Hypnosis and no fraud: the tricks of the gypsies, and how to overcome them without losing your wallet

  • What is gypsy hypnosis
  • Gypsy hypnosis technique
  • Scientific explanation
  • How to protect against the gypsy hypnosis
  • Gypsy hypnosis training
  • conclusions

The young girl had barely left the beauty salon and was proudly walking along the avenue, mentally going through possible scenarios for the upcoming date. Suddenly I heard a sad child’s voice begging for a few rubles for a piece of bread. Turning around, I saw a gypsy boy with a sad face looking straight into his eyes. She took out her wallet and suddenly realized that she and the boy were slowly surrounded by a buzzing crowd of gypsies. Having come to her senses after a short-term stupor, and remembering the stories about the power of gypsy hypnosis, the girl rushed out from the encirclement... She discovered the loss immediately - there was no bag, wallet with money, jewelry, watch... The crowd dispersed. There is no trace left of the scammers.

What is gypsy hypnosis

There is no concept of “gypsy hypnosis” in science. The common name has stuck thanks to those who often use the technique of suggestion for selfish reasons - about gypsies. Among all existing hypnosis techniques, the two most common are classical and Ericksonian. The first is based mainly on directive principles and verbal communication. The second technique is based not on direct attitudes, but on suggestive (suggestive) influence. The task of a specialist who knows the intricacies of gypsy hypnosis is to strive to suppress a person’s will. Thus, the hypnologist makes a victim out of the ward, stupefies her in order to deceive and ultimately steal.

Gypsies are not followers of the teachings of Milton Erickson. It’s just that their “deception strategy” is built on the same principles that underlie Erickson’s hypnosis.

This includes:

  • Entanglement;
  • Excessive brain load;
  • Distraction of attention, introduction to a lost state;
  • Template break;
  • Consent to commit actions that are absurd for a person in a normal state;
  • Introduction to trance;
  • The final stage is amnesia lasting several minutes so that the fraudster can escape.

Gypsy hypnosis differs from other types of suggestions in the main thing – the goal. We usually call such acts fraud or scams. They have nothing to do with professional sessions that are conducted for noble reasons, in particular for the sake of healing.

The scammer does not need to put a person into a deep trance - this is the key feature of gypsy hypnosis, distinguishing it from other methods of influence. The victim of suggestion remains conscious, but commits thoughtless actions suggested by the gypsy. Sometimes the scammer’s suggestion is so strong that after the session the person does not remember either the actions committed or the communication itself.

Are all people hypnotizable?

More than one special sociological study has been conducted on the topic of hypnotizability. According to the data obtained, only about 25% of the inhabitants of the Earth are not susceptible to hypnosis. According to the American psychiatrist, Milton Erickson, the reason for the suggestibility of the vast majority of people is a favorable beginning, because hypnotic influence involves the cooperation of the hypnologist and the patient on a voluntary basis.

The following cannot be hypnotized:

  • Skeptics;
  • Realists with an analytical mindset, accustomed to criticizing reality;
  • People with mental disabilities;
  • People under the influence of alcohol, drugs and other substances.

Suggestion does not occur if the person on whom the influence is directed is skeptical and his consciousness strongly resists the actions of the specialist.

People who critically perceive reality are practically not susceptible to hypnotic influence. Such patients analyze in detail every event, even a minor one, and are ready to enter into a discussion to defend their point of view. Gypsies recognize a skeptical candidate after the first phrase. The fraudster has no choice but to retreat, because it is difficult to deceive such a person.

The third category of non-hypnotizable people are people with mental disorders. This also includes patients with mental retardation, as well as people under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Such individuals are not subject to trance, even if they themselves want to be hypnotized. They are not able to consciously process the images created by the hypnologist, and this is a necessary condition for hypnotic influence.

Still, lack of hypnotizability is a relative concept. Some patients who are initially resistant to hypnosis successfully enter a trance after several sessions. There are cases where people relaxed and were able to concentrate on the problem on the 25th or more attempt.

Why does gypsy hypnosis work?

Most people know about gypsy hypnosis - and in fact about the ability of gypsies to persuade people in order to deceive them. However, the number of naive passers-by who fall for scammers is not decreasing over time. And the point is not even that many want to deceive themselves. There are people among us who are unable to resist the manipulations of obsessive gypsies. Scientists say that there is nothing mystical in the actions of swindlers in colorful skirts. Gypsy hypnosis from start to finish is built on knowledge of human psychology and mastery of neurophysiology techniques - on an intuitive level, of course. Roma do not acquire their knowledge and skills through academic means. Their skills have been practiced over centuries and passed on from the older generation to the younger.

The basis of gypsy hypnosis are:

  • Selectivity in choosing a ward;
  • Ability to establish contact;
  • Suddenness of action;
  • The ability to create a favorable atmosphere for interaction with people.

Gypsies do not choose a potential victim spontaneously. They look for a lonely person in the crowd. It is better if it is a young girl or woman with a sad look, demonstrating her bad mood. Depressed people are considered almost ready for suggestion. The gypsy skillfully casts a piercing gaze to put the victim into a trance.

To establish contact, the swindler needs to ask a passerby just one question. If a person gives a negative answer, the scammer will most likely leave behind. The probability of deceiving a passerby in this case is extremely small, because all subsequent communication between the gypsy and the victim is based on agreement with what she initially says.

The sudden appearance and appeal to a person also plays a big role in achieving the goal. A person must be unexpectedly brought out of his usual state. For this, there are pre-prepared cliché phrases that talk about damage or witchcraft aimed at the victim. Phrases that speak of danger to a relative are considered especially alarming. As a result, a person is distracted from reality and concentrates on the problem.

At the next stage, gypsies consolidate verbal communication. This is done in several ways:

  • Some special gestures that attract attention;
  • Touching the right hand;
  • Chaotic walking: when multi-colored skirts flash before your eyes, the trance effect intensifies.

Feeling that the person is completely in her power, the gypsy gives the victim clear instructions, takes the valuables and leaves. As you can see, there is nothing mystical in the actions of scammers

These are the basic principles of gypsy hypnosis. Next, we’ll talk in detail about the technique of inducing trance.

Video on the topic

How do gypsies hypnotize? Answers in the video:

Gypsies diligently maintain the established image of a people possessing supernatural abilities. Magic, telepathy, the gift of clairvoyance, the ability to prophesy - this is their bread, their income. Perhaps there are grains of truth hidden in the piles of fiction.

However, reality proves that this type of hypnosis is used by scammers who do not have a drop of gypsy blood in their veins. Using these techniques, they change the form, but not the content of the techniques. As an example, hard-to-pronounce words and abbreviations can be used to induce trance. Be careful!

Gypsy hypnosis technique

Gypsies use a complex step-by-step technique for introducing the “ward” into hypnotic sleep. “Specialists” in most cases achieve results because they act with confidence and do not waste time attracting non-hypnotizable people.

To put a passerby into a trance state, you need:

  • Attract attention;
  • Establish contact by running a well-developed script;
  • Establish rapport (controlled contact with the subconscious);
  • Put a person into a very deep trance;
  • Having reached the goal, complete the task.

These are the basic elements of gypsy hypnosis. What does each of these stages imply?

How to attract attention

First, the gypsy turns on the “search method”. Scammers do not work in less traveled alleys. On the contrary, they are looking for a crowded place, because here the choice of victims is richer, and in case of failure or, conversely, if the case is successful, it will be easier to escape with the stolen goods. A gypsy woman approaches a lonely person and persistently asks for fortune telling or asks for matches - in general, she asks any question that requires a basic answer or action. If a person stops and looks at the gypsy, the processing of the victim continues. At this stage, we can already say that the passerby is “in trouble”, and the scammer begins to establish a connection.

Making contact

Anyone who answers a decisive “no” will not become a victim of gypsy hypnosis. Gypsies, as a rule, retreat from confident individuals, because it is difficult to “process” such a citizen. Scammers establish contact if a person fulfills a request or is interested in what was said. Then a whole arsenal of tools is used to help establish relationships and trust.

For example, a gypsy:

  • Copies the pose of a passerby;
  • Pronounces important instructions that sound more clearly against the background of other words;
  • During the persuasion process, the tempo of speech changes several times;
  • Blinks eyes frequently;
  • Speaks when a person exhales, yawns or sneezes (it has been proven that at such moments a person’s consciousness is most vulnerable).

Gypsies learn these and other skills throughout their lives and practice their actions until they become automatic.

Establishing rapport

The second stage involves further processing of the street victim.

In order for waking hypnosis to be successful, it is necessary to remove a person from a normal state and create overexcitation, simultaneously influencing 4 senses:

  • Vision: the victim is unsettled by colored skirts moving quickly in space, flashing faces and sparkling jewelry;
  • Hearing: gypsies constantly say something, either slowing down or strengthening their voice, or simply creating a hum;
  • Smell: gypsies emit a specific smell, to which a passer-by also reacts, thereby more strongly activating the work of another sense organ;
  • Touch: usually the gypsy tries to pick up the person’s right palm (“let me tell you fortune”), which is responsible for the work of the left hemisphere. Thus, it also interferes with the psychological zone of the passerby and disrupts his emotional background.

A strong attack on the sense organs dulls a person’s consciousness. Control of important human organs and thoughts passes to the subconscious. This complex process has its own scientific name - rapport, or controlled contact. During “fooling”, the “mirroring” technique is also used. Namely, the fraudster duplicates the victim’s gestures, facial expressions and intonation. The combination of the above actions makes a person frightened. The passerby freezes, becomes constrained and begins to think poorly.

Deepening into trance

The gypsy continues her persuasion, but includes special commands in her speech, and gives them out unnoticed in the context. Gradually, the victim begins to experience the first signs of falling asleep, which gradually intensify. The passerby is disconnected from reality and ultimately reacts only to the voice of the gypsy.

Starting with the seemingly ordinary commands “Give me a pen,” “Look,” “You see, a cross,” “Take...”, “Stop...”, etc., the swindler brings the person to complete obedience. Having put the victim into a deep trance, she continues to speak, but adds other commands to her speech, for example, “Give me the ring,” “Look in the bag,” “Get your wallet,” etc.

Achieving the goal

The goal of hypnosis has been achieved. When everything is taken away from a clueless person, the gypsy can only quickly leave. Some scammers don't stop there. They command “Lead into the house”, “Open the door” and leave after taking valuables from the apartment.

Who might get hooked?

Characteristics of people who are more likely to attract the attention of gypsies:

  1. Women. It is often easier to lure girls with an offer to tell fortunes; on average, they are more trusting, open, and empathic, which allows them to elicit pity. They are also more likely to be greedy for compliments related to their appearance, which allows them to quickly gain trust.
    Thanks to specific gender socialization, women are more often shy, afraid to give a full blowback, less critical, less aggressive, so they are more convenient for scammers.

    In addition, the things that gypsies sell are usually designed for women: cosmetics, jewelry, clothing, including children's, fabrics. In addition, women are more likely than men to have depression.

  2. People who find themselves in a difficult situation, who are in a state of depression, severe stress, or experiencing the death of a loved one. Those who are desperate are more likely to fall prey to scammers because they find it harder to think critically about what's going on around them. They often feel apathetic, helpless, vulnerable, lonely, and are easier to disorient. If, for example, a person has fallen into depression due to breaking up with a lover, the gypsy who has found out this can, in the process of processing, tell him that great love and a strong family awaits him, and say a lot of compliments. This will make it easy to gain trust. Also, people who have lost a loved one are able to believe fortune tellers and psychics if they, for example, talk about the afterlife.
  3. People who look inexperienced and naive, who are in unusual circumstances. This is probably one of the reasons why gypsies are often found at train stations: after traveling, people are often exhausted, do not know the area well, feel unusual, and usually carry quite a lot of cash with them. Talking them into revealing something that can be used for manipulation and disorientation is much easier than others.

Scientific explanation

The scientific basis for the success of gypsy hypnosis is based on drawing a correspondence between the techniques used by gypsies and the Ericksonian method of hypnotization. The method is based on an individual approach. The scammer does not give the victim directive instructions, which patients more often reject. The “specialist” identifies a person’s problem with the failures that most of us have, or acts radically, taking into account surprise and shock. The gypsy immediately unleashes a huge stream of information on the passerby, takes him out of his rut, and reaches a state of stupor in order to prevent him from analyzing what is happening. A person who has lost touch with the real world becomes an easy prey, ready to follow any instructions of the gypsy.

There are three prerequisites that make a street session successful:

  • Lightning impact;
  • The desire to catch the victim in a standard life situation. The fact is that it is easier to subject a person to suggestion in a normal environment, devoid of stress and distractions;
  • Having a clear, well-thought-out script.

The leading role in gypsy hypnosis is played by special mechanisms of influence on the psyche and consciousness:

  • An incessant stream of words;
  • Choosing the optimal speech speed;
  • Changing the order of words in a sentence: used so that the potential victim listens to what was said, thereby switching all attention to the interlocutor and distracting himself from everyday life;
  • Choosing a special wave-like intonation with a clear placement of accents;
  • Active use of diminutive words;
  • Switching to “you” to create a friendly environment and remove barriers.

How to protect against the gypsy hypnosis

If you see a crowd of gypsies nearby, or one of them has already approached you with a question, start acting immediately.

In this case, you will leave without losses, or they will be minimal:

  • Don’t answer anything - don’t react at all to questions or concerns raised about damage. Speed ​​up and walk past. As soon as you look into your eyes and slow down, the gypsy will begin to establish a hidden contact;
  • Do something unpredictable: shout loudly, jump, stomp your foot, clap. Such actions will confuse the gypsy herself;
  • Don't get close to intruders. Try to keep your distance. By touching your shoulder or palm, the scammer will try to disconnect you from reality and shift your attention to herself. In this case, you will definitely find yourself in her hands.

Protection against gypsies at home

Cases of gypsies appearing on the threshold of your apartment cannot be ruled out. In one’s own home, a person feels as protected and relaxed as possible, but scam options do not exclude the possibility of a hypnotic session at home. It is important to adhere to basic safety rules. Do not allow strangers into the apartment, even if they are trustworthy, such as a woman with a child or a social service worker.

Situations where the victim purposefully goes to a gypsy woman’s home with the aim of performing magical rituals deserve special attention. The monetary moment in this case is transparent. Fortune teller services are paid at a pre-agreed rate. In reality, everything does not always end in one session. Hypnotists carry out work on their territory using all kinds of available magical means. A person, getting rid of a contrived problem, acquires a new one through suggestion. As a result, session after session he gives decent sums to the gypsy for saving her life or returning her husband to the family.

No matter how difficult the situation may be, you should not let your guard down. If you are one of the people who believes in supernatural forces and the possibility of getting rid of problems with their help, do not forget about your inner resources. It may be worth contacting a professional psychologist who can help conduct a deep analysis of the issues that concern you. It is impossible to deny the existence of people with healing abilities, but it is worth distinguishing between sincere intentions to help and the desire to make money from your problems.

Gypsy hypnosis can hardly be called a gift, since it presupposes a bright beginning. When it is used only for the purpose of enrichment, it is rather a masterly deception skillfully used by the gypsy people.

Gypsy hypnosis training

This is one of the most complex techniques of suggestion, on the one hand, it has a scientific basis, on the other, it is shrouded in myths and secrets. Gypsies do not need special training in hypnosis. They learn skills from their elders. Most of them live in this environment. I practice the technique of suggestion for the sake of deception quite often and, sadly, they use them as a means of livelihood.

Ordinary people are often interested in learning gypsy hypnosis. And not because fraud provides an easy way to get rich. The acquired skills can be used completely legally, and you can receive additional dividends from this if you direct the skills in a positive direction.

It is useful to take a training course:

  • Representatives of intelligence services;
  • People involved in self-development;
  • Businessmen, heads of companies or departments;
  • Advertising agents;
  • Consultants, agents of insurance companies;
  • Sales managers;
  • People who want to learn techniques for influencing the subconscious, for their own personal reasons;
  • Psychologists, teachers, doctors

What the specialist will teach:

  • Put a person into a hypnotic trance and hold it in this state for the required time;
  • Therapy – to get rid of many problems;
  • Use the limitless resources of the human subconscious;
  • Launch and apply healing processes;
  • Get rid of the impact of negative suggestions, block outside interference;
  • Teach your patients self-hypnosis;
  • Use hypnotic techniques when working in a team.

Most trainings provide an integrated approach to training and, together with Gypsy, use the mechanisms of conversational, Ericksonian, directive and self-hypnosis. The price of training depends on the number of training programs, the number of seminars and the level of the training center.


In a hypnotic state, a person is convinced that by parting with money, he will get rid of problems, future and current troubles, the reality of which he believed while in a trance.

Coming out of hypnosis, the brain tries to comprehend what happened, sometimes this happens even at the stage of the gypsy’s last parting words. But the victim’s memory most likely will not retain clear, distinct memories. Many experience a complete loss of memory.

As for health, being instantaneous, gypsy hypnosis has a short-term effect on a person and does not cause serious mental problems.

The main consequences of gypsy hypnosis:

  • loss of money, material assets, sometimes passports and other documents;
  • lapse of memory;
  • It's unpleasant to feel fooled.


Gypsy hypnosis as a proven, even scientific technique of suggestion with its own laws did not arise immediately. Initially, the ability of fraudsters to cause damage was considered magic, and the acquired skills of the gypsies were kept under seven seals. “Magical abilities” were carefully passed on from generation to generation, not trusting secrets to people of other faiths. To be completely honest, there is still a lot of magic in hypnosis. The merit of scientists lies only in the fact that they gave a decent name to the terrifying action. Now the ability of gypsies to inspire confidence and influence consciousness is called gypsy hypnosis...

A definition has appeared, but judging by the number of those deceived, the secret of witchcraft was and remains a secret!

Video with gypsy hypnosis:

Reception with a mirror

This item is often used in their rituals by various fortune tellers, sorcerers, and magicians. The mirror is believed to have supernatural powers, which is why it is often an indispensable tool in hypnotizing a gypsy.

For example, this story happened to a real friend of mine. At the bus station, a crowd of people of that same nationality surrounded her and offered to tell fortunes. The girl was given a mirror and told to look for her betrothed in it. While the victim peered intently, she fell into some kind of incomprehensible trance. And when she woke up, the gypsies were gone... along with her new expensive earrings, mobile phone and wallet.

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