How to make a girl fall in love with you: psychological techniques in relationships

Absolutely all guys have ever encountered unrequited love. Everyone acted differently in such a situation. Some preferred to retreat and find another object for adoration, while others went to the end and wooed the girl.

How do guys manage to fall in love with a girl who initially did not consider any relationship between them and did not let herself in? The answer to this question is very simple, such young men are purposeful, they understand and know what girls want, they can give it to them, and they also know pickup techniques. Every young person can develop all these qualities. Having mastered the basics, you will understand that making an unapproachable young lady fall in love with you is not so difficult.

How to win over a girl and do it right

Before you make a girl fall in love with you, you should win her favor. If this attempt fails, then there is no point in talking about any future love. To win a lady over and set her up for a relationship, you can use the following techniques:

  • Preparation. Explore her interests, chat with her friends, find out her hobbies and outlook on life. The information received and analyzed will help you in the future to build the right dialogue with the girl and charm her during the communication process.
  • Confidence. Any woman is drawn to confident men, so you should literally exude this feeling. Then she will feel safe next to you and you will gain her affection. It is important not to confuse confidence with arrogance and annoying self-confidence. Otherwise, instead of winning over and making a girl fall in love with you, you will push her away forever.
  • Interest. Before you make a girl fall in love with you, you must make her interested in you. I managed to evoke this feeling in her - consider half the job done.
  • Individual approach. In matters of love, you cannot use templates. Remember, all women are different, so in order to interest them in you and gain favor, you should approach each one individually and use different techniques.

If you do everything right at the very beginning, then it won’t be difficult to make a girl fall in love with you.


Many men like to conquer a woman with furious pressure. They constantly talk about her beauty or call her on the phone around the clock. However, you shouldn't do this. You should also not pretend to be unavailable. Both the first and second options are a manifestation of immaturity.

Instead of acting as if a woman is some kind of object to be conquered, a man should be sincere with her, while remaining himself. You should try to gain her respect and try to better understand this person by showing interest in all areas of the young lady’s daily life.

A man must answer all a woman’s SMS and calls. If you do something for her, then only from the bottom of your heart. Such behavior will be appreciated.

Female psychology of falling in love

Any woman loves with her ears - this is an absolute truth. This is confirmed by examples when we meet couples in which a homely “little guy” somehow won a stunning beauty. But is it only with beautiful speeches that guys who do not have outstanding external data make young ladies fall in love with them, or are there other secrets? Women's psychology is such that in addition to compliments and beautiful words, she can be attracted to:

  • Money. Someone immediately brands such girls and accuses them of commercialism. This is absolutely normal, because female psychology is structured in such a way that she thinks about offspring on a subconscious level. Accordingly, when choosing a partner, any woman will think about how she will be provided for in the event that she becomes pregnant and is unable to work. It is paramount for her that she and her children do not need anything. It turns out that financially secure guys, even those who are not particularly handsome in appearance, have a better chance of being liked by a lady. However, when you meet such a person, be vigilant and “don’t run into” an ordinary hunter of wealth, for whom neither family, nor children, nor feelings, nor, in fact, you matter.
  • Voice. A woman may be attracted to words, but if they are spoken in a pleasant voice, she will have virtually no options left. Therefore, work on yourself, use techniques for training your vocal cords and voice, because it can play a decisive role in how to make a girl fall in love with you.
  • Mind. The female nature is irresistibly attracted to smart and interesting men. The smarter a guy is and the more diverse his interests, the more girls he can conquer.
  • Charisma. A man may not be handsome in appearance, but having strong charisma and knowing how to use it, sooner or later he will be able to charm a young lady with himself or even make her fall in love with him.
  • Care. Girls love to be cared for and cared for. Many people even prefer to build a “father-daughter” relationship model. Seeing your care, girls subconsciously think that you will become a good father, their instincts begin to kick in, and as a result, they fall in love with their partner. Use this technique and you will surely be able to charm anyone with your care.

As you can see, you don’t have to be handsome to win the lady of your dreams. Women's psychology, fortunately, is such that it is not so difficult to get around the barrier associated with appearance. A little financial investment, charm, care, and now - any young lady has already bowed her head on your shoulder. Try different ways to break through her defenses and you will definitely be able to find the key to the heart of any woman.

Showing sympathy

How to win a woman? To do this, you need to show sympathy for her. This will allow you to conquer the lady of your heart much faster.

Noticing that she is upset about something, the man should offer her his help and support her in a difficult situation. However, you should not give specific advice, because as a result, it will be he who is to blame for the troubles. The lady should be supported with good words and try to distract her as much as possible from the problem that has arisen.

Of course, men don’t like to see women cry. However, you should pull yourself together and get through this unpleasant moment. Such tactics will allow you to quickly win the heart of your beloved.

How to make a girl fall in love with you using pickup techniques: 10 ways

If you have set yourself the seemingly unattainable goal of making a girl pay at least attention to you, and perhaps even “lose her head,” then you simply must study all the available methods of pickup. There are many techniques that are used by both young men who are just beginning to conquer women’s hearts, and established men. Let's look at the most popular, effective and most accessible methods of seduction.

Be unavailable

Many men, thinking about how to make a girl fall in love with them, immediately make the mistake of starting to show her too much attention.

And they do this quite consciously, ignoring the famous words of the classic that “the less we love a woman, the more she likes us.”

Any young lady will be more drawn to the man who seems inaccessible to her - this is an undeniable truth. Think for yourself, what is the point of fighting for what lies at your feet? There is no point, so don’t rush to shower the girl with flowers, gifts and attention until she fully understands what you are really worth and how lucky she is that you paid attention to her. This technique always works - use it, but don’t overdo it.

Inaccessibility does not mean that you should shun and avoid the lady, just try to remain independent, without shouting about your devotion and boundless love. Here are some ways you can show a girl that you are unavailable - joke and make fun of her, talk to her the same way as everyone else without putting her on a pedestal, communicate with other girls without avoiding tactile contact with them in her presence .

Use contrast

This technique is not easy to use and may not work if used incorrectly. The essence of the technique is to distinguish yourself from all the people around the girl, and thus force her to pay attention to herself. For example, at work a young lady is surrounded by “vanilla” colleagues, in which case you should show character traits that are different from them - brutality, courage, masculinity. Or, on the contrary, a girl is accustomed to the company of street boys (punks), then she will most likely be interested in a romantic, intelligent, well-mannered young man. It's the same with family relationships.

A girl who grew up in a dysfunctional family, where there were often scandals and terror from her father, will be drawn to a kind and caring guy, and the lady who has been protected all her life will most likely fall in love with a bully. But, if you use this technique incorrectly and overdo it, you can scare away your object of adoration. Use trial and error. As soon as you feel that something is going wrong, change tactics and slow down.

Remember: any young lady, regardless of the circumstances, falls in love not with a specific person, but with his image. Don't know how to make a girl fall in love with you? Put an image in her head that she can't help but be interested in.

Make her believe that you are popular

We always want to have what others have. Therefore, if you convince a girl that you are very popular with the opposite sex, you can quickly win her heart. For the technique to work more effectively, this statement of demand must be supported by facts. So, a large number of subscribers on social networks, laudatory comments under photos, constant calls and SMS from women will help convince the girl of your importance. You can achieve this by asking young ladies you know (friends, classmates, classmates, colleagues) to help you.

Watch your appearance

Although this is not the most important thing in the art of seduction, nevertheless, a guy, although not handsome according to the accepted canons of attractiveness, but neatly dressed, preferably in the latest fashion, stylishly combed and fragrant with a pleasant aroma, has a much better chance of being liked by a girl. Do you want to be a successful pickup artist? Learn to look great in any situation.

Be a provocateur

The main key to success in making a girl fall in love with you is to make sure that she does not lose interest in you. And for this she needs to be constantly provoked. Previously, only ladies used this technique, but today men have also mastered the trick of seduction. The essence of the technique is to first let her know that you really like her. To do this, you can call her for no reason, ask how she is doing, and show concern. And then suddenly disappear from her field of vision, artificially creating a lack of communication. In this case, you will be able to provoke her, and she herself will make contact. But you are obliged to maintain an imperturbable defense - answer questions dryly, ignore calls and SMS, refer to being busy. After “marinating” the girl like this for several days, “turn on” your care and interest again.

Be yours for her

Any young lady wants to see next to her a reliable companion who can be trusted. Your task is to become that person for her. However, keep a balance, because using this technique it is very easy to end up in a friend zone, from which it is very difficult to get out.

Stand out from the crowd

How to make a girl fall in love with you when there are so many competitors around? Very easy. You just need to become the life of the party and be able to stand out from the crowd. To do this, it is enough to be a witty, versatile, humorous person. Not everyone is ready to use this technique, because for this you need to engage in self-development, and most guys are now not ready to read books and invest at least some knowledge into themselves. In general, using this technique, you need to think as creatively as possible in absolutely everything, from where your first date will take place and ending with jokes and gifts with which you will surprise your chosen one.

Be the best

Any young lady wants the best for herself and wants to see a successful person next to her. Therefore, every pickup artist knows that he must be the best in everything, or at least create such an illusion. She should think that you are the best sex partner, a reliable man for life, promising and ambitious, then it will be easy for you to win the affection of any beauty.

Amaze her with the brightness of your life

Take up extreme sports, travel more, do unusual things and you will arouse the girl’s interest. The more extraordinary a person you seem to a girl, the higher the chances of one day becoming her boyfriend.

However, you should not overdo it and play too hard, because when the girl understands the full scale of the pretense, she will quickly cool down, become disappointed and leave.


For this technique, you need to gain courage and learn to be an adult, responsible man. You must put her in the position of a child, and make her your role as a parent. You can lisp, pamper her with ice cream and small gifts, play and rage with her, feel sorry for her when she is hurt and support her when she is sad, until she forces you to act differently with her behavior. For bad behavior, punish the girl. Naturally, not by assault, but you must find an effective lever of pressure with which you can reprimand her. Never dare to be offended, argue and sort things out if you are using the “father-daughter” technique and want to dominate. Many girls, no matter what they say, like this model of relationships, and they often fall for this technique.

What does it mean to fall in love?

I'm sure how many people live on the planet, so many have different opinions and feelings about love and everything connected with it. But let's just do a little analysis from a psychological point of view, what is love?

Love is attachment, involvement with an object. One might even say dedication. That is, a person in love can do not everything, but a lot for the object of his desire. But the object that is loved can calmly manipulate the subject who is in love with him. Is this love? More likely manipulation or, alternatively, unrequited love.

Psychologists would NOT want you to know these secrets about yourself

—Imagine this situation...
What if, instead of paying for years for useless consultations with a psychologist, in 21 days you can work with yourself? Get rid of negative thoughts and states forever. And instead live a calm and happy life? Stop living in stress due to relationships or constant lack of money?

Tell me this is impossible?

I thought so too, until I started working with myself


My name is Ivan, I am 35 years old, and I have been practicing psychology for 15 years. I have studied all the basic methods and techniques through which I help people find happiness. NLP, hypnosis, body-image therapy. I was invited on television as an expert.

And it was... just a nightmare!

I lived in a state of depression for 7 years (constant stress exhausted me). I had a lot of low self-confidence (my self-esteem was below 0). I could not calmly communicate with people, it seemed to me that I was not worthy of them.

The relationship did not work out (because I was very negative, jealous, a doormat). I’m generally silent about decent earnings; I earned 15,000 rubles a month and thought that was the limit. I didn’t want to live... Envy.

The worst thing is, I thought I would have to live like this forever, and I don’t deserve love and happiness.

But it only got worse, negative states fell on me like a snowball. It felt like I was sitting in a deep, black hole from which there was no way out. Hopelessness, despair, pain, resentment.

My life has turned into endless torture. But then a miracle happened...


One day my father came home from work, a little drunk, although he never drank much.

He came into the kitchen..., looked at me with a dissatisfied expression and began to say with anger how worthless I was, how I couldn’t do anything, and in general, how sorry he was that he was my father.

At first I felt severe mental pain (this is very painful to hear from my family). Then I got offended (does that mean I’m not a favorite son?!) And then an insight came to me...

I received that magical kick that I had been waiting for all my life. It changed my thinking, my life and my relationships with my environment.

I had already forgiven my father simply because he told me the truth and I was happy about it!

But then the most interesting thing began...

Literally 5 minutes later I was already sitting at the computer and writing out all the psychological (!) methods of working with myself.

I was even confused, because my plans were to continue to suffer all my life.

It was such an incredible feeling of freedom and desire to do something that I burst into tears of happiness.


If you think that you cannot change your life, become rich or successful, or create a happy relationship - you are mistaken!

You can change your life by changing your thinking and the main thing is to do it EASILY!

• 5 simple and powerful methods of working with yourself (they work even if you use them incorrectly) - You don’t have to turn to psychologists, you are your own psychologist.

• “The secret method” of working through any negative state. This will allow you to eliminate the negative and switch to the positive in 5 minutes.

• 15 minutes a day - Just 15 minutes a day to change your life 180 degrees. Become happier and more joyful.

• Saving up to 100,000 rubles in 1 year - You will save on trips to a psychologist, and spend the saved money on a vacation by the sea.

• 21 days – It only takes 21 days for you to see changes in your life. You will start smiling. Wake up with joy.


For 7 days, access to the “Guide to Changing Yourself” will be free, everyone can download it from Telegram using the button below.

PS If you want to say “thank you” to me, just download the guide and start using it every day.

PPS How about becoming happy today? =)

We continue, but the object with whom we fell in love decided to break off relations with the subject who loves. How does the subject feel? Most likely, he begins to feel even stronger “love” for the object and at the same time suffer. Well, affection.

So here is the question, is this love? No, this is a kind of dissatisfaction with life and a pathological desire to suffer from unrequited love. That is, we do not love a person, but simply feel a loss and some desire to fill the emptiness in our soul. Once again, this is suffering, not love.

Looking ahead, I will say that a person who is perfectly aware of his emotions will never fall in love in such a way as to suffer and try to fill the loss. It’s all self-pity and the desire to be “loved more.”

Read more: How to make a girl squirt

But may God grant everyone to experience such a strong and real feeling of love, take my word for it, this is a cool feeling and in it you can calmly forgive any person or let him marry another person. I felt this during one meditation, it’s a very cool feeling and no drug can compare with it.

How to win a girl if she is older or younger than you

How to make a girl fall in love with you if there is an age difference. Let's consider several options:

  • If she's younger. In this case, problems should not arise, because any young ladies always give preference to older young men. With them, almost any of the above pickup techniques work easily. You don’t have to use any techniques at all, just offer your chosen one what her peers are unable to give her - and the job is done! You can impress any young lady with almost no effort.
  • If she's older. Will it be possible to win over an adult lady? In this case, you will have to work hard, because charming an experienced girl is much more difficult: you will have to use all your charm, prove that you are in many ways superior to her peers, constantly shine with your intelligence and, of course, show your financial capabilities. Remember that nothing is impossible, and a girl older than you will, in any case, be flattered by the attention of a young admirer.

It is believed that in a relationship the man should be older. These are just prejudices. There are many examples when a couple has a slightly or even much older girl, and this does not in the least prevent the partners from living happily. Therefore, do not focus on age and remember - everything is in your hands! Use pickup techniques and you will achieve your goal very quickly.

Friendship with the environment of your chosen one

How to conquer the woman you like? To do this, a man is advised to please those around her. Her parents must be among them. After all, these are most likely future relatives. Some men love to win women this way. After all, the opinion of mothers for girls, as a rule, is very significant.

A man should not forget about his chosen one’s girlfriends. If they are conquered by him, then the girl will certainly begin to develop a sense of ownership. And if her friends have already managed to appreciate the one who is caring for the young lady, then she, most likely, will not risk her own happiness.

In this case, a man should try not to cross the line between flirting and sympathy with other girls. Otherwise, all efforts to win the heart of your beloved will be nullified.

How to make someone love you from a distance

Distance is the enemy of relationships. Many will agree with this statement. But, even if there are thousands of kilometers between you, you have the power to influence a young lady and charm her with your persona, despite the great actual distance. To please a girl of any age, if you are far from each other, you will only have to use your phone and the Internet. This makes the task much more difficult, but there is still a chance to achieve your goal. Proceed this way:

  • Call. Do not limit yourself only to correspondence in instant messengers and social networks. Call her at least occasionally so that she can hear your voice and establish contact between you. As a last resort, send voice messages. It is best to make calls before bed so that everyday activities do not distract you from the dialogue, and evening time adds intimacy to any conversations.
  • Don't write platitudes. During the day, try to write to her, but your messages should not be limited to the banal: “Hello. How are you?". Write poems, pleasant words to her, try to intrigue her. For example, write to her in the morning the following: “I saw you in a dream today. It was a pleasant and unusual dream. Very unusual." And after that, “disappear” from the network. Let her think about what you dreamed about.
  • Don't be intrusive. Keep in mind that even distance will not save her from your tediousness, so you should not write or call the lady too often. Give her the opportunity to miss you a little.

You don’t know how to make a girl who is far away fall in love with you, and do you even doubt whether you can do it? Remember: you can use pickup techniques just as effectively at a distance as you can in real life. So adapt them to the situation you are in and apply them with slight modifications.


The older a person gets, the more structured his life becomes. He plans every day, but, as a rule, does not have time to do everything he planned. In order to win a woman, you should take a break from this schedule and allow yourself to become a little spontaneous. For example, there is no need to schedule a meeting in advance. It’s better to just call the woman and invite her to go somewhere. For example, you can organize a picnic in the park, watch the sunrise in the mountains, take a walk around the city at night, go to a jazz concert or a play at your favorite theater. It is worth remembering that there is a huge world around every person, which can be discovered without any schedule. Of course, you can invite a girl on a classic date. However, it will be a little boring.

How to win over a friend or colleague

Will it be possible to start a relationship with someone you already know and are close to? In principle, yes, this is possible, and such a situation will have both its pros and cons. On the one hand, during the time you met, you probably managed to study the girl, which means that it will be much easier to choose techniques that are suitable specifically for a particular person. On the other hand, it will not be easy for any person to change warm, friendly feelings to more intimate ones.

That is, here all the ideas are the other way around: we do not end up in the friend zone from an early relationship, but from a previously established friend zone we try to enter into a relationship.

Not every girl will dare to take such a step, because if the relationship fails, your friendship will most likely also come to an end. But, if you have already set such a goal for yourself, then you can try one of the techniques that will help you in this matter:

  • Give her hints that you like her. You should not immediately tell your chosen one about your feelings, this will scare her away. You have to start from afar. Try to give compliments, but they should not sound friendly. The girl must understand that you like her. Flirt and make advances to her at every opportunity. If she develops feelings and decides to have a relationship, you will feel it in her behavior.
  • Try to be close. She should feel your presence next to her. And it doesn’t matter whether she’s good or bad, in any situation you should try to be close to the girl, physically or mentally. Your task is to become indispensable so that she gets used to you.
  • Make her jealous. Girls tend to take guys, especially those who are in the status of friends, for granted. Therefore, if you want to win her heart, then you should make it clear to your chosen one that she may lose you. Did you manage to evoke feelings of jealousy? Consider it yours!


Let's look at how to win a woman. It is difficult to find representatives of the fairer sex who would not be captivated by male charisma. This is a trait that is quite difficult to define, but people endowed with it are visible at first glance. What is meant by charisma? This is a set of psychological and emotional traits that allow a man not only to please a woman, but also to be a real leader.

Most people believe that such a quality is given to a person by nature. However, charisma can be developed by anyone if desired. And for this you will need to become energetic and friendly, as well as improve your oratory abilities. This will help you win the heart of the girl you like.

Is it possible to return your ex's feelings?

How to make a girl with whom you already had a relationship fall in love with you? In fact, getting back into a relationship again is very possible, because you are quite familiar with the girl’s character and preferences, which means you have some advantages. Use this knowledge to your advantage and the girl will come back to you. In addition, when conquering a woman you already know, it will be easier to choose a pickup technique from the ones given above. What do we have to do:

  • Analyze the breakup. You need to understand exactly why your relationship didn't work out. Based on this, you will have to think through a strategy for returning your chosen one.
  • Correct the mistakes of the past. If the breakup happened in your vein, then you will have to prove that you have changed and will not commit any more offenses.
  • Make friendly contact. To show her your positive changes and transformation, you first need to establish friendly relations with her. Any young lady after a failed relationship will treat you with caution, so you shouldn’t immediately go on the offensive and force her to come back. Give her some time and let things take their course.
  • Use the past. Any pleasant memories of your past will make her think about the future. Unobtrusively remind her how good you had it together, send photos together, invite her on a date to some memorable place, use the perfume that you wore during your relationship with her. This technique is incredibly effective, because all people strive to return to where they felt good.


How to win a woman's heart? To achieve your goal, you should not treat her as “your guy.” The attitude towards the lady should be completely different. First of all, a man trying to woo the lady he likes should not quarrel with her. You should also not say offensive words to her.

A woman will definitely appreciate a man if he holds the door for her or pulls up a chair, helping her sit down at the table. You should also not base all relationships on intimacy. A woman must understand that she is important to a man as a person.


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Be mysterious, not pathetic

Women don't like ugly guys. They are not at all happy with the desperate attempts to take them by storm. It's funny, but a determined woman is, on the contrary, very cool. But not the other way around. Therefore, you need to confuse the object of your sympathy. The best way to win a woman is to make her doubt whether she likes you.

Are you asking them out on a date or are you really just looking for a drink? Are you walking home or flirting? Do you even like her or are you just fooling around? She does not know. A confused woman is vulnerable, and beauties are doubly vulnerable, because they are used to running the show. Sometimes it's good to unsettle them.

Pay attention

A very simple rule, but the guys somehow manage to screw it up. Pay attention to her, listen to her, act as if her words are important. Women like to think that men are interested in them as individuals. Sometimes that's how it goes. Either way, listen to her and don't just nod your head like a dummy.

Periodically insert your comments and express interest. Even beauties want to believe that they are curious: this is a matter of pride, and not only that. Believe it or not, they also want to have a good time before you fall into bed together and go your separate ways forever.


What kind of men attract the attention of women? Without a doubt, erudite and fluent in speech. Thus, intelligence is a powerful weapon in the arsenal of one who wants to win the heart of his beloved. And for this, a man needs to constantly learn something new. At the same time, it is recommended to deepen one’s knowledge in the area that interests the object of one’s attention. This will allow us to make plans together in the future, dream, draw a picture of the future for ourselves, and then put all the ideas into practice. All a man's conversations should be filled with meaning. At the same time, he must talk about what inspires and motivates him.

Spend money

I don’t want to say that all women are materialists looking for a rich man. However, they want to feel important: if you buy them a drink or leave a generous tip, they may get the impression that you appreciate the things around you and spend money on them.

This makes it clear that you can be fun to be with. Let's face it : many women love to have fun, but don't want to pay. By the way, this also applies to guys. So you can cry over this fact and acknowledge the devilish nature of women, or you can still fork out the cash. I propose the second option.

Physical flirting

A guy can check a girl’s sympathy by lightly touching her. You can start small:

  • Gently remove a speck of dust from the girl’s hair, then gently touch her neck with the back of your hand.
  • If you are sitting next to her, you can place your palm next to her leg, gently touching her thigh with your little finger.
  • Try touching her hand if she starts flirting or teasing.

If the girl liked physical contact, you can increase its duration. If the reaction is negative, it is recommended to wait.

After mutual physical contact, you can move on to a kiss, which means the beginning of a relationship.


Girls love to talk about themselves. It is important for a guy to be able to listen and focus on his girlfriend.

If all the attention in a conversation is focused on the female side, the guy is in an advantageous position. This allows you to avoid mistakes, ridiculous phrases, excitement, etc. During the dialogue, you need to not only listen, but also ask various questions to fully reveal the story.

If a guy focuses on a girl, looks into her eyes, smiles regularly, this will certainly interest her. In her mind, she may even praise the guy for his fascinating personality traits, even though she did 70-80% of the talking.

Make eye contact

Eye contact is of utmost importance. You can tell a lot just by looking into a woman's eyes. The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't act weird and put on an overly tense face, and for heaven's sake, don't hypnotize her. But if, to your gaze, she responds in kind, half the way has already been passed, even more.

By nature, people are just animals, and eye contact is essentially mating games. Keep up the good work, don't let it slip away, and you'll likely find success.

Don't waste your time

Wasting time on women is one of the biggest mistakes men make. This applies to both short-term and long-term relationships. It doesn't take a genius to figure out whether she likes you or not. I think you can handle it. If she doesn't like you, move on. This isn't some kind of test; you won't get a reward by making her change her mind.

While you're spending hours at the bar or months at work trying to charm her, there may be at least five women nearby eager to start a relationship. But you didn’t pay any attention to them; what was more important was the one that didn’t pay any attention. Badly. But we don't always get what we want.

Phone number

If the conversation comes to an end, you need to take the girl's phone number. To do this, you can use any excuse for leaving, and then offer to exchange numbers for the next meetings.

Often girls begin to deny or come up with excuses. To do this, you can use an effective method:

  • Start pulling your phone out of your pocket and ask him to dictate the numbers.

It’s unlikely that a girl will be able to refuse after this.

Before breaking up, it is recommended to check the phone number by calling it. Many girls give incorrect numbers, so a call will determine not only the correctness of the number, but also her desire to communicate further.

Share her interests

This is a really elementary point, but it is often forgotten. She just came from a Bernie Sanders book signing. What a coincidence, you like him. She can't stand guys who watch sports programs all day long - why waste your time like that? You get it, right? You went hiking in the White Mountains last week and it was absolutely amazing.

In fact, you like Trump, and on Sunday you watched the Giants game, ordered a huge hamburger and pizza, and did not leave the house at all. But what's the difference? Do you want to argue or still spend the night together? Not so difficult, right?


Girls don't like boring guys. A guy should not only look good, but also be able to use humor in a timely manner. This allows you to keep communication on a positive level and have a good time.

After a successful joke, a girl can not only laugh, but also show physical contact. This could be a light blow to the hand or a push. All this is a hint that the girl is interested and having fun with the guy.

During communication, you should not please your companion in everything and monotonously talk about your life. It is recommended to tease your friend cutely and use jokes in dialogues if the conversation is not related to a serious topic. Girls love guys with a sense of humor.

Act like you're experienced

Have you ever seen a basketball player frantically rejoice at his victory after a successful shot? Have you seen Jordan act like this? Of course not. They may be happy, but brilliant shots are a common occurrence for them. The same thing happens when you start a relationship.

Remember, you are not crazy about talking to her, she is not very good for you, and you will not be surprised at all when you get your way. After all, this is a habitual activity for you - you are the best in love affairs. You are as pro as Stephen Curry or Beno Udrih.


In any society you meet a person by his clothes. There is an opinion that a man does not need to take a shower often, wear ironed clothes, comb his hair, etc. All this is wrong behavior. Girls with such guys are unpleasant to be around, even if they initially aroused interest.

What changes are recommended to be made to the appearance:

  • Hygiene. You should always be neat, take a shower more often, keep your hair, nails, etc. clean.
  • Cloth. The choice of clothing has a great influence on a girl's interest. If a guy has not yet found his own style, you can look at the current fashionable combinations of things. Over time, taste and style will begin to develop, which will allow you to choose clothes wisely and look attractive.
  • Muscle work. Since childhood, girls have been taught that a man should be strong and able to protect her. The physical condition of the body is also important to start attracting girls. You can start building muscles at home or in the gym. Over time, training will become a habit, and the result will begin to motivate you to go further.
  • Desires. Nowadays there are no prohibitions on changing one’s appearance, so others calmly react to guys with earrings, tattoos, dreadlocks, etc. All this allows one to add a certain individuality to one’s appearance. It is recommended to use accessories if desired.

Very quickly you will notice how girls' looks change when they meet a seemingly attractive guy.

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