What should an ideal guy be like according to girls?

Whether she wants to admit it or not, every woman has a mental list of qualities that her ideal man should have.

Although this list is different for all women, there are some qualities that almost always coincide.

If you want to be popular among girls and win them over easily, then you need to understand how to become for them the ideal partner they dream of.

Remember, first of all, girls value respect and honesty.

Women want a man who respects himself and respects others.

It is important for girls to know that you value her and are going to treat her, her family and friends right.

Of course, an honest person deserves trust. He has nothing to hide or hide.

Another important aspect that women look for in a man is fidelity.

I don't think any explanation is needed here.

Women don't want to share you.

When you're in a relationship, everything you do romantically is expected to be for her alone.

Kiss only her, give compliments only to her, arrange romantic evenings only for her, and so on.

In addition to the basic qualities mentioned above, a woman values ​​certain character traits in a man.

Who is the ideal man?

Each person has his own ideas about what qualities a companion must have, especially if he is a spouse. For example, this could be a caring father who earns a certain amount of money, or a professional athlete.

The ideal man includes only positive qualities, negative ones are not taken into account. This is the root of the problem, since a woman cannot come to terms with the imperfections of a real person.

Within reasonable limits, drawing up a portrait allows you to understand who exactly the girl wants to see. For example, if she dreams of a strong family, then she should not choose someone who loves easy relationships.

Collective image

It is difficult to say unequivocally who the ideal man is and what he is. Every woman has her own preferences. Therefore, you should not rely on other people’s images.

Usually the portrait of an ideal man includes:

  1. Appearance (hair color, figure, height and other features);
  2. Dressing style – good taste always gives advantages;
  3. Character (good and bad traits, habits, behavioral characteristics);
  4. Level of well-being;
  5. Attitude towards family;
  6. Libido level;
  7. Willingness to negotiate and much more.

A man's image can consist of different features. Therefore, a woman will have to work hard in the process of creating a portrait. Some items can be excluded. For example, a certain woman may not care about interest in sex or level of wealth.

Important! The image of an ideal man should combine those features that a particular girl requires.

Sometimes ladies prefer to rely on books. For example, Paratov from “Dowry” seems to look handsome and rich, but his actions only cause harm. Therefore, you should be more careful when choosing fictional characters.

Sharing leisure time is important for maintaining relationships

The list of qualities of a potential chosen one can include 3-4 points or 25. It all depends on how important it is for a girl to see a person with a set of certain traits in front of her. Sometimes during her life a lady can complement the image.

Don't look for a copy!

One of the most deplorable mistakes is to look for a guy who looks like someone else. For example, the search for a guy who looks like Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp is unlikely to end well. Yes, these are wonderful actors. Yes, their appearance may be ideal for someone, but in addition to appearance, one must also take into account the internal qualities of a person. Alas, the longer you date a copy guy, the less he will resemble the original, the less you like him. And it’s unlikely that the handsome guy will have a wonderful character. In addition, after a while you will begin to be jealous or break up, since many girls may like your boyfriend. The result will not be a fairy tale, but a complete failure. A fictitious “star” will think only about himself, selfishly rejecting the needs of other people, so you should not make the meaning of your life the search for a young man who is necessarily similar to someone.

Ideals are rare . It is possible, however, to identify several patterns, several qualities of guys that especially attract beautiful ladies. Let's consider the main criteria.

What should he be like?

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Usually a woman subconsciously draws an image for herself based on her parents’ family relationships or by choosing any fictional character that attracts her. Then she will unconsciously choose a husband who will correspond to her ideas. This is not always a good deal.

Important! If the potential chosen one is a homebody, then he will start arguing with his active companion.

When drawing up a description of an ideal spouse, you need to take into account three important pillars of family life: behavior, attitude towards a woman, actions towards the fairer half of the sex.

How should I behave?

The feminine essence pays attention to how a man presents himself. Those who are polite, cultured, intelligent, and know the rules of etiquette have a greater chance of success. A guy can show interest in the inner world of his chosen one, support her and sympathize with her.

A man should be polite, a pleasant conversationalist, well-read and erudite. He does not interrupt, does not insult, does not gossip. Such a character is difficult to find, so the girl will have to put in a lot of effort.

What should I do

When you first meet, it is difficult to draw conclusions about a man, but his actions can say a lot. For example, he interrupts, does not yield, behaves rudely; these are the first signs of a bad attitude towards girls. Attempts to control or invade personal space should be alarming.

The requirement to give all passwords for social networks and mailboxes indicates pathological jealousy

It is not always easy for a girl to see the real essence of her chosen one. If he cares, is interested in how she spent her day, and sees her off, then these are good qualities. Such a guy may be close to the ideal image of a man.

In order to better imagine the image of the chosen one, the girl should write an essay on this topic.

Useful tips

Having discovered “that same” man next to you, you should not immediately throw yourself on his neck and confess your joyful discovery. Nobody likes clingy people. The object of your dreams will probably not appreciate the tenacity and persistence of your new acquaintance.

The most obvious way to quickly find your soul mate is to go out more often and meet with friends. Their relative or colleague may well represent a long-awaited ideal. You can always ask your friends for help in organizing a “casual” date.

Common interests are an important factor in the development of relations. For example, horseback riding or rock climbing will help you meet an obsessive athlete like the girl herself. One topic for conversation is already obvious, and with mutual sympathy, others will appear.

The attention of both women and men is attracted by people who have recently joined the team. They could be a colleague, neighbor or classmate. Everyone should be given a chance to prove themselves and not reject their advances right away. If the couple doesn’t work out, you shouldn’t give up on a friendly relationship. Loneliness is far from the best way to spend your free time.

The ideal man through the eyes of men

It's not just women who make portraits of potential partners. Guys also try to imagine what they should look like ideally. This applies not only to marital relationships.

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Men try to fit a certain model in their own eyes. For example, for many representatives of the stronger sex, ideality is correlated with self-confidence, physical attractiveness, and strength.

An ideal man will not give in to difficulties, give up, or complain. His main task is to protect his family, so solving any difficulties falls on his shoulders.

In the minds of many men lie the idea that the task of the stronger sex is to provide for their wife and children. Therefore, he needs to earn a lot. To do this, he is building a successful career.

After the success of Schwarzenegger and Stallone, views on male beauty changed. A pumped up body has become attractive, the embodiment of fortitude.

Important! Therefore, the ideal man should be physically developed. But he needs sports more to train his willpower.

There are various factors that influence a person and force him to create images of ideal partners. For example, if a man grows up with a caring father, then he considers it normal to take care of the house and children. In this case, he associates the ideal image with a family man.

Some representatives of the stronger sex are sure that affairs are divided into male and female. But living in pairs in the modern world has already erased these boundaries. Today, women can build a career, and men can take care of children. Therefore, ideal young men need to be able to negotiate, find compromises and make concessions.

The ideal man is compliant, polite and caring. This is especially noticeable in his actions. It is not necessary to sprinkle philosophical quotes, it is enough to have a broad outlook. You can read popular magazines, watch reviews of new literature, etc.

It is difficult to define a portrait of an ideal man. Everyone has their own idea of ​​perfection. You shouldn’t rely on other people’s preferences; it’s better to always make your own.

Bad guy, good guy2

How many films have been made, how many songs have been sung on the topic of who is better - the bad prince or the good prince? Why are you drawn to men - ideal and sensitive or tough and bad?


They want everyone. Just at different periods of my life. And different women.

In adolescence and early adolescence, bad guys are great, they are a hurricane of feelings and emotions. It invigorates and keeps you in good shape. When a girl gets tired of the storm of emotions in her own life, she wants not storms and hurricanes at home, but calm and harmony. Plus, the bad guy might forget to buy milk while he's racing his bike past the supermarket.

Well, of course, it all depends on what a woman wants from a man and what kind of relationship she sees with him. If she is looking for a non-binding acquaintance (yes, the fair sex has learned to do this too), then she absolutely does not care whether you are responsible, mature and reasonable, or whether you spent your last money on a Stormtrooper figurine from Star Wars. The main thing is that you give her what she needs from you and do not add worries and troubles.

There is a separate category of ladies who are confident that any bad boy can be rehabilitated, and a womanizer and party animal can be turned into an exemplary family man - with such optimists it is worth immediately discussing the following principle: “either we accept each other, or we break up and accept other people.” It’s not worth wasting your time or your woman’s.

How to find a worthy man

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When a woman has compiled a short list of requirements for a companion, the question arises: where to look for a potential chosen one. Many girls end up not understanding why they get the wrong guys.

You shouldn’t expect instant results, sometimes the search takes years

First of all, you need to decide on the meeting place. If a woman wants to live with a family man, then she should not look for him in nightclubs and specific establishments, for example, where they show striptease. It is better to pay attention to sports sections, tourism, etc.

If it is important for a woman that her partner earns a lot, then she can try restaurants, expensive fitness clubs, etc. For such places she will have to choose an appropriate image.

A good place to meet people is through events, for example, playing quizzes, quizzes, and board games. In such places it is easy to find a sociable person who will be the life of the party.

If a girl constantly comes across the same type of guys, then she needs to analyze her behavior. A person pays attention to another individual and does not think about why he does this. The choice occurs subconsciously, but you can try to figure out why this type is attracted to you.

For example, a girl had an authoritarian father. She will strive to find a tough and domineering person. This model is familiar to her. At the same time, she consciously tries to find a family-oriented and gentle man, but he seems weak and weak-willed to her. Only a psychologist can help you understand such intricacies.

Sometimes the problem lies in the fact that a woman quickly turns the relationship into an intimate one.

Sometimes a girl manages to find a partner the first time, in other cases she has to spend 4-5 years on this. Don't despair and expect quick results. If a tactic does not bring results, it needs to be changed.

It is possible to find the ideal man; for this, a woman will have to work hard. She needs to fit in and be worthy of a companion. Therefore, she should be attentive to her appearance, erudition, and career.

Ideal is a subjective characteristic

Each person is a full-fledged individual, differing from others in both character traits and aspirations. Everyone's tastes regarding the ideal partner are also different. One girl will prefer a party animal who spends the night changing nightclubs, while the other will prefer a good homebody with whom you can discuss the events of the past day and watch TV together.

Accordingly, it is impossible to choose an ideal that suits everyone without exception. At best, only basic traits will be the same, such as politeness, fidelity, gallantry and wit. Otherwise, it is impossible to invent a single template that reflects the man of your dreams.

At the same time, it is the difference in worldview and wishes for a partner that makes the surrounding reality more interesting and unexpected. Both girls and guys are looking for their true soul mate, and from the bottom of their hearts they admire a person who combines most of the desired traits.

Positive traits

Positive character traits of a person - what applies to them

Every girl has her own opinion about what the character of a real man should be. Despite this, everyone agrees that a real man should have the following qualities:

  • Masculinity;
  • The ability to be there and help out in difficult times;
  • Neatness and neatness;
  • Independence, having your own opinion;
  • Diligence and determination;
  • Honesty;
  • The ability and desire to earn money.

Note! The husband’s desire to provide for his wife does not mean that his chosen one should not do anything.

What to remember

  1. There is no single formula for an ideal man that makes him a superman with superpowers. Each person has his own unique individual qualities that his other half needs.
  2. In pursuit of an invented image, there is a possibility of losing sight of the faithful chosen one destined for you by fate.
  3. It’s ideal when a man puts you and your problems first, when he takes your opinion into account, when you are interested in each other and are ready to conquer the heights of perfection together.
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