How to understand that your love is mutual: glance and other “signs”

When you start falling in love with someone, the natural thing to do is wonder if that person likes you. After all, making a move will be much less scary if you already know that your feelings are completely mutual. If you're wondering if your interest is mutual, experts say there are both obvious and not-so-obvious signs you can observe of mutual attraction.

A 2021 study published in the journal Psychological Bulletin found that people behave in certain ways when they feel attracted to someone and/or are interested in forming a connection. Imitating or mirroring another person's behavior, initiating conversation, and wanting to be in close physical proximity are the main signs to look for if you want to know if someone likes you.

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These signs are usually followed by nonverbal cues such as making eye contact for as long as possible, nodding while the other person is speaking, and smiling and laughing.

According to researchers, such behavior not only indicates romantic interest, but is also associated with trust. If someone initiates a conversation with you or wants to be physically close, it also shows that the person trusts you and is interested in making a connection.

There are many different things that can tell you what someone is thinking or feeling about you. Here are some signs of mutual attraction, according to experts.

There is reciprocity

One of the biggest indicators that attraction is mutual between two people is reciprocity in the interaction. For example, it may look like you and the other person contribute equally to conversations. You are not the only one asking questions that this person is giving you answers that you can actually work with. You will only know if there is reciprocity in your situation by how you feel.

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If you feel like you get as much as you give when you flirt with someone or try to plan a date, then they're probably into you too.


Attachment is an established habit of always being there, seeing someone you like, and having the opportunity for long-term communication. Many truly happy marriages have been built on the basis of this feeling, because nothing can unite two different people like a common interest and a common cause. First there is a passion for solving these common work or scientific problems, and then signs of love begin to appear. But here it is worth keeping in mind that joint work may end and along with it the factors uniting the spouses will disappear. So if, apart from the work of the two, nothing else connects, the marriage may lose its relevance. Therefore, in marriages based on affection, you need to find other, no less important points of contact, and then your union will be successful.

There's a special look in their eyes

Relationship experts say you can be sure there is mutual attraction when two people have that look in the eyes when they talk to each other. This look suggests that they are only interested in what is in front of them at the moment.

If someone is attracted to you, they will look at you, whether they notice it or not. If the person makes eye contact with you, that's even better. People who are attracted to each other tend to look at each other, look away, and look into each other's eyes again! Eye contact becomes more consistent as the interaction continues. And if the person also smiles, this is also a pretty good sign.

What is mutual love?

All people show their love in different ways. It depends on upbringing, temperament, parental relationship patterns, experience with the opposite sex, and many other reasons.

Regardless of this, there are common traits that are inherent in all people, but they can also manifest themselves differently depending on the same reasons.

First of all, it is caring for a loved one, caring for his health, and striving to make him happier. But the most important thing in mutual love is when people show their feelings equally on each side.

Mutual feelings exclude such situations when one person loves, and the second accepts this love. Love must be mutual, otherwise it is a disease.

A relationship is not fair and healthy if only one person in the couple is committed to caring for the other.

In a relationship, both people need to meet their needs for care, support, affection and love. If one person lacks this and suffers, the other cannot be happy.

Does it exist

Does mutual love exist in the modern world, when everyone strives to simplify their lives. It certainly happens. But once it has arisen, it will not remain by itself.

People are designed in such a way that they cannot experience euphoric feelings for a long time, whatever that is. Everything becomes boring, boring, and in any relationship, sooner or later a crisis comes.

Any relationship needs work. For mutual love to arise, both people in a couple must be ready for it.

They both must be individuals with their own interests and views. They should be interesting both to the partner and to oneself.

Mutual love implies a gradual recognition of another person, his acceptance and understanding for who he is, with all his advantages and disadvantages. In a healthy relationship, both people are full participants.

How to understand that this is the case

How to understand if your feelings are mutual. It’s easier and smarter to just admit your feelings to the person and ask directly if he feels the same and if there is hope that you can be together.

There is no point in hinting that the person is not indifferent to you, since he can perceive them as your usual manner of communicating with any person. In healthy, strong relationships, people always talk openly about their emotions, rather than hoping that they will be understood without words.

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Trying to find in another person’s behavior that you are not indifferent to him is stupid and useless. If a person shows increased attention to you, asks you out on dates and gives you gifts, this does not mean a manifestation of love.

This may precede love, but it does not have to. Maybe a person really wants to get to know you in order to understand whether you are suitable for him or not, or maybe he has some personal interests and benefits that have nothing to do with love.

You like this person's smell, and he likes yours.

Believe it or not, if you're both attracted to another person's scent, it could indicate mutual interest. We all release pheromones, which play a bigger role in attraction than we think. Some people are not so quick to praise others for the way they smell. But if someone you have a crush on tells you you smell good, there's a good chance they're attracted to you.

Nonverbal signs in men

Next, let's look at the nonverbal signs of love that are unique to guys and exclusively to women. If a man is inflamed with passion for a girl, the following external manifestations of his interest become very important to him:

  • touch - physical contact with their beloved is simply necessary for them;
  • being in the field of view of your subject;
  • demonstrative indifference;
  • offering his help in some manly task - bringing it up, moving it, nailing it, lifting it, and so on;
  • showing interest in various questions about the beloved to her and the people who know her;
  • desire for physical contact - hugs, kisses, cuddling, touching with feet, hands and other types of contact, including sex;
  • unlimited trust in the woman you love, even to the point of denying obvious facts.

Your thighs touch when you talk

When it comes to knowing if someone you're interested in likes you, keep an eye on their body language. One thing you can pay attention to is the direction in which the hips of the person you like are facing. According to psychologists, if you both stand with your hips facing each other, it's a strong sign that you have each other's undivided attention. It's also a very good sign if you find yourself leaning in and moving closer to each other.

Nonverbal signs in girls

Signs of love in women are completely different. As you know, female logic is the absence of any logic, therefore the signs of her love can sometimes be very contradictory, but clear. These signs in women appear as follows:

  • playing with eyes;
  • attracting attention;
  • excessive care and guardianship;
  • modesty and shyness;
  • glow from within or extreme absent-mindedness;
  • showing attention to the affairs of your man;
  • increased attention to your appearance and wardrobe;
  • mysterious behavior;
  • smoothness and femininity of movements;
  • manifestation of sexuality.

This person is interested in you and remembers random details about your life.

If someone likes you, those people will be interested in you. They will want to talk to you and ask you questions to get to know you better. If they remember random details about your life and bring it up again in a later conversation, that will be a great sign. Maybe they remember that you had an important meeting that you were worried about, or that you hate olives. Either way, if they make an effort to remember a minor detail or interaction you mentioned, it means they were paying attention and subconsciously invested in a future with you.

Unrequited feeling: what to do?

What to do if the love is not mutual?

Unfortunately, mutual love does not occur in all cases of interaction between two people.

Feelings can be unrequited, causing moral suffering.

Sometimes people even decide to live together , common reasons are unplanned pregnancy, the search for benefits, the desire to get married, because it is so accepted in society or all friends are already married.

Non-reciprocal love is absolutely not a reason to immediately break off relationships and part ways. People are united by many things, and you can live side by side simply by experiencing friendly feelings and respect for your partner.

However, for this there must be some kind of common goal that allows the marriage to exist for many years.

If the love is not mutual:

  1. Learn to keep your emotions under control.
  2. Accept that there is a problem that needs to be solved. Unrequited love can interfere with normal life.
  3. Don't rush into a new romance, hoping that everything will be forgotten. The common expression “knocks out fire with fire” does not always work and will only lead to the fact that the next relationship will turn out to be unsuccessful.
  4. Assess your chances - is it possible to win a person’s attention and is it worth doing?
  5. If you want to forget a person, then reduce contact with him to a minimum.
  6. Occupy your mind with other thoughts: about work, hobbies, creativity.
  7. Get rid of negative attitudes. Events in our lives are directly related to how and what we think. Stop setting yourself up for the bad, let there be more positive things in life.

A harmonious person does not seek recognition from other people ; she has love as part of her personality, its basis. It is very important to understand where your need to necessarily seek and receive love came from.

Often the reason is childhood, when the child did not receive the dose of attention and warmth he required. And now, as an adult, he desperately seeks this love in partners.

In this case, the best way out is to work on the characteristics of your personality, to identify the reasons for the obsessive need to seek reciprocity from other people. Changes in yourself entail changes in relationships with loved ones.

What to do if the love is not mutual? Tips in the video:

When you are near, a blush appears on this person's cheeks

When you're looking for clues that someone has a crush on you, it's important to pay attention to the little things. Look for small changes in movement or behavior, such as the person adopting a certain posture when you arrive. Another thing to look for are physical keys, which none of us have any control over. For example, blushing is something that is beyond anyone's control. And yes, people often blush when they are attracted to someone. If the person you like has a bright blush on their cheeks, it's a good indicator that they feel something when they're around you.

Does it exist?

Love has been studied for many centuries by philosophers, religious figures, artists and even doctors.

Psychology , as the science of the soul, did not ignore it either

Whether there is truly mutual love is a very important question. As a rule, in a couple, one person loves more, the other experiences less intense feelings.

In addition to emotions, there is also a search for benefits - why should partners be together other than satisfying mental and physical needs. Here the welfare factor often comes to the fore.

Of course, mutual love exists, and it is on it that the strongest couples are built.

But taking into account the fact that feelings undergo various changes in their development, true, mutual love comes after difficult life stages have been passed, priorities have been set, and the personality of the other person is valuable.

Is there a formula for mutual love and a happy marriage? Psychologist's opinion:

The person finds small ways to make physical contact with you.

Remember one simple thing - actions speak louder than words. This is definitely true when it comes to falling in love. According to relationship psychologists, the most important sign of mutual attraction is touch. If you have no problem holding this person's hand, or if he likes to touch your shoulder, you are both expressing your attraction to each other. These little touches tend to happen naturally when you feel something more than liking and want to get closer to that person.

If you're recently dating someone and you've both expressed attraction (whether through casual touching or even just sitting next to each other), the best thing to do is let things take their course. At the end of the date, if you feel like you can kiss back, do so. Just pay attention to your intuition.

Of course, the only way to know for sure if someone is interested in you is to hear them express it themselves. But if you happen to notice any of the signs above, take it as a truly positive sign to make your own move.

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Cocktail of pheromones: revealing the secret of true feelings

Before talking about love, whether mutual or non-reciprocal, you need to learn to separate this concept from falling in love. The latter occurs at the first meeting; people call it love at first sight. Strong emotions, a state of excitement, euphoria - the reaction of your sexual receptors to the pheromones of your intended partner. Thus, nature provokes you to come into contact with the person you like for procreation. Everything is explained simply and banally, and if your aspirations are mutual, then the relationship will continue. And how long depends on your spiritual compatibility.

Social surveys showed interesting statistics: people in a happy marriage fell in love on average 7 times before their current partner. So think about how our feelings are subject to instincts and how difficult it is to find your true love.

Passion and mutual desire to be together are mutual feelings, but not yet love. To feel something more serious, you need to be together for a long time, test each other both in sorrow and in joy, understand the inner world of your partner and accept it. It’s too complicated at first glance, and that’s why true love does not come to every person, but only to those who are morally ready to receive this happiness and a heavy burden at the same time.

So what is mutual love? These are feelings based on the similarity of social, physiological and psychological characteristics of people. Mentality, preferences and structure of the psyche - everything influences our choice as a whole, and if the partner really satisfies the chosen parameters, then over time mutual love appears. It is hardly possible to get along and truly accept a person who is completely different from you in his views on life. External attractiveness also plays a role, as does financial situation, although these two factors are not fundamental. They only bring people closer together at the dating stage.

In general, mutual love is a real gift of fate. It is rare, but makes partners happy for life. How to reach her? You need to start first of all with yourself: develop spiritually, learn to see the essence in people, cultivate good intentions in yourself and resist vicious aspirations. All this will help you attract a person of similar thoughts to you and find mutual love. If you have already found your soul mate a long time ago, but want to accurately determine whether your partner loves you, study the obvious signs of mutual love.


People are highly susceptible to outside opinions. A common phenomenon is when a close circle of friends protests against the object of sympathy. For example, girls can turn their girlfriend against a guy in a negative way. This depends on various factors, ranging from banal jealousy to the fact that the girl herself feels sympathy for her friend’s boyfriend. Parents also play a big role; they may consider the chosen partner to be an insufficiently suitable match for their little one, and negative moods will also begin here. As practice shows, many couples do not survive this stage.

How to check a man's feelings so as not to get into trouble?

Nonverbal gestures of lovers

How can you tell if a guy is in love with you? How to notice a girl's sincere affection? If you are careful, you can find the answer to this exciting question by assessing nonverbal gestures. Which indicates a serious feeling:

  1. Tracking reactions. If we are in love, then we subconsciously want to understand our potential soulmate: to study their personality and reaction to what is happening. If you notice that in a company a representative of the opposite sex regularly glances at you after someone’s joke or big news, then he probably feels something serious about you.
  2. An attempt to touch. This gesture should be considered in conjunction with other manifestations of love, since alone it can only speak of sexual attraction. A person in love often does not control his impulses to touch, stroke, or hurt the owner or mistress of his heart. Fleetingly and furtively, after a while more and more insistently, he will pat you on the shoulder, hug you, remove specks and push you.
  3. Smile. A person who is truly in love will hardly be able to hold back a smile when you appear. Please note that real emotions are accompanied by wrinkles around the eyes. They don't appear with a fake smile.

Nonverbal gestures will not always help you find the answer to an exciting question about the love of a particular person. Firstly, many people successfully control themselves, and secondly, if you love yourself, then it’s easy to see what is not there.

How to recognize true love?

Dr. Ray Short, in an effort to help lovers explore their feelings, offers some important advice:

  • understand what attracts you most in a person. If these are physical characteristics, then most likely you are simply passionate, but if you are interested in him as a person, then this is love;
  • if you truly love, then you like absolutely everything about your chosen one, even his shortcomings seem sweet and pleasant, and when you only like a sexy figure or a beautiful face, then this feeling is fleeting, and love is not real;
  • the quick start of a love story is almost always infatuation; true love manifests itself slowly, but thoroughly;
  • if the feeling either fades or flares up with renewed vigor, this is most likely passion, and constant tender and warm feelings indicate true love;
  • when love is real, you strive to become better, superficial infatuation does not give rise to a desire for improvement;
  • with real feelings, separation only increases the significance of the object of love; in other cases, even a short separation can cool feelings;
  • true love is selfless and aimed at providing joy to its soul mate, and love implicated in material wealth is very fragile and will fall apart at the first sign of financial troubles.

Several likes

It happens that a person likes 2 objects. One evokes a feeling of lightness and fun, and the second surrounds you with attention and care. Often in these situations it is difficult to make a choice, because you don’t want to lose anyone. When choosing one partner, you have to part with the second, no matter what emotions you experience.


People always strive to show their best side. Often couples idealize each other. They enjoy intimacy without noticing bad qualities in their partner, not thinking that they can exist. But the hour comes when illusions recede and people return to reality. It often turns out that partners have negative character traits, complexes and fears. This realization makes you become disappointed in the object of your affection and in your choice. Often such situations lead to a break.

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