Women's psychology. 11 facts you need to know about women

No matter how strong the love between a man and a woman is, it will not last long enough without skillful interaction between partners. You can overnight destroy everything that has been built for a long time if you behave incorrectly. The success of the novel largely depends on the girl’s behavior, since the fair sex is better at avoiding sharp corners in conflict situations. What exactly is female wisdom in relationships with a man and how to use it correctly?

Women's moods are changeable

Now she is fluttering like a butterfly because you brought her favorite cakes, and an hour later she is crying avidly because she will be fat and it’s your fault... because you brought her favorite cakes.

It's the same with sex. If you put a girl in the right mood, she will jump into your bed on the first date. Yes, then she can reproach herself that she can’t be such a whore. But it was at that time that she enjoyed the emotions that you gave her.

By the way, the most dangerous time for the male brain is PMS. This is just fucked up, because there is no logic in the actions of the girls during this period. They just need to be tolerated, hugged, not hugged, and fed. And all this at the same time and better from a long distance. "How?" - you ask. Who the hell knows!

So, when the girl who purred in your ear yesterday looks at you blankly today, just relax and wait for a new attack of cuteness.

A man does not necessarily need to completely adapt to a girl’s changing mood. But it’s worth taking into account the very fact of its presence.


Many partners quarrel due to excessive emotionality and sudden changes in a woman’s mood. Various factors influence the emotional state of girls. Men prefer not to have contact with an angry loved one, as this can provoke a scandal.

Under the influence of a woman’s excessive emotionality:

  • fantasize;
  • trying to predict the development of events;
  • They make scenes of jealousy without the slightest reason.

Emotionality helps women adapt to life conditions.

Girls pay attention to little things

Even the snow queen is a vulnerable girl at heart who can burst into tears at home because her man looked at her differently today than he did yesterday.

What may not play any role for us men is extremely important for women. But this does not mean that around women you need to walk to the line and remain silent. Just avoid too slippery topics: flaws in appearance, weight, girlfriends, parents and everything else. Kidding. Almost all.

But girls really love humor. So joke and don’t be afraid to offend her with every phrase you say. A cheerful and satisfied girl will most likely laugh too if you joke about her fat ass. But it is not exactly.

In courses at Akloni Academy, I talk in more detail about what is best not to discuss with girls.

Types of relationships between the sexes

Having set out to build a strong family union, you should know what kind of relationships exist between representatives of different sexes. These are not necessarily marital or intimate relationships. The diversity of human relationships leads to various forms of interaction - from friendly to professional or spiritual. There are a number of shades and nuances in the relationship between a man and a woman.

Types of relationships between a man and a woman can be as follows:

  • friendly relationships - people have recently met or occasionally meet in a common company;
  • friendship - they communicate a lot and often, turn to each other for help and support;
  • love - the presence of strong feelings and the desire to constantly be near;
  • relationship between spouses - partners live together and run a common household;
  • spiritual - love and mutual respect, personal development in a couple.

The difference between friendships and friendships is a deeper level of interaction, degree of trust and openness. The strongest union turns out to be in family ties, when partners become family to each other, and the relationship will develop in the future.

Relationships between girls and boys can begin for various reasons: love, awareness, logical choice, etc. In any case, the union should bring joy and pleasure, a feeling of happiness and movement forward. If a couple is focused on development and creation, then they have a bright future. A man is warmed by a woman’s attention and warmth if he provides his partner with protection and takes care of her. Overcoming difficulties, crises and solving problems together will ensure a strong bond.

Working on a relationship means that everyone is willing to invest time and effort into it, openly discuss problems that arise, and look for a solution that satisfies both. Respect, love, the desire to hear and listen to each other is the key to the success of a future or already established family.

The girls are thinking

What are they thinking? All! So it’s better to tell the whole truth right away and don’t give it room for fantasy. Yes, there is such a thing as personal boundaries and you should remember them when communicating with a girl.

But, if you are late at work, it is better to immediately provide her with evidence of this than for her to begin her own investigation with torture and hysterics.

In general, honesty is important in relationships. I’m not saying that you need to spill the whole truth, sometimes understatement is better than a direct “I just want to fuck you.” But, when you are already in a tight relationship, build it on trust, then the girl won’t blow your mind.

What should you not do in a relationship with a man?

If women want to save their marriage, they not only have to know how to behave correctly with their loved one, but also understand what they should not do. There are three serious mistakes that can ruin everything. The psychology of relationships between a man and a woman is too subtle a matter. It breaks easily if people consciously or unconsciously do the wrong things or say unnecessary words.

What not to do in a relationship with a man:

  1. Saying he's a loser. Constantly remind him of his mistakes. By plunging a person into a feeling of inadequacy, you can forever discourage him from winning. A man will get used to the idea that he is a loser and will stop achieving high goals.
  2. Reject help from a man and do everything yourself. If a woman does not ask her partner to help her, she risks being left alone. A man feels useless and leaves for someone who cannot do without his support.
  3. Take on the role of a man. In any couple, one person should be strong and the other should be weak. If a woman wants to take a dominant position in a marriage and earn more money, she becomes like a man. The stronger sex does not like a subordinate position. Men want to see weak women next to them who need their care.

A happy family and a strong marriage are the dreams of many couples. The psychology of relationships between a man and a woman is a topic that needs to be studied in detail in order to create a harmonious union. After all, to have a friendly family and a loving partner, love alone is not enough. You need to know psychological rules and techniques that will help two loving hearts make life happy.

A woman will not share you with someone

When you're planning to build a lasting relationship, remember: you don't want to share your girl with another dick, and she also doesn't want to share you with passing whores.

That is, she plans to completely own your body, mind and wallet. As the main inspirer of Akloni, I maintain that relationships are built only on trust and honesty.

Do you want a problematic relationship where your wife will meet you with a frying pan? Then give her more reasons to doubt you.

Elena Druma: two diplomas and charisma

Blog : @lenadruma

Subscribers : 460k

The account of practicing psychologist Elena Druma is dedicated to relationships, self-knowledge and motivation.

She recently published the book “Be Your Own Psychologist” and insists that people can deal with most problems on their own.

Actually, everything is logical: if they were able to create difficulties for themselves, they will be able to overcome them. Her motto is: “Let go of the past, love the present, create the future you want.”

Loves inspiring messages and short posts. In a few words he can tell you whether there is a magic pill for stress, how to find harmony in relationships and how visual psychoanalysis helps you achieve what you want.

Source: Instagram | @lenadruma

She believes that material well-being is very important for a woman, because it’s better to cry in a Mercedes than in a minibus.

Conducts trainings, webinars, creates his own tests and methods. He believes that a person’s whole life depends on where he puts the comma: “You can’t act if you’re afraid.”

Subscribers claim that Elena motivates them to internal transformation and self-analysis. If a person himself does not want to understand his own problems, it is unlikely that anyone will help him.

Elena accompanies each post with funny quotes and beautiful photos that will be the envy of any lifestyle blogger.

Girls don't tolerate indifference

Although no, they tolerate it, but only in one case - when you completely block your attention with money. And believe me, you just need a lot of money for this.

Otherwise, don't be a callous asshole.

In fact, attention for every girl is a vague, but different concept. There are literally a couple of moments that all girls definitely love:

  • Flowers for no reason. Even if it is a bouquet of wildflowers, it is still nice.
  • Compliments. Don’t forget to tell your chosen one every day that she is the most beautiful, even if she looks like a crocodile. You yourself chose such a woman.
  • Tactile contact. Hugs, kisses, walking hand in hand - all this makes girls pee like boiling water.

Elena Weiss: psychologist-sorceress

Blog : @helen_wize

Subscribers : 565k

Psychotherapist, author of methods, presenter of seminars and trainings on personality development and harmonization of relationships Elena Weiss radiates positivity.

She addresses her subscribers as “my suns” and “my dears.” In her posts there are no overt calls like: “Stop feeling sorry for your skin, pull yourself together!” – the psychologist believes that it is much more important to discover your femininity, and the rest will follow.

Elena Weiss also created her own weight loss method and suggests harmonizing body and soul. There is no other way, because a vile mirror, as luck would have it, only reflects numerous imperfections!

Source: Instagram | @helen_wize

Elena Weiss claims that you can develop a woman with three simple actions:

  1. right thoughts;
  2. self-acceptance;
  3. self-development.

Elena conducts eight different trainings and even created a “Workshop of Femininity”, where she discreetly conducts psychotherapeutic work.

It would seem, what can the production of dolls and amulets provide? But the participants claim that such a simple action fills them with inner strength.

A psychologist will be happy to tell you about energy connections and karma, the secrets of losing weight and the rules of healthy relationships, and those who love more complex topics will enjoy posts on psychosomatics.

Women love sex too

Yes, most girls are passionate about relationships and love. But believe me, those ladies who have already tasted the delights of excellent fucking will never refuse to jump on a dick.

Two things stop them:

  • Public condemnation. Well, our girls have not yet learned to think with their own heads, and not be led by the opinions of grannies at the entrance.
  • Bad partners. Not all men know how to use their equipment. And even more so, give him the right presentation.

At Akloni Academy I teach how to have sex with a girl even after the first date.

Tips to help maintain feelings for a long time

Falling in love is a feeling that needs protection. Not everyone manages to preserve it for many years. Too many circumstances interfere with a person's life. They can have a serious negative impact. It is important to maintain mutual respect. Love also needs to be constantly maintained. Interpersonal conflicts are inevitable if both cannot communicate. The relationship between a guy and a girl can be judged by the following points:

  1. Personal boundaries. We must try not to invade the territory of the chosen one. Even if two people live in the same apartment, each needs individual space. To love means to strive to give and demand nothing in return. Respecting the characteristics of your other half will help you get rid of conflicts. Your own territory is the psychological basis of a happy life. You need to accept the interests and hobbies of your chosen one, without trying to change him.
  2. Mutual respect. It is necessary to abandon judgment and expressed dissatisfaction. If you pester your partner with moral teachings, it will only push him away and offend him. Accept your other half for who she is. Constant quarrels and scandals do not strengthen relationships. It is better when the union of two loving hearts overcomes any reproaches. Only acceptance, sincere participation and dedication make life together bright and fulfilling.
  3. Constant development. Relationships should not stand still, otherwise they will deteriorate and be destroyed. Each partner should strive to improve their character and reconsider their views on life. This will allow you to get closer to understanding how to make your future together comfortable. The obligations of the husband and wife depend on the desire to save the marriage and escape from difficult experiences. The efforts made are worth trying for the sake of the man or woman you love.

Thus, the psychology of relationships between a modern man and a woman is always dedication. You have to learn to listen not only to your own desires, but also to take into account the needs of your partner. Hard work requires patience and the ability to find compromises in a timely manner. Then any decisions will make sense. You can always find a way out of a difficult situation when people in the family show understanding and respect. It’s just important not to focus on the problem, but to try with all your might to solve it.


  • https://budumna.ru/psihologiya/muzhchina-i-zhenshhina/psihologiya-vzaimootnoshenij-mezhdu-muzhchinoj-i-zhenshhinoj.html
  • https://onelove.su/psihologiya-otnoshenij-mezhdu-muzhchinoj-i-zhenshhinoj/
  • https://nolimit.style/otnosheniya-muzhchiny-i-zhenschiny-kak-pravilno-stroit-otnosheniya/
  • https://mypsihologiya.ru/otnosheniya/psihologiya-i-urovni-otnoshenij-mezhdu-muzhchinoj-i-zhenshhinoj
  • https://heaclub.ru/sekrety-psihologii-pravilnyh-otnoshenij-mezhdu-muzhchinoj-i-zhenshhinoj-dlya-schastya-i-vzaimoponimaniya
  • https://ProPanika.ru/psihologiya/psihologiya-otnoshenij-mezhdu-muzhchinoj-i-zhenshhinoj/
  • https://damienmilay.com/basis/psihologiya-otnosheniy-mezhdu-muzhchinoy-i-zhenshhinoy-sekretyi-vzaimoponimaniya/
  • https://SpbLiders.ru/semejnye-otnosheniya/zdorovye-mezhdu-muzhchinoj-i-zhenshchinoj.html
  • https://otnosheniya.temaretik.com/1435422935752378687/idealnye-otnosheniya-mezhdu-muzhchinoj-i-zhenschinoj/
  • https://2womans.ru/otnosheniya/lyubov/psixologiya-mezhdu-muzhchinoj-i-zhenshhinoj/

Psychology of male love

As a rule, men tend to hide the sensual component of their lives. But being in love can make serious adjustments to the behavior of a representative of the stronger sex. This is manifested both in external changes - a man begins to take better care of himself, tries to look attractive, and in behavior. Gestures, facial expressions, and speech also change. Numerous studies of the state of male love allow us to name the most accurate probable signs that another man was struck by the mark of Cupid’s arrow:

  • Increased interest in the object of love. A man in love strives not to let his beloved out of his sight for a moment. In any situation, he tries to be as close to her as possible;
  • Striving to become better. A man in love tries to make a positive impression on his chosen one, so he begins to behave in a way that is usually unusual for him. For example, he watches his speech, gives compliments, becomes attentive, gallant, interesting, cheerful, fearless, etc. This allows a man to stand out from other representatives of the stronger sex and capture the attention of the person he is interested in.
  • Demonstration of trust. If a man shares personal experiences and open secrets with you, then he is most likely in love;
  • Expression of admiration. In the object of his love, a man tends to notice exclusively positive qualities and openly admire them;
  • Jealousy. A state of continuous rivalry remains between men. Therefore, jealousy can be considered one of the signs of falling in love, since it is nothing more than the desire to protect what one wants to possess, as well as the fear that someone else will receive this adored object.
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