How to understand if a guy/man loves you: characteristic signs of love

When starting a conversation with a young man you like, you want to make the best impression on him, and he, for his part, is actively trying to do the same. But how to distinguish simple flirting and advances from really serious feelings on the part of a guy? And even more so, how can you check the strength of a guy’s feelings after some time in your relationship in order to understand whether it’s worth dating and developing further? You can determine whether he really loves you using a few simple criteria below.

Signs that a guy loves you

A loving guy and someone who just likes a girl will be different from each other. In the first case, the young man is ready for any, even the most daring, actions, the second will not sacrifice himself. A lover is not shy about his feelings, he is ready to show them in public places. He will definitely introduce the lady of his heart to his close relatives and friends. If a guy doesn't have serious intentions, he won't want his friends to consider you a couple.

Signs that a guy loves you the same way are that he is always ready to help, even if it is a small thing. He will help you carry your bag, rearrange the furniture in the house, and give the necessary advice. He will never dismiss a girl if she has serious problems.

A young man in love always wants the relationship to develop. He will often start conversations about plans for the future. He will ask what the girl expects from marriage. If a guy just likes her, he won’t want to develop a relationship; it’s already convenient for him. When a girl wants to talk about serious things, he will start joking or simply avoid the conversation.

If a girl evokes a storm of emotions in a guy, he will constantly look at her. His gaze is intent, attentive, as if he wants to thoroughly study his beloved, remember every detail. If you meet his eyes, he will quickly look away.

In a large company, a guy introduces his beloved as his girlfriend. He will definitely emphasize that the couple will hug each other around the waist. This way he will show that he has rights to her to other young people.

Lies are an indicator of relationships

Honesty is an unconditional indicator of the sincere emotions of your chosen one. Analyze his attitude and draw a conclusion.

  • Constant lies.

It is very difficult to catch a male representative in a lie. Especially if we are talking about a girl in love. But if a guy understands that you easily believe his excuses, he will stop taking you into account. Moreover, if he had such experience in a previous novel.

A loving man always keeps his promises. If he promised to pick you up at six, he will do it. He won't stay late for no reason. He is a man, which means he must keep his word. In a strong relationship, you should warn each other about force majeure circumstances. If a guy doesn’t even try to justify his behavior, then he values ​​freedom more than the woman he loves.

  • He forgets what exactly he lied about.

A man who regularly goes “to the left” comes up with an alibi for himself, but over time he may get confused in his testimony. He may tell you that he was late at work on Saturday, and a week later it turns out that he was visiting his mother. How to check a man’s feelings in this case? You can catch him on such little things. Be patient. Soon he will screw up on some nonsense, and you won’t have to listen to new excuses. Check back in a couple of weeks. If another version appears, then you can safely call the liar to account.

  • Your lover does not make plans together.

Your lover doesn't want to plan your vacation, a visit to your parents, or even a trip to the theater? Most likely, he is not going to continue your relationship. Before you think about how to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings, think about whether they remain at all. If he has another girl in his head and heart, then there is no way you can save this romance.

  • He's trying to manipulate.

If a man understands that he has been driven into a corner, he will try to avoid answering. He will begin to evoke pity: “You don’t believe me? How can you not love me like that?!”

  • Strong gestures.

We can control our speech, but body language gives us away completely. Observe your lover's gestures. When your interlocutor lies, his blood pressure rises, and he may complain about lack of air, he becomes hot.

Phrases that a guy in love says

When a guy in love talks to his girlfriend, there is a lot of concern in his voice. He constantly asks whether she is cold, whether she is hungry, or what movie she wants to go to the cinema to see. If a girl in love complains about her figure or says that she doesn’t like her hairstyle, he will immediately react. The guy will convince her that everything is fine with her appearance and it just seemed to her that she had gained excess weight or had an ugly hairstyle. Of course, the guy will see the girl’s shortcomings, but he is ready to accept them and even turn them into advantages.

A young man in love likes to call his beloved by name. He will also come up with affectionate variations of the name and cute nicknames. More courageous guys, when communicating with the girl they like, try to talk as much as possible. This is how they try to hide their excitement. If a guy is modest, he will be silent most of the time. So remember: humble guys are great listeners.

In the modern world, lovers often communicate through correspondence on social networks. Messages from a guy in love are usually for no reason, he simply wants to chat with the girl, find out how she is doing. In the morning he will definitely wish you a good day, and in the evening pleasant dreams. If he was unable to answer a message or call right away, he will definitely call you back and explain why this happened.

A guy in love often uses emoticons in correspondence with his girlfriend. Maybe give the girl cute nicknames. He will comment on posts on his beloved’s page, post posts, and share the music he likes.

Sometimes during correspondence, guys in love adopt the girl’s communication style, as if adapting to her. The correspondence between people in love is usually long and active; the guy wants to know absolutely everything about the girl.

If a guy likes a girl, he will never utter rude or swear words in front of her. He will show respect to her and leave all vulgar jokes for communication with friends. In a large company, young people in love do not make fun of their girlfriends or put her in an awkward position. If a guy makes fun of your shortcomings in front of his friends, then you should think about his attitude towards you.

A young man in love will often talk about his love.

Simple phrases that a guy in love says to his girlfriend:

  • you are the most beautiful;
  • have you thought about children? How many would you like to have?
  • I miss you terribly;
  • you are hungry? Would you like some water? Not cold?

If a guy doesn’t love you, he will never ask about the girl’s health or her mood. When he sees that she is feeling bad, he will try to retreat as quickly as possible.

Guys in love often use “we” instead of “I” when talking about their plans. This means that he already considers the girl his soul mate and is committed to a long-term relationship.

If a young man constantly talks about his ex-girlfriends, about his love affairs, then most likely he has friendly feelings for you and nothing more.

It is important to remember that not every young person will be able to freely say: “I love you!” Many are afraid of not hearing the same words in response or are embarrassed to open their feelings and show their real selves. So if your boyfriend doesn't tell you that he loves you, it doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings for you. Modest and silent young people often show their emotions through action. Watch his facial expressions and gestures when he communicates with you. Pay attention to how quickly he strives to solve your problem, whether he shows care and attention. Sometimes actions can say much more than words.

Perhaps he's just using it?

Well, yes, it's quite possible.
If you look globally, we all use each other. In most cases, of course, psychologists do not deny sincere altruism. But! Agree, when someone “sacrifices himself,” doesn’t he expect some kind of reaction from the outside? Psychologists believe that this is pure manipulation, which implies obtaining one’s own benefit.

Think about it: aren’t you using it too? Psychologists advise not to lie, at least to yourself. If the honest answer to yourself is positive, then don’t be surprised if the use turns out to be reciprocal. There is an opinion that people around us really are mirrors of ourselves, remember this.

If you are diligently searching the Internet for materials on how to understand whether your husband loves you or not, then:

  • or there really are some precedents;
  • or you’re just bored, so you decided to create a problem for yourself out of the blue.

The opinion of psychologists regarding the second option is clear: in this case, you must first of all take care of yourself and your development, and not try to look for a catch in your man’s behavior. So let's talk about the first one.

So, how can you tell if a man loves you or is just using you? If you really want to understand your man, there are approximate signs of his potentially materialistic behavior.

  1. He only turns to you when he needs something.
  2. He is not interested in your personal development, and he will demand that you sacrifice something of your own for his sake.
  3. He doesn’t help you unless you ask him about it a hundred times and, in addition, promise something in return.
  4. If you have any problems that really need to be solved, he doesn't have time.

How to find out if a guy is in love with you

To find out if a guy is in love with you, just ask him about it. The psychology of men is quite simple. They do not look for hidden meaning in words and usually say what they think. If a guy is brave, he will fearlessly tell you whether he sees you as his girlfriend or just a friend. Just be careful, if the young man is shy, then a direct question can scare him. He may even stop communicating with you for a while, because he will think that you are putting pressure on him.

If your boyfriend is modest and sensitive, then it is better to use softer methods. Pay attention to tactile signs. If a guy likes a girl, he will constantly touch her, as if by chance. Frequent touching indicates that he wants to be close to her.

Try explaining to your guy that you like an open relationship. In passing, tell him about friends who often confess their feelings to each other, tell him that you would like the same relationship. If a guy is not stupid, he will understand what his girlfriend is getting at.

If the guy you like is modest, then your smile can push him to take action. When you notice him looking in your direction, smile a little at him. The first time he will be scared, but the second time he will smile back. If he sees that you are interested in him, he will definitely come over to meet you. To avoid scaring him off, listen without interrupting everything he has to say. Then act according to the situation.

To understand whether a guy is in love with you, watch how he behaves among the fairer sex. If he straightens his hair, clothes, starts talking loudly and laughing, attracting attention to himself, then he does not have any serious feelings for you. When a young man loves, other ladies cease to exist for him.

Reasons for testing men's feelings

Various sociological surveys indicate that women are more susceptible to doubts about the feelings of their partners. They are the ones who are interested in the question of how to check how sincere feelings a man has for them. Young people are rarely concerned with such problems, since they are initially more confident in themselves and act as conquerors and winners. Girls think about how to test a man’s feelings when:

  • lack of self-confidence leads to a constant search for confirmation of love from a partner;
  • despite the duration of the relationship, the young man does not take it to a new level and does not take decisive action;
  • the partner’s feelings cause doubts in the woman, so she wants to check them in order to understand whether it is worth continuing the relationship;
  • The young man’s behavior is ambiguous, there are no obvious signs of affection on his part, but he is also not going to stop meeting.

Lovers look at each other with burning eyes, not noticing their partner's shortcomings. But sooner or later, the candy-bouquet period of the relationship ends, and then women begin to think about the true feelings of their chosen ones, because most of them are not accustomed to open expressions of love.

How to check your real feelings

To check whether a young man has real feelings, you can ask his friends about it. They may share that he constantly talks about you or misses you if you haven't seen each other for a long time.

Senses also test difficulties. A guy in love will definitely listen to problems in school or at work. He won't be afraid if you ask him for help. Therefore, to check your feelings, ask for help. If he loves, he will not be afraid, because help is a way to talk about his sincere feelings.

Trust also speaks about real feelings. The best way to find out if a guy trusts you is to ask him to borrow money. If he does not have the required amount on hand, he will find a way out of the current situation.

Brave girls are the first to confess their love to their boyfriend, and then simply watch his reaction. If a guy loves, then he will definitely admit the reciprocity of feelings. When a girl is indifferent to him, he will simply leave the topic.

Lack of intimate relationships is also a good test. A loving person will wait until the girl herself is ready for this.

Test: does a guy remember you from a distance

Another effective method on how to find out and understand a man’s true attitude towards you is to conduct a small test.

1. Does he often send you messages or interesting posts?

  1. All the time.
  2. Rarely. Sometimes it even disappears for a certain period for no apparent reason.

2. What would be the reaction if you didn’t answer his call?

  1. He continues to call, gets angry, and always finds out the reason for ignoring.
  2. He may inquire casually and sluggishly, or may not remember at all.

3. What can you say about his comrades?

  1. They know everything about you - what you like, where you vacationed, where you study or work.
  2. They don't know about your existence.

4. Before making a responsible decision, a man...

  1. He will definitely consult with you.
  2. Ask the opinion of relatives and friends.

5. Is he the first to write, call, or do you interrupt the silence?

  1. Yes, of course, every morning he wishes you a good day, in the evening - good night, and is constantly inquiring about business.
  2. Not always. More often than not I end up first.

Now check the result. If most of your answers are “A”, the young man is really in love. A “B” result means that you are not very significant to your other half. If you don’t trust the survey, try asking a specialist for help. If you are having difficulty understanding your relationship with your partner, sign up for my consultation and I will help you figure out what you mean in your partner’s life and how far your relationship will go.

How to understand the seriousness of a guy's intentions

To understand the seriousness of a guy’s intentions towards you, you should pay attention to his manner of talking to you and your correspondence. A guy in love will look for any reason to talk to his girlfriend. As soon as a free minute appears, he will immediately write a message or call. He will constantly look for meetings or, as if by chance, pass by her house. If he loves, then he will be more pleased to communicate with a girl than to visit bars and nightclubs. He will never exchange the lady of his heart for fun gatherings with friends.

When communicating with a girl, a guy strives to show himself as brave and reliable. He always tries to help and pays a lot of attention. Sometimes the seriousness of intentions is expressed in a little jealousy. He may ask where you were last night, who you walked with. If he hears a man’s voice during a telephone conversation with you, he will definitely ask who is nearby. Just remember, jealousy should be moderate and not interfere with the relationship. Do not confuse slight jealousy with a sense of ownership, which can destroy a girl.

If a guy has serious intentions for a girl, he will not be afraid of meeting her parents. He will also want to introduce her to his family and friends.

Is there a chance for relationships that haven't been tested?

In every novel there is a period of quarrels and misunderstandings. One of the partners at least once asked himself the question: “What is the future of this novel?” Some couples vigorously sort things out, while others keep everything to themselves and play “silently.” But in both cases, if measures are not taken in time, the matter may end in separation. To save a couple, you need to talk honestly and openly about your grievances, and analyze the reasons for dissatisfaction with each other. If we are not talking about treason and betrayal, then all troubles can be overcome together.

But is such a relationship worth saving? There are several signs that indicate that a couple needs to break up:

Sick atmosphere in relationships.

Such a relationship without a future can drag on for years. Each of the partners understands that this relationship is futile, but no one risks taking the first step towards separation. It may be a matter of habit. Find the strength within yourself and break this union. Otherwise, you risk missing out on your destiny.

Feeling of inner devastation.

What could be more beautiful than falling in love? Every meeting is a holiday, and parting is simply unbearable. You can’t get enough of communication, your thoughts are busy with each other. The first kiss, a night together, a quarrel - it’s all exciting and exciting. If after the next date you experience spiritual emptiness, then this relationship has outlived its usefulness. Even negative emotions are better than no emotions at all. Indifference is a sure sign of a relationship without a future.

Making claims out of habit.

You decide to test a man’s true feelings only because you want to create a scandal once again. You are just used to sorting things out all the time: who loves more, on whose side is the truth. You make claims not to find out the truth, but to start a quarrel. Your couple is used to existing in the “attack-defense” mode. Each of the partners in such an alliance shifts responsibility to the other. But do not forget that harmony in a couple depends on both.

The desire to keep everything under control.

In a couple where there are no deep feelings, the relationship is based on possessiveness. One of the partners is trying to break the will of the other and subjugate him. Begins to control every step and word. Tries to change everything about an unloved person: habits, clothing style, hairstyle. If a lady is constantly thinking about how to test a man for the sincerity of her feelings, maybe she just needs another person? If you suppress your partner, then there is no place for love and trust in your relationship.

Low self-esteem.

Harmony in a couple is possible between equal people. If one of the lovers is not confident in himself, then he begins to be biased towards the achievements of the other person. Injured pride will not allow you to be happy for your other half. This can lead to a person with low self-esteem beginning to assert himself by humiliating his partner.

Resentment and humiliation of each other.

Before you check whether a man has feelings, think about what you feel for him. If your union has no future, you may begin to offend and humiliate each other for no apparent reason. It's all due to faded emotions or their absence. If you increasingly turn to raised voices and mutual insults, then it’s time to put an end to the romance.

Emotional swing.

If doubts arise between lovers about each other’s feelings and they wonder what awaits them ahead, then this is the beginning of the end. The situation is aggravated by sudden mood swings. You are either ready to kiss each other, or switch to mutual insults. This picture looks deplorable.

Drama lover.

If one of the lovers goes from one extreme to another, may burst into laughter, and then cry bitterly a minute later, this indicates problems in the relationship. It is also common practice to block a phone number and add it to a “black list” on social networks. Such behavior will have a detrimental effect on any union. The reason for this may be a minor disagreement. You just don't want to look for a way out.

Lack of common interests.

You imagine your future completely differently. Your interests and outlook on life do not coincide. If lovers do not complement each other, but want to impose their own life principles, then it will not be easy for them to reach a compromise.

You are tired of each other's company.

If you find yourself thinking that you more often prefer the company of friends than the company of your loved one, then you clearly have problems in your relationship. A loving person always strives to be with his other half. Nobody says that you need to be together every minute. But a man in love would rather spend a free evening in the company of his lady than in a nightclub.

Negative attitude.

A special negative aura is created over a couple where there are no feelings. Partners begin to oppress each other. You destroy not only your relationships with endless quarrels and insults. You suppress your own desires and dreams. Living in constant stress is difficult mentally and physically. In every person’s soul, resentment accumulates, which will later be reflected as a heavy burden on the heart. Subconsciously, you will carry the negative experience of this relationship throughout your life. You will look at all people through a distorted prism, attributing to them qualities that did not suit you in your ex-lover.

What distinguishes loving people from couples where everything is not so smooth? In the latter case, a woman increasingly thinks about how to test a man’s true feelings. Doubts and jealousy constantly ring in her head. Do not enter into a relationship that is obviously doomed to failure. Don't waste your time and your partner's time. If you understand that every day you are moving further away from each other and the chances of finding common ground are decreasing, then it is better to let the person go. Otherwise, you will doom yourself to mental discomfort that will poison your life.

As a rule, a woman is afraid to be the first to put an end to it for fear of loneliness. The guy is kept in such relationships by habit. He's just comfortable with this girl. He already knows her inside and out. He is especially pleased that she tolerates all his infidelities. But someone must be stronger and wiser. If you have found a way to test a man’s feelings, but all your attempts to revive the relationship have failed, then let each other go. And a truly loving person will take the free place in your soul.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

How to behave with a guy in love

No matter how strong and brave a guy may seem, his feelings are easy to hurt. Therefore, you need to behave correctly towards him. You should not laugh if a young man is awkward in expressing his feelings. You should not make fun of his embarrassed look and inept compliments. On the contrary, you should show that you are pleased with his attention, you highly value his feelings for you. A light, friendly smile on your part will help him open up.

If you also like a guy, then be open with him, share your feelings and emotions. By communicating with them simply and honestly, you will allow them to see the real you. Also allow him to show you care. Rejoice in his gifts and attention. This will allow your feelings to become stronger every day. Your relationship will increase in strength and momentum.

If a guy is not interesting to you at the moment, you shouldn’t drive him away. It can hurt feelings. Tell her gently about your feelings, explain that you don’t feel anything other than friendly ones, that you are not ready for a serious relationship. Don't give the young man false hopes. You shouldn’t say: “I like you, you’re cute, but...”. You should say openly: “I’m glad to hear that you liked me, but you’re like a brother to me. I don’t have any romantic feelings for you.”

How to make a man fall in love even more?

Strengthening the affection of a person who has warm feelings for you is easier than falling in love from scratch. The main thing is not to spoil anything, not to dispel the magic that surrounds a woman in the eyes of a loving man.

The first and main rule is not to “give up” completely and immediately. It is better to never do this, even in long-lasting and harmonious sensations. Then the partner constantly feels that the woman has not been completely conquered, and this fuels his interest.

“Boys” love to be admired, and this is one of the keys to a man’s heart. You shouldn’t pour honey all over him from head to toe, but you should definitely celebrate his virtues and achievements. You want to be close to a person who appreciates you.

Female obsession can play a negative role. At least at first, the initiative must be transferred to the man’s hands so that he feels like he is in control of the situation. At the same time, the girl must demonstrate that she is open and friendly.

A sincere interest in what you live is always captivating. A man will certainly appreciate a woman’s desire to know about his views, hobbies, dreams, desires, and aspirations. But there must be sincerity in this, because the opposite is easy to read and can repel.

Actions of a loving guy

A guy in love does not skimp on gifts. He can save on himself, but he will definitely delight his beloved girl with a trip to the cinema, a cafe or a trip to nature. If you ask him for something, he will immediately fulfill the request.

A loving person will always put his beloved's wishes first, not his own. Pay attention to where you go most often: to your favorite cafes or only to those where football is broadcast or his favorite music is played? Also pay attention to the choice of movies. Is it something light and romantic to make you feel good, or a serious action movie with his favorite actor? Many will object: yes, these are trifles. But it’s these little things that make a serious relationship.

Also, the actions of a loving guy are manifested in the fact that he tries to guess the desires of his lady. He often gives his favorite sweets, flowers, and makes little surprises.

How to increase self-esteem?

Let's use men as an example. How can a man improve his self-esteem? For example, if a man grows in his career and business, then his self-esteem also grows. He becomes more courageous, more self-confident. Why? Because he understands that the more successful he is, the more valuable he is, in principle, to many people. And his condition changes because of this.

Many girls also resort to this when pursuing a career or business. But it is important to understand, yes, self-esteem from a career or business can also grow higher, but this is not a woman’s self-esteem, this is a person’s self-esteem. And often a woman can be confident in work, in business, but often nonsense happens in life. And often there is such a dissonance that she is successful in her career and business, but not in relationships. It's different for women. A woman's self-esteem greatly depends on the quality of her relationships with men.

This is how the world works. This does not mean that you should bow down to someone or try. No. This means that you must first establish a relationship with yourself. These are the most important relationships you need to establish. And when you establish them, your relationships with men will also improve. Until you have established a relationship with yourself, you want to manipulate, you want to pretend to be someone you are not, and you attract the same men who pretend to be someone they are not. And you and each other have hard sex in the brain.

If you are satisfied with this, then continue in the same spirit, if you are not satisfied with this, ask yourself more often the question: what is my plan, what do I really want and what am I doing or not doing for this. Am I moving exactly towards my goals and desires or am I marking time.

Do you want to know what a man needs to make you happy? Sign up for a free online course Man: honest instructions.

Male feelings and affections

Psychologists disagree about the emotional state of men. Not a single psychologist is ready to say that everyone can be equated to one person. Love is not a matter of banal chemistry within the body. It can also hardly be attributed to the instinct of procreation.

Psychology believes that love is based on social nuances and internal impulses, although it still adheres to instinctive affection as a basic basis. In other words: a man falls in love, but projects his love in the way that the society around him dictates.

According to psychologists, society influences and imposes on guys a model of behavior that also applies to love relationships. An example would be: a man should be the initiator of a date and should come to the meeting with flowers.

It is believed that the majority of the male population does this, even if they themselves are unusual or do not want to do it. They still repeat this model of behavior, since it is established in society and is constantly heard.

It is precisely this imposition of behavior that makes it difficult to understand feelings. If a man follows stereotypes, but he himself does not want to do this, everything will look insincere and ugly. A girl, looking at such a picture from the outside, may misunderstand his behavior. After which he will discuss everything with his friend, who will advise and come up with a hundred more different options as to why it looked ridiculous.

Fortune telling: in love or not

It is the nature of a woman to establish emotional connections with a man to create a strong, stable relationship. Every girl asks the question: how do I know if the guy I love loves me? In all centuries of our era and, perhaps before that, girls performed sacraments and rituals to divine the feelings of their loved one.

Time has no power over a woman’s question: how to find out if a guy loves you. Fortune telling on paper is a widespread way to reveal this secret these days.

Fortune telling from drawings

On 10 sheets of paper, images of a bird, a cat, a house, a fence, a river, a woman, a man, a door, a flower and a tree are drawn. It is not necessary to make the pictures perfect, the main thing is that the images are clear.

The sheets are folded so that the drawings are not visible. Then, without looking, they pull one of them.

What do the pictures mean:

  1. A man - a guy loves his chosen one, is ready to protect her.
  2. A woman - a girl should reduce her demands on her lover, otherwise the relationship may not work out.
  3. Bird - constancy. In the current relationship, everything is stable and good. If the couple has not yet taken place, perhaps this will all end.
  4. Home - everything is ambiguous. On the one hand, the couple has an idyll, on the other hand, there is a strong influence of relatives.
  5. The river is changeable. You shouldn't get into a relationship with a guy right now. Time will put everything in its place.
  6. Tree - lack of money. The mysterious guy may love you, but most likely he will not provide the girl with a prosperous life.
  7. Fence - soon everything will get better, passions will subside and a time of peace and quiet will come with your loved one.
  8. Flower - a girl should seriously think about whether she really needs to find out whether this guy loves her or whether this is just an empty interest. It’s not worth starting a relationship now, as unexpected passion for the new chosen one is possible.
  9. Cat - possible quick separation or a difficult situation for the chosen one, in which your help will be needed.
  10. Hand - if you are interested in knowing if your ex-boyfriend loves you, then it will soon become known. The hand is a symbol of meeting after a long separation.
  11. Door - a guy loves, but how long his love will last depends on the wisdom and prudence of his chosen one.

Fortune telling on a notebook sheet in a box

Another interesting way to find out if a guy loves a girl is with paper and pencil. A left-handed girl should write with her right hand, and a right-handed girl, on the contrary, with her left.

What do we have to do:

  1. Take a blank sheet.
  2. Draw a medium-sized heart (eyes should be closed).
  3. Consider the picture: whether the upper arches of the heart converge or not. If they do not converge, align the lines.
  4. Mark all the cells that are inside the heart (only whole ones).
  5. Cross out 6 cells at a time until there remains a number that is not divisible by 6 and is less than this number.

Let's see what happened:

  • one cell means that everything is mutual with you;
  • two - you have friendly relations or they may become so;
  • three cells indicate the presence of some feelings, but this may not lead to anything;
  • if there are four cells left, this indicates strong jealousy, which can destroy everything;
  • five cells mean that the guy really loves you and sees you even in his dreams.

But the absence of cells indicates the guy’s complete indifference. But don’t despair, fortune telling is a pleasant thing, but not the most reliable.

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