Compliments to a girl or 100 ideas on how to make her smile

1. Appearance.

  1. You have such thin and graceful fingers that I want to hold your hand all the time.
  2. Did you know that when you smile, dimples appear on your cheeks? They are so cute.
  3. Your eye color is gorgeous, so rich (deep, bright, rare, soft). By the way, this is my favorite shade.
  4. Please smile more often. Your eyes immediately begin to sparkle and you look amazing.
  5. You have such a thin waist (graceful wrists, smooth shoulder line). I really like your femininity.
  6. Stunning figure! It's easy to mistake you for a fitness trainer or an athlete.
  7. Mmm, such delicate (velvety, smooth, soft) skin. You probably take very good care of her.
  8. You are so amazing that I want to become an artist and capture all your lines, dimples, shadows on canvas.
  9. You are very beautiful without makeup, and your natural beauty is immediately visible. That's great rarity.
  10. Sorry, I was staring at you and lost my mind. Could you repeat it all again?

How to compliment a stranger's appearance

It's easier to compliment a stranger because you're seeing her for the first time. The eye itself will catch on to a characteristic feature that you want to praise. Then it’s a matter of technique: figure out how to make a compliment cool and unusual, and not boring or cliched. A compliment from an unfamiliar guy will in any case attract the girl’s attention, but you need to frame it in a non-standard way so that the girl wants to continue the conversation, and with it the acquaintance.

Often young people give such compliments to strangers, the only reaction to which can be a facepalm. For example, it would not be a good idea to say to a girl with colored hair and clothes to match, “Girl, where did the purple rain fall on you?” Therefore, before you tell a stranger what you have in mind, try it on yourself. Read the article in which I collected the sweetest words that make girls melt.

Here are a few examples of successful compliments to unfamiliar girls:

  • “Girl, you have a very regal posture. If we were in the 19th century, I would suspect you were an aristocrat.” Such a compliment will sound unusual, there is nothing offensive in it, and you will seem like an interesting person.
  • “Girl, it’s completely illegal to wear a smile like that in public. I lost my course and now I don’t remember where I was going.” Even a slight reproach does not make this compliment worse, because there is more praise in it than grumbling.
  • “Your appearance overshadowed the significance of my affairs today - amazing! I really thought that all the important things were behind me until I saw you.” A hint to a girl of her exclusivity is perceived positively in most cases.
  • “What are you doing in our city, girl? You should decorate the streets of Barcelona - no Spanish woman will look as harmonious in Spain as you.” Emphasize a non-obvious, but specific feature. And make it bright.
  • “I couldn’t help but say that your lipstick is a wonderful color. Reminds me of a ripe plum. It suits you very well, it highlights your eye color perfectly.” Don’t be shy to give a long compliment, add details to it, make it more specific, and give associations.

Character qualities.

  1. I have always dreamed of such a kind (affectionate, gentle, caring, sensitive) woman. I'm happy that I met you.
  2. Your determination (willpower, confidence, perseverance, any strong qualities) deserves praise. I'm truly proud of you.
  3. Thank you for always trying to understand me. Your peacefulness, non-conflict and ability to compromise are very valuable to me.
  4. Thank you for your sincerity and openness. You have no idea how important they are to me.
  5. Sometimes you are quiet and a little reserved, but that makes you so mysterious. I like your mystery and modesty.
  6. You will never get bored. You are cheerful, active and cheerful. You will always be like this, won't you?
  7. Did you come up with this yourself (did it)? What a great fellow you are! Very beautiful (creative, unusual, resourceful).
  8. I respect your desire to improve and become even better. Although every time it seems to me that it can’t get any better. But you always pleasantly surprise me.
  9. Dear, thank you for your loyalty and devotion. I'm glad that I can be calm and trust you 100%.
  10. You have amazing taste. I don’t know what I would do without your thrift, accuracy and thriftiness.

Be careful

Always put yourself in the other person's shoes. Think about how you personally would react if you received a compliment.

Consider your tone, your intensity, your strategy before you give a compliment. Just as a compliment can make someone's day, it can also turn them into a sad day.

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