How to please a man in bed with your hands. How to please a guy, effective recommendations for action

And why is it generally accepted that masturbation is bad? In fact, sexual self-satisfaction is not only a process of unity with oneself, but also a way to improve one’s health by improving the quality of sleep and overall well-being, as well as reducing stress levels and eliminating the negative consequences of sexual dissatisfaction.

How to drive a man crazy in bed

Enthusiasm is what every man wants to feel when he is with a woman.

Believe me, when a partner perceives physical intimacy as a favor, it doesn’t turn anyone on.

Lovemaking should be enjoyable for both partners, and enthusiasm should also come from both.

2. Associated sounds

Absolute and complete silence during lovemaking does not always mean something good. Typically, this means you're not enjoying your partner's company, or worse, you've simply fallen asleep.

So, being vocal during intimacy with a loved one is a completely normal and natural thing. Your voice is the best barometer by which your partner determines whether he is doing everything right.

Foreplay is incredibly important. Without foreplay, intimacy becomes like a roller coaster without the slow climb to the top of the track.

As elsewhere, the expectation itself is the key moment of any intimacy. Don’t think that foreplay is a purely female desire. Believe me, men also enjoy this stage of physical intimacy.

Men love with their eyes.

Therefore, most of them, of course, are pleased to see their partner during intimacy, to look into her eyes.

Therefore, don’t turn off the lights, do something nice for your man: let him enjoy your body and face.

5. Return from the partner

Nobody wants to do a job alone.

Therefore, it is quite logical that your partner expects the same complete commitment from you as from him. You should not assume that only a man should give himself in bed.

Love requires the presence of both partners.

Psychologists' opinion

What do psychology experts think about fictional images? Do they think tulpas are schizophrenic? A tulpa cannot be formed instantly; it requires a lot of effort. By applying them, a person trains all the senses, and to train them, a clear goal and perseverance are needed. Anyone who wants to have a tulpa has all these qualities.

It all starts with the fact that a person does not have any special expectations from the tulpa, he simply imagines it, communicates with it. And at some point a mental split occurs. At this stage, the hallucination begins to take on a concrete form. Because of this, human consciousness splits even more. Psychologists say that it is at this stage that a person changes significantly. His material tulpa begins to influence perception.

Schizophrenia can be considered a condition in which a person is unable to fully care for himself. The same cannot be said about the state in which a tulpa exists. A person has a hallucination that he created for himself and at the same time continues to fully communicate with others. Therefore, a tulpa cannot be classified as a disease such as schizophrenia, in addition, it is not capable of being caused independently. And he cannot remove schizophrenia on his own.

In the initial stages of creating a tulpa, a person is able to clearly distinguish the line between reality and fantasy. If this is a psychological disease, such a line is erased. Therefore, most psychologists believe that creating a tulpa is a dangerous activity.

Why do men lose their heads?

Do you think men don't like compliments? Then you are wrong.

Any man will be pleased to hear about how macho he is and what a wonderful lover he is. Praise him, appreciate his skills and abilities in love affairs.

A little bed talk never hurts.

Communication is crucial in helping partners understand each other, which means better sex.

Of course, this doesn't mean you have to shout out memorized lines from plays or stop in the middle of the process to make a few comments.

Just remember that your foreplay may be sprinkled with some words and phrases.

Communication can involve talking, but it can also be wordless. After all, you can understand each other without unnecessary words. Sometimes our eyes, lips and hands speak more eloquently than any words.

Variety is especially important when it comes to lovemaking.

Without it, intimate life becomes boring, a sluggish routine. To ensure that your man loses his head over you every time, make sure that there is at least some variety in your love games.

Most women believe that the first step should always come from a man.

Initiative is the prerogative of the stronger sex. This is exactly what we were taught from childhood, and this is what is instilled in us in numerous articles teaching how to build the right relationships.

But sometimes there are times when a man wants the initiative to come from his partner. This actually turns him on and excites his fantasies.

The fire of desire in a woman’s eyes, hard flirting - all this drives a man crazy. And even if you are not a leader by nature, but just a fragile, sweet woman, try to at least sometimes deviate from your own rules and take the initiative in the bedroom.

After all, if you don’t do this, your partner may think that you are a cold and unapproachable snow queen.

10. Beautiful underwear

Continuing the theme that a man loves with his eyes, we should mention sexy lingerie, which most men pay attention to.

Therefore, try to at least occasionally wear underwear that he will certainly like.


Can a tulpa fall in love with its owner?

A tulpa is capable of showing any emotion towards its owner, even hatred. From this we can conclude that she can also fall in love.

Can a tulpa appear on its own?

Since a tulpa is part of our consciousness, it may well appear on its own. This phenomenon can be compared to signals from the subconscious, which we do not influence.

Can a tulpa kill its creator?

No, tulpas are connected to their owner and are interested in their safety. However, they can seriously harm or drive you crazy.

How do you know if a tulpa has been created?

You can call a tulpa at any time and its appearance and character will be exactly as you planned.

Can a tulpa interact with objects?

The tulpa is unable to make contact with the physical world. She cannot move objects or touch people.

Can tulpas communicate with each other?

Tulpas of different people cannot interact with each other. However, if these are two tulpas created by you, then they will be able to communicate.

The best ways to please the man you love

During the day, the desire to please your loved one arises repeatedly, but sometimes you simply cannot find a suitable idea. However, even very simple actions or ordinary pleasant things, presented with love, can make a person happy. There are also surprises of this kind that no man will refuse: they relate, of course, to love play. An individual approach to your loved one allows you to combine various methods from the list of pleasant things to lift his mood.

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So that tender feelings for each other do not fade away, but become stronger day by day, you need to work on relationships, try to improve them, finding an individual approach to your partner. It is necessary to be interested in the needs of your loved one, his opinion on certain issues, and not show love only from time to time.

Despite the fact that delicious food is a long-known way to win someone over, it continues to work for everyone. Therefore, there is always a win-win option that not only the wife can take advantage of. To get closer to your loved one, you should find out better about the peculiarities of his taste.

It is known that men really value in ladies a respectful attitude towards their personal space and freedom, and not every woman is ready to agree with her partner’s free preference for activities, organizing meetings, and showing feelings. Meanwhile, balance in this area ensures long-lasting and strong relationships.

Not all couples have perfect harmony, but they can correct a lot of things through their own efforts. Where complete mutual understanding or strength of emotion is lacking, ordinary attention can compensate for such shortcomings. One has only to stop expressing oneself, imbuing oneself with what is significant for one’s partner, to remain silent, to listen, to put oneself in his place, to become one with him in what is relevant to him: this irreplaceable ability of a woman works wonders.

In order to please a man, you don’t need a reason. An unexpected hug, like sincere compliments and words of recognition, can inspire for a long time. Many of the methods from the list below can only be implemented for a legal husband.

How to behave in such a way that he likes it:

  • agree with him spending time at the computer;
  • perform a dance for him;
  • give him kisses before leaving for work;
  • surround with care during illness;
  • support him in his hobbies;
  • reinforce his belief in success;
  • pamper him with his favorite dishes, prepare a delicious lunch for him at work;
  • brew him healthy herbal teas, buy vitamins;
  • send pleasant messages while at a distance, wish you a pleasant day via SMS;
  • dress as he likes, wear beautiful underwear;
  • be interested in his opinion and take advice on anything;
  • give gifts to his parents.

Infusions and decoctions

To enhance female sensuality, they also turn to natural herbs and decoctions of them.

For example, to prepare the first composition you need to take: 3 tbsp. l. horsetail and 2 hazel. The mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water, left for an hour and a half and filtered. It is recommended to drink the decoction in 15 sips.

The second most popular plant, which becomes the basis for stimulating decoctions, St. John's wort

. It is recommended to pour 2 tbsp. l. herbs 250 ml. boiling water, leave for an hour, remove all excess through a strainer and drink in fairly large portions.

An infusion of motherwort can have an stimulating effect

. To prepare it you need to take only 2 tbsp. spoons of herb, pour 200 ml of it for an hour. The strained infusion is taken 3 times a day, 80 ml.

You need to understand that herbal preparations have an accumulating effect. No one guarantees that after taking a sip of the decoction the girl will immediately have a desire to have sex. Herbs only enhance what is in a person

, so without initial excitement nothing will happen.

It's never too late to learn

Are your hands sensitive, dexterous and capable of giving your partner intense pleasure and a powerful orgasm? But you don’t have enough skill and skill to completely satisfy your man with this method and leave him with a feeling of achieved pleasure?

Today's challenge is to add this skill to your sexual repertoire, and then pay particular attention to the benefits of bringing the manual method of satisfying a man back into your bedroom.

We're going to help you by showing you that touching a man goes beyond the one-step wonder you might use, and we'll give you tips to help you learn how to make a man feel good with your hands.

First, forget everything you think about manual methods of satisfaction. Forget about simple and crazy up and down movement. This norm does not give complete satisfaction to any man.

Touch your man with creativity and curiosity and use your hands to create the widest range of sensations for a man.

Here are some basic tips to help you get started.

Aphrodisiac products

Foods that women eat or add to their meals daily are another aphrodisiac. The aphrodisiac makes women more relaxed. The strongest aphrodisiac products are:

  • Celery - increases the emotionality of women, allowing them to fully enjoy intimacy with their partner
    . Androsterone, which is one of the components of celery, increases attraction to the opposite sex.

  • Honey is a source of vitamin B
    . Improves blood circulation in the genitals. An effective aphrodisiac for women and men. Improves physical fitness and tones the skin of the face and body.

  • Avocado is another source of vitamin B for the body.
    . It has a positive effect on a woman’s hormonal system and accelerates blood circulation.

  • Chocolate - as everyone knows, it is a real hormone of happiness for women
    . It makes beautiful maidens even more sensual during sexual adventures.

If a woman often takes the right product, she will become more active in sexual adventures: relaxed and ready for new experiments. An effective aphrodisiac product is considered to contain vitamin B.

Use lubricant

If you think that simply moving your hand up and down your man's penis is all you need to do, you're wrong. Lubrication is an absolute necessity. It prevents skin from cracking and makes the process more enjoyable.

Lubricants allow your hands to glide over his sensitive skin without painful friction. Oil reduces friction and increases pleasant sensation. Only with the help of lubricant can you learn how to make a man feel good with your hands.

We deliver pleasure

After preparations, you can proceed to the process itself. Here are some tips on what to do directly in bed:

  • Be proactive. Guys don't like it when a girl lies motionless with an expression of suffering on her face.
  • Caress men. They, like women, love to be touched. But you can't limit yourself to just the penis. Representatives of the stronger sex have quite a lot of other erogenous zones. To find out what you like most, you need to try touching everywhere. Usually this is the neck, nipples, buttocks.
  • Let the man choose how he wants to move. Many women are used to being in charge in bed. After such actions, men have the feeling that they are not trusted. Many people begin to think that they do not know how to satisfy a woman. But if you are still not satisfied with something, then report it, but not in a commanding manner. For example, if a guy is moving too fast, then try to communicate this to him in body language, start moving more slowly yourself.
  • Almost everyone likes oral sex. If before this blowjob was taboo for you, then it's time to do it. If you do it once, then no one forces you to repeat it next time. If this is a regular practice for you, then think about whether you are doing it correctly. There are a huge variety of techniques, you can even learn one of them. But it's best to experiment in bed. If your partner responds with a quiet groan, then you are doing everything right. By the way, here you shouldn’t limit yourself only to the penis.
  • Don't be silent in bed. Many men are turned on by the moans of women. You can also whisper in your loved one’s ear that he is the best and other pleasant things.
  • No matter how paradoxical it may sound, don’t talk too much. It is important to find the line here. Listening and having sex requires the work of both hemispheres. As a result, the man cannot relax. In addition, talking distracts from the most important thing, having fun. It’s better to talk about buying new curtains later, over a cup of tea.
  • Try role-playing games. This is a very good way to refresh a relationship and bring something new into it. There are a huge variety of options, there is something for everyone. But you shouldn’t associate them with real life. If a man wants to see you in a nurse's robe, this does not mean at all that he likes his neighbor Lena, who works in the hospital.
  • Switch roles. This will prevent you from getting tired quickly, which means sex will last longer.
  • Try anal sex. Almost all men dream about this. Many women are afraid of it as they are sure that it hurts. In fact, this is a misconception. If you prepare properly, use a special lubricant, do everything slowly and be careful, then it will bring you comfortable pleasure. By the way, in this case, be sure to use condoms. You shouldn’t practice it often, but once a month is okay for variety.
  • Let the man please you. It is very important for many guys that the girl they love also achieves orgasm. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this. Guide him, give him some advice. But do it very gently, as if hinting. If your loved one still doesn’t understand, then you shouldn’t immediately indulge in verbal explanations. It is better to do this later, under other circumstances.

Sex for the first time: basic rules for beginners

Don't rush to finish

Take your time to find a rhythm that will bring your man to orgasm. Each man has his own rhythm, and you can find out how to quickly bring a man to ecstasy with your hands only by developing your own specific pace.

Build him up to the point of arousal and then release your grip. Thus, tease him. Create peaks and valleys in his world of pleasure. This will make his orgasm stronger and more memorable.

When you begin to learn how to make a man very pleasant with your hand, notice his reaction to certain of your touches and movements of your hands. In this case, you will soon be able to develop your own tactics in which your man will experience maximum satisfaction.

Pay attention to how he reacts to your touch on the head of his penis. How does he feel about the fast and slow movements of your hands? Can you predict when he's on the verge of orgasm? What's happening to his breathing? Does he make sounds to let you know when he feels good?

By paying attention to all this information, you will be able to study your man in more detail and give him maximum pleasure.

How to get a woman excited quickly: drugs

There are a huge number of special drugs that will help a woman get aroused quickly. But please note that this remedy will only work correctly when the appropriate circumstances occur.

These are the ones we talked about earlier. Plus, a beautiful woman should have a regular intimate life. Even if you really want it, and your loved one will be nearby, it’s not a fact that you will get aroused quickly. On the contrary, girls who do not experience a lack of lovemaking can quickly and easily tune in to the desired mood.

List of the most popular drugs:

  1. "Cialis" is a drug that helps to increase blood flow to the female genital organs and significantly increases the chances of getting an orgasm;
  2. “Female Viagra” are tablets developed exclusively for the female body, which work effectively during menopause and in case of insufficient lubrication in the genital area;
  3. “Laveron” is a medicine based on natural ingredients that activates the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Use both hands

This may require a little extra dexterity on your part, but if you have two hands, why not use them, right? Only with experience can you learn how to please a man using your hands, both of them.

No matter how small or large the size of your man's penis, use both hands to caress. Every guy wants to believe that he has a large organ, so help him in this opinion.

If both of your hands can't fit on his penis, simply place your hands on top of each other when they are at the top of the penis and lower one hand to his balls, caressing them as they move down.

Gently twist the penis with your own hands, while paying attention to his reaction, if it gives him pleasure, then you can take this technique into service and do it more roughly. If he doesn't like this technique, then go for a softer position.

What is a tulpa

Many people have come across the concept of a tulpa, but few know what exactly it means. People like to claim that they know the designation, but in reality there is no exact definition. There are many opinions regarding tulpas and each has its own basis.

A tulpa is considered a separate consciousness that works in parallel with the human one. A tulpa has independent consciousness, that is, it is capable of thinking and expressing its will. In addition, she even has memory and understanding.

Interesting fact! A tulpa is independent from its creator, but can share one body and part of the mind with it.

A tulpa is created by a person’s unconscious thinking, but the personal qualities that it will display are endowed by the creator. Development occurs through the dialogue you have with her. Interaction is also important; it can mean a lot. At the same time, the tulpa will form its own consciousness, which will not be similar to the consciousness of the person who created it.

A tulpa is independent in its thinking and has its own personal feelings and tastes. All this may differ from your personal qualities. It can function and speak independently, separately from its owner.

Don't forget the testicles

A man’s testicles also play an important role in this matter. Without their stimulation, it is impossible to know how to bring a man to ecstasy with your hands. For more pleasure, place them in your palm while you hold his penis with one hand and play with them a little, then carefully throw them away.

Repeat this procedure several times, while watching your partner’s reaction; if it gives him pleasure, you can do it more often.

As a man approaches orgasm, take his testicles in your hand and pull them back a little, like you would pluck grapes from a vine, carefully and gently.

As for the penis itself, at this time try to caress it in the place where the head meets the shaft, as if you were unscrewing the cap from a bottle.

This will give him a lot of pleasure because, apart from the head of the male penis, the ridge (the area where the loose skin connects to the head of the penis) is also an extremely sensitive place.


Among the folk remedies for increasing female libido, you can often find apitherapy - taking honey

. From a medical point of view, this option is ideal for all people except those suffering from allergies to honey. This product contains all the useful substances that keep the body in good shape.

As you know, it is a healthy person who is able to enjoy intimacy and will not be distracted by unpleasant sensations. Honey contains not only vitamins, but also biostimulants, minerals and even hormones.

Honey is quickly absorbed, so the positive effect can be noticed quickly. In winter, experts advise adding up to 3 teaspoons of honey per day to your diet, in summer - twice as much, because during this period honey is considered fresh.


Main taboos

The list of what not to do in bed is much shorter. But it is no less important. First of all, never fake it. If a man really loves you, he will immediately understand it. Such actions will only lower his self-esteem. Secondly, never criticize him during sex. At this time, the weaker sex is very vulnerable. This may also affect his opinion of himself. And never blackmail a man with sex, don’t bargain.

After making love, leave the man alone for 5 minutes. Lie down together in an embrace, be silent. When everyone comes to their senses, you can discuss what happened and admire it. You should also not immediately run to the shower; a guy can regard such a craving for cleanliness as an insult.

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