Vitamins for the brain to help students and schoolchildren

Genetics determines a lot in our lives, but everyone knows that a child is not born a genius or a fool. Human intelligence depends on hereditary predisposition, but the most important role in realizing what is inherent in nature is played by external factors. A child's environment and personal experiences at an early age have a strong influence on mental abilities. Many parents try to develop their baby from the cradle. Is this enough? Social and pedagogical efforts are not decisive in the formation of cognitive activity. A child can successfully realize his potential even if he has a balanced diet. There is a relationship between the physical and intellectual development of a child and the quality of the food consumed.

Scientific information

Thanks to the accumulated scientific data on the effect of nutrition on the ability to think and cognition, an independent branch of modern medicine has emerged - neuropsychonutritiology. This is a scientifically based approach that explains the role of nutrients and other biologically active food additives in the development of intelligence, as well as psychological activity in the form of the ability to remember, artistic and musical perception. The need for a balanced and nutritious diet is important at any age, but it is of fundamental importance during critical periods of a person’s life - at the stage of intrauterine development, in the first two years of life and in adolescence. Let's look at the role of nutrition in a child's development and what is the optimal food for the brain.

Should I take extra vitamins?

Unfortunately, providing a child with nutrition that would fully provide his body with the necessary vitamins and minerals is very difficult. There are several reasons for this:

  • children's whims, refusal of unloved, although healthy food;
  • unavailability of certain food products;
  • insufficient saturation of foods with vitamins due to cultivation in artificial conditions.

That is why most children need additional intake of specially designed vitamin complexes. And at the age of 6-8 years, when a child begins school life with increased stress, the relevance of children's vitamins for the mind increases many times over.

IMPORTANT! Despite the obvious benefits that vitamins bring to the body, their use is not always good. A competent specialist who will assess the need depending on:

  • the health and condition of the child, the presence of chronic diseases;
  • region of residence;
  • mental and physical stress.

In addition, you need to know which vitamins and minerals combine with each other, enhance each other’s effects, and which ones, on the contrary, reduce absorption.

On the recommendation of a pediatrician, children can take vitamins for the mind at any age by choosing the appropriate form and dosage of the drug. For children under one year old, drops that are added directly to food are best suited; from one to four years old, syrups are an excellent choice, and older children can already be given chewable or effervescent tablets.

Essential Nutrients

First of all, the most important influence on intellectual function is the intake of complete protein. It is a building material for all cells of the body, and in the first years of life, the growth and maturation of the central nervous system actively continues. In addition, essential amino acids such as leucine, valine and tryptophan are necessary for the synthesis of special substances - neurotransmitters, which are involved in the transmission of information and the formation of a neural network (relationships between nerve cells). There is also a relationship between the qualitative composition of the incoming protein and the speed of human thought processes. The source of essential amino acids is mother's milk, and then complementary foods of animal origin - meat, dairy products, fish and eggs.

The role of carbohydrates

The mental process is very energy intensive: the human brain consumes over 20% of our body's total energy. Glucose serves as the main food for working neurons. Every adult knows that sweet tea or chocolate significantly improves intellectual performance. However, sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates provide only short-term benefits and are not the best choice for active brain activity. After the rapid intake and consumption of glucose, a phase of decreasing its concentration begins and an energy deficit forms in neurons, which adversely affects thought processes. Therefore, it is more advisable to have a smooth and long-term supply of glucose into brain cells, and this occurs during the breakdown of slowly digestible carbohydrates. Cereal products are an essential supplier of glucose and energy to all cells of the body, including brain tissue. A balanced diet necessarily involves the inclusion of cereal dishes in the daily diet. Porridge is a traditional breakfast among residents of many countries, since the main activity, including intellectual activity, occurs in the first half of the day.

Using remedies to improve memory and brain function

Age (when the blood supply to the brain declines) is one of the most common reasons for prescribing drugs for the brain and brain function. And if you consider that life expectancy is increasing, then the number of forgetful and absent-minded people is also increasing.

Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, Parkinson's disease, dementia and all kinds of ailments of the nervous system are accompanied by deterioration of short-term and/or long-term memory, and you cannot do without appropriate pills for the brain and memory. Doctors prescribe a variety of drugs to improve memory and brain function, both for prevention and for direct treatment of diseases. You shouldn't wait until you're 50 to maintain your memory at the proper level.

Such different and necessary fats

The development of the brain in childhood is impossible without an adequate supply of fats from food, because this organ has a very high lipid content. These substances are the main structural components of neuronal membranes. The membranes of brain cells transmit impulses and form nerve connections that determine the process of learning, memory and perception. The structural role of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) omega-3 and omega-6 is especially important. These compounds are found in fatty fish from cold seas, as well as in vegetable oils. The components must enter the child’s body in a certain ratio at the stage of intrauterine development, and then at an early age. And although a direct connection with the consumption of PUFAs and intellectual activity has not been established, they are certainly necessary for the proper development of the nervous system. Despite the importance of adequate intake of PUFAs, the role of saturated fat cannot be dismissed. Thus, these are the predominant lipids in breast milk; nature itself ensures their sufficient supply during the period of active growth of brain tissue. In addition to mother's milk, saturated fats come from dairy products, meat, and poultry eggs.

Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Children's Brains

Vitamin/mineralFunctionSources in productsSigns of Deficiency
B1 (thiamine)Stimulates cognitive activity, promotes better memory, optimizes brain function.Peas, buckwheat and oatmeal, nuts, pork, wholemeal bread.Irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, increased fatigue, decreased appetite, deterioration of memory and attention.
B6 (pyrodoxine)Participates in the formation of neurotransmitters necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, affecting mood, emotional stability, and concentration.Fish, chicken, beans, whole grains, nuts, grains.Skin rash, depression, confusion.
E Powerful antioxidant – binds free radicals, preventing damage they can cause to brain neurons.Vegetable oils, especially corn, sunflower, whole grains, seeds, nuts.Sometimes there may be a lack of coordination of movements and muscle weakness.
Selenium (Se)An immunomodulator, an antioxidant that protects brain cells and promotes their better functioning.Seafood, cereals, meat, grain products.Decreased immunity, susceptibility to colds, dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
Zinc ( Zn)Necessary for normal brain development and the functioning of its cells.Beef, dark chicken and turkey meat, crabs, crayfish, oysters, whole grains. . Stunted growth, susceptibility to infections, poor wound healing, absent-mindedness.
Iodine (I)Improves brain function, promotes intelligence development.Seaweed, seafood.Thyroid dysfunction, mental retardation, decreased concentration.
Iron (Fe)Increases hemoglobin content in the blood, helps saturate the brain with oxygen.Green vegetables, beef liver, egg yolk, apples, dried fruits.Weakness, decreased mental abilities, developmental delay.
B12 ( cyanocobalamin )Ensures normal functioning of the nervous system and improves memory.Meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, poultry.Fatigue, increased nervousness, impaired cognitive abilities.

The role of micronutrients

In addition to the main nutrients, minor food components influence intellectual function - their presence in foods is insignificant, but their role is difficult to overestimate. First of all, we are talking about vitamins, vitamin-like substances and minerals. The index of intellectual development in children increases significantly when these essential compounds are supplied in sufficient quantities. Most vitamins and minerals are not synthesized in the body; they must be obtained daily through food and water. Unfortunately, modern food products cannot be considered as the main source of these essential substances. Therefore, the concept of enriching the diet with the most necessary supplements to ensure the normal functioning of all systems and the prevention of deficiency conditions comes to the fore. What are the most important micronutrients for effective brain function?

B vitamins.

Among the large number of known water-soluble vitamins, it is necessary to highlight this combined group, which includes substances with a similar biological role, and they are often present together in food products. B vitamins are very important for the functioning of the nervous system. They regulate the synthesis of many structural elements of the brain and spinal cord, in addition, they provide emotional responses and are important for mental health. Vitamins B6 and B12 have the greatest influence on the processes of assimilation and processing of information, concentration and memorization. Severe deficiency of these substances in children can cause the development of mental retardation. This group of vitamins regulates the synthesis of substances that are involved in the transmission of impulses between nerve cells - neurotransmitters, thus influencing various processes of brain activity.

A nicotinic acid.

Vitamin PP in modern medicine is used not only as a biological food additive, but also as a medicine - nicotinic acid. This substance can improve blood flow, including in the brain, and also regulate multiple biochemical reactions in cells, determining their activity. Its supply in sufficient quantities is extremely important for intellectual activity. With a deficiency of vitamin PP in the body, a decrease in cognitive function and loss of previously acquired knowledge and skills occur.


It is part of the thyroid hormones, which regulate the formation of brain structures and overall energy metabolism. With insufficient intake of this mineral at the stage of intrauterine development, as well as in early childhood, disorders of cognitive and speech functions are typical. Unfortunately, iodine deficiency is one of the most common pathological conditions of a non-infectious nature in children all over the world. This is due to insufficient intake of this macronutrient from water and food. Therefore, it is imperative to control its additional intake in the form of fortified food products.

Magnesium and iron.

The need for these macroelements increases during periods of active growth and development. Therefore, a deficiency of these minerals in childhood is also not uncommon. Magnesium helps normalize the electrical activity of cells in the central nervous system and increase the body's resistance to stress. A characteristic effect of this mineral is a decrease in the overall level of anxiety and normalization of sleep. However, in addition to the general calming effect, magnesium can have an effect on learning processes and the formation of neuronal memory. A sufficient supply of this mineral improves concentration and regulates memory processes. The brain is the most active consumer of oxygen in the body, so its normal functioning is impossible with iron deficiency. This element in the structure of a special protein of red blood cells binds oxygen in the lungs, and in the cells exchanges for carbon dioxide, thereby ensuring cellular respiration and high functional activity of the brain.

Features of taking vitamins for memory

The intake of useful substances into the children's body, which in one way or another help improve brain function, is necessary from a very early age. Immediately after birth, the baby receives everything he needs through mother's milk, and subsequently it is important to accustom him to a varied diet that can meet the needs of a growing body.

Unfortunately, the diet of most children is far from ideal. And not even because it is oversaturated with such useless products as sweets, chips or sweet soda, but rather because children are reluctant to eat fish, many types of meat, and vegetables. Children do not receive enough vitamins to improve memory from food, therefore, they must be taken additionally.

When choosing a suitable vitamin-mineral complex, it is best to use the pediatrician’s recommendations; in addition, it is important to pay attention to the components included in the drug. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers take into account the needs of the child’s body at every stage of its growth. Other disadvantages of some vitamin supplements include exceeding the WHO recommended daily allowances and the wrong combination of ingredients.

What are the dangers of an overdose of certain vitamins, and what organic compounds are best combined with each other?

Vitamin B1

Thiamine levels may decrease when taking antibiotics and antacids. With a single dose of an excessive dose, severe signs of allergy are observed, and long-term overdose threatens to impair the functions of the kidneys and liver.

It is well absorbed by the body and does not antagonize with other components of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Vitamin B6

Symptoms of overdose are depression, muscle weakness, pain in the fingers and toes.

It interacts best with vitamin B3, as well as calcium and copper.

Vitamin E

Long-term use of high doses leads to blood clotting disorders, provokes gastrointestinal disorders, and headaches.

Improves the absorption of vitamin C, and when taken simultaneously with vitamin K, it can provoke pathological bleeding due to its ability to thin the blood.


Too high doses have a toxic effect on the body, leading to gastrointestinal disorders, disorders of the nervous system, irritability, and fatigue. There may be a garlic odor from the breath, brittle nails and hair, and a skin rash.

Selenium is best absorbed with vitamin E.


Long-term consumption of excess amounts of zinc provokes suppression of the immune system and contributes to copper deficiency. A one-time intake of an excessive dose may cause nausea and vomiting.

Absorbed best with sufficient magnesium levels.


In acute iodine poisoning, there is an acute burning sensation in the digestive tract, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and fever. The pulse weakens, consciousness becomes confused. Constant consumption of high doses of iodine leads to the development of diseases such as goiter, thyrotoxicosis, and thyroiditis.


A deficiency of this microelement is diagnosed quite often, despite the widespread availability of iron and its fairly easy absorption by the body. An overdose can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, as well as dysfunction of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, liver, and kidneys. Taking iron supplements must always be agreed with your doctor because of the fairly large list of contraindications.

Iron interacts best with vitamins B6 and C.

Vitamin B12

It is absorbed by the body in the required quantity, so cases of overdose are rare. However, sometimes when the dose is significantly exceeded, numbness and a feeling of tightness in the limbs may be observed.

It is best absorbed with other B vitamins, especially B5 and B9.

The role of prebiotics

Enriching food with prebiotics (substances that have no nutritional value for humans, but can improve the functioning of one’s own intestinal microorganisms) can lead to an increase in the formation of special substances (short-chain fatty acids) that are absorbed in the intestines and enter the brain. These substances can stimulate the synthesis of a certain protein that plays a key role in learning and memory. In addition, they help increase the formation of substances (serotonin and GABA), which improve perception and emotional background. There was even a special term for prebiotics in connection with their established effects in the brain - psychobiotics.

Baby food

Caring parents have a real opportunity to ensure a successful start for the intellectual development of their child. Modern specialized industrial baby food products are designed taking into account scientific research data on the role of various compounds in the health and development of children. Bebi Premium products are more than just food that satisfies basic nutritional needs. This is a functional food, where the recipe of each product is selected taking into account the individual needs of a child at this age. The enriched composition is not a simple set of useful substances, it is a quantitatively and qualitatively balanced combination of biologically active compounds. Bebi Premium milk porridge is a complete protein, complex carbohydrates, vegetable and animal fats, as well as an enriched composition that includes everything a baby needs for successful intellectual development: vitamins B6, B12 and PP, iodine, magnesium, iron in the required daily dosage. And porridge with the addition of prebiotics means a healthy microflora, which means an excellent mood and active cognitive activity.

Children's vitamins "Pikovit" for excellent memory

Each of the vitamin and mineral complexes in the Pikovit line contains components that have a beneficial effect on the development of brain activity, improve memory, attention and promote better learning.

Parents of primary schoolchildren should pay attention to the drug "Pikovit Forte", which contains all the necessary children's vitamins for the mind and is specially designed to help adapt to school stress. However, vitamins and minerals that help strengthen memory are included in any drug from the Pikovit brand.

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