How to punish a guy for being offended: what you can and cannot do

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Rozgi from Rublyovka

It was hard to believe. Pain throbbed in my butt, covered with scars. The stress reliever was rummaging around the table, choosing what he would use next to knock out the accumulated tension from me. And why did I go to Kirov? After all, both colleagues and acquaintances offered to flog me, even in my apartment, even right in the office, rather than going far away “to some maniac,” and even with a photographer friend who would photograph all this supposedly as a keepsake.

...Nikolai Platonov is just over thirty. A pure charlatan with no medical education. Came to Moscow to work. I was bored as a security guard, puzzling over how to make money without investing any money at all. I joked with the men to the point that all Muscovites are snickering bastards and, they say, they need to be flogged! And what? After all, this is an idea, just not yet fully developed. Nikolai immersed himself in the Internet and, as thoughtfully as he could, studied the history of the issue.

“They flogged the children, they flogged the soldiers, they flogged the servants,” the rose therapist lectures me between the now rhythmic blows. - And this only benefited the person. All the crap is out! And stress is the same nonsense: fictitious problems that can always be solved. But you will understand this only after the spanking.

Nikolai specially came to buy the “tool” at Rublyovka, famous throughout the country, near Moscow. He went into the forest and stripped off a dozen willows and birches. And late in the evening I thought: “Why leave? The places here are not only beautiful, but also lucrative,” and he posted advertisements in several villages. Here is the text that Nikolai remembers by heart:

“An original massage to relieve stress and get out of depression – caning! The process lasts 20-25 minutes, the maximum number of blows is 100, after 30 beats there are breaks. The basis is to drown out pain with physical pain. Classic rods 40-60 cm from birch branches and willow vines. Quantity is limited. Additionally - spitzruten, leather whip, soldier's belt. The procedure is contraindicated for persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases or blood incoagulability. After the procedure, bruises and abrasions may appear for two weeks.”

15 effective ways to punish a man

Over the thousand-year experience of coexistence in a single union with the descendants of Adam, the daughters of Eve invented many different ways to take revenge on them for grievances. Some of them are indeed very effective educational measures.

She will be a doctor. The doctor really needs to jump from heights! She is smart and well versed in biology. Best of all in Thorsen. True, she only took second place in the school-wide competition, but this was because she was afraid to answer orally. Disse, of course, is also smart. But that's not the point.

Choose any of these magical methods for punishing the offender and be sure that his crimes will not go unpunished. But everything is good in moderation, so you shouldn’t get used to it and revel in new ideas of revenge: it can become a habit. And before you move on to such pranks, talk to your loved one directly at least one more time.

A dream is a fragile creation that people constantly betray, some do this out of their own laziness, because in order to get something, you need to do something. Others give up their desire out of fear of the outcome of what they will succeed, while others are afraid of being judged by others. All these people are afraid to put in a little effort for their dreams and finally fulfill their desire - their dream. It just so happens that it is the young who are able to dream and get what they want faster. At this age, for the sake of his dream, a person with courage and recklessness is ready to give up all his strength to make his dream come true.

A lot can happen between two people: the guy can be wrong, and the girl can be wrong. All this makes the relationship more strained. Eventually there will probably be an explosion. Need to do something.

Every action we take always has some consequences, and we need to remember these consequences. Therefore, the universal answer to the question of how to punish a guilty husband can be considered any measure that will show him that he must be responsible for all his actions and words. Unfortunately, in our modern world, betrayal is a common event, especially betrayal by a guy. Girls behave differently in such cases: some immediately leave the guy and forget about him, some endure and suffer, and some simply take revenge.

Flagellation technique

First, stroke the buttocks, legs, back, and neck with the whip. This technique will reveal the partner's more sensitive areas. Then, strike lightly from right to left, from top to bottom. Gradually increase the strength and intensity of the blows, remembering to observe your partner’s reaction.

During spanking, try to cover as large areas of the body as possible. At this stage the skin will turn red.

At the end of the process, you can give several strong blows to the most sensitive areas. Accompany spankings with harsh words.

One of the common flagellation mistakes is overlap. This is when the ends of the whip do not touch the surface being treated, but only grip the sides. The skin on the sides is much softer, and the impact force due to the acceleration of the tails is stronger.

It is recommended to move on to stronger flagellation after at least five sessions. You don’t have to change the technique and strength of spanking at all if you feel comfortable and pleased at the initial stage.


Fun in an adult company is rarely complete without strong drinks. Use alcohol to make wishes for a guy:

  1. Drink a cocktail of your own making, feel what it consists of and guess the composition.
  2. Drink a large amount of alcoholic beverage in one gulp. A glass of 100-200 ml will be enough.
  3. Be able to knock back vodka with pepper.
  4. Drink the contents of the glass without your hands.
  5. Drink a glass of whiskey with a teaspoon.
  6. Pour alcohol into the caps and place them on the stairs. The loser moves on all fours until all the lids are empty.
  7. Prepare delicious cocktails for all the girls.
  8. Go to the store for another bottle of wine.
  9. Snack on a drink with a product that is completely unsuitable for this.
  10. Drink beer and hula hoop at the same time.
  11. Loop the alcohol out of the saucer.
  12. Drink cocktails in an awkward position: with your leg thrown over your head, standing upside down.

This is just a small wish list for a guy who has lost at cards or an argument. It can easily be supplemented using imagination and ingenuity.

Searching results:

1. “He himself never allows himself too much in relation to girls.” I was scared and found out that it had something to do with Mikhail Prokhorov only when I saw him. I remember going out onto the podium and seeing two men
- Mikhail Prokhorov and some friend of his.
Date: 09/25/2015 Copy on Google 2. The first “sex scandal” with the head of state organized by the media in the modern history of Russia. ... female politicians and bosses in the Russian state were formed by portly, loud-voiced women with high hairstyles and bright makeup, whose decisive shouts from one end of the corridor to the other made even the most stern men
... And it is impossible to such an extent that another tabloid, “favorite newspaper President,” gives a demonstrative
to the offending competitor.
A very patriotic flogging
, with a vine ringing in the air and the executor’s contemptuously twisted lips.
Date: 04/28/2008 Copy on Google 3. Hollywood stars through the eyes of a private detective. John Crutchfield, a tall, burly man
in his sixties with dyed black hair, doesn't write novels. Date: 12/15/2003 Copy on Google 4. Suit in the color of a young grasshopper:

Date: 10/02/2006 Copy on Google

5. TT: The Chicks.
(the interlocutor lazily turned his head) This is a whore, Volodenka” From a conversation between two wealthy men
on the summer veranda of Justo Not a single presentation, club party, not a single set of a fashionable DJ is complete without a certain number of iconic attributes, the so-called club characters, golden youth, VIP's and chicks.
Date: 03/24/2004 Copy on Google 6. “Slope” syndicate in the military registration and enlistment offices of Moscow and the Moscow region. Having found Maxim at the appointed place in the park, who turned out to be a respectable man
in an expensive suit, Artyom saw next to him several other young men who were clearly of military age.
Date: 07/10/2017 Copy on Google 7. Anton Belyakov Circus. And Vyacheslav Timchenko demanded that Belyakov, if he was a real man
, apologize to the entire Senate. In December 2015, Belyakov tried to
the regional Accounts Chamber for “connivance of corruption.”
Date: 03/17/2016 Copy on Google 8. The worm was not in the Kremlin’s plate. But, as a rule, they do not lead to public flogging
of those who are guilty or who made them public knowledge. First of all, this concerns, of course, the menu itself...
which the Vietnamese authorities staged in honor of the President of the Philippines who had arrived on a state visit, Mislang discussed the menu in detail on her Twitter, informing everyone who was interested that “Vietnamese wine is urine” and Vietnamese men
are freaks... Date: 11/25/2010 Copy on Google 9. Big trouble in Rostov.
Otherwise, how else can we explain that a man
born in 1963 uses every opportunity to once again say, “But I’m a pensioner...”.
Date: 12/15/2003 Copy on Google 10. The Psychopath's Handbook. In total, the list contains more than 500 different phobias, including phobias of various animals (from mice to bulls), people (Chinese, beautiful women, bald men,
etc.), natural phenomena (from sunrise to the northern lights), certain places (bridges , houses, cemeteries), actions or situations, as well as individual objects (books, watches, bicycles, etc.).
Date: 02/04/2002 Copy on Google 11. “Bluebeard” by Yuri Shefler. BG correspondent follows the progress of the trials Nikolai Klimenyuk Tata Oleinik - aka “Almost a new boa” Unbearable suffering Washington lawyer Robert Steinbuch loves a good spanking
. The blog of an unknown “Washington woman” was noticed and republished on the gossip site Wonkette: “God, I’m fucking six
at the same time!
Date: 08/22/2006 Copy on Google 12. “Full House” Archipelago. men
on a bench in the yard - clearly local residents. Arrange a demonstrative
with the early termination of the powers of some governor.
Date: 09/28/2004 Copy on Google 13. Mordashov and two Elenas. Even psychologists have a suspicion that Elena Mordashova gave a loud public spanking
not by chance. She went to see a gynecologist, and a strict doctor interrogated her: “Does
the man
Date: 10.10.2001 Copy on Google 14. What is being presented to “Yabloko”. … 38, 21. Desnitsa (Igor Melnikov) 09.17.2003, No. 38, 22. Meridian (Belgorod) (Igor Melnikov) 09.17.2003, No. 36, 23. Tom (Kemerovo) (Igor Melnikov) 09.17.2003, No. 38 ; Publication “It’s Real to Defeat Poverty!”, what he thinks about the structure of the world and the role of men
and women in it, number 3 on the Yabloko list Igor Artemyev 1. Tom (Kemerovo), Sorokin Konstantin, 09.17.2003, No. 38; 2. Caravan ROS (Yaroslavl), Konstantin Sorokin, 09.16.2003, No. 38; 3. Prospect, Konstantin Sorokin, 09.16.2003, No. 38; 4. Amur meridian... Date: 10/28/2003 Copy on Google

Too much sweet is bad for you 4

When children are told that sweets in large quantities are evil, children do not believe. If you tell adults that having too much sex is a nightmare, they won’t believe it either, and it’s completely in vain. Sexual punishment is one of the most severe punishments in BDSM.

The meaning of this punishment can be described in three words: fuck to death. In practice, everything looks even more brutal. The guilty submissive continues to be stimulated even after an orgasm has occurred, even if there was more than one orgasm. The influence continues until the lower one, with tears and lamentations, begins to beg for mercy. And not as languidly as they do during games to spur a partner on, but whining in horror that the torture will never end.

Technically, it is quite difficult to carry out such an execution, but what cannot be done for the sake of raising a good slave. The first thing a dominant needs to do is try to master the technique of prolonged sexual intercourse, i.e. learn not to cum for as long as possible. The second step is to stock up on sex toys. Masturbators and vibrating vaginas are for punishing men, dildos and strap-ons are for women. There should be a lot of sex toys in order to quickly change them, since the battery charge is clearly not enough to bring the lower one to the required state.

When everything is ready, you can begin the execution, but it is important to remember that the rules of “safe words” also apply. No one has canceled the fall of the bottom into a state of euphoria either, so the top must carefully monitor the slave’s condition. In addition, you need to remember that men’s ability to have several orgasms in a row is very limited, which means the torture itself is shorter for them. This is due to the fact that they quickly reach the point of unbearable discomfort.

You can mention the light version of punishment with sex - this is a ban on having an orgasm. In addition to the verbal order, you will have to carefully monitor that the lower one, having reached the point, does not receive a discharge. Stop any stimulation as soon as orgasm begins to approach, and continue stimulation as soon as the tension subsides a little. This torture can continue for quite a long time.

Capital perverts

The first clients of the enterprising businessman were, of course, trusting women.

“Men relieve stress with vodka,” Nikolai laughs, “and are more afraid of pain.” And women sometimes ask to have their ass torn into rags - they can withstand more than a hundred blows! They moan, writhe, squirm. They admit that one spanking is worth two orgasms. One man came to me to prepare for sex with his wife - he had such a hard-on after the spanking! He was already growling and yelling under the rods: “I’ll come home now, wow, wife, hold on!”

Advanced Muscovites do not want to be flogged with items from the arsenal now available in every sex shop: a spitz rod, a whip - it’s boring and uninteresting.

“You are all eager for the rod,” their popularizer is perplexed. - Perverts!

But circumstances forced me to return home - and there are few such people in Kirov...

To be shocking, patients constantly need to be surprised! - he dresses up in a short skirt

But I quickly stopped paying attention to his shaggy thighs, because I was filled to the brim with pain. She's stuck somewhere in the solar plexus area

She was spinning there like a top and couldn’t get out. Under the spitzruten and the whip, she shuddered with her whole body, squeezing her “buns” in fear. And the thighs were decorated with bluish, swollen scars for another week. The belt lay down in broad strokes, giving some rest. The rods made me squeal subtly - and with almost the same subtle squeal they fell on my tender flesh. What I liked the most were the bamboo sticks. I was like a xylophone on which they tapped melodiously: fifth point - legs - heels. There - here - back - it’s nice for you - and for me...

Flagellation process

For the first experiment it is not necessary to use professional tools. Due to your inexperience, you may inadvertently hurt your partner. Your palm is a good place to start. You need to spank backhand, but adjusting the force of the blow. The sound will be resonant, marks of passion will appear on the skin, which will disappear in about half an hour. A comfortable position during flagellation plays an important role.

The most comfortable position is to place your partner on the bed with their back up, placing a pillow under their hips to slightly raise their buttocks.

During spanking, you can lightly humiliate your partner to make the game more vivid. Flagellation is a process of domination of the moral, not the physical. Once you have mastered the skill of using your palm, you can buy a whip. There are quite a few varieties, but you still need to start with a flogger.

A flogger is a whip with at least 40 tails. They look very menacing, but the blows are quite soft and leave virtually no marks. You can hit the back, stomach, legs, buttocks. Experienced craftsmen use this type of whip for warming up.

You can also use an officer's belt for spanking - it is much tougher than a flogger, so you should calculate the force of the blow and never use a buckle. The blows with the belt are short-term and sporadic.

The pain from them is much stronger than from any other lashes. For inexperienced people, these devices can cause considerable harm.

Delayed punishment, ignoring, separation5

These are three of the most terrible and cruel punishments in BDSM that can be thought of for a submissive.

The easiest of them is deferred punishment. It should be used in the case when the bottom tries to influence the actions of the dominant by committing offenses and counting on receiving punishment. Such behavior of a slave is unacceptable, and therefore must be severely punished.

Its practical application is quite simple. The bottom expects to receive attention and punishment from the top for the offense committed. To punish him means to follow the slave’s lead, to completely refuse punishment - the slave will have doubts about the advisability of further relations.

There is only one way out - to promise to punish, but only when the Master wants and to delay the execution of the punishment. Waiting can drive people crazy, especially when you're waiting for something you want. If, in anticipation of punishment, the slave continues to commit misconduct, hoping to force events, you can try to ignore him or break up altogether.

Ignoring is a very severe punishment in BDSM; it should be used for serious offenses and be very dosed. It is also simple to perform - the lower one is deprived of the privileges of touching, being close to, or even communicating with the Master. Naturally, all scheduled BDSM sessions and tasks that the superior gave before are cancelled.

The worst punishment is separation. It may be temporary, but the slave does not need to know about it. Punishment should be used only as a last resort, when the behavior of the bottom indicates that his personal qualities are not compatible with the theme of BDSM.

Spanking of an adult guy by a woman

But that was not all, two angry women stood by the bed, my aunt and a neighbor, the mother of the boy to whom I gave the magazine, and so she dragged me out of bed by the ear, calling me bad and degrading words for my masculine dignity.

A thirty-five-year-old woman, she raised a son and daughter my age alone, a classmate of mine, and was very malicious and strict. In the morning she found my obscene magazine under the boy’s pillow and after a spanking, he handed me over to my mother, who immediately came to the showdown. Oh, and she screamed while she was dragging me out of bed by my ear. According to her, I ruined her son and spoiled her with all sorts of nasty things and they need to quickly hand me over to some special institution, behind barbed wire, where they will teach me how to live.

In addition, the women quickly discovered a wet spot on the bedspread and that my pants were also wet, and this fact only added fuel to the fire. Not only did I ruin her son with all sorts of nasty things, but I also got a hole in her pants - people like me need to be spanked not just regularly, but every day.

Stunned by what had happened, I just sniffled, sobbed from humiliation and remained stupidly silent, forgetting about my manhood. What dignity is there when your pants are wet, and a woman is dragging you somewhere by the ear. And the women dragged me to the veranda and the first thing they did was make me take off my wet pants and underpants and soak it all in a trough. My aunt left the wet bed there to soak, and the women themselves immediately took up my upbringing and read morals to me for a long time, shouting over each other and deciding what to do next with the morally corrupt scoundrel.

The scoundrel, meanwhile, stood in front of the women, neither alive nor dead, trying with all his might to pull the hem of his short T-shirt lower with his hands, in order to somehow cover his manhood, which was not covered as usual with panties, which, moreover, apparently grew into a size and all the time strove to lean out from under it to freedom. Of course, it couldn’t impress women with its size, but the dark hairs around it already showed that the guy would soon become a man.

It ended with my neighbor’s aunt begging her not to hand me over anywhere, but to take care of my upbringing on her own and start with a good spanking with my own wide officer’s belt. The neighbor woman, with difficulty but still agreed to my aunt’s proposal, added her own options for my upbringing, took the belt my aunt offered and pulled the T-shirt off my head, bent my body lower and began spanking the guy, the first in his life.

To be honest, I was so stunned by everything that happened that I didn’t even resist while the woman was spanking me and after the spanking, I stood obediently at attention in front of my teachers, no longer trying to beak, I asked for forgiveness piteously, I promised that this would not happen again, I washed I soaked my clothes and bed, sobbing from humiliation and sometimes rubbing the soft spot that was burning with fire after the belt with my palm.

I washed it in a large trough, standing in front of the women in what my mother gave birth to and my manhood clearly indicated that I was ashamed in front of the women who were sitting at the table, drinking tea, looking with a grin at my male shame sticking out almost vertically and deciding my fate my future. And as I already understood from the women’s conversation, this was the first, but far from the last spanking in my young life, and that now hard times await me and a completely new lifestyle, under the thumb of women.


Taming the Shrew: Which “buttons” should an undeservedly offended lady press?

Think hundreds of times whether it is worth forgiving a person for such a low and offensive act towards you. A union after betrayal is like a glass stuck together. It’s clearly impossible to drink from it, but it’s a shame to throw it away.

And the owner of the dishware constantly rushes from thinking about how to use the container to getting rid of it once and for all. Any strong union is built, first of all, on trust.

Both old and young know this. What kind of trust can you have in a person who cynically insulted your dignity and humiliated you by choosing another woman over you? Even if you attribute all this to male “polygamy,” which is the most typical misconception of family psychologists, or “purely physical attraction,” you must be prepared for a repetition of this act on his part.

In addition, you are almost guaranteed to constantly suspect him, and poison the lives of both of you.

A sincerely loving man does not want to see anyone next to him except his woman.

Why is spanking necessary?

Flagellation is the art of subjugating a partner through spanking. Spanking leads to arousal; it should not bring pain, but pleasure from submission. During the impact, a rush of blood occurs to the soft tissues, which provokes an increase in pressure. The change can be noticed by redness of the face, change in lip color. As soon as you notice such a reaction, you should immediately stop flagellation.

The intensity of the impact may vary depending on the preferences of the partner. Some people like soft flip flops, others want something harder. During flagellation, you can and should include game elements.

You can buy erotic costumes, come up with a scenario and bring the “scourging” to life. If you don’t want to play role-playing games, you can use the phrase “If you don’t do this (don’t listen to me, etc.), I’ll whip you!”

What to do after being taught a lesson

When the husband has done a mischief, what should the wife do?

  • Save face, pretend that everything is fine. He must not understand that the punishment was cunningly planned.
  • If your spouse starts to get nervous (and he inevitably will), smile and act casual
  • When the guy reaches the holy truth, for the sake of which everything was started, gently scold him and hug him as a consolation.

Of course, all this should be taken with humor and not lead to a real quarrel.

Of course, a wife is not a mother to punish her husband like a schoolboy. Instead of punishments, it is better to just talk and explain to your spouse why he hurt you so much. Conversation is sometimes more effective in strengthening relationships than any punitive actions.

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