The girl is jealous of everyone. What to do? Adviсe

Female jealousy is a rather unpredictable thing, often dangerous, and more often it poses a danger specifically for the ladies themselves. As a rule, it is believed that it is not a loving young lady who is jealous, but a girl striving to be loved. In fact, jealousy is a natural expression of feelings, but often it becomes a catalyst that provokes the destruction of relationships. Psychology defines female jealousy as a negatively highlighted, exaggerated sense of ownership in relation to the chosen one. It is also believed that jealousy is inherent in all people, but it manifests itself purely subjectively. Many people have no control over it.

Why is a girl jealous

So, even if a girl is jealous of everyone, there must be a reason for this. In fact, of course, there are many of them. Let's look at the most common ones: complexes, distance from each other, possessiveness

  • The girl has complexes because of her appearance. In the world you can find a few girls who are absolutely satisfied with their external parameters. These are people who are in no way dependent on other people’s assessments and are absolutely satisfied with their lives. In 95% of cases, girls are concerned about some kind of shortcomings: excess weight, acne, uneven nose, freckles, wrong eye shape, crooked fingers, etc. And there are so many beautiful girls on the street... A man most often does not notice these shortcomings, so he does not know about the girl’s complexes. If you think that she is ideal, then she may not even know about it and will not believe your words
  • The girl noticed the coldness on your part. For example, your passions have faded, you no longer burn with her, you don’t try to get her attention and you began to treat her like a loved one. You think that calmness is an indicator of a good relationship, but the girl did not have enough emotions at the stage of falling in love. Therefore, a sharp transition on your part to a new level may mean distance for her.
  • If you started communicating with other girls or showed her correspondence with another. Competition among women for a man in Russia and other Eastern European countries is very high. Therefore, each clings to her boyfriend and tries to protect him from other girls. Possessiveness exists not only among men, but also among women.

So, these are the most common reasons why your girlfriend is jealous of everyone. They can easily be eliminated if you want to save the relationship and work on it together. If you don’t want to spend time and effort on this, then we hasten to reveal a secret - the same situation can happen in other relationships. Therefore, read the article to the end to understand what to do.

Through the eyes of statistics ↑

Research and numerous surveys conducted among several hundred thousand women have given disappointing forecasts: female jealousy is at the top of the list of family conflicts, ahead of such seemingly obvious “favorites” as unsettled life, material well-being and sexual incompatibility.

As for the reasons why lovers, both with and without experience, separate, the numbers are staggering - if we exclude the item “jealousy” from the general list, then there would be no compelling reasons for ending the relationship or dissolving the marriage. three pairs out of four!

Thus, we can conclude that 75% of families and couples break up due to jealousy!

By the way, it was noticed that those women who are officially married face problems based on jealousy much more often, in contrast to those whose relationships are civil or free.

When is a girl not jealous?

You see that your girlfriend is jealous of everyone. Even your ex-partners were jealous of you, although there was no reason. Well, congratulations to you, because you yourself are the reason. You have become someone's treasure that you want to protect from others.

Can a girl not be jealous at all? Of course it can. And this happens in the following cases:

  • The rarest, but at the same time pleasant reason is complete trust in you. Girls can absolutely trust their partner if she was raised in a complete family where parents loved each other. The girl did not see jealousy between her parents. She learned trust within the family from childhood
  • If a girl decides to devote her life to her development, her career or children, her partner remains behind the scenes. With him it’s good, without him it’s also good
  • She is not attracted to you. The girl is simply not interested in you, so she is not afraid of losing you. On the contrary, she won’t even fight for you and after a while she will try to find a replacement for you before you leave
  • If a friend zone has appeared. The girl considers you her friend, but nothing more. Read more about how to avoid getting into the friend zone
  • You don't have good looks. This is the most offensive reason for a girl’s lack of jealousy. She may truly love you and be happy with you, but in her mind she understands that other girls are not interested in you
  • Another no less offensive reason is a man with heels. This means that the girl believes that you will not be able to leave her anywhere and will always be by her side.

Don't worry about the girl being jealous of everyone. Start to get nervous when she suddenly stops being jealous of you. If she didn’t have an ideal family as a child, then most likely the girl doesn’t care whether you leave or not. At the same time, you need to know the normal, acceptable norms of jealousy in a relationship.

Main features

Female jealousy has specific symptoms, which include both specific female characteristics and manifestations characteristic of the phenomenon regardless of the gender of the carrier.

Specific signs are determined by the characteristics of the female psyche, the originality of sensory-emotional reactions to certain events. It is worth highlighting the internal features separately. The woman feels them, and the presence of the feeling in question is determined by them.

Internal signs of jealousy in women:

  • doubt about the partner’s devotion and fidelity;
  • hatred of a partner, the object of his attention;
  • unreasonable anger at a man;
  • manifestations of uncontrollable anger and aggression;
  • resentment;
  • doubts and uncertainty;
  • envy;
  • self-pity;
  • disappointment.

Jealousy can be considered as a protective mechanism of the human psyche against certain threats. In conditions of the onset of adverse consequences, the body mobilizes. A defensive state inevitably leads to psychological and emotional stress. In such conditions, psychosomatic consequences are inevitable. A jealous woman is characterized by stress and depression. Overstrain of the nervous system can provoke the development of disorders and diseases.

The most dangerous condition is pathological jealousy. It may be classified as a psychological disorder. A woman in such a state loses touch with reality, her reaction and attitude to what is happening loses its adequacy. The whole life of such a person is concentrated on a state of jealousy.

Signs of pathological jealousy in a woman:

  • unfounded suspicion;
  • constant control;
  • attacks of anger and hysterics;
  • aggression;
  • suicidal symptoms;
  • threats;
  • refusal to accept objective evidence that debunks the validity of jealousy.

It is difficult for partners to cope with pathological jealousy without outside help. In such situations, you should seek help from a psychotherapist. This measure will save relationships and preserve the health of partners.

When a girl's jealousy goes beyond normal

If a girl begins to openly and aggressively be jealous of you towards everyone, then this is beyond the scope of normality.

Usually ladies try to hide their jealousy and remain proud and independent. Although not everyone succeeds. Many people start to look evil if you talk about other girls; they squeeze their hand - as soon as they look at the other one, they begin to breathe heavily and speak a higher tone.

However, if she has already started digging into your smartphone, computer; rummaging through your pockets in search of evidence is going beyond what is permissible.

If a girl asks your friends where you are (were), complains to your friends and relatives about alleged infidelity, she has crossed the line.

Remember that in this case you cannot continue the relationship.

If a girl is jealous of everyone, you should not wait until she begins to go beyond the boundaries of what is permissible. It is necessary to solve the problem at the very beginning so as not to destroy your relationship until the end.


Jealousy is like poison - in small doses it stimulates love, in large doses it kills it.

Consequences of female jealousy:

  1. Deterioration of relationships in couples. Accusations, misunderstandings, quarrels, scandals lead to a breakdown in relationships.
  2. Constant reproaches provoke real betrayal.
  3. The painful state of “delusion of jealousy” requires medical intervention.
  4. Aggression directed at a partner and rival can lead to criminal consequences.
  5. Deterioration of the psychosomatic state of children, psychological trauma caused by a showdown and insults in their presence.

Jealousy is not a character trait, but a peculiar feeling of fear for one’s well-being. To avoid serious consequences, learn to control yourself.

The girl is jealous of everyone. What to do? Adviсe

Now you can talk about what to do if a girl is jealous of everyone. First of all, you must understand the reason for jealousy. If she had this problem before and it appeared without your fault, then help her get rid of the complex.

1. You need to talk to the girl and understand why she is so jealous. If the problem is her complexes, then help her get rid of them: take her to a cosmetologist, stylist, or start eating healthy together

2. Try to reconsider your relationship and find the mistake. Perhaps you gave her a reason to doubt your fidelity. For example, you often look at other girls in front of her, notice someone’s attractive appearance and flirt. Even if you previously thought that she perceives this normally, and she reacts calmly. At the beginning of a relationship, girls tend to hide their true emotions from a guy so as not to scare him away.

3. Pay attention to her company. Perhaps among her friends there is your enemy who incites the girl to jealousy. They may envy your happiness, or someone close to you will want to attract you to themselves - for the sake of destroying the relationship, the girl will be turned against you

4. If it recently turned out that someone from the general company began to cheat on a girl, then you also come under suspicion. This is how female logic works, and nothing can be done about it. The girl will project onto herself the stories of her friends and closest acquaintances. Therefore, this time will just have to wait until the story with the traitor is forgotten in the company

5.If your relationship has been going on for more than a year, then evaluate how it has changed in the last month. You may notice that you begin to communicate, see each other, and go out into society less. If your relationship is consumed by routine, there is a risk of losing it forever

6. A girl can be jealous by nature. However, if she comes across a guy who shows his loyalty and confidence in his words, jealousy may go away from the relationship

After talking and analyzing the current situation, you need to decide how to behave further. If a girl is jealous of everyone, this may be part of your fault, so start correcting the situation with yourself.

How to behave so that a girl doesn't get jealous

For a girl to stop being jealous of you, you need to show her confidence in your words and in your choice. A girl’s trust is made up of little things that she notices in a man’s actions and words. Let's look at the list of advice that psychologists give in private meetings:

1. Show that you always keep your word. For example, if you said that you would do something, you should do it anyway. Of course, pay attention to specifics. Indicate time, place and other circumstances in rare cases. It happens that a guy puts off until tomorrow to help the girl clean up, cook something, go on vacation, help her parents, etc. In this case, there will be no trust in you.

Let’s compare two phrases: “You and I will go to the park soon” and “You and I will go to the park tomorrow.”

In the first case, you do not specify a date, but indicate a short wait. Maybe we can go to the park tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or in two days, or even this month. Although, of course, the sooner the better.

The second phrase obliges you to give up work for tomorrow and devote the day to going to the park with a girl. What if something happens and you have to go to work, visit your parents, or run errands? In this case, you do not keep your promise and allow the girl to doubt your honesty and your words.

2. If a girl is jealous of everyone, show her your special attitude. The girl hasn't met your friends yet? Take advantage of this. Say something good about her in the company, and after a couple of days introduce her to everyone. The girl will probably hear from your friends “I’ve heard about you”, “They told me a lot of good things about you”, “I’m glad to meet such a good girl from a friend’s stories.” This external praise will give her confidence that she is special to you.

3. Try to leave something from the beginning of your relationship. If at first you told her 100 times every day how beautiful she is, then continue to do this at least 2 times a day. This will help not only show her your fidelity, but also help you return your old view of your beloved

4. Try to listen to your girlfriend, even if the day is very difficult. Most likely, she will not bore you with long conversations. Daily attention to her and her problems will help you get rid of everyday grievances, brainwashing and complaints. It will also be a plus if you also start telling her more about your problems and experiences.

5. Stop flirting with other girls. If this is not possible, then try to leave only communication with your acquaintances, whom the girl knows about. Quit Tinder, Badu and other dating services

6. Try not to justify to the girl men who cheated. No matter what happens in other people's relationships, you need to show that you are different. This is the only way she will trust you

7. If your relationship develops at a distance, then it’s time for one of you to move.

Just 7 tips you need to remember. This will be enough for your girlfriend to stop being jealous of everyone. After you take a step forward, she will be able to trust you and open up.

What to say so a girl doesn't get jealous

Girls often get stuck on words. There are several phrases that will help solve the problem if a girl is jealous of everyone. Say them as often as possible just like that, then you won’t have problems in your relationship at all.

  1. “You are my most amazing”
  2. “I’m so glad that you and I are together”
  3. "I'm so lucky you chose me"
  4. “Thanks to you, I made the right choice, thanks for the advice.”
  5. “You help me so much.”
  6. "No girl will ever compare to you"
  7. “And I have the best girlfriend in the world”
  8. "I love you"
  9. "Trust me and I will do everything in my power for us"
  10. “If only our children were like you”
  11. "Thank you for everything you do"
  12. “I really appreciate you and your concern.”
  13. “Your support helps me become even better”
  14. "I'm happy with you"
  15. “I want to share my success with you”

These phrases allow the girl to understand how much you care about her. Also share your emotions with her and explain your feelings.

For example, if you realized that your crush has passed, and your feelings have grown into something new, explain this. “Now I perceive you as my own. You are part of me and I am confident in you. You are mine and I am yours. I like that now you don’t have to worry every day whether you want to be with me or not,” etc.

This way, you will no longer have to worry about the girl being jealous of everyone.

Gossip 5

Women are also gossips - that's a fact. Not a single women's group gets by without discussing someone. And relationships take first place in gossip. Today he was seen talking with an attractive colleague, and tomorrow she heard rumors that he was cheating on her.

Gossip works like the children's game “broken phone.” Someone will hear their own, add small details and the resulting thought will be different from the one that was originally.

The man can only talk to his girlfriend and let her understand that all this is empty gossip. And it’s best not to give people with long tongues reasons to spread rumors.

What not to do if a girl is jealous of everyone

Many guys follow advice but then make a huge mistake. The girl begins to be jealous of everyone more than ever. Therefore, we recommend that you remember what not to do:

  • Scandal, swear, argue, sort things out
  • Suspect her of cheating (they say, “he who is jealous is not confident in himself”)
  • Discuss your relationship problems with friends
  • Silently leave home
  • Ignore
  • To commit treason (they say, “since they suspect me, then let there be at least a reason”)
  • Humiliate (“You’re just a fool for being jealous of me”)
  • Beat
  • Get drunk
  • Making her jealous to annoy her (flirting with others on purpose)

All these actions will lead you to the logical conclusion of the relationship. Therefore, if you do not want to lose your girl, pull yourself together and help her get rid of unnecessary worries.


Men have a hard time experiencing the fact of physical betrayal by their beloved. For women, spiritual betrayal is more important. A woman will tolerate an affair at work or a partner’s fleeting infatuation at a resort more easily than the open admiration of another.

Are you ready to stop thinking about your problem and finally move on to real actions that will help you get rid of your problems once and for all? Then perhaps you will be interested in this article .

Prerequisites for the emergence of female jealousy:

  • injustice - a woman perceives herself and her partner as a single whole. If another one appears, the man hears reproaches: “How could you! I gave you the best years of my life";
  • low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence makes a woman think that her partner can find a replacement for her - a beautiful, smart, successful mistress;
  • hurt pride prompts a self-confident lady to take revenge on her chosen one or his passion;
  • The fear of losing material well-being, the source of which is the husband, arises among women who sit at home and do not have their own means of subsistence. In this case, aggression is directed at everyone to whom the husband can provide financial assistance;
  • indifference and fear of loneliness, which worsens with age.

Jealousy intensifies if the spouse is often absent from home. His wife cannot control him all the time. Video calls come to her aid, with which the jealous woman “gets” her partner during business trips or business meetings. If he didn’t answer, it means he was cheating at that time.

“Jealousy is one part of love and ninety-nine parts of self-love” (François La Rochefoucauld).

Such control degrades a man's self-esteem and makes him look stupid in the eyes of others.

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So, in this article we figured out what to do if a girl is jealous of everyone. Now you know that jealousy occurs in almost every girl. How strongly this feeling will manifest itself depends on many factors. However, a guy can show by his actions and words that he can be trusted 100%. If you avoid mistakes and try to understand your soul mate, then your relationship can become ideal.

Availability of free time4

It has been scientifically proven that a girl who has a lot of free time is more jealous of her boyfriend than one whose whole day is scheduled to the minute. When there is a lot of work, there is practically no time left to think about jealousy of a guy. After all, when you finally find yourself in bed with your loved one in the evening after a hard day at work, the last thing you want to do is quarrel.

And vice versa, when there is a lot of free time, the girl occupies it with useless thoughts. And half of these thoughts concern her partner and other girls.

There is one way to solve this problem - take some free time. A girl should find a new hobby, get a pet, give birth to a child, rearrange her apartment, or just watch her favorite TV series.

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