Elegance in everything. How to become an elegant woman?

An elegant appearance is not only the ability to dress tastefully - calmly and attractively. Elegance includes beautiful and high-quality clothes, hairstyle, lifestyle, behavior, gestures, facial expressions, and gait. You can not only be born an elegant person, but also become one. To do this, you need to evaluate your appearance from the outside and make every effort to change for the better.

According to some prominent people, elegance lies not only in appearance, but also in the internal state of a person, in his thoughts and preferences, lifestyle, and behavior.

Appearance and mood

Key words for the word “elegance” are neatness, cleanliness, simplicity.

1. Don't slouch, keep your back straight, don't sit cross-legged or with your arms crossed.

2. Be friendly to delight others with your positive energy. Do not bring personal problems into the office and, on the contrary, protect your family from work troubles.

3. Always keep your shoes and clothes clean.

4. Dress for the occasion. When in doubt, wear a classic dress in a neutral color with some embellishment. It always works!

5. Your skin, hair and nails should always be in perfect condition:

Leather _ Use skincare products suitable for your skin type. Don’t get carried away with decorative cosmetics, choose shades of lipstick and eye shadow that suit you.

Hair . Visit your hairdresser regularly and “refresh” your hair color, cut off split ends, if any. No unpainted roots!

Nails . If you use bright polish, do not leave it on your nails for more than two days, even if it is of very high quality. In everyday life, give preference to pastel colors. For some important event, you can apply Shellac varnish in the salon; such a manicure will easily last about two weeks.

6. Use only high-quality perfume, and take into account the opinions of relatives and friends - if you are told that this smell, to put it mildly, is not very good, then part with the precious bottle without regret, no matter how dear it is to you!

How to become more feminine

A woman usually begins to think about such a situation when she notices the lack of male attention to herself, while most likely she revolves in a male team, where she is her boyfriend, partner or competitor, but no one has invited her on a date for a long time . A collision with reality can cause a visit to a friend who is lost and does not know how to cope with the simplest tasks (driving a nail or going grocery shopping on her own). Having turned on the analysis, the woman begins to understand that her husband, brothers and unknown men are flocking to the aid of this incompetent woman, and, on the contrary, they are running away from her, skillfully choosing a drill in a hardware store.

If you are thinking about how to become more feminine and gentle, take a closer look at your own gaze, it usually conveys a lot about your condition and habit of building contact. Men may have a purely professional or medical interest in a cold, prickly and arrogant gaze that watches every little detail. Many people try to dress up in pink skirts with ruffles, hang themselves with jingling bracelets and wait for happiness, but femininity consists for the most part not only in external manifestations. You can bring yourself to the standard state of a movie beauty, but as soon as those around you meet your gaze or hear the mentoring notes in your voice, the charm of the outer mask will dissipate. Your gestures and gait, conversational manners, vocabulary and volume of voice, touch and sense of tact play a much larger role in the manifestation of femininity.

Femininity is the most important quality that attracts men, and not a sense of humor, erudition and a pumped butt (this is rather a female list of attractive parameters in a man), but it is a mistake to believe that manifestations of feminine nature are necessary only in male-female relationships. This is a set of qualities that helps to build and improve relationships in the family (in its global sense, with all relatives and generations) and the work team. Many begin to think about how to become soft and feminine when a child appears, because if both parents behave in a more masculine manner, then the child simply has nowhere to learn sensitivity, understanding of emotions, building communications and many other things that are more developed in women.

To figure out how to become more feminine and gentle, it is worth identifying the main positions that make up the perception of femininity among the woman herself and those around her. Almost synonymous with femininity in a statistical survey was softness, and softness in everything. This concerns how you present your own gestures; if they are sharp and jagged, then the image is distant, and if they are smooth and fluid, then you are close to the ideal. The softness of touches, warm, almost imperceptible, instead of sharp jolts or unexpected, frightening touches.

The softness of your intonations and voice - if you control how you communicate with people, removing hysterical shrill notes, lowering the timbre and adding velvety, then even harsh criticism will sound soft and enveloping. Softness also includes what people experience when they touch you - warm cashmere, soft silk, well-groomed warm hands immerse you in an atmosphere of light, comfort and warmth. While leather, metal rivets, frozen fingers force one to tense and gather oneself, and the inner feeling of such a person is wary and counteracting.

If you feel a loss of connection with your femininity, then join a female company; in principle, everyone should have one (at least in the minimum version of one friend), since male society will never replace communication with representatives of the same sex. Our energetic and world-perceiving processes are structured differently, and when you spend a long time in a male environment, your natural rhythms and paths begin to adapt to less suitable ones. Women's society restores the normal functioning of the female psyche, where emotions become more accessible, noticing many details at the same time, as well as the realization of exclusively female needs.

In a women's circle, increased needs for communication are satisfied, and it will be much more fun to go shopping with a friend than to take your best friend to try on thousands of outfits (or whatever you like that men don’t understand). In addition, you support your gender identification and understand that every situation can be solved in a feminine or masculine way, and by looking at your friends and listening to their stories you can learn a lot (for example, how not to nail the kitchen shelf yourself).

In behavior, femininity is manifested by cheerfulness and a variety of hobbies; when communicating, openness and willingness to help a person are manifested (you can fill an awkward pause in a conversation in time and the person will be very grateful to you). A feminine girl is in contact with society and actively participates in its life, showing kindness, care and gentleness. Those. Leave the arguing with drunks at the station to law enforcement officers, and you can feed the tramp yourself. There is an opinion that a feminine vocabulary does not tolerate swear words, but you shouldn’t turn into a defenseless sheep - learn to put your opponent in his place with a quiet voice and literary epithets (for someone else, this sounds even more offensive, since it immediately raises you several levels higher).

The popularized image of a Vedic woman as an ideal of femininity can lead along the wrong path of perception - to smile, please, be silent, endure, but this is not true, even from the point of view of the Vedic concept itself. It talks a lot about respect and self-respect, and that if a person behaves inappropriately towards you, then it is your direct responsibility to stop that behavior.

A woman is not only softness, she is also passion and fire, a powerful force that can create and destroy. Shutting down some of your energy to appear comfortable is not the path to your own femininity. Remember that all your qualities are present for a reason, but you need to learn how to use them, and if you have great strength, then direct it into the world, do not tolerate ridicule and threats - give a strong and immediate rebuff, showing your teeth. It is such living and real people that attract attention; women who are able to put a man in his place become interesting to them, since each person has his boundaries and limits of permissibility.


1. Avoid vulgar expressions and slang.

2. Express your thoughts clearly.

3. Be friendly to others, when communicating with a stranger, look him in the eye and periodically call him by name.

4. Always say hello and thank for the service rendered, no matter how insignificant it may be.

5. Avoid being overly open with people you don’t know well. Remember that a carelessly spoken word can later turn against you!

Heeled shoes.

Forget about flat shoes, as well as sandals, sandals and other models where your toes are exposed. Open or flat shoes are unacceptable for an elegant woman. To understand the point of a heel, just look at the woman sitting on a chair wearing shoes and the one who chose flat soles. Flat shoes make your feet heavy, and at the same time your posture and your own perception also change. And a heel is always a huge plus for femininity and elegance; no man will miss it.

Buy only beautiful, elegant things

1. Surround yourself with beauty. Appreciate beautiful designer items, flowers, books. Try to develop taste, for this buy fashion magazines.

2. If possible, buy one expensive good thing rather than several cheap ones. Important aspects such as material and cut play a role here.

3. Prioritize your purchases - think about whether you need this or that item at the moment.

4. Before you go shopping, look through your wardrobe. This will help you buy the things you really need.

5. Be careful at sales - it’s better to look for the item you like in advance than to buy absolutely unnecessary clothes that you will have nothing to combine with later.

Selecting the color of clothes

Color also plays an important role in your clothing style. An elegant style requires a special attitude towards color, which is selected depending on the complexion.

  • Very fair skin - red, light pink, blue and pastel shades are perfect for you.
  • Light skin - blue, tobacco shade, blue and yellow.
  • Ivory leather goes well with light blue, banana and cyclamen.
  • Gray, emerald and dark blue colors are perfect for a ruddy face.
  • Olive skin - olive green, café au lait and other shades of brown.
  • If you have slightly tanned skin, then choose clothes in chestnut, light blue, red and gray colors.
  • Dark skin - black, mustard, white, banana and gray-green look good.

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With a smile through life.

And of course, an elegant woman is always friendly, radiant and knows how to win people over. She doesn't complain about life and knows how to enjoy the little things. Change your attitude towards the situation, and it will no longer upset you!

Our recommendations will help any woman instill elegant manners and stand out in the crowd. Elegance changes lives for the better and you can start changing yours today!

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