous situations;
  • jokes with the stars;
  • jokes with bright funny illustrations;
  • unusual jokes on men;
  • cute photos of little children;
  • jokes about Russian reality, the life of young people.
  • screenshots of correspondence between a guy and a girl.

On a note! Choose the topic for a cheerful message in correspondence carefully. If you don’t know the girl’s character and possible reaction to a harsh joke, you shouldn’t hint at excess weight or women’s shortcomings.

About the importance of pleasant words

For women, correct speech, beautiful words, unusual turns of phrase are of great importance. The thing is that women are more susceptible to the emotional perception of their surroundings than men. However, before you pour out a cup of compliments on your beloved, it is worth remembering a few important points:

  • Most women constantly doubt their attractiveness. This leads to regular doubts, sadness and anxiety. However, if you regularly pay attention to positive qualities and focus on this, then all doubts will disappear over time. In addition, a woman develops a feeling of gratitude for the constant support and care of a man.
  • Everyone has repeatedly heard that a woman loves with her ears, so the easiest way to achieve favor is to give compliments. One beautiful, kind word can turn the situation in the opposite direction. And if you give an unusual compliment and make a girl smile, it will not only lift her mood and self-esteem, but will also add advantages to the man.
  • Regardless of the distance and time of day, you need to constantly say beautiful declarations of love. This makes the girl constantly think about her chosen one, and also shows that the guy is attentive to her. This applies to wishes of good morning or good night, bon appetit or an interesting pastime.
  • When alone with a girl, be sure to emphasize her positive aspects. Women love confident men, and when he is not shy and gives compliments to his face, she automatically believes that he has a strong personality in front of her.
  • When speaking beautiful words, we must not forget about tactile sensations. It’s better to take your hand or whisper in your ear; this behavior shows that the man is serious in his intentions and is ready to answer for every word he says.

What to send on WhatsApp to lift your spirits


Honey, a short SMS cannot convey all the tenderness and love that I feel. So I’ll just say – I love you!


Darling, when you don’t scream or swear, you become a golden person!


Next to my beloved, a diamond becomes a simple stone, and gold is just a bright foil!


Honey, I’m not a fool, I just can’t look at you without a joyful smile.


If messages could convey my kisses, you would already be sucked into the phone!


I'm flying on the wings of love for my girlfriend, I hope the landing strip is ready!


Honey, someone stole my heart. The main suspicion falls on you!


I woke up early in the morning in a bad mood, everything was falling out of my hands. I remembered you and everything fell into place, magic!


They say that if you look at the sun for too long, you can go blind. Tell me, why am I okay when I spend hours admiring you? Maybe I'm a superhero?


Honey, I went to the store to buy an inflatable ring. I'm tired of drowning in your charming eyes!

Words that will lift your spirits

Good morning


Good morning to the most charming person on earth! Look, you didn’t even have time to open your eyes, but they have already illuminated every corner of my heart. Sometimes it seems to me that I am ready to burn under the rays of your charming gaze!


Another difficult day has begun, but one thing calms me down - there is a girl nearby who, with her presence, helps move mountains. Get up quickly, my dear Hercules, we have many important and urgent matters today.


I will never get tired of looking at you under the first rays of the sun. My love, you are like spring, which awakens everything around. I want to wish you an easy awakening and a successful day, open your eyes, let the world wake up!


My treasure, how long will it take for you to awaken? I can’t bear to be alone in the apartment, I want to quickly see the most beautiful creature that the universe has come up with. If you don’t get up now, my temperature will rise and my heart will jump out of my chest!


Darling, quickly open your eyes, look outside the window. You see - the clouds have covered the sun and nature is in terrible despondency. Come on, raise your anatomy and take care of your direct responsibilities - disperse the clouds, let the world enjoy the sun!


My love, you know the sign: if your left foot touches the floor first, then today you will be incomparably beautiful; if your right foot touches it, the day will be wonderful and extremely successful. I propose to step on our sinful earth with both feet at once, you really can’t go wrong!


My dear girl, good morning! Hurry up, get up, because I already miss you! As long as you can lie and sniffle, it’s time to open your eyes to decorate this world with bright colors. Get up artist, get serious.

Good night wishes


Good dreams, the meaning of my life! This day was difficult, eventful, now it’s time to dissolve in the kingdom of Morpheus. Let the sweet wave cover you, rush through the fields of vivid dreams, but be sure to return in the morning.


Goodnight, my Love! Let the night cover you unnoticed, and you fly away on the wings of your imagination to a distant but beautiful world. You can travel as much as you like, remember - all this time I will protect your priceless, peacefully snuffling body.


Darling, go to bed, you need to get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow there are a lot of important things to do! You will again have to drive me crazy, amaze the world with your beauty, disarm all enemies with a charming smile. Let the night be calm and the morning cheerful!


The night has already scattered myriads of lights in the sky. If you look closely, you can see what the universe has wished for you. However, if you want, I can read it - all living beings wish you good night, because they long for your awakening, so that our earth becomes even more beautiful!


The charm of my eyes, the moon scattered pearls on the surface of the water, which means it’s time to set off on an exciting journey through our dreams. Let me hold you tightly so that even in our dreams we will not part. I love you so much that I don’t want to lose you even for a minute or in a dream.


Let the soft pillow drown all the difficulties of the passing day. Let a warm blanket hide and warm you from all the problems that you have encountered. I hope my hugs will calm you down and you will fall asleep on my shoulder. I love you, which means I’m ready to calm you down for the rest of my life!


The pieces have already lined up on the chessboard of the night. Now an exciting game will begin, where you and I can fly away into the wonderful world of our dreams. Close your eyes darling, I'm making the first move, get ready, let's fly!

Compliments throughout the day


Only God could come up with such a charming creature like you! For a long time I could not understand who you are - if you are an angel of the day, then why are there no wings, and if you are a demon of the night, then where is the horror that you should feel? Just recently I realized that heaven gave you to me so that I could live a full life!


Dear girl, it’s impossible for you to understand this, but I’m incredibly lucky to have you! Such beauty can only be found in fairy tales; epics are written about such abilities and passed on from father to son. Now you understand, that’s why sometimes I look at you and smile stupidly, I just can’t believe my luck!


You can look at the starry sky, running water or blazing fire for a long time, but still not understand the beauty. But one moment was enough for me to realize how beautiful you are. Now I have a personal corner of beauty that can calm and excite!


Lord, why am I not an octopus, why do I only have two arms to hug you? I want to become a huge tree so that I can feel you with every branch, to protect you from pouring rain or crazy gusts of wind. I hope you would become a little squirrel and live deep inside me.


They say that love is like butterflies in the stomach. It’s a lie, when I see my little girl, a whole zoo wakes up inside me, with all my natural instincts! If I behave inappropriately, then just remember this and everything will fall into place.

Cool SMS to a girl to cheer her up

How to cheer up a girl by correspondence? Send her funny SMS so that she smiles while reading them and thinks about you all day. Here are examples of such short messages.

  1. In accordance with the Code of Love, you are sentenced to life in my heart. The verdict is valid and you cannot appeal it.
  2. Hello, it's me again - a cheerful person. Hurry up and open the door to kiss your Lobuzyaka.
  3. Two hearts are locked in a lock, the key is thrown into the sand, nothing can separate us, not even my father’s belt.
  4. If I threw a ruble into my piggy bank every time I saw a girl as beautiful as you, then there would only be one ruble in it.
  5. Rejection can be stressful for both parties. And stress can lead to health complications such as headaches, ulcers, cancer, and even death! So for our mutual health, you will have to agree to go on a date with me.
  6. Hello honey. It's time to pay the rent in my heart!
  7. I will stop loving you only when an apple grows on the lemon tree on February 30th.
  8. Your father was probably a boxer, because your beauty knocked me out.
  9. I need your first and last name so I can get insurance, because when I think about you, everything falls out of my hands.
  10. I wanted to send you something amazing, indescribable and funny with this SMS, unfortunately, I will tell my beloved girlfriend that I do not appear on the display.
  11. I'm going to commit a crime. I want to steal your heart forever.
  12. When I first saw you, I realized that I had found my gold mine, so I became your miner.
  13. I hope you can do CPR, dear? It takes my breath away every time I see you.
  14. If I want to change something about you, it’s changing your last name to mine. Everything else about you is just perfect for me.
  15. I'm an unemployed guy in love with a kissing certificate, a caring diploma and a love degree. So what kind of job will you offer me?

A smile for no reason is evidence of happiness

It’s so easy to send funny SMS messages to put a girl in a good mood, and with them she will get a good reason to be in a good mood! Just kidding, because people fall in love with funny people more often than with gloomy people!

  1. Woke up in a bad mood. Then I remembered that there is you in the world. I enjoy life again.
  2. Today is the day when dreams come true!
  3. After I started to drown in your eyes, I always walk with a life preserver.
  4. If your boyfriend doesn't remember the dates you met, you have a chance to receive several gifts per year.
  5. Love is so beautiful. Just like me and you...
  6. Your smile disrupts my heart rhythms and life biorhythms.
  7. I decided not to get up on my left foot today. As a result, he fell out of bed.
  8. Smile and plunge into happiness right now!
  9. I've been gaining weight lately... because you're too sweet!
  10. Hey! And who is the most beautiful of all our friends?!
  11. Darling, you are not alone now... There are two of us!
  12. Stop being sad! Our love never ends!
  13. Your face urgently needs a boost! Raise the corners of your lips to their maximum height!
  14. I made a wish for you to Santa Claus for the New Year. Now you should be under my Christmas tree.
  15. Darling, the best outfit for a romantic dinner is shoes and a smile!
  16. Ancient philosophers tried to understand what space is, and for this I just fell in love with you!
  17. My heart has the most beautiful invader!
  18. Darling, do you want me to sing to you under your window today?!
  19. Inspiration needed! Send me your photo urgently.
  20. I was driving to work today, and there was a black kitten sitting on the road... In general, I now have a cat at home.
  21. You are simply unforgivably beautiful...
  22. Which mood do you prefer - orange or purple?
  23. You are very beautiful...
  24. When you smile, I feel it even on the other side of the planet!
  25. A flurry of emotions in a second! I just looked at your photo...
  26. Do you know who you should imitate? Cheshire cat!
  27. Don't stress, my love! To frown, you need to use more than 70 muscles!
  28. I wish I could bury myself in your hair now!
  29. Dear pirate, I am ready to voluntarily become your prisoner!
  30. Is it possible for a person to look great in absolutely all photos?? I'm not talking about myself.

A sense of humor is an excellent quality to attract attention to a person. Attract the beautiful object of your feelings with short and funny SMS, and the thoughts that periodically arise in her mind about you will eventually merge into a single whole!

Funny SMS to cheer you up

In the south and in the north, In bed and on a tree, On every edge of the Earth I love your hugs!


Wonderful figure. Beautiful eyes. Sensual lips. But enough about me. How are you?


How good it is to live in the world with you! Don't be sad without me, dear! I'll be back soon and we'll hug again, The most important thing in life is love!


If we let a guy out into the forest, he will pick 3 kg of berries, if a girl, 5 kg. But this does not mean that if we release both of them into the forest, they will collect 8 kg of berries.


Look how nice the weather is, Let's drive away adversity from our souls, Please open the door to happiness. Let your heart rejoice and be merry.


I want you! I want to turn your head, drag you into bed and make you feel hot and moan for a whole week! Your flu!


A young, sensitive maniac is looking for a girl who runs fast and screams loudly.


Everything will be just chick-flick, Live like everyone else around you lives. Let no quirks in life lead you astray from the straight path!


Honey, I have already started talking to the chair, having breakfast with the teapot. If you don't call me, I'll enter into a serious relationship with a vacuum cleaner.


It’s a sunny day, everything is blooming, the air smells of spring and awakening. Life is good - everyone knows it, No one knows how to live without problems.

Funny and cool SMS

How I want to go back in time in the morning and say to myself: “Go to bed, ska!”


It seems like I drank a glass of champagne, but the braid is tongue-tied, although I’m sober!


You know, I don't believe anything you say that starts with "to be honest."


  • I remember my mother taking me to first grade. And how my father carried me away after graduation.


Often, a woman is sweet and kind only because she is not beautiful enough to allow herself to be harmful.


In the morning, girls are divided into 4 types: I won’t put on makeup, but I’ll sleep. I won’t put on makeup, but I’ll eat 3. I won’t sleep and I won’t eat, but I’ll put on makeup 4. I’ll be late everywhere, but I’ll sleep, eat and put on makeup!


There are a lot of psychos in this world, every fifth one is a psycho. Speak to me quietly: maybe I am one of them.


Very often, after a good check, a reliable rear turns out to be a defenseless ass.


  • We live in such good times, if only because sometimes you wait for a robot uprising or a zombie apocalypse, just hoping that things will become more fun.


I hate the time after 23:00. Immediately some problems begin to emerge. Or I get bored and write SMS to someone. Or something is missing. And I want to eat, eat.


Honey, I’m ready to lie between your legs for hours and vibrate, vibrate, vibrate your mobile phone.


“I looked back to see if she had looked back, to see if I had looked back!” - as a child, this line blew my mind!


The only thing I ask is that you give me a chance to see that money cannot make me happy.

Short love texts to your beloved girl, woman

Thank you, sun, for your love and warmth, for every look and every moment. Thank you for your hopes, tenderness, kindness, for our happiness and for this inspiration.

My dear, I am madly in love with you, To the point of sweet stupor, forever and seriously. Draws happiness for me in its ornament: your eyes, the curve of your shoulder, your mop of hair.


Your kiss is fire and honey, It does not burn my heart and soul, Your gaze is my true beacon, Will show the way, drive away the darkness!


I mentally imagine how you walk with a flying gait, And I think: I don’t need someone else’s, I’m completely full of true love!


I don’t need pranks and fun, I’m waiting for you, like wheat is waiting for rain, And I remember how you look slyly, And a ray of sunshine dances on your eyelashes.


I love you and adore you, I can admire you for hours, I thank heaven for meeting you, Now two hearts are knocking in unison!

I would like to become the radiance of a ray, Penetrate through the window onto the pillow, To touch the white shoulder, Run gently across the ear And lie down on the curls of your hair, See how your smile blooms. I fell in love sincerely, seriously, May this torture last forever.

Romantic phrases for a girl

  • My beautiful sun, gentle and gentle breeze, I can’t live without you, my treasure!
  • You are my unearthly love! My heart beats only for you!
  • You are as sparkling as a candle light and as bright as fallen snow.
  • You are a piece of earthly paradise, my treasure!
  • I am ready to endlessly tell you how happy I am that I met you!
  • Your gaze attracts and enchants me.
  • I would never trade your smile and your lips for anything.
  • Every cell of my body yearns for you.
  • I can't find a place for myself when you're not around.
  • In what cases is it appropriate to write an SMS that will make a girl smile?

    • A difficult period has come in her life, and now more than ever she needs moral support;
    • She recently completed work on an important project. By highlighting her strengths and achievements, you will certainly be able to make her smile;
    • The girl is not in the best mood, no matter for what reasons, and accordingly, positive emotions (even in the form of a sweet message) are simply shown to her;
    • For no apparent reason, just to remind you of your feelings.

    The main feature of correspondence with girls

    Don't forget that girls are emotional by nature. And to resonate with her, your message must also convey some kind of emotion .

    Before sending, rate the emotionality of the message on a scale from 0 to 5; if it is below 3, then do not expect any return. For example, you want to cheer her up and send:

    "Hold on!" - well, since there is a message, I rate the message at 2 - most likely, the girl will not answer anything, or something like: “Uh-huh,” - out of politeness.

    “Hold on, Natasha! I'm with you! Everything will be alright!" - here there is emphasized empathy and even encouragement, pulling at 5. It is clear that in this case the answer will be detailed: “Thank you, Vitya, for your support, I’m pleased and now it’s really important.”

    And that’s it, Vitya is on horseback right away, and they will be happy to receive more and more signs of attention from him later. But from the first sender (soulless), subsequent messages will only be annoying and ignored.

    And the difference is only 6 additional words (I also counted this with prepositions).

    In general, when composing any message, remember EMOTIONALITY. Of course, you don’t need to shove her where you need to and don’t, but it’s a must in your main or first messages to get a response in the girl’s heart.

    What not to write?

    • A firm “no” to vulgar jokes! If communication with the girl you like is just beginning, then even one insignificant vulgar hint can reduce the further development of the relationship to nothing. In this case, it does not matter how funny and amusing the joke itself is. She is unlikely to make a girl smile. But it’s easy to blacklist you and stop communicating.
    • Making fun of flaws, even in a cute way, is unacceptable. Such messages will only offend the girl and, as a result, kill your hope for a future together.
    • It is important to avoid messages on specific (for example, political or prison) topics. Even if, in your opinion, this is the funniest joke that can instantly cheer you up.



    Humor: what to write to a girl to make her feel good

    There is room to have fun here, you can send classic cute jokes, or you can share various publications and pictures from VKontakte.

    • If you don't respond to this message within 20 seconds, you'll owe me 100 kisses! – You didn’t have time!
    • It’s a terrible thing, I was diagnosed and found you in my heart!
    • 1st message: “I love you!”, 2nd: “Oh, sorry, I was wrong!”, 3rd: “I love you MADLY!”
    • Are all beautiful girls this bad? Or are you the only one unique to me?
    • I invite you to dinner and breakfast today!
    • Darling, you can always rely on me. Then we'll turn over.
    • All I need now is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power over you!
    • Any demotivators on the topic of relationships, funny gifs with animals, work well. Don’t just send dark humor or jokes about “women who give/don’t give” and stuff like that.

      In general, sharing pictures is a win-win classic. It doesn’t oblige you to anything, it lifts your spirits and reminds you of yourself once again. Use it straight and don't be afraid to overdo it.

      And this may come in handy after: How to ask a girl out on a date: simple ways (opens in a new tab)

    How to say hello in an original way instead of “hello, how are you”

    Starting a conversation is the most important thing. Therefore, think again about what to write to a girl instead of “hello, how are you.”

    Amaze with your originality. You can start with a stilted style: “Hello, what are you doing” - a cool version of how to say hello to a girl.

    Or admit that you really hope that the day turns out well. You will definitely want to respond to such a message. There are many alternatives to what to write instead of “hello” and how to do it in an original way. The main thing is to show your imagination.

    Funny messages to your beloved

    Silence, peace, the moon is getting higher. There is jealousy in the heart, the roof is going crazy! Come quickly, well! Or from the roof siganu.


    Pull your lips into a bow, relax, smile, relax, show a duck with your lips, relax. Repeat 10 times every 15 minutes before my arrival!


    The most beautiful man in the world is wanted, who illegally crossed the border of love and stole my heart! I suspect you first!


    If you see me, don't look. If you look, don't kiss. If you kiss, don't stop.


    I lie stricken in my heart, my fate is inexorable. And medicines won’t help here, the disease of loving you is incurable!


    I am sending you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and funny. Your photo, of course!


    The pulse is beyond the bounds, the blood pressure is high, the state of mind is terrible, there is no coordination, the diagnosis depends on you, the treatment is your love!


    I want to kiss you tenderly and tenderly so that your heart never freezes! I miss you, my love!


    • You live in my heart, you live in my soul, in my thoughts, head. When will you pay for your stay?


    A hundred thousand chipmunks, kittens and pandas cannot compare with you in softness and fluffiness!


    I would like to send you all my love, but I'm afraid there won't be enough space in the smartphone's memory!


    You have won two tickets to tomorrow's city cleanup event! Broom and dustpans provided! Limited offer.


    You are simply awesome! You are beautiful! Your belly button tie is absolutely stunning!

    Words to a girl in prose

    You can be compared to the most beautiful flower, you are also perfect, beautiful and tender! 21


    Cool and amazing girls like you are a huge rarity and highlight, so they need to be appreciated and protected! 5


    You are so refined, so refined and beautiful, I can’t help but admire you! 9


    Sweet, kind, gentle and the best girl in the world, I am so glad that I have you. One can only dream of someone like you! 17


    Darling! You have a natural charm, a sense of tact, great charm, incredible beauty and the ability to find positive things in everything. 12


    You are a wonderful muse, my cherished dream, my endless happiness! My sweet, beloved, wonderful! 14


    Darling, I admire you! You are my real treasure, treasure, beauty! I thank fate for bringing us together! eleven


    Strong words and quotes for a woman

    1. “You are stronger than you think; you are as beautiful as you come.” —Melissa Etheridge
    2. “Doing your best in this moment will put you in a better place for the next moment.” — Oprah Winfrey
    3. “Yes, I am a feminist because I think all women are smart, gifted and tough.” — Zaha Hadid
    4. “Don't be afraid to speak up for yourself. Keep fighting for your dreams! " - Gabby Douglas
    5. “Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.” — Ingrid Bergman
    6. “I don’t think about all the suffering, but about the beauty that still remains.” — Anne Frank
    7. “You have everything it takes to be a victorious, independent and fearless woman.” — Tyra Banks
    8. “For me, power is the ability to change something for the better.” —Victoria Justice
    9. “Keep your sunny side up, keep yourself beautiful and have fun.” — Betsey Johnson
    10. “Sometimes it’s enough not to know that you can’t do something.” — Ellie Carter
    11. “How beautiful you are, my dear! Oh, how beautiful! " - Song of Solomon 1:15
    12. “I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all." - Coco Chanel
    13. “She is dressed in strength and dignity; she may laugh at the days to come” (Proverbs 31:25).
    14. “The question is not who will let me; This is who will stop me.” — Ayn Rand
    15. “A woman is a full circle. It has the power to create, to nurture and to transform.” — Diane Marieschild
    16. “Anyone can hide. Facing things head on, working through them is what makes you strong.” — Sarah Dessen
    17. “The most common way people give up their power is to think they don’t have it.” — Alice Walker
    18. “A woman who does not require confirmation from anyone is the most dangerous person on the planet.”
    19. “If you want to say something, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman." - Margaret Thatcher
    20. “No matter what the relationship, listening with an open mind and heart is powerful.” — Fran Curcio
    21. “Potential can never be “full”; it is infinite and our possibilities are limitless.” — Mary Kay Ricci
    22. “A successful woman can build a strong foundation from the bricks thrown at her.”

    Inspirational and Encouraging Words for Women

    1. “I never dreamed of success. I worked for it." —Estee Lauder
    2. “You are strong, beautiful, smart and brave.”
    3. “You owe yourself the love that you give so freely to other people.”
    4. “Everything will be fine in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end!”
    5. “We are who we are, and that is more than enough.”
    6. “I may not be perfect, but there are parts of me that are amazing.”
    7. “Start calling yourself healed, happy, whole, blessed and prosperous!”
    8. “If you don't have shadows, you are not in the light.” —Lady Gaga
    9. “Be a girl with brains, a woman with attitude and a lady with class.”
    10. “If you feel helpless, help someone.” — Aung San Suu Kyi
    11. “Optimism is faith that leads to achievement.” — Helen Keller
    12. “The most effective way to do this is to do this.” — Amelia Earhart
    13. “You are loved more than you can imagine.”

    Typical mistakes when correspondence

    To communicate successfully with a friend, you do not need:

    1. Show uncertainty. Girls prefer decisive guys; doubts, thoughts and worries should be postponed until later.
    2. Be silent. If you sit and wait for a girl to write, you will have to wait a long time. Women love proactive young men. It’s better to once again simply ask how your day is going than to remain silent.
    3. Use colloquial words. You should not allow youthful slang and words like “priv”, “norms”, “nravki”, etc., much less curse words, in your correspondence.
    4. Practice verbal attack. It’s not worth bombarding a girl’s page with constant messages, it’s annoying. There is no need to overdo it with constant confessions of feelings: to your interlocutor such attention may seem insincere.
    5. Discuss exes. You should not discuss past relationships and reasons for breaking up with ex-lovers.
    6. Postpone the meeting. If the correspondence continues for several days, you should not refuse or avoid a personal meeting. The girl may think that she is not interested.
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