How to strengthen the nervous system, restore the psyche and calm the nerves: vitamins and techniques

The best sedatives for the nervous system.

October 8, 2021



  • How to choose a sedative
  • Top 10 safe sedatives
  • Dormiplant
  • Magnesium-Diasporal
  • Persen
  • Avexima Dobrokam
  • Novo-Passit
  • Positive
  • Stressovitis
  • Tenoten
  • Afobazole
  • Motherwort Forte Evalar

Today's rhythm of life is a constant cycle of events, a “race”, during which each of us strives to complete a lot of tasks. Hence the eternal stress. And if we add here financial instability, problems in the family or at work... Often the nervous system simply cannot cope, which is fraught with neuroses and depression.

If you feel that you can’t cope on your own, and your nervous system is becoming more and more unstable every day, be sure to consult a doctor (neurologist, psychiatrist or psychologist) - he will select a sedative that will eliminate the problem and prevent negative consequences from developing.


Calligraphy can hardly be called a new hobby: it has been around as long as writing. However, periodically the art of beautiful writing becomes fashionable, and now is just that time. Not the least role in this was played by the artist Pokras Lampas and his movement of calligraphic futurism.

Paint Lampas for Nike,

What you need to get started

Pablo Picasso mastered the classics before moving on to cubism. This approach will also work in calligraphy. Even if you want to say a new word in art, you should start with the basics.

You will need pens, a pen holder, ink and paper. A set of basic exercises with detailed explanations can be easily found on YouTube.

How to choose a sedative

Our list of nerve pills are over-the-counter medications that are prescribed for minor stress, have a gentle effect on the nervous system and mostly contain natural ingredients. Typically, such medications are used for mild insomnia, when a person is nervous before an important event, for problems at work, in his personal life - in general, with increased emotional stress. But if, during treatment with sedatives, anxiety does not go away after a week or two, you need to consult a doctor again - he will prescribe stronger drugs.

Plant-based sedatives (such as Persen, Novo-Passit) are indicated for patients with temporary anxiety. If a person is under stress for a long time and feels negative symptoms, but there is no reason for this, it is necessary to check the thyroid gland, donate blood for anemia, vitamin D, and undergo tests for anxiety disorders and depression. In parallel with taking sedatives, it is important to learn relaxation techniques and talk to a psychologist to work through your anxious thoughts. Read also: Top 5 drugs for insomnia that are sold without a prescription The best over-the-counter drugs for the treatment of insomnia

How to strengthen your nerves

In addition to medication, correction and strengthening of the nervous system should be carried out from the intrapersonal, spiritual, and mental side. After all, medications are a cane that will help you survive stress and put your nervous system in order, but then you need to “learn to walk” on your own.

Thoughts, like emotions, directly affect the level of stress in life. The world knows thousands of cases confirming the power of influence of thought on human life. Both positive and negative. And in this case, too, there is a cyclicity of states. Once we make an effort, then take specific actions to improve our mental state (exercise, meditate, change our thinking and take care of our body by taking the missing vitamins), our hormonal levels stabilize, stress levels decrease, feelings of joy and satisfaction take over, and I want to do even more for my life.

Emotional Intelligence Training

Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to identify and adequately experience their emotions. Correctly perceive and adequately understand the emotions, intentions, motivations of actions and desires of other people, along with your own. But the most important thing is the ability to manage your emotions and the emotions of other people in order to overcome life situations and solve current problems.

The presence of emotional intelligence in a person is a decisive factor in the formation of personality, quality and standard of living. In the full sense of the word, it determines the vector of our life. And like a muscle in the body, it can be pumped up, improved and curbed.

Training and developing emotional intelligence is not just about controlling emotions. This is not suppressing emotions. This is a management process. Quite as concrete as managing a large enterprise for the sake of its prosperity and profit. And there are very specific methods for achieving success in this matter.


The technique is by no means mystical and is quite accessible to the simplest and most ordinary person who does not have superpowers. It lies in being able to learn to be in the “here and now” state. If you wash dishes, don't think about anything other than that plate. This is roughly the general idea of ​​meditative practice. Deep relaxation, internal concentration, deep and even breathing and complete emotional and mental order. Meditation can significantly improve the quality of your life, give strength, inspiration, and peace. Many practices and meditation techniques can be found on the Internet, fortunately they are now widely available. Daily practices and very soon you will notice significant changes in your life.


In a sense, sport is the same as meditation. Only reinforced. An undoubted advantage of physical exercise is the increase in the production of endorphins (hormones of joy).

But these hormones are not released during any activity. In order for endorphins and dopamines to begin to be released, the load must be above average. It should be a little hard for you, only then the body will begin to “encourage” you. Moreover, exercises on coordination, game tactics, and dancing can have a greater impact on the brain and increase brain activity and fight stress. A few times a week can do wonders not only for your body, but also for your life. Give it a try.


Many will say that the pace of today's life has so replaced simply reading books that they have been completely replaced by the Internet and social networks. However, reading good books is extremely necessary for us. Learn to read. Reading can not only quickly and effectively work as an antidepressant, but also contribute to the development of your emotional intelligence, memory, and imagination. What will only have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, and after a while, make the brain work differently, in an anti-stress mode. Love books, because in them you will definitely find answers to all questions.

Study and Hobby

No, this is not studying at school or college. This is self-education. It is the constant improvement of your skills and abilities, the ability to adopt productive experience from mentors, teachers and coaches, that is the key to living in anti-stress mode. The fact is that mastering new skills reinforces the corresponding psychological attitudes in your mind, which directly affect your self-esteem.

New knowledge and skills are reflected in our habits, attitudes and plans, character. In our sense of ourselves in society. They define our goals and aspirations. And if an ordinary average education is the key to survival, then self-education is the key to freedom. Always learn. Increase your erudition, learn to build productive relationships with others, then stress and negative emotions will not be your story.


A sedative made in Germany, which contains valerian and lemon balm. Dormiplant helps well with increased nervous excitability and problems falling asleep. Contraindications include intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as liver failure. Dormiplant tablets are easy to swallow because they are not very large, round, with beveled edges. You need to take sedative tablets twice a day (morning and evening), 2 pieces, regardless of meals. Those who have taken this remedy write that Dormiplant is an excellent help for sleep problems. And if a person gets full rest at night, then during the day he is less irritable and is in a good mood. Dormiplant is often prescribed by neurologists for severe stress. Sometimes patients have adverse reactions - nausea and abdominal pain.

Dr. Willmar Schwabe, Germany

increased nervous excitability;
insomnia (difficulty falling asleep). from 407


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Podcasts are specially recorded shows in audio format. They appeared in the early 2000s, then began to lose popularity, and are now experiencing a renaissance.

Podcasts can not only be listened to, but also recorded. This hobby is suitable for those who like to broadcast to the public in one way or another. At first, LiveJournal and other blogging platforms were used for this, then social media feeds, Instagram and YouTube accounts.

It’s most logical to compare podcasting to creating your own YouTube channel. The same transmission, only the entry threshold is lower. There is no need for a video camera, background, or light, and all you have to do is edit the audio track. But you still can’t do without a script if you want to make your podcast truly interesting.

What you need to get started

The minimum equipment you will need is a good microphone, a computer, a program for recording and editing audio - not much. Your main tool is your head, which will have to think a lot about the topic of the podcast, the plan and possible guests.

Research the question

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