Clinical types of chorea, treatment methods and medical recommendations

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Chorea minor is a disease of rheumatic etiology, characterized by movement disorders.

Damage to the body by the rheumatic process begins with the penetration of group A hemolytic streptococcus bacteria into the body. This microbe from foci of infection (for example, in chronic tonsillitis from the palatine tonsils) penetrates the bloodstream and spreads in various tissues. The pathogenesis of rheumatic lesions is based on connective tissue pathology. Damage to heart valves and joints may develop. Penetration of the pathogen into the central nervous system can provoke dysfunction of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and basal ganglia (neurorheumatism). Large and small vessels of the brain are damaged with the development of vasculitis and thrombusculitis. As a result of the development of degenerative processes, coordination of movements and muscle tone are disrupted in these areas of the nervous system.

After the discovery of antibiotics, the incidence of chorea minor is up to 10% of all neurological diseases. The disease develops more often in girls than in boys, and mainly in the autumn-winter period. The duration of the disease is from 3 to 6 weeks. Short-term relapses may occur over a long period of time after the height of the disease (for example, during pregnancy). In rare cases, deaths have occurred due to pathological effects on the cardiovascular system.

From the history of the disease

Since the classic symptoms of chorea are erratic arm movements and an unsteady gait accompanied by dancing movements, it is not surprising that the Greek word chorea, which means “dance,” eventually became the name for this disease.

One of the first doctors to describe this serious illness was Paracelsus (1493-1541). Describing the phenomena of religious ecstasy in the form of the dance of St. Vitus, popular in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, he discovered people demonstrating severe pathological symptoms. Much later, already in the 17th century, the doctor T. Sydenham described chorea, which appears in childhood and was named in his honor. And only in 1872, D. Huntington (Huntington) described a hereditary form of chorea that debuts in adults. Now this disease is called chorea or Huntington's disease (abbreviated as HD).

In 1993, an international team of genetic researchers discovered a mutation that causes HD.

Causes of chorea

We are talking about serious genetic changes: this is the HNT gene, which is responsible for the development of pathology. Its location is the fourth chromosome. It has the ability to encode a special protein called huntingtin. How it works normally is unknown to science, but if it changes due to genetic abnormalities, HD occurs.

As the protein changes its structure, it causes nerve cells in the human brain to begin to function incorrectly and eventually die. Huntingtin is a complex substance, so the course of the disease is complex and multivariate. Modern researchers continue to actively study Huntington's chorea, trying to better understand the specifics of the basic mechanisms of its development.

The mutation that causes chorea is contained in all cells of the patient’s body, so we are talking about a classic hereditary disease.

Patient assistance

If chorea is confirmed, the doctor prescribes the following treatment:

  • medications are prescribed that help absorb copper to a lesser extent, the excess of which is a consequence of genetic predisposition;
  • Antibacterial therapy is prescribed for severe Genington's chorea;
  • tranquilizers and neuroleptics reduce the manifestation of hyperkinesis, and also reduce emotional and intellectual disorders;
  • drugs that normalize blood pressure levels, necessary for impaired blood supply to the brain;
  • reducing the dosage or abandoning antiemetic medications prescribed by psychiatrists;
  • for inflammatory processes in the brain, hormonal drugs are prescribed;
  • in extreme cases, brain surgery is prescribed, after which the patient’s uncontrolled movements decrease.

Also, in addition to medications, vitamin therapy and physical therapy are prescribed as auxiliary methods that will help reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment and rehabilitation is a very difficult process. When therapy is carried out at the initial stage of the disease, there is a chance to stop the progression of the disease.

Symptoms of chorea

The time of appearance of the first symptoms of chorea is middle age (period from 35 to 55 years). About 10% of clinical cases of HD occur in childhood and adolescence. In such situations, experts talk about juvenile chorea.

The development of the disease often occurs latently and is unnoticeable at first, so it can be diagnosed late.

The symptoms of chorea are varied. For example, it can manifest itself with a combination of symptoms (the patient’s mood constantly changes and difficulties in thinking arise). The development of symptoms depends on age and severity of the pathology. Some patients demonstrate predominantly motor disorders with mild mental disorders, while others, on the contrary, show anxiety, signs of depression or other mental disorders. The exact time when the first symptoms appear is difficult to determine.


A neurological examination of the patient and analysis of the clinical picture allows a preliminary diagnosis to be made. Much attention is paid to family history (presence of similar symptoms or confirmed chorea in close relatives), medication use, previous infectious diseases, etc.

For a final conclusion, a comprehensive medical examination is required. General and biochemical blood tests can detect inflammation, determine the level of copper and ceruloplasmin in the blood, and also detect liver particles indicating Wilson-Konovalov disease.

Additionally, CT or MRI and electroencephalography are prescribed.

Differential diagnosis is also carried out with acute rheumatic fever, athetosis, dystonia, myoclonus, athetosis.

Movement disorders

Movement disorders associated with chorea are usually called:

  • actually, trochee;
  • bradykinesia;
  • dystonia.

These symptoms prevent the patient from being in a natural physiological position, disrupting the processes of walking and balance. “Dance” is expressed in involuntary movements that a person cannot control. Bradykinesia manifests itself in the slowness and complexity of voluntary movements, and dystonia manifests itself in the formation of unnatural and awkward poses, accompanied by “twisting” or twitching of the limbs. Also, movement disorders that occur with Huntington's chorea include dysfunction of the eye muscles, problems with swallowing and unclear speech.

Motor disturbances in the manifestations of chorea in adults are characterized by speed, pretentiousness and spontaneity. In this case, any muscle groups can be involved, and control of movements is absolutely impossible.

Usually, the onset of a pathological process is indicated by deviations observed during movements of the facial muscles. Patients grimace, stick out their tongues, raise their cheeks, curl their lips into a “tube,” frown and wink ridiculously. The progression of the pathology is accompanied by the appearance of involuntary movements in other muscles. Patients begin to quickly bend and straighten their fingers, then similar symptoms affect the lower extremities. Sometimes movements occur in the legs and arms at the same time.

Children suffering from chorea, on the contrary, demonstrate sluggish movements. They are very slow, and the child’s speech is slurred, with incorrect pronunciation of sounds and words, impaired speed and rhythm. From the motor sphere, oscillatory movements of the eyeballs are typical. The child cannot normally move his gaze from one object to another and focus his vision on a specific object.

When the disease begins in childhood and adolescence, experts note bradykinesia and muscle stiffness as the main symptoms. Children do not demonstrate violent movements, as with classical chorea in adults. Also, juvenile chorea is characterized by disturbances in behavior and learning with rapid progression of the entire symptom complex.

When the disease begins in a later age, chorea itself is its leading symptom, and its heredity is very easy to identify. Most often, the parents of an adult patient are no longer alive, since they simply do not live to see the moment when their offspring begin to experience severe symptoms of chorea.

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What's the prognosis?

With timely treatment, the prognosis is positive and the disease ends in recovery. However, relapses cannot be ruled out. Exacerbations of the disease can be caused by repeated tonsillitis or a rheumatic process.

After an illness, asthenia may persist for a fairly long period. The main complications of the pathology include heart disease, aortic insufficiency, and mitral stenosis.

The disease is not fatal and, with proper treatment, does not pose a threat to the patient’s life. Death is possible in the event of a sudden failure in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, incompatible with life.

Mental changes

The psyche in HD undergoes gradual pathological changes. A decrease in a person’s ability to fully think is characterized, first of all, by problems with memory and a decrease in the critical threshold for perceiving one’s own state. The patient becomes anxious, irritable or, conversely, apathetic. In severe cases, hallucinatory or delusional syndromes develop. Suicidal behavior is also common in the context of severe depression.

Also, the following mental symptoms may appear:

  • aggressive outbursts;
  • insomnia;
  • impulsiveness and spontaneity in behavior;
  • social alienation.

Delusions and hallucinations are much less common. As for mental disorders, as the disease progresses, patients gradually lose memory acuity, logic and concentration. They find it difficult to make independent decisions and give clear answers to even the simplest questions. Over time, they learn new information worse and worse, which is an obvious sign of progressive dementia.

Stages of flow

Dr. A. Scholsen from Georgetown University (USA) proposes five stages of chorea development as a classification:

  • early The patient has been diagnosed with Huntington's chorea, but so far his full functions have not been impaired;
  • intermediate early. A person is able to work and have normal contact with society, but difficulties in thinking, movement and behavior are already making themselves felt. Patients can still cope with everyday activities and work;
  • intermediate late. The patient is no longer able to work, but he still does household chores himself;
  • late initial. The patient loses independence, but at home retains a number of functions - subject to the regular participation of other people in his daily life;
  • late. Help is needed all the time, including professional care. Note that the late stage of the disease requires a special approach and skills from the people around the patient.

Folk remedies


Chorea is a serious disease that requires medical attention. Under no circumstances should one assume that folk remedies can save a person from this illness. As was written earlier, sedatives are used in the treatment of chorea. Many of them are based on plant components. Therefore, they can be safely replaced with traditional medicine.

There are many folk recipes that have a sedative effect:

  • Infusion of oregano, calendula and tansy. To prepare a soothing mixture, you will need to mix the listed herbs in equal quantities, pour boiling water over it, wrap it up and let it brew for at least half an hour. After preparation, the infusion is used three times a day, 100 ml. For one glass of boiling water you will need 1 tablespoon of the mixture.
  • An infusion of lemon balm leaves is also easy to prepare. To do this, you will need 3 tablespoons of crushed lemon balm leaves, which are poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for 10 - 15 minutes. After which the infusion should be cooled and strained. You need to consume 100 ml twice a day.

It’s even easier to make lemon balm tea, which is no less beneficial than the infusion.

Mint is very popular, and many people grow it in their summer cottage. To prevent such a wonderful herb from going to waste, you can brew tea using it. This tea will not only improve your mood and relieve irritability, but also help you fall asleep quickly.

There is another sedative based on honey and beet juice. To prepare it, you need to mix beet juice and honey in half. The resulting mixture should be taken 0.5 cups 3 times a day for 10 days, after which a break is taken.

Herbal baths before bed are also effective. For example, to prepare one of them you will need 1 kg of herbs (wormwood, linden, rosemary). After mixing, the herb is poured with 4 liters of cold water, then boiled over fire for 5 minutes and infused for the next 15 minutes. After preparation, the resulting broth is filtered and poured into a warm bath.

The information is for reference only and is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.

Forms of the disease

Based on the specifics of symptoms, the following forms of chorea are distinguished:

  • hyperkinetic. It is characterized by spontaneous motor acts, which, as noted earlier, are not subject to conscious control. Also, speech disturbances due to hypertonicity of the facial muscles are typical for the hyperkinetic form of chorea. Sometimes patients have convulsions and uncontrolled oculomotor acts during sleep;
  • akinetic-rigid. Severe muscle hypertonicity;
  • mental. Dementia gradually develops, and the patient's personality undergoes destructive changes.

Psychotic phenomena for the latter form are also a characteristic feature.


Most forms of chorea are characterized by frequent relapses, the frequency of which can be reduced by following your doctor's recommendations.

When it comes to hereditary pathology, the prognosis is generally unfavorable. The disease gradually progresses. Severe complications develop - pneumonia, heart failure. Uncontrolled movements often cause injuries. Choreic hyperkinesis can cause spasm of the respiratory muscles, which can lead to suffocation. Patients often complain of hallucinations and other psychological disorders.

Non-drug treatment

In some cases, patients respond well to non-drug therapy in the form of:

  • psychotherapeutic influence;
  • exercise therapy;
  • classes with a qualified speech therapist;
  • breathing exercises;
  • occupational therapy.

Regular use of these methods (of course, if the patient’s condition allows) can significantly reduce the intensity of pathological symptoms both physically and mentally. It has been proven that patients’ psycho-emotional background improves, they begin to better control their voluntary movements. Walking becomes more stable, as do swallowing and balance.

Physical exercise is one of the effective ways to slow down the development of movement disorders. There are special exercise therapy programs developed for such patients, which have repeatedly shown their effectiveness.

Drug treatment

Doctors use strong medication treatment in severe cases of chorea. One popular drug is tetrabenazine. It was developed specifically for the treatment of Huntington's chorea as a drug that reduces hyperkinesis.

Antipsychotics and drugs used for Parkinson's disease are also prescribed. The administration of antiparkinsonian drugs improves motor functions, and antipsychotics (for example, haloperidol, chlorpromazine, clozapine, etc.) alleviate the condition of patients with delusional and hallucinatory phenomena. If the patient is depressed, he is prescribed antidepressants; for insomnia, sedatives and sedatives are prescribed.

General information

Huntington's chorea is a neurodegenerative disease with autosmonodominant inheritance, characterized by dementia and motor impairment. The concept of “Huntington's chorea” also corresponds to: Huntington's disease, hereditary chorea, degenerative chorea, progressive chronic chorea. Population frequency is 1:10,000. Typically, Huntington's chorea begins to manifest clinically in the age period from 20 to 50 years. The disease has an unfavorable prognosis, with death occurring on average 10-13 years after the onset of the disease.

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