Psychology of a loving man: what you need to know about the feelings of the stronger sex

Love is a gift of fate, its presence inspires, gives hope, illuminates the path of life. Many people strive to feel it, because not a single word can convey the subtlest emotions and a feeling of complete happiness. How does a person’s behavior change under the influence of this wonderful feeling? If a woman is all glowing with love, then it can be difficult to guess from a man’s appearance how he feels. However, some features of his behavior may still indicate carefully hidden emotional experiences. How does a loving man feel? How does his behavior change? We invite you to look into the situation together and get answers to all your questions.
From this article you will learn:
  • How a man falls in love with a woman
  • What kind of women attract men?
  • Why do men hide their feelings?
  • How does a man feel when he is in love? How does a loving man behave?

How men fall in love

When caught in the web of love, men and women begin to behave differently. A loving partner does not immediately understand that in front of him is the one and only one with whom he would like to spend years of his life together. In the process of realizing this event, his feelings go through several stages of emotional transformation. By nature, a man is not capable of spontaneous actions. Either he takes an important step under the influence of feelings, or he calculates it using logic. In any case, it takes time to bring thoughts and emotions into a stable balance.

It is simply impossible to understand the reasons why a guy feels love for this or that girl. He himself will not be able to explain why, at the sight of his beloved, his heart begins to beat faster, the usual eloquence disappears somewhere from an accidental touch, and for the sake of her smile he is ready to do the impossible. Each man goes through this path individually, since the birth of love is influenced by many factors: upbringing, mentality, character, previous experience of romantic relationships.

Quite often, a man feels warmth and care emanating from a woman he likes, and unconsciously strives to preserve these emotions for a long time. He begins to actively seek her company, instinctively noting qualities in her that other women do not have. Without fully realizing the reasons for his choice, the man nevertheless feels in love.

Psychologists have identified seven main stages in the process of the birth of love in the strong half of humanity:

  1. At the first stage, a man evaluates external data, beauty, charm.
  2. Feeling interested in the girl, the guy decides to create a relationship with her.
  3. If the gentleman’s advances are favorably accepted by the lady, then he becomes attracted and desires to continue communication. To achieve consent for a date, a loving man shows miracles of seduction. The chosen one supports him in this sensual game, responding with light signs of attention.
  4. The partner wants to make a worthy impression, attract the lady’s attention and evoke reciprocal feelings.
  5. Mutual sympathy has been confirmed, and now the loving guy intends to make the girl fall in love with him, doing everything possible.
  6. A loving man increasingly invites a woman on dates, trying to fully understand how he feels when communicating with her. Weighing all the pros and cons, he is preparing to move the relationship to another level.
  7. Having become convinced of his own feelings, a loving man tries to determine the depth of his partner’s reciprocal sympathy.
  8. Male love is confirmed by a firm belief in the need to create strong relationships. What makes a man fall in love

Looks at you with love when you're not at your best

You don't try to look perfect when you're sick or in a bad mood. Don’t worry about losing weight or gaining weight, don’t dress up at home in the most beautiful and elegant things. The look of your young man is always distinguished by tenderness, affection and care. And he always looks at you with delight, even when you are not wearing makeup or think that you look like a C grade. This is worth a lot, since not all women can boast of the same tolerance and tact on the part of their partners. Many people are pointed out about their shortcomings even when these shortcomings are visible to almost no one (except their partner).

Why do men hide their emotions?

A loving man feels many emotions, sometimes a real storm of passion covers him. The opportunity to experience these new, sometimes frightening sensations attracts him no matter what. Possessing subtle intuition, a woman, even after a long acquaintance, can notice insincerity on the part of her partner.

Psychological attitudes are laid in children from a very early age. According to a tradition that goes back centuries, the attitude towards boys in the family is strict, sometimes even harsh. Fathers, and even mothers, actively project into the consciousness of their sons concepts that characterize purely masculine qualities. This is strength, courage, patience, a sense of responsibility. In this case, expressions like: “You’re a boy, don’t cry!” or “Be patient, you are a future soldier” and the like. Fatherly instructions look like a guide to action, forming in the child’s fragile psyche a stable ban on the full expression of his feelings. This is not so bad, it just once again confirms the influence of public opinion on the formation of a person’s personality.

Thanks to the prevailing stereotype, women imagine a true protector to be strong both physically and morally. Therefore, loving men try to carefully hide their true feelings under the guise of severe coldness, considering their manifestation a weakness of character.

A feeling of fear takes root deep in the subconscious for life. Excessive restraint for fear of showing true emotional impulses makes them more callous, unlike women. But the passions boiling inside can sometimes be very difficult to hide even for the most persistent and self-possessed. Let's look at the most common reasons why a loving man is afraid to admit how he feels.

  1. Fear of being rejected. Realizing that the choice remains with the woman, even the most successful and self-confident representative of the stronger sex, deep down in his soul, is afraid that he will not be reciprocated. For this reason, he tries to emphasize his supposed indifference.
  2. The habit of living alone. Having led a single life for many years, the man does not want to give it up. He values ​​the independence of an alpha male, which he is not going to exchange for family relationships.
  3. Bad experience. The reason for the chosen one’s silence may be a difficult breakup that he experienced in a past relationship. Having such experience, men are afraid to “step on a rake” again and refrain from making serious commitments in the future.
  4. Restraint in emotions. A tribute to the prevailing stereotype that a loving man should not show tender feelings, be stern and restrained in emotions. Romantic relationships, sympathy, love are interpreted as weakness. Not wanting to be considered weak-willed among his friends, he will try for as long as possible not to show that he feels special interest.
  5. Uncertainty about your feelings. Before declaring his love, a guy must figure out for himself what he feels. And if he is not sure whether this is love or just a fleeting attraction, then there is no need to wait for confessions yet.
  6. Fear of becoming henpecked. Fear arises in a potential groom from the depths of the subconscious, since a declaration of love, in his opinion, makes him vulnerable. He believes that the chosen one will definitely take advantage of the momentary weakness of a loving partner and will manipulate him.

  1. Method of protection. Despite their “male” upbringing, deep down, guys are sentimental and even vulnerable. External isolation and coldness are essentially a barrier behind which a sensitive, loving nature is hidden.

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How does a loving man feel?

Men should not be viewed as one-sided creatures who only need sex and a hot meal. According to psychologists, they need romantic feelings even more than women, precisely because of their constant closeness and restraint. New experiences, emotions and passions may alarm a loving man, but he will never give up the desire to feel the depth of true love.

  • Interest

A guy may like several candidates at once, but only one will arouse overt interest. At first, he will be attracted by his pretty appearance, and in the process of communication, other reasons for a deeper feeling will appear.

  • Attraction, including sexual

It can be very difficult for a loving young man to understand why a girl attracts him. He feels comfortable in her company, so he strives to spend more time with her, talk, take an interest in her life and hobbies. If the passion reciprocates, then the attraction intensifies.

  • State of euphoria and happiness

Usually collected and purposeful, a loving man loses the ability to concentrate on anything other than the object of his passion, especially when she is nearby. He is torn apart by conflicting feelings: on the one hand, he is worried, nervous, lost in her presence, on the other hand, he feels an unusual ease in communication.

It is not easy to describe in words how a man feels when he loves a girl. In addition, the fair half of humanity is interested in the answer to a more significant question: how does a guy behave if he is in love? The psychology of a loving man in a relationship with a woman is quite difficult to study. However, an analysis of his behavior will help to understand this issue.

Behavioral and nonverbal signs

We will look at what the manifestations may be depending on which group of symptoms they belong to.

Behavioral ones are manifested by changes in the character and temperament of a man:

  • a shy guy can become decisive, begin to show his activity, this will surprise not only those around him, but also the young man himself, because he does not expect such changes from himself;
  • a once cheerful young man can turn into a quiet person, become withdrawn - he is overwhelmed by new feelings, he tries to deal with them, remaining alone with himself;
  • begins to show concern - helps to put on a coat, picks up objects that the girl has dropped, takes an interest in her life and well-being;
  • looking for any reason to be close, to touch once again, to call, to send a message;
  • if a man is in love, but hides his feelings, then when you are next to him, you will see a cheerful and cheerful person, but in your absence, the world will lose all its colors, interest in surrounding events will disappear. You can find out about such changes by asking a friend to watch the man in your absence.

Let's look at the category of non-verbal factors, signs that are practically not controlled by a young person and are born on a subconscious level.

  1. A man who is in a company of people and has his girlfriend nearby, after trying to make others laugh, will first of all look at her reaction; for him it is more important than everyone else.
  2. A guy in love, finding himself next to his chosen one, will not know where to hide his hands. It's good if his clothes have pockets.
  3. The look of a man in love gives him away. The man looks into the eyes of his beloved, does not look away, his pupils are slightly dilated, and his eyebrows are slightly raised.
  4. A man can copy all the movements of the object of his love; he does this on a subconscious level. Such copying is called mirror copying and clearly indicates the presence of love.

Now you know what the behavior of a man in love can be. Remember that it can be determined by a person's temperament, his modesty or openness. You also need to take into account that males at different ages show their feelings differently.

How does a loving man behave?

The first acquaintance took place, the bouquet given on the date had not yet faded, but the counterpart did not call again. How to perceive such behavior? There may be several reasons.

How a loving man behaves:

  • Uncertain behavior and anxiety

Take a closer look at your date. Facial expressions and gestures are much more expressive than words. If he is very nervous, lost and cannot speak coherently, or, conversely, is too cold and self-confident, then you can calm down. Most likely, he feels that he is in love.

  • Desire to please, to please

It's nice to receive gifts, but it's no less nice to give them, which is what loving guys prefer. It could be a luxurious surprise or a pleasant trifle, a trip to a restaurant or a movie. Perhaps this is not the case when you just want to while away the evening. Most likely, a loving young man is showing signs of attention, expecting to gather more information about you during a casual conversation.

  • Sincere emotions

It is impossible to completely hide what a man feels when he loves a woman or experiences deep feelings about another matter. An open face, eyes sparkling with joy, a willingness to answer any question, a languid look - all this speaks of serious passion. A loving person is not indifferent to your opinion, he tries to show himself from the best side.

  • Pays special attention to his appearance

Even a young man who is not particularly neat, when getting ready for a date, will wash and carefully iron his trousers, put on a fresh shirt, and use expensive perfume. After all, his goal is to convince the girl that he is the best. In this regard, loving men, like women, are well aware of the role of appearance in the courtship process. Therefore, a gallant gentleman must look perfect in order to win the lady’s favor.

  • Interested in your life

Some comrades may call 10 times a day to keep abreast of your every move, but this is a rare occurrence. Usually, a young man, carried away by a new acquaintance, tries to learn more about your friends and even get to know them. He is interested in how you like to spend your leisure time, where you prefer to go on vacation, your favorite dishes, and so on on the list. This information makes it possible to feel and fulfill your desires. A real gentleman will never forget to call.

Showing love at different ages

Adult men, when they fall in love, behave completely differently from young guys. They know how to express their feelings in everyday, everyday settings. To do this, they do not need to wait for special intimacy. A mature gentleman protects, helps and surprises.

Young people mostly focus on romance. They are more emotional, they try to show their best side, how strong, dexterous they are, etc. Adult men are more restrained; the experience of relationships makes them be careful. They don't want to start a serious relationship without checking their feelings.

Behavior of a loving husband

  • Your opinion matters to him

This does not mean that a loving husband is afraid to take even a step without you. He’s just sure that decisions on such important issues as vacations, buying household appliances, a loan for an apartment, and children’s education should be made in a family council, and not with colleagues or parents.

  • He cares about your health

The candy-bouquet period usually ends with the creation of a family, but many continue to believe that true love is luxurious flowers, expensive gifts, romantic trips to exotic countries. Firstly, not everyone can afford it, and no one has canceled family budget planning. Secondly, for a loving husband, the physical and psychological health of his other half is much more important. He feels the need to take care of her in order to see his wife happy as often as possible.

  • He is ready to compromise

A woman does not always understand how a loving man feels when he obediently agrees with her fantastic ideas. A sign of true love is a willingness to give in, ask for forgiveness, and take the side of your loved one.

  • He tries to please you

Many wives do not see anything special in the fact that their husband helps around the house, goes to the store together, invites them to the theater or to the park for a walk. But these are the happy moments of family life. Manifestation of love is attention to you and the desire to be near you every free minute.

Everyone understands love relationships in their own way, but sexual attraction must be distinguished from real feelings, true love. After all, men are characterized by inconstancy.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

Doesn't force you to do something you don't like

This is also a very indicative quality. A loving person will always listen to the desires and mood of his other half. And even if he really wants you to do this business, but you don’t want it, he won’t insist and force you. He values ​​your peace of mind very much, so he always makes it a priority. It will be hard for him to watch you suffer and suffer from something you don’t like or worry about making a wrong (in your opinion) decision. Therefore, he respects your desires, appreciates your tastes and preferences, takes into account your point of view and will never allow himself to impose what does not suit you.

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