Fetishism is... Concept, causes and types of fetishism

  • September 8, 2018
  • Psychological terms
  • Liliya Chuyas

Fetishism is a multifaceted concept that needs to be considered from different angles. Most often heard is its sexual variety. It is a form of increased arousal when interacting with an object that is special to another person. It's a fetish. What types of fetishism are there, how to live with a fetishist and is it necessary to fight? There are still more questions than answers. Let's take a closer look.

The meaning of the word "fetishism"

Fetishism means "magic" in Portuguese. The word is used in two meanings:

  • As a type of religious action, worship of an inanimate object. Such objects are usually called a fetish. In this case, fetishism is an element of archaic beliefs and religion.
  • The second meaning of fetishism is a type of sexual perversion, which is characterized by sexual attraction to inanimate objects. In themselves they have no erotic or arousing meaning. Usually objects symbolize or belong to a sexual partner.

Some elements of fetishism are normal in people's sex lives. However, objects that evoke a complex of erotic feelings are only a reminder of a real sexual partner.

But with perverted fetishism, the object (fetish) is an independent object of desire that replaces sexual intercourse. In this case, the emotional connection between both partners is destroyed. Fetish triggers the mechanism for erotic fantasies.

Various manipulations are carried out with the fetish: olfactory, tactile and sexually playful.

Sometimes a fetish can be skin color, a shoe, an item of clothing, a scar, etc. However, in these cases, fetishism is combined with masochism.

Primitive religions of the ancient world and fetishism

Primitive people endowed totems with magical properties.
Ancient cults of primitive people are based on belief in patron spirits and the endowment of magical properties to material objects and natural phenomena. Early religions are divided into:

  1. Animism is a belief in immaterial spirits. Ancient people endowed elements, objects, and inanimate objects with magical powers and saw them as patrons. The concept is suitable to describe all primitive cults.
  2. Fetishism is a belief in magical properties attributed to an object. These include stones, animal bones, figurines and even natural objects. Everything unusual and incomprehensible became a fetish in ancient tribes. They worshiped him, cajoled him, asked for help.
  3. Totemism is a faith based on the worship of the patron saint of the clan. His role was played by animals, birds, plants. A person not only worshiped them, but also associated himself with patrons, developing certain qualities (dexterity, strength, endurance). Totems were used to worship the spirit of the clan.

Later primitive beliefs are based on magic and shamanism. Magic is belief in supernatural forces, the ability to control them through rituals. Shamanism is the worship of the spirits of ancestors and gods, with which only a shaman can interact.

Where did fetishism come from?

This term was first introduced by the French explorer Charles de Brosses in the 18th century. He described religious evolution with this concept. Then researchers in other fields of science drew attention to this interesting phenomenon.

Later, the phenomenon of “anti-fetishism” was discovered. It means certain objects (clothing, the smell of a sexual partner) that block sexual arousal.

Fetishism is a sexual perversion. Most often found in men.

Many fetishes arise from random associations between an object (situation) and sexual gratification. It is impossible to say unambiguously when and under what circumstances this relationship will arise.

The essence of fetishism

The fetishist receives psychological, mental, sexual satisfaction when he takes possession of the object of desire. He inhales its scent and gets excited.

Typical fetish objects:

  • underwear;
  • shoes;
  • body parts;
  • aromas (most often this is the natural body odor of another person);
  • inanimate objects (fur, uniform);
  • photograph of an adored object;
  • actions or conditions (pregnancy, physical deformities, breastfeeding, etc.).

In Japan, they make a real business out of sexual fetishism. Any girl can donate her used underwear to be sold in sex shops. The earnings are strange, but they happen.

Reasons for the appearance of fetishism

The causes of fetishism have not yet been fully studied. Almost every person has a stimulus to which he reacts strongly. Consequently, all people are predisposed to fetishism from birth. Many scientists and psychologists argue that fetishism as a disease begins to develop in early childhood. Of course, the reason lies in deep childhood experiences. The development of fetishism is preceded by a situation that is associated with great sexual arousal or satisfaction. Some researchers believe that the disease begins at a young age, when a teenager begins to actively masturbate.

Is it possible to get rid of this

Recovery from homosexual addiction is possible, although it will be quite difficult for the addict. The most commonly used methods are:

  1. Psychotherapy;
  2. Aversion therapy is when the patient is shown an object of desire while simultaneously giving him electrical shocks or drugs that cause nausea.

That's all, dear friends. I tried to explain in simple words what fetishism is and answer the most common questions related to this problem. I hope that after reading this article you can understand everything very clearly.

Symptoms of fetishism

Fetishism is most often a deviation. Let's consider the general signs of this phenomenon:

  • unusual obsessions that prevent traditional sexual intercourse (for example, sexual intercourse should occur only in one position and after drinking a large amount of alcohol);
  • fetishists are not ready to try other methods of satisfaction. They are used to performing certain rituals. And the disorder does not allow you to fully enjoy intimacy;
  • fetishists manipulate inanimate objects, displaying erotic fantasies of a sexual nature.

No less interesting are the specific signs of fetishism:

  • the use of devices that are designed for tactile stimulation of the genital organs (vibrators, sex toys);
  • addiction to masturbate with your reflection in the mirror. In this case, the fetish is one’s own body;
  • the tendency to wear costumes of one's own gender, but which correspond to another culture, social class and time;
  • sexual arousal from wearing the clothes of another person of the same sex;
  • addiction to sexual games;
  • fetishists are attracted to deformations of the human body (to cripples, overweight people);
  • sexual attraction to people who have a different skin color;
  • fetishists get arousal from the smell of their sexual partner (a natural smell produced by the skin or perfume);
  • predilection for props or shoes made of leather.

The importance of a fetish increases with age. Gradually, fetishism becomes the main condition under which sexual satisfaction is achieved.


Fetishism can be pathological (deviant) and tolerant sexual behavior, depending on its manifestations and nature. The classification based on objects of desire is broad, since any object, body part, or behavioral trait can take on fetishistic characteristics. The most common, well-known forms of this disorder include:

1. Fetishism of underwear. Excitement and pleasure are associated with clothing and shoes.

  • Fetishism of transvestites. Dressing in items of clothing (shoes, clothes, accessories) of the opposite sex.
  • Cisvestism. Fetish clothing to denote another age group, social class, profession.
  • Homelessness. Using clothing of the same gender as an object of desire.

2. Physical fetishism. Attractiveness is related to the external characteristics of a partner.

  • Narcissism. One’s own body or its individual parts act as a fetish.
  • Auto-monosexuality. Excitement from one's own body and identification with the body of another person.
  • Heterochromophily. A fetish partner who has a different skin tone or color.
  • Apotemnophilia. The presence of a partner with a physical deformity, an amputated limb, or a prosthesis is a condition for arousal.

3. Object fetishism. It is associated with everyday objects, art, tools.

  • Zealousness. Leather goods become a fetish.
  • Pygmalionism. Satisfaction is associated with the possession of art objects.
  • Pornography mania. Sexual sensations are caused by watching pornography (films, photographs, drawings).

4. Excrementophilia. Human excretions (urine, feces, sweat, menstrual blood, saliva) serve as a fetish.

Fetishism is divided into separate groups and types

Types of fetishism

Few people know, but there are a huge number of types and options for fetishes:

  1. Foot fetishism is arousal from feet, their specific size and smell.

  2. Material fetishism most often acts as an addition to sexual need. Let's look at a striking example. You like your partner. But when he puts on stockings/changes his color/loses weight/pumps up muscles, the arousal process happens faster. In this case, your partner remains primary.
  3. Pantyhose fetishism is performing various manipulations with knitted fabric. What can they do with them! Pantyhose fetishists get satisfaction from the creaking of synthetics and the sounds of tearing polyamide. Such fetishists do not like women's legs without pantyhose. They like to rip a woman's tights in a fit of passion. Without pantyhose, for such fetishists, intimacy seems absurd. An alternative to tights is stockings.

  4. Bestiality – objects of fetish from the animal world.
  5. Dendrophilia is an attraction to objects of the plant world.
  6. Pedophilia is an attraction to a child's immature body.
  7. Social-situational fetishism is manifested in the desire to be a child or to be sick in front of a beautiful nurse. This fetish is directly related to role-playing games. If a man is excited by bows and school uniforms, but at the same time he does not watch for anyone at school, then this is not a disease. And if he stalks girls in school uniforms near the school in order to have sex with them, then this is already pedophilia.
  8. Sexual fetishism. Libido increases in women, erection appears in men when they have taken possession of a certain object or part of the body. Mild deviation is quite common. In this case, the help of a psychologist is not required. But when a fetish causes a personality disorder and interferes with normal sex life, then this is already a deviation. He needs to be treated. Sometimes sexual fetishism turns into a compulsive state. The patient acts against his will. Fetishists often choose a profession under the influence of addiction. A fetishist realizes sexual desire in different ways: he can lick, kiss, press against the genitals, decorate the interior with an object of adoration, smell, touch and masturbate on it. Underwear is one of the items that sexual fetishism cannot do without. Some people experience arousal when wearing a certain type of panties or bra. Others experience sexual attraction when watching underwear being put on and taken off. A mandatory attribute of a fetish is tactile contact with it.

Let's take a closer look at other types of fetishism:

  1. Retifism is an attraction to various types of leather (natural, human or animal). Retifists strive for tactile contact with leather products.
  2. Transvestism means that a sick person, in order to reach the peak of sexual arousal, must wear clothes of the opposite sex. After achieving orgasm, he takes off someone else's clothes.
  3. Narcissism - a person is aroused by himself through his voice and body parts. Most often, he refuses sexual contact with another partner and achieves orgasm through masturbation.

  4. Apotemnophilia - a person becomes sexually aroused by looking at deformities and physical defects.
  5. Bestiality is sexual attraction to animals.
  6. Necrophilia is a rare mental disorder. The patient is attracted to corpses, and the sexual desire to engage in sexual intercourse with the dead is directly manifested.
  7. Gerontophilia is an attraction to older people.
  8. Pygmalionism is a type of deviation characterized by a craving for human images in any form. These can be statues, mannequins, busts, simple photographs. Pygmalionists usually touch objects, examine them carefully, and admire them. They rarely use such objects in their sexual life. Most often, people who have a heightened sense of aesthetics and a high intellectual level of development become Pygmalionists. An object of fine art causes sexual arousal in them.

Necrophilia, pedophilia, apotemnophilia (the desire to amputate one's limbs to gain gratification) and other deviations require the immediate intervention of a psychiatrist.

Interesting Facts

Let's get acquainted with some interesting facts about the ancient form of religion - fetishism, which has not completely disappeared in our days:

  1. The sacred stones of Mecca and the Vedic boulders are an example of a rethinking of this primitive belief.
  2. Among some nationalities, the worship of weapons and tools (axe, sword, saw, plow) was widespread; it also has its origins in fetishism and related cults.
  3. Some of the most amazing documented sexual fetishes include frogs and glue. And the most popular are high heels.
  4. Some tribes tried in a very unique way to induce the fetish to help - they tortured them, drove nails into them, believing that only with such violence can they attract the attention of a powerful force and enlist its support.

For the first time, such a religion was talked about not in relation to ancient peoples, but in relation to the tribes of Africa, remote from civilization, who made sacrifices to inanimate objects.

Strange attractions

Fetishism in sexology is a fairly common phenomenon. However, there are certain types of fetishism that will shock you. The most unexpected fetishes:

  • mechanophilia – attraction to machines and mechanisms;
  • masculania - sexual craving for the armpits, the smell and sight of them;

  • Crash fetish - the desire to crush a small object with your feet.

And this is only a small fraction of the strangest attractions.

When should you contact a specialist?

Many sexologists believe that fetishism is a complex phenomenon that is difficult to cure. In some cases this is even impossible.

Patients turn to a sexologist with one goal - to add variety to intimate relationships with their partners. The other halves of fetishists are ready to accept their pathological peculiarity. Many people turn to a doctor to get confirmation that there is nothing dangerous in the behavior of their fetishistic partner. When both partners accept the situation, then fetishism is not dangerous.

Psychology as a science says that if a partner obsessively performs rituals, then this is already a problem. In this case, it is not worth treating a fetishist with love. It's useless. It is better to seek professional qualified help.

Is this pathology and are fetishists dangerous?

From a medical point of view, fetishism is considered a pathology (what is it?) if it interferes with normal sexual relationships.

If a person is able to live and receive pleasure without the participation of the object of desire, then in this case this is not considered as any deviation.

Often, fetishists do not pose a danger to the people around them, but there are exceptions to every rule. of such people when :

  1. fetishism has become a form of mental disorder;
  2. At the same time, the person suffers from other forms of deviations: split personality or sadism.

To get the object of desire, sometimes such people can do the most unthinkable things, but in such cases they do not pose a danger to society.


Fetishists usually do not seek help from a specialist. They consider their rituals intimate and personal.

When dangerous forms of fetishism appear (necrophilia - attraction to corpses, coprophilia - sexual interest in feces, masochism), the only way out is to consult a doctor.

For this pathology, almost all types of psychotherapy are used, namely: behavioral, reorientation, psychoanalysis, aversion therapy.

Treatment of fetishism is most often ineffective. Because almost all patients do not want to change anything in their lives and do not recognize the problem.

Manifestations in antiquity

Various forms of fetishism are one way or another represented in the life of almost all peoples of the primitive era. Absolutely any object in the material world could be endowed with supernatural powers, since in the minds of ancient people these objects, like the people themselves, had a “soul” and emotions. To enlist the support of these powerful creatures, they were elevated to a cult: various religious events were organized, rituals and even sacrifices were performed.

Observing aboriginal tribes far from civilization helps scientists obtain useful information about exactly how ancient people behaved. They sincerely believe that pebbles and shells are endowed with magical powers and are able to help them, so they organize ritual dances and chants in their honor. Thus, in Australia, cases of sacrifices to stones and fetish sticks have been recorded.

How to live with a fetishist?

If a guy is a fetishist and this phenomenon is unacceptable in a relationship, it is dangerous for others and illegal, then you need the help of a professional. Often this phenomenon is a form of manifestation of mental illness.

But if your partner does not do illegal things, then perceive his actions as part of his creative fulfillment. If you don't like it when your partner tries on your underwear or tramples all your shoes, then go to a psychologist together.

However, many couples accept their partner's desires and play along. There are no ideal people. Therefore, your condescension is the only way out to save the relationship.

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