How to scam a man or boyfriend out of money and gifts: advice from a psychologist. How to promote your lover with money?

06.09.201604.07.2017 Nadezhda Plotnikova 23 comments

Not all girls agree to heaven in a temporary home with a loved one. Some enterprising representatives of the fairer sex want to meet a wealthy and generous gentleman who can solve all their financial problems: give gifts, give money for expensive things.

However, the problem is that such men are often wary of any attacks on their hefty wallets.

In this case, young ladies will have to try hard to scam a man out of money. But how can this be done gracefully, unnoticed by a man and with the maximum return from oneself? Very important question!

How to promote a man with money: advice from a psychologist

To begin with, we ask everyone who begins to raise ethical and moral standards in response to step aside. Since men do not always behave with dignity towards the weaker sex.

But a woman often wants to get a certain amount for shopping or visiting a salon. Some simply live off men's generosity. But if a man doesn’t really want to part with the banknotes, what can be done to make him do it voluntarily and easily?

First, let's figure out what is the reason for a woman to receive material benefits:

  • Shaky or difficult financial
  • This is how a woman defines increased male attention for herself
  • This could be revenge for a previously failed relationship.
  • The desire to feel superiority over the stronger sex
  • Desire for self-affirmation

If you have found out the reason, then first of all you should understand that you do not need to beg for money or complain to a man that you are broke. No, you should approach the process creatively and understand what self-esteem is.

It will naturally be more profitable for a man if you beg and complain, so he can pay off with a smaller amount. But winning an independent woman is more difficult, but every man is a predator and getting hard-to-get prey is much more interesting.

Ask a man for money, showing feminine wisdom

You should also clearly understand that not all men are generous just like that; they may ask for something in return. And here there is no need to talk about principles. But you also shouldn’t immediately agree to what is required, be more cunning and promise a reward for the reward, but a little later. So a man will want to bring the desired moment closer by all means.

Also remember that pickup school also teaches men, so make sure that in the pursuit of material wealth you yourself do not become prey. After all, women love with their ears, and men can speak beautifully. And so, before you know it, you yourself will give away all the valuables to the “poor beloved”

We have studied the general information, now it is necessary to prepare the battlefield. Men with money fall into two categories:

  • The first ones believe that women are with them only for money. If you have just such a partner, then first you need to convince him and make sure that your feelings are completely sincere. Therefore, you should not ask or even more so demand money from him right away . Be smart and don’t ask for anything, modest girls want to give such specimens themselves
  • Others believe that they are just golden kings and all women just dream of being with them. For such instances, you should be fully prepared - you will have to spend money on your own appearance , imagine that you are wealthy and are absolutely not interested in a man. For a gold tycoon this will be a novelty and, rest assured, he will rush to woo you

Let the man buy everything for you.
Let's now step by step analyze the main nuances of behavior that many psychologists define so that a man will fork out financially:

  • Show him that you don't need his money. Here you can be either a self-sufficient woman or a modest simpleton, it’s up to you to decide
  • At the next stage, when you see that a man is in love, you can slowly begin to shake out his reserves. It may be a banal trip to a restaurant. When you see that he is very busy, tell him that you urgently need to buy something. Then the man will most likely simply count out a certain amount so that he will be left alone
  • But the main thing to remember is to know when to stop. You don’t need to demand money from him, but casually mention this or that desire

Show a man that you are a self-sufficient woman.
These tips apply to wealthy, adequate men who will act as a hunter and fulfill your desires in every possible way. But insolvent specimens will immediately declare your corruption and pout their lips. So look carefully who exactly is in front of you.

Eastern men are a source of income for Slavic women

The easiest way to target girls of Slavic appearance are Arabs. And how to scam Arabs out of money in bada? How to make money from them? Attractive photos are the basis of a profile. This is what attracts guys from the East to look for acquaintances on the pages of frank girls. But you need to have some restraint in communication.

Men are ready to part with money if they want to meet a girl. It is worth noting that most men prefer English as the language of communication. Here you need either knowledge of the language or operational work as a translator.

How to cheat a guy out of money?

You should cheat a young man out of money with special cunning, so that the guy thinks that this is entirely his initiative. If you plan to have a comfortable time, then you should follow these rules:

  • Approach the issue creatively , do not always accept financial support. Sometimes give the impression that you don't need it, or don't want to take money from the guy. This will lead the young man into an interesting position, and he will ask you in every possible way
  • The forbidden fruit is sweet - do not agree to men's tricks, do not be easily accessible. If a guy offers you a cup of coffee, say that you have another meeting today. And if a guy previously easily managed to take possession of a girl, then you will be radically different from the series of his girlfriends. You will want to take possession of such a girl at any cost.
  • Don’t give your guy a hot night of love after the first material gift, no, it won’t work out that easily. Start with a cup of coffee, a trip to a restaurant (for which, by the way, you may need a new dress and shoes - a subtle hint to the young man). So during courtship the guy will spend more money on you
  • If you decide to go shopping together, then first choose things that you have enough money for yourself. And when the young man offers to pay, resist vigorously. Maybe he will give in and not pay, then at least you will have the opportunity to buy what you have chosen. But in most cases, guys still show firmness and buy everything for their beloved
  • After meeting a guy for the first time, don’t take him to a boutique to buy a fur coat. But before your birthday or Valentine’s Day, March 8, or any other important holiday, you can pass by a jewelry store and languidly look at a ring or chain. A smart young man will understand everything without words

Create all the conditions for your guy to give you gifts and money.

How to make money in Bud: the easiest way to earn money

The administration of the service offers to earn money without cheating - use the affiliate program . Users earn money by referring other people. They must be more or less active on the portal, then there will be profit. You can use the affiliate program by having your own account on Badu or by owning any website. An advertisement is placed, and users click on it and create a profile.

Advertising is allowed on forums, blogs, social network pages, and other information sites. The user essentially gets the opportunity to earn passive income. The only obligatory condition is the activity of the newly registered visitor.

Important! This method is not suitable for those who are looking for an opportunity to breed with bud . Here you need to look for other possibilities.

How to trick a man into giving gifts, advice from a psychologist?

We offer you optimal instructions and behavior options developed by psychologists. You will learn what you need to do to receive a gift from a man:

  • Take the man with you to the store , there subtly hint to him about something very desirable, but still unattainable. He should buy it either right away or give it a surprise in a few days
  • Write down the things you want and “accidentally” leave the list in front of the man. If he buys, but let's say it's the wrong color, you have 2 more weeks to return the item. But a man doesn’t have to talk about this. This way you will have money on hand for other needs.
  • Jokingly ask the man if you have reached the level of your relationship where you have the opportunity to use his card. Only a true miser would deny you this
  • Give your man a romantic evening and an amazing night. Only a true dunce will not thank you with a nice gift in return. And you shouldn’t consider it immoral, a man will do it from the bottom of his heart. But you didn’t try in vain either
  • Hint to your man about the upcoming holiday and that you would like something new. After shopping, thank him with a delicious romantic dinner
  • Give him some nice thing , you can buy it or make it yourself. Let's say you knit a sweater, you can be sure that the man will want to thank you in return
  • Send him a link to the item you like on social networks. Say you want to buy it. A man will definitely offer you a gift. Or he will tell you to order and he will pay
  • You can admiringly tell what a cool fur coat, chain, or car the guy bought for your friend. Your man will try to be no worse. But still, look at the man’s well-being, because if he doesn’t earn enough per month for 4 wheels, he’s unlikely to buy you a whole car. With such words you can only offend him
  • Men are especially generous with gifts on payday. Take advantage of these tips and add your wishes to this day
  • Of course, you will become the queen of gifts on your birthday. Ask for whatever you want (again, within reason)
  • Admire your man’s success , celebrate a successful deal or new project with him. For such an occasion, why not buy your beloved woman a present?

Sincerely thank the man for all the gifts.
But we urge you to remember that men are not only a bag of money, but also a person who needs care and love. Sincere attitude and feelings will definitely be rewarded.

Real meeting2

Well, of course, the prospect of meeting the object of your passion in real life will tempt you from the first days of your virtual love story. And this is only to the advantage of a sexy interlocutor. And so, when you start looking for a tie or stylish cufflinks in anticipation, the sound of a notification treacherously informs you of a sudden force majeure.

It turns out that your virtual lover is telling you about some financial problems in a serious text without a single emoticon. Or, to be more convincing, he calls you on a video call and sobs his heart out. After all, she dreamed no less than you (and perhaps more) about meeting you. Therefore, you, like a true gentleman, must immediately help out the lady. Namely, transfer a certain amount to her account, or make payment for an already booked hotel.

How to protect yourself:

Make a reservation and choose the location of your first date yourself.

How to promote your lover with money?

“If a woman has a head on her shoulders, then she has a lover,” as one of the jokes says. And if your man doesn’t give gifts, then how can you hint to him that this is wrong and change the situation?

Remember that if your relationship with your lover lasts no more than 2-3 months, then you don’t need to ask him for anything expensive. Otherwise, the relationship could end very quickly. He will think that you want to sit on his neck and, since nothing really binds you, he will simply leave.

A lover will willingly give you gifts if approached correctly

If the relationship is already more than six months old, then you can encourage your lover to give him a gift using the following methods:

  • Hints , but be prepared for the fact that men do not always understand subtle hints. And if you say on the phone that you want something sweet, then instead of an invitation to coffee and cake, you can receive a bag of caramels. Therefore, say more precise desires, and in general hints are one of the most ineffective methods of promotion
  • Put pressure on envy - this is especially effective if your lover is married. Hint that you would like the same fur coat as your wife, because he loves you more. If the lover is not married, then a description of gifts to a colleague or friend from a boyfriend will do. Out of self-esteem, you are unlikely to hear a refusal
  • Have a cry. It works with lovers, just don’t go too far. This is most suitable for a married gentleman. I wish he could buy you a new phone so you could look at his photo more often. After all, you are so bored, and the photos on this gadget are so unclear. What if he goes on a business trip or vacation with his wife, and what about you without new earrings in full combat readiness?
  • Squeeze a promise of purchase out of him, and then press on these words. After all, men don’t waste words
  • “Randomly” send your friend a message from social networks with a photo of the desired gift. But the message was somehow “accidentally” sent to him. And you didn’t want this at all, did you? A man must react the way he needs to

Appreciate a man's gifts.
Finally, remember that if you have been given the wrong thing, under no circumstances show a disappointed face, otherwise you will discourage a man from giving you gifts for a long time. And don’t get angry or sulky if there is still no gift, because this will make him think that your goal is only to gain benefits. Be smart and know how to wait and then all your wishes will definitely come true!

Deadly disease3

A classic scheme, perfected to the smallest detail by experienced deceivers. Indeed, it is difficult to refuse help to a sick person. And doubly so for the person with whom you have a romantic, albeit virtual, connection. As soon as your correspondence begins to be more confidential, the lover of easy money suddenly decides to reveal a terrible secret to you. It turns out that recently the cause of her depression was not a change in weather. And in general, she wanted to tell you everything for a long time, but she was waiting for the right moment. So, her little sister (grandmother, aunt, best friend, or even herself) has a serious illness. And, of course, she is very embarrassed to ask you for help, but... But you no longer listen, because you are busy transferring funds to the account of an unfamiliar swindler.

How to protect yourself:

Take off your rose-colored glasses and perceive any information adequately. Agree, it’s quite strange that a practically unknown lady suddenly begins to manipulate you, appealing for pity. As a last resort, you have every right to ask for supporting documents that will convince you of the correctness of your decision. But, as practice shows, it will be exactly the opposite.

SMART diagnostics of a swindler

Even decent people do not write the truth in the “About themselves” column. What can we say about scammers? How to recognize? Is it really true that we all have the same brush – under suspicion? What about the presumption of innocence?

Of course, there is no need to fall into paranoia about this. There are millions of profiles. The vast majority of their owners are normal people. And in general, if you are afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest. And yet, a dating site is a convenient resource for scams. Fraudsters operate here with great pleasure. Someone - alone. Others are companies. And everyone should be checked for lice. And those who look like just “darlings” - especially.

Checking the "face"

Step one is photo verification. Make sure the photo and owner match. First, run the photo through Google and Yandex search engines (to do this, you need to type the query “search by photo” in Yandex). Secondly, ask to send a recent photo “especially for you” - with some specific gesture. It is possible that instead of a specific gesture you will receive an indecent gesture - for example, fuck. Nothing. He immediately showed his true face - “rude”.

Isn't it on the list?

Life hack - if you type in a search engine “blacklists of grooms” (“marriage scammers”, “list of scammers”), you will get links to sites and forums where scammers are brought to light and their photographs are pilloried. Of course, scammers often change accounts. But there are also lazy ones among them. We are all humans. And it won’t hurt to read other people’s stories. This is the case when it is not better to learn from your mistakes.


If your romance novel began with his/her lavish pitch letter, check this literary masterpiece for plagiarism. You can use portals such as,, - here you enter text and check its uniqueness. If something similar comes across the Internet, the program will hand over passwords and logins. But 100% uniqueness is not a reason to applaud. Yes, you really were approached individually. The question for what purpose still remains open.

I want to see you

Invite your interlocutor to a private chat - for example, to talk on Skype. By video call, of course. The scammer will refuse. The swindler doesn't have that much free time. We need to engage in fraud, and not “sharpen our hair.” And anyway, why glow? There is definitely no need if the stigma is a cannon. Or the photo and face do not match. Does this mean that every “refusenik” is a scammer? Not at all. But questions arise.

The inconsistency came out

Attention to detail. When communicating with a scammer, inconsistencies and discrepancies arise every now and then. He is alone. There are a lot of you. You can’t remember everything you said to whom. Moreover, if he approaches the process with soul, he processes the victim according to an exclusive scenario. There will definitely be misfires. Because a person, not a robot. What kind of person is another question.

At first sight

Did you fall in love quickly and forever? A lightning-fast declaration of love is a serious reason to turn on increased vigilance. Scammers often use the “at first sight” scheme. They mix confessions, compliments and promises in a shaker and treat them. And such a cocktail usually makes your head spin. If you feel sick from love, run before you lose consciousness from the “feelings.”

There is everything except you

Spiritual outpourings in the style of “there is everything but you” are another obscure, but often exploited scheme for processing victims. In general, people prefer to remain silent about money. Or talk, but in a narrow circle of loved ones. Fraudsters talk about their material wealth immediately, in detail and thoroughly: a house on the seashore, a couple of yachts and a very profitable business. But there is no happiness. I'm looking for you and it seems I found you.

Enter from the rear

There is nothing to complain about, but your soul is restless? Create a second account and communicate with your new bride or groom from a different perspective. You can learn a lot about the interlocutor. For example, what approaches everyone with the same maneuvers. Or, on the contrary, his testimony is strikingly different. Here is a long-distance sailor, and there is a retired officer. Is it indecent to have two accounts? When it comes to personal safety, all means are good (within the framework of the criminal code, of course).

Blackmail photos and videos (without police)

In the midst of a heated correspondence, the interlocutor suggests taking a step forward - exchanging nudes or virtualizing in a video chat. You are an ardent supporter of the initiative. And soon you get acquainted with the classic blackmail - “either transfer XXXX money, or all your contacts from social networks will have our correspondence, photos and videos.”

To avoid getting caught, do not indicate your real first and last name, and when taking photos or videos, place the camera so that your face or interior details cannot be recognized. If you were careless and you are being blackmailed, then do not pay the scammers. Be sure to contact the police. For blackmail for the purpose of extortion, the offender faces from 4 to 8 years. Report this, because often attackers are not particularly literate, and knowledge of responsibility can cool their ardor.

This does not mean that online dating is evil. Just remember to be careful. You can also meet people offline. Read our tips on how to overcome dating fears

and communicate without beating around the bush.

We voice the request correctly

Of course, every man (with the exception of notorious misers) will be happy to support his beloved, be a noble knight for her and wrap her in furs. However, all this is possible if the girl correctly, without demands and hysterics, addresses this delicate issue to her chosen one.

Method number 1. Personal request

This is an ideal way to ask for gifts from men. Firstly, you will be able to clearly explain the need for financial “infusions”, and secondly, to be honest, this way he will have fewer reasons to refuse you. What should you keep in mind?

  1. Choose the right time to talk. If your lover’s day is not going well (conflicts at work, just hungry), the chance of hearing a negative answer increases sharply.
  2. Voice your request confidently, without awkward movements or a trembling voice. In any case, you are not asking for alms!
  3. Men love specifics, so your phrase about “what a beautiful dress that actress is wearing over there” is unlikely to be considered a request for money. Try to explain clearly, but without unnecessary details, why this money is needed.
  4. Give arguments that will interest your lover. For example, colorfully describe how wonderful you will look at an upcoming corporate party after purchasing a dress and going to a beauty salon.
  5. Be sure to thank the guy after your request is granted. And do it very dignified - for example, confidently state that you would not expect anything different from a generous, caring and real man with whom you are very lucky. The main thing is to praise sincerely.

Method number 2. Written message

You can be creative and ask for money, for example, in a letter. However, here you need to behave much more carefully, since a direct text in which there will be a demand for a certain amount can anger your lover. You risk getting a lecture about the difficulty of getting cash and your extravagance.

Using a magnet, stick a picture of a gorgeous set of underwear and a small text on the refrigerator: “If the best guy in the world helps with the finances, this beauty will be on me at night.” It's a rare man who can resist such a promise.

Hints are not the best option, but if the guy understands you well, send him a photo of your bare feet on social networks, then a photo of cute shoes, and at the end - your own sad face. This hint cannot be misunderstood.

Dating websites

“As long as fools live in the world, we can live by deception” is not just a line from a children’s song, but a harsh reality. Scammers use social networks, trading platforms, and dating sites. A list of popular methods has been compiled:

  1. “Can you put money on the Internet, and I’ll give you cash when we meet?” Complicated version of divorce. An attacker can spend weeks or even months ingratiating himself with the victim's trust. On the day of the long-awaited meeting, on the way to the house of the chosen one or chosen one, a request is received to pay for some service. After all, it’s still on the way. Everything except the account into which the money goes is a lie. The phone number is unavailable and the address is incorrect.
  2. Express divorce. One of the leaders in the rating. The basis is a request for help in any emergency situation: the death of a cat/hamster, illness of a mother/sister/great-niece. A real gentleman cannot refuse a little financial help to an attractive girl. In fact, behind the graceful forms and sweet smile, a two-meter hairy criminal may be hiding.
  3. “How about nude photos?” Preliminary preparation - the attacker asks the target about close friends, relatives, and colleagues. After flirting comes a more intimate stage. The exchange of candid photographs is offered. Having received the pictures, the guy changes the tone of the conversation and threatens to send erotic content to everyone he knows if he does not receive a monetary reward.
  4. “I’m selling the photo.” For a fee, a woman (less often a man) offers to send a video or photo archive with perky pictures.
  5. The foreigner promises to send an original and very valuable gift by mail. All that remains is to pay the customs fee. Afterwards – blacklisting.

The list is completed by an epic scheme called “Anti-cinema for two.” One of the newest methods. The chosen one invites her gentleman to watch a movie in an intimate setting. She knows a great atmospheric place. A few thousand rubles per session on the big screen for two is acceptable, the victim thinks. The result is that the funds are sent directly to the scammers. There is no place with that name.

Are you able to ask for material gifts?

How to ask your lover for money? Is this ethical or is it like selling love? Many women hesitate to talk to a man about financial assistance, even in cases of extreme need. Why is this happening:

  • Pride does not allow you to do this;
  • the conviction that asking a guy for a birthday present is immodest and shameful;
  • inability to receive selfless gifts due to parental cruelty in childhood.

If you want to learn how to ask for a gift from your lover or hint at sponsorship, you need to change your inner world. Be of the opinion that you need money for self-improvement, because you want to look better for your loved one. This behavior will also benefit the man - he will have an incentive to earn more and climb the career ladder in order to satisfy the needs of his other half.

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Who is the daddy they are looking for...

To make sure that we speak the same language and understand each other correctly, let’s define the terms. In any case, I’ll write how, I see the search for a sponsor.

A daddy is a wealthy middle-aged man who is ready to support a young girl.

Considering the huge number of lovers of freebies, in the person of adult men who, in order to deceive a minor, distort reality in every possible way. We will return to them below.

In fact, these are rich lovers, in 98% of cases they are married wealthy men. The main feature of such relationships is individualism and certain obligations. In fact, finding a man to support is very rare. You could say jackpot!

To make it easier for everyone to understand the essence, I’ll tell you a couple of stories from personal experience.


Tactics: Let's move on to the tactical and strategic component.

  1. You can ask for gifts and money.
  2. You can hint about gifts and cash.
  3. You can be cunning about money, twist and turn.
  4. You can wait silently.

All four of these points relate to manipulation in one way or another.

We motivate a person to action with thoughts, words or hints.

What is important with all these four points? Let's repeat the second part.

psychological condition. Your emotional state: sincere gratitude in advance (not after you receive, but you turn on the music to which you will dance in advance.

First I thank you for what you have and then it appears). Sincere joy and ability to admire a guy. They feel it all. And they always thank you for these emotions.

What types of gigolos are there and how to distinguish them?

  • Gigolo. He does not hide his selfish intentions. He chooses ladies who consciously buy love for themselves.
  • Alphonse resort. Everything is simple here. Meeting a charming local macho on the beach, walking under the moon, crazy sex (most likely), exchanging phone numbers and addresses, dinner for two. But he forgot the money at home, and you pay the bills. And no one will answer your phone number. And other people live at his address.
  • Alphonse the sprinter. Such a gigolo can court you for a very long time. A month or two, even six months. And all for the sake of one goal - to extract a large sum from you and disappear forever. The reasons are usually very primitive: there is not enough money to pay for two months’ rent, for a loan, for the funeral of a beloved second cousin, etc.
  • Alphonse the stayer. This “subspecies” will not ask you to borrow such a large amount. And it won't even disappear. Because this is not at all included in his plans. And he has one plan: to charm you so much that he will then “lose” his job and live happily ever after at your expense.
  • Alphonse is a swindler. This is the type to be wary of if you really have something to lose. Having barely managed to charm you, he is already dragging you to the registry office while you are in a love fever. But the reason for divorce appears immediately after the wedding. As a result, you lose not only your beloved husband, but also half an apartment, a car and the money that was given to you for your wedding.
  • Alphonse in a padded jacket. This look usually captivates women without even going beyond the IR. Tearful and romantic letters, for which the prisoner has a lot of time, melt the heart of a lonely lady in the blink of an eye. And he’s not even embarrassed by the number of domes on his chest, the sentence that will end in ten years, and the wedding behind bars with witnesses in police uniform. As a result, the prisoner gets a woman on regular visits (with which, as you know, there is tension in prison), tea and smoking throughout the entire term, the opportunity not to work in the industrial zone and to eat delicacies.
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