Why do almost all girls like tall guys?

Psychologists and researchers from all countries agree that choosing taller guys is a thing of the past. Since ancient times, women have sought to find a taller and stronger man. Only then could they feel safe. Such a man should cope with obtaining food and protecting the family hearth much better than a short male.

Tall men were good hunters, stronger warriors and held better positions as heads of state.

Another reason can be considered heredity. On a subconscious level, every woman sees in her man a person who will give her offspring. Of course, the children of such men will also be tall and strong, and they will be able to cope with illnesses more easily, although there are exceptions here. Nowadays, even two tall people can have a short baby; genetics gives us surprises where we don’t expect them.

Scientists have been able to prove that height brings happiness and success to men , they get married faster, start a family, and have children. Even their careers are progressing much better than those of short people. Humanity is growing every year, and every year the average height in the world is moving up. Now Russian men are losing only to Europeans, especially men from northern Europe. Even doctors are on the side of tall guys, they claim that such men live longer than short guys, it seems that nature itself has made a choice in favor of height. Although tall people are more likely to get cancer.

Attitude of specialists

Psychologists say that the happiness of a couple directly depends on who is taller. There are a number of studies on this topic, and they were carried out both in modern history and in the last century. And here are some facts they note:

  1. A girl feels protected if her partner is taller.
  2. Tall men have more self-esteem and earn money more easily.
  3. The height of social status is directly proportional to the height of the head of the family.

And these are not bare facts. They have a solid foundation under them. According to statistics, tall men earn more than their short colleagues and partners. There are exceptions, but more often than not this is not the rule. This is why if a girl is taller than a guy, this can play a certain role in their relationship. Not always, but in most cases.

A tall guy is more confident, but there are exceptions

What qualities of men do girls like most: the results of some studies

As we said above, the top most attractive features may vary from study to study, so the list of qualities below is by no means exhaustive.

  • M+F 19 qualities of a real man that all women are crazy about

1.Sense of humor

As it turns out, the ability to make a friend laugh or at least make her smile is very important for women. Scientists whose research was published on the scientific portal Psychological Reports found that it makes men appear more intelligent.

Empathy and altruism

According to research presented in The Journal of Social Psychology, women tend to prefer altruistic men—those who are kind and helpful to others—for long-term relationships.

Love to the animals

A small study reported in the Journal of Evolutionary Psychology found that men with dogs are attractive to many women.


In one speed dating experiment reported in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, women were more attracted to men who were attentive listeners and did not judge them.

  • M+F Why men need feminism in 2021 (and you personally too)

Love for red

This is the most unexpected thing. A number of scientists published the results of their research in the scientific journal “Journal of Experimental Psychology”, according to which women like men in red more than those who prefer clothes of other colors.

  • M+F 20 main qualities that women value in men (everything is not so obvious)

What is the ideal height ratio for women and men?

There are no clear positions regarding the fact that only a man with certain specific parameters is suitable for a woman with a height of 150 cm. But there is a reasonable idea from psychologists that a woman should not, in her usual position of her head, without raising it, see the top of her partner’s head if he is standing opposite. This is not only the optimal option for visual perception of the couple, but also exactly the case when the woman herself will be comfortable and comfortable, her gaze and attention will not be distracted by anything.

When it turns out that the top of the head is not visible, it means that the difference in height is at least 13-17 centimeters, this is a completely normal difference, which in practice occurs in any average couple.

There are also those options when the man is much taller than the girl, sometimes it does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but, on the other hand, if both partners like it or at least does not pose problems and does not cause conflicts, then this is a completely acceptable situation .


Historically, it is the tall male that is associated with strength and power.

  • Stately guys were considered stronger than those who were shorter and more often won the fight. This means that they protect a woman and their children more effectively, so ladies intuitively give them preference and consider them more adapted to survival. The reason is still relevant. The tall man gives off vibes of strength and confidence. A woman in his arms feels small, under reliable protection.
  • Tall men often took leadership positions. When hunting, the leader controlled the entire team in the process of production. The total number of people in it is at least 10. Only a strong, stately man could be the leader. A tall person has a better view of the area. And it is more convenient to transmit signals to other participants. As a result, hunting will be more effective. Scientists call this phenomenon the “leadership advantage.” Based on this, the stereotype has become entrenched in the minds of women and continues to be inherited.
  • The girl subconsciously looks for the best partner for procreation. After all, the offspring of a tall man will be stronger and better able to tolerate diseases.

Why are short boys not a priority?

Is it true that girls don't like short guys? Short boys have to make more efforts to attract the attention of girls than tall guys.

>However, with charisma and a good tongue, young guys are able to compete well with their tall friends. And they can even take you away from your last girlfriends.

Evolutionary reasons

We believe that we have long ago separated ourselves from the animal kingdom, but in fact we still have instincts and are dependent on genetic memory, we behave in the same way as wild animals , choosing a partner.

  1. It is believed that a tall man is able to take better care of his family , since he is more resilient and stronger than his shorter brothers, runs faster and throws a conventional javelin further. But if a short male has a more developed brain, which allows his owner to be smarter than others, then the benefit of having larger parameters is partially offset. And in some cases, miniature saves the situation, because tall people are accustomed to considering themselves invincible and quickly lose their vigilance, while short people are always on the alert, expecting tricks not only from strangers, but also from their relatives. Such sensitivity to the slightest changes around helps not only a small man to survive, but also his relatives.
  2. Large size is considered, especially among the Slavs, to be an indicator of good genetics , so many women are instinctively drawn to tall gentlemen, “counting” on strong and hardy offspring. However, evolution has proven that body size in survival is not as important as good adaptability and the ability to change behavior strategies in time.

Modern reasons

Why girls don't like short guys:

  1. Double aesthetic morality. On the one hand, everyone around is actively discussing the importance of a person’s inner world, and on the other hand, the vast majority of people are guided by the external data of their partners.
  2. Independence from public opinion is formed closer to the age of forty, and before that, especially before the age of 20, most girls suffer from terrible complexes, even if they seem very self-confident to outsiders. A prominent, tall, stately partner gives me the opportunity to assert myself and demonstrate to others how cool and attractive I am.
  3. The difference in the height of a couple, when it is taller, is always a challenge to public opinion and a reason for those around them to abundantly pour out their own opinion, which interests no one. Unfortunately, this creates a depressing atmosphere and not all couples are able to resist it.
  4. In the media and cinema, the idea is actively promoted that guys should strive to be Vikings, heroes and supermen , and this, implicitly, forms a picture in the consumer’s head that in a couple he should be taller than her or of the same height.

Reasons for loving tall men

Why do girls like tall guys?

Implicitly, a woman who grew up in a normal, average family, with parents who have a good attitude towards each other and their children, strives for her partner to resemble her father.

And the tall height of a young man helps him become more attractive in the eyes of a potential partner, because he is taller and stronger, as she thinks. After all, these are the main signs of a father figure from the perspective of a little girl.

Most girls grew up reading fairy tales and cartoons about handsome princes who, judging by the pictures, were either taller than their beautiful ladies or had the same height.

And no matter how girls of all ages protest against the real power of attitudes from childhood, in fact, basic ideas about the arrangement of relationships between the sexes are rooted in our preschool times .

Therefore, many people have an association: a man’s tall stature is a veiled status of a prince. Tall height is automatically perceived as one of the signs of strength.

Therefore, normal girls with an even and balanced psyche subconsciously strive for a relationship with a partner who, thanks to their height, will be able to catch, as it seems to them, roughly speaking, more mammoths and fight off numerous strong opponents.

It's nice to feel fragile and defenseless against the background of your macho man.

And if you are taller than 170 cm, then the feeling of your own airiness in many large ladies is born only next to men who are taller and more respectable in size .

But... Some gentlemen have such charisma that they give their partners the same pleasant sensations even when they are smaller than their partners in all physical parameters.

So, having delicate external parameters, young people, lean on literature and public speaking courses. Tyrion from the acclaimed series “Game of Thrones” did approximately the same thing.

Girls' attitude to height

These days, girls are quite conservative in choosing husbands. Most girls do not consider men shorter than their height as an intimate partner. Although, according to scientists, short men are much more active in bed, and the sex life of girls with short men promises to be much brighter.

Statistics confirm that prevailing stereotypes have a serious influence on women's choices. In fact, out of a hundred couples where the woman is shorter than the man, there is only one couple with opposite indicators. Every girl thinks about what they will think of her when they see her with a short man. Large men are often invited to various events in order to present themselves with such a gentleman to other women.

How true is this?

British scientists have established a connection between growth and family happiness. A tall guy finds a life partner faster, gets married sooner and has children. Researchers have found that the height of childless guys is 2-3 cm shorter, and married guys are 2.5 cm taller.

Girls choose tall boys because they feel more secure, which is explained by evolution.

In their careers, tall guys achieve more success than short people. Swedish scientists conducted an experiment and found that tall guys also have better social status and earnings. Young people taller than 194 cm are more likely to have higher education (2-3 times). Intelligence is also important for the opposite sex.

Literary examples

If you look for other examples to prove the stated topic, then turning to the literature will give you what you are looking for. “...Sometimes a little foot walks here, a golden curl curls,” writes A.S. Pushkin about female charm in one of his poems. A small leg is a small maiden. And then the imagination will recreate the whole image without much difficulty: a short, well-shaped figure with a thin waist, blond hair, perhaps curly, a slightly flirtatious look of gray eyes from under thick eyelashes...

I can’t help but remember the portrait of the young Countess Maria Lopukhina. The famous Russian artist of the 18th century Vladimir Borovikovsky created the image of a small, charming, childishly defenseless girl. She is all like an elegant figurine. However, the young countess is aware of her attractiveness. One can feel the depth and complexity of her nature. One can see yet undisclosed sexual energy, which she is ready to give to her chosen one.

Let us allow ourselves one more literary example. And again about women's legs. The 18th-century French novelist Retief de la Bretonne effusively praised their virtues. To see a gentleman’s leg, and even a tiny one, suddenly flashing from under a lady’s long dress while dancing is a rare happiness! Fantasy will immediately complete the rest of the seductive female figure.

You see: in the 18th and 19th centuries, men also admired miniature women!

But what about in our time? Modernity corrects the idea of ​​beauty and femininity. But if the issue of the love of representatives of the stronger half of humanity for miniature ladies is still being discussed, then this is relevant.

In conclusion. You are enough

Self-development is a very useful component of every man’s life, but you should not be tied to the achievement of the desired result.

If you think you need to develop some important masculine qualities to make girls like you, remind yourself: “You are already good enough to be liked by girls.”

Firstly, personal development has no limits, so there is a possibility of ending up in a state of eternal waiting.

Secondly, the awareness of achieving intermediate goals is already time to start taking action.

Thirdly, once you reach the finish line, you may realize that even without all this acquired tinsel, “You were already enough then.”

What to do about height differences

Many girls change their opinion about a young man after they start communicating with him. A woman will be interested in a man if he turns out to be a witty conversationalist. It is even more valuable if he is willing to become a caring partner who is truly passionate about his girlfriend and respects her opinion.

In this case, short stature will not be a problem when communicating with the opposite sex. It is better to engage in self-development, and not to develop complexes because of your appearance.

If you can't come to terms with your height, use the following tricks.

Wear shoes with low heels or platforms.

The range of such models is wide, they can be sneakers, boots, classic shoes or light summer moccasins.

To visually make your figure more elongated, use haircuts where the hair on the top of the head is longer than on the temples and back of the head. Using styling products, you can lift your bangs above your forehead, which will add extra centimeters.

Men who are accustomed to walking hunched over steal a few centimeters of height from themselves.

Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor your posture and regularly perform exercises that strengthen your back muscles.

A well-groomed man with a proudly straight back, stylish hairstyle and well-chosen shoes will appeal to any woman. The above tips will also be useful for girls who have started a relationship with a short gentleman.

Short guys shouldn't despair. It is more difficult for them to meet attractive girls, but such difficulties help build character and learn to understand women better. The main thing is not to forget about self-development. After all, a person who is interesting to himself will attract others.

Women's opinion

If you ask the opinion of women themselves, to the question why they choose tall guys? You can hear quite varied answers.

Some people feel safe next to a tall man, as if behind a stone wall. Some people just want to wear high heels and at the same time remain in the shadow of their boyfriend. Some people feel fat and clumsy compared to a short guy. And some people are simply too lazy to bend over every time they want to kiss their loved one. Most likely, every woman will have her own unique answer to this question and her own reasons for choosing a guy higher than herself.

Naturally, a man's height has a significant impact only upon first meeting . In the future, the woman pays attention to the inner world of her chosen one, to his character, manner of communication, his behavior in various situations. He thinks what kind of father he will be, how he will treat his parents, whether he will be able to provide for her, and much more.

From all this we can conclude that it is too early for short guys to despair. Yes, it may be more difficult for them to meet the girl they like, but because of this they become more assertive and self-confident, which means they will definitely get any girl.

Preferences based on zodiac sign

The presence or absence of sympathy for a man can be predicted by knowing the woman’s zodiac sign. The horoscope does not stand aside in love affairs. You should analyze your chances of falling in love with a beautiful woman using a preference table.

Zodiac signWhat kind of guys do you like?
AriesAries women love active leaders, straightforward and independent men who are ready to achieve their own goals by any means.
TaurusThe financial side is important to Taurus girls, so when choosing a companion they will prefer an independent, wealthy and sexy person.
TwinsIf you are a Gemini, the horoscope cannot accurately answer what traits you like in a man. Today he can be a soft, sociable and cheerful guy, tomorrow he can be withdrawn, capricious and difficult.
CancerCancer girls are shy, so they like people who are close in spirit: uncritical, deep, economical, calm, with a share of childish spontaneity.
a lionLeo women value independence, style, generosity, and high financial status in young people. The Queen of Beasts will not allow a guy to approach her who does not correspond to her majestic position.
VirgoPractical Virgos value decency, education, hard work, dedication and responsibility. To conquer this earth sign, a guy will have to always iron his clothes, clean his shoes and remember to shave 2 times a week.
ScalesLibra girls value social status and the ability to make a good impression. This air sign loves to be envied. To win the heart of a Libra, you will have to be the best on all fronts.
ScorpionScorpio ladies fall in love only with well-read, smart, wise, courageous and strong guys. Since women of this sign are very self-critical, they value the ability to support in men.
SagittariusSagittarius girls are ready to accomplish any feat for the sake of a freedom-loving, trusting and romantic enthusiast with a wonderful sense of humor.
CapricornCapricorn women are reserved and practical. Next to them they want to see a sensitive, attentive, thrifty man who they can rely on.
AquariusAquarius girls love freedom, so they will not tolerate a pedantic guy in a relationship. Only a caring, tactful, active, interesting and easy-to-communicate person can conquer a lady.
FishRomantic and fastidious Pisces require a strong patron and protector. They look for a strong shoulder in a man. Only a faithful, caring and attentive guy will be happily enveloped in love by a woman.

Each man decides for himself how to use the knowledge gained. The main thing to remember is that girls love with their hearts, not with their eyes. To please a woman, you need to develop spiritual qualities, and only then work on your style and figure.

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