SEI or “sense of self-importance” – good or bad?

This article was developed under the heading: Psychology.

Section: Feelings.

Our speech is constantly evolving - new phrases and words appear that describe seemingly ordinary things. Surely, you have heard about such a characteristic of a person as a sense of self-importance (a sense of one’s own greatness), which is abbreviated as SSV. This formulation is mostly used as a negative description of a person's character and behavior. But is this really so? Let's figure out what ChSV is.

ChSV - let's figure out what it means and how it stands for

What does ChSV mean?

What does CHSV mean? It is necessary to proceed from the decoding of this concept. Thus, the decoding of the abbreviation CHSV means “a sense of self-importance (greatness).”

Historically, this term appeared thanks to the American writer Carlos Castaneda. It was he who introduced the concept of a sense of self-importance. According to Castaneda, a sense of personal greatness is a negative trait in a person that does not allow him to “take the path of a warrior and move towards the light.”

From a more everyday point of view, HSV is a characteristic of a person who is considered arrogant. That is, such a person unreasonably considers himself better than others and exalts himself above others. This behavior can often be accompanied by other negative factors. For example, humiliation of other people, pride, cynicism.

The concept of emergency response is quite controversial. On the one hand, this can indeed be a negative factor. This can cause irritation and unreasonable elevation of one person over another. On the other hand, self-esteem is a special kind of self-esteem. And its low indicators indicate a person’s insecurity and softness. So perhaps feeling self-important in moderation is a positive aspect of personality.

Let's move on to practice

Mentally we dive from the head into the soul to the region of the heart. What do you feel or see? What do you have there? Light or darkness, joy and calm or anxiety? What sensations or images appear?

If you don’t feel anything at all, relax as much as you can, enter a state of humility and say out loud:

My mind falls asleep, I disconnect from everything undivine. I love the Creator of my soul, the Heavenly Father, and I thank him for everything. I ask the Heavenly Father, the Creator of my soul, to help me disconnect from everything undivine.

I allow myself to feel and see my soul. My mind now serves my soul. I ask the Heavenly Father, the Creator of my soul, to cleanse and restore my soul, its spiritual tissues, its senses and restore all connections of my soul with me. Let it be so.

And observe the sensations. At this time, people begin to feel their soul. If it doesn't work out the first time, it's okay. For the first time, my mentor immersed me in this practice and with his strength he helped me feel the soul. I can also help you do this when communicating via Skype. In this article, I tried my best to convey my energy through text, but this cannot replace personal communication.

If you didn’t manage to feel the soul the first time, do this practice many times until you start to succeed. The main thing is to relax, disconnect from the outside world and enter your inner world. At the same time, there must be a sense of humility.

If you can’t stop the thought process and relax, do a breathing exercise. Take a deep, slow breath (a few seconds) and hold your breath for about 30 seconds. Then exhale and again inhale the same way while holding your breath. We do this at least 3 times. After which you can do the practice itself.

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We help to identify the causes of health problems, fate and sources of alien invasions into human space, which distort the worldview and bring troubles in life. See this page for more details >>>

The practice of working with love helps to increase the sensitivity of the soul. I will try to publish it soon.

In this way, you will begin to feel the soul, after which you can begin to ask it questions and receive answers.

How to understand that a person has HF

HRV is typical for people of all ages. Despite the fact that most often this concept is equated with exclusively youth slang. Communication with a person who has a sense of possessiveness and importance can often bring negative emotions and feelings. Let's look at what characteristics a person with CVD has:

  1. Arrogance - an individual talks down to you, in conversation tries to elevate himself above you, sets certain boundaries between him and you;
  2. A pompous and unsolicited display of intelligence. You've probably met more than once a person who is constantly trying to insert something smart into a conversation, to demonstrate his knowledge. Sometimes such knowledge is superficial. That is, a person uses them just to “get his word in”;
  3. Excessive demonstration of one's own uniqueness. A person with a sense of self-importance may try in every possible way to focus attention on himself. He may also use phrases and expressions that will represent his unique differences from other people;
  4. Selfishness. Even though these concepts are different, a person with SWS may exhibit high levels of egocentrism. That is, the individual will take into account only his own point of view, while the positions of other people will not be perceived as correct and having the right to exist;
  5. Demonstration of one's own “I”. Roughly speaking, a person with CVS, or in other words, a CVS person, perceives himself as the center of the universe. All events occurring in the environment revolve only around him;
  6. Feeling of absolute rightness in all situations;
  7. Toxicity. Yes, CVS is often accompanied by toxicity. A person becomes difficult to communicate with, impudent, harsh, rude, irritable;
  8. Not accepting others and devaluing their problems;
  9. Lack of empathy;
  10. Clear desire for leadership. Because man recognizes himself as the center of the universe, he definitely needs to be in a leadership position.

People with PWS need to be leaders, but often such leadership ends quickly due to a negative context

Social self-realization

This type of realization of personal potential correlates more than others with the spiritual growth of the individual. Why? Social self-realization is, first of all, a person’s dedication, the ability to do something selflessly and voluntarily for others.

Often people realize themselves through society through various volunteer activities. Social workers, for example, provide physical and mental assistance to those who are below the poverty line or have experienced a natural disaster. From helping others, the individual receives spiritual rewards and personal development in this direction. In this case, material reward is not a priority for the individual, a goal of self-realization.

How is selfishness different from selfishness?

We have already said that a sense of self-importance is often accompanied by a manifestation of selfishness. It would seem that these two phenomena represent very similar manifestations of man. However, there is a certain difference between them. Let's figure out what it is. To do this, let us turn to the works of C. Castaneda, who introduced this concept into circulation.

Sense of self-importance

  • A sense of one's own greatness creates fear and uncertainty in people, since any remark can cause a responsible defensive reaction. It is based on the infringement of a person's ego;
  • A special source of emotional distress is the attention paid to an individual. For example, interrupt the high meaning of his words and phrases. Attention is what every person strives for;
  • A person thinks that he is the center of the universe and everyone's attention;
  • He doesn't hear criticism;
  • Indifference to the problems and opinions of other people.


  • The entire life of an egoist is concentrated around himself;
  • All opinions and positions, except your own, are recognized as incorrect;
  • He does not show love and care towards others, accordingly, he is not concerned with other people's interests and desires;
  • Like emergency response, this is a special psychological reaction. For example, a large number of betrayals leads to detachment from the interests of loved ones and concentration on oneself. Whereas the FWB is characterized by defense in the form of hiding one’s real insecurities and low self-esteem.

Personal self-realization

The possibility of self-realization is inherent in the individual from birth. It plays an almost fundamental role in the life of every individual. After all, self-realization is a mechanism for identifying and revealing the implicit inclinations and talents of an individual, which contribute to a further successful and happy life.

The problem of personal self-realization appears in early childhood and accompanies the individual throughout his entire life path. To overcome such problems, you need to work hard in this direction, since they will not be solved on their own.

There are many methods that promote self-realization, but a few of them are most widely used.

The biggest enemy of self-realization are stereotypes imposed by society. Therefore, the first step on the path to personal self-realization will be getting rid of the standards and templates imposed by society.

The personality represents both the object and the subject of social interrelation. Therefore, in the course of personal socialization, the active position of the individual himself, his propensity for certain activities, and the general strategy of behavior are of great importance. A purposeful, active person striving for the most effective self-realization, most often, achieves greater success in life than an individual who follows the lead of current circumstances.

Personal self-realization lies in the individual’s desire for the most effective use of the objective conditions of socialization and his subjective abilities and potential in order to achieve his strategic goals. The goal in the process of self-realization is the ideal, mental prediction of the outcome of an activity, as well as the methods and mechanisms for achieving it. A strategic goal is understood as the orientation of an individual to a long-term perspective.

As a rule, the opportunity for self-realization appears in an individual in several different types of activity, and not in one. So, for example, in addition to professional fulfillment, most individuals strive to create strong family relationships, have true friends, entertaining hobbies, hobbies, etc. All types of activities, together with goals, create the so-called system of orienting the individual for the long term. Based on this perspective, a person plans an appropriate life strategy, i.e. general aspiration of life's path. Such strategies should be divided into several main types.

The first type is a strategy for life well-being, which consists in the desire to create favorable conditions for life.

The second type is a strategy for success in life, which consists of striving for career growth, conquering the next “peak”, etc.

The third type is a life realization strategy, which embraces the desire to fully develop one’s own abilities in selected activities.

The choice of life strategy may depend on several factors:

objective social conditions that society can offer an individual for his self-realization;

a person’s belonging to a certain social unity, ethnic group, social stratum;

socio-psychological characteristics of the individual himself.

For example, in a traditional or crisis society, in which the problem of survival is pressing, most of its members are forced to choose a strategy for life well-being. And in a society with established market relations, the strategy of life success will be more popular.

The desire for self-realization, characteristic of every individual, is essentially a reflection of a more basic need - the desire for self-affirmation, which is expressed, in turn, in the movement of the real “I” to the ideal “I”.

Personal self-realization depends on a number of factors. Factors of self-realization can be individual or universal, influencing the development in the mind of an individual of his own life path scenario.

How is HSE different from high self-esteem?

Often, accusations of CVS apply to people who do not possess such traits. And to put it bluntly, we are all, to one degree or another, people of emergency situations. Sometimes self-confident people hear “You’re so awesome!”, “Take the crown off your head,” etc. Let's once and for all distinguish between these rather different concepts.

  1. A sense of self-importance is often accompanied by blind confidence in one’s own rightness. Such people do not accept criticism, humiliate others, exalt themselves above the whole society;
  2. High self-esteem is a healthy attitude towards yourself. A person can admit his mistakes, while he is confident in himself (lack of complexes, desire for development, the ability to objectively evaluate himself and his capabilities).

Therefore, before you accuse a person of being arrogant, think about whether this person is simply confident in himself. And aren’t you pursuing the goal of simply pricking him and hurting him?

HSV should be distinguished from other characteristics - high self-esteem and selfishness

Classifications of needs

Theoretical psychology offers many classifications of needs. We have already discussed one of them above: physiological, social and spiritual, these are the main groups of needs.

Foreign researchers did not so much classify needs as offer a specific list of them.


  • G. Murray
    - achievements, aggression, independence, sex, creativity, understanding, respect, self-knowledge.
  • A. Pieron
    - novelty, hedonism, communication, competition, mutual assistance and others (more than 20 types in total);
  • E. Fromm
    - significance, self-affirmation, communication, affection, self-identification.

Some scientists have identified so-called neurotic needs as a separate group, the lack of satisfaction of which can lead to mental illness. These include: lack of social and interpersonal justice, the need for support and empathy, recognition, and possession.

In Russia, a classification of needs has been adopted, which divides them into the following levels:

  • Based on the nature of the emergence of needs - natural and cultural
  • Depending on the area of ​​application - communicative
    (communication with other people),
    (the need to acquire new knowledge),
    labor needs
    , etc.
  • In relation to the object to which the need is directed - biological, material, spiritual and social
  • Correlating to their origin - endogenous
    (determined by internal factors) and
    (depending on external conditions).

As we see, the number of human needs is numerous; today there is no complete list of them; there are only generalized groups and types. The most famous theory that places all types of human needs in order of priority is Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

The psychologist drew a whole pyramid, where needs are indicated in ascending order. This is what she looks like.

Maslow assured that until a person has satisfied the needs of the widest part of the pyramid, he will not strive to receive benefits from the higher levels. For example, if a person is hungry, then he has no time for public recognition. He considered hunger not only in relation to food, but also to sleep, thirst, sex, etc.

Maslow’s rule does not work in the opposite direction: an individual who has fulfilled the need for respect and recognition still needs food and sleep.

Why is ChSV dangerous?

In many places you can hear that “emergency is the main problem of humanity.” But is it? Let's figure out why this phenomenon and personality characteristics are dangerous.

The presence of a large number of conflicts and misunderstandings. It is a fact that a sense of self-importance leads to team fragmentation, difficulties in communication, and the inability to build interpersonal relationships - work, friendship, romantic, etc.

Building a hierarchy in your head (hierarchy of importance) leads to the fact that over time you lose the ability to perceive people. Which greatly dulls your emotions.

Loss of friends and loved ones. In any interaction, we strive to enjoy communication and build healthy relationships. With CSV, this is almost impossible - no one will like being talked down to.

Increased emotionality and accumulation of aggression. As strange as it may seem, people with personalities react very sharply to everything connected with their person. Since such behavior is unlikely to be perceived positively, the person will accumulate hidden aggression towards society.

Loss of objectivity. The individual exalts himself so much that he loses his sense of reality. That is, it becomes difficult for him to objectively evaluate himself, to calculate his strength, and he leads better than everyone else.

Possibility of developing psychological problems and deviations. Often, from prolonged manifestation of an excessive sense of self-importance, a person becomes a cynic, a misanthrope, a social phobe, withdrawn into himself and absolutely insecure.

Even if you consider yourself the “best representative of humanity,” this should not affect others. Such a position cannot be accompanied by humiliation and devaluation of others in order to build lasting and strong relationships.

Diagnosis with the soul

I am still learning this method, but it gives very good results. Diagnosing the soul is not the easiest and requires training. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, close your eyes and relax, but don't sway. Say to yourself: I tune in to diagnostics through the feeling of the soul. Ask: let the soul show through the body how the answer will be “yes”. And carefully observe the sensations. You may experience warmth, heat, tingling, or other sensations in your arms or legs. Capture these sensations. Perhaps they will go through the body. The body should not sway. Body swaying is another diagnosis.

Then ask: what would the answer be “no”? And again, follow the sensations.

Next ask: what would the answer be “I don’t know”? And again we look at the sensations.

Do this several times. Happened? Now you can get answers to your questions. If it doesn't work out, just keep training. "Patience and a little effort".

If you want to change the answers, for example, when you answer “yes”, you feel sensations in your legs, but you feel more comfortable when they go in your hands, say: let the answer “yes” be ……. We simply use any words to agree with the subconscious how you want to receive answers. But first, feel the answers as they come initially and check it several times.

By increasing the sensitivity of the soul and its light, you will get rid of darkness. Illnesses and destructive emotions will leave you. Your life will change. According to my observations, for most people this happens within six months to a year, but everything is individual. The first results are often almost immediate. Open your heart, send love to everyone, and your love will return to you from the outside world in the form of pleasant events and a state of love and joy. People around you will begin to change, and those who cannot change will pass you by. Give love to everyone: people, animals, plants, the Universe and of course God. The reciprocal love from God comes much stronger.

How does heart rate manifest?

In general, we have already described the main signs of a sense of self-importance. Let's look at specific practical examples of the manifestation of this characteristic of a person, so that you can always recognize an uncomfortable interlocutor:

  1. Constant disputes and conflicts;
  2. Excuses;
  3. Irritability in a nervous person;
  4. Vengefulness and bitterness. For example, you expressed healthy criticism towards a work colleague. He will remember this and then try to humiliate you or emphasize your “small mind”;
  5. Narcissism or narcissism;
  6. Attention deficit disorder. Such an individual will always try to attract all available attention to himself;
  7. Constantly looking for shortcomings, mistakes, shortcomings in other people. At the same time, one’s shortcomings are missed;
  8. Inability to admit your mistake.

The main feature that unites all these characteristics is the absence of objective reasons for such behavior. A simple example: your friend does not have special knowledge in a particular industry. For example, in medicine. But even when arguing with a doctor, this acquaintance uses every opportunity to insert his own opinion, which, of course, is more correct than that of a certified specialist.

Showing a sense of self-importance can lead to absolute loneliness

Desire to teach and mentor

A superior person always feels and feels better and superior to others. Therefore, he can often take on the role of an uninvited teacher. Are you shopping? Such a person will be more likely to tell you what exactly you should buy. Are you getting a job? You will definitely receive comments on what and how best to say. At the same time, it is not necessary to ask about this - a person with CVS will put in his own two cents.

Attempts to attract attention

To be the center of attention is the main desire of a private person. A person can receive such attention through the following actions:

  • Disputes;
  • Extravagant and defiant behavior (speech);
  • Aggression;
  • Conflict.

Aggression and irritability

In this case, aggression and irritability are caused not so much by external factors as by the internal accumulation of emotions. Constant reproaches and disagreement with the opinion of another person become the reason for his more aggressive and open manifestation.

Passive aggression and its accumulation can lead to psychosomatic health problems

Ways of self-development and self-improvement of a person

Regular self-improvement is a guarantee of prosperity, success and a wonderful life for everyone. science and philosophy I know many examples of self-development and comprehension of the world. One of the main things people say is learning foreign languages, from different language groups. This activity maximizes brain function. Moreover, knowledge of languages ​​is an opportunity for comfortable travel to interesting places around the globe. Of course, you need to read a lot of books in other languages, which will increase your intelligence and broaden your horizons, add opportunities, aspirations, and imagination. In addition to foreign literature, you should not disdain domestic literature, especially when the book contains information about self-development and self-improvement.

Try not to give up traveling to different countries and large cities - this is the most enjoyable way of self-development. Visiting distant countries is not only a vacation, but also an acquaintance with a new culture, centuries-old traditions and interesting people. Travel to new places every year, preferring cultural centers to simply lying on the beach, and understand the world.

The need for human development also finds its place in educational organizations - any courses in psychology, cooking, landscape design. Every day we wake up not to kill another day - explore the world, learn new things, develop and one day you will feel like a happy person!

Portrait of a man with increased heart rate

So, we found out what HRV means and how it manifests itself. But what is the portrait of a person with increased heart rate? Inflated self-esteem leaves an imprint on the psychological portrait of every person:

  1. Arrogance and pride;
  2. He does not feel shame (or in an improved form “Spanish shame”) from his actions, since he believes that everything he does is right;
  3. Sullenness, including a sullen look;
  4. Increased emotionality, sudden mood swings;
  5. Is in a negative mood most of the time;
  6. Tries to shift the conversation to topics related to himself - when discussing your problems, he will always turn attention to himself;
  7. They constantly insert their “expert” and most correct opinion.

It is important to understand that CSV is not always a story about how a person tries to show his best sides. There are situations when people with social problems behave in the opposite way - they complain, manipulate, cry, that is, they try to attract attention with their problems of a “universal” scale.

How do you know if your soul agrees with you or not?

Once you learn to feel your soul, there is a very simple way to find out if the soul wants what you are about to do. For example, you have a choice to do one thing or another. Are you asking your soul, should I take up this matter (or any other issue that concerns you)? And if you breathe a sigh of relief after that, then the answer is “yes.” The deeper you sigh, the more “yes”.

Try it, practice. Ask any questions you have. It’s very good to shop for groceries or just things at the store. The soul will unmistakably determine which product is suitable for you and which is not. Even what you think is a good shower product can be off-putting. For example, it will not be fresh or it contains substances harmful to you (nitrates, etc.).

How to tame your emergency response

A sense of self-importance can play a bad joke on you. Therefore, it is important to keep this quality under control and not allow it to become an irritant when communicating in society. Let's look at how you can control the degree of your own importance.

How to lower heart rate

Do you often hear accusations that your heart rate is high? Do people find it difficult to contact you? Do you yourself experience discomfort from this? Then you should really think about lowering your sense of self-importance. Let's look at how this can be achieved:

  1. As a basic exercise that will help you understand the reasons for this behavior, we can suggest the following. Make a list of what positive and negative consequences your manifestation of emotional distress brings to you. Analyze this list and draw a conclusion. You need to realize that increased expression of this feeling has extremely negative consequences for your life;
  2. Ask your friends and family for advice - ask what traits of your character irritate them. Of course, without fanaticism. At this stage, you only need to realize that with your behavior you can offend and affect the feelings of people close to you;
  3. Try to remember which people you have hurt with your behavior. Contact them and try to make amends. The main point is that you not only apologize, but also try to show positive traits - sensitivity, consideration, caring, kindness, friendliness, etc.;
  4. You must form a new attitude towards yourself and towards people - strive to enter into new social connections, try doing charity work or volunteering. Such activities will really help you embrace new areas of your life. The simplest thing is to help an animal shelter and adopt a homeless animal.

If you realize that your attempts are ineffective, contact a psychologist. He will help you work through the problem.

In case of advanced cases, contact a specialist

How to increase heart rate

A sense of self-importance is necessary for everyone. However, it must be objective and moderate. Therefore, people with low self-esteem need to increase it. Let's look at what to do if you don't have the proper level of self-esteem:

  1. Use the same advice as for lowering heart rate. You just need to describe your qualities. Try to think about what you can value and respect yourself for. Analyze what emotions and actions you will commit towards others. It is necessary to make a list without unnecessary self-humiliation, self-flagellation and other emotions that underestimate you;
  2. Try to take on more leading roles. This applies not only to work, but to simple communication. Stop hiding behind other people. Try to be the initiator of communication and meetings;
  3. Don't be afraid to assert your personal boundaries;
  4. Express your own opinion, even if it does not agree with the majority opinion;
  5. Express yourself and develop yourself.

Such actions will help you gain self-love. However, if your attempts are unsuccessful, also contact a psychologist - he will find the reasons for your isolation and complexes.

Learning to feel the soul and reveal it

The first thing I want to say is that the mind must serve the soul. All information must be passed through the soul. When a person gains a lot of knowledge, he begins to develop pride, which blocks the sensitivity of the soul. A proud and intelligent person is doomed to suffer.

There are many spiritually proud people. When a person receives initiations and different channels (including connections), he begins to feel superior to people. At this time, his soul channels immediately begin to block.

You can meditate and pray from morning to evening, lead an ascetic lifestyle and at the same time be a proud person.

A good self-diagnosis for pride: if you stop seeing shortcomings in yourself, you have great pride.

What to do if you are accused of inflated HRV

As has already been clarified, emergency situations are not always bad. Objective self-esteem and self-love are signs of psychological health. In view of this, it is necessary to consider two possible situations: when you have an inflated sense of self-importance, and when you do not have it (normal self-esteem). Let's figure out how to act when you are accused of inflated HR:

Don't take criticism harshly.

Try to analyze the words spoken to you; perhaps they have a basis.

If you really realize that you are overvalued, try to analyze it and apologize if you hurt the person's feelings. You can also apply the already mentioned methods to reduce heart rate.

If the criticism is not justified, do not react. Perhaps the person is simply provoking you. Try to defend your personal boundaries by saying that such accusations seem unpleasant to you.

How to get rid of self-importance

So, how can you get rid of an inflated sense of self-importance? First, understand that you need to do this. Deliverance begins with the desire to change. The second step is to fill the space vacated in the subconscious. Why not engage in, for example, self-development so that you have something to be proud of in the truest sense of the word?

There are other tips:

  1. Accept the fact that every now and then you want to reproach someone for something, humiliate, tease, while showing your superiority.
  2. Try to get rid of the desire to make yourself look better than others. Turn your attention to something else, think about the good.
  3. Always mean what you say. Choose your words, because with them you can either encourage and support, or hurt. Never forget this!

And perhaps most importantly, know that the world does not revolve around you. There are millions of people living on the planet, each of whom has the right to their own opinion, even if it is completely different from yours.

How to communicate with an emergency person

Any relationship between people is built on a model of mutual benefit. Therefore, it is normal to try to receive only good and positive emotions from communication, as well as special benefits. However, communication with a person with a negative personality is complicated by the special manifestations of his personality. It seems that such contacts in general cannot bring anything good to you and your psyche. Let's look at the features of communication with a person with an emergency situation:

  1. The easiest way is to stop communicating. However, if your relative or loved one is the owner of an overestimated HRV, then this option may not be suitable for you;
  2. Try to resolve the problem diplomatically. The first step is to talk to the person who is making you feel uncomfortable. Express your position correctly – “I feel disappointed/sad when you…”. It is necessary for your interlocutor to understand exactly what you are experiencing from his behavior;
  3. When you bring a problem to a person, try to avoid quarrels and conflicts;
  4. Show understanding to the person with an emergency – listen, provide help and support. Perhaps his behavior is just a protective mask;
  5. If such a person is, for example, in your team and is considered an outcast, become the one who stops ignoring him. Perhaps it is in front of you that this person will truly open up;
  6. Have you tried every possible method? Nothing works? Is communication still problematic? Reduce the amount of such communication. Communicate with the emergency person only when necessary.

Communication is always an exchange of resources, so it is better to stop or reduce communication with irritable people

Where to start self-improvement and self-development?

Throughout his life, a person strives to take his place in society and fulfill his destiny. Self-improvement is characterized by consistency and understanding of the structure of life. Unity with the outside world provokes the emergence of new personal values, potential for the development of material and spiritual components.

Unfortunately, the modern world dulls the development of the spiritual world of the individual, which leads to moral exhaustion. We spend a lot of time on temptations, forgetting about the eternal. Even Plato, Aristotle and Socrates, being great philosophers, first substantiated the need for the harmonious development of man in the person of the union of spirit, strength and mind, as the only correct method of knowing all things.

The need for human development in the physical plane is as necessary as the spiritual one. Remember - a healthy mind in a healthy body. A person always begins an assessment with appearance, and only then becomes interested in intelligence

However, the soul needs its own refuge, where it will be warm and cozy - accordingly, it is very important for a person to take care of himself

Self-development should begin by reading literature about self-development and human capabilities. Personal communication, everyday life, news, the Internet - all this affects your subconscious, gradually changing your character. In order for everything to go well, carry out both physical and energetic cleaning of the room at least once a year. Self-development and self-improvement love order in everything - defining goals, means of achieving them, formulating the final result are possible only in complete harmony of soul and body. Think about what you want and figure out how to achieve it.

Try to develop every day, learn new things and engage in different areas of life - this is the best way for personal self-development. Communicate with smart people who can teach you something and help you become better, stronger and more correct. Learn to love life and cherish your loved ones, loneliness is a one-way road. Also, engage in self-education, which develops the main character traits. Realize where there are useful actions and where there is an unnecessary waste of time - every minute temptations will not solve your problems. We strive for our ideal, striving to look beautiful from all sides. This determines the need for human development. Problems with self-improvement can slow down the process, but you should be content with yourself, not with outsiders.

Pros and cons of ChSV

So, emergency situations are not always bad. Since this concept is directly related to self-esteem and its level, the presence of moderate heart rate is quite normal. Let's look at the main pros and cons of a private character in order to determine once and for all whether it is good or bad.

Pros of ChSVDisadvantages of ChSV
Having high self-esteem, especially if it is healthy and justified, will help you defend your position and personal boundaries in any quarrels and conflicts. You can always fight back against your offender. An inflated sense of self-importance requires constant emotional feeding (by analogy with emotional vampires), which necessitates constant quarrels, conflicts and humiliation of others.
A normal level of self-esteem allows you to love yourself, objectively assess your strengths and significance in society.Increased heart rate can cause complete and utter loneliness. No person wants to endure constant barbs and ridicule directed at themselves.
ChSV can help in eliminating contacts with people you don’t like. Of course, such communication on your part should not be accompanied by direct insults and humiliation of the individual. If a person with HF is a boss, then relationships in the work team can turn into tyranny, which is unlikely to have a beneficial effect on the work process.
A sense of self-importance is a way of realizing oneself as a strong and strong-willed person who is respected and accepted by the team. But, again, you cannot resort to extreme measures - insulting and humiliating other people. A break from reality and immersion in a fictional world can be a consequence of a sense of self-importance. Such a person stops perceiving current events literally - he constantly thinks up and attributes non-existent characteristics to them. Accordingly, a person’s self-perception will also begin to tend to zero.
ChSV is a special kind of human manipulation. Manipulation is not always bad and can be used for the benefit of all people (team, class, group). Lack of real friends and loved ones. FWS leads to the fact that you completely become a hostage to your image. Society ceases to perceive you as a person who needs help and support.

Table of pros and cons of ChSV

Example from life

Now in my social circle there are no people with an inflated sense of self-importance. But there was a moment when I was in close contact with a girl whose sense of self-importance was very clearly expressed. It was simply impossible to communicate normally with her. It all came down to discussing what had happened or was happening to her, her achievements, successes or problems. She always interrupted other people's words. It turns out that during the meeting we had to listen to a monologue. And if someone tried to tell something about themselves, the girl would immediately interrupt him, turning the conversation either to another topic or to herself. The latter happened more often.

The most interesting thing is that in fact this girl has never achieved anything in life. Moreover, despite her sociability and apparent friendliness, over time, many friends and acquaintances limited or completely stopped communicating with her. They were simply tired of constantly listening to her stories about herself.

Consider the theory of needs

There are several theories of needs.

Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs

Maslow assumed that every need is satisfied to some extent. He suggested this arrangement:

  • physiological - 80-85%;
  • safety and feeling of security - 70-75%;
  • love and sense of belonging - 45-55%;
  • self-esteem - 40-45%;
  • self-realization - 10%.

The scheme is conditional and changes with an individual approach. Thus, there are people for whom the need for self-realization and self-esteem is more valuable than the feeling of love.

Maslow argued that people's actions are not always driven by economic interests, but that their actions are often motivated by needs that cannot be satisfied by money.

Alderfer's theory of work motivation

Alderfer highlights the need for self-actualization, the need for social connections, and the desire for growth. According to his ideas, the less an individual’s needs of existence are satisfied, the more strongly they manifest themselves. Applying these principles, Alderfer proposed to motivate workers. When meeting social needs, growth needs should be supported. If they are weakly expressed, it is worth doing the opposite.

Douglas McGregor's Theory of Motivation

McGregor identified 2 approaches to management, conventionally calling them “Theory X” and “Theory Y”. The first leadership style involves an authoritarian leader and strict control over the work of employees. The second approach is based on democracy, a number of powers are transferred to employees, work is underway to improve relationships in the team, and the motivation of people and their characteristics are taken into account.

Studying the personality of each person will help you choose an approach. This is the only way to satisfy the need for self-realization of all employees.

Frederick Herzberg's two factor theory

According to Herzberg's theory, employee motivation is influenced by the hygiene factor or a set of conditions under which the employee does not receive satisfaction. This is often due to company policy, relationships with management, working conditions and pay.

Another factor was called "motivator". Thanks to this approach, employees’ motivation to work increases, and they receive satisfaction of the need for self-realization. This occurs due to the possibility of promotion, personal growth, recognition from colleagues and management, and good pay.

The theory of motivation by L. Porter – E. Lawler

The Porter-Lawler model can be described as follows: in order to get results at work and rewards for them, you need to make an effort. The latter are determined by abilities, knowledge, experience, and level of qualifications. The higher the payment, the more effort put in. A person’s awareness of his role in the work process is also important.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that productive work will satisfy the need for self-realization. Previously, it was believed that the result depended on whether the person was initially satisfied. Porter and Lawler's theory has helped in the study of human motivation.

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