How to ask a cute guy out on a date and not get rejected

Girls always feel awkward and embarrassed in front of the man who evokes trembling feelings in them. Only a few people know how to ask a man out on a date first. And how to do this and get an extremely positive reaction is a separate form of art.

Today we will try to tell you how to behave in any situation so that the man wants to continue communication. Perhaps one of our secrets will help you meet, and most importantly, interest and keep the attention of the one and only one.

The main thing we note at the very beginning is that you should not despair, even if you have been rejected once, twice or three times. Not a single life hack or advice will help if a man is already in love with someone else or is not at all interested in a relationship at this stage of his life.

How do men feel about this?

Most young men are wary of the fair sex who independently invite guys on dates. The subconscious quietly whispers to them that such girls are accustomed to taking the initiative and will not want to obey a man.

It’s a rare guy who won’t ask himself the question of how many people have already been invited on a date by a girl who freely offers her company.

In order not to shock men, representatives of the fair sex have long learned to build a chain of events to receive an invitation.

How not to lose face if a guy refuses?

When a guy refuses a relationship, a girl should respond:

  • with complete calm and a sad smile;
  • without excessive dramatization and aggression;
  • with gratitude for your attention and frankness.

After this, the girl also needs:

  • be ready to continue communicating with the guy, but as a girlfriend, especially if there is an assumption that the chosen one will come to his senses and still decide on further meetings;
  • try to switch your attention to finding a new candidate for a serious relationship as quickly as possible;
  • avoid discussing the guy with your friends;
  • by all means refrain from running after a whimsical chosen one;
  • quickly distract yourself from unhappy love by intensely engaging in sports or creativity;
  • maintain a friendly and calm attitude towards the guy who refused her, without trying to convince him.

A modern girl needs to try in every possible way to get closer to a guy who is interested in her. By any available and acceptable means, she should encourage him to more regular meetings. Otherwise, you can very easily lose your chosen companion without offering him the opportunity to have a relationship with you in time.

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Invitation methods

The problem of how to invite the man you like on a date worries women who, due to the indecisiveness or slow-wittedness of guys, are left alone. To call a guy for a meeting, any excuse that is relevant to a man is suitable.

If a woman is self-confident, it is enough to directly say about the desire to meet and chat, or you can subtly hint about a meeting or ask for help.

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In some cases, young ladies send SMS to invite a guy on a date. True, it is recommended to do this if the girl is absolutely sure that he sympathizes with her. It would be a good idea for the woman and man to have corresponded before, otherwise he will be puzzled by the unexpected message and may refuse the invitation.

There is also the opportunity to invite your loved one to see each other through mutual friends. You can invite him to a celebration at your home, as well as to a theater or concert. Such an act will not entail a negative attitude, but women are embarrassed to ask strangers for such a favor.


In order to be the first to invite a man on a date, the girl hints to the guy that she wants something. Obstacles that prevent a woman from achieving her desire are immediately reported. These circumstances must be decided by the man.

An example is a dialogue in which D is a girl and M is a man:

D. – I haven’t walked in the park for so long!

M. - Why?

D. – Yes, you know, I’m kind of afraid of being alone. If only there was a man next to me...

M. – I’m free now, if you want, let’s go for a walk.

D. - Yes, of course we’re going, I’ll grab my purse now.

Instead of a park, there may be another object - an embankment, a cafe, a cinema. If the guy agrees to go for a walk, then you can use one of the seduction techniques so that the man invites the lady to the next walk himself.

In this case, the conversation does not look as if the guy was hinted at a date. There was no direct invitation, decorum was observed, and he agreed. If he doesn’t like a woman, then most likely he will pretend that he didn’t understand and move the conversation to another topic.

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Masking Intentions

To disguise your intentions, you need to use recommendations on how to invite a guy on a date so that he doesn’t refuse. Then it is better for the woman to pretend to be interested in the work that the young man is doing, and express regret that she does not know how to do the same. When a guy likes a girl, he will willingly volunteer to help her:

D. – What are you doing tomorrow?

M. – I go skiing.

D. - Cool! I wish I could, I have skis, but I don’t know how...

M. - Yes, it’s easy, let me pick you up, the ski track is not far from here. I will teach you.

In this case, the young man does not see the catch; he sincerely thinks that the girl stands for a healthy lifestyle. The problem of how to invite a nice guy for a walk has been solved, but here, in most cases, a man will help a woman only if he feels sympathy for her. Otherwise, he will advise you to enroll in a ski section or recommend a coach.


Many men will accept an invitation from a girl they like with pleasure, so you can openly invite the guy to meet. A woman, confident in her charm, will approach him with approximately the following words: “Hello, Zhenechka! Wouldn’t you like to take a walk with me in the park today?”, “Alyosha! I’ve been waiting for a long time for you to invite me for a cup of coffee!” or “No, friend! Are you completely crazy? When are you and I going to the cafe?” The type of dialogue depends on the level of cultural development of the interlocutor.

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Ask for help

Unobtrusively asking a guy out on a date is an art that women have perfected over the centuries. One of the tricks was always asking for help. A well-mannered man does not refuse a beautiful lady, so girls often use this move. Example dialogue:

M. – Can you imagine, my boss doesn’t use computers at all. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to work, he sticks his nose in everywhere!

D. – You are such a specialist! Could you check my computer, otherwise it often freezes.

M. – Yes, no problem, send me the address in SMS.

Here the guy is sure that he is being invited to fix the computer. In this case, the girl does not know for sure whether he is helping her out of interest or friendship, but communication during repairs will bring them closer.

When using any of the proposed methods, the girl should sincerely rejoice at the opportunity to go for a walk with a young man. A cheerful or mischievous smile will help let the guy know that she likes him. This behavior will allow him to be bolder. The decision about where to invite a guy on a romantic date is best made in advance.

How to propose meeting by correspondence

If you are still worried and afraid to tell your chosen one about your feelings in person, then you can offer to meet the guy by correspondence on social networks or by SMS.

This option is also possible. For example, if you are far from each other, and you no longer have the strength to wait for a meeting.

You should be the first to write an SMS or innocently ask about something. The main thing is to send messages that you can respond to and continue the conversation.

Keep the conversation going, add emotions to your messages (emojis like a kiss or a heart). Find out if he has a girlfriend. Pay close attention to how quickly he answers, perhaps you picked the wrong moment and the guy is busy.

If a man is free and your correspondence is easy, and he flirts with you, then you should ask the most important question - “will you date me?”

The best time for such communication is evening. If emotions are overwhelming, then do not drag out your communication for a long time, write quickly without unnecessary phrases, clearly and to the point. Then all that remains is to wait. The answer will not come immediately, be patient.

If you are sure that he likes you, then take some of the responsibility upon yourself. Help him feel like you like him too. In SMS you can write compliments, messages of praise, and express delight. Ask: “Do you like me?”, it will be easy for a modest and shy guy to understand where the conversation is going.

If you are a romantic person, then you can send an unusual message or letter where you describe the whole truth about your feelings. At the end of the letter you can leave your address or phone number.

What phrases to use

Phrases with which you can invite a guy to take a walk together in the lap of nature (in the park or outside the city) should change depending on the degree of education and upbringing of the man. It is imperative to maintain this consistency:

  1. We could take you for a walk in the park.
  2. Would you like to invite me for a walk along the embankment?
  3. Friend, let's hang out in the fresh air.

The first phrase is suitable for a romantic young man; it needs to be said with a thoughtful look. The second one is more suitable for a guy who has been interested in a girl for a long time, but has not yet decided to invite her. With the third, it is better to turn to a relaxed man who is happy to use slang. In any case, one of these phrases will solve the question of how to invite a guy for a walk.

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How to make a guy figure it out on his own?

A guy interested in his interlocutor willingly welcomes initiative on her part and then happily intercepts this activity and begins to act himself. For this reason, a girl must always be close to her companion in order to always be at his fingertips. So the guy will more often try to please her with something, and also show his need and strength.

When meeting with a girl, you should not forget about the fleeting touches of your sweetheart. If a guy reacts positively to such signs of attention, then he needs to be supported in such a decision and become necessary and indispensable for his chosen one, temporarily falling out of his sight.

But at the same time, you should endure it yourself until the moment when he finally guesses and decides to take the “first” step.

The following are also considered effective hints to encourage action:

  • frequent but unobtrusive presence next to a guy;
  • an original and insignificant gift that a guy will definitely like;

  • natural and attractive appearance;
  • flirting and inaccessibility going hand in hand, so igniting the hunting instinct in men;
  • innocent coquetry;
  • seemingly random touches and glances;
  • clearly distinguishing your companion from all others;
  • genuine and extensive interest in his person.

To further shift the boy’s attention to herself, the girl will have to:

  • try not to be too annoying;
  • give up comfortable shoes and clothes and switch to dresses and heels;
  • be more friendly and smile more often;
  • arrange seemingly random meetings;
  • come up with topics for interesting conversations;
  • actively correspond on the Internet and communicate more in real life with your chosen one;
  • constantly radiate goodwill and confidence.

Any girl who dreams of a serious relationship can propose to a guy. But an offer of a relationship coming from a girl should not be too aggressive.

What to do in case of refusal

If advice on how to get a date with a handsome man did not help, then, having received a refusal, a woman should not despair. The guy didn’t necessarily refuse to meet because he didn’t like his friend. He may have things to do or he may not understand what is behind the girl’s words. If a woman is sure that a man likes her, she should wait one or two weeks. During this time, the sweetheart will be able to adjust his schedule and invite the girl to meet. If there is no invitation, you need to hint at your expectations. The hint should either be veiled more carefully than the first time, or made completely transparent:

  1. What a weather it is! On skis!
  2. I’m waiting, waiting, for someone to invite me to go skiing, I probably can’t wait.

In the first case, the girl unreservedly regrets the wasted weather suitable for skiing. This is a carefully disguised hint intended for guys who couldn't find the time. In the second case, the woman speaks openly about her desires. She wants to be invited to go skiing, but she covers her regret with a slight mockery. With the help of such expressions, representatives of the fair sex invite the young man to be bolder.

Instead of skiing, other excuses are also suitable - barbecue in nature, repairing household appliances, learning the rules of playing chess. Any activity or entertainment in which a young man understands better than a woman is suitable.

If the invitations did not work either the first or the second time, it means that the man does not want to go out with this woman. Then you can try to make him fall in love with you or choose someone else.

The most effective ways to hint a man about a relationship

The key word here is “hint.” Do everything with hints. Actions, emotions, feelings, but not direct words.

Carefully transfer the level of your dates to the level of relationships. For example, start visiting each other. If you come to a guy, show him how neat you are. Wash the dishes, buy groceries in advance, prepare a snack. Just don’t do any general cleaning, you’re not his owner yet. Bye.

Find some poems about your loved one, about love, learn and read them on a date, saying that he evokes the ability to be creative in you.

Talk about relationships. Just say out loud one day: “It seems to me, dear, that you are perfect in everything. Your girlfriend will be lucky. I would like to meet a man like you in my life.” I wonder what he will answer.

Ask him for help. Just about some very simple thing that he can do. And then show him that you will definitely be lost without him.

Get hit by a wave. If you propose to a guy to meet in a suitable environment. It could be a candlelit dinner, a romantic trip, in the car when your boyfriend's favorite song comes on. If you fall under his wave, under his mood, success awaits you.

Ask directly in the end: “I feel so good and interesting with you. I think we would make a great couple. How do you think?"

Most importantly, don't be pushy. You need to behave absolutely calmly and confidently.

So, try on the image of a beautiful, self-confident girl, the one who has so much attention from men that she offers to date the only one, but will not become despondent from despair.

Remember, girls who whine and are madly in love with a guy are repulsive. Follow the rule: “We love those who don’t love us.” Even if you're already in love, pretend to yourself that you don't really care. And the guy will feel this internal energy. Outwardly, you should appear cold and indifferent. But when you already get yours, you can express your feelings as you want. But also carefully. But that is another story.

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What not to do

No matter how much a girl likes a guy, she should remember female pride. It is unacceptable to constantly invite a young man, ignoring his refusals. By acting this way, a woman turns a man against her and loses the opportunity to achieve love. In some cases, temporary removal from the object of passion will provide great benefit.

There is no need to invite a guy to places where his financial viability or physical fitness will not be up to par. Young people perceive such incidents as humiliation; they are unlikely to want to maintain a relationship with a girl who provoked such an ending or simply saw it. You can’t be offended by a guy for refusing to meet, he has the right to it.

Nowadays, girls know how to ask a man out on a date and can use this knowledge to their advantage. But it’s important to remember that a first date is not a reason to relax. Next comes building relationships, so before inviting a guy on a date, you need to decide whether the woman needs such a person.

How to avoid rejection?

For a positive response from a guy to proposals for romantic meetings, a girl must be able to present herself correctly, for example:

  • not be easily accessible;
  • do not hang yourself on the neck of your chosen one at every opportunity;
  • maintain mystery, but only in moderation;
  • represent a person engaged in self-development;
  • speak beautifully and gently in a gentle voice, avoiding filler words and curse words;
  • wash your hair frequently and style it attractively;
  • use discreet makeup;
  • watch your diet to have an impeccable figure;
  • prefer stylish accessories and beautiful outfits, especially skirts and dresses.

To avoid being rejected by a guy after trying to start a relationship, you need to follow some rules:

  • maintain sincerity;
  • do not make predictions about your relationships;
  • respect the personal space of the chosen one;
  • Don’t be too pushy so as not to encounter constant resistance.

If suddenly the object of the girl’s desires has another passion, then it is forbidden to even remember her while spending time together with the guy. It is better to overshadow all attempts to remember her with your own person.

If an admirer begins to give recommendations to a guy about his real girlfriend, then she runs the risk of immediately becoming just a friend for him.

At the beginning of communication, a guy should not be immediately frightened by conversations about the wedding, otherwise the chosen one will think that the girl is interested in getting married quickly. He will also be greatly burdened by long conversations about future relationships with him in marriage. Because of this, a partner can even easily run away from his companion without looking back.

In order not to seem vulgar to a guy, a girl should hold back her attraction to him until the relationship is announced. After all, any man wants to see a well-groomed and exemplary woman next to him as a future life partner.

So it’s better to postpone hints about sex to a girl until there is certainty and stability in the relationship.

To completely win a guy’s heart, a girl must learn to listen to him without interrupting. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity simply cannot stand companions who are inattentive to their statements. Their interlocutors must also be patient and submissive.

Asking a guy to date can be risky, as his decision may not be in favor of the girl. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this, because after finding out everything will become clear whether it’s worth continuing to wait for anything.

What to write to a married man?

Is it possible to make a married man fall in love by correspondence? Certainly. But think about whether you want to develop such a relationship? According to statistics, only 7% of guys leave their family for their mistress, and almost half come back within a year.

If you decide to take a risk, the rules are the same: be intriguing, be inaccessible from time to time, don't tell too much about yourself, always be happy. Of course, there are specifics to communicating with married fans:

Don't become fixated on one person, especially if they are married. Expand your circle of acquaintances, this will help you find a worthy partner and create a happy couple. I reveal effective techniques for attracting guys in the section “Secrets of dating and first dates.” Use them.

Funny attacks on a guy

54. How does it feel to be the most handsome guy in the room?

55. Is it so hot here, or is it all because of you?

56. I think I’m lost, can you show me the way to your heart?

57. Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?

58. Hello, my name is… in case you are waiting for the girl of your dreams.

59. You are so cute. If you want, I'll tell you this again this weekend over dinner.

60. What are you doing this evening? Except for a date with me, of course.

61. I heard you like bad girls. So, I'm bad at everything.

62. Do you want to make a mistake tonight? I can help you with this.

63. If I say that I like your body, will you hold me close?

64. To you or to me? Choose.

65. Correct me if I'm wrong. Haven't we met before?

66. I know exactly what will look good on you - me.

67. My bed is broken today, can I sleep on yours?

68. I'm afraid of the dark, will you sleep with me tonight?

69. Did you just come out of the oven? You are so hot.

Psychological tricks to maintain interest

‎Be positive. This does not mean that you should remain silent about problems, but it’s one thing to whine and blame everyone, from the president to the neighbors, and another thing to describe the situation and say that it’s okay, we’ll break through - life goes on!

Make jokes, tell interesting and funny stories. If communication is easy and pleasant, a man will be willing to make contact, and he will very soon get bored with dull questions about the weather and business.

Flirt. Fuel interest and desire. You are not children to carry on conversations for months on abstract topics. Set the boundaries of what is permitted yourself so that you do not feel awkward from communication.

Do not try to control a man, arrange surveillance, or interrogate him with bias. If you met on a dating site, you're probably not the only one he's chatting with. But if you torture your interlocutor about why he didn’t answer for a long time, who he spent the evening with, why he was online (on the website) but didn’t read your messages, the man will stop communicating. Even spouses have the right to personal time and space, let alone virtual relationships.

‎ Don’t , give the man the opportunity to get bored - don’t respond to messages right away. Make it clear that you have a busy life, many friends, hobbies, and you are not ready to be in touch 24/7. Accordingly, do not demand immediate answers from him either. There are no clear recommendations - to respond in 15 or 20 minutes. If you are busy, you can wait for an answer, if you are free, write, there is no need to turn on the timer.

Reply to messages correctly. Don’t write only about yourself - ask clarifying questions, be interested in the man’s life, how his day went, whether he was tired, what plans he has for the evening. He should feel that you are not indifferent to him, that for you correspondence is not just entertainment.

Signs a man is interested in asking you out on a date

If you have attracted a man and he is ready for a date, he will ask when you have free time, where you live, whether you want to see each other in real life, how you imagine the meeting. Perhaps he will ask what flowers you like best and whether you have watched the new films that are showing in cinemas. Will ask for your phone number if it hasn't already done so.

Vulgar attacks on a guy

29. I don’t know what you think about me, but I hope it’s something forbidden.

30. You're hotter than a sunburn.

31. Your lips wrinkled a little. Do you mind if I smooth them out?

32. I see a future in which you and I are together.

33. Do you mind if I kiss you right now?

34. I wanted to tell you that my lips won’t kiss themselves.

35. Sorry. But your shirt will have to come off. But you can stay.

36. This shirt looks really cool on you, just like me.

37. You make me melt like ice cream under the bright rays of the sun.

38. Your lips need a kiss. Let's not waste time.

39. Stop looking at me. I can get pregnant this way.

40. Do you want to become lucky? Come with me.

41. I love my bed, but I would like to be in yours.

42. Do you have room in your mouth for my tongue?

43. You were a bad boy. Quickly to my bedroom.

44. My hands are so cold. Can you put them in your pants to keep them warm?

45. Do you mind if I ask what your name is? I want to know whose name I'll be screaming tonight.

46. ​​Your pants are so cool. Mind if I check the zipper?

47. Do you think we should check how our genes fit together?

48. I heard that the birth rate in the world is falling. Maybe we can fix this tonight?

49. I see your knees are free. Can I sit on them?

50. Maybe we should stop exchanging memes and get down to business.

51. Start posting notices about your disappearance. I'm going to lock you in my room for a long time.

52. You are like hot chocolate, and I am like marshmallows. You're hot and I want to be on top.

53. You got something on your face. Let me wipe it with my tongue.

When to write first

If you are interested in a man - on social networks or on a dating site - try to attract attention by rating his photos, leaving comments, adding to favorites, using all ways to express yourself.

Let’s say you have exhausted the entire arsenal of signs of attention available on the Internet, and the man does not react in any way - then cast aside your doubts and write. Firstly, the taboo of writing first has become very conventional. Secondly, there is only one life, and it is stupid to miss the chance. As they say, it’s better to do it and regret it than to regret not doing it. Thirdly, getting rejected online is not as scary as in real life.

Where to start a correspondence with a stranger

Where to start correspondence with a stranger in order to hook, get an answer and start a conversation. Naturally, no emoticons or banal “Hello.” How are you?" The most successful option would be to start a casual conversation on a topic that interests a man: ask about his hobbies, clarify the details of a recent trip, give a compliment if he watches his figure, eats, or is always stylishly dressed.

If a man has an original status, play him up - it would be good with humor. Your task is to hit the bull's-eye, but do not do it clumsily.

Examples of good questions:

  • “I see you are into rock music. Have you been to the festival that takes place every summer in the city of N? I’ve been dreaming of going there for a long time.” (Instead of “Cool! I like rock too. What do you like to listen to most?”).
  • “In almost all the photographs you are with the dog - I see that you are very attached to it. Why did you choose the mastiff - do you like the breed or did you look into the eyes and your heart skipped a beat?” (Instead of “What a cool dog! A dog is man’s best friend”).
  • “If a man has set the status “Looking for my goddess,” ask her special signs - perhaps you can tell me where to look for her.”

The message should be catchy and encourage a response. Show your feelings, emotions, empathize. Ask an open-ended question—one that cannot be answered with “yes” or “no.”

It is quite possible that the man did not answer you. At all. It is possible that he is busy, but it is better to erase him from your mind, because the light has not converged on him like a wedge.

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