Twenty ways to diversify your intimate life and make sex more interesting

People are designed this way that even the most wonderful sex with the most beloved and suitable partner becomes boring over time. What to do if you have lived with your loved one for many years, you value him immensely and in no case want to risk your relationship, but at the same time you perceive him in bed as a loved one, but memorized by heart, and therefore not such an interesting book? Is it possible to maintain a relationship without getting bored in bed?

Our answer is that variety in sex is possible! You just need to be aware of the obvious fact: even the brightest fire gradually fades away if you don’t constantly add firewood to it. So let's think about what kind of firewood needs to be added to the fire of sexual relationships so that its warmth will last us for a long time.

I want variety in sex: From theory to practice

No matter how banal this advice may sound at first glance, if you feel that not everything is going well with your loved one in the intimate sphere, you should not arrogantly reject the invaluable experience that has been accumulated over thousands of years by civilizations that have specialized in the pleasure of the flesh. Therefore, if you sincerely love your partner, are faithful to him, but at the same time you feel that your bed holidays are turning into bed everyday life, do not be lazy: go to a bookstore. Books such as the Kama Sutra, Peach Branches, or manuals on the study of Tantra and Tao can be a great help.

It is not necessary to delve into the wilds of Tantric and Taoist philosophy to add variety to sex, although they are incredibly interesting. Take from these books the main recipe: both ancient Indian Tantra and its ancient Chinese modification of Tao, with very specific and quite simply stated advice on managing your body, will help transform a purely physiological orgasm into a sensation on a completely different level - that is, into an ecstatic state of body, mind and soul, merging together. This is true harmony - and what, if not harmony, do we strive for in a relationship with a loved one, both in bed and outside of it? If you can put this greatest theory into practice, then it is impossible to get bored with such fantastic sex. Moreover, you get used to it, like a powerful drug, and you and your partner no longer have questions about the loss of novelty, excessive predictability, inevitable betrayals and other intimate problems. Don't believe me? Check it out!

Choose another time

Still from the film “Love and Other Medicines”
Sex is associated primarily with the evening and night. But by this time, many feel tired, especially after a hard day at work. But in the morning, after a good sleep, sex can bring much more pleasure and benefit. It is believed that morning sex makes you more productive Morning Sex May Make You More Productive, A New Survey Says / Bustle, improves immunity How a spot of morning passion can make you glow all day long / The Daily Mail Online and is quite capable of replacing Forget the gym , SEXERCISE is the best way to slim: Making love burns almost as many calories as a 30‑minute jog / The Daily Mail exercise.

What can be used in bed for new vivid sensations:

Voice your wishes

Yes, we brought this point to the first place. Oddly enough, husband and wife who have lived with each other for many years are often afraid to talk about their fantasies. The problem here is mistrust, self-doubt and fear of being misunderstood. In fact, it sounds a little funny, given the fact that people got together, implying that they completely accepted each other. If, in response to your proposal, you see uncertainty in your partner’s eyes, then begin to approach this carefully, prepare the ground for this: a relaxing environment, the right words and touching erogenous zones. Typically, men are more willing to experiment than women. Therefore, if you want to try something new with your girlfriend or wife, your task is to show her that anything is possible with you, even the hottest experiments, for which no one will ever judge.

Role-playing games

The top preferences for role-playing games among men are nurse, flight attendant, teacher. For women - mistress and slave, kidnapping, prisoner. Everything is simple here - confidence, the right outfit and mood. And perhaps a little acting. To make the process even more fun. Perhaps you and your partner have a favorite image from a movie or TV series - bring it to life in bed! It's like you're having sex with other characters, but you're staying true to each other, making the sex more interesting.


The solution, of course, is not for everyone, but you can try. Swingers are established couples who are looking for variety by inviting another couple into their sex with the same goals. It is believed that this option is better than cheating, since partners do not undermine trust between each other and take better care of their appearance and physical shape. The husband and wife make sexual decisions together, which distinguishes it from the concept of an open marriage. There are three types of swing: light, closed and open. Easy involves having sex in close proximity to each other, or with the involvement of a third person. In closed swing, couples exchange partners while having sex separately. However, they do not see each other. In open swinging, couples exchange partners and see each other during sex.


Lubricants today have become an almost integral part of sexual life. But few people know that lubricants are created not only to compensate for natural lubrication. There are three types of them: oil-based, silicone and water-based.

Oily ones should be left for massage and intimate caresses. They are incompatible with condoms and can stain clothing and bedding. Silicone ones also do not wash well from fabrics and are not always suitable for use with condoms. However, they do not dry out for a long time and are not washed off with water. Water-based lubricants are the most common. This lubricant dries out quite quickly, but remains the most versatile option. Lubricants can also come in different flavors to make oral sex sweeter and more enjoyable.


Sex toys are not limited to a set of vibrators of different colors and lengths. For men, you can buy special silicone penis attachments that will enhance the sensation of oral sex. Or, vibrating cock rings. There are many options, you just need to show interest in it. If you want to surprise a girl, buy a special vibrator that can be controlled from a distance. Just imagine, you went to some event, and you have a remote control in your hands and a girl who is about to go crazy from barely restrained pleasure.


Women have one unusual fantasy - they are turned on by male masturbation. Try this process next to each other. At first there may be embarrassment, but then you will relax and the process will end with enchanting sex. You can also try mutual masturbation. Girls are encouraged to guide a man. This way you will show easy dominance in bed and give yourself pleasure with his hands. Let the teacher show the student which buttons to press.

Sexual practices

The first thing that is usually meant by this term is “Taoist sexual practices”, which are considered pseudoscientific teachings of alternative medicine. In sex, you need to achieve control and harmony without allowing ejaculation. This is the key to longevity and increases the joy you get from sex. This is achieved through a variety of exercises and methods of working on the state of mind and erogenous zones. If you are not yet ready for Taoist practices, then look at what other countries practice in sex. For example, the Arabic sexual practice involves immersing the penis in hot liquid, which increases blood flow in both partners and makes sex more intense. In Spanish practice, the woman squeezes the penis tightly with her breasts. Due to this friction, the man gets an orgasm. A similar practice is “Mongolian”, only here the friction occurs between the partner’s buttocks.

True passion always remains between partners, it’s just that over time it is overshadowed by life’s problems and everyday life. The main thing is to understand this and both strive to rekindle the familiar fire with renewed vigor. Spend more time with each other, open up and talk about what's inside you. Mutual trust and the desire to nourish your love will be the first steps towards variety in sex, and this, in turn, will maintain interest in each other for many years of life together.

At least three poses...

must be mastered. The usual options “with a cigarette in hand”, “looking through the press” and “squeezing a hundred and twenty” are not taken into account. If your friend is already quite convinced that there is nothing interesting on the ceiling, first try turning her over on her stomach.


A little cool cream on the palm and a smile that inspires trust is enough to make any mimosa unbutton her blouse. Very little work and maximum tactile pleasure. It does not count if you paid for the work of a professional massage therapist.

Make your partner turn pink

This is the only way to make sure that your sex really gives her pleasure. Moans and thrashing in the dark don’t mean anything, but redness of the skin on the chest is a fairly reliable indicator that you have done your job and brought her to orgasm. Although, maybe it’s her allergies or she’s shy.

Condom with relief

You simply had to try this! Of course, it will make you neither cold nor hot, but she will be very interested in the new sensation, besides, the rubber ribs delay the sweet process for some time.

Will you be third?

It was high time you told her friend or your boyfriend this by inviting her to join you in bed. At this point, it is not necessary to be particularly persistent and forcefully implement your plans - friends may resist. But it's worth a try, isn't it?

Clean up your bedroom

The first step is to throw her flannel nightie and collection of stuffed animals out of the bed. Something is wrong with a woman who sleeps with stuffed elephants. Unless you're playing teacher and schoolgirl with her.

Mutual masturbation

Sex experts assure that this greatly contributes to better knowledge of each other, establishment of psychological contact and improvement of relationships. Indeed, by observing each other, you have the opportunity to consider everything in detail and improve your skills.

Afternoon sex

Women love this: when a man, no longer sleepy and not yet tired, slightly alien and incredibly businesslike, drops in for five minutes just to have sex. Yes, and it’s good for you to shake yourself up in the middle of the day.

Sex toys

require that they be used. If you've never choked on edible panties, tried out an "artificial vagina", felt the joy of flavored condoms or envied the unbreakable erection of a dildo, then where have you been all this time? Good sex should be fun.

Free oral sex

This thing requires dedication and selflessness. But isn’t it worth trying to give her oral sex without demanding the same in return at least once in order to forever remain a sweet and caring guy in her eyes? Perhaps she will tell her friends about this, and they will also want to take advantage of your generosity.


Another important event in a man’s life: a camera is in your hands, and before your eyes is a girlfriend stretched out in boundless nakedness. Polaroid is extremely convenient in this version (you don’t have to blush in the darkroom). You can film anything, even the most unimaginable shamelessness. But it is not at all necessary to show indecent photos to your friends or her mother.


Haven't you thought of putting it under your partner's buttocks yet? This helps increase the pressure on the clitoris, which enhances her pleasure. It also gives you the opportunity for deeper penetration. In addition, the pillows will heat up, and it will be pleasant to fall asleep on them.

Synchronized orgasm

Views on the problem differ. Not everyone considers a synchronous orgasm to be the height of pleasure, since it does not bring any additional pleasure. But it’s still nice when this happens. Trying is not torture.


It is not necessary to use handcuffs, dog collars or a police baton. Just let her tie you up so you can feel what it's like to be helpless in the hands of a wayward woman.


Be careful: your collection of hardcore movies may dampen her arousal rather than enhance it. Experts say that women are not particularly concerned with visual images and prefer to use their own imagination. To play it safe, invite her to choose what to watch, but don’t be alarmed when she suddenly settles on something like gang rape—it’s still better than a snotty erotic melodrama.

Quick sex

Have feminists already convinced you that bed exists only for sex marathons, where the main prize is her orgasm? Forget it. Quick sex can be very stimulating for a woman, especially spontaneous sex.


By replacing the plug-in hairdryer, soaked sliders and wooden clothespins with candles, wine and aromatic foam, you can have a wonderful relaxation with your girlfriend in the bath. The ancient Chinese said that water has the ability to transfer thoughts and energy of people to each other. And as for deepening contact...

All day in bed

The highest point of hedonism. The only problem is that one of you two (well, not you!) will still have to get up to warm dinner and drag it to bed.

Entrance, elevator, roof...

...A car, a bench, a toilet on an airplane, a Ferris wheel... Well? Have you already tried at least anything from the list as a sexy hippodrome or are you boringly jealous of those who lie flowerily about it?

Her underwear

This is a liberation task. She wears your boxers, so you try on her lace panties. Stockings are also a good idea. Women claim that they like the elastic and smooth nylon to hug their legs. Isn't it interesting?

Swear dirty

during sex is very fashionable: America and Europe are already swearing with might and main in their bedrooms. It's never too late to start, but it's quite difficult to express yourself rudely in your native language, while avoiding intonations that are offensive to the lady.


Somewhere inside you sleeps a macho, a rapist and a villain. Let him out on leave. It’s not necessary to hit a girl, but if she doesn’t mind, let her pretend that she completely refuses to enter into an intimate relationship with you. A couple of circles around the apartment and a stormy finale are guaranteed.

Jam and honey

When there are no bees or dentists worrying about your tooth decay, sticky, sweet liquids are great for licking off your hands, feet, and belly. It’s better, of course, if these legs and belly belong to the woman you love, and not to a random passerby.


Breasts, which are not squeezed like an expander and are not chewed like a hungry hamster, are a very important component of female sexuality. This may be news to you, but skillful stimulation of the nipples can bring a woman to orgasm. Just don’t talk about how you’ve already gotten rid of your mother complex!

Petting secretion

Brightens up dreary times spent in public places such as cinemas, theaters or restaurants. Everything that is within reach of the partner’s intimate parts of the body is used - legs, arms, tongue. The goal is an orgasm invisible to others, which is also a bonus.

Confess your love

At the same time, without “scurrying”, without “mocking” and without choking with self-disgust - a task that only a real man can cope with. If, when you open your mouth to say the main words to someone, you feel like you are being attacked by tetanus, try practicing in front of a mirror. Unless, of course, you are not frightened by the prospect of admiring your own physiognomy at this pathetic moment.

How to spice up your sex life

Method 1.

Wear a white t-shirt over your naked body and join your man in the shower. As soon as you get wet, he will immediately become a participant in the wet T-shirt competition so beloved by men. You took the first place!

Method 2

When you watch TV together, while sitting, raise your hands and place them behind your head. At the same time, your back will arch and your chest will rise so seductively that all your man’s attention will be focused on it.

Method 3

Take your man to a lingerie store. Wear different sexy outfits and show him yourself in them. The fact that he won't be able to touch you will make him very horny.

Method 4

At a party with a lot of people, whisper in your man’s ear: “I think I forgot to put on my panties...” and walk among the guests with an innocent look.

In this situation, you will understand what a woman magnet is. Your man will always try to be near you and touch you.

Method 5

When you go to some formal event, stand behind your man while making a speech.

Press yourself against him from behind and, lifting your dress (the dress should be above your knees), press his hand to the bottom of your stomach (you guessed it, you're without panties again!).

I hope he doesn’t have a heart attack this evening....)))))

Method 6

When you go to a team, at some solemn moment of making a speech, stand right in front of your man.

And with your hand from behind, start stroking his pants in the fly area. The method is very hooligan, because when a man gets excited, it will not be easy to hide.

Method 7

When you get ready to go to work in the morning, walk around your apartment in your bra, panties and heels. But if you can’t be late, don’t risk it! Because when your man sees you like this, his common sense will completely turn off.

Method 8

When you drink a cappuccino, “accidentally” leave a little foam at the corners of your lips. Then, slowly lick this foam with your tongue.

Method 9

When you eat ice cream, slowly lick it off with your tongue, lick your lips and repeat: “Mm, how delicious...”. And at the same time, slyly look into the man’s eyes.

Method 10

If you and a man are in company and he is far from you, look at him with a long, meaningful look, smile slyly and stick out your tongue a little.

Licking your lips sexually may be inappropriate, but simply playing with your tongue so that your man can see it will be exciting.

Method 11

Send your man an SMS with a text that says: “I have prepared a surprise for you tonight...)))”

Method 12

Send your man an SMS with a text that says: “When I get home, wait for me completely naked!”

Method 13

Send your man an SMS with a text that says: “I’m thinking about you now and masturbating.”

But make sure that on this day the man has no important things to do, because in any case he will drop everything and find you to join you.

Method 14

Call your man at work and start moaning while pretending to have phone sex. Imagine as much as possible.

But I can’t vouch for your man’s nervous system - how will he survive to meet you?!

Method 15

When your man is at work, send him photos of your charms (your breasts, or your ass, or your bare legs in stilettos).

Look on the Internet to learn how to properly photograph certain parts of the body to make them look more attractive.

Method 16

When your man comes home, you have already prepared dinner for him, and you meet him in an apron, dressed on his naked body. Moreover, walk around with an innocent look - take out forks, plates, etc.

Method 17

You start cleaning the apartment in the same apron, dressed on your naked body.

When your man enters the room, at this time you are recommended to take something out from under the sofa, gracefully arching your back.

The view that will open up to him will simply blow him away.

Method 18

If your man is a little busy with something, and you feel bored, do the following trick.

You “remember” that you urgently need something at the very top of the closet, climb onto the stepladder and ask your man to hold it.

Then you draw his attention to something above, he raises his head and... he sees that you forgot to put on your panties again!

Think for yourself what you can wear so that it flutters and shows all your charms. Remember, you need to do this with a completely innocent face.

Method 19

You go with a man to a restaurant. You are wearing a jacket and something underneath. In a restaurant you say it's hot and take off your jacket. There is a slightly transparent blouse, worn over a naked body.

You are guaranteed the attention of all men, including waiters. And if your man can take his eyes off your breasts and eat even a piece of food, I will be very surprised.

Method 20

When your man is busy in another room, turn off the light in your bedroom and light a candle. Call your man. He comes in and in front of him you are naked, in a beautiful erotic pose, in high-heeled shoes in the light of a flickering candle.

Amazing sight!

Method 21

Develop family traditions

Few families have family traditions. In vain, they make us very close. If your family has never had them, invent them yourself. Celebrate the New Year not at the table, but in nature. Every summer, allow yourself a little trip. Have a party on the day you meet. Go to the cinema once a month with the whole family. It doesn’t matter what you do, the main thing is that all family members participate in it. Then an atmosphere of happiness will reign at home. Everyone will receive positive emotions, and you will be able to look at your partner in a new way.

Intimacy after the birth of a child

Problems often arise in the sexual life of a couple while expecting a baby and after its birth. This can happen due to physical fatigue, a large number of new responsibilities and an unwillingness to direct energy in an intimate direction.

While taking care of the child, the wife may forget that she is a woman and needs to pay attention to her husband. He, too, may not strive to correct the situation and does not think about improving his sex life with his wife. He grows cold towards his woman and may go for new experiences with another.

To correct the situation, the mother needs to learn to ask for help and support from her husband and relatives. If she gets more rest, she will soon remember her sexual needs and desires. For example, while the spouse remains at home with the children, his significant other can visit a massage parlor or meet friends in a cafe.

It is also important for women to take care of their appearance. Spend 15-20 minutes of physical exercise every day if 2 months have already passed after giving birth. Wear nice, sexy loungewear and regularly use anti-cellulite and stretch mark creams. If you are not yet ready to diversify your intimate life with your husband and make it more turbulent, do not rush. It is important to maintain love, trust and understanding in a couple, then over time everything will work out.

Take the weekend

Yes, of course, everyone has weekends. But answer one question: how long have you had a break from your family: from children, parents, dogs and cats? Every couple should have time only for themselves. Let the grandmothers babysit their grandchildren, while you go to a restaurant, walk along the embankment or in the park. If possible, go to another city. If relatives do not agree to spend time with your children, hire a nanny. Well, if the children are already grown up, don’t be afraid to leave them at home alone, it’s high time for them to get used to living independently. When communicating with your significant other when you are alone, try to avoid everyday conversations about home improvement, financial distribution and raising children. Talk about your feelings, desires, remember funny incidents, the history of your acquaintance.

Compatibility of sexual temperaments

Sexual compatibility in a couple is a very important element. It affects not only the feeling of satisfaction from sex, but also the feeling of happiness from relationships. If you don’t think about how to diversify family life in bed with your husband or wife, and also don’t work on problems in the sexual sphere, the relationship may collapse. That's why it's important to talk openly about your desires in a way that works best for both of you:

  1. Write flirty letters to your loved one, in which you voice your fantasies. Ask him to share his desires too.
  2. Show your partner a video or movie clip that fulfills your sexual fantasies.
  3. Tell your lover what you would like right in the middle of sexual intimacy and ask him to immediately fulfill this desire.
  4. Take a sexual compatibility test together. You and your partner can choose a number of things you would like in sex and show your lists to each other. This is a good way to diversify your sex life with your wife or husband. He will help you find out about your spouse’s desires without unnecessary embarrassment.

When the results of your research show incompatibility with your loved one, do not despair. If you work on the relationship and make concessions, the problem can be quickly resolved.

Where to begin?

The very first piece of advice for couples who feel monotony in their intimate life is to try to look at your loved one as if from the outside. When you see your spouse every day, spend a lot of time with him, you begin to think that you know almost everything about him.

In fact, it is impossible to know a person down to the smallest detail, to get into his head; much remains inaccessible even to spouses. This applies to sex too. Everyone has fantasies, secret desires that they can remain silent about. The easiest and most accessible way is a regular confidential conversation on the following topics:

  • How a spouse views a sexually diverse life.
  • What she/he would like to experience and try.
  • What positions does your partner like, what new caresses would you like to experience?

It is best to have such a conversation on a romantic, calm evening. A good dinner with candles and a glass of wine can liberate even a modest, constrained person.

If the couple comes to an agreement during a confidential conversation, then you can try to come up with some ways to revive intimacy together. Sometimes a surprise can be useful, adding an element of surprise. It's worth trying to do something together.

Choose a new intimate accessory together, for example. Or watch an erotic film together. Such time spent together can reveal new facets of a partner that were not previously known.

By the reaction to the choice of a toy or the plot of a movie, you can understand what preferences your spouse has to diversify sex. This will significantly facilitate all further actions and give new ideas on how to make your intimate life brighter and richer.

Advice from sexologists

For a fulfilling sexual relationship, you need to take care of each other's needs. At the same time, it is important to realize that intimacy is a key area in marriage, but it cannot be placed above other needs. If nothing else excites you in a relationship other than sex, the union will not last long.

Don't be afraid to ask honest questions, as this is the best way to learn about your loved one's wishes. Perhaps he does not need acrobatic tricks from you in bed and copying the behavior of heroines of porn films. Making sex better and brighter is much easier than it seems.

The best way to maintain fidelity and love in a marriage and add variety to sex is to take care not only of your own desires, but also of your partner’s interests. You can give your partner piquant surprises. Do not neglect such elements of your sexual life as erotic lingerie, sex toys, romantic dates. It is also important to take care of each other not only in the intimate sphere, but also in everyday life. Then the relationship will become warmer and more open.

A classic of the genre - you take off your shoe and stroke his leg with your foot. You can put your foot above the sock, or you can, if the tablecloth is long, stroke it between his legs.

Tantra advises:

  • While experiencing orgasm, look into each other's eyes.
    The look of your partner in these seconds can tell you more than volumes of love letters, armfuls of roses and other traditional attributes of love confessions.
  • Breathe deeply.
    Feeling the imminent onset of orgasm, many reflexively hold their breath and tense all the muscles of the body. And you try to relax completely, breathe deeply and slowly, do not rush the onset of orgasm - and it will turn out to be much more intense.
  • Kiss your partner on the lips not as foreplay or after sex, but directly during intercourse.
    Physiologists say that a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated in the lips, and Tantra adds that the lips are one large erogenous zone.
  • Make love... with your clothes on.
    Sometimes small areas of the naked body, revealed to the eye only for a moment, excite much more than absolute nudity.

The Kama Sutra advises:

  • Add maximum variety to your intimate life.
    Literally one or two poses may suit you perfectly, but this is not a reason to refuse all the others! It is important to try, search, experiment with poses and movements, and you yourself will determine those that give you maximum pleasant sensations with a minimum of discomfort.
  • Train your pelvic floor muscles, and most importantly, your vagina.
    With the help of rhythmic contractions of these muscles, you can not only literally drive your partner crazy, but also provide yourself with a whole palette of new sensations.
  • In addition to the vaginal muscles, do not forget about the other muscles.
    For sex to be unforgettable, both partners must be in good physical shape. Otherwise, they may simply not be able to survive the night without sleep...
  • Erotic play does not have to develop into sex - at least in the traditional European sense of the word.
    Everything may well be limited to kisses - but such that you will remember them many hours later.

Don't attach too much importance to everyday problems

As soon as people begin to arrange their lives, the passion fades away. Try to keep everyday life as little as possible in your relationship. Of course it's not easy, but try. First, make your apartment as functional as possible. Remove all unnecessary cluttering space. The fewer things there are in the house, the easier it is to clean up. Distribute responsibilities among all family members. Forget the stereotype that a woman should do all the housework. Modern household appliances will make your life easier in many ways. Robot vacuum cleaner, washing machine, multicooker. Don't cook complex dishes. The simpler the dish, the healthier it is. No, no, we’re not talking about dumplings at all. Preparing a light soup or chicken with a side dish will not take much of your time.

Oh horror: let's go to a sex shop

It would be a mistake to think that everything we need for sex is a priori given to us by nature itself. The main thing is, of course, but this basic thing also sometimes needs help, prevention or even repair. It is then that additional “materials and tools” come into play, for which you can go, don’t be alarmed, to a store with the shocking name “sex shop.” But psychologists have already convinced us: the clients of “shops for lovers,” as they should be called, are not perverts or maniacs at all, but normal modern people who do not suffer from complexes and strive to bring maximum joy to themselves and their loved ones. Yes, we don’t argue, you can buy more than outrageous things there that are not suitable for everyone, but in addition to those, the sex shop has a lot of goods that will be useful to any normal couple – even the most traditional and conservative one.

Tips for visitors to a sex shop for variety in their intimate life

  • To begin with, pay attention to relatively innocent products
    - such as flavored lubricants and specially textured condoms that enhance sensations. Aphrodisiacs - drugs that increase sexual desire - deserve special attention. Oddly enough, there is nothing particularly magical about them - just as there is nothing harmful or addictive. They are based simply on vitamins, mainly A and E, which promote the production of sex hormones. They also contain adaptogens that relieve fatigue - for example, ginseng or eleutherococcus, succinic acid, mild stimulants such as caffeine, as well as extracts of tropical plants - muira puama, damiana, guarana, yohimbe or exotic insects such as the famous Spanish fly.
  • Among stimulants, there are drugs intended only for women, only for men, and also for general action
    . Try it - the result will not be long in coming, and it is absolutely not necessary to do this when sexual function begins to fade. Even at the peak of sexual potential, a properly selected aphrosideiac will simply add new impressions - especially when taken with a loved one in a romantic, exciting environment.
  • Shyly looking away from different-sized dildos, some absolutely cosmic vibrators, intricate pumps of unknown purpose and other outright things, you will soon realize that there is nothing scary or shameful about them either.
    Take, for example, dildos that are so shocking in their naturalism. The sales assistant serving you, without any vulgarity or overly playful hints, will explain to you that this device is just a godsend for a man prone to premature ejaculation, as well as for a woman suffering from uterine prolapse. But even if you don't have these kinds of problems, a dildo can be a cool toy in the right hands, bringing freshness and novelty to sexual play.
  • In today's advanced times, even teenagers know that clitoral stimulation is one of the most important elements of love play
    , and the sex shop will offer you another wonderful and very useful toy: the clitoral stimulator. By the way, it is very good as a kind of test simulator, manipulation of which will allow you to study the sexual reactions of your partner and adds amazing impressions during even the most traditional intimacy.
  • Once you have persuaded yourself to go to a sex shop, do not hesitate to consult with the seller.
    Believe me, there is nothing shocking or vulgar in this conversation. You ask the advice of a salesperson in a hardware, grocery or shoe store? A store for lovers is essentially no different from any other, and the staff is there not only to lighten your wallet, but also to help you choose the right purchase. And most importantly, when going to a sex shop, remember: nothing is prohibited between two loving people if it is a joy for both partners.

The bed is the last thing

Have you gained some theoretical skills and tried them out in practice? We advise you to experiment with the geography of love. Don’t be alarmed, we are not talking about going to the North Pole to love each other on the permafrost, risking frostbite of the members and organs actively involved in sex. To begin with, you can simply go on an erotic journey through your own apartment.

You shouldn't focus on the bedroom - although it will come to that. Start with kisses somewhere in the hallway, then move to the kitchen and allow yourself to be undressed, then slip out of the impatient hands of your lover and lure him into the bath. You never know how many good, secluded and, most importantly, unexpected places there are in the apartment! A dining table or a wide window sill, a carpet on the floor in the living room or an old piano, and at least a loggia - if it is properly glazed, because ardent love on an ordinary balcony can gather too large an audience of interested passersby. Sexologists say that the effect of the old place provokes cravings, but the effect of the new place, on the contrary, brings fresh sensations.

Topographer tips:

  • Have you mastered the entire apartment?
    Well, that means it’s time to start romantic forays into the world around us. For starters, you can just go visit. Ardent teenagers, even at a party, would find a place where they could bring the merger to the final result, but since we are now talking about respectable adults, it is absolutely not necessary to secretly make love with friends in the toilet. But secret, inconspicuous petting under the cover of a long tablecloth - why not. You will come home in an excited state, and no one will bother you there.
  • Petting is also very good in restaurants with separate rooms.
    Between the waiter's arrivals, you will have enough time for each other - if not for the process itself, then at least for mutual excitement. Believe me, the walls of such restaurants have seen everything, so the staff there is well-trained and will not disturb you at the most crucial moment. Again, no one encourages an adult couple to secretly excite each other in an opera house, but in the darkness of a cinema hall - why not.
  • If you have the opportunity to spend a weekend in a forest tent or in a banal holiday home, this will also greatly diversify your established sexual relationships
    , and a joint vacation somewhere in warm regions is the best dope for dormant passion. So expand the geography of your love, and this old proven method will certainly refresh your sexual relationship.

We also suggest expanding your boundaries even further by reading our next article about autoerotic asphyxia, where we reveal all the advantages and dangers of this hobby.


When my future husband and I first met, every meeting was filled with compliments: we noted all the attractive qualities and did not skimp on praise. After the wedding, somehow gradually and imperceptibly the warm words became fewer. I felt that my husband loved me, as before, I found confirmation of his love in his views and actions, but the longing for beautiful words and crazy confessions forced me to take the first step.

I wrote several pleasant confessions to my husband on sticky notes and hung them in different corners of the apartment. Small notes listing the husband’s virtues were comfortably placed in the pockets of his clothes and even in the compartments of his wallet. Then he confessed to me how pleasant it was to find another recognition, how warm it became in my heart and I wanted to give joy in return.

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