Compliments to a man: a list of pleasant phrases in your own words

Compliment your man more often. Praise is crucial in any romantic relationship—yes, even for men. Although your partner may seem apathetic about praise, believe me, when he does something well, he definitely wants to hear about it. Whether in the bedroom or in everyday matters, complimenting your man or boyfriend will not only bring you closer to your partner, but will also make him feel more confident in the relationship.

The good news is that these compliments for men will help you avoid problems in the following areas: how to praise a man for his appearance and clothes, his personality, how to compliment a guy via SMS, and how to compliment a man in bed or after a stormy night.

Compliment a man in your own words

Below you will find compliments for a man or your boyfriend that will make him fall in love with you again and again.

Compliments to your beloved man

  • I will always miss you, my love.
  • My dear, I admire you.
  • With you, my life has become more beautiful and brighter.
  • You are very domineering. And I like it!
  • You have such big and strong hands.
  • When you smile, my pulse quickens!
  • Everything about you is perfect, your character is strong and strong, and your word is never broken.
  • You are a real man. Sensitive, gentle and kind.
  • How nice it is for me to be with you.
  • You are the ideal of beauty.
  • I am proud of you!
  • You are a wonderful person.
  • I trust you more than myself.
  • I admire your frankness.
  • There is no way I can cope without you.
  • My friends envy me - you are so courteous.
  • You have golden hands.
  • Where others break and give up, you only become stronger.
  • In this suit you are simply Mr. Respectable.
  • You are the most reliable, so I’m with you like behind a stone wall!
  • I'm surprised how you can control yourself at any moment in life.
  • You give me peace of mind.
  • How nice it is to communicate with such a smart person
  • Your sense of justice, strength and kindness captivated me forever.
  • Your tenderness and courtesy drives me crazy.
  • Coffee made by your hands is an aphrodisiac for me.
  • You can't be so beautiful and smart at the same time!
  • You inspire me to be better.
  • I met you, and everything immediately changed in my life. You gave me wings of happiness.
  • You are the embodiment of the ideal man.
  • Thank you for being a part of my life.
  • You are strong, generous and fair.
  • I have never met a person with such self-discipline!
  • You are a wise man.
  • Your voice is like a mantra - soothing and relaxing.
  • You are the most honest man.
  • Every day I fall asleep thinking about you.
  • I know that you can do anything.
  • You are the best.
  • All the women in the Universe envy me because I have you.
  • You are a true professional.
  • My head is spinning when you unbutton your shirt.
  • You are the most tender, most beloved, desired and the only one.
  • You always set a good example for others.
  • I can't forget last night.
  • You are my Love!
  • You are the best!
  • The most handsome man on the planet.
  • Next to you I feel like a real princess.
  • You have a beautiful smile.
  • You are my ideal.
  • You look absolutely gorgeous in photos!
  • I want to be like you. You are a great role model.
  • You have proven that you can move mountains for your goals.
  • You have great strength, and not just physical.
  • I have never met men with such strong character.
  • You fill my life with incredible emotions.
  • I admire how you slowly and confidently go about your business.
  • The man you can be one hundred percent confident in is you.
  • I feel like I know you well, but you never cease to amaze me.
  • I'm not scared with you.
  • You're charming.
  • I admire how clearly, calmly and convincingly you speak.
  • You're a great lover.
  • You surprised me with your sensuality and sexual temperament.
  • You always succeed. I'm proud!
  • You are a man who sets an example with your strength and courage and leaves no doubt that you will cover with your shoulder and support at the right time.
  • How amazingly you combine intelligence, determination and responsibility.
  • I never doubted your integrity
  • I have a lot of fun with you, you have a great sense of humor.
  • You are an excellent conversationalist.
  • Happy that I'm yours. Thank you for choosing me.
  • You have the kindest heart.
  • You inspire me.
  • You're a great kisser.
  • Your smile is crazy!
  • It's nice to have a well-groomed man nearby.
  • Athletes will envy your figure.
  • I can drown in your eyes.
  • Strong, brave, courageous, reliable - it's all about you!
  • You are a self-sufficient, mature man.
  • You are so strong!
  • A man with a beard always looks seductive.
  • You have an exciting voice.
  • You have absolutely everything I need.
  • I'm glad to see how everyone respects you.
  • This is extraordinary: your hands are so strong, but at the same time gentle. In them I feel like a little girl who is under the protection of a strong, loving man.
  • You are the best thing that happened to me in my life.
  • You have such a great figure that any clothes look great on you.
  • I like to be with you, listen to your cheerful laughter, look into your beautiful eyes.
  • Everything about you is not just harmonious, but perfect!
  • You are one of the smartest people I've ever met.
  • You are a real man, the one with whom everyone feels comfortable being around: friends, colleagues, family, and the girl you love.
  • I am so lucky to have such a loving man by my side.
  • You are faithful and beautiful.
  • You are so incredible.
  • You are sensitive and kind.
  • Next to you I feel like a queen.
  • You are responsible for your words. I like it.
  • Your hugs are so warm and pleasant.
  • You are always very neat.
  • Your muscles are amazing.
  • You are the sweetest and handsome man.
  • I like your slight stubble, which suits your style well.
  • You are my support and hope, you have done a lot, and I am sure you will do even more.
  • I appreciate everything you do for me.
  • You are very brave.
  • You're so damn strong.
  • You are touching.
  • Talking to you brings out the best in a person.
  • Next to you I feel protected.
  • You are a true winner, conqueror, and leader. Success is inherent in you from birth, and despite any difficulties, you will achieve your goal.
  • Your radiant smile drives me crazy, because your charm has no limits!
  • Your muscular appearance can drive you crazy!


  1. Young man, here next to you, the sensor that determines the best man on earth has gone off. And he’s not wrong with me.
  2. Do you have a license? Finally, I met at least one good driver. I can walk calmly. Even at night. With my eyes closed. Along the road and diagonally.
  3. As soon as you kiss me, I immediately want to run to cook borscht, buy all the underwear in sex shops and glow like a New Year's garland.
  4. Oh, aren’t your lips always sugary? No? Exactly? Well, let me try. Well, but you say that they are not sugar.
  5. Is it your perfume that is so alluring or your own pheromones?
  6. You're like champagne. Sparkling, it makes you dizzy, it makes you blush and it also makes you feel so hot inside.
  7. Man, I see that you are a jack of all trades. And I’m a lonely girl, my shelves are not nailed down, the taps are leaking, the doors are creaking...
  8. Do you happen to know how to put out fires? Now you will learn from me. And then he started a fire here.
  9. I haven’t drank yet, but you already seem like the man of my dreams.
  10. I don’t remember when I placed an order for delivery at the “Best Boyfriend/Husband” store.

Compliments to a man after a night out

Do you want to compliment a man after a stormy night and don’t know what to say or write? We suggest using the options for pleasant words for a man or guy given in the list below.

  • You awaken my deepest desires.
  • You are the best lover.
  • I like the scent of your body.
  • I was incredibly pleased.
  • You have a gorgeous body that you want to look at.
  • I love just lying next to you.
  • You gave me incredible pleasure.
  • Your brutal appearance excites me.
  • You are so passionate.
  • Closeness with you is always at its best.
  • I can't forget last night.
  • You are very sexy.
  • I'm losing my head from passion for you.
  • I've never felt so good in bed.
  • I'm looking forward to the evening - I'm sure something incredibly pleasant awaits me

Why is it important to know how to use exciting words?

The first thing every girl needs to understand is why exciting phrases are needed. Many women think that their use is only appropriate in the bedroom. Naturally, this is the most suitable place, but there are many other places where their sudden use could expand the horizons of your intimate relationships.

We create sexual desire. The most obvious need for using arousing words is to increase sexual desire between you and your partner. This attraction is one of the main foundation blocks on which a happy relationship is built between a man and a woman who have deep feelings for each other.

I often receive letters from desperate girls, and they all paint the same picture. Hmm, perhaps you too have been in a similar situation. You are in a long-term relationship or even married. You love your man, but as the relationship progresses, he becomes more of a friend or just a good buddy to you instead of being the one who excites and excites you.

And now, instead of tearing each other's clothes off (as before), you both fight for "excitement" and the appropriate "mood" for sex. You may have even tried some “tricks” or “formulas” from the Internet to rekindle that spark that was between you at the very beginning of your relationship, but most of the time it doesn’t work.

Compliments to a man in one word

If you don’t want to talk or write a lot, we suggest complimenting a man in one word. A man or guy will like such phrases and will make him more confident and happier.

  • Beautiful
  • Concentrated
  • Independent
  • Creative
  • Credible
  • Diligent
  • Conscientious
  • Purposeful
  • Kind
  • Honest
  • Versatile
  • Smart
  • Curious
  • Persistent
  • Decisive
  • Reliable
  • Responsible
  • Organized
  • Easy-going
  • Friendly
  • Convincing
  • Confident
  • Strong-willed
  • Devoted
  • Positive
  • Funny
  • Supportive
  • Professional
  • Susceptible
  • Insightful
  • Simple
  • Gentle
  • Real
  • Sensitive
  • Passionate
  • Good
  • Enterprising
  • Charming
  • Balanced

From the movies.

  1. Strong, confident, purposeful. Darling, you are my tough nut to crack.
  2. Economical, smart, strong, caring. Honey, you’re just a transformer - all in one.
  3. Your name, of course, is not Bruce, but you are also Almighty.
  4. Can I call you Thor when you're angry? Otherwise, lightning, sparks and waves of sexuality roll out from you in different directions at such moments.
  5. You are as brave as Aragorn, charming as Legolas, and funny as Gimli. If you propose, we will be the brotherhood of the ring.
  6. In my opinion, even the Joker doesn't have the charisma you have.
  7. Forrest Gump doesn't run like I do to meet you. I am always happy when I know that I can see you.
  8. When you leave for work, my “Hachiko” mode turns on.
  9. Let's retire to the secret room, light a goblet of fire and play around until we see the philosopher's stones.
  10. How about "dirty dancing"? I really like the way you move.

How to compliment a man

However, before you dive into our list of compliments for a man, we wanted to share some ideas on how to compliment a man sincerely. You know the man or guy in question better than anyone, but the following points are worth considering.

How to compliment a man


  • Stick to the truth
    . Empty flattery will get you nowhere. Stick to what is true. And if you compliment him on his eyes, choose the right color.
  • Be sincere
    . Do it sincerely and without any ulterior motives. Don't give a compliment just to get something from him or to fulfill a big request.
  • Be specific
    . Saying “You look good” is fine, but “I like that color on you” or “You look beautiful in that shirt” is more specific and meaningful.
  • Find out what matters most to him
    . If you don't know (or don't care) what matters most to him, your compliments will miss the mark and turn him off.
  • Focus on things he is proud of
    . If he has been working on some kind of self-improvement project (going to the gym, volunteering, running, taking risks, etc.), celebrate his progress.
  • Don't neglect
    praiseworthy traits of character or appearance that he knows least about. Draw his attention to the things you love about him that he might not even notice.
  • Choose your time carefully
    . For example, don't interrupt him in the middle of something that requires concentration to praise him for playing soccer.
  • Don't expect a return compliment
    . Don't compliment him in the hope that he will immediately compliment you or tell you something you want to hear.
  • Tell him how he makes you feel
    . Let him know when his words and actions make you feel safe, respected, beautiful, etc.

Important rules, or Don't forget about submission

So, the task is clear. You need to learn how to correctly give original compliments to a guy. Either funny or pleasant - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that he is touched, hooked, in some cases even excited, and compliments become part of your relationship.

You probably need to imagine yourself in his place, that is, imagine that you are a little bit of a man. Yes, an unfamiliar situation. But this is the only way to rehearse the tone, facial expressions, gestures and even touches at the moment when kind words are spoken. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, don’t forget that a guy won’t appreciate a compliment on his “new pants”; he’s not a girl. You should forget about the wardrobe, at least in this form.

What then? You need to learn the rules that will help you not only pronounce a compliment correctly, say pleasant words, but also assure (once again!) of the softness, tenderness and depth of your feelings!

Men like unobtrusive compliments, short, succinct and meaningful. To do this, you need:

  • Remember that the left, “feminine” side, is responsible for emotions and expression of feelings in men. At a congress on psychology, recently held in Berlin and bringing together world luminaries, it was proven that gentle words should pronounced in the left ear
    , but tasks that require execution are on the right.

    A man will quickly forget how sexy and kind he is if you tell him about it in his right ear. But to the left is what you need! All that remains is to sneak up behind you, hug you by the shoulders and whisper exactly those words, slightly touching your ear with your lips. The answer won't take long to arrive!

  • Emphasize with words truly masculine, “tribal” qualities: sexuality, endurance, willpower, etc. You can also add personality traits that you adore about him. You love him for something special, something that caught your eye on the first date. Remind him of this more often, especially if the relationship begins at a distance. You can even write a poem or delight in prose.
  • Don’t pay attention to appearance: this is secondary for a guy - he’s been taught this idea since childhood. But emphasizing in a compliment those parts of the body that excite is a non-trivial decision. These can be strong arms, wide chests and even elastic buttocks, why hide it!
  • Don't babysit - guys don't like that. Choose an intimately exciting whisper and give a compliment with your whole body: with your eyes, smile, hands, slightly touching. Light flirting, a special mood, a few grams of excitement will not be superfluous!
  • Remove the irony and sarcasm that run through each of us when communicating with our loved ones. “Darling, I didn’t even know that you can use a hammer so well: the wall is intact and your fingers are in place
    . What is this anyway? Your own bitter experience, dragged from past relationships? But they are no longer there, and your man, good, affectionate and extraordinary, is with you!

Giving compliments, as it turns out, is as easy as shelling pears. Pronounce your words with feeling, love and never forget that there are never too many beautiful words!


My dear boy, what a pity that the photograph does not convey even a hundredth part of how beautiful and strong you are!

Beautiful photo, but I think Instagram has become too small for you. Maybe it's time to move on!

This kind of photo should be used to decorate glossy magazines, not stories on VK! Chances are you've grown out of this and it's time to take the next step!

A beautiful photo, a handsome guy - what else is needed to attract more people to your page!

Looking at you, I see a hero who is ready to save the world! Please, start saving with me and start with loneliness!

Darling, when I feel bad, I look at your photos, and when I feel good, I read our correspondence. It's great when there is such a medicine!

The air becomes clear when such a handsome man is nearby! Save our planet, dear!

You can write a thousand words, but still not express your feelings. Or you can look at this picture and understand everything at one glance!

If mountains could speak, they would encourage you to compete with their height. If rivers could speak, they would whisper your name!

My day got a lot better after I posted this photo. Don't stop halfway!


When left alone with her partner, a woman simply needs to affectionately call her beloved man not by name, but by a special nickname that only they understand. Such a vulgar “secret” nickname turns on guys, arouses desire and gives pleasant emotions. Before you decide what you can name your boyfriend affectionately and sexyly, study the list of approximate names:

For depraved men:

  • Stallion.
  • Libertine.
  • Delicious.
  • Mister.
  • Unique.
  • Macho
  • Passionate.
  • I want it.

For young lovers:

  • Pepper.
  • Cucumber.
  • Green.
  • Student.
  • Loser.
  • Excellent student.
  • Sexy.
  • Superman.
  • Gingerbread.
  • Naughty.
  • Chupa Chups.
  • Sugar.
  • Kisik.
  • Slime.
  • Sofa.
  • Mohnatik.
  • Moor.
  • Banana.
  • Club.
  • Kernel.
  • Mace.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Man.

For the modest and shy:

  • Naughty.
  • Newbie.
  • Milok.
  • Baby.
  • Sun.
  • Lieutenant.
  • Worm.
  • Mustang.
  • Boy.
  • Elephant.
  • Sturdy.
  • Sweeties.


At the initial stage of the relationship, so as not to scare the guy off with decisive pressure, choose simple and cute nicknames. These are popular variants of names that can be given to any man, regardless of character, appearance, habits, age:

Cute Zoo:

  • Zayushka.
  • Kitty.
  • Elephant.
  • Hippo.
  • Lion cub.
  • Tiger cub.
  • Crocodile.
  • Monkey.
  • Mishutka, Mishka.
  • Medved.
  • Badger.
  • Kisa.

Sweet culinary nicknames:

  • Gingerbread.
  • Bagel.
  • Pie.
  • Ice cream.
  • Pirozhenko.
  • Cupcake.
  • Cake.

Tender words:

  • My good.
  • My native.
  • Handsome.
  • Cute.
  • Wonderful.
  • Courageous.
  • Smart girl.
  • My joy.
  • My love.
  • The cleverest

Affectionate derivatives from the names of fruits and berries:

  • Watermelon.
  • Melon.
  • Malinka.
  • Strawberry.
  • Cherry.
  • Berry.

Nicknames that emphasize his external characteristics:

  • Gulliver.
  • Giant.
  • Ushastik.
  • Little Longnose.
  • Nice.
  • Superman.
  • Fatty.
  • Athlete.

It's especially cute to call a guy during a quarrel. The man relaxes, cools down and quickly forgives the offender. Use this trick in a real verbal showdown or in apologies in correspondence.

On a note! Many couples use funny nicknames not in public, but only at home when they are alone. From a psychological point of view, this is the right decision. For society, a guy must remain a real man: adult and serious.

By name

Some people think that calling a guy only by his first name is boring. In fact, from the ordinary word Vanya, Dima it’s easy to make a chic nickname that your loved one will definitely like. By the way, you can use it to record a guy on your phone.

Change the name into a foreign style, for example, in English, Ukrainian, German, French:

  • Zhenya - Genka (Ukr),
  • Gin (English);
  • Peter - Pedro (Italian), Peter (English); Petro
  • Anton - Antonio;
  • Andrey - Andrew; Drone
  • Ivan - Van, Vano, John (American);
  • Nikita - Nick; Whale
  • Nikolay - Nikola
  • Sergey - Serge
  • Pavel - Paulo, Paul.
  • Denis - Dan.
  • Roman - Romeo.
  • Sasha - Alejandro, Sandro, Sanchez
  • Lyosha - Alex, Lex
  • Anton - Tony, Antonio
  • Vladislav - Vladovski
  • Matvey - Matthew, Matheus
  • Ilya - Ellia
  • George - George, Georges
  • Ruslan - Ruso
  • Denis - Dan
  • Gregory - Greg, Gregory
  • Fedor - Fed, Theo, Theodor

Add diminutive suffixes to the name:

  • Ivan - Vanyushka, Vanek, Vanechka.
  • Andrey - Andryukha, Andryushka.
  • Pavel - Pavlik, Pavlusha.
  • Sasha - Sanya, Sanechka, Sashulka.
  • Oleg - Olezhek.
  • Slava - Slavik, Slavochka.
  • Damir - Damirchik, Damirka.

Shorten a long name:

  • Denis—Dan.
  • Vladislav - Vlad, Slava.
  • Andrey - Dryunya.
  • Alexander - Sanya, Alex.
  • Fedor - Fed.
  • Damir - Peace.
  • Bogdan is God.
  • Evgeniy - Zheka.
  • Sergey - Sergo.
  • Mikhail - Mikha, Misha.
  • Pavel - Pasha, Pa.

On a note! It is a mistake to think that affectionate names for men should be sweet and cloying to the ear. For brutalists who cannot tolerate the tenderness of a calf, choose names that are saturated with strength and power. For example, Mikha, Sanek, Dan.

The list goes on. Feel free to experiment with the name if it's the only one you know. If you notice a guy doing something or he has a certain trait, use it. Make a nickname out of the manifestation you like. You may get:

  • Smile
  • Handsome
  • Jock
  • Big guy
  • Genius
  • Joker
  • Hero
  • Mister Generosity
  • Defender
  • Bibliophile
  • Grumpy
  • Obayaha
  • Toughie
  • Brawler
  • Rocky
  • Sweet-voiced
  • Macho
  • Knight
  • Veselchak
  • Gelsomino
  • Athlete
  • Captain
  • Sonya
  • Brave
  • Skillful fingers
  • smart ass
  • Man of dreams
  • Buka
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